February 23, 2011. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/ahmadinejad-predicts-mideast-unrest-coming-to-america/ Iran's president said Wednesday he is certain the wave of unrest in the Middle East will spread to Europe and North America, bringing an end to governments he accused of oppressing and humiliating people. "The world is on the verge of big developments. Changes will be forthcoming and will engulf the whole world from Asia to Africa and from Europe to North America," Ahmadinejad told a news conference. Ahmadinejad said the world was in need of a just system of rule that "puts an end to oppression, occupation and humiliation of people." [and from another] This correlates with what the Zetas said about the 8 of 10, "These sociological and political dramas are part of the 8 of 10 scenarios, as well as geological and astronomical features. This is the next chapter." https://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/zetatalk-fame The Zetas did say that Ahmadinejad is STO . Did he got his information from reading ZT or is there more too it?


Ahmadinejad is speaking as a leader of a Muslim country, viewing the Arab Spring as an uprising against colonialism, imperialism, and western corporate influence. This stance is expected of him because of his political role in Iran. The article makes much of Ahmadinejad's criticism of Gaddafi and his brutal treatment of his people. This is to differentiate between an Arab leader who was considered a puppet, as was Mubarak, and Gaddafi who was considered a leader who resisted western influence and control and thus should be a brother to his people. Does Ahmadinejad read ZetaTalk and have an inside track on the Transformation, the pending 8 of 10 scenarios? Yes on both fronts, as despite disbelief that Ahmadinejad is a Service-to-Other individual, he is a sleeper like Obama, awaiting his opportunities to make a difference in the world. He gives a hint as to the sequence of revolt and discontent - from the Arab Spring to Asia, then Africa, then Europe and thence to N America.

Source: ZetaTalk for June 18, 2011


Note: This blog is about his prediction. Keep in mind that political debates are not allowed on the poleshift ning.

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Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 9, 2023 at 4:33pm

Who's directing this MOVIE, WHY and why NOW?

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Comment by KM on November 27, 2022 at 2:53pm


Chinese police clash with thousands protesting draconian COVID lockdowns as unprecedented civil unrest grips country - after ten died in fire when building doors were locked to stop virus spread

  • In Shanghai, China's most populous city and financial hub, protests broke out on Saturday night at the city's Wulumuqi Road
  • 'Lift lockdown for Urumqi, lift lockdown for Xinjiang, lift lockdown for all of China!' the crowds in Shanghai shouted, according to a video on social media 
  • At one point a large group began shouting, 'Down with the Chinese Communist Party, down with Xi Jinping, free Urumqi!', according to witnesses and videos in a rare public protest against the Chinese leadership
  • A large group of police looked on and sometimes tried to break up the crowd
  • China is battling a surge in infections that prompted lockdowns and restrictions in cities across the country 
  • Beijing is attempting stick to a zero-COVID policy even as much of the world tries to coexist with the virus 
  • Public fury forced authorities in Xinjiang to open up parts of the capital Urumqi which has been subject to a punishing 'zero-Covid' lockdown for over 3 months
  • The protests were  triggered in-part by deaths of at least ten people in a fire at an apartment block who were unable to escape because their doors had been locked due to the virus

Chinese police have clashed with thousands protesting the country's draconian COVID lockdowns - as unprecedented civil unrest gripped the nation.

Demonstrations erupted in at least seven cities - including Shanghai, Nanjing and Guangzhou - with violence breaking out between local cops and furious protesters.

The largest demonstration appeared in Shanghai - home to 26million residents - with many boldly demanding President Xi Jinping resign.


Officers used pepper spray against about 300 protesters, according to a witness, but western journalists reported the numbers to be in the thousands.

Meanwhile last night hundreds gathered to mourn the deaths of at least 10 people in an apartment fire last week in Urumqi in the Xinjiang region, where residents were sealed in their buildings to try to stop the spread of COVID.

It comes amid China launching another mass crackdown on the virus with crippling lockdowns put in place across the country, nearly three years after the pandemic started there.

The nation reported another 39,791 new cases spread across the country - the biggest one-day increase on record - including a record 4,307 in Beijing alone.

