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7 of 10 STATUS as of January 24, 2013

Draft newsletter for Sunday January 27, 2013. Newsletters can be found on the archives by Friday, also.


Asteroid Watch

Last covered in this newsletter on March 25, 2012 in Issue 286, …


Added by Nancy Lieder on January 24, 2013 at 11:40am — 3 Comments

Landslides Erupt Across Southeastern U.S.

The result of a landslide on Newfound Gap Road (U.S. 441) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park - January 16, 2013.

Within a 9-day period in mid-January 2013, landslides exploded across mountainous regions in Tennessee, North Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia and Alabama. There were over 50…


Added by Howard on January 23, 2013 at 5:00am — 17 Comments

2012 Significant Climate Anomalies and Events

Here is an analysis (summary, full report) from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center.

[1] 2012 Global Significant…


Added by Kojima on January 22, 2013 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

Zeta Movie - Part 2 (B): The Cataclysm

What the months and weeks leading up to the Pole Shift will hold for mankind?

What will the Cataclysm itself entail?

What will life in the Aftertime become, and What can those who want to survive do to Prepare?

It was originally planned that there would be three parts, however second part happened to be two separate videos, the second of which is released now…


Added by Andrew Veresay on January 18, 2013 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Six Shots of Sol and Swirling Orbs 1/18 (Video) * Fog/Snow/Wind in Europe 01/16 * Apparitions of a Bully, thru Fog 01/14

Six Shots of Sol and Swirling Orbs 1/18

  01/16 16:32 Extreme Weather, Fog Snow Wind in all…


Added by Alberto Cardin on January 18, 2013 at 4:45pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of January 17, 2013

Draft newsletter for Sunday, January 20, 2013. Newsletters can usually be found on the archives by Friday, also.


Volcano Excuses

Volcanic activity is up. They are erupting, and staying in…


Added by Nancy Lieder on January 17, 2013 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

U.S. Navy minesweeper runs aground off Philippines

The crumpling Sunda plate which causes sinking but also some ground to rise has caught a US Navy Minesweeper off guard when it hit the bottom in water that no doubt…


Added by Mark on January 17, 2013 at 9:58am — 7 Comments

China: Lianyuan is subject to several geological hazards


Added by Moderating Staff on January 14, 2013 at 3:30am — No Comments

01/07 8:46 Planet X * 01/07 Slideshow of a Wafting Tail *12/28 11:31 String of Pearls Tail * 01/11 Foggy View

1/7/2012 8:46 am at the 4 o'clock position, could this be Planet X itself?

12/28/ String of Pears Tail…


Added by Alberto Cardin on January 12, 2013 at 4:18pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of January 10, 2013

Draft newsletter for Sunday, January 13, 2013. Newsletters can usually be found on the archives by Friday, also.


Mars Gold

Is that Gold dust glittering on the surface of Mars? NASA has long…


Added by Nancy Lieder on January 10, 2013 at 2:02pm — No Comments

Nibiru's impossible orbit....are you sure?


Shortly after the ZetaTalk saga began, with the Zeta description of the orbit of Planet X (aka Nibiru, aka Sitchin’s 12th Planet) as a sling orbit between our Sun and its dark, unlit, companion some 18.74 Sun-Pluto lengths away, astronomers began searching in earnest for evidence of such wandering planets caught between…


Added by Sevan Makaracı on January 10, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Venus and Dark Twin LOOMING!

December 18, 2012

Germany, sunrise presumed

Skymap shows both Venus and Mercury in that position, at that time. But these planets do not look this huge, although Venus, squeezed in the cup at the current time, has been looming larger. This appears…


Added by Nancy Lieder on January 7, 2013 at 8:48am — 4 Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of January 3, 2013

Draft newsletter for Sunday January 6, 2013. Newsletters can usually be found in the archives by Friday, also.


Brilliant Brazil

Astonished Brazilians saw what they could only speculate were reflections of the sunset, warping…


Added by Nancy Lieder on January 7, 2013 at 8:47am — No Comments

Argentina: A crack of 3 km Otumpa worries villagers

Affecting dozens of families in Otumpa (Dept. Moreno) a deep crack about 3 km long and caused damage to homes and ranches structures.



Added by Moderating Staff on January 7, 2013 at 8:30am — No Comments

BRILLIANT End of the Year Moon Swirl Captures 12/30 & 12/31; Video Searching East on 1/3; Latest 1/4 and 1/6

December 30, 2012

December 31, 2012…


Added by Alberto Cardin on January 6, 2013 at 6:00pm — No Comments

7 of 10 African Roll: New submarine volcanic eruption off Turkey's coast suspected


"We have stated that Africa is turning in place, its base at S Africa firmly nailed and unable to move, the top rolling to the East as the Atlantic yaws open. This action is what is…


Added by Sevan Makaracı on January 5, 2013 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Coastal landslide safety warning after Tynemouth cliff collapses (UK)


PEOPLE are being urged to take extra care at cliff edges after a landslide along the coast.

A slab of grass and earth, measuring around 15ft by 15ft, tumbled down a cliff on the north side of Tynemouth Priory and landed below on the south side of King Edward’s Bay.

Although a group of youngsters had been…


Added by Sevan Makaracı on January 3, 2013 at 4:46pm — No Comments

Iraq: worst floods in 30 years kills 4 in Baghdad



Added by Andrey Eroshin on December 27, 2012 at 10:47pm — No Comments

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