Sociological Changes; from ZetaTalk

In the new ZetaTalk, 8 of 10 overlap, a word of "sociological" seemed to me an important key word. Zetas state "But the major 8 of 10 scenarios will be sociological, with riots and rebellion on the increase as food shortages increase and people realize the impact the Pole Shift will have on their lives." Then I searched ZetaTalk as a key word by "sociological", and showed the results below.


1) ZetaTalk: During 2002 [2001-10-15]

Thus, there will be increases, as there will be increasing crop shortages, but the most noticeable effect to mankind will be the sociological changes, during 2002.

2) ZetaTalk: Odd Atmosphere [2003-03-01]

A seventh trend is the sociological trend, whereby governments wanting to placate a restless and confused populace do what is called saber rattling, pointing to a threat of war in another, or threatening war themselves so that their pollution backs up the leadership.

3) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written November 17, 2007 [2007-11-17]

This is a sociological matter, which will manifest when the Earth changes reach a certain crescendo.

4) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written March 29, 2008 [2008-03-29]

We have likewise stated that on a scale of 1 to 10, 2008 might see us at a 6 in terms of earth changes and sociological chaos if at the current time we are at 2-3 in this scale.

5) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written May 3, 2008 [2008-05-03]

We stated that this would not only include Earth changes such as weather, earthquakes and crop failures, but also sociological changes such as riots, economic depression and potential martial law in parts of the world.

6) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written August 9, 2008 [2008-08-09]

And who would be included or more importantly excluded from these cooperatives? It is a sociological nightmare. These communities will form without the assistance of those in government or leadership positions.

7) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written September 20, 2008 [2008-09-20]

There are sociological effects and biological effects.

8) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written November 1, 2008 [2008-11-01]

Certainly we have had sociological/economic changes because of the Wall Street crash.

9) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 19, 2011 [2011-03-19]

These sociological and political dramas are part of the 8 of 10 scenarios, as well as geological and astronomical features.

10) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 26, 2011 [2011-03-26]

All this is subject to change, as the sociological changes accompanying the 8 of 10 Earth changes play out. 

11) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 23, 2011 [2011-07-23]

If economic development is the goal, then why bother with Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, and Education? Such sociological infrastructure develops as a result of population increases, and their involvement is not required until such an increase occurs.

12) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 8, 2011 [2011-10-08]

We have stated that the 8 of 10 will also involve sociological factors, without getting into specifics other than to point to the Arab Spring.

13) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for November 5, 2011 [2011-11-05]

As we have stated, the 8 of 10 scenarios will involve sociological changes, which are inevitable in a world with a changing geography. This certainly includes border clashes.

14) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for June 23, 2012 [2012-06-23]

Our warnings about the severity of the Pole Shift, and the sociological changes to result, are not taken as the final word by many leaders, who thus plan instead for a continuation of the current economic structure.


15) Troubled Times: Denver

Colorado, and especially Denver, will be a study in sociological tides during the days preceding the pole shift and the months following.

16) Troubled Times: Madison

The largest problem will be sociological, as being the site of the state government, survivors in the state, who will be many, will travel there demanding assistance.

17) Troubled Times: Cape Town

Cape Town will find itself caught in the flow of sociological changes as well as positioned for high drama during the shift. 

18) Troubled Times: Kazakstan

Because Kazakstan will do so well, overall, and so much of Russia will be flooded, Kazakstan's largest problem will be sociological, due to an inundation of refugees!


19) Finegan Fine

The main theme is the sociological adaptation of the populace to the lack of rescue and rising waters after the cataclysms.


There is room on the planet to shelter all, though most may starve eventually due to food shortages. All this is the spiritual opportunity provided by the time of the passage, on Planet Earth.

 (8 of 10 overlap)

***** Nancy's Blog: SAFELOCATIONS *****

So if so many places have dangers, in one form or another, just where should people go to be relatively safe during the hour of the shift?

Well inland from coastlines, off land that is mountain building, not near where rain swollen rivers will flood, and not on one of the new poles. 

