* 2015/01/10: Mystery Booms Heard Across the U.S.; Map of mystery booms in 2015 portrays the diagonal bending stress being asserted across N. America.; See also "2012/12/04"
Mysterious Boom In NE Pennsylvania (Jan 1)
Mystery Booms NE of Los Angeles (Jan 2)
Mysterious Booms Shake Up N. Indiana Residents (Jan 3)
Unexplained Booms in W. Pennsylvania (Jan 4)
Loud Boom Shakes Montreal's West Island (Jan 6)
Dozens of Loud Booms in S. Ontario (Jan 6)
Ongoing Mystery Booms in Tennessee (Jan 6)
Authorities Baffled by Mysterious Boom in Lubbock Texas (Jan 6)
Mystery Booms in SE Iowa (Jan 7)
Mystery Booms Across Central Oklahoma (Jan 8)
Mysterious Booms Continue in Central Oklahoma, Rattle Homes, Scare Livestock (Jan 9)
* 2015/06/01: Crews Work to Clean-up after Train Derailment; Memphis on the Mississippi River on June 1; Seven cars derailed as they were pulling into the BNSF rail yard on Shelby Drive around 7:00 am.; Derailments almost invariably happen along rivers.
* 2015/06/09: Grain Train Derailment near Eureka, causes 'Big Mess,' Authorities say; Eureka just outside St. Louis on the Missouri River and itself along a feeder river on June 9.
* 2015/06/11: Train Derails off Bridge over Old Katy Road and Washington Avenue near 610 Loop; Houston
* 2015/06/16: Winnebago County Sheriff's Department Responds to Train Derailment in New Milford; The degree to which train tracks are twisted ahead of derailments is not always admitted, accidents going “under investigation” with the results never disclosed, but one particular accident just west of Chicago clearly showed the reason. The tracks in the train’s path are anything but straight!
* 2015/06/17: Derailed Train had Come from the Sault; Along the St. Mary river joining the Great Lakes at Sault St. Marie in Ontario on June 17.
* 2015/07/15: Alberta Pipeline Leak Covers 16,000 Square Metres; Nexen pipeline leak in Alberta spills 5 million litres
* 2015/08/04: Giant Sinkhole Engulfs New York City Intersection; A massive sinkhole has swallowed up an intersection in Brooklyn, New York, snarling up traffic and causing water and gas outages to nearby buildings.
* 2015/08/06: School Bus with Special Needs Students gets Trapped in Sinkhole in the Bronx
* 2015/10/27: Continental Divide Awakens; Huge Crack in the Earth Opens Up in the Foothills of the Bighorn Mountains; In Montana, lands east of the Continental Divide got the knock on the door first!; Over the weekend a number of reports came in about a crack in the earth showing up in the southern foothills of the Big Horn Mountains.
ZetaTalk: The Bighorn Range in Montana and Wyoming represents mountain building in the past. Lying east of the Continental Divide, this land is being simultaneously raised by the press of subducting plates and pushed eastward. Such mountain building can be ongoing even without evidence of earthquakes or plate movement elsewhere, as plates many layers deep can shift to cause a reaction far inland. The Bighorn crevasses are a case in point. The Juan de Fuca is pushing under the N American Plate, and where the surface has not yet rumpled on the West Coast, deep layers can and do shift. The pressure is transferred to the point of least resistance, to the easternmost edge of the Continental Divide.
* 2016/01: Booms are Back; Simultaneously, across the nation, from New Jersey to the California coast, during the same timeframe – Friday January 8, 2016 to Saturday January 9, 2016. In New Jersey, the booms were located just west of the Hudson river, and were still ongoing a week later. In southern Pennsylvania, they were just west of the Susquehana River which flows to the coast. In Georgia, they were just southwest of Atlanta, which has the Chattahoochee River flowing through it. And on the Florida panhandle, the booms were on the coastline on the western side of the state.; The Zetas have often pointed out that rivers are weak points in the crust, causing a sag where water then flows, seeking the lowest point. It is also true that the recent booms up along the East Coast follow the East Coast Fault Line, which connects in the Gulf to the New Madrid Fault Line. The Zetas have also made the point that the N American continent is in a bow, with the center of the bow in California near San Diego. It would seem that this bow stress and the New Madrid diagonal pull are both involved in the recent spate of booms.; While the East Coast Fault Line runs up the East Coast from Florida to Connecticut, the New Madrid Fault Line runs up the Mississippi to Chicago and then turns East to run under the Great Lakes. The booms heard just to the southwest of Fort Wayne, Indiana fall along this route. Oklahoma has been sustaining quake swarms for months, not surprising when one looks at the plethora of fault lines in southern Oklahoma. As the New Madrid region is pulled at a diagonal, and the bowing of N America tightens, this region is fracturing. Thus the booms.; And of course at the center of the bow is the region along the California coastline close to San Diego.