But it appears ill-equipped for the latest battle with COVID, with it using its own vaccines, rather than approved foreign ones, which do not have the same effectiveness at beating back the virus.

In the city of Shanghai, videos posted on social media by foreign journalists show thousands of people taking to the streets to remember the victims and to protest against Covid restrictions.

In the city of Shanghai, videos posted on social media by foreign journalists show thousands of people taking to the streets to remember the victims and to protest against Covid restrictions.

Young people could be seen fighting with police in China due to COVID restrictions

Young people could be seen fighting with police in China due to COVID restrictions

Protests against Covid restrictions in China appear to have intensified with police arresting people on Saturday night

Protests against Covid restrictions in China appear to have intensified with police arresting people on Saturday night

Hundreds could be heard asking for President Xi Jinping to resign in remarkable scenes from the communist country

Hundreds could be heard asking for President Xi Jinping to resign in remarkable scenes from the communist country

Public fury forced authorities in the far western Xinjiang region to open up parts of the capital Urumqi, which has been subject to a punishing 'zero-Covid' lockdown for more than three months.

Witnesses said one of the protests also occurred in Urumqi where the fire occurred after complaints it worsened the death toll.

The protest was triggered by the deaths of at least 10 people in a fire at a high-rise apartment block. Some have claimed lockdown measures hampered rescue efforts and the ability of residents to escape.

Footage posted online showed hundreds of demonstrators confronting riot police on the streets of Urumqi, where many of the four million residents have been barred from leaving their homes for as long as 100 days.

President Xi Jinping´s government faces mounting anger at its 'zero-COVID' policy that has shut down access to areas throughout China in an attempt to isolate every case at a time when other governments are easing controls and trying to live with the virus.

That has kept China´s infection rate lower than the United States and other countries. But the ruling Communist Party faces growing complaints about the economic and human cost as businesses close and families are isolated for weeks with limited access to food and medicine.

Some protesters were shown in videos shouting for Xi to step down or the ruling party to give up power.

In Shanghai, protesters gathered at Middle Urumqi Road at midnight with flowers, candles and signs reading 'Urumqi, November 24, those who died rest in peace,' according to a participant who would give only his family name, Zhao.

Zhao said one of his friends was beaten by police and two were pepper-sprayed. He said police stomped on his feet as he tried to stop them from taking his friend away. He lost his shoes and left barefoot.

According to Zhao, protesters yelled slogans including 'Xi Jinping, step down, Communist Party, step down,' 'Unlock Xinjiang, unlock China,' 'do not want PCR (tests), want freedom' and 'press freedom.'

Around 100 police stood in lines to prevent protesters from gathering or leaving, Zhao said. He said buses with more police arrived later.

Comment by KM on January 28, 2022 at 11:30pm


HUNDREDS of Canadians cheer on 'Freedom Convoy' of 50,000 truckers driving toward the capital to protest vaccine mandate: Lawmakers are told to 'lock your doors' and avoid the protest

  • Hundreds of Canadians have lined the TransCanada Highway 20 to cheer on a 45-mile-long convoy of up to 50,000 truckers who are heading to Ottawa to protest the government's covid vaccine mandate for drivers 
  • The convoy assembled in British Columbia on Sunday, and will arrive in Ottawa by Saturday where they are expected to be joined by other protesters driving from the east and the south of the country 
  • By Friday morning, the drivers were in Kingston, Ontario, which is about 110 miles from the capital city, and US truckers have joined the convoy 
  • Buildings in the Parliamentary district are being closed and locked except for essential staff as of Friday and workers warned of threats of physical damage 
  • A top Parliament official warned lawmakers to avoid the protest and to lock their doors amid reports their private homes may be targeted 
  • On January 15, proof of vaccination will be required for truckers crossing into the US  - but as many as 32,000, or about 20 percent, are not vaccinated
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the huge group a 'small fringe minority'
  •  'We know the way through this is to get everyone vaccinated. The overwhelming majority, close to 90 percent of Canadians, have done exactly that,' he said 

Hundreds of Canadians have lined a highway to cheer on a 45-mile-long convoy of up to 50,000 truckers who are heading to Ottawa to protest the government's covid vaccine mandate for drivers crossing the US-Canada border. 

The convoy assembled in British Columbia on Sunday, and will arrive in Ottawa by Saturday where they are expected to be joined by other protesters driving from the east and the south of the country. Truckers from the US have also joined the massive convoy.

By Friday morning, the drivers were in Kingston, Ontario, which is about 110 miles from the capital city. Several thousand people are expected to gather in the capital, and some of the group´s leaders are calling for a peaceful event, but statements from some associated with the group have included threats of violence. 

The truckers are, in part, protesting a new rule that took effect January 15 requiring truckers entering Canada be fully immunized against the coronavirus. The United States has imposed the same requirement on truckers entering that country January 22. 

The first of hundreds vehicles started to trickle into Ottawa, where they are expected to set up in the streets around Parliament Hill for the weekend - and possibly longer.

As of about noon, there were more than 100 people lining up along the sidewalk outside the gates to Parliament Hill. Cars and pickup trucks lined the north side of the main street outside, far past the Parliament buildings. People waved flags and hollered as supporters drove by honking their horns. Some seem to be settling in for the long haul, with one group setting up a barbecue on the sidewalk.

Ottawa police said they would be out in force and ready to arrest anyone who breaks the law. They said on Friday that they have also called in 'reinforcements'.

The convoy of truckers set to descend on the city has prompted police to prepare for the possibility of violence and politicians to warn against escalating rhetoric linked to the demonstration. A top Parliament official warned lawmakers to avoid the protest and to lock their doors amid reports their private homes may be targeted. 

'It's 70 kilometers long,' Benjamin Dichter, a spokesman for the Freedom Convoy 2022, told the Toronto Sun after it passed Calgary heading west on Wednesday. 

'I have seen footage from an airplane. It's impressive.'   

Elon Musk also tweeted praise for the truckers, saying: 'If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny.'

He'd earlier tweeted that 'Canadian truckers rule'. 

In September 2020, the Tesla CEO said that he and his family would not be getting vaccinated because they are not at risk. Two months later, he said that he most likely had a mild case of covid in November. 

'I'm getting wildly different results from different labs, but most likely I have a moderate case of covid. My symptoms are that of a minor cold, which is no surprise, since a coronavirus is a type of cold,' Musk wrote in a tweet. 

Canadian Trucking Magazine publisher Dave Mackenzie, who is a working long-haul trucker, told West Standard Online that some US truckers are driving from North Dakota to Portal Saskatchewan, where they intend to cross the border and join the group. 

The Canadian federal government instituted vaccine mandates for cross-border truckers throughout the country. But as many as 32,000, or 20 percent, of the 160,000 Canadian and American cross-border truck drivers may be taken off the roads due to the mandate, the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) estimates. 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has characterized the protesters as a 'small fringe minority who are on the way to Ottawa who

Hundreds of Canadians have lined the TransCanada Highway 20 to cheer on a 45-mile-long convoy of up to 50,000 truckers who are heading to Ottawa to protest the government's covid vaccine mandate for drivers crossing the US-Canada border

Hundreds of Canadians have lined the TransCanada Highway 20 to cheer on a 45-mile-long convoy of up to 50,000 truckers who are heading to Ottawa to protest the government's covid vaccine mandate for drivers crossing the US-Canada border

The convoy assembled in British Columbia on Sunday, and will arrive in Ottawa by Saturday where they are expected to be joined by other protesters driving from the east and the south of the country. Truckers from the US have also joined the massive convoy. They are being cheered on in Levis, Quebec by supporteres

The convoy assembled in British Columbia on Sunday, and will arrive in Ottawa by Saturday where they are expected to be joined by other protesters driving from the east and the south of the country. Truckers from the US have also joined the massive convoy. They are being cheered on in Levis, Quebec by supporteres

50,000 truckers are making their way across Canada in a 45-mile-long convoy in protest of vaccine mandates that would prohibit truckers from crossing the US-Canadian border without proof of vaccination

