The Zeta have previously revealed to Humankind that the Council of Worlds had decided to allow mitigation, using means such as “humming boxes”, and likely other measures, undisclosed, of the severity of the Earth changes which would otherwise have been elicited in this planet, as symptoms of 7-of-10 plate movement, sans that benevolent ET intervention authorized by the CoW. Said mitigation allowed so that the Common Man is more able to make spiritual choices etc. ZT also relayed that the overall timeline, leading up to the Pole Shift, will not change. There have been periodic updates from the Z, keeping fans in the loop, though things really do seem to have picked up in recent times. Many feel a change is in the air. Is there any more the Zeta would care, or are permitted, to reveal to inquisitive and anxious fans, and others, regarding this? Perchance another update? Given the recent uptick in volcanism, plate-movement effects such as sinkholes and huge cracks etc, EQ’s, ocean buoy events reporting anomalous rising or dropping of the water-column etc etc, also Wobble effects such as wild swinging and apparent blending of weather conditions worldwide, including unprecedented hurricane and cyclone behavior, the list goes on. Not to mention increased visibility of the PX corpus itself, and company. Evidence also periodically surfacing of a looming Venus and DT, vital clues to the approaching 8. Can we anticipate a sudden move to an 8 of 10, the 7 seemingly skipped, so to speak, i.e., are we close to an 8-of-10?
We stated two years ago that the 7 of 10 and 8 of 10 would overlap, due to the delays in arranging an announcement by Obama that Nibiru, aka Planet X was indeed in the vicinity and causing the current Earth changes, the earthquakes and volcanic uptick, the Earth wobble, and eventually the approaching passage. We stated that those aspects of the 7 of 10 that would result from rapid plate movements – specifically the European tsunami – would be mitigated to occur more slowly. The European tsunami is a factor of a rip in the North Atlantic Rift, and when occurring slowly would result in less water rebounding, and a smaller tsunami height as a consequence. But beyond this, how has, and how will the mitigated 7 of 10 plate movements affected the other scenarios?
We stated that the 7 of 10 plate movements would complete before the 8 of 10 scenarios would flower fully, and that the 8 of 10 is a long and oppressive phase, not over quickly within months. During the 8 of 10, mankind will be aware of the pending passage, whether there is an announcement by NASA and Obama or not. We have described an increased visibility of Planet X, aka Nibiru and its components during the 8 of 10. But has this not already arrived to some degree? One can scarcely go on YouTube without being flooded by videos of Nibiru, aka Planet X and its Moon Swirls. For the 8 of 10, as it progresses, Planet X will be positioned more to the right in the line of sight, so that sunlight will bounce off the dust cloud clinging to and thus shrouding Planet X, supporting dramatic Second Sun sightings on a daily basis, worldwide.
During the 8 of 10, the Earth wobble will become so extreme, on a daily basis, that none can deny it. The wobble has already reached the point where it has pushed the weather into drought and deluge, severe storms and high winds, and temperature swings. The Global Warming excuse has failed to cover this, and the populace seeks an answer which only an admission on the near presence of Planet X can provide. But the wobble has not yet reached the point it will during the 8 of 10, when the Sun will be so out of place that none can deny it. Nor has a continuous blending of the seasons occurred as yet, though such blending is already occurring briefly and sporadically on occasion.
We stated that during the Last Weeks, Venus and the Dark Twin would escape the cup, allowing Planet X and the Earth to engage in their final wrestling moves. But what will occur prior to this point? Already Venus and the Dark Twin loom close on occasion, appearing as the monster persona with ballooning light rays and puzzling those who see this. These instances will increase, added to the certainty that Planet X, aka Nibiru, is indeed nearby. NASA will throw a frantic public onto Nancy and ourselves to explain the Repulsion Force when their explanations on planetary body motions fail. How do they know that Venus and the Dark Twin won’t crash into the Earth? Because the Zetas say so, will be their implicit answer.
