Nov 25th 2021 SE Idaho. Taking some pics today and noticed that Nibiru has rolled 180 degrees . I would like to ask the Zetas for some help and see if this was caused by a severe Earth wobble or if Nibiru has indeed crossed the ecliptic. [and from another] [and from another]

As the plethora of photos from the photographers on the ZetaTalk Follower site show, the drifting tail of Nibiru seems to have turned from flowing out from the top of Nibiru or from the sides of Nibiru and now flow downward from the bottom of Nibiru. This is not one of the 270 degree rolls we have described - the first a roll of the N Pole of Nibiru from pointing directly at the Sun's S Pole to a posture of pointing the N Pole of Nibiru toward Earth. This has been in process and is the current stance. Nor is it the second 270 degree roll which occurs during the Last Weeks.

We have mentioned that the Council of Worlds plans to allow a Severe Wobble on Earth to force the establishment to admit the reality of Nibiru. In that such a temporary Severe Wobble would have to merge in with the Daily Earth Wobble, it is a tricky affair for the benign aliens arranging to fulfill the Council's edict. What can be seen in the ZetaTalk Followers photos from April, 2021 to the present is that Nibiru's N Pole has been tilted to point UP, temporarily, where formerly was pointing at the Earth.

What this change does it ease the Daily Earth Wobble temporarily, while giving benign aliens the tools they need to effect a Severe Wobble. By suddenly allowing the magnetic flow surrounding Nibiru to change, allowing Nibiru's N Pole to drop and point again at the Earth, a mega wobble would be effected. This would be noticed by everyone on Earth, and the establishment would be scrambling to explain it. This temporarily Severe Wobble would be accompanied by dramatic visibility of Nibiru, so that the usual excuses from NASA that the wobble was somehow from the Sun would not suffice.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for November 30, 2021

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Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 7, 2021 at 3:24am

NEW - Sweden records the lowest December temperature in 35 years with -43.8°C in Naimakka.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 7, 2021 at 3:19am

Right on schedule!

Severe Earth Wobble happening now; something has changed with Nibiru. "We have mentioned that the Council of Worlds plans to allow a Severe Wobble on Earth to force the establishment to admit the reality of Nibiru. In that such a temporary Severe Wobble would have to merge in with the Daily Earth Wobble, it is a tricky affair for the benign aliens arranging to fulfill the Council's edict. What can be seen in the ZetaTalk Followers photos from April, 2021 to the present is that Nibiru's N Pole has been tilted to point UP, temporarily, where formerly was pointing at the Earth." ...

Severe Wobble scheduled

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