This actually includes the majority of land on the globe.

And remember that even if an area carries cautions, that does not mean that survival there is not possible. 

Even among these relatively safe places not likely to experience mountain building or tidal waves, they all have some sort of caution, be it sociological cautions, indigenous disease, or the likelihood of being inundated after the shift as the old poles melt.

Even their relative attractiveness as a Meca for those wanting to escape danger is a caution, as the mob will go there. 

ALL parts of the globe will be experiencing hurricane force winds during the hour of the shift.

ALL will be experiencing Richter 9 force earthquakes.

ALL will be experiencing a deluge of rain.


1) ZetaTalk: During 2002; Note: written Oct 15, 2001

The calendar years leading into the pole shift year will see the culmination of many trends, and a few new trends. Erratic weather causing droughts and deluges and temperature swings affect commercial crops and food relied upon by hunter-gathering groups alike, so distress from weather created disasters and food shortages will increase, as will the resulting anger of governed populaces against their ineffectual governments and migrations of peoples attempting to find a better place. These have been existing trends, not new. Governments react to problems placed before them that they cannot solve by pointing the finger outside their borders, as a threatened country supports its leadership and fears to undermine it during such times. Using outside threats, so that many countries point fingers at each other, can be expected to increase during 2002. This likewise is not a new trend going into the pole shift. Increasing quakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as high tides and ocean whirlpools, will get little media attention so as not to alarm an already uneasy populace, but will nevertheless occur. These and heating of the Earth from the core, causing melting polar ice and glaciers, is not new but an existing trend.

We have predicted that in the year prior to the shift that satellites will fail, consistently. Earthquake and volcano activity will steadily increase, on a somewhat linear scale. Earthquakes and volcanoes are reacting to the heating up and activity in the core, which has a great deal of drag in that there is a large amount of matter to heat up and increasing motion in this is not that easy, the core being heavy matter and inclined to hug itself closely. Thus, the increasing approach of the 12th Planet will be less noticeable on Earth than would be expected, when looking at the rapidly diminishing distance. However, should one run statistics on the changes, one would see other than lineal changes overall. It is simply that the core must increase substantially in its temperature or motion for a small increase evident on the crust. This is not lineal, and the crust is pushed outward when increased heat and swirling about occur, so is less subject to rubbing one plate against another and there are more places where magma can ooze out in the deep ocean rifts.

Thus, there will be increases, as there will be increasing crop shortages, but the most noticeable effect to mankind will be the sociological changes, during 2002. The establishment will become guarded, start to falter in their explanation for the changes, and start to enclose themselves into enclaves safe from the populace. New leadership, from the masses so to speak, will arise, filling the void. These will be noticed, and much the talk, while the weird weather and increasing quakes will be scarcely noticed. So these trends are what will be new, in 2002, as a trend leading into the pole shift.

  • increasing polarization by orientation into either Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self groups, to the point of being distinct and noticeable.
  • safe haven offerings by Service-to-Self groups intent on garnering slaves and expertise from those desperate from recent disasters or unemployment.
  • steps to actually prepare for the coming troubled times by individuals who have formerly only mulled over the earth changes and government responses.

2) ZetaTalk: Odd Atmosphere; Note: written during the Mar 1, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

ABC News today talks about a mysterious new cloud in the upper atmosphere, not seen since the days of the Krakatoa eruption. Is this cloud the result of volcanic eruptions right now?

#zetatalk IRC

As humans aware of the Earth changes have noted, there are several signs that are unusual.