Where we are currently waiting for the 7 of 10 plate movements to complete, the stress on the plates is apparent. The sinking of the Sunda Plate and the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates is approximately 70% complete, but the final moves will occur in conjunction with further progress on the S American roll. Though the cover-up has found it necessary to kill almost all the buoys on the Nazca and Cocos plates, the S American roll has barely begun, perhaps 13% of the overall changes expected. And the African roll is barely twitching, at present, perhaps 5% into the process. The chaos that has already been experienced is thus only a hint of what is to come. The N American continent is under tension so great that the Salt Dome caverns along the Gulf are fracturing, but the changes here likewise have not truly started. The US will be devastated, even with the New Madrid adjustment stretched out and moving slowly.
If these 7 of 10 plate movements are devastating, what will occur after these have completed, during the 8 of 10? We have at most hinted at what will occur, holding further descriptions hostage as we are looking for cooperation from the Puppet Master on media coverage for Nancy and our message, as we have stated so many times. We also feel the populace is not ready to contemplate our descriptions until they are aware of the big picture, and seriously listening to our words. Continuous plate movement in some areas will occur, along with a changed relationship of the continents to one another. The predicted explosions in Iraq as the oil fields are ruptured will also only occur during the 8 of 10 phase.
But the major 8 of 10 scenarios will be sociological, with riots and rebellion on the increase as food shortages increase and people realize the impact the Pole Shift will have on their lives. Families will be ripped apart by argument as those in denial refuse to budge and those determined to survive set their plans. Migration of desperate peoples affecting every country in some way will occur in the extreme, dominating the UN agenda and slamming borders shut. There is room on the planet to shelter all, though most may starve eventually due to food shortages. All this is the spiritual opportunity provided by the time of the passage, on Planet Earth.
* ZetaTalk for 8 of 10 sociological changes
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 19, 2013
Could the Zetas say how the Transformation is making progress now with the signs of the 8 of 10, like sociological changes as we see last efforts of the STS and them losing ground etc?.
When we stated that the 8 of 10 phase would involve sociological changes, we did not detail what might occur. This is of course in the hands of man, and thus might run in many directions, and not run as predicted, in fact. Man has free will, and if those leaning to the Service-to-Self retreat and seek to live only in their enclaves, then their former realm will have a different outcome. Likewise, if those leaning to the Service-to-Other in the region prove to be faint-hearted, lacking courage, then an expected outcome might be delayed. We have stated that polarizing of the orientations will continue apace, which it has for many years.
We have stated that migration of the starving and drowning will be resisted by those countries and locales in a better position. It is clear that resistance to immigration has tightened in Australia, which is now sending all boatloads of illegal immigrants to New Guinea. It is clear that China has strengthened its border patrols, and intends to hold the line. We have reported that Obama has informed countries in Asia and Central America not to expect a new home in the US when flooding ruins their lands. Many countries in Europe have also begun to force their immigrants to return to their native lands, or to limit immigration.
Many in the establishment are bracing for what they assume will be riots after the announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X. We have predicted that the public will react with a stunned shock, and only gradually begin preparations for survival or press to move to safer areas. But these trends will emerge. The element likely to make the most noise will be those reliant upon social services, who could anticipate being left bereft. The establishment can be expected to react harshly. The quality of the workforce may drift toward incompetence as those capable of establishing survival sites, those who are resourceful and reliable, resign to do so.
* ZetaTalk for Caribbean tsunamis
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 10, 2010
When part of the Caribbean Plate sinks during one of the 7/8 of 10 events will residents of coastal areas from Venezuela to French Guiana be assaulted by tsumani type waves due to the void created by sinking islands in the (southern) Caribbean? Will South America's Atlantic Coast suffer devastating tsumanis during the events associated with the 7/8 of 10 stage (due to a crumbling Caribbean plate); will there be advance warning of such events? Will the Atlantic coastal areas of South America (Venezuela to the bulge of Brazil) have devastating tsunamis when part of the Caribbean plate crumbles (south Caribbean?) during 7/8 of 10 events? How much forewarning will we have?
