May 2014 Blog Posts (24)

Bilderberg annual meeting

There appears to be a big cheese event in London purporting to be the great and the good trying to address Inequalities in Income and making capitalism fairer. Would the Zeta's like to comment on whether this is a ruse for discussing something else and if so, what in particular? I notice there are a whole load of people who might even be Bilderberg types attending. [and from another] …

Added by Gerard Zwaan on May 30, 2014 at 7:06pm — No Comments

Last Weeks transition

In the pole shift section in the 2004 paragraph. In the "Twirling into Darkness" page. If I'm understanding it correctly they are not just talking about the wobble. They are talking about bumps or an extra push at times the wobble will receive but it's different than just the wobble alone, or even the extreme wobble they talk about when we wobble much worse than now. If I understand it correctly. It is something that happens before the last weeks…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on May 30, 2014 at 6:15pm — No Comments

Indonesia: Flooding and Jakarta’s Urban Poor

Every year, large populations must deal with hazardous flooding, and the problem is getting worse.


Added by Khan on May 30, 2014 at 2:46am — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of May 29, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday June 1, 2014. Newsletters can usually be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Climate Change Debate

From the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the Zetas have stated that Global Warming caused by…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 29, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Alberto's Updates 2014/05/24 * Corpus Capture 2014/05/26 * Double Helix! 2014/05/27 (NEW ZetaTalk)

Nancy's Comment: We are in the hose! And I think I see a double helix!


Though apparent in the early photos of Planet X, aka Nibiru, when it first arrived in the inner solar system in 2003, the double helix swirl appearance in the Moon Swirls are forming not around the…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 27, 2014 at 9:30pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of May 22, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday May 25, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Wealth Distribution

Pope Francis has come out once again, espousing all the right things. Here’s to Pope Francis, who gets…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 22, 2014 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Change of ground motion is accelerating globally in May, 2014

Watching heliplots on LISS (Live Internet Seismic Server) site,

we can see jolts occurring at some stations, VNDA, LBTB, LPAZ, PLCA, BOSA, CPUP and DBIC, weekly, …


Added by Kojima on May 21, 2014 at 12:24pm — 11 Comments

Circles Appear in the sea in front of Croatian islands

May 12, 2014

Many unusual circles have appeared around the Croatian islands, causing the residents to worry. Some even say its aliens that cause it, because they often see circle formations in the sky above the location the circle are in the water. The circles are evenly spaced apart and are found around several islands.

During last year’s…


Added by Khan on May 21, 2014 at 3:23am — 3 Comments

Radar Circles Over Oaxaca In Mexico 2014

This report is apparently based on radar circles, similar to what happened in Australia's west coast in the past. But this IS news in that radar circles had only been presumed in Australia, and here they had appeared in Mexico too!…


Added by Khan on May 19, 2014 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

7 of 10 STATUS as of May 15, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday May 18, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Afghanistan Landslide

A massive landslide almost wiped away an entire village in northeast Afghanistan in early May, burying…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 15, 2014 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Zetas, humans and Hybrids




To zetas, humans are like them in their past.  They are here because humans have made the call asking Zetas to assist during the transformation.  In return, they have created the zetas/human hybrids.  The best of both worlds.  


This blog is more or less a revision of zetatalks and it's my way of showing the appreciation for everything they have done for humans. 





Added by bill on May 12, 2014 at 12:37am — 1 Comment

Service-to-Other vs Service-to-Self

The zetas have made comments over the years that indicate benign aliens are allowed to step in and prevent STS excesses from harming the undecideds and STO unduly, for example the prevention of the large-scale pandemics and martial law plans the Bush/Cheney team had prepared. They also state the Puppet Master is undecided, as befits Earth the schoolhouse planet. Is the reverse also true, that certain STO plans that might result in too much advantage for…


Added by Gerard Zwaan on May 12, 2014 at 12:32am — No Comments

Service-to-Self vs Service-to-Other

You've mentioned in the past that being involved into 'physical action' and active fighting confrontation is 'counter productive' thus you do not use physical force. The question though comes when there is oppression, when those in power use their might to enforce their will upon the others. Do the ones under this oppression have the right to fight back according to your philosophy? Do those in oppression can be justified when they revolt and try to…


Added by Gerard Zwaan on May 12, 2014 at 12:31am — No Comments

Spiritual 4th density

The Zetas have mentioned souls that technically can graduate to 4th density, because of their spiritual growth but hold back in 3rd density to assist in the Transformation. Can some souls also go to 4th density and then return to Earth, for such service? They would not technically be Star Children because they came from Earth, very recently. They are spiritually 4th density but physically 3rd density. These Earth souls would have a tendency to be…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on May 12, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments

Service-to-Others philosophy

I was thinking that in the Aftertime Service-to-Other humans are going to be living among hybrids who are much more intelligent and technologically advanced. My question is: how are these Service-to-Other humans going to be of any service? It sounds like they will most likely be a burden to these hybrids. What will be their daily responsibility to the community? I just really can't imagine it.

What do you think…


Added by Gerard Zwaan on May 11, 2014 at 9:16pm — 8 Comments

Characteristics - Separation by Orientation; from ZetaTalk

For my understanding I made a chart from "ZetaTalk: Characteristics" shown below.…


Added by Kojima on May 11, 2014 at 9:14pm — 2 Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of May 8, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday, May 11, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.


There is nothing immutable about the boundaries of countries or states, as history shows. Genghis Khan’s empire…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 8, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

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