National UFO Alert Ratings for January 2012 in USA, CA, TX, AZ and FL

The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated with California, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Arizona moving to a UFO Alert 3 as the highest reporting states during the month of January 2012, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

California was the leading high-reporting state in 2011, and returns this month with 90 cases filed over January's 31 days.

Those states in a UFO Alert 4 category with 13 or more reports include: Georgia, North Carolina, Colorado, New York, Indiana, Utah, New Jersey, Michigan and Tennessee.

All other states move to a UFO Alert 5 category with lower numbers of UFO activity. The Watch States - with 10 or more cases - Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, South Carolina, Connecticut and Washington.

MUFON released January statistics February 1, where the total number of reported UFO sightings is listed by state. The UFO Examiner uses these statistics to rate states. The entire country was moved back to the lowest alert level - UFO Alert 5. 

California takes the lead with 90 cases (up from 63 reports in December); Florida, 60 cases; Texas, 40 cases; Pennsylvania, 28 cases; Illinois, 27 cases; and Arizona, 24 cases.

Those states with 13 or more reports, the next reporting tier level, are a UFO Alert 4 status: Georgia, 20 cases; North Carolina, 20 cases; Colorado, 19 cases; New York, 17 cases; Indiana, 15 cases; Utah, 14 cases; New Jersey, 14 cases; Michigan, 14 cases; and Tennessee, 14 cases.

Our Watch States this month are - with 10 reports or more: Virginia, 13 cases; Missouri, 13 cases; Ohio, 12 cases; South Carolina, 12 cases; Connecticut, 12 cases; and Washington, 11 cases.

The sphere remains the most-reported UFO shape with 205 January reports. Other shape reports include: circle, 145; star-like, 137; triangle, 98; disc, 88; fireball, 82; unknown, 74; oval, 71; other, 51; cylinder, 30; cigar, 29; flash, 28; square/rectangular, 23; boomerang, 22; egg, 20; blimp, 12; chevron, 10; diamond, 10; teardrop, 10; bullet/missile, 10; cone, 8; Saturn-like, 8; and cross, 3.

The object's distance from the witness includes: Less than 100 feet, 81 cases; 101 to 500 feet, 90 cases; 501 feet to one mile, 167 cases; over one mile, 216 cases; unknown, 221; and no value stated, 13.

In addition, there were "18 landings, hovering, or takeoffs reported and 0 entities observed."

The most interesting UFO reports do not necessarily come from high reporting states - but those states with higher numbers do account for some of the most interesting evidence to study. While UFO sightings seem to pop up randomly around the country, this list is meant to offer a small insight into where Americans are filing reports.

The 4 highest states retaining a UFO Alert level 3 are, CA, TX, AZ and FL filed with MUFON for March 2011.

Interesting article

CA had 45 cases down from 67 last month

TX 39 reports

AZ 23 reports

FL 23 reports

Those states with 14 or more reports are at a level 4 status are

PA 20 reports

MI 17 reports

MN 16 reports

GA 14 reports

Alert 5 status contains



CO with 11 or more reports

This list offers insight to where Americans are filing reports.

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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 2, 2012 at 8:46pm


Alabama is not a location is be situated in during the coming pole shift. Where some areas are far enough inland and high enough to avoid being swamped during tidal sloshing that accompanies the pole shift and the day or so after, there are other factors to be considered. Alabama is among the states affected by the mightly Mississippi when in a horrific backwash.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 2, 2012 at 8:45pm

National UFO Alert: Alabama rises to highest reporting state

The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated with Alabama, California, Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan and New York moving to a UFO Alert 3 as the highest reporting states during the month of December 2011, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

Quiet Alabama had three UFO reports in November as compared to 101 reports in December 2012. Alabama is typically a low reporting state.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We are checking with MUFON on the Alabama numbers as it is possible this was a typo in the original report. Please check back as I will update this page once MUFON verifies the Alabama numbers with us. Thanks for your patience.]

Those states in a UFO Alert 4 category with 13 or more reports include: North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Missouri, Maryland, Massachusetts and South Carolina.

All other states move to a UFO Alert 5 category with lower numbers of UFO activity. The Watch States - with 10 or more cases - are Illinois, New Jersey, Colorado, Ohio and Virginia

MUFON released December statistics January 1, where the total number of reported UFO sightings is listed by state. The UFO Examiner uses these statistics to rate states. The entire country was moved back to the lowest alert level - UFO Alert 5. 

Alabama takes the lead with 101 cases (up from 3 reports in November); California, 63 cases; Pennsylvania, 40 cases; Florida, 39 cases; Michigan, 26 cases; and New York, 22 cases.

Those states with 13 or more reports, the next reporting tier level, are a UFO Alert 4 status: North Carolina, 21 cases; Georgia, 20 cases; Texas, 16 cases; Missouri, 15 cases; Maryland, 14 cases; Massachusetts, 14 cases; and South Carolina, 14 cases.

Our Watch States this month are - with 10 reports or more: Illinois, 12 cases; New Jersey, 12 cases; Colorado, 12 cases; Ohio, 10 cases; and Virginia, 10 cases.

The sphere remains the most-reported UFO shape with 154 December reports. Other shape reports include: circle, 89; star-like, 84; circle, triangle, 69; disc, 59; unknown, 59; other, 56; fireball, 56; oval, 46; flash, 32; cigar, 26; cylinder, 21; square/rectangular, 18; boomerang, 14; diamond, 10; teardrop, 10; egg, 9; bullet/missile, 8; cone, 6; Saturn-like, 6; blimp, 5; chevron, 4; and cross, 1.

The object's distance from the witness includes: Less than 100 feet, 63 cases; 101 to 500 feet, 84 cases; 501 feet to one mile, 125 cases; over one mile, 137 cases; unknown, 146; and no value stated, 14.

In addition, there were "20 landings, hovering, or takeoffs reported and 0 entities observed."

The most interesting UFO reports do not necessarily come from high reporting states - but those states with higher numbers do account for some of the most interesting evidence to study. While UFO sightings seem to pop up randomly around the country, this list is meant to offer a small insight into where Americans are filing reports.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 8, 2011 at 4:20am

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on August 8, 2011 at 7:54pm
Six states topped the UFO sightings list this month.Six states topped the UFO sightings list this month.

National UFO Alert: Six states top sightings list

The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated August 1, 2011, with California, Pennsylvania, Illinois,Texas, Indiana and Florida moving to a UFO Alert 3 as the highest reporting states during the month of July 2011, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Oregon, Missouri, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey, Washington, and New York were placed in a UFO Alert 4 with 13 or more cases reported in July. Colorado and Georgia have been designated "Watch States" - each with 10 or more cases.

MUFON released July statistics August 1, where the total number of reported UFO sightings are listed by state. The UFO Examiner uses these statistics to rate states. The entire country was moved back to the lowest alert level - UFO Alert 5. 

California was the leading UFO report state again this month - with 54 cases - up from 42 last month - and remains in the UFO Alert 3 status with Pennsylvania, 39 reports; Illinois, 36 reports; Texas, 30 reports; Indiana, 29 reports; and Florida, 25 reports.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 21, 2011 at 7:06pm

UFO sighted in Manipur (India) (Video)


UFO India Manipur

IMPHAL, June 19:– Believe it or not, mystery shrouded Ngankha Lawai village in Manipur’s Bishnupur district, 35 kms south of here after a young farmer fainted and was hospitalised following an encounter with an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO).

The mysterious incident occurred when the 31 year-old farmer Koiremba Kumam was taking video of a fish farm near his house using his mobile phone on June 15 around 3.11 pm.

“Suddenly, I captured mashak khangdaba potsak ama (UFO) in the sky”, the farmer said. “I fainted for a few seconds after a small round black object sped towards me.”

Showing the video image of the UFO captured in his mobile phone, Koiremba claimed he felt an electric shock when it came come towards him. He returned home after few moments of unconsciousness. Read Full Assam Tribune

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 19, 2011 at 9:08pm

'Huge sphere of light' reported near Miami Airport

  • June 18, 2011 5:15 pm ET

A Florida witness reports watching and videotaping a "huge sphere of flashing lights" north of Miami Airport, according to June 18, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving east along 41NW and turned onto the Palmetto Highway and had just crossed 97th Avenue when the sphere was noticed moving very slowly south.

The witness stated that the "sphere was big and super bright. It was emitting a very constant, bright flashing light."

The witness continued recording video with a cell phone until driving conditions prevented that.

The report was filed with MUFON on June 18, 2011. The event occurred on June 14, 2011. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Watch the video on this page - or using this direct link.

Florida is a current UFO ALERT 4 rating,
 with a higher than average number of UFO sightings nationally. Florida had 11 reports in May 2011, while California had 55 UFO reports - the highest reporting state in the nation. 

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report  every Wednesday, 9 - 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Florida MUFON State Director G. Bland Pugh investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 15, 2011 at 1:04am

June 13, 2011

UFO Sighting over Orlando, Florida as it punches a hole in cloud above 747 jet, June 10, 2011.

UFO Sighting over Orlando, Florida as it punches a hole in cloud above 747 jet, June 10, 2011.

Date of sighting: June 10, 2011
Location of sighting: Orlando, Florida, USA

Watch this amazing video that a young boy was taking of a 747 as it was coming in for a landing. In the back ground of the video however is an amazing UFO sighting. Watch as a dark oval UFO shoots from the right side to the left of the screen blowing a hole through a cloud as it does this. You may have to watch it several times to get the full effect. Amazing catch.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 8, 2011 at 9:08pm

National UFO Alert Rating: California, Texas remain leaders

The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated June 1, 2011, with California and Texas retaining a UFO Alert 3 as the two highest reporting states during the month of May 2011, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Illinois, Michigan, Colorado, Indiana, New York, Tennessee, and Florida were placed in a UFO Alert 4 with 13 or more cases reported in May. Missouri, Arizona, and Pennsylvania have been designated "Watch States" - each with 11 or more cases.

MUFON released May statistics June 1, where the total number of reported UFO sightings are listed by state. The UFO Examiner uses these statistics to rate states. The entire country was moved back to the lowest alert level - UFO Alert 5. 

California was the leading UFO report state again this month - with 55 cases - up from 46 last month - and remains in the UFO Alert 3 status with Texas, 21 reports - down from 24 reports last month.

Those states with 13 or more reports, the next reporting tier level, are a UFO Alert 4 status: Illinois, 17; Michigan, 17; Colorado, 14; Indiana, 13; New York, 13; Tennessee, 13; and Florida, 13.

While all other states move to a UFO Alert 5 status, we are also moving the following states into our Watch Group: Missouri, 12; Arizona, 11; and Pennsylvania, 11 reports.

The most interesting UFO reports do not necessarily come from high reporting states - but those states with higher numbers do account for some of the most interesting evidence to study. While UFO sightings seem to pop up randomly around the country, this list is meant to offer a small insight into where Americans are filing reports.

By Roger Marsh

UFO Examiner

Roger Marsh is a UFO writer, author, playwright and independent filmmaker. He is director of communications for both the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)..

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 8, 2011 at 6:36pm
An interesting article.

By Grant Lawrence

Bodhi Thunder

For years there have been reports of UFOs disrupting the operation of Nukes at Air Force bases. Now a group of officers will be holding a press conference on September 27th, at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. to tell of their experiences with UFO compromising American nuclear weapons.

....Witness testimony from more than 120 former or retired military personnel points to an ongoing and alarming intervention by unidentified aerial objects at nuclear weapons sites, as recently as 2003. In some cases, several nuclear missiles simultaneously and inexplicably malfunctioned while a disc-shaped object silently hovered nearby. Six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will break their silence about these events at the National Press Club and urge the government to publicly confirm their reality.

One of them, ICBM launch officer Captain Robert Salas, was on duty during one missile disruption incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base and was ordered to never discuss it. Another participant, retired Col. Charles Halt, observed a disc-shaped object directing beams of light down into the RAF Bentwaters airbase in England and heard on the radio that they landed in the nuclear weapons storage area. Both men will provide stunning details about these events, and reveal how the U.S. military responded....(source: reuters)

I don't believe the Air Force Officers that will come forward about UFOs compromising nukes are lying.

Rather the UFO activity over American nuclear installations appears to have started with Roswell.
Roswell was where the planes flew out of to drop the first atomic bombs on Japan. Not far from Roswell, was the first test of a nuclear bomb at the Trinity test site.

This leads us to a larger issue.

Why would UFO Aliens be concerned with humanity's nuclear development?

Many people claim that ETs are evil because they test humans and perhaps are taking genetic material. But I see them closely and peacefully monitoring earth's environmental degradation and a foolish humanity as it moves dangerously close to an extinction event.

Many contactees, or abductees, tell us that the ETs are deeply concerned with what humans are doing to themselves and the planet. Their actions at the American nuclear sites are a warning to the power structure that the ungodly number of nukes they have amassed are an extreme danger to humanity.

It is clear that Aliens could have destroyed humanity long ago, if they were interested in doing so. Instead, they have been interacting with humans throughout the millennium and they seem to have a deep interest in our development.

Their actions at American nuclear sites should not be looked on as an attack but as a warning.

Humanity cannot and will not survive if we continue foolishly flirting with doomsday technologies. From unregulated Petro-Chemicals that are killing the planet to the nuclear madness that could destroy humanity in a matter of minutes, the ET are taking an active interest in the fate we are creating.

Aliens may intervene on a grand scale, and perhaps they have. But I am not counting on it. They have given us warnings, like their interference at nuclear sites, but it is up to humanity to take the warning and do something constructive to save themselves from a technology in the hands of psychopaths and the near soulless that rule the world.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on May 4, 2011 at 5:44am

National UFO Alert Rating: California, Texas top sightings list

  • May 2nd, 2011 1:08 pm ET

The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated May 1, 2011, with California and Texas retaining a UFO Alert 3 as the two highest reporting states during the month of April 2011, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania were placed in a UFO Alert 4 with 13 or more cases reported in April. Florida and Indiana have been designated "Watch States" - each with 11 or more cases.

MUFON released April statistics May 1, where the total number of reported UFO sightings are listed by state. The UFO Examiner uses these statistics to rate states. The entire country was moved back to the lowest alert level - UFO Alert 5. 

California was the leading UFO report state again this month - with 46 cases - up from 45 last month - and remains in the UFO Alert 3 status with Texas, 24 reports.


Those states with 13 or more reports, the next reporting tier level, are a UFO Alert 4 status: Michigan, 19; Arizona, 13; and Pennsylvania, 13.

While all other states move to a UFO Alert 5 status, we are also moving the following states into our Watch Group: Florida, 12 reports; and Indiana, 11 reports.

The most interesting UFO reports do not necessarily come from high reporting states - but those states with higher numbers do account for some of the most interesting evidence to study. While UFO sightings seem to pop up randomly around the country, this list is meant to offer a small insight into where Americans are filing reports.

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