Tsunami are generated anytime a plate drops or rises under the sea. When the S American Plate rolls, it will push the Caribbean Plate down, creating a void. The void will primarily be at the southern part of the Caribbean Plate, where islands will suddenly lose elevation, some sinking entirely. This void will pull water from the Caribbean as well as the Atlantic, which would seem to negate the likelihood of a tsunami, but there will be a clash. When the water rushes into the void it is water on the move, with momentum, and this is the tsunami expected along the coastline of Venezuela and its neighbors. This coastline will at first find water receding, but this is a false signal and should not be trusted. The wave will be coming. The islands will have no such warning, but will sink suddenly in concert with the quakes. In that the S American Plate reaches to the center of the Atlantic, the rolling of the S American Plate will seem to have scant impact on those coastlines facing the Atlantic. There will be irregular tides, and certainly earthquakes, but beyond a slight spreading of the Rio Parana river mouth at Buenos Aires, which is ripping apart where the river empties into the Atlantic, there will be little impact.
* ZetaTalk for Revolution
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2022
Is the world on the brink of revolution? [and from another] Sri Lanka Leader Flees as Protesters Storm Home July 9, 2022 Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled his official residence shortly before protesters, angered by an unprecedented economic crisis, stormed and overran the compound. Huge crowds had surrounded the leader’s home to demand his resignation, blaming government mismanagement for the painful downturn. As protesters surged at the gates of the President’s Palace, troops guarding the compound fired in the air to hold back the tide until Rajapaksa was safely removed. [and from another] video rushing house. [and from another] video burning house [and from another] Enraged Farmers cause Chaos throughout the Netherlands. What's Going On? July 7, 2022 Why are farmers protesting in every possible way accompanied by a huge fleet of tractors, causing chaos throughout the country? In many parts of the Netherlands nitrogen emissions need to be reduced by 70 per cent, according to plans announced by the Dutch government at the start of June. Nitrogen emissions can cause acid rain and fertilizer washed into waterways can be a threat to marine life and an excess of nitrogen compounds — such as ammonia — affects the biodiversity in nature reserves. Farmers in the most vulnerable areas are given the options invest in sustainability or move away.
When Global Warming sprang up as an excuse to cover for the Earth changes that Nibiru would soon cause, we pointed out the flaw in the theory. Global Warming does not cause the dramatic increase in volcanic activity nor explain why the ground is heating from the bottom up. Nevertheless, Carbon Footprints came under attack to create the illusion of a solution, using coal as fuel became shameful, and even cow farts were suspect. Though starvation was on the horizon, it had not yet appeared. Now the conflict between allowing farmers to grow food and pushing the Global Warming theory has become open warfare.
Outside of open revolution, which is coming next, what can the Dutch farmers do to feed their country? As we have repeatedly stated, control of the populace is the name of the game. Politicians do not fear riot and protest as long as the military and police will defend them and support their decisions. Even if obviously in the wrong, grim politicians determined to maintain their grip on power and be able to control the populace will refuse to compromise. This of course forces the inevitable, which is revolution and pushing the politicians aside. History is replete with these examples.
An example of what is coming next is the revolution taking place in Sri Lanka. Corruption among politicians takes many forms - taking bribes to grease the wheels of corporations intent on profits, frankly stealing public funds, and remaining in office by election theft. When this malfeasance creates starvation and homelessness among the people, anger boils over and revolution begins. The world is arriving at this point in many countries. The 7 of 10 Plate Movements are overlapping with the 8 of 10 sociological changes we predicted, which included revolution.
* ZetaTalk for 8 of 10 details
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 4, 2010
I was reminded of a comment made by the Zetas - if I'm remembering correctly back during the GLP live chats - that the Zetas have more information they are willing to share, but will not do so until after certain events have taken place. As this would validate their predictions and would help in getting more people to want to listen. As we draw closer to the anticipated 7 of 10 event(s), would the Zetas care to reiterate that statement?
