

To zetas, humans are like them in their past.  They are here because humans have made the call asking Zetas to assist during the transformation.  In return, they have created the zetas/human hybrids.  The best of both worlds.  


This blog is more or less a revision of zetatalks and it's my way of showing the appreciation for everything they have done for humans. 




  Here is a video of what zetas might look like. Zeta_Report_-_Skinny_Bob.mov

  Where zetas come from?


Zetas home planet is in the star system of "Zeta Reticuli" - a binary star system located about 39 light-years (12
pc) away from
Earth. It is located in the constellation
Reticulum, and is visible to the unaided eye in very dark skies. Because of the southerly location of the system, it is not visible north of the

  There are many stars in the Zeta Reticuli star systems.  Which one is their star?


Only 1/3 of their stars are visible to us.  Their planet Zetas are originated from are part of the other 2/3 of stars not visible to Earth.

  Why do they have such large eyes?


The worlds they came from had dim suns, and like our night vision animals they needed their large dark eyes to take in the available light.

  Is Zeta's planet dying?


Zetas planet is long dead and they have been living by artificial means for eons.  They learned to live in cavities within planets , and by artificial light.

  What do they eat?


Zetas no longer eat, having genetically engineered themselves in such a way that the digestive tract went out with the bath water.  They nourish themselves through skin, through a chemical bath they prepare in laboratory and completely emerge themselves in.

  How many different forms of Zetas exist?


Zetas are numerous in forms, resulting from various planets they have spread to during the life of their form.  Each planet plays upon the genetic structure, encouraging certain genetics to emerge and demonstrate their superiority in survival and longevity. Thus, the life form gradually adapts to the environment it finds itself in. Counts would differ, but for the sake of this discourse, we will say that the number of variations that would be visibly noticeable to humans is 127.


  What is their average life span?


400 Years

  What is their IQ level?


287 on average.


Their IQs are much higher than humans and they are vastly telepathic.  Numbers alone do not describe their capabilities. Their mind is capable of carrying thousands of thought simultaneously

  Do they have sex?


Yes, they do have sex, and pair even while not procreating through sex at this time. Marriage is somewhat different to our institution.  In their society, each zeta is free, and where there is much bonding, there is no bondage.  Children are being cared for by all.  No members need fear being rejected.  Maintenance is guaranteed, and at the same level for all.

  How does Zetas choose their roles in society?


All children are given accessed to all learning experiences, equally.  All males and females are truly equal.  They can choose their roles in society when they are ready depending on their desires and abilities.

  How Zetas know so much about Earth and humans?  Where do they get their information?


Being telepathic, Zetas can tune into any and every human mind on earth, should they wish to read their thoughts.  This ability exposes not only plans, but past actions. In that reincarnation exists, and the soul does not forget, we can locate and interrogate the soul of those humans who lived in the past. Is this in a computer? Indeed it is, if the mind is a organic computer, as the birthing guides are aware of past lives when counseling an entity between lifetimes and when planning their next incarnation. This is a simple inquiry to the birthing guides, who know the entities they are guiding as a mother knows her children, and can locate the soul to be contacted. Likewise the genetic engineering done in the past on mankind is not a secret, and as engineers charged with the current leap for mankind, we have been privy to all the information we desire in this area.

  What kind of schools do Zetas have?


The Zetas in the Service-to-Other orientation have extensive schools, not only for our young but for all ages. Where in human society education is viewed as preparation for life, when young, and retraining for an occupation or to a minor degree self improvement, when grown, the Zeta have a different attitude. Self improvement is at the fore, always. The young Zetas finds themselves in a smorgasbord of stimulation, surrounded by toys and games that allow their curious minds to fully explore physics, chemistry, biology, and the social studies. Unlike human schools for their youngsters, where physics and chemistry experimentation is limited to lab time or simplistic at-home experiments, the Zeta youngster is not limited to time slots or scope, nor do we require the youngsters to be a certain age or grade before they have an opportunity. Don't they blow themselves up? Precautions are taken in the way these lessons are structured, so that the necessary knowledge is in place before next steps can be taken. The lessons have checkpoints, so, for example, the youngster cannot just reach for the vial of acid and taste.

Social interaction is not structured, as it is to some degree in human society where human youngsters are selected by the teacher to assume roles. Johnny gets to organize the field trip because the teacher likes his engaging smile. Zeta youngsters are counseled when they are having difficulty, and given assistance to a degree that would astonish humans, when in need, but the roles they assume in play are self chosen, and when they succeed at these roles it is based on honest interaction between the youngsters. In Zeta society, the equivalent of the dullard son of the boss assuming command of the company, or the inept daughter of the PTA head getting the lead in the play does not exist. We do not use platitudes or hypocrisy to develop our youngsters, but deal with the truth, teaching our youngsters, by example, to do this also from the earliest age.

  Is it all work and no play?


Is there happiness and joy in [our] camps, or is it all duty and work with no opportunity to play? In the Service-to-Other camp, being happy in one's work is an automatic outcome, as one chooses one's tasks, and thus this is without resentment. As to joy, there is always joy at doing for others, at feeling important for their welfare, and seeing what comes about because of one's efforts. Service-to-Others is not a grim dedication to tasks, with no time out for exploration, no music or presentation of arts and theater, no fancy meals, and no luxurious baths. Every enjoyment you have now would have an equivalent. The only structure is self imposed, a sense of duty to fulfill a promise made to the others. For those in the Service-to-Others, self-imposed expectations are not a burden, they are a source of joy and happiness. We Zetas in the Service-to-Others enjoy ourselves, in all the many ways humans enjoy themselves. Luxuriant baths, silken textured garments and soft beds, sweet tastes and smells, a sense of rhythm and desire to dance - we have all of these.

We are portrayed as cold as steel, to a not small degree because the eyes of humans cannot see our color and see us only as gray, steel gray. We are portrayed as emotionless, as we are disciplined and fail to react when humans attempt to provoke us, feeling helpless in our grasp and desiring some kind of satisfaction. We are presented as without sex or digestion, and without parental ties, raising our young in tanks rather than in our arms and bellies. In fact we have sexual urges, although not as strong at present as those humans have, and where we no longer put food in our mouths, our bodies react to our nutrient baths with the same sense of gratification and relief that humans have when eating hungry. Our young are raised outside of our bodies because of our large heads, not because of lack of love. We are assumed to be without a sense of rhythm or a desire to dance, because we have never been seen to party. Humans should realize that when they meet with us, or are attended by us, that we are at work. Do humans dance when at work?

  What do they do for entertainment and relaxation?


We, the Zetas, have the same range of activities that humans do. Why would we not? It's true we don't go out to eat as much, and with our muted sexuality we don't look forward to getting laid. But where you look forward to occasionally getting into a hot tub, our refreshment baths are a big deal. The spas are lush with plants, and music that vibrates through the water and walls is played. It's a total body experience. Games? We have more games than you, a thousandfold more, and a hundred times more intricate. Our games are played with holographs, which are generated by computer under control of our minds. The best are like chess, where many players engage in strategies, or several teams play against each other. What is the goal of these games? The same as your games. Where the game involves mental concentration, the goal is to improve upon and practice strategic planning. Where the game involves cooperation among players, the goal is to improve social skills and cooperation. Where the game involves close timing and precision from the team, the goal is to gain skill at delegation and rapid hand-offs. Watch children intent at play. Are they not preparing for life?

  And the arts? Do they have famous works they cherish, literature everyone reads?


We are telepathic, so often the performing artist is soundless but nevertheless relays the composition perfectly. As for recording the great thoughts of the past, or works of art, the written word is considered cumbersome and inadequate. We use holographic forms, where all but telepathic thought is transmitted. In these cases, the intent of the author or artist is relayed through other means, such as symbolic motion or recreating the situation described, much as humans enjoy when going to the movie theater.

  Just how DO those space ships operate?