50,000 truckers are making their way across Canada in a 45-mile-long convoy in protest of vaccine mandates that would prohibit truckers from crossing the US-Canadian border without proof of vaccination

Canadians standing on an overpass in Kingston, Ontario cheer the truck drivers on. One pickup truck is seen pulling a trailer with a sign saying: 'Freedom doesn't require permission'

Canadians standing on an overpass in Kingston, Ontario cheer the truck drivers on. One pickup truck is seen pulling a trailer with a sign saying: 'Freedom doesn't require permission'

A driver gets his pickup truck, with a sign saying 'Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee Freedom', ready for the convoy line in Kingston, Ontario on Friday

A driver gets his pickup truck, with a sign saying 'Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee Freedom', ready for the convoy line in Kingston, Ontario on Friday

50,000 truckers are making their way across Canada in a 45-mile-long convoy in protest of vaccine mandates that would prohibit truckers from crossing the US-Canadian border without proof of vaccination

50,000 truckers are making their way across Canada in a 45-mile-long convoy in protest of vaccine mandates that would prohibit truckers from crossing the US-Canadian border without proof of vaccination

Canadians gather on a bridge over Highway 400 in Vaughan, Ontario, to support the Freedom Convoy

Canadians gather on a bridge over Highway 400 in Vaughan, Ontario, to support the Freedom Convoy

Pickup trucks with Canadian flags and 'freedom' signs get ready to join the convoy in Kingston on Friday

Pickup trucks with Canadian flags and 'freedom' signs get ready to join the convoy in Kingston on Friday

Truckers left from British Columbia on Sunday and will be met in the nation's capital on Saturday by other protesters driving from the east and the south of the country. The convoy has been joined by US truckers

 Truckers left from British Columbia on Sunday and will be met in the nation's capital on Saturday by other protesters driving from the east and the south of the country. The convoy has been joined by US truckers

The Toronto Sun estimated that up to 50,000 trucks could be participating - this convoy could exceed the existing record for the world's longest by 10 times if it stays intact until its intended destination

The Toronto Sun estimated that up to 50,000 trucks could be participating - this convoy could exceed the existing record for the world's longest by 10 times if it stays intact until its intended destination

'It's 70 kilometers long,' Benjamin Dichter, a spokesman for the Freedom Convoy 2022, told the Toronto Sun. 'I have seen footage from an airplane. It's impressive'

'It's 70 kilometers long,' Benjamin Dichter, a spokesman for the Freedom Convoy 2022, told the Toronto Sun. 'I have seen footage from an airplane. It's impressive'

In a list of demands, the organizers of the Freedom Convoy are calling for an end to vaccine passports and for the federal government to respect the rights of the unvaccinated

In a list of demands, the organizers of the Freedom Convoy are calling for an end to vaccine passports and for the federal government to respect the rights of the unvaccinated

Hutterites have shown out in numbers not just greet the truckers with signs as they drive by, but to keep them fed

Hutterites have shown out in numbers not just greet the truckers with signs as they drive by, but to keep them fed

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (pictured) has characterized the protesters as a 'small fringe minority who are on the way to Ottawa who are holding unacceptable views'

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (pictured) has characterized the protesters as a 'small fringe minority who are on the way to Ottawa who are holding unacceptable views'

But the convoy has picked up steam and supporters as it travels along the snow-filled TransCanada Highway.

The longest convoy in history was just five miles long, consisted of 480 trucks, and took place in Egypt in 2020, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. 

The Toronto Sun estimated that up to 50,000 trucks could be participating - which would exceed the existing record by 10 times if it stays intact until its intended destination.  

In a list of demands, the organizers of the Freedom Convoy are calling for an end to vaccine passports and for the federal government to respect the rights of the unvaccinated.  

Trudeau hit the brakes on their demands. 

'What we are hearing from some people associated with this convoy is completely unacceptable,' he said.

'We know the way through this pandemic is to get everyone vaccinated. The overwhelming majority, close to 90 percent of Canadians, have done exactly that.'

But supporters of the convoy disagree, with one driver saying that 'the amount of trucks involved and the amount of people showing up here, this shows the frustrations of Canadians and it's going to continue to grow.'   

'A lot of people are trying to say that these type of things are done out of anger, but this is actually being done out of frustration towards the things the government is imposing upon Canadian citizens,' a man named Trevor told Global News when the convoy passed through the Balgonie area, declining to give his surname. 

The Canadian government ended the truckers´ exemption to the vaccine mandate, meaning Canadian truck drivers need to be fully vaccinated if they want to avoid a two-week quarantine and pre-arrival molecular test for COVID-19 before crossing into Canada.

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated foreign national truck drivers who do not have a right to re-enter are turned away at the border and directed back to the United States. The U.S. now also requires Canadian truckers to provide proof of vaccination to enter.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance has disavowed the protest and said more than 85% of truckers are vaccinated. Many truckers have also posted on social media they continue to do their jobs and that the convoy doesn´t speak for them. 

 The U.S. also has a vaccine mandate for truckers coming from Canada. American talk show host Stew Peters said that American truckers are joining the Freedom Convoy, or amassing on the roads in solidarity, in numbers. 

'Colorado, 420 trucks, Georgia, 675 trucks, South Carolina, 650 trucks, California, 19,000 trucks,' Peters said.

A GoFundMe initiative has already raised $6,365,040 towards the protest since it was launched on January 14, with organizers saying that the money will go toward the gas, food and shelter of the participating truckers. 

But GoFundMe has frozen the raised monies until Tamara Lich, the secretary of Canada's Maverick party and the fundraiser's organizer, provides a 'clear plan' for how the money will be spent, according to Canadian outlet Global News

 Hutterites have shown out in numbers not just greet the truckers with signs as they drive by, but to keep them fed, Mackenzie said. 

 'Some drove all the way to Ontario to feed the convoy,' he said

 Canada has enacted some of the most strict COVID-19 protocols worldwide. Ontario will only closed its restaurants, gyms and movie theaters early this month, and will only reopen them at the beginning of February. 

Vaccinations were mandated in for federal workers last year, and the premier of Quebec announced plans to penalize unvaccinated residents that don't have a medical reason not to get the shot.      


Comment by Juan F Martinez on November 5, 2021 at 1:22pm

Violent clashes erupt as Mexico’s National Guard confronts US-bound migrants (VIDEOS)

Mexico’s southern state of Chiapas saw intense violence as local National Guard officers faced off with a migrant caravan moving north to Mexico City. Scuffles reportedly resulted in injuries on both sides.

The Mexican National Guard was deployed to Chiapas in recent days to halt a migrant caravan that set off on foot last month from the country’s southern border with Guatemala. Around 3,000 people are currently moving north to Mexico City in the hope of eventually reaching the US border.

Videos published on social media on Thursday showed migrants hitting the National Guard members with sticks and pelting them with stones as the officers, clad in full riot gear, tried to advance on the caravan in a tight formation.


Comment by KM on August 24, 2021 at 8:56pm


Australia To Be SHUT DOWN by Truckers on Aug. 31 to "Throw off the Government"

Australia To Be SHUT DOWN by Truckers on Aug. 31 to "Throw off the Government"

Citizens in Australia are now openly talking about OVERTHROWING THEIR GOVERNMENT and are openly coordinating a first-strike: A nationwide trucking shut down beginning August 31.  NOTHING will be transported anywhere until the government comes back under citizen control.

Things are turning very ugly in Australia (and in New Zealand) as government public servants "order" the taxpayers who pay their salaries, to remain locked in homes, NOT TO TALK TO EACH OTHER, and a slew of other ridiculous "rules"  under the guise of a Flu-like illness they call COVID-19.

Things have gotten so far out of control in Australia that the state government of New South Wales even gave police the following: Basically, the government has become the epitome of tyranny - giving their police powers that government DOES NOT ITSELF POSSESS.

You see, governments are formed by people, who give to those governments certain, limited, powers.   A government cannot have a power that the citizens who created it, did not, themselves, possess to give to the government they created.

NO ONE has the right to simply forcibly enter any structure which they do not own.

NO ONE has the right to compel people to give information.

It goes on and on.

Yet this is what the lowly public servants of New South Wales, Australia, have actually done!

The people of Australia are fed up with this tyranny and they are now openly moving to forcibly remove the government.  They intend to collapse the government by halting all trucking on the continent.  NOTHING will move by truck, anywhere.

Since everything, except electricity and natural gas, MUST, at some point, move by truck, absolutely nothing will be moving in Australia beginning August 31.

No food.  No fuel.  No medicine.  No chlorine to treat public water supplies.  No supplies to hospitals.  All of it will stop when the truckers strike on August 31.

In the video below, Australians are being told this is going to take place, and they are being openly warned to make sure they go out and buy enough food and supplies to get them through a few weeks.  

The truckers know the actual power they have.  Without trucks, a country implodes within a week.  No country on earth can survive without trucks.

And the relatively few trucks in possession of government, even including those few in military, will utterly fail to meet the supply needs.

Planes and railroads don't matter at all because it takes trucks to move things to and from both.  No trucks, no movement of goods. Period.

As Australians start going hungry, with no food at supermarkets, no fuel in gas stations, no clean water from faucets, they will turn out by the millions to get rid of their government.  The streets will be filled with people in uncontrolled rage; a population which has had enough and won't back down.

This subject is now being discussed within Intelligence circles here in the USA and other nations, and the consensus is that if this takes place, the federal and state governments of Australia will not survive two weeks.

Even if the government seeks aid through NATO, there is zero chance of bringing in enough supplies or enough trucks and drivers, in time to avert complete collapse of the governments.

Here is the video announcing what's coming:

If Youtube deletes it, I have a copy to replace what's censored.


Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 17, 2021 at 1:34am

U.S. Capitol Police tests audible emergency notification system.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 13, 2021 at 4:01pm

Italy kicks off its BIGGEST mafia trial in 30 years, 350+ defendants slated to testify via video link & in person   13 Jan, 2021 14:22

Hundreds of suspected mobsters and associates, including former politicians, are slated to be brought before a court as Italy’s biggest mafia trial in three decades begins on Wednesday. More than 350 people are charged with a wide array of crimes, including murder, theft, extortion, drug trafficking, and money laundering. All of the defendants are suspected of having ties to the power ‘Ndrangheta crime clan, which is based in the southern region of Calabria.

Among the defendants are boss Luigi Mancuso, known as ‘Uncle’, who has spent nearly 20 years in prison, and Giancarlo Pittelli, a lawyer-turned-MP who served in both houses of Italy’s parliament in the 2000s. Pittelli, along with the bulk of the defendants, was arrested in December 2019 as part of a series of coordinated raids in Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Bulgaria.

Another 92 suspects in the same case have opted for a fast-track trial, which will begin later in January.

A call center in the town of Lamezia Terme has been converted into a heavily guarded 1,000-person courtroom to make space for hundreds of lawyers, witnesses, and reporters. Many defendants will participate via video link from prison due to Covid-19 restrictions, while those who show up in person will be seated at least two meters apart from each other.

Chief prosecutor in the case, Nicola Gratteri, said the trial would take at least a year. The state plans to call more than 900 witnesses and bring 24,000 hours of intercepted conversations to support the charges. Those slated to testify include former members of Apulian crime syndicates and the Sicilian Cosa Nostra clan.   

“This process serves to understand the evolution of a mafia that shoots less and less and has more contact with public administration officials. It finds ways to easily penetrate certain social environments that were unimaginable 10 years ago,” Gratteri told reporters before the court proceedings.