We indeed have declined to detail the 8 of 10 scenarios, for a number of reasons. The reason publicly given was that until the 7 of 10 had occurred, or at least begun, it would just be another intellectual exercise. The public is not emotionally connecting to our words as yet, but rather reacting in astronishment whenever one of our predictions comes true. The intellectual knowledge of what is to come and the ability to accept, emotionally, the changes when they do occur are two different things. Thus, in essence, our words are lost on the public when we speak of great changes. Rather than waste our or Nancy's time at the present time, we prefer to wait for a more focused audience. But there are other reasons for the delay. There is nothing in the 8 of 10 scenarios that changes the overall picture painted for the public. The pole shift has been detailed, so that anyone in an unsafe area when the pole shift hits knows what to expect. The 7 of 10 scenarios have been detailed for a year, often with great specifics, so the public has been warned of the immediate danger. The 8 of 10, as well as the last weeks, the 9 of 10, are at some point of time in the future.
Given that, why withhold any details about the 8 of 10 scenarios? We have let slip that they will involve continuous plate movement in places, and recently have let slip that tsunami along the West Coast of the US up to 100 feet high can be expected. Likewise, we have recently hinted that increased visibility of Planet X will be part of the 8 of 10 scenarios. Beyond the occasional hint, withholding is also being done as a frank tit for tat with the Puppet Master, who understands this game well. We have stated that information he desires will be forthcoming when, and only when, the public is privy to this information as well. This requires Nancy on TV, on major media, during such revelations. Give us what we want, and you will get what you want. Simple as that.
* ZetaTalk for 7 of 10 movement (Roll of Africa; Mariana Tilt; S American Roll)
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 4, 2010
As you said that during 7 of 10 Mariana Trench will be compressed and Pacific will be folding it seems the last one will narrow for several hundred meters or even several kilometers. And I can suppose SA will move west the same distance. Then you seemed to state Southern tip of SA will not almost move but the Northern border will do that well. So the tendency is that one part / tip of a plate moves more to this or that direction than other parts / tips. This is true for Africa plate also. Can you say the exact distances that different parts of SA will move west on? And what is for Africa with its movement west and south? If the Northern border of SA moves west for several kilometers will country Panama be partially destroyed?
The roll of Africa, as we have described, will be more of a twist in place, so that the southern tip of the African Plate shifts somewhat to the west, toward the void opened up by the spreading Atlantic Rift, while the plate overall drops enough that having the top part shift to the east does not do damage along the plate boundaries. The Straits of Gibraltar will open an additional 125 miles and the northern point at Morocco will move 50 miles further east. All points around the northern border of Africa will move commensurately. S Africa will find itself similarly 125 miles further south, and westward by about 35 miles. Indonesia, as we have described, is already buckling and sinking.
But beyond the sinking of the tip of the plate tongue holding Indonesia, the action is not in Indonesia. It is rather in the folding plates, where the Mariana Islands on the lifting eastern edge of the Mariana Plate will tilt and move an estimated 47 miles closer to the Philippine Islands. The Mariana Plate and the Mariana Trench to the east of this plate will essentially disappear, having folded, with only the Mariana Islands in a tentative survival situation. This provides an estimated 125 miles of room for S America to roll to the west, but the plate boundaries in the central Pacific have also been steadily adjusting. Overall S America now has 250 miles to roll, dragging the Caribbean and pushing over the Cocos and Nazca plates before it. This 250 miles is the degree of rip in the south Atlantic Rift, affording the African Plate roll room to maneuver.
We have not detailed our expectation of the degree of tilt or sinking for each and every Caribbean island during the S America roll, nor will we at this time. Beyond what we have stated, that no island in the Caribbean will be unaffected, or that the islands just to the north of the plate border with S America will be the most gravely affected and likely to sink entirely, we are not allowed to say more at this time. Since Panama and the other countries in Central America are situated on the S American plate, they will be pushed over the Cocos Plate with great trauma to these countries. As for S America itself, it sustains great quakes along the Andes and on the northern border which is grinding over the Caribbean Plate. These regions will not experience the sense that they have moved 250 miles further to the west, though this will be computed by man after the roll has been completed.
* ZetaTalk for Trimester effect
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 19, 2011
It was said that magnetic trimesters play a role in advancement of PX, thus we can expect that each new trimester brings "more trouble". 7/10 started at the begining of this trimester. 9/10 and PS are expected to happen within one trimester. Can we expect 7/10 and 8/10 also to happen within one or more trimesters (e.g. final stage of 7/10 like EU tsunami to appear near the end of this or one of the following trimesters, following by 8/10 with the start of next trimester)?
As we have explained, the Earth has its own magnetic field, and is most influenced by the Sun's massive magnetic field, which extends outside of what man understands to be the solar system. But the Sun itself is within a larger magnetic field, which pulses three times during an Earth year. This pulse is like the wind from a passing truck affecting a man walking along the roadway. If the truck is driving slowly, the man may barely notice, but if passing quickly the man may find the wind almost blowing him over. The ground, likewise, may vibrate or not move at all, depending upon the speed and weight of the truck. The effect of the speeding truck is strongest at the moment of passage, and diminishes thereafter. The man may relax and stride more forcefully when the wind from passing trucks is not a factor.
Thus for the change of a trimester, the effect on planet Earth is that the wobble either reacts with more violence, a stronger and faster push, or relaxes and takes a different posture, and both of these translate into influences on plate movement. Clearly the change in the magnetic environment, the magnetic soup the Earth floats in, affects the Earth wobble at the end/start of a trimester. This is why crop circles so often focus on the three, a triangle. The great magnitude 9.5 quake in Sumatra on December 26, 2004 was at the end of a trimester, and the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios occurred at the end of the December, 2010 trimester. Yet the trimester ending in December is not the strongest, and is followed by a trimester even more quiescent. It is the change that was the factor starting the 7 of 10 scenarios, causing plate adjustments to occur, and once started, these adjustments are not stopping.
Where it is clear that the end of the December trimester has been a jolt, this is not the time of greatest change. The summer trimester is the strongest, where the truck is driving by the fastest. Thus, as Planet X comes closer to the Earth so that the end of a trimester is felt by both, and the reaction is experienced by both, it is the start of the summer trimester that will emerge as the strongest jolt. The pole shift itself is predicted by ourselves to occur at the end of a trimester, and indeed, the last weeks to be encompassed by the trimester preceding this. But just what trimester will initiate the 8 of 10 changes, or the 9 of 10 finale, we are not allowed to say. It should not be assumed that each stage will last only a trimester, or even necessarily be bounded by trimesters, as there are many factors affecting the progress of Planet X along its trajectory and the gyrations that Earth will assume in response.
* ZetaTalk for 8 of 10 hint
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for May 29, 2010
What the Zetas can tell about a crop circle near Zierenberg, Germany? This cropcircle has any communication with cropcircle "Secklendorf"? ../index/zeta461.htm
This crop circle is a simplistic reminder of the magnetic trimesters, where Secklendorf was complex. Secklendorf included major Earth change notches, and the positions of those planets caught in the cup - Venus, Earth, and the Dark Twin. There is endless speculation among those hungry for a timeline clue, as to how the present and past line up, so a timeline to the future can be grasped. But since the planets and notches do not come with labels, this has proved to be an elusive conclusion. By the time Secklendorf is understood with certainty, mankind will be well on its way to being in the 8 of 10 scale point, and the issue will be moot.
* ZetaTalk for Secklendorf crop circle
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
written July 5, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.