  1. One of the first noted was the White Buffalo syndrome, where albino animals, domesticated and wildlife alike, were born albinos or lacking color.
  2. A second trend noted, which we predicted, was increasing illness, which finally hit the news as whole cruise ships and military bases became ill at once.
  3. A third trend was melting poles and glaciers, talked about much in the news a couple years back but since repressed from reporting.
  4. A fourth trend was called crazed animal or insects or sea life, where passive animals would attack, such as attacking jack rabbits, and spiders spinning acres of webs.
  5. A fifth trend was the activation of volcanoes, known to be active at some point in the recent past, all activating in some manner simultaneously.
  6. A sixth trend was the erratic weather, with deluges and droughts alternating seemingly without reason.
  7. A seventh trend is the sociological trend, whereby governments wanting to placate a restless and confused populace do what is called saber rattling, pointing to a threat of war in another, or threatening war themselves so that their pollution backs up the leadership.
  8. An eighth trend were the booms and flashes noted shortly after ZetaTalk began, where heaving earth and seas created clapping in the atmosphere and methane gas released flashed momentarily.
  9. A ninth trend was the increasingly diffusing magnetic field, which causes malfunctioning instruments, crashing plans, and wandering compasses.
  10. A tenth trend is slowing rotation, now notably about 1sec/day with moon phases starting to lag by a day or so.

Yet another trend recently emerging is noted in the atmosphere, where imaging from above the Earth reports a sheen, or other abnormalities are noted. What is causing this new trend? If one reviews the other trends, one sees that many particle flows are involved in abnormal patterns, and one can assume that many particle flows not known by man are also so involved. The White Buffalo is thus, as we explained, because of a core emanation that signals cave creatures to forgo coloration. Increasing illness because the immune system is disrupted by particle flows. Certainly the warming of the Earth's surface, causing melting poles and glaciers, are because of disturbed heat particle flows. The atmosphere, from its blue hue to its swirling motion, is affected by many particle flows, as well as the normal composition of air flowing up or down. Should an accumulation of this or that chemical result, color and sheen, or the appearance of a cloud, will often result. What is a cloud, but water particles suspended, or if a dirty cloud, perhaps dust particles.
We are telling you to expect that your upper atmosphere, your sky, may change color! May allow greater sunlight through, or create what seems to be a cloudy day suppressing sunlight even though no clouds can be seen! Expect the unexpected, during these last months and weeks before the shift. This cannot be explained simply as volcanic dust, or airborne water particles, it is more than these simple explanations. As the variety of reasons for this atmospheric disturbances will be many, we will not list them all, as there will scarcely be time for human scientists to even contemplate them. Thus, suffice it to say, odd atmospheres, as detailed above, and take this as another sign that the times are upon you!

3) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written November 17, 2007

As you have sensed, this is not a linear process. We have stated that the process moves from linear to exponential, and stated a few months ago that the earthquakes had already moved from the linear progression that existed from 1995 to 2007 into an exponential progression. We have stated that the occasional ping of a collapsing bridge or an imploding factory will become like thunder, so many pings that they can no longer be differentiated. The media will stop reporting these incidences, nationally, only reporting them in local news, and then will stop reporting them even in the local news. It will move in an exponential manner, but with sudden spurts. Fault lines give suddenly, after resisting, and when these fault lines give they allow other fault lines to adjust. This pace will not be linear. In addition, much of what we have described will also entail exhausted emergency management teams, so that the public begins to realize they will have to fend for themselves. This is a sociological matter, which will manifest when the Earth changes reach a certain crescendo.

4) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written March 29, 2008

We have stated our reason for withholding a date. We are still not giving a date, but by some of our recent statements it can be inferred that 2008 is not the year. We stated that Obama would be good in a crisis, a good leader, and he could not possibly be in a leadership position until January 2009. We have likewise stated that on a scale of 1 to 10, 2008 might see us at a 6 in terms of earth changes and sociological chaos if at the current time we are at 2-3 in this scale. A pole shift in 2008 would have put us at a 10 by the end of 2008. Why are we more relaxed about this date related information? Because there is less likelihood that the US will be plunged into a martial law situation. Bush 3 as the clone in charge is part of this reason. We have also stated to the Puppet Master and others that as they take steps to help the common man, take steps to inform the common man and the like, that they will get the information they seek. You could consider this payback for the Puppet Master's role in the Bush 3 clone replacement, if you wish, as in part that's the reason for our being more relaxed about date related information.

5) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written May 3, 2008

We stated that on a scale of 1-10, with the present state earlier in the year being between 2-3, that we would predict a 6 on this scale by the end of the year. We stated that this would not only include Earth changes such as weather, earthquakes and crop failures, but also sociological changes such as riots, economic depression and potential martial law in parts of the world. We have also discussed the likelihood of a general announcement about the coming passage. This is highly unlikely, because the public in any country would demand to know what the government plans to do to protect and care for them, and such care and protection is impossible to promise. It is likely to be during the last weeks, or close to this point in time, when any such announcement would be made. At that time, the announcement would include the fact that the government cannot care for its citizenry, suggested steps such citizenry might take to help themselves would be offered, and more or less the fact that those in government will see the survivors at the other end of the expected catastrophes and good luck to all!

6) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written August 9, 2008

The zetas have suggested moving to rural settings if individuals want to survive or assist loved ones to survive. This is logical as cities largely cannot support life in a stand alone mode. Is there any consideration of organizing cooperatives or communal settings by people like Gore, Pelosie, other STO individuals that are likely to be in power or is this unworkable?

And who would be included or more importantly excluded from these cooperatives? It is a sociological nightmare. These communities will form without the assistance of those in government or leadership positions. Those humans who are preparing are doing so because they have given the Call and been informed by their alien visitors of what is before them. In almost all cases, they are operating with subconscious knowledge. They are guided, if they need help, to the right locations and where to meet others of like mind. They begin cooperative interactions, and are a community before the last weeks arrive. This works better than any effort by the government, as announced survival communities will be inundated by the selfish and lazy, looking for a handout and to be taken care by others. Or then will be inundated by those looking for victims to take advantage of.

7) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written September 20, 2008

There are sociological effects and biological effects. The prophecy of the White Buffalo was based on the fact that the swirling core of the Earth will cause the core to emit particles that signal animals that they do not need coloration. Cave fish and lizards are white, without color, as they need no protection from the Sun. We predicted an increase in albinism in wildlife and domestic animals alike at the start of ZetaTalk and this has occurred.
Then there is the wafting tail of Planet X, which has petrochemicals and other elements in it. Since the arrival of Planet X in the inner solar system in 2003, women have complained about increased or disturbed menstral periods, and both sexes have complained about nausea, headache and ringing ears - all without apparent cause. We explained that this is a factor due to these chemicals in the atmosphere.
And finally, the populace senses they are being lied to about many things. The news is not covering the obvious, like the Moon being out of position or the Sun rising too far to the north. They are irritable because they sense some doom coming, some reason for such a cover-up, and are distracted in their work or given to giddy behavior to comfort themselves.

8) ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live; written November 1, 2008

Certainly we have had sociological/economic changes because of the Wall Street crash. Many are expecting that a 6 cannot be reached without significant Earth changes such as earthquakes or a serious wobble or perhaps some type of atmospheric changes that point to the presence of another planetary body in the solar system. Just what will occur, we cannot say. It may be one or many of these instances, or something totally unexpected.

9) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 19, 2011

ZetaTalk has always been taken seriously, since its inception in 1995. This is because the 2000 or so MJ12 members, the wealthy and politically powerful, were aware that we, the Service-to-Other Zetas, were speaking through Nancy. The issue was whether our description of the coming pole shift was accurate, as mankind lies to promote its agenda and thus these men assumed the same of ourselves. In truth, those Zetas who were of the Service-to-Self orientation had lied regularly to MJ12, and most humans struggle with how to differentiate the orientations, not being, in the main, mature and wise souls. We stated that Planet X would enter the solar system in early 2003 and pass. It tracked in precisely according to our coordinates but did not pass, so skepticism on our predictions still held.
But all our other predictions have been so remarkably accurate, though there are still skeptics that assume Indonesia will not sink to the degree we described. The approach of the establishment in those countries to be affected by the sinking was to blame rain and a sea rise caused by Global Warming. This was the approach, in the press, with a de rigor mention of heavy rain, even when no rain had been present for days and weeks. Few in their public were suspicious, but when flooding failed to drain and clearly came from the sea, alarms went off. The public is now demanding compensation for lost crops and an inability to go to sea to fish in waters so choppy their boats are swamped. The smiling faces of the placid Indonesians have now been replaced by grim faces.
Meanwhile, the Pacific compresses against Japan, New Zealand lifts up, pouring water up the rivers along the east coast of Australia, and the Indus River valley has clearly sunk the 10 feet we predicted for the western border of the Indo-Australian Plate. Cold fear is gripping the bellies of the elite, as they watch this progress, on schedule and in the sequence we described. They are casting a nervous eye on S America, where mountain building along the N Andes Fault Line and preliminary sinking on the Caribbean Plate in areas such as Panama show that once again, our predictions are on target. What will happen when this has progressed fully, and in accordance with our predictions, is not written, and is very much in the hands of man. These sociological and political dramas are part of the 8 of 10 scenarios, as well as geological and astronomical features. This is the next chapter.

10) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 26, 2011

During the increasingly severe Earth changes, will migrations desperate to escape a situation move in the wrong direction? Of course this can occur, especially during a cover-up over the real causes of the disaster and honesty about what the populace can expect in the future. In the main, the populace will be urged by the Earth changes to move away from danger and toward safety. Erupting volcanoes always encourage the populace living nearby to migrate to a non-volcanic zone. High and erratic tides likewise devastate coastal areas, which would theoretically encourage the populace to move inland, but as we have seen in Indonesia, this is more likely to result in plans to build seawalls and dykes. Just look at the Netherlands to see what such attitudes have produced in the past. Coastal areas offer more than pleasant living with moderate temperatures and beaches. They also offer access to fishing and transport on the ocean.
Increasingly severe earthquakes along fault lines will likely find many former residents moving, simply because their former homes are rubble. They will go to stay with relatives, or take any compensation checks from the government or their insurance company and go elsewhere, particularly if the devastation is severe enough. This is very dependent upon jobs. If the earthquake has wiped out former employers, then migrations off the fault line are more likely. If not, employees will setup again in the area, wanting their former employment to continue. Those being relocated by their government into tent cities are often forced to go where directed, regardless of their inclination. Governments will often locate tent cities in undesirable locations, away from wealthy enclaves, and thus this migration to be toward safe locations and away from danger is entirely depending upon the inclination of that particular government. An example of a good plan is the ghost cities of China which have been constructed in the hinterlands, desert areas at present.
Beyond consideration of migration from volcanic zones, fault lines, and tsunami dangers, the public is unlikely to consider our larger warnings about climate change or the rising seas to 675 feet above the current sea level. This is because the larger message has not been allowed to be disseminated due to the cover-up. This could change, but is in the hands of man. Thus a large city on a fault line could migrate to tent cities in a region that will become flooded by 500 foot high tidal waves and a rise to a 675 foot level within two years after the pole shift. They have moved away from earthquake damage to being drown. This will occur primarily because of ignorance, due to the cover-up suppressing our predictions.
All this is overshadowed by the general trend, which we have predicted, for migrations to be resisted between and even within countries. The wealthy, landowners and corporations, will resist migrations within a country to their areas. Those countries that will be under water or in a polar zone will likewise find a deaf ear turned toward their pleas to allow their citizens to migrate to safer areas. Countries will be closing their borders, and be aggressive in defending them against a tide of desperate people. Those countries that are poor and have long and relatively indefensible borders may thus find themselves overrun. The tide of migrants will flow in any direction that does not resist. In all countries, the wealthy and politically powerful will have already arranged for their own safety. To the extent that arrangements have been made for a number of such moves, those with political connections will assume such a move for themselves also. All this is subject to change, as the sociological changes accompanying the 8 of 10 Earth changes play out.

11) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 23, 2011

We revealed a year ago the FEMA plan under Obama, to deal with potentially millions of homeless during forthcoming disasters in the US. Executive Order 13575 is proof that this IS the plan, despite whatever interpretation conspiracy websites might conclude. This is not part of the New World Order, nor it is targeting small farms or actively productive agricultural land. Take a look at the list of agencies in order 13575, 25 in total. It encompasses the entire federal government under the control of the Executive Branch!

  • The rational for this Rural Council is to assist rural areas, so why is the Department of Defense, Veteran Affairs, and Homeland Security involved? Guarding the borders from invasion will be replaced by guarding survivor camps, clearly, with the Federal Communications Commission on board to assist such endeavors.
  • If economic development is the goal, then why bother with Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, and Education? Such sociological infrastructure develops as a result of population increases, and their involvement is not required until such an increase occurs.
  • If survivor camps were to be setup on idle land, confiscated from farms of whatever size, and to include national parks, this would explain the inclusion of the Department of Justice, Interior, Domestic Policy, and placing Agriculture as the head of the council. Contracts would be broken, and lawsuits in this regard limited to the point of exclusion.
  • Economic development as the ruse would explain the inclusion of the Department of Commerce, Labor, Economic Advisors, Small Business Administration, and Science and Technology Policy. But building survivor camps in the interior would also require extensive coordination of existing labor pools.
  • If law enforcement is expected to be overwhelmed keeping order in survivor camps, with a need to relax law enforcement in other areas, this would explain the inclusion of Environmental Protection, Environmental Quality, and National Drug Control Policy. The rules designed to protect the environment over human interests would be relaxed.
  • If the Rural Council is to be funded from existing agency budgets, then why the inclusion of the Department of Treasury and the Office of Management and Budget? In the event of catastrophic Earth changes in the US, all funding would be diverted to priority issues.

12) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 8, 2011

Clearly we will not arrive at the blending of the seasons suddenly. This will be a trend. We have laid out the 7 of 10 scenarios very carefully, in great detail, given the sequence of events and in some cases clues as to the timing of events. But we have been vague about the 8 of 10, and deliberately so. A strong goal of all working on the Earth's Transformation is to have the cover-up break, and having the cover-up artists taken by surprise, taken off guard, is a tool to be used. We have hinted that continuous plate movement will be a factor during the 8 of 10, but declined to give more details on location or extent or such movement. We have stated that the 8 of 10 will also involve sociological factors, without getting into specifics other than to point to the Arab Spring. We have stated that a blending of the seasons will be a factor, to the extent that the weather would jump from mid-summer to mid-winter within a day or so. We are not there as yet.

13) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for November 5, 2011

Where on the face of it, looking like Thai soldiers cleaning up a drug running gang, this incident exposes increasing border tensions. China does not want her neighbors to the south to migrate north as the flooding of the 7 of 10 culminates. Without being specific as to cause, border guards have been instructed to prevent mass migration, even if mass murder is required. At the very least, such instructions have Chinese soldiers trigger happy, and body language relays this to the border patrols in neighboring countries. The global depression has put economic stress on all stratas of Asian societies, so that criminal activity has nudged upward. If this incident reveals the tension, just wait until Thailand and Viet Name and Cambodia have completed their 7 of 10 sinking. As we have stated, the 8 of 10 scenarios will involve sociological changes, which are inevitable in a world with a changing geography. This certainly includes border clashes.

14) ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for June 23, 2012

Austerity vs compassion is a theme not only in the US but also in Europe and throughout the industrialized world. We stated at the start of the ZetaTalk saga that the world would find itself in a second Great Depression, and that has been the case for several years, though called a recession by the posturing politicians and compliant media. Obama has taken the stance of doing whatever is required to prevent riots and homelessness, while it is abundantly clear that his opposition would favor the rich, as Bush did, and turn its back utterly on the rest of the citizens. This will polarize the US electorate, and become clear as the presidential debates occur in the Fall of 2012, with a predictable outcome. The rich are considered the 1%, with those affected by draconian austerity measures the 99%. Do the math.
How this battle plays out in the electorate is getting a preview in Europe, in Greece for instance. It polarized the politicians and electorate alike, to the right and left, but the outcome was a vote to stay in the EU and continue to battle with Germany’s demands for strict austerity in Greece. Obama has been rumored to advise Merkel to ease back on her austerity demands. Why does this battle exist, when as we have predicted the barter system will rule, and paper money everywhere  become worthless? Our warnings about the severity of the Pole Shift, and the sociological changes to result, are not taken as the final word by many leaders, who thus plan instead for a continuation of the current economic structure.