Gratteri said stronger anti-mafia laws are needed in Central and Northern Europe, noting how the ‘Ndrangheta has been operating in Germany and even participated in bloody turf wars there.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on August 29, 2020 at 10:17pm


Thousands gather in London to protest COVID-19 restrictions

More than 10,000 COVID conspiracy theorists gather in London: Huge crowd of anti-vaxxers led by David Icke gather to argue that virus is a lie spread in secret global plot organised by Bill Gates

  • Huge crowd gathered in London 's Trafalgar Square to protest against government's Covid restrictions
  • Mass demonstration is one of several taking place around the world today as Europe cases continue to surge 
  • Demonstrators hold signs claiming masks reduce immunity and some likened restrictions to 'child torture'
NewsflareAugust 29, 2020

Thousands of people are gathering in central London today (August 29th) to voice their anger at the ongoing restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 10,000 Covid-19 conspiracy theorists who believe the virus is a hoax have gathered in London's Trafalgar Square to protest against lockdown restrictions and vaccination programmes.

Demonstrators in the 'Unite for Freedom' rally - which started at noon in the capital - called for an 'end to Government lies' and the restoration of all freedoms as they marched past Downing Street towards the Houses of Parliament.

Pictures from the demonstration show Trafalgar Square almost full of protesters - none of whom are wearing masks - holding signs that brand the pandemic as a 'hoax'. When full, the square holds up to 35,000 people. 

article continues...

and in Berlin:

with Robert Kennedy JR. at the helm


Berlin halts 'anti-corona' rally as European cities protest masks

A march in Berlin by thousands opposed to coronavirus restrictions was halted by German police on Saturday.

It marked the biggest of several European protests against anti-virus curbs and masks to halt the pandemic.

With new COVID-19 cases on the rise, European nations are starting to tighten controls while trying to avoid the major lockdowns imposed earlier this year to contain the outbreak that has killed more than 800,000 worldwide.

Across the globe, governments are struggling to revive economies already battered by the pandemic while managing public frustration over new restrictions and masks to curb infections.

In Germany, around 18,000 people had massed in Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate, before the rally was forced to stop due to a police injunction because many were not respecting social distancing measures.

The mass protest against pandemic restrictions had been allowed to go ahead after a bitter legal battle.

"The minimum distancing is not being respected by most (of the demonstrators) despite repeated requests," the police said. "There is no other option than to break up the gathering."

Several thousands stayed on to protest after the announcement, chanting "resistance" and a small group clashed with police, tossing bottles and rocks. Two people were arrested, police said.

Protesters hold a banner reading "revolution of truth" as they gather around the Victory column on the 17. Juni avenue in Berlin at the end of a demonstration called by far-right and COVID-19 deniers to protest against restrictions related to the new coronavirus pandemic, on August 29, 2020. — AFP

Protesters waved German flags and shouted "Merkel must go!", a chant often used by the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party against Chancellor Angela Merkel.

"I'm not an extreme right-wing sympathiser, I'm here to defend our fundamental freedoms," said Stefan, a 43-year-old Berlin resident with a shaved head and a T-shirt with the words "Thinking helps" written in large print.

"We're here to say: we have to be careful! Coronavirus crisis or not, we must defend our freedoms," Christina Holz, a 22-year-old student, told AFP.

Protesters hold a placard reading "even Patrick knows that Nazis are shit" during a counter demonstration near the Humboldt university on August 29, 2020 in Berlin, in opposition to a rally called by far-right and COVID-19 deniers against restrictions related to the new coronavirus pandemic. — AFP/John MacDougall

Anti-mask protesters also gathered in Zurich.

In London, more than a 1,000 protesters gathered at the Trafalgar Square landmark, many holding home-made banners.

One called for an "End to medical tyranny"; another read "No to mandatory vaccines" while one man waved a placard declaring "Masks are muzzles".

Around 300 people protested peacefully in Paris to denounce the government's decision to make masks obligatory in all public places as cases rise in the French capital.

Protesters, some waving placards stating "Stop the lies", were quickly surrounded by police who handed out 135 euro ($160) fines to those not wearing masks.

"There is no scientific proof of the usefulness of wearing a mask outside," said Anais, a sociology student.

"COVID-19 is not so dangerous, it mainly kills people over the age of 60."


The pandemic has killed more than 838,000 people worldwide since surfacing in China late last year, and more than 24.7 million cases have been registered. The United States has recorded the highest number of deaths with 181,779.