A spectacular new crop picture appeared at Secklendorf, Germany on June 23, 2008
The Secklendorf crop circle has merged many elements of the coming pole shift. We have warned that the pole shift will occur toward the end of a magnetic trimester, and the trimesters are clearly central to this design. The notched circles are indicative of trauma points, with major trauma at the end of one trimester. Minor trauma is experienced during the pole shift year during the other trimesters. What of the orbs in the outer circle? These seem to be planets, of equal size in many instances, but what does the placement mean? Earth, Venus, and the Dark Twin are of equal size. Earth and Venus are allowed to be crowded together, caught in the cup, the eddy flow in front of Planet X, as they are in separate orbits and this puts distance between them. The third planet of equal size, the Dark Twin, is behind the Earth in their shared orbit as the Repulsion Force keeps them apart. But what of the odd cluster on the opposite side of the circle - planets of unequal size. Going into the pole shift, approaching the end of the magnetic trimester when the pole shift will occur, there will be clashes between the planets, including clashes with Planet X itself. As Planet X approaches the Earth, the cup of the eddy flow tightens, forcing Earth and Venus toward Planet X, the larger orb, as it does so. The Dark Twin falls outside of the cup at this point, thus becoming a minor element during the last weeks.
* ZetaTalk for Notched Pie crop circle
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for May 29, 2010
Could Zeta explain what this new crop circle created in Wilton Windmill, nr Wilton, Wiltshire means?
Upon examining this crop circle, one will find that the 12 sections never have a line-notch that matches a line-notch on another section. There is no continuity, from one section to another, in these notches. What do the 12 sections represent, and what do the notches represent? Since the Gregorian calendar is universal, we confirm that it is months. The notches represent significant seismic activity, or plate movement. This tends to get hot in one area, and then the stage moves to another area. We are not yet at the point, as will be the case certainly during the pole shift and may be the case during an 8 of 10, where significant plate movement in one area does not start and stop, but just keeps going. Rock fingers are still holding the plates in their current positions, in the main, so there is some movement and then a halt as new catch points take hold. As to whether this crop circle, showing 12 month slices, indicates we have a year of this type of halting plate movement to anticipate, realize that this circle could represent months past, or even a year of past activity. We are certain that there will be a flurry of analysis, thus, on just what pie slice is what month, and just what notch is what earthquake or stretch zone movement. But we predict that no timeline clues will be able to be discerned with certainty from this crop circle.
8 of 10 Overlap
* ZT Newsletter; Issue 335, March 3, 2013
The 7 of 10 sequence was introduced by the Zetas in October, 2010 and began that same year before the end of December. But the rapid execution of the sequence was delayed and mitigated, though it has emerged as predicted. The Council of Worlds intervened, wanting the people of Planet Earth to be aware of the pending passage, so the opportunity for spiritual lessons would not be lost before death ended the incarnation. Thus the Council of Worlds went to war on the cover-up, and Obama moved forward with plans to inform the peoples of the world that President Reagan’s 1983 Executive Order imposing the cover-up on National Security grounds was reversed. Meanwhile, by delaying and mitigating the 7 of 10 plate movements, this phase began to overlap into the 8 of 10 changes. Just how does that work?
The Zetas explained that the 8 of 10 would result in greater visibility of the Planet X complex. How does this differ from what we have today, where the Moon Swirls and a dramatic Second Sun are often seen, naked eye and without filters?
ZetaTalk Comparison 2/2/2013: We have described an increased visibility of Planet X, aka Nibiru and its components during the 8 of 10. But has this not already arrived to some degree? One can scarcely go on YouTube without being flooded by videos of Nibiru, aka Planet X and its Moon Swirls. For the 8 of 10, as it progresses, Planet X will be positioned more to the right in the line of sight, so that sunlight will bounce off the dust cloud clinging to and thus shrouding Planet X, supporting dramatic Second Sun sightings on a daily basis, worldwide.
The Zetas explained that the 8 of 10 would include a more severe wobble, with a blending of the seasons. Many would argue that we already have this, with increased storms, sunrise or sunset often out of place, and weather swings.