* 2016/01/08: Georgia: Booms in Eastern Coweta Reported to be Tannerite
* 2016/01/08: Florida: Loud Boom Heard Friday, Source Unknown
* 2016/01/08: Indiana: We get to the Bottom of the Huntington “Booms”
* 2016/01/08: Oklahoma: Loud Boom Leaves Dozens with Questions
* 2016/01/09: California: Loud "Boom" Noises Heard throughout Paso Robles coming from Camp Roberts
* 2016/01/11: Pennsylvania: What were the Loud Booms in York County?
* 2016/01/15: New Jersey: Fair Lawn, NJ Residents Baffled by Loud Noises in Night
2016/01/26: Negligence by Southern California Gas Co. led to Massive Porter Ranch-area Gas Leak; Another example of stress at the bow center is the Porter Ranch drama near LA. Commercial natural gas is collected from the Porter Ranch area, and methane gas is naturally present in the mix. Due to what is being called a broken pipe, both gasses are spewing in abundance, driving the residents in the area to vacate.
* 2016/01/26: All Signs Points to Sonic Boom in Charleston today, not Earthquake; If a quake happened at Gibraltar on January 25, 2016 then what happened across the Atlantic from Gibraltar on January 26, 2016 – a day later? And what about two days later? Booms and rattling buildings occurred
* 2016/01/28: 'Earthquake-Type' Shaking Reported in NYC Area; Did you Feel It?; Residents of New York and New Jersey experienced "earthquake-type" shaking multiple times [Jan 28].
ZetaTalk: It is no coincidence that a notable quake at Gibraltar on January 25 traveled across the Atlantic to create booms and “earthquake-type” shaking multiple times, over many hours, on January 26 and January 28. What struck New Jersey was not sonic booms from military training runs that are reportedly done almost daily. Nor did the booms heard from Connecticut down along the East Coast to Georgia result from sonic booms off the coast of New Jersey. This is snapping rock, caused by the Atlantic pulling apart. Africa rolled, the Atlantic at the western edge of the African Plate pulled open into a void, and New Jersey lost elevation and support, drooping, as a result.
* 2016/02/15: On February 25, GEOS and other satellites detected a massive amount of CO (Carbon Monoxide) emitting from the West Coast of the N American continent. This was not just along the coastline, but was several states or provinces deep, from Mexico to Canada.
* 2016/03/31: Several Loud Explosions Rock Sunset Park, Brooklyn; Con Edison was still investigating – but believes a contractor named Royal Guard Fence that was working nearby hit an underground National Grid gas line, setting off the dangerous chain of events.; New York City is claimed to be footed on solid rock, which it is, but solid rock can shift, pull apart , and create havoc.; And recently, in 2016, unexplained explosions from underground, again in Brooklyn. There is a pattern here.
* 2016/04/20: Residents Aggravated by Windsor Hum, say it's Reached Highest Volume in Years; Lately, that Windsor hum is back with a vengeance.
* 2016/09/03: M5.6 Earthquake in Oklahoma felt across the Entire Midwest, from North Dakota through Houston; Record-Tying Oklahoma Earthquake felt as Far Away as Arizona; Per the Zetas, the Oklahoma quakes was a 9.5, due to the distance.
ZetaTalk: Clearly this Oklahoma quake was not a magnitude 5.6, when swaying was felt over a 1,255 mile swath. Compare this to the swath of motion recorded during the 1906 quake in San Francisco, which was only felt as far away as Nevada, a neighboring state. It is known that quakes that result from adjustments close to the surface result in the most damage to mankind’s structures. Deep quakes are absorbed by the surrounding rock, thus little shaking arrives at the surface. This Oklahoma quake was deep, and should have been recorded as a 9.5.
* 2016/09/15: Leak from Biggest U.S. Gasoline Pipe Sparks ‘Red Alert’; Colonial Pipeline to Bypass leaking Alabama Gasoline Pipe
ZetaTalk: Shelby County, Alabama is located just below the hard rock of the Appalachian Mountains, and along the curve outlining this hard rock that stretches from Memphis through Alabama and on up along the East Coast. If the 5.6 quake in Oklahoma caused shaking along a 1,255 line from N Dakota to Houston that outlined hard rock just to the east of this line, then the Shelby County, Alabama gas line break was again showing that the rock strata surrounding the New Madrid Fault line is in the process of shifting. First soft rock shifts, then soft rock rips, then hard rock rips – that is the process during the New Madrid adjustments.
* 2016/09/29: What Happened in the New Jersey Transit Train Crash; Federal Investigators Search for Cause of Deadly Hoboken Train Crash; Per the Zetas, EMP is like lightning, pointed and targeted. Note the association between the electrical hub at the Hoboken terminal on the river bank with water.; EMP is on the increase in electric trains, present in S Africa in 2015 and also during the Amtrac crash in Philadelphia in 2015.
ZetaTalk: EMP is very pointed in its effect on electronics. This is akin to lightning, which has an origin and a target in its path. Hoboken is on a river bank, thus the attraction of water. Had the train been elsewhere on a straight-away, the surge would likely not have been noticed.
* 2017/01/21: Massive Carbon Monoxide Burst from Ramapo Fault in Eastern PA into NJ
ZetaTalk: The Ramapo Fault Line parallels the New Madrid Fault Line, so would indeed be an indication of the amount of stress the New Madrid is experiencing at this time. The continental rip at the Chesapeake Bay is due to this area absorbing the bulk of the ripping action during the bow stress, as this is a thin crust region. The number of blackouts and electric train derailments along the East Coast, such as the Hoboken crash, in 2016, is an indication that the bow stress has increased.
* 2017/01/23: Massive Land Fissure in Arizona; A fissure almost two miles long has been discovered in the Arizona desert.
* 2017/01/24: Mysterious ‘Booms’ Heard around San Diego County; Several people reported hearing two large "bangs" and felt the earth shake just after 3 p.m. Tuesday in San Diego.; Stress on the N American Continent because of the bow stress caused by the 7 of 10 plate movements became acute in 2009 when water mains began snapping in San Diego. San Diego is the center of the bow, per the Zetas.; Indeed, the bowing stress at San Diego has intensified, with snapping rock now being felt, heard, and seen as Earthquake lights on the horizon. This was not recorded as an earthquake, per the USGS.; The stress moves across the continent to the Pennsylvania region where the Ramapo Fault Line is centered. By 2010 water mains were snapping in Pennsylvania too. Pennsylvania is also an East Coast break or torque point, where land to the North will rise during the Pole Shift, and land to the South will drop. Thus it is under dual stress.
* 2017/02/13: In Shadow of California Dam, Water Turns from Wish to Woe; Now after weeks of rain, that dusty field is swelling with water and nearly 200,000 people had to evacuate the area when the state’s second-largest reservoir developed a hole in its auxiliary spillway and threatened to catastrophically flood nearby towns.
* 2017/02/14: Seismographic Pulse; Ground instruments detect strange "pulse" from East Coast to West. February 14, 2017. Seismograms across North America noticed something unusual today, a disturbance of some sort traveling linear across the United States in 2 1/2 to 3 minutes time. These instruments, some many hundreds of miles from each other shared the same odd reading at nearly the same exact time.
ZetaTalk: This anomaly shows several features of the tightening bow shape forced upon the N American continent. The N American Plate is squeezed so tightly into this bow shape that the rock layers are virtually unable to move. This is represented by the lack of earthquakes in N America. There is no wiggle room amid the rock layers or along the slip-slide fault lines. The rock is jammed tight. This ultimately results in the diagonal rupture that is the New Madrid rupture along the weakest link during this squeeze. The great Mississippi River, running along the drooping thin crust beneath the river, shows that for N America, this is the weak link.; The twitch also moved Eastward, but there are no seismographs in the Atlantic. The original twitch occurred on the highly stressed Eastern Seaboard, where the bow is stretched taut.
* 2017/03/08: AT&T Cellphone Users Unable to Call 911 in at Least 14 States; Then an even more bizarre episode occurred on March 8, 2017. AT&T had a 911 outage, wherein callers in 14 different states trying to reach 911 found their phone ringing and ringing, but never answered. Per the Zetas, this was again related to the bow stress in N America, causing electronic screech in the rock.
* 2017/04/09: Loud Boom Rocks Southern Maine (Apr 9)
* 2017/04/09: Computer Hack sets off 156 Emergency Sirens across Dallas; The sirens began blaring shortly before midnight on Friday and were shut off and reactivated "more than a dozen times"
ZetaTalk: Clues that this was an EMP event are that Dallas could not shut the sirens down without it starting up again.
* 2017/04/13: Loud boom reported in Allen County,OH (Apr 13)
* 2017/04/21: Power Outages Coincide in LA, New York, and San Francisco; A series of subsequent power outages in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City left commuters stranded and traffic backed up.; On April 21 the US had coast-to-coast blackouts, the most severe in San Francisco at 9:20 am Pacific Time. San Francisco is surrounded on three sides by water, which EMP loves. This was preceded by electrical problems in New York City at 7:30 am Eastern Time, when several subway systems failed. New York City, particularly Manhattan island where this occurred, is of course surrounded by water. On this same day, just after the San Francisco blackout, there was an outage in Los Angeles, and the PG&E outage map shows the Portland, Oregon area affected also.
* 2017/09/08: Mexico Quake; Seismologists now say the magnitude 8.1 quake was so large it moved the fault up by 32 feet, as the Cocos and North American tectonic plates collided.; On September 8, 2017 what the USGS declared to be a Magnitude 8.1 quake struck off coast from Mexico, on the border of the N American and Cocos Plates. Mexico declared it a 8.4 quake.; Per the Zetas, this quake was due to the N American Plate being forced into a bow, pulling the Aleutians down to the tip of Mexico, and also due to the S American Roll which is pushing the Caribbean Plate to the West.
* 2017/09/29: Mississippi River Heaving; Mighty Mississippi River Going Dry!; 130 mile stretch of the Mighty Mississippi River from Tennessee to NW Mississippi is completely dry in places; the extraordinarily low level of the river at Memphis; Now heaving in the Mississippi River bed is occurring again. This was noted by September 29 and October 1 on YouTube videos, showing the extraordinarily low level of the river at Memphis.
* 2017/11/29: Seismic Evidence for a Recently Formed Mantle Upwelling Beneath New England; Large Pool of Molten Rock was just Found Rising Beneath New England; the suspected volcano is merely a place where the crust is thin, spread thinner due to the spreading apart of the St. Lawrence Seaway, so surging magma is being sensed
* 2017/12/10: More about California Fires; More than a normal fire has occurred. The melt point of Glass is 2600 to 2800 degrees. There is no glass left after the fires are over in these areas. Aluminum melts at 1200 degrees, all gone as well. Rot iron melts at 1482 to 1596 degrees. Tires are built not to burn so hot rodders can burn rubber without starting a fire, but no tires are left in the videos. The fires began immediately, not migrating to the area.
* 2017/12/17: Atlanta Airport Fire; But would the bow tension cause a major electrical fire in an underground substation under an airport? Per the Zetas, this is exactly what happened on December 17 at Hartsfield-Jackson airport on the south side of Atlanta.; An underground fire caused a complete power outage Sunday afternoon at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, resulting in thousands of canceled flights at the world's busiest terminal and affecting travelers worldwide.
* 2018/02/28: The Gulf of Mexico developed a new hot spot on February 28, smack dab in the center of the Gulf.; The Gulf of Mexico was not a hot spot before the present emergence. Is the bowing stress on the N American Plate causing this? Certainly the bowing stress will rip open the New Madrid Fault Line, which does go all the way to the Gulf. It has certainly caused lots of major earthquake near Mexico City recently. Pulling the bow taut is pulling the crust at the bottom of the Gulf thin, so roiling magma can rise up to the hot spot. Stretch zones are where hot spots appear, worldwide.
* 2018/05/12: Strange Energy Pulse traversed America in 21 minutes! What was it?; According to a YouTuber who calls himself MrMBB333, seismographs show that beginning at around 2:48 AM on Saturday, May 12, 2018, a wave of energy went from America’s east coast to the west coast in 21 minutes.
ZetaTalk: Mankind is aware that plate borders, sliding over or under each other or slip-sliding in different directions, can cause earthquakes - the jolts and shaking that bring down mankind’s structures or rips the ground apart. The booms from snapping rock or clapping air have likewise become familiar, as have huge crevasses appearing suddenly in hardened desert soil. Can the pressure that rips rock also simply nudge the entire plate? Yes. This is what was recorded by the observant Mr MBB333 on May 12.
* 2018/07/28: #CarrFire in Northern California so Big it is Making it’s own Weather; Now we have super hot fires in Greece and along the West Coast.
ZetaTalk: We have described hot earth as being a danger during the hour of the Pole Shift. This is due to friction from rapidly shifting rock layers found along plate borders or fault lines. The heat of friction was reported by both West Coast Indians and in the annals of those in the eastern Mediterranean during prior Pole Shifts. The ground seemed to become as soft as wax or molten metal. The current wildfires in Greece and California seem to align with that premise. The fires are ultra hot, seeming to spring up from the ground, and too numerous and widespread to be caused by arson.
* 2018/10/05: We've "Ruled Out" Satan: Officials Baffled by Mysterious Flaming Hole in Arkansas; The fire blew 12 feet high out of the hole, then returned to a hot flame about waist high for awhile, then died down.; Tightening bow stress, San Andreas Fault line creep, subduction of the Juan de Fuca and Pacific Plates, hot earth phenomena – all these are factors to explain the intense fires that seem to spring up from the ground in California, now causing the deadliest fire in California history.
ZetaTalk: Midway, Arkansas is subject to a number of geological pressures, including the diagonal pull that the pending New Madrid adjustment will force on the region and the bowing stress placed upon the entire N American continent. In addition, Midway lies within a sagging and thin crust, which has resulted in lakes and rivers clustering near Midway. Thus with the triple whammy that this geology imposes, the rock strata under Midway shifts, releasing long trapped methane gas. Such gas normally rises into the atmosphere and there is set alit by lightning or a spark. But shifting and grinding rock strata can also generate a spark, setting the methane alight closer to the ground.
* 2018/11/02: The Start of the San Andreas Fault is Hit by the 'Slow One'; So what does increased activity in the Salton Sea along the San Andreas mean? Bow stress is increasing.; Imperial County officials studying the muddy spring say it has has been increasing in speed through - first 60 feet over a few months, and then 60 feet in a single day.
* 2018/11/09: California Reels as the most Destructive Wildfire in the State's History Tears toward Capital in Sacramento; The Camp Fire in the north, now the most destructive in state history, could be heading straight toward the capital in Sacramento after it wiped out the town of Paradise.; Tightening bow stress, San Andreas Fault line creep, subduction of the Juan de Fuca and Pacific Plates, hot earth phenomena – all these are factors to explain the intense fires that seem to spring up from the ground in California, now causing the deadliest fire in California history.; Examine the terrain at Paradise, California. The fires started along the river, in a ravine, and lifted thereafter into the hills. Should the readership doubt that subducting plates, or plate friction, can cause this heat, look to the stretch in the Urals recently. Water in the wells became hot.
* 2018/11/30: 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake hits Alaska, Damaging Homes and Roads
* 2019/02/14: Mystery Booms Reported in East Louisville, Kentucky; there has been a spate of moaning and booming Earth across the US. Recordings from Justice, Illinois and East Louisville, Kentucky were noted virtually on the same day.; Now, once again near water or on a fault line, or where the ground is being pulled apart in an unbearable stretch, there has been a spate of moaning and booming Earth across the US. Recordings from Justice, Illinois and East Louisville, Kentucky were noted virtually on the same day.
* 2019/02/15: What is Making this Strange Noise in the Sky over Justice, Illinois?
* 2019/04/03: Investigators Working to Determine Cause of Deadly Plant Explosion; Just three weeks after there was a fire at an Exxon facility in Baytown and the ITC fire in Deer Park broke out, an investigation is underway into Houston’s third chemical fire and explosion that rocked the Crosby area.; But what could be causing the rash of exploding factories lately? Per the Zetas, since manufacturing is often controlled by computers or electronics, manufacturing too can be affected by EMP.
* 2019/05/04: An Illinois Silicone Plant Explosion left 3 Dead; No cause has been determined.
* 2019/05/17: Dramatic Moment the Floodgate Breaks on 90-Year-Old Dam at Lake Dunlap in Texas spilling Tons of Water; Torrential rainfall does more than cause flooding, it can cause dams to breach in a cascade event.
* 2019/05/26: Over the Target: Oroville Dam; California; Following the re-grand opening of the main spillway on April 2, 2019 and the sudden unplanned shut down of the spillway on April 11, 2019 it was clear the spillway was severely damaged.; It destabilizes the ground under earthen dams, and in the case of the Oroville dam, even under concrete spillways. Per the Zetas, the concrete does not have time to cure and harden!
* 2019/06/08: CO Gas Spewing [eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey]; The Ramapo Fault Line in New Jersey is once again spewing Carbon Monoxide. This happened before in 2017.
*2019/07/04: M 7.1 quake [Southern California]; Powerful 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake that Sparked Huge Fires and caused Multiple Injuries in Southern California was 11 Times Stronger than 6.4 Tremor 32 Hours Earlier; On July 4th, seismically active California sustained a Magnitude 7.1 quake along Fault Lines that connect to the San Andreas.; Strongest Earthquake in 20 Years Rattles Southern California
New Madrid Begins
* 2019/10/12 - 11/28
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