US President Donald Trump and Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro were among global leaders who initially played down the gravity of the pandemic while others have dismissed the need for social distancing measures.

Many governments now hope tighter mask rules will offset the need for a return to economically-devastating lockdowns, though the French government said it could not rule out new stay-at-home orders.

France on Friday said there had been an "exponential" rise in coronavirus cases with more than 7,000 new infections in 24 hours.

Saturday's Berlin rally came as coronavirus cases continue to rise in Germany, with daily new infection numbers reaching highs not seen since April.

At the start of August, a similar German "anti-corona" march in Berlin took place with 20,000 protesters, a mix of the extreme left and right, anti-vaccination campaigners, conspiracy theorists and self-described "free thinkers".

Police had vowed to turn out in force and strictly monitor compliance with mask-wearing and social distancing at the protest.

Berlin police chief Barbara Slowik had warned that if the demonstrators did not adhere to virus safety rules, police would clear the area "very quickly".

"We will not be able or willing to watch tens of thousands assemble and create infection risks," she said.

Berlin city authorities had previously decided not to allow the Saturday demonstration to go ahead, fearing that the estimated 22,000 protesters would not keep a distance of 1.5 metres (five feet) apart or comply with face mask requirements.

But on the eve of the demo, Berlin´s administrative court sided with the demonstrators, saying there was no indication that organisers would "deliberately ignore" social distancing rules and endanger public health.

Merkel and the leaders of Germany;s 16 federal states on Thursday introduced tougher coronavirus restrictions to curb the pandemic, including a minimum 50 euro ($59) fine for people caught not wearing face masks where one is compulsory.

"We will have to live with this virus for a long time to come," Merkel warned. "It is still serious. Please continue to take it seriously."


and in Canada



and in Victoria Australia


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on August 28, 2020 at 2:53am


#Canada goes proactive and creates a commonlaw state in part of the country against tyranny and the #Plandemic

In response to the increasingly repressive COVID regulations and the threat of mandatory vaccinations, a citizens' Common Law Assembly on Canada's west coast has passed a Bylaw that outlaws and nullifies all COVID restrictions, masking, distancing, medical testing and vaccinations. Anyone forcing these measures on the people of Parksville and Qualicum Beach can now face fines and imprisonment in a local Common Law Court. See www.republicofkanata.ca and www.murderbydecree.com and contact republicofkanata@gmail.com for a copy of the Bylaw. Posted August 25, 2020.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on August 19, 2020 at 6:10pm

Lebanon president says open to Israel peace talks
Michel Aoun left open the door for negotiations following allegations his ally Hezbollah had stored weapons at Beirut Port
Lebanese President Michel Aoun dropped a bombshell statement on Saturday night, telling French TV his country may be ready for peace with Israel.

Asked in an exclusive interview with France’s BFM television whether Lebanon was ready to make peace with Israel, he responded: “That depends. We have problems with Israel and we have to resolve them first.”
It was a shocking statement by a president whose rise has benefited from a more than decade-old alliance with Hezbollah, arguably the most powerful military force in the country.

Asked what he thought of the United Arab Emirates’ treaty concluded with Israel last Thursday, Aoun responded that the UAE “is an independent country.”

That suggested Aoun would not be held back from negotiations by any pan-Arab considerations.
The implicit invitation for diplomacy came as a rising tide of high-profile figures in Lebanon have accused Israel of the attack on Beirut Port – and Hezbollah for allegedly storing its weapons there and exposing the capital as a target.

It also followed stern words by US Undersecretary of State David Hale from the Beirut Port.
“Whatever happened specifically related to this explosion,” he said, “we can never go back to an era in which anything goes at the ports and borders of Lebanon.”

The explosion killed at least 178 people, including the wife of the Dutch ambassador, with dozens still missing and thousands wounded.

Hale departed from Beirut Friday night. US Assistant Secretary of State David Schenker, the point man for negotiations regarding the Israel-Lebanon maritime demarcation line, is expected to take up where Hale left off next week.


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