ZetaTalk Comparison 2/2/2013: During the 8 of 10, the Earth wobble will become so extreme, on a daily basis, that none can deny it. The wobble has already reached the point where it has pushed the weather into drought and deluge, severe storms and high winds, and temperature swings. The Global Warming excuse has failed to cover this, and the populace seeks an answer which only an admission on the near presence of Planet X can provide. But the wobble has not yet reached the point it will during the 8 of 10, when the Sun will be so out of place that none can deny it. Nor has a continuous blending of the seasons occurred as yet, though such blending is already occurring briefly and sporadically on occasion.
The Zetas stated that the 8 of 10 would include clashes with Venus and the Dark Twin, which would loom close and be more visible. But don’t we have this already? The images of a Monster Dark Twin or a Monster Venus are already being captured on film.
ZetaTalk Comparison 2/2/2013: We stated that during the Last Weeks, Venus and the Dark Twin would escape the cup, allowing Planet X and the Earth to engage in their final wrestling moves. But what will occur prior to this point? Already Venus and the Dark Twin loom close on occasion, appearing as the monster persona with ballooning light rays and puzzling those who see this. These instances will increase, added to the certainly that Planet X, aka Nibiru, is indeed nearby. NASA will throw a frantic public onto Nancy and ourselves to explain the Repulsion Force when their explanations on planetary body motions fail. How do they know that Venus and the Dark Twin won’t crash into the Earth? Because the Zetas say so, will be their implicit answer.
The Zetas hinted that the 8 of 10 would include plate movements beyond the 7 of 10 predictions, including continuous movement in some places, continental drift, and explosions in Iraq. But how much worse can it get? Aren’t we already into the 7 of 10 scenarios? The S American roll has been in process for some time.
ZetaTalk Comparison 2/2/2013: Where we are currently waiting for the 7 of 10 plate movements to complete, the stress on the plates is apparent. The sinking of the Sunda Plate and the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates is approximately 70% complete, but the final moves will occur in conjunction with further progress on the S American roll. Though the cover-up has found it necessary to kill almost all the buoys on the Nazca and Cocos plates, the S American roll has barely begun, perhaps 13% of the overall changes expected. And the African roll is barely twitching, at present, perhaps 5% into the process. The chaos that has already been experienced is thus only a hint of what is to come. The N American continent is under tension so great that the Salt Dome caverns along the Gulf are fracturing, but the changes here likewise have not truly started.
We stated that those aspects of the 7 of 10 that would result from rapid plate movements – specifically the European tsunami – would be mitigated to occur more slowly. The European tsunami is a factor of a rip in the North Atlantic Rift, and when occurring slowly would result in less water rebounding, and a smaller tsunami height as a consequence. If these 7 of 10 plate movements are devastating, what will occur after these have completed, during the 8 of 10? We have at most hinted at what will occur. Continuous plate movement in some areas will occur, along with a changed relationship of the continents to one another. The predicted explosions in Iraq as the oil fields are ruptured will also only occur during the 8 of 10 phase.
Certainly clear signs in the skies, an Earth wobble that leaves no doubt that Nibiru has a grip on the Earth, and almost continuous plate movement will leave few doubting the Zeta description of the coming Pole Shift. Even those who are unaware of the ZetaTalk message will be frantic from the food shortages or the floods and earthquake damage. They will be on the move, looking for a better place, a situation the Zetas predicted from the start. If the 8 of 10 is anything, it is a phase driven by sociological change.
ZetaTalk Comparison 2/2/2013: But the major 8 of 10 scenarios will be sociological, with riots and rebellion on the increase as food shortages increase and people realize the impact the Pole Shift will have on their lives. Families will be ripped apart by argument as those in denial refuse to budge and those determined to survive set their plans. Migration of desperate peoples affecting every country in some way will occur in the extreme, dominating the UN agenda and slamming borders shut. There is room on the planet to shelter all, though most may starve eventually due to food shortages. All this is the spiritual opportunity provided by the time of the passage, on Planet Earth.
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