15) Troubled Times: Denver

Denver is a popular city, an airport hub, a spot for winter sports, and providing scenery and clean mountain air and water to those situating a vacation home there. Thus, it does not lack for interest, and is already a spot where the rich and powerful will flock when the cataclysms approach. They will consider Denver, and Colorado, their safe place to camp, but being in the main the type of individual to expect service and attendance, they will not be the best neighbors in the Aftertime. Colorado, and especially Denver, will be a study in sociological tides during the days preceding the pole shift and the months following. Vicious pecking order battles will ensue among those already assuming they are in control, followed by vicious battles among those wanting to effect a takeover when it is clear that government has collapsed and there will be no repercussions. This will ebb and flow, flaring up and then smoldering under the surface, until these groups have either killed each other off or died from lack of attention to the important aspects of life in the Aftertime. Serious settlements of good hearted folk would be advised to stay well away from this city and its surrounding enclaves, putting physical barriers between themselves and these battles.

As we have mentioned, the Denver area will be inundated by troops and equipment well ahead of the pole shift, and it is already known that this 'Western White House" is intended to be the seat of power for the US government should DC need to be evacuated. Certainly, being lowland, Washington DC will become uninhabitable by the time the last weeks approach. The European tsunami will not just assault Europe with huge waves. There will be high tides along the East Coast too, and those areas that are virtually at sea level will get their first taste of what is to come. Between the politician and the generals, life in the Denver area will change drastically. The ability to commandeer private and public facilities in an emergency has always been a government right. The airport will be dedicated to bringing the seat of power to Denver. Hotels will be taken over, all reservations canceled. Martial law will be in place, at least in this arena, whether officially or unoffically. Any citizens in the greater Denver area resisting this reality will be interned or mistreated until they cooperate.

16) Troubled Times: Madison

Madison, Wisconsin, is the heart of the state, hosting the state government and university system. Surrounded by rich farmland and spared from the industrial endeavors that chose to site along Lake Michigan, pollution from spills and explosions is not likely to afflict the residents during the shift. The largest problem will be sociological, as being the site of the state government, survivors in the state, who will be many, will travel there demanding assistance. All governments will fail, as roads and bridges and rail lines will be broken, phones and grid lines down, and paper money worthless and uncollectable. Thus, local communities will be thrown on their own resources, and any semblance of government left in the state capitol driven to barricade itself from the demands of the public. This of course will not last long, as those behind closed doors will either eventually starve or run. Survivors should not plan on living in the city, but find rural spots long before the shift and relocate there.

17) Troubled Times: Cape Town

Cape Town will find itself caught in the flow of sociological changes as well as positioned for high drama during the shift. Being at the tip of Africa, where raging water flowing between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans will drag all boats not securely moored out to sea in a torrent, the Cape will be aghast at the power of water on the move, not seen in the memory of man. The entire continent of Africa will continue to experience a moderate climate after the shift, and being high land will not be greatly flooded, but starvation and the quest for a better life will cause migrating peoples to arrive at the Cape, where a migration must in any case stop, being at land’s end. Due to our prediction that new land will pop up between the tip of South American and the tip of Africa, quests will set forth seeking this land, in the years after the shift. Cape Town will thus seem like the coastal cities of Europe during the last millennium, when boats set out for the rumored lands of the Americas.

18) Troubled Times: Kazakstan

Kazakstan will become immensely important to the Russian people after the shift, as it is high country, and well connected to parts both north and south by culture, commerce, and tradition. Drowning Russians from the north will arrive at what will be the new shorelines, when the lowlands of Siberia go under water. They will bring with them few possessions, but humility will not be among them. Kazakstan is not considered the home of the elite in Russia, but any elite not scrambling to the Urals will try to set up shop in Kazakstan. Where else where they go, to the Alps, or to Sweden? Thus, in preparation for this arrival, either just before or some months after the shift, residents of Kazakstan should mentally prepare their stance toward such a take-over attempt. Guests are welcome but are expected to work alongside their hosts, and no new leadership is desired.
Kazakstan today has both summer and winter, and is agricultural. After the shift, it will find itself closer to the new South Pole, and colder. This will change the culture into one of fishing in the ocean to what will become the new south, over former Siberian lands, where fish and all they feed upon will migrate to eat the rotting material that has gone under the waves. There will be other outlets to the oceans, as the continent will rip and create a rift above the Himalayas, but being centered in the new Polar Circle, this will freeze and not allow ready access to ocean fishing. Inland lakes without an outlet may temporarily rise, due to the continuous drizzle that follows the shift, so residents along the shorelines of such lakes should anticipate moving up into the hills if need be. The jolts from the shift, which will drive the Himalayas higher, will shatter any housing not flexible, so that structures of brick or stone or mortar will fall upon the hapless residents huddled there. Best to weather the hour of the shift outdoors, in ravines, and remake housing afterwards.

We have discussed Kazakstan extensively, which does well during and after the shift, and have nothing substantial to add. Kazakstan will not be flooded during the pole shift nor have to deal with tidal waves, though the inundation from the sea which will overtake Siberia steadily within two years after the pole shift will affect a large segment of Kazakstan also. The ocean will come to Kazakstan, and thus preparations should include building boats for ocean fishing. The climate in the Aftertime will be closer to what northern Canada has today. Crops that do well with a short growing season, such as are grown in Mongolia and northern Canada, should be planned, with seed sock accumulated. Because Kazakstan will do so well, overall, and so much of Russia will be flooded, Kazakstan's largest problem will be sociological, due to an inundation of refugees! Some may arrive well ahead of the pole shift, and attempt to set themselves up as kings. Kazakstan should prepare for this as well, with firm plans on how to deal with such takeover attempts.


19) Finegan Fine

  Issue138 - ZetaTalk Newsletter;  >>

I wrote a new script, converting this to book form free to the public, about life in the Aftertime on a houseboat. The hero is Finegan Fine, based on a true life character who made many contributions to the Troubled Times topics in its early days. Being a trader in the Aftertime, running a boat up and down flood swollen rivers, was his idea. Quoting from the Introduction to the online book, which is available both as a PDF file and chapter by chapter in web format:

This is a tale about a houseboat living in the Aftertime. The pole shift has happened and the waters have risen several hundred feet due to melting poles and glaciers and the heating of the ocean bottom. The rising sea level is happening slowly but steadily, forcing survivors to relocate when they discover the flood is not receding. Finegan Fine has found a niche in this new world by running a trading boat along the new coastline and up and down ever broadening rivers.

The main theme is the sociological adaptation of the populace to the lack of rescue and rising waters after the cataclysms. Finegan meets survivors from all walks of life: the very wealthy who expected to survive in their well stocked enclaves, the politically connected who expected rescue on demand, the wealthy who thought their bankroll would buy them comfort, suburbanites unprepared to be self sustaining, those who stubbornly refused to leave their cities and towns and steadily starve to death, families who are separated from each other, rural folk familiar with local produce, immigrants caught a long way from home, pedophiles peddlers selling children, the handicapped who take hardship in stride, military men cut off from their commanders, former politicians trying to establish a continuity of government, those who turn from their responsibilities and those who raise orphans and care for the aged, teens without supervision, the deluded who think the good times will return, and those trying to maintain slave labor camps.

A second theme is the devastation itself, which is widespