I gathered the items about Earth Change during January, 2013 from the blogs posted in this ning and the comments on frequently updated blogs, Unusual Weather, Wobble (Earth Wobble Watch), Sinkhole Incidents (Sinkhole Incidents On the Rise), Volcanic activity (Volcano Watch) and Landslides.
Alaska: Warm weather
Arctic: Temperature anomaly
Argentina: Crack, 3 km
Australia: Heatwave, Wildfires, Monster sand wave across the sea, Cyclones, Tornadoes, Floods
Bangladesh: Record cold
Belarus: Cold wave
Brazil: Worst drought; Sinkhole
Botswana: Flooding
Canada: Snow storm, Sinkhole/Landslide
China: Sinkholes, Gas pipe explosion, Unusual cold, Snow disaster
Ecuador: Landslide
Europe: Snow, Blizzards
France: Record rain
Germany: Incredible weather change
Guatemala: Snowfall
Guyana: Storm Surge
India: Severe cold wave, Hailstorm
Indonesia: Worst floods, Landslide
Israel: Worst snowstorm
Madagascar: Tropical cyclone, Floods
Malaysia: Sinking ground
Malawi: Floods
Mexico: Heavy snow
Middle East: Deadly storms, Snow blanket
Mozambique: Flooding
New Zealand: Unseasonable snow, Tornado, Heavy rain, Lightning
North Atlantic: Ferocious Storm
Pakistan: Landslide
Peru: Severe flooding
Philippine: Aground Navy ship, Landslide
Poland: Sinkhole
Portugal: Big wave
Pyrenees (France / Spain): Record snowfall
Russia: 'Snow tsunami'
Seychelles: Floods, Landslides
South Africa: Flooding
Spain: Strong wind
Sri Lanka: Worst floods
Thailand: Land cracks
Turkey: New submarine volcano, Landslide
UK: Landslides, December blossoms, Violent storms, Snow, Hail, Heavy rain, Thunder, Tornado, Flooding
USA: Water main break, Landslides, Rare tornado, Heavy snow, Ferry slammed into dock, Record highs/lows smashed, Severe cold, Thunderstorms, Large pressure ridge, Another snowless record, Snowpack, Dangerous cold snap, Ice jam flooding, Tornadoes, Sinkholes
Zimbabwe: Heavy rain, Floods
A) Blogs posted during January, 2013 (January)
B) Unusual Weather, Wobble: Earth Wobble Watch (commented during January, 2013)
C) Sinkhole Incidents: Sinkhole Incidents On the Rise (commented during January, 2013)
D) Volcanic activity: Volcano Watch (commented during January, 2013)
E) Landslides: (commented during January, 2013)
*B1) Remember just a few weeks ago when the opposite was true, that parts of Alaska were experiencing record breaking low temps and lots of snow? Now it is Southern California with the unusual low temps and Alaska with the warm weather.: by ann s. on January 15, 2013
*B1) Temperature anomaly in the Arctic: by Andrey Eroshin on January 15, 2013
*A1) Argentina: A crack of 3 km Otumpa worries villagers.: by khan on January 7, 2013
*A1) Australia, Queensland: Fitzroy River continues rising amid 'sea of ...: by khan on January 30, 2013
*B1) East coast, and Southern Australia Brace for Heat waves (Jan 1): by Sevan Makaracı on January 2, 2013
*B2) Australia endures record heatwave: by ann s. on January 3, 2013
*B3) Wildfires destroy dozens of homes in Australia as crews battle flames in 42 degree heat : by KM on January 6, 2013
*B4) ‘Prepare for the worst bushfires in history’: Australia forecasters forced to extend charts as temperatures soar to a catastrophic 45C: by KM on January 8, 2013
*B5) Australia swelters through hottest ever day: by lonne de vries on January 9, 2013
*B6) It’s Now So Hot in Australia that Gasoline Evaporates Before You Can Pump It (Jan 9): by Sevan Makaracı on January 10, 2013
*B7) Cyclone Warning to the West Coast in Australia - but that here exceeded expectations: A monster wave of sand moved across the sea!: by Poli on January 11, 2013
*B8) Sydney experiences its hottest day on record: a blistering 45.8 degrees Celsius (114F): by SongStar101 on January 20, 2013
*B9) Special Climate Statement 43 - Extreme January heat. [Australian Bureau of Meteorology; 2013, January 14]: by Kojima on January 23, 2013
B10) How Widespread was the Australian Heatwave? [Earth Observatory; Jan23, 2013]: by Kojima on January 25, 2013
B11) The wild weather is coming thick and fast here in Oz. Australia has had 2 cyclones, devastating bush fires, and now tornadoes, all in Jan.2013.: by Lindi Lou on January 26, 2013
B12) Queensland on flood alert: by Kojima on January 26, 2013
B13) Devastating floods strike Queensland, disaster declared: Comment by KM on January 27, 2013
*B1) Record Cold Kills 80 in Bangladesh (Jan 10): by Howard on January 11, 2013
*B1) Belarus: Cold Wave - Jan 2013: by Kojima on January 31, 2013
*A1) Mozambique flooding kills 36, displaces thousands.: by Robyn Appleton on January 26, 2013
*B1) Worst drought in decades hits Brazil's Northeast: by lonne de vries on January 5, 2013
*C1) Video of Brazilian sinkhole swallowing a small car.: by Howard on January 12, 2013
*B1) Newfoundland Snow Storm: St. John's To Corner Brook Without Power After Blizzard: by KM on January 12, 2013
*C1) Sinkhole Causes Massive Landslide in Quarry Near Montreal (Jan 29): by Howard on January 30, 2013
*C2) A rescue operation is underway following a landslide at a quarry near l'Épiphanie, Que., 50 kilometres north of Montreal: by bill on January 30, 2013
*A1) China: Lianyuan is subject to several geological hazards.; Sinkholes: by khan on January 14, 2013
*A2) China: gas pipe explosion destroys entire street in Beihai, Guangxi...: by Andrey Eroshin on January 25, 2013
*B1) China's Coldest Winter in Decades at New Low: by lonne de vries on January 5, 2013
*B2) Snow disaster affects 770,000 people in N China (Jan 6): by Sevan Makaracı on January 6, 2013
*B3) Unusual Cold in China and Northeast Asia [Earth Observatory; Jan24, 2013]: by Kojima on January 25, 2013
*B4) Snow has covered much of the desert since a storm blew through the area on December 26.; Storm Turns the Taklimakan Desert White: by Robyn Appleton on January 26, 2013
*C1) Sink hole sucks in shops as horrified evacuees watch in China's southern Guangdong province; Date January 30, 2013; Sinkhole Swallows Entire Building Complex: by bill on January 30, 2013
*E1) Landslide kills seven in Ecuador: by Kojima on January 26, 2013
*B1) Snow in Europe: Record amount of snow and the longest traffic jams: by Stra on January 15, 2013
*B2) Europe hit by blizzards, air traffic havoc, deaths; AFP | Jan 20, 2013: by SongStar101 on January 20, 2013
*B1) Météo-France-Bordeaux tells us that the rains in January 2013 broke records.: by lonne de vries on January 28, 2013
*B1) Germany - Incredible change in the weather; minus 21 degrees, up to 16 degree.: Comment by Poli on January 26, 2013
*B1) Snowfall in San Marcos Guatemala:by Recall 15 on January 25, 2013
*B1) Storm Surge in Guyana on Thursday, 17 January, 2013: by ann s. on January 17, 2013
*B1) India: More Than 100 Die Of Exposure As Temperatures Drop In The North: by KM on January 3, 2013
*B2) All schools closed as severe cold wave grips state (India): by lonne de vries on January 9, 2013
*B3) N.India snowfall at eight-year record: by Sevan Makaracı on January 21, 2013
*B4) Nine people killed as freak hailstorm rains massive boulders down on Indian villages: by KM on January 31, 2013
*A1) 7 of 10 Indonesia sinking: since the end of december in the country...: by Andrey Eroshin on January 16, 2013
*A2) 7 of 10 SINKING; Indonesia: Jakarta worst floods since 2007! Ground...: by Stanislav on January 18, 2013
*E1) Landslides Wreak Havoc in Western Indonesia (Jan 27): by Howard on January 27, 2013
*B1) Stormy weather brings much of Israel to a standstill: by jorge namour on January 8, 2013
*B2) Jerusalem hit by worst snowstorm in twenty years: by Stra on January 11, 2013
*A1) Mozambique flooding kills 36, displaces thousands.: by Robyn Appleton on January 26, 2013
*A1) Malaysia: Residents worry over collapsed wall and cracks on the gro...; Sinking ground: by khan on January 8, 2013
*A1) Mozambique flooding kills 36, displaces thousands.: by Robyn Appleton on January 26, 2013
*B1) Heavy Snow Blankets Northern Mexico, West Texas (Jan 3): by Howard on January 4, 2013
[Middle East]
*B1) Deadly storms blanket parts of Mid-East in snow (Jan 10): by Sevan Makaracı on January 11, 2013
*A1) Mozambique flooding kills 36, displaces thousands.: by Robyn Appleton on January 26, 2013
[New Zealand]
*B1) Unseasonable snow falls in South Island (Jan 3): by Sevan Makaracı on January 3, 2013
*B2) Tornado hits Kaikoura in South Island of New Zealand today while we are having 30C in the North of the North Island.: by Lynne Warbrooke on January 9, 2013
*B3) NZ West Coast highway closed after bridge washout; Heavy rain: by bill on January 10, 2013
*B4) Night of 15,000 lightning strikes in NZ: by bill on January 10, 2013
[North Atlantic]
*B1) Ferocious Storm Set to Explode in North Atlantic: by KM on January 28, 2013
*E1) Another valley blocking landslide in northern Pakistan: by lonne de vries on January 25, 2013
*B1) Hundreds flee after severe flooding in Peruvian Amazon: by KM on January 1, 2013
*A1) U.S. Navy minesweeper runs aground off Philippines: by Mark on January 17, 2013
*E1) Landslide Strikes Philippines, Changes Course of River (Jan 27): by Howard on January 28, 2013
*C1) (Dec.19) Poland: Around 1 a.m. local time, a 33-ft. sinkhole in the town of Ostrowiec, swallowed three rows of garages and 20 cars and damaged water and sewer lines.: by Andrey Eroshin on January 25, 2013
*B1) Waves setting records and gaining size yearly: by SongStar101 on January 30, 2013
[Pyrenees (France / Spain)]
*B1) Record snowfall closes lifts and roads in the Pyrenees: by lonne de vries on January 20, 2013
*A1) Mozambique flooding kills 36, displaces thousands.: by Robyn Appleton on January 26, 2013
*B1) Snowpocalypse Russia: 'Snow tsunami' swallows streets, cars, buildings; Published: 18 January, 2013: by KM on January 21, 2013
[South Africa]
*B1) Flooding parts of Kruger National Park (19 January 2013) - SOUTH AFRICA: by jorge namour on January 19, 2013
*B1) 1200 Skiers in Spain Evacuate Due to Strong Wind- January 3 , 2013: by jorge namour on January 3, 2013
[Sri Lanka]
*A1) 7 of 10 SINKING; Indonesia: Jakarta worst floods since 2007! Ground...: by Stanislav on January 18, 2013
*A1) Thailand: Land cracks in Wiset Chai Chan district: by khan on January 5, 2013
*A1) 7 of 10 African Roll: New submarine volcanic eruption off Turkey's ...: by Sevan Makaracı on January 5, 2013
*E1) At Least 7 Dead in Turkey Landslide (Jan 27): by Howard on January 28, 2013
*A1) Coastal landslide safety warning after Tynemouth cliff collapses (UK): by Sevan Makaracı on January 3, 2013
*A2) December Blossoms - Further Proof of the Wobble: by Howard on January 13, 2013
*B1) Warm start to year brings snowdrops out weeks early... but don't get too used to it as there's a big chill on the way: by KM on January 8, 2013
*B2) Kayaker drowns after getting into difficulty in swollen river as the big freeze turns into a deadly deluge: by KM on January 26, 2013
*B3) Big Freeze turned into the Big Thaw in a DAY; Snow, Heavy rainfall, Warmer temperatures: by Stra on January 28, 2013
*B4) Rare "tornado" spotted in Bristol Channel as storms hit North Somerset; Snow, hail, heavy rain and thunder: by Robyn Appleton on January 30, 2013
*B5) Melting Snow And Downpours Cause Flooding: by Kojima on January 30, 2013
*E1) Holiday chalets worth £200,000 each on edge of cliff facing destruction after series of landslides put them at risk: by KM on January 31, 2013
*A1) Water Main Breaks Gusher in 2013: by Howard on January 8, 2013
*A2) Landslides Erupt Across Southeastern U.S.: by Howard on January 23, 2013
*B1) Rare tornado touchdown in the mountains, S.California (Dec 30): by Sevan Makaracı on January 1, 2013
*B2) Heavy Snow Blankets Northern Mexico, West Texas (Jan 3): by Howard on January 4, 2013
*B3) Chicago Snowfall: City About To Break A 72-Year-Old Weather Record: by Derrick Johnson on January 8, 2013
*B4) NEW YORK -- A high-speed commuter ferry slammed into a Lower Manhattan dock Wednesday, injuring 57 people, authorities said.: by Jon on January 9, 2013
*B5) Californians brace for nights of freezing temps: by SongStar101 on January 13, 2013
*B6) N. America Record Highs/Lows Smashed From Coast to Coast (Jan 13): by Howard on January 14, 2013
*B7) Temps across the USA setting records in stunning image forcast! East of the Sierras is mostly in the Minus -F degrees purple to white!: by SongStar101 on January 14, 2013
*B8) Western USA in more detail. See the minus -F temps details all across…: by SongStar101 on January 14, 2013
*B9) See more details on the Mid West: by SongStar101 on January 14, 2013
*B10) The weather is severely cold here in Colorado, way below weather norms this time of year.: by M.B. on January 15, 2013
*B11) To further the comments on the freezing temperatures here in California, it has been extremely cold for weeks now.: by diffrntstrokes on January 15, 2013
*B12) in North Texas the sound of thunder. Thunderstorms in January are rare enough, but I did not expect to see SNOW on the ground while the thunder continued.: by ann s. on January 15, 2013
*B13) Remember just a few weeks ago when the opposite was true, that parts of Alaska were experiencing record breaking low temps and lots of snow? Now it is Southern California with the unusual low temps and Alaska with the warm weather.: by ann s. on January 15, 2013
B14) Surprise winter storm creates travel woes across N. Texas (Jan 15): by Sevan Makaracı on January 17, 2013
*B15) A large pressure ridge has formed on Fish Lake north of Duluth and was rapidly flooding the surface of the lake on Saturday: by KM on January 20, 2013
*B16) 'Incredible:' Another snowless record on tap for Chicago: by Sevan Makaracı on January 21, 2013
*B17) update on the pathetic start to colorado's 2013 snowpack: by Ryan Giorgis on January 29, 2013
*B18) * Dangerous cold snap hits Midwest, Eastern US [CBS NEWS; Jan 22, 2013]: by Kojima on January 30, 2013
*B19) Ice jam causes flooding in Malone, NY: by Kojima on January 30, 2013
*B20) Forecast in West Virginia predicts 71 degrees today plummeting down to 17 degrees on Friday.: by Howard on January 30, 2013
*B21) Tornadoes tear through four states in the US, killing at least two: by lonne de vries on January 31, 2013
*C1) Sinkhole Prompts Traffic in College Area, San Diego (Jan 1): by Sevan Makaracı on January 1, 2013
*C2) Residents advised to evacuate after second sinkhole opens, Pennsylvania (Jan 1): by Sevan Makaracı on January 1, 2013
*C3) Woman Rescued in UES Sidewalk Collapse; Friday, Jan 11, 2013: by Starr DiGiacomo on January 13, 2013
*C4) New York Postal Worker Nearly Swallowed by Sinkhole (Jan 16): by Howard on January 17, 2013
*C5) Massive Sinkhole Opens Under Parked Car in Holladay Utah (Jan 19): by Howard on January 20, 2013
*C6) Giant Sinkhole Strands Residents Near Bluff City Tennessee (Jan 19): by Howard on January 20, 2013
*C7) New bubbling site spotted near Bayou Corne sinkhole: by KM on January 22, 2013
*A1) Mozambique flooding kills 36, displaces thousands.: by Robyn Appleton on January 26, 2013
Volcanic activity: Volcano Watch (commented during January, 2013)
Alaska (Cleveland)
*D1) Elevated surface temperatures, Cleveland volcano (Jan 19): by Sevan Makaracı on January 20, 2013
Black Sea (Underwater volcano)
*D1) Underwater volcano in Black Sea damaged 160km of fiber-optic cable: by Andrey Eroshin on January 19, 2013
Canary Island (El Hierro)
*D1) Seismic unrest at El Hierro (Canary Islands) (jan 1): by Sevan Makaracı on January 2, 2013
Chile (Puyehue Cordon Caulle)
*D1) Chilean volcano Puyehue Cordon Caulle- New eruption: by jorge namour on January 23, 2013
Columbia (Geleras)
*D1) Mild ash explosions reported at Colombia’s Geleras volcano (Dec 31): by Sevan Makaracı on January 1, 2013
Ecuador (Reventador; Tungurahua)
*D1) Reventador Volcano (Ecuador) Enters New Eruption With Lava Flows And Explosions (Jan 24): by Sevan Makaracı on January 24, 2013
*D2) Increased activity at 2 volcanoes in Ecuador (Tungurahua and Reventador, Jan 26): by Sevan Makaracı on January 27, 2013
*D1) Hawaiian Lava Lake Hits New Record High (Jan 16): by Sevan Makaracı on January 17, 2013
Indonesia (Manam)
*D1) Large Explosive Eruption at Indonesian Manam Volcano (Jan 12): by Howard on January 13, 2013
Italy (Etna; Stromboli; Campi Flegrei)
*D1) Stromboli volcano (Italy) : Strong explosions (Jan 1): by Sevan Makaracı on January 3, 2013
*D2) earthquake of 4.3 magnitude near the volcano Etna: by jorge namour on January 4, 2013
*D3) 07.01.13. Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): increase in uplift and temperature as possible signs of magma ascent: by Andrey Eroshin on January 9, 2013
*D4) Powerful Eruptions Continue on Stromboli (Jan 14): by Howard on January 15, 2013
Mexico (Colima)
*D1) Mexico: evacuated 3,000 people from National Park Nevado de Colima: by jorge namour on January 7, 2013
*D2) THE volcano of COLIMA loses the dome of his Summit- MEXICO: by jorge namour on January 17, 2013
New Zealand (Tongariro; White Island)
*D1) Increase of the tremor in recent days in the volcano White Island from New Zealand: by jorge namour on January 20, 2013
*D2) Scientists warn of another Mount Tongariro eruption (New Zealand, Jan 21): by Sevan Makaracı on January 21, 2013
*D3) White Island volcanic activity concern (New Zealand, Jan 22): by Sevan Makaracı on January 23, 2013
*D4) White Island eruption increasingly likely (New Zealand, Jan 25): by Sevan Makaracı on January 25, 2013
Papua New Guinea (Tavurvur)
*D1) Mount Tavurvur in Papua New Guinea Erupts (Jan 19): by Howard on January 23, 2013
Russia / Kamchatka (Benzymjanny; Kizimen; Shiveluch; Tolbachik)
*D1) Lava Flow on Tolbachik volcano continues, Russia (Jan 2): by Sevan Makaracı on January 2, 2013
*D2) Kizimen Volcano on Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula Erupts (Jan 5): by Howard on January 6, 2013
*D3) Russian Tolbachik Volcano Spewing Gas And Ash 2,5 Miles High (Jan 8): by Sevan Makaracı on January 8, 2013
*D4) The volcano Kizimen on the Russian far eastern Kamchatka Peninsula have thrown the ash to a height of more than five kilometers above sea level.: by Poli on January 12, 2013
*D5) Russian Volcano, The Plosky Tolbachik Volcano, Creates Unprecedented Lake of Lava (Jan 12) : by Howard on January 13, 2013
*D6) Three Volcanoes Erupting on Kamchatka Peninsula (Jan 22): by Howard on January 23, 2013
*D7) Photos from 3 erupting volcanoes on Kamchatka Peninsula; Plosky Tolbachik volcano, Kizimen volcano, Shiveluch volcano (Jan 22): by Sevan Makaracı on January 30, 2013
*D8) In Kamchatka are four neighboring volcanoes simultaneously erupted.: by Poli on January 31, 2013
*D1) Volcanic Activity Suspected off Turkey’s Coast (Jan 3): by Sevan Makaracı on January 3, 2013
USA (Yellowstone)
*D1) Notable increase of earthquake swarms in Yellowstone (Dec): by Sevan Makaracı on January 1, 2013
[Worldwide Volcanic Activity Summary (Jan 26)]
Currently erupting: 23; Eruption warning issued: 35; Restless: 58: by Howard on January 26, 2013
Volcano Activity Summary for 26 Jan 2013:
Currently erupting:
Ambrym (Vanuatu): active lava lakes in several craters (updated 25 Jan 2013)
Batu Tara (Sunda Islands, Indonesia): strombolian explosions, ash plumes up to 500 m, extrusion of a small lava dome with rockfalls (updated 14 Dec 2012)
Erebus (Antarctica): active lava lake in summit crater (updated 21 Jan 2012)
Erta Ale (Ethiopia): active lava lake in northern pit crater, active hornito with intermittend flow in southern crater (updated 11 Jan 2013)
Etna (Sicily, Italy): small strombolian activity in NSEC (updated 23 Jan 2013)
Fuego (Guatemala): effusion of la lava flow, small strombolian explosions (updated 25 Jan 2013)
Gamalama (Halmahera): ash eruptions since 17 Sep (updated 17 Sep 2012)
Kilauea (Hawai'i): lava lakes in Halemau'uma'u and Pu'u 'O'o, lava flows on coastal flat and weakly active ocean entries (updated 26 Jan 2013)
Kizimen (Kamchatka, Russia): growing lava dome, lava flow on eastern flank, avalanches (updated 26 Jan 2013)
Kliuchevskoi (Kamchatka): strombolian activity in summit crater (updated 11 Jan 2013)
Lokon-Empung (North Sulawesi, Indonesia): almost daily explosions (updated 25 Jan 2013)
Nyiragongo (DRCongo): active lava lake in summit crater (updated 17 Dec 2012)
Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania): spattering and lava flows of natrocarbonatite lava inside the summit crater (updated 9 Dec 2012)
Rabaul (Tavurvur) (New Britain, Papua New Guinea): ash explosions (updated 24 Jan 2013)
Raung (East Java): mild strombolian eruption inside the crater (updated 8 Nov 2012)
Reventador (Ecuador): growing lava dome, occasional explosions, strong tremor (updated 26 Jan 2013)
Sakurajima (Kyushu): 0-3 weak to moderate vulcanian-style explosions per day, ash clouds up to 2-3 km altitude (updated 23 Jan 2013)
Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): advancing viscous active lava flows, weak occasional explosions (updated 25 Jan 2013)
Semeru (East Java, Indonesia): growing lava dome, ash venting and small to moderate explosions (updated 25 Jul 2012)
Shiveluch (Kamchatka): slow dome growth, occasional explosions and pyroclastic flows (updated 21 Jan 2013)
Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): strong strombolian explosions, intermittent small lava overspills (updated 24 Jan 2013)
Tolbachik (Kamchatka, Russia): effusion of fluid lava flows (updated 26 Jan 2013)
Yasur (Tanna Island, Vanuatu): strong strombolian activity (level 3), crater currently closed (updated 2 Aug 2012)
See also,
* Overview of Earth Change during December, 2012, Posted in this Ning
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