Final version of my slides showing Planet X path around its two Suns and Passage near our Sun.

quite a LOT of pictures to scroll down, sorry :)

(these slides will be included into ZetaMovie-2. GIF animation is stalled issue, maybe i will get to make this too)

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Comment by astrogal50 on May 1, 2012 at 8:15pm
@Rob Strunk Going to help you this time, but members are expected to search ZetaTalk themselves and no rely on others to do their homework for them. Our time is precious too!

ZetaTalk: Close Pass
Note: written on Jan 15, 2001. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.


This pole shift is a particularly severe one, but the 12th Planet will come no closer than 14 million miles to the Earth. There have been worse pole shifts in the past, but not by much. These kind of pole shifts, as this one, cause the Earth to attempt an almost 180 degree shift. However, the crust does not really succeed in going that distance, because the core separates from the crust as it rips the 180, so the crust only makes it about a quarter turn, a 90 degree shift. This particular pole shift will cause a dramatic shortening of the Pacific, a dramatic widening of the Atlantic, and was known for some time to be one of the more severe pole shifts, which is why the Transformation was scheduled at this time.

If the 12th Planet were twice the distance away, 28 million miles rather than 14 million miles, the effect would be diminished by 73%, and the core would attempt to turn with less ferocity, and would only make it approximately 32 degrees, dragging the crust that 32 degrees because the rate of turn would be slower. If the 12th Planet were to be 52 millions miles from Earth, rather than 28, the effect would be so mild as to be considered an adjustment to the current poles, with a number of volcanoes exploding and high tides to height of perhaps 100 feet high in places on Earth, but many places on Earth would be almost unaware that a lurching occurrence had happened. They would be considered mild earthquakes in most places on Earth.
Comment by MegaMontana on September 20, 2010 at 11:28am
The Second Pass will occur 7 years after the Poleshift. According to the Zetas, who are to be trusted on these matters, the Second Pass will cause nothing more than higher tides and a few quakes because the Earth is expected to be on the opposite side of the Sun during this time. No struggle involved.
ZT "Not much has changed in the projected orbit of Planet X, the time frame, etc, since ZetaTalk began. Our science is more advanced than yours, and as an example, look to how closely Planet X arrived at our projected coordinates! The second pass, per our calculations, will find the Earth on the opposite side of the Sun, so will happen quickly, and will result in no more than high tides and a few quakes."
Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 13, 2010 at 2:28am
I have to thank you for helping us through this data. I would never have perceptually understood all this without this.
Thank you Andrew :)
Comment by Andrew Veresay on September 9, 2010 at 11:52am
I corrected my slides according to this new ZT

Reply by Nancy Lieder on September 4, 2010 at 11:50am

how can ZT Triangle be formed, angles maintained, with 14 mm distance? in that case angles do not persist. OR, if we make those lines for angles to persist, then all other distances do not persist?

The 14 million miles reached, as the closest point between Planet X and the Earth, occurs during the outbound acceleration of Planet X as it exits the solar system. We have referred to the Point of Passage as equivalent to the point where Planet X pierces the Ecliptic, as in the early days of ZetaTalk this was understood to be the point where the pole shift is about to happen. In later detail, the last weeks, encompassing approximately 7 weeks in all, is shown to fall somewhat to either side of the point where Planet X is EXACTLY at the Ecliptic. In that we were speaking in general terms early in the ZetaTalk saga, and have lately been far more explicit, these details have emerged. The issue in those days was yes or no, is Planet X going to arrive in 2003, with the reassurance that the populace could count on 3 days of darkness and 5.9 days of rotation stoppage prior to the shift. Since then, far more detail has emerged.

As we have explained, the ZetaTalk triangle is reached after Planet X has made its first 270 roll. When Planet X stands upright, and Earth follows suit, they try to part as far as possible. This is achieved by Earth moving back in her orbit again, to the farthest possible point within the cup of particle eddy flow coming round behind Planet X. At this point, the triangle is reached. But Planet X does not linger there. As rotation is slowing on Earth, Planet X begins its second 270 roll. At first, this starts slowly, with Planet X rising above the Ecliptic, moving into the realm of the Sun’s magnetic field above the Ecliptic. It finds itself suddenly free of the backwash of particles returning to the Sun that had slowed its progress in the past. The path of least resistance is now AHEAD, in open space, now before it.