Most certainly we have interstellar ships, else how would we, as incarnated entities, arrive? The means of travel is not what humans assume, propulsion. Humans use propulsion. As humans can only move by a snails pace unless they are propelled, they assume that interstellar travel is by propulsion. It is not, it is by attraction, and a quick kiss it is. We have explained how we move from one density to another, by making a reservation in the density we wish to move to, and then simply making the move. Likewise, when making long distance travel, we make a similar reservation, and then simply move. Imagine what would happen if the repulsion were eliminated, in a given interchange, and the attraction had no counterbalance? How fast is fast? Should we be asked to explain, in formulas that humans could potentially understand, how repulsion could be eliminated so that attraction is the only force in effect - we cannot. This is not to evade scrutiny, but to prevent humans from getting about in the Universe in their present spiritually immature state. Your world is essentially a play pen. Children are not allowed into the computer room, nor into the Air Traffic Control tower. We trust you will understand, though we expect you will be resentful.

  How do we hover, in our spacecraft, without whirling blades or blasting jets?


How do we negate the downdraft of gravity particles toward the surface of the planet we are hovering upon, while at the same time negating the upblast of gravity particles which would send us upward in a wink unless also countered? We control both directional flows, creating a gravity barrier around the ship. Likewise space travel, our irresistible kiss, creates a tube through space composed of this same barrier. Gravity particles exist in the space within this barrier or tube, but only create their own gravity dance among themselves - not enough time or quantity to coalesce a gravitational giant.

And what is this barrier? It is composed of gravity particles themselves, glued with an overabundance of another particle it does interact with, unlike the majority of sub-atomic particles which interact with gravity particles only in a mechanical manner. Does this not produce a situation where the space or tube might become permanent? There is a time factor, such that we must continually reproduce a space for our craft to hover, and quickly use the tube arranged for instant space travel. The barrier degrades, in a wink, equalizing into the surrounding area where it was gathered to be the glue. You can equate this to your use of electricity, where it dissipates quickly into becoming electrons behaving normally in the surrounding matter as soon as interference by man in making them stream ceases.

  Can zetas do time travel?


The Council of Worlds strictly administers time travel, as should one go back in time and really work at it, changes would begin to appear. If we today travel back, would we not be deemed visitors from the future? This confusion can be settled if one understands that the Earth is not having visitors from the future, no matter how this may have been stated. The future has not been written. You are writing it now, moment by moment, decision by decision. Travel back in time is done for such matters as capturing genetic material long lost, for instance. Future travel is done only to coordinate activities of contactees and ourselves, where one has to be, as you say, in two places at once.

  Are Zetas service-to-self or service-to others?


We are Service-to-Other Zetas. Our ambitions, therefore, relate to how we can be of Service. Our careers are self chosen, where each chooses that career he feels would best allow him to be of Service. Our society's rules are a whole other question, which would be extensive to answer. Suffice it to say that our society takes care of the minimal needs of all Zetas. We are free to concentrate on our chosen Service. Any gaps in the support structure is observed by any Zetas in the vicinity, who fill in with service as needed. We utterly trust each other.


Of course there is a degree of selfishness in the Service-to-Other. If there were not, chaos would reign. Service-to-Others is defined as being at least as concerned about others as about the self. An even split. Of course, there are degrees, where some individuals almost never consider themselves, and others often. And then, just as with your society, the point where selfishness turns on differs among individuals. One would think nothing of sharing a garment with another, but insists on maintaining a small horde of food, as this individual experienced starvation in its past and has yet to recover from the memory. Another gives food away generously, having no fall back at all though times are lean, but insists that their wardrobe not be shared as they are vain of their appearance and have taken special care to enhance this. All intelligent species, when in a Service-to-Others group, display a self interest that maintains the individual. Without this self interest, as an integral part of the species, the species would not have survived throughout evolution.

  How does Zetas society operates without money?


For simplicity's sake, you can consider [we] operate as though everyone were a charity case. We will be explicit. The apple grower, when in need of some item other than the apples he grows, simply goes and takes them. Likewise, others simply come and take apples, as needed. If there are too few apples, then there is distress communicated telepathically and a meeting of the group is called, or perhaps the issue has come up during the regular meetings. As there is distress, others in the group weigh their current activities in light of the new need, and discuss alternatives. Essentially, someone who may be on sabbatical in order to devote to learning may cut this short to assist, or someone who has taken responsibility for doing laundry may find they have extra time on their hands, and volunteer. Or, it may be that in weighing the activities of all, the conclusion of the group is that apples are of less importance, and an agreement is reached to parse the existing supply out more carefully. In this way, money is replaced by communication and cooperation, and this works just fine.

  Do Zetas keep secrets among themselves?


In Service-to-Others there are no secrets. This is primarily because of the spiritual orientation, where there is great concern for others. As this agenda does not need to be hidden, we are open about our motives. Secondarily, there are no secrets because telepathic ability is vastly increased. One's thoughts are read by and known to the others as quickly as they are entertained. This makes it easy to be empathetic and caring, as the pain of one becomes the pain of all. Communication is greatly enhanced by telepathy also. No need for the phone, no need to write notes, no silent suffering.

  Are there any pros and cons for Zetas being so telepathic?


Telepathy is a curse for the Service-to-Self, and an advantage to the Service-to-Others. Being only vaguely aware of telepathic qualities, humans wonder. Those humans with telepathic abilities relay that this is a mixed blessing for humans. They can become distracted at unwelcome times. They can become aware of the emotional tone of another, as well as the thoughts, even though this may not be desired. However, for the Service-to-Other entity, who desires to know where the others are, this is not a burden. Annoying emotion, such as rage or loss of control, is not present. What is present is valid concerns about the needs of the group, and information on joint projects. Think of team work, in your present human society, where everyone on the team is focused on the goal. Does close mental and emotional synching not feel good?

  Where did the name "Zetas" originated from?


An early and significant visitation was one familiar to the populace, known as the Betty and Barney Hill incident. This made the headlines before the alien presence became an increasing threat to the establishment, and thus was reported as relayed by the contactee, and not as wished by the spin doctors. Thus, what was reported stands as true facts and not a distortion. This couple was chosen specifically for this contact, which we in the Service-to-Others orientation anticipated would get reported and reported faithfully. The accurate depiction of the constellations allowed a curious mankind to correctly identify our star system of origin. Thus, the name Zeta was ascribed to us, to which we willingly answer.

  Why are the Zetas here?


Issues of the coming pole shift, of the ecology, of nuclear disarmament or how many years the Sun has until it burns itself out - all these are meaningless unless one considers mankind. Pole shifts and ecological disasters and nuclear disasters and dying suns occur often in this Universe, and no one notices because it affects no one. Why do we care, other than because we are living in your Solar System today and tomorrow, and because our hybrids are both your cousins and ours, and because your souls will be our future neighbors in the world we are both building? We care because we empathize with your situation, having been there ourselves, and have the rare opportunity, because of your call to us, to become directly involved with you - with the people of Earth.

We, the Zetas, cannot go back, as there have been adjustments to our physiology that would kill us if we returned. We are referring to what happens to physical bodies when their environment changes. You have some sense of this because of reports from your astronauts. After a brief space sojourn, they find their bones decalcified. Imagine what happens after decades away from the pull of a heavier gravity. For us, the return trip is virtually impossible. Some journeys, undertaken, do not have a return route. For us, this was understood at the beginning. We are all volunteers here on your Earth, as operating in the Service-to-Others mode we are not commanded. All work is voluntary. Do we miss our home planet? Of course we do, as you might imagine. Imagine living off rations, sleeping in cramped quarters with no view, with a task that will consume your entire lifetime. We are not only volunteers, we are extremely dedicated volunteers, as we all went in with our eyes open.

Does Zetas know what is the end of our universe?


The vast Universe, which so intrigues man, has mysteries seemingly out of the reach of man. How big is it? Does it have boundaries? Does it go forever, or is it circular? Is it all an illusion? Is it homogeneous throughout? So many questions. Does the Universe have physical boundaries? We do not know, nor are we allowed to know. To us, with our instruments and in our travels, it appears to be boundless. We travel only so much, using home as a base, and limit our travels not because of distance but due to what is known about certain parts of the Universe, which would be poisonous to us. We too use probes, set to take their measures and return. This is the manner by which your Solar System was located, not by us, but by others. If the probe returns with data that indicates an environment that would be poisonous or quickly fatal, we do not, understandably, explore that part of the Universe. Different sections of the Universe have different compositions. By this we mean the elements are found in different proportions and the resultant chemical reactions that ensue therefore have different characteristics. Some worlds have silicon based life. Some suns emit radiation that is poisonous to us and would be to you also. Those environments contain severe dangers, as silicon based microbes are ones your immune system could not begin to muster a defense against.

Beyond some simple statements, we are not at liberty to explain the Universe to humans, as we are restrained by the Rule of Non-Interference and also by our ignorance. For you, it seems that the Universe is limitless, and boundless, and is not an illusion. So be it, as for you that is a reality and in particular the reality which you must live in. It is also the reality which we, the Zetas, must live in, and in truth we do not know that much more about the functioning of the Universe than you do. The Universe holds secrets that we are not allowed to know at this time, at our stage of spiritual growth. These questions must go unanswered, for the time being.

  Does zetas have any religions?


Regarding religion. We have a religion. In fact, everyone does. Even those who profess not to have a religion have a religion in their protestations. When we speak of our religion, it is more of an understanding of the Universe. We are emotionally connected to the Universe. We are within the One. We have kinship with one another as parts of the One. We have reverence for the Universe and its workings, as a thing of beauty which we wish to understand. Each soul is in the hand of God, within God, to our way of thinking, and thus needs no intermediary. We, the Zetas, do not impose schedules on when God will be present, or we should all gather and listen to someone interpret God's words and thoughts for us. Each is left to his own communications, which needs no other intermediary.

Our religion is not like the major religions of the Earth, which deify entities human in appearance. These religions, where the message given to humans was to draw them to the light, have been corrupted over time by the forces of darkness. These religions preach against knowledge, against self initiative, against free thought. They restrain with rules which assist only those who wish to rule. Where human religions, however well founded, have invariably been twisted by the Service-to-Self crowd until they have lost all semblance of the original intent, our faith is not so affected. The pure adage to Love thy Neighbor as Thyself stands as the rule by which we guide ourselves, and there are no Thou Shalt Not's included. Where human religions, having been infiltrated with the structure the Service-to-Self crowd feels comfortable with, have pomp and ceremony and severe strictures for evading the controls, we have no ceremony to express our faith. Was it not Jesus who said, insofar as ye love the least amongst you, so ye love me, or words to that effect? Jesus was relaying a true Service-to-Other philosophy of faith, as we believe that each of us, the least included, represents a part of God, is included in God's plan, and is God's handiwork. Where we are not much clearer than you are on what God is, this is our faith.

  Reference http://www.zetatalk7.com/index/blog0830.htm



How did man arrive where he is today, with his intelligence?
Did he evolve from the ape, or was he given an assist?



ZetaTalk: First Time, written by Jul 15, 1995
Neanderthal Man had a digestive problem and had to be totally re-engineered, with his concurrence, into a later form of man. The start of genetic engineering goes back many multiples of the step back to Neanderthal Man. Tiny apes were changed to make them larger, to make various parts of the brain expand, to make them dextrous, more adventurous, etc. These were stages and steps, in each case. At each stage, the specimen was placed back on the Earth to see how it fared, whether the experiment worked or was tinkering required. In most cases, tinkering was required. Should every change be tried at once, there would be a muddle and a mess. The specimen would fail, and die. So changes are done in stages.


ZetaTalk: Missing Link, written Feb 15, 2002
What mankind calls the Missing Link will not be located as genetic engineering often took place in tiny labs, islands where those being engineered would not escape and breed with species or individuals not selected for breeding. If one wants to develop a line of thoroughbred horses, one does not have the mares running lose. One keeps them in fields, introduces the stallion of choice, and subsequently selects offspring of choice for the next round. Bluntly speaking, when one is trying to increase the IQ of an ape, and does not wish to spend eternity on a world doing so, one takes such steps. Thus, leaps, or missing links, are often on islands that may have been washed over by great waves during subsequent cataclysms, or even gone under the waves and be ocean bottom now.


ZetaTalk: Races of Man, written Jul 15, 1995.
Originally, as a result of numerous genetic engineering efforts, the six races were what we will term Northern White Man, African Black Man, China Man, Indonesian Man, Gypsy Man, and Angola Man. Angola Man has not survived, passing early and leaving no genetic mark. Angola Man was not black at all, but pale to the point of being bluish. This color was due to the transparency of the skin, which gave the oxygen depleted veins and capillaries on the surface dominance in setting the color tone. However, this was scarcely noticeable, as Angola Man was literally covered with hair, fine, short, and laying flat. This was not thick enough to be called fur, but should we have chosen to call the original races by their appearance, rather than point of origin, we would have called him Fuzzy Man. Angola Man was the least aggressive of the six races, and this is in no small degree why he passed early, leaving none of his genetic heritage in the vast billions that swarm the surface of the earth today. Angola Man literally allowed an attacker to overtake him while making neither a move to escape or to defend himself. He was eaten, regularly, until gone.

Indonesian Man in the pure form also died out, but through casual encounters with Gypsy Man merged into what we will call Polynesian Man. The Australian Aborigines also can point to Indonesian Man for a large portion of their genetic heritage, being, like the new Polynesian Man, a combination of Gypsy Man and Indonesian Man, with the addition of some Black Man genes due to a highly promiscuous Black Man who traveled with a small band to that part of the world. As an oddity, and tall in stature compared to their tallest warrior, he was treated as a god and given all the women they could muster. He considered this a pleasant retirement. Indonesian Man was short and stocky, with a rounded belly. He had a dominant forehead which protruded out over his eye sockets, giving him the natural equivalent of shades. He was not swift, but moved in a ponderous manner, and thus his demise. He could not run for safety or rescue others quickly, and his lack of agility and rounded shape prevented him from taking to the trees or cliffs for safety. Indonesian Man had what we might describe as a stubborn rage that when lit would not soon quell. Where he stood to fight, and won some, he was invariably bested by large predators. He too was eaten, irregularly, until gone.

Gypsy Man, as the name implied, moved about. His descendants can be seen in India and the surrounding countries, in the Arab countries, and, of course, in the Gypsies themselves. Gypsy Man was slight, and slid from confrontation, a factor of his hominoid genetics as well as the root ape, which took to the trees to escape and confronted only when escape was not possible. He learned to plot evasion rather than employ confrontation. This legacy can be seen today in the Gypsies, who disappear in the night, the Arabs, who likewise fold their tents and slip away, and the Hindus, who actively work at evading reality through meditation when they are forced to stick in one place and can find no escape. The hominoid contribution to Gypsy Man was Pleiadean, so a gentle, nonconfrontational nature compounded the desire to evade conflict. It is not by accident that Ghandi was able to sell the masses in India on passive resistance. It came naturally to them.

Northern White Man first emerged in a climate that was not at that time cold, nor was it even in Europe or the steppes of greater Russia. White Man evolved in the desserts of Africa, and migrated across the Mediterranean, which in those days was not the water barrier it is today. White Man were few at first, a few hundred, and migrated in different directions. Some took a loop south, along the southern edges of what is now the Mediterranean, which in those days was a swamp, and then looped north and east. This band is seen in the large noble noses of the Turks, Afghans, and Italians. The band that headed straight north is seen in those with light hair and fine features. However all are from the same stock. Where White Man entered the world in temperate climes, bad weather descended during a subsequent pole shift and survival became a game not easily won. Warm clothing needed to be constructed and fur bearing animals trapped or hunted down with the least amount of effort. Survival required plotting and planning, and White Man found his stock being shaped in this manner, so that the clever planner survived. This can be seen today in the descendants of White Man, who are innovative and industrialized, and at the forefront of technology developments. Of the races that survived, White Man had the hottest temper. Quick, flashy, but quickly cooled. The root ape for White Man defended itself by a loud bluster, shrieking and hopping up and down. You've heard the expression, hopping mad, and this is where it comes from. White Man, even today, blusters and bluffs more than he engages.

African Black Man also underwent a shock to his system, but not because of climate changes. During the pole shifts the dice did not toss a pole into Africa, but the effects of winds and rain patterns brought dessert conditions. The particular hominoid stock forming Black Man emerged from a portion of the Family of Man that relied on physical skills and social harmony, and this was the legacy Black Man carried when the dessert descended, creeping over his hunting lands until there was less and less to share. Black Man adapted by broadening his embrace to include more of his fellows, and today you see this in the tradition of the extended family in most black communities. Black Man's inheritance was a combination of a benevolent large ape which spent a good part of its time basking in groups. Like the Elephant Seal, this ape had no natural enemies, so the population was held in check by surges in the food supply. Sometimes plenty, sometimes dearth. No need to fight, as there was nothing to fight over. Larger family circles translated to forced civility for longer periods. Those able to suppress their irritability until they could release away from home were kept in the band, and the others expelled where they did not survive to reproduce. Black on black violence occurs, but seldom inside the family circle.

China Man was developed to offset the ruthlessness of the inhabitants of [Planet X], who interbred with humans during their mining operations. The Oriental is slight, and given to ponder and consider the feelings of many before proceeding. It was foreseen that Earth's humanity would grow and eventually blend, as it has, so the ultimate Earthling was the target, and China Man was engineered accordingly. The hominoid stock used to build China Man was from those least likely to be impulsive, where deliberation brought rewards and had thus been selected for survival during evolution. In addition, a different ape was chosen as the base, one with a placid nature, where the apes selected for the other races did not have this quality at the fore. These qualities can be seen today in the descendants of China Man, who consult with one another, proceed only when there is consensus, and succeed best at those endeavors that require group dedication.


ZetaTalk: Reincarnation, written by Jul 15, 1995
Reincarnation occurs because birthing envoys, gather up [the soul after death] and discuss the entities progress and growth. You may think of this as a school conference if you wish, where the young [soul] and its guides have a conference with the birthing envoys. The lessons to be learned are formulated, with the most pressing lesson taking priority. In this the [young soul] itself has little input, just as young school children have little input into their curriculum. Many call this karma, where what one did in a past life comes back to haunt one. The [young soul] cannot end an incarnation, except through death or the temporary vacating of the physical body during Out-Of-Body experiences. Some [souls] require fewer incarnations. The key is whether the lesson to be learned has been sufficiently learned. In some cases an incarnation will generate more lessons to be learned than it resolved. The [soul] moves backwards, so to speak.


ZetaTalk: Past Lives, written on Dec 15, 1995
Tapping past lives is much in vogue, especially in California. Since the proposition cannot be disproved, the claimant's wax poetic. All the past lives are invariably romantic or impressive - they lived in interesting times, in elegant surroundings, and were always hale and hearty, intelligent, and attractive. Although the vast number of past lives on Earth were marked by struggle for health, with broken teeth, missing or maimed limbs, and the health problems that plague mankind today present in the extreme - the past lives trotted forth all seem to involve health and even vibrant health. Where all but perhaps 5% of the world's populace is of average or dull intelligence, the past lives claimed invariably involve stations in life which would require a relatively high IQ. And where most of mankind's history has gone down ignominiously and unrecorded, past lives published seem to all be placed smack in the center of either momentous historical times or well-recorded historical times.

What is going on here? Are these past lives remembered simply fiction or are the memories selective? Humans delving into their past lives face many hurtles. Past lives are a leap into history recorded nowhere on Earth - living conditions, cultures and traditions, and physical appearance all beyond the imagination of humans alive today. A past life spent as a cave-man, where the diet consisted of bugs and worms and even on desperate occasions of the feces of herbivores, would not be remembered. Thus, past lives remembered do tend to fit into written history. Add to this selective memory the human tendency to deny unpleasantness. A past life where the human was ugly and behaved atrociously would likely not be given center stage, and past lives are pruned and amended by humans remembering them just as they have selective memory about their current incarnation.

Past lives are most often remembered by subtle message the soul gives to the current incarnation, the body. If the soul is strongly into integrating, fixing past mistakes, it may be firm during these messages, so the human has no rest until they are in sync and with the program. It is during such incarnation that humans report they have uncovered past lives. But unless such a situation exists, mediating and begging the soul to play out in full color and sound and fury the interesting past lives is not honored. The soul considers this idle curiosity on the part of the human, who is treated not as an equal during incarnation. Thus, such attempts, where not called for, are futile. Thus, humans seeking to reconstruct their past lives are fighting an uphill battle, and will never get close to the hoary truth.



ZetaTalk: Fight or Flight, written by Jul 15, 1995
Violence is a characteristic of many intelligent species. In fact, all, where the capacity to inflict injury and, in effect, take one's enemy out of the arena exists. Where entities seek dominance over each other, violence exists. Another factor of violence is that it is often a necessary ingredient for primitive life. Depending on the environment, violent tendencies may in fact be crucial to survival. Your Earth was such an environment. During genetic engineering projects in the past, those intelligent species developed without violent tendencies did not survive and flourish. On the contrary, they died out.

What is violence, and the tendency to use violence, and why was this a necessary ingredient in the past? First off, species eat each other. As has been often stated, the species on your planet generally use fight or flight when confronted with this possibility. Where it is assumed that these two reactions differ, they have more in common than not. Adrenaline surges, the heart beating wildly and all thought or necessity of attending to other matters, such as digestion or favoring an injury, put aside. If it is determined that fight is not possible, flight or its variant, playing dead, will be set into motion. In flight the adrenaline is put to good use in pumping legs and frantically scrambling arms. If it appears that escape is not possible, then a last attempt at deflecting the attack is tried - playing dead, or otherwise appearing as an undesirable morsel to the attacker. Thus, defecation and fainting may ensue.

Now, if fighting off the attack is possible, then a different set of staged defenses ensues. First, the defensive posture, where the body is fluffed up to appear larger or weapons such as teeth and claws are flashed. The defensive posture is quite familiar to humans, as the stiff legged circling, with neck hair fluffed and lips curled back over teeth, is seen frequently in canine pets. Humans recognize this in themselves. The refusal to sit down in a relaxed posture when in the presence of those not trusted. Hair up at the back of the neck, and not wanting the enemy to one's back. The sneer, attributed to arrogance, is in fact equivalent to curling the lips back over teeth in preparation for a fight.

Next, if the defensive posture does not succeed in deflecting the attack, taking the offensive in a parry is undertaken. The element of surprise is used as much as possible. Thus, the defensive posture is dropped and replaced with what is termed blind rage. The one under attack is now the attacker. Savage fury is unfurled. Everything in sight is devastated, without remorse or hesitation. When this defensive posture is completed, with the defendant finally spent, the attack will have either been deflected or the outcome of the battle will be in the other direction. One becomes a meal. Blind furry is seen in canine pets frequently, although it goes by different names. Humans assume their guard dogs are the aggressors, when the exact opposite is in force. The vast amount of violence in the world is related to defensive postures, even where fathers dash their crying babies against the walls. A distressing situation that cannot be dealt with in any other way may result in blind rage.

The fight or flight mechanism is not, however, the source of the violence that distresses students of human society. Regimented or ritualized violence is the horror. Soldiers marched off to war, where they are set against each other like pit bulls, forced into defensive postures against each other. Kill or be killed, not because the soldiers personally have any interest in this activity, but because elites at a distance desire territory or power. Individuals savaged as examples to others, such as the flaming tires placed around the necks of blacks in South Africa by other blacks. The message is cooperate with the whites and this is what will happen. Regimented or ritualized violence occurs because humans are intelligent enough to use the fight or flight mechanism to their advantage, quite outside of the original setting. Is one about to be eaten during territorial disputes? The fight or flight mechanism is deliberately activated by those in control of the situation, or by those who hope to be in control, more often.


ZetaTalk: Intelligent Carnivores, written Jul 15, 1996
Evolution in the Universe takes many paths, but all the paths that corporeal life follows require consumption of other living matter. Eating one another starts early. Unlike the spiritual realm, where consumption of one spirit by another is never required and in fact cannot happen, carnivorous behavior is intrinsic to corporeal life. Why God so structured the world in this way is not known, but considering that all forming [souls] begin their life incarnated, there are certain lessons that are guaranteed. As empathy in some degree is also intrinsic to corporeal life, a conflict between the self and the other is a given.


ZetaTalk: Vegetarian, written on Jul 15, 1997
Humans are omnivores, as during their evolution they required the ability to eat a broad diet in order to survive. Carnivores develop in species that are swift and voracious, but only where a continuous and ample supply of prey exist. Imagine a tiger with nothing but grass to eat. The tiger may be willing to eat almost anything when the hunger pangs get strong enough, but his digestive system won't process anything but meat. Carnivores die when their prey dies out. Species that are vegetarians also have specialized digestive tracts, designed to break down the tough fiber that is intrinsic to plant life. They have multiple stomachs in many cases, digesting in stages. All species that eat plants consume insects as a matter of course, as insects are scattered throughout the plants they munch on, and thus are always part of the intake. Thus, species that evolve are either carnivores, vegetarian, or omnivores. The omnivore, of which mankind is a member, evolve to meet wildly swinging cycles of food availability. Early humans, being land animals and highly mobile, could travel during drought to areas lush with vegetation.

Strictly vegetarian animals do this likewise, but as their digestive tracts digest fiber effectively, they can nibble on dried vegetation on the way. Humans, evolved from apes which were adjusted to eating fruits and insects as well as vegetation, do not have the apparatus to digest fiber. Thus, while on the road during droughts, they would have starved unless able to kill and eat meat. They have dual digestive systems, in effect. Humans are designed, due to the influence of food availability during evolution, to eat either vegetables and fruits or meat, but not both at the same time. This is a fact not widely recognized or understood by humans, and thus they do themselves damage by eating both foods at meals, routinely. Imagine the cave man on the road, traveling to lush fields of vegetation where fruits and grains and tubers could be located with ease. The troop kills a deer or elephant, and feasts on nothing but meat and blood for days, consuming the entire kill before it can spoil. They do this repeatedly while on the road. When they arrive at their destination, they find they no longer need to take the physical risks that hunting invariably presents - flailing hooves and charging frightened beasts. They become vegetarians.

Modern man misunderstands what the cave man ate while lolling about during their vegetarian periods. They did not live strictly on vegetables and fruits and grains. They ate any and everything that was handy, and this included numerous insects and slow moving life forms such as mollusks and possums. They ate less meat, but the diet was highly varied and included occasional small bites from sources other than plants. Thus, those modern humans who try to live what they interpret to be a strictly vegetarian life suffer from malnutrition - poor immunity, anemia, lack of strength, and inability to deal with stress. Man was not designed to live by vegetables alone, and must accommodate their body with protein sources from living creatures other than plants, or suffer the consequences.


ZetaTalk: Repressed Emotions, written by Jul 15, 1995
The smooth surface of calm waters can be deceptive. She or he appears so serene, so calm, their feathers never ruffled. Then one day there is an explosion, and murder and mayhem ensue, or else suicide. Perhaps it would have been better to have a bit less serenity, and to have been closer to the truth. Why do humans repress their emotions, and how is this possible? Do all intelligent species do so? Humans have a genetic capacity for repressed emotions that is not present throughout the Universe. Few intelligent species have this capacity, and it arises only when genetic engineering has created this confusion. Repressed emotions do not occur naturally, during evolution. Then how did this come about, in humans? Originally all species on the planet Earth were reptilian, and this is a common form throughout the Universe. The ability to repress emotions comes from the fact that humans have several brains - the forebrain, which is mammalian, the midbrain, which is a mixture of the mammal and reptile, and the early brain, which is reptilian.

When humans wish to remember all, they record the information in all their brains, although the information may vary in the different data banks. When humans wish to forget, they disconnect the memory chains between their forebrain and the other brains, and amnesia ensues. The midbrain, being the go-between, is responsible for keeping it all straight, and does so responsibly. Blind rage erupting during the day can get one fired or exiled, and thus the ability to repress emotions has been, if anything, selected for propagation. Those who could not repress appropriately were repelled from the tribe or city, and did not fare well enough to propagate their genes.


ZetaTalk: Stress Diseases, written by Jul 15, 1995
Worry is the greatest drain, as the body is fighting the issues endlessly, with no end. Your body was not designed for this. It was designed for fight or flight, not endless battle. In your primitive past, when presented with challenges, you either fought off the threat or were eaten or destroyed. The matter was over quickly. Modern society presents situations that are neither over quickly nor [changed] quickly. Thus the battle stage is drawn out endlessly, and the soldiers grow weary. Put the battle to an end somehow, if only by deciding not to engage. If there is nothing you can do at the moment, and you can have no effect on the outcome, then put your weapons down. Be at peace.


ZetaTalk: Getting High, written on Feb 15, 1996
The desire to forget one's troubles, experience more intense sexual pleasure, or boost one's sense of confidence, via recreational or even prescription drugs, is not unique to the human animal. Such urges are intrinsic to all life, as why would they not be? Does not the turtle, feeling the warmth of the Sun's rays, linger longer in that spot? Does not the amoebae, feeling the burn of a caustic, shrink back? Does not the Beta female in a wolf pack, having an opportunity to break away and become the Alpha female of her own pack, take this opportunity in preference to being in second place? The fuss over recreational drugs and alcoholic excesses is not the desire to use, it's the lack of control. Were everyone to stop at two drinks a day, AA would not exist. Were everyone smoking dope to be of age and not returning to work or driving or operating dangerous machinery or lecturing school children afterwards, who would care? Were cocaine not addictive and intensely destructive to unborn fetuses and even fatal, during an overdose, why would anyone be concerned? Does society cast rules regulating how many calories can be consumed, even when obesity kills and might be considered to be giving children the wrong message? Why is overeating exempt, and smoking dope not? The crux of the matter is control, as society does not care if its members are miserable or quietly killing themselves, as long as they don't make a fuss or a mess. Getting high makes a mess.

The drunk drives on the wrong side of the road and picks fights with strangers. The pot head fails school and ignores his responsibilities. The crack user breaks and enters in order to afford his habit, and if he is a she, delivers terribly damaged babies to be cared for by the state. Messy. We, the Zetas, routinely avoid mind altering substances, as this avoids, rather than addresses, the issue. If one is in pain, the individual is not alone in seeking relief, as all are concerned that this be so. If one lacks confidence, they are given encouragement and offers of assistance. Avoiding problems does not resolve them. Humans, in their existence, find many of their problems intractable, and to be borne in silent agony. It is this that is the driver behind excesses of drug and alcohol use, and this is what should be addressed as a solution.


ZetaTalk: Junk Food, written on Feb 15, 1996
Humans often dream about what they like to call a perfect world - no need to work, sleep until noon, anything they want to eat or drink, limitless sex, and no rules regarding indulgences of any kind. They strive toward this, reducing their work time and increasing their play time, and moving the menu in the direction of the fun foods, desert first. A lack of exercise, which at first feels good because one feels rested rather than weary, can result in a very unhealthy body. Likewise, fun foods, aka junk food, can be just as destructive. Junk food is just too much of a good thing. Cave men lingered longer at the berry patch because the berries were sweet, and thus got their dose of vitamin C. They ate fat laden foods with gusto, and thus stocked up on calories before the lean times set in. And they ate anything salty they could get their hands on, because they were always on the edge of being depleted, especially when inland rather than along the shore. But cave men were kept in check by their harrowing existence. Overindulgence was the least of their worries. Civilization has in essence allowed man to follow his appetite, unchecked. If sweets taste good, then indulge into diabetes or hypoglycemia.

If fat foods taste better than lean, then indulge into obesity and cardiovascular disease. If salt puts zing into food, then apply the shaker until your blood pressure sky rockets. Only when health is shattered do most humans take notice. For those who have more than occasional access to junk foods, or even sweet, rich, or salty staples, common sense should be given at least equal billing. Think of how awful you'll feel if fat, apoplectic, and in the grip of blood sugar swings. Drink too much and you have a quick lesson in the comeuppance that a hangover provides. Junk food has a longer curve, but the comeuppance can plunge your life into the grip of misery which won't be cured in a day.


ZetaTalk: Humor, written on Jul 15, 1996
It is not by accident that a person coughing or choking is frequently thought to be a person having a good laugh. Likewise the start of a hearty laugh is often mistaken for a shout or sneeze, and the rhythm of laughing is similar to the heaving rhythm of sobbing. Do these similarities mean that laughter has a physiological basis with sobbing and coughing or a defensive bark? They do indeed. An analysis of situations found humorous invariably uncovers a tense situation. In fact, to discern why one person finds a situation funny while another does not, look to why the amused person is experiencing tension. Muscles tensed without relief naturally begin twitching and cramping, a result of the buildup of toxins in the muscles but also due to the evolution of effective relaxation methods. Those creatures that cramped without release did poorly, and those that twitched into a different state survived. Thus laughter or sobbing or barking - a tension release.

