Watching heliplots on LISS (Live Internet Seismic Server) site,
we can see jolts occurring at some stations, VNDA, LBTB, LPAZ, PLCA, BOSA, CPUP and DBIC, weekly,
Third a series of Jolt again! Now happening every 1 week.
Change of Jolt Appearance: Plate movement in progress
indicating the earth wobble in a factor in these plate jolts.
In addition, LISS sometimes shows continuous undulation which means some continuous ground motion. The detail is not shown up on LISS, but can be seen on REV (The Rapid Earthquake Viewer) site.
The interesting ground motion, such as a big undulating motion or a continuous motion of some kind of undulation, is recently observed at some seismograph stations around the world.
It seems change of ground motion accelerating globally!
The following is the date and the stations showing an interesting ground motion found in May, 2014, as of 2014/05/20.
1) 2014/05/08: station IU/MAJO; Matsushiro, Japan
2) 2014/05/10,11: station G/HDC; Heredia, Costa Rica
3) 2014/05/12: station IC/SSE; Shanghai, China
4) 2014/05/14: station IC/WMQ; Urumqi, Xinjiang Province, China
5) 2014/05/14: station IU/LSZ; Lusaka, Zambia
6) 2014/05/14,15,16: station IC/QIZ; Qjongzhong, Hainan Province, China
7) 2014/05/14,15,16: station IC/ENH; Enshi, Hubei Province, China
8) 2014/05/14,15,16,17,18: station IU/KMBO; Kilima Mbogo, Kenya
9) 2014/05/16: station NU/ESTN; Esteli, Nicaragua
10) 2014/05/18: station SV/CNCH: Conchagua, El Salvador
11) 2014/05/19: station IU/RSSD; Black Hills, South Dakota, USA
12) 2014/05/19: station IU/HNR; Honiara, Solomon Islands
13) 2014/05/20: station IC/LSA; Tibet, China
1) 2014/05/08: IU/MAJO, Japan
2) 2014/05/10,11: G/HDC; Costa Rica
3) 2014/05/12: IC/SSE, China
4) 2014/05/14: IC/WMQ, China
5) 2014/05/14: IU/LSZ, Zambia
6) 2014/05/14,15,16: IC/QIZ, China
7) 2014/05/14,15,16: IC/ENH, China
8) 2014/05/14,15,16,17,18: IU/KMBO, Kenya
9) 2014/05/16: NU/ESTN, Nicaragua
10) 2014/05/18: SV/CNCH: El Salvador
11) 2014/05/19: IU/RSSD, USA
12) 2014/05/19: IU/HNR; Solomon Islands
13) 2014/05/20: IC/LSA; China
19) 2014/05/27: station US/MSO; Missoula, Montana, USA
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