It moves rapidly, while beginning its second 270 roll, closing the distance between the Earth and itself while at the same time rising above the Ecliptic. At this angle, it is aiming above the Earth. The Earth again finds itself caught in a magnetic grip, and is drawn forward along its orbit, moving slightly toward Planet X, but the major party in this kiss is Planet X which at last feels free to move and move quickly. The 14 million mile point is where Planet X is still closer to the Sun than the Earth, still rising above the Earth, and still a bit to the right of the Earth. The 32 angle allows it to move past the Earth at this point and at this angle as it completes its second 270 roll.
Comment by Andrew Veresay on August 29, 2010 at 9:30am
thank you all guys!
i am happy that my work is so helpful!

Sherry, thank you for your input! Yes, i remember reading this about 7 year and Exodus in ZetaTalk and it makes perfect sense!
Comment by Waveguide on August 28, 2010 at 4:11am
Thanks Andrew! Your illustrations make it easy to understand.
Comment by Chris on August 27, 2010 at 6:29pm
Quite impressive Andy.
Comment by Andrew Veresay on June 27, 2010 at 3:02pm
Comment by Andrew Veresay on June 27, 2010 at 2:09pm
ah source of that ZT

June 5, 2010
Comment by Andrew Veresay on June 27, 2010 at 2:06pm
AND, one thing ive discovered to myself while making the slides

Zetas say that Earth will be pulled closer to PX from 43 million miles to 14 mm.
to maintain Zeta Triangle angles proper, we have to move Earth to stand practically in Venus orbit! Closer to the Sun!

And this situation that i got in my slides, when placed everything according to what Zetas said resembles three orbs from Secklendorf crop circle! Three planets lined up in a row before the Passage!

This issue about Earth pulled closer to the Sun is interesting for two reasons. One is that a Q was asked about this, and here is what Zetas answered:

Q.: Ok, so Earth, when it is pulled 30 million miles by PX, will not be pulled in the same path as its orbit. Therefore, it will be pulled toward the Sun enough to be noticeable? Enough to heat the Earth more than now? Enough to put us at higher risk from solar corona effects? Enough to create static charges in every metal thing on the surface? Enough to ruin all unprotected [faraday cage] electronics? It is still not clear whether the Earth will be pulled further from the Sun or closer to the Sun. As PX is between Earth and Sun, it is presumed it will be closer to the Sun. Thus the Sun should appear larger in the sky every day, and heat everything more, making storms more powerful as more water evaporates. Perhaps roasting crops and animals and people in desert locations that already have temperatures of 110-130. So we are 93 million miles from the Sun now, how close will we get, and how close have we gotten in the past, assuming this has already happened before.

The week of rotation stoppage is a week of terror for the people of Earth. The Sun either stands still in the sky or refuses to rise. But even though the Earth is temporarily drawn toward the monster Planet X in the skies, making it seem to grow in size as it writhes with its many tentacles reaching out toward the Earth, there is not that much change in the temperature of the atmosphere. Planet X is blocking the way, blocking the path between the rays of the Sun and the Earth. The massive dust cloud of Planet X is being hosed directly at the Earth, and thus the seeming appearance of tentacles reaching toward Earth. Dust clouds are a shield from sunlight, as those under a volcanic gloom can attest.

and second reason is ancient legends of Nanai (Golds) people living in middle Amur river basin in Russian Far East. Ive knew about this tale long ago and it was a puzzle for me. i thought that either it was an exaggeration, or Earth had to be pulled closer to the Sun.

Amurian golds (Nanai people) describe the World Catastrophe:
"… three luminaries rose instead of one. People began to go blind from their light, to die of thirst. The Sun burnt so much that earth burned, water in rivers boiled. When fishes jumped out of water they lost their scales. At night, when three suns set, three moons showed themselves and night became so bright that people couldn’t fall asleep…"

So Earth assuming Venus orbit temporarily could be the explanation. And Zetas said that it will not be deadly to life (burning under temps Venus experiences) because PX will shield the Earth.

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