Socialized humans given to denying their hostilities excuse their laughter as benign, which of course in the main it is. If they weren't laughing they might be murdering each other or endlessly fighting, so laughter is encouraged. When there is nothing one can do about it - joke around. Situations of intense jealousy bring forth sarcasm, which is hostility thinly veiled as humor. If someone else gets the promotion, joke around about his qualifications in a semi-sarcastic manner, and you might get away with throwing him a verbal punch. If you have a dominating wife who insists that the doors be opened for her as though she were a helpless queen, the thought of someone like her dropping her parcels when the doorman gets distracted and lets the door smack in her face allows the fuming husband to do this to his wife, by proxy. Humor is thus an effective safety valve for hostility that would prove disruptive, and can even be used to deflect antagonism from others. Oops, the jokes on me.





  Reference http://www.zetatalk7.com/index/blog1024.htm





  Why is a Zeta-Human hybrid being created at this time?

Does it relate to the coming pole shift, the expectation that 90% of humankind will die as a result?

Does it relate to the Transformation, when the Earth is scheduled to become a home for those souls having chosen a Service-to-Other spiritual orientation?

And has this occurred before, to man?



ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Link, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our goal is to genetically engineer a Homo Sapiens who carries enough Zeta Reticulan genetic structure to be more intelligent, more telepathic, more caring, less violent, and we might add, not prone to fat. Should the Earth be a planet not prone to [pole shifts], this would occur anyway. The genetic infusion would be more gradual. At some point, we would elicit the cooperation of the populace being genetically engineered, as at some point the general orientation of the populace would be Service-to- Other. These parents, in all likelihood, would want for their offspring a better life.


ZetaTalk: Stepping Up the Pace, written by Jul 15, 1995
After the [pole shift] the majority of the Service-to-Others humans due to remain on Earth will require new housing, so to speak, and our task has been to provide sufficient infant hybrids at that point in time. We are rushing at this time to meet that goal. Therefore, the number of hybrids are numerous. How are we stepping up our hybrid program? Is everyone having sex all the time, and popping babies out yearly? Are we using genetic engineering techniques, such as in-vitro production, where our genetic sampling is sufficient to go into mass-production? Neither is the case. The hybrid program has yet to be allowed to go into automatic, where we can let nature take its course.

We are still braiding the genetic thread, correcting flaws with insertion of missing DNA, and working around the clock on these issues. Because of the large heads, due to increased intelligence, and smaller hip size, due to our Zeta Reticulan contribution, infants are not carried to term by the mother. This is not, technically speaking, necessary. Infants within the mother are close to her heart, but infants developed outside the mother can be sent our love too.

So what's going to happen?
Will the human race die out, like Neanderthal man?



ZetaTalk: Time Frame, written by Jul 15, 1995
Thus, eventually, perhaps within 100 years or what you might call a generation, the Earth will be composed of Service-to-Other communities. Some will be strictly human, but will begin interacting with the other communities, intermarrying, and will thus merge.
ZetaTalk: Full- Blood, written by Jul 15, 1995
One should also not assume that full-blood humans will die out entirely. This almost never occurs during species transitions, especially when a certain level of intellect is attained. There may be Service- to-Other groups on Earth composed entirely of humans that continue, isolated, and content with their level of intellect, for instance. There will be Service-to-Self [humans], taken before their human form is terminated, who will be human on other planets. This occurs frequently in the Service-to-Self orientation, as surviving infants are hard to come by in this orientation. Nurturing is rare. Thus, those choosing this orientation often are required to keep their current incarnation.


ZetaTalk: Endangered Species, written by Jul 15, 1995
Given the population explosion, why wouldn't the human race be back in business in a hurry after the cataclysms? Three reasons:

1. A high mortality rate, where babies won't survive, and the birth rate will be less than zero. This is the situation after every pole shift.

2. A movement of the Service-to-Others toward living with or near the high tech centers of the hybrids, where intermarriage will occur. With high tech food production and medical treatment, babies do survive. Intermarriage is something that occurs naturally when young people live near each other.

3. A tendency of the Service-to-Self to eradicate themselves, and each other. How long would the violent and unscrupulous population inside a prison live, if left entirely to their own inclinations? The Service-to-Self will go off on their own, rummaging through the wreckage and living off what others have lost.


So what goes, during a genetic engineering project such as the Zeta-Human hybrid creation?
Do we just mix sperm and ova together, from both sets of parents, and hope for the best?



ZetaTalk: Engineering Techniques, written Oct 15, 1996
Human participants in development of a hybrid species assume that their eggs and sperm are taken so that the desired Zetan genes can be mixed in during conception. Often female participants assume that they have been impregnated via artificial insemination, when in fact they have had the fetus reinserted for a brief gestation period. In the main, mixing the egg and sperm is the process, but several steps are involved.

* Prior to combining the male and female strands, the strands are examined for undesirable traits such as heritable diseases. Thus, it is not simply the fastest swimming sperm that becomes daddy, nor the nearest and most available egg that become mommy.

* After selecting the human male and female contribution, snipping and replacing occurs. In this process Zeta genetics routinely replace certain human genetics - some human genes are routinely discarded, and some Zeta genes not present at all in humans are inserted.

* In some cases genes from an ancestor are used to replace the human genes secured from the male and female donors. Almost invariably these are taken from data banks we maintain, but on rare occasion we are allowed to go back in time to secure a needed sample. This step inserts and accentuates a desirable human trait.

So, we're snipping out genetic diseases?

ZetaTalk: Genetic Diseases, written by Jul 15, 1995
Genetic diseases are concomitant with evolution. Auto-immune diseases are the immune response turned wrong. Obesity is a protective maneuver, to maximize food consumption during times of plenty, gone wrong. Food stuffs do not spoil when packed around the ribs in the form of fat. All genetic diseases, when their cause is understood, can be seen to be a normal maneuver of the body gone wrong. In the animal kingdom, afflicted animals quickly die out. You protect your afflicted, allowing them not only to survive, but to propagate. In this way your genetic diseases almost seem to increase.


etaTalk: Recessive Genes, written Oct 15, 1998
Humans have noted, in mapping human genes, that a number of DNA links are dormant. The number casually noted by humans in no way reflect the vast span of dormant portions in the human physiology. There are many, many portions of the human body which are remnants or leftovers, unused. The appendix is one. Your DNA is rift with genes which if allowed to express would horrify and surprise humans. The hybrids that we are creating will have many dormant genes in them.

A clear example is the violent nature of humans, which evolved to allow humans to live on a planet where large predators exist. Were it not for your violent nature, you would not have survived past a couple of generations. We suppress that violent nature in our hybrids, yet those genes exist. Just as you would be horrified to develop tentacles, or a gaping mouth in the center of your stomach, with smacking lips ready to take in whatever might float by, in the future the new hybrids would be horrified to find their dormant violent nature expressing from hidden genes.

Other than genetic diseases, what else is getting snipped out from the human contribution?



ZetaTalk: Human Traits, written by Jul 15, 1995
Human emotions are something we are including, along with many other characteristics. The list would be too long to include in its entirety, but we will mention a few. Your hair and soft skin, although we haven't had much luck with hair. Your desire for touch. The physical relationship of parents and caregivers to young, where nursing and holding and rocking are prevalent. We hope to include the ability to nurse, and are having luck with the desire to touch and hold. The sex drive is definitely included, and where this drive varies among our hybrids, this is in proportion to the variance among humans, we have found. Intelligence has been increased, as has the ability to communicate telepathically. Curiosity and creativity have also been increased, as these are factors of intelligence. Introspection has been increased, as the tie between the conscious and subconscious has been strengthened.

And what are the primary Zeta traits to be included?



ZetaTalk: Zeta IQ, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our IQ is higher than yours, and also different. You will observe when comparing your intelligence to this or that animal, that some things relate and are similar, and some things are radically different. Consciousness is one such difference. The Chimpanzee is clever, can learn sequences and apply a certain amount of logic. They use tools, in a limited manner. However, they aren't conscious in the same sense that you are. They do not ponder their immortality. They do not ruminate about their guilt. They do not wonder why the stars move about in the heavens in the manner that they do. Most particularly, they do not think about how they relate to the larger scheme of things. They are not conscious of themselves as an entity.

In comparing our increased intelligence, numbers alone do not describe the situation. Where your mind carries on dozens of thoughts simultaneously, ours carry on thousands. You are unaware of most of the thinking your mind does. You are only aware of the conscious thought at the front of your mind. Yet parts of your mind are concerned with sensing distance around you, the need to shift your position, sensing the body language of others around you, calculating your physical hungers and plotting how these will be satiated, etc. In terms of IQ, should we Zetas take one of your IQ tests, which measure speed and accuracy, we would measure around 287 IQ points.

If human emotions are a valued trait, to be included, is this missing in the Zeta?

ZetaTalk: Zeta Emotions, written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding whether we, the Zetas, are capable of feeling love and joy, or are we cold fish. We are not cold fish. The issue of emotion has been misunderstood. What is meant by emotion? Humans experience a range of emotion, a wide range that they know by name and recognize and a wider range of emotions they have not even catalogued. We will enumerate. The positive emotions are love, which can include a sense of bonding, or a sense of affectionate possession, or a sense of desire for the loved object. Bonding love expands to comradeship, protection of those dependent and weak, affiliation, loyalty, and pride of association. Affectionate possession, a common form of love among the spiritually immature, is less an empathic concern for the other than a pride of ownership. It can lead to the O.J. Simpson syndrome. Desire for the loved object can involve love of food, as passionate consumption, or love of a sex object.

How do we Zetas compare to humans on these positive emotions? We feel a sense of bonding, without a doubt, and in all its forms. Affectionate possession is also possible, but in the Service-to-Others orientation this does not come to the fore and command the attention it does in more spiritually immature entities. Desire for the loved object is blunted in the Zetas, so that we are aware of our need for food or sex, but this is a very quiet voice. Those who wonder if the Zeta have sex should be aware that where we no longer use our sex organs for reproduction, we still have mild sensations in this regard. Not lacking imagination, the Zetas are looking forward to a return to a full sex life, when incarnate in the hybrids. Affection for food is not the driver and foci that it is for humans, but we Zetas are aware of the weakness that comes from a lack of nourishment. Thus, we feel affection for our renewal baths. In genetically engineering the hybrids, we are not including a compulsion for food stuffs, with consequent obesity.

The negative emotions are primarily control, with a desire to negate or diminish any factor that removes the entity from primary control of the environment. All this is all too familiar to humans. The desire for control leads to an emotion of glorying in control, that of wallowing in power.

So just why DO the Zetas have a more blunted emotional life than humans?



ZetaTalk: Evolution Impact, written Jan 25, 2003.
Do we have emotions? Yes. Do we have sexual feelings? Yes. Are these greater than human emotions and sex drives? No. Why the difference? We evolved on different worlds, under different stresses and selective determinants. The Earth, as we have stated, is a particularly violent world, large carnivors on every continent, so that many can scarsely be free of this worry, day or night. Big cats, wolf packs, immense bears, sharks, and thus to survive, the quick reaction to attack or danger was emotion. What do you suppose fear, or anger, is? Does an evolving creature need this, per se? It is to incite action, and the stronger the emotion, the faster the action! Likewise, a mother's concern for her baby, a dominant males concern for protecting and retaining his harem, are survival related emotions.

The passive human got eaten, the human with strong emotions survived and passed on their genes. A strong sex drive is likewise selective, as those males with a strong drive would fight for their harem, where those with a weak drive would turn their backs and let the harem get eaten! A sex drive in the female is also survival selective, as the horny female will stick close to the dominant male, get intimate often, and thus enhance the bond and desire on the males part to protect her, as well as keep her close to the protector.

We have stated that on our world, the worlds within Zeta Reticuli which we evolved on, there were no large carnivores. We were transplanted there, onto worlds that could do no more than evolve moss and bugs. Thus, our large eyes are for seeing, in very dim light, which is what life on those worlds entailed. Thus, sex was for procreation, and the process of natural selection more related to cunning, being able to figure out how to solve problems, how to create technology or extend a food supply, than brute force or rage. Likewise, emotion was not only not required, it was a disruptive element. It would never evolve, and if it expressed due to genetic mutation, then this Zeta was less likely to have a harem than another, so was selected out during sexual partnering.

Our hybrids, as we have stated, will have the emotional range and sex drive and variation that humans have, not our more limited range. This is because the Earth is our new home, the home of the hybrids, and these characteristics are native to the Earth.


ZetaTalk: Zeta Clones, written by Jul 15, 1995
The Zeta are accused of having a group mind, seemingly operating like insects, by rote, and without individuality. Where did these assumptions come from? First, we reproduce by cloning, so our appearance can be remarkably similar. Second, our mode of communicating is telepathic, over the heads of humans who for the most part sense no conversation going on at all. Third, there is a lack of argument and indecision that humans see in us when we are at work attending to our contactees, as we have all agreed ahead of time on how to handle issues that might arise.

Humans who see us having a group mind are drawing these conclusions on scanty data. Imagine how adult male humans would appear to an alien race encountering them only at work. There they all are in their standard dark gray business suits, white shirts, and ties. Similar hair cuts. Beard shaved off. Carrying identical black briefcases. Greeting each other with the standard hand shake. Clearly, this is a group mind. When the leader speaks, the others all nod and smile slightly. They even clap as a group! The data missing from this picture distorts it.

So what are the emotions of humans, regarding the development of a Zeta-Human hybrid race, and being phased out as a race altogether, in all likelihood?



ZetaTalk: Custody Rights, written May 15, 1997
They hear emotional stories of mothers holding babies they instinctively recognize as theirs, where it seems the babes are torn from their mother's arms to be returned to emotionless alien nurses standing at the side. Those who actually participate in these dramas understand the underlying framework, and where they may be expressing emotion, they do not express rage or even resentment, though perhaps some sadness. Those who participate in the hybrid program are doing so because they agreed prior to their birth, prior even to their next incarnation being selected, to participate. They understand the situation, that their hybrid children cannot live on the Earth in human society at this time.

They understand the rich and loving environment their hybrid children are being raised within. Being solidly in the Service-to-Other orientation, they do not wish to remove their offspring from this environment to be placed in a human setting where they in all likelihood would be maimed and killed and taunted. Custody rights over the hybrid children is not an issue of the true parents, but becomes an issue with those who are inserting themselves into the drama, outsiders as it were. In that they scarcely understand the many factors at play, and most certainly don't understand the resolve and commitment made by the human participants, they are not even armed with the facts.


ZetaTalk: Prebirth Agreement, written Nov15, 1998
Prebirth agreements are relatively rare. Our hybrid program has been granted permission to institute more prebirth agreements than in previous centuries, where it was close to nil, because we need to ensure cooperation with those who hold genetic parentage. Without a prebirth agreement, its a toss of the dice on what might incarnate into a piece of genetic material, the babe, and that babe choosing not to cooperate with our hybrid program. So we have certain key DNA parcels, the babes, incarnated with prebirth agreements without too much hassle. Those who have a prebirth agreement become aware of it at a fairly young age. They sense something different, and become fully aware of it when the time is right. Nonetheless, they cooperate with this prebirth agreement remarkably well.


ZetaTalk: Family Line, written by Jul 15, 1995
The hybrid program runs along family lines. When combining genes from a human with Zeta Reticulan genes, there is some unfortunate loss. This loss is recaptured in subsequent efforts. This is not unlike a braid, where the strands are woven back in. The braid is stronger than loose hair or twine.


ZetaTalk: Who's In Charge, written by Jul 15, 1995
Some humans feel they should be in charge of their own genetic engineering, or in charge of the question as to whether genetic engineering is even necessary. This is not reasonable, although those being denied this authority may fuss and argue. These issues were decided after much deliberation. This is not a matter done casually, nor is this a one-time matter. This has been done repeatedly to Homo Sapiens, who are only able to complain, having a voice and mind, because of just such a process in the past. Of course we poll humans to learn what they desire to continue, what characteristics they appreciate. Those humans who will be reincarnating into the hybrid form, the Service-to-Others humans who have chosen their orientation, are being polled continuously as to their preferences. They are not voting on the steps to be taken in order to genetically engineer. You may give the plastic surgeon your desires on the shape of the nose, but you do not hold the knife.

Zetan genetics are being used as the intelligence of humans cannot be more than doubled using human genetic structure. The best that could be accomplished is a human at the genius level, and what we seek, what we are required to attain, is so very much higher. Telepathy, something your species can barely support, is another issue. Genetic engineering does not make something from nothing. It alters what already exists or inserts something already in existence. A third important issue is the level of violence in your human species. Blinding rage is firmly rooted in your genetic heritage. To carve this out would leave too little remaining. This must be counteracted where it is found, in all the reaches of the brain, rather than simply rooted out. The Zetan genetics are the counteractant.



ZetaTalk: Hostile Humans, written by Jul 15, 1995
They are emphatic that Earth belongs to Homo Sapiens, and usurpers should leave. It matters not that they were at one time the usurpers. The decision to phase out humans, as hard as it may be for those affected to comprehend, are not without input from those affected. Neanderthal man was in agreement with having his version of mankind die out, afflicted as they were with tummy problems not pleasant to live with. A Vote was taken, and they were in agreement. Votes that are a true vote are not akin to the voting that occurs on Earth, publicly announced. In these votes, there is hardly a choice, the choices placed before the voters not what they would put there, but what the elite have allowed to be placed there. In addition, actual counts, as the 2000 US Presidential election demonstrated, are hardly what matters or to be reported accurately. Why would parents not want their children, or themselves for that matter, to be more intelligent, less subject to disease, and have more opportunities? Clearly, the vote went to be engineered, for future incarnations. It was a slam-dunk, as you say.

Where does hybrids live today?



ZetaTalk: Where They Live, written the Jan 7, 2003
Our hybrids are living in many places within your solar system, close at hand, as well as elsewhere nearby in other star systems. Clearly, as our hybrids as well as ourselves expect to be on the future Earth, we do not want our bodies to become accustomed to a lesser gravity. We are primarily in residence outside of the solar system, in another nearby star system, where a commensurate gravity is available to us. Relocating to Earth is a simple matter, involving:
1. setting up residences which have already been constructed and can be relocated, intact, and quickly so;
2. selecting a spot on Earth which is previously uninhabited, such as the newly warming Antarctica, or new land emerging from the seas.

So what can we expect, when reincarnating into those new hybrid bodies?



ZetaTalk: Basic Similarities, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our life span is much longer than humans. The life span of the hybrid race we are genetically engineering will be as long as the Zetas currently enjoy. In your Earth years, this is 400 years. We experience debility for only the last 50 years of this span. In our culture we also do not rule against suicide. Therefore, if any Zeta finds his life circumstances unbearable, he can end his life in a painless manner without strife.


ZetaTalk: Physiology Differences, written Oct 15, 1995
The expansion of human lungs is visible, yet our trunks seem firm and immobile. Do we have lungs? We do indeed, but they work asynchronously, rather than in unison, one expanding while the other exhales, so the motion is all internal. Our hybrids, however, have unison breathing, but in a pinch could switch over to asynchronous breathing - a latent capacity. The human diet is voluminous and fibrous, reflecting the diet of the base apes that formed the human race, and in truth reflecting the reality of vegetation on your planet and the adaptation that animals evolving on your planet were forced to deal with. If an animal is vegetarian, and most are, they eat continuously, defecate frequently, and deal with digestive gasses. Few animals become successful predators, an obvious fact as if all were predators there would soon be nothing to prey upon. So humans have as their base an animal that eats masses of fibrous vegetation, daily.

We Zetas, on our world, had a different diet. Mosses, bugs, algae, crustaceans, and when we ate almost nothing went to waste. In our hybrids we have attempted to take the best of both worlds. Humans, we feel sure, would not object to less farting and burping. In the highly civilized world of the future, cultivation will focus on those foods that return the highest nutrition. Less eating, less elimination, virtually no digestive gasses, and surprisingly constipation will not be a concern as the shape of the bowel, being a single straight shoot, lends itself to guaranteed elimination. In humans the kidney works constantly, filtering waste, but in the Zeta click in only when certain blood chemicals raise to a level requiring attention. Like the heart, which rests between beats, the Zeta kidney rests between Zeta meals. The reason for this pacing is the more complete absorption of nutrients in the Zeta digestive tract, placing a burden on the kidneys which then require a rest period in which to recoup. Likewise, the Zeta liver is a workhorse that goes the distance after meals and requires a recuperative period.

Zetas who overeat get more than overweight, they get sick. Our thinness is not due solely to genetic tendencies, we simply do not overeat. Do the Zetas store fat as humans do? Yes and no. We have this capacity but our physiology does not make use of it ordinarily. Since we do not digest excess food without getting sick, our bodies keep all nutrition at the ready, as a store to be used up before the next meal. No packing it away in fat cells, no saving it for a later day. Our hybrids have the best of both worlds. They are slender because their physiology uses, rather than stores nutrition, and their appetites pace accordingly. But should they for any reason decide to overeat, they do not suffer as we, the Zetas, do. The Zeta were selected for production of a hybrid race with humans in part because our physiologies are similar.

Our blood is also hemoglobin based, and where a chemist would find all the many Zeta blood components differing from comparable human blood components in quantity and composition, the differences are not dramatic. Likewise with the endocrine systems, which have comparable glands and functions. Here, however, there is one dramatic difference. The Zeta do not sleep, though there are regular rest periods where activity essentially stops. There are blood chemistry differences in humans between the wakeful and sleep states, but in the Zeta these differences do not appear. Our hybrids sleep, as we have found the physiology more resilient when able to rest. However, the sleep requirements are much reduced, requiring perhaps 1/5, rather than 1/3 of the day, and the onset of sleep deprivation does not occur with our hybrids, who are able to bear through without sleep if need be.


Were there things the engineers wanted to change, but could not?
Were there any failures?

ZetaTalk: Proto- Hybrids, written Dec 15, 1995
We prepared ourselves for the task ahead, some thousands of years ago. Our early attempts were failures and died in infancy due to nutritional problems. Soon our proto-hybrids were living into adulthood and data gathering was in full swing.

* Nervous system difficulties arose and were corrected early, where the brain portions either communicated too effectively or incompletely with each other. For those proto-hybrids, life was a perpetual bad trip, as you say - too much noise and not enough comprehension.

* Sexual dysfunction showed up not as lack of interest in sex but as infertility, though this was not personally distressing to any of the proto-hybrids.

* Lack of hair, in a hairless Zeta community, was also not an embarrassment, but the sporadic hair that appeared on some of our proto-hybrids was a source of consternation. Imagine facial hair spaced every few inches rather than close together and thick. We found this type of hair distressing enough to those born with it that genetic engineering leaned toward hairlessness as the lesser of evils.

* Our tiny mouths and small teeth did not line up well with human genetics in all cases in our proto-hybrids either. At times tiny teeth in a big mouth, at times big teeth in a tiny mouth.

Digestive problems were continuously smoothed, and are still being addressed. Early proto-hybrids had many nutritional problems which required supplemental nutritional aids. Many of our problems were due to the high standards set by ourselves regarding digestion. No farting, no burping, no fainting from low blood sugar, and no tendency to get fat. We have achieved our goals in this regard.


ZetaTalk: 90's Model, written Mar 15, 1996
Where earlier phases of the hybrid program had as their goal dealing with basic requirements like digestion, reproduction, and intelligence, our recent goals have addressed details like appearance, the senses, and memory. Skin tone has been improved to where it is neither a reddish blush or a pallor, and as we could not perfect a proper head of hair, we went in the other direction - hairless. Far better bald then with a strand here or there. Breasts are small, but functional, a high priority goal of ours due to the bonding that occurs during nursing. The sex drive in the hybrids remains as varied as it does in the human animal.

Sight and sound reception is closer to what the Zetas are capable of, vastly higher ranges than humans have ever experienced, due to our dim Sun and relatively inhospitable planet. Those who could not peek through the gloom or follow a faint sound simply did not survive to reproduce. Where the human animal has many memory levels - short term, long term, subconscious, conscious, and others unknown and thus not labeled by humans - the target hybrid has a cohesive memory, much like the Zetas.

Having perfected our 90's model, we are now into mass production, as the cataclysms are fast approaching.

  Reference http://www.zetatalk7.com/index/blog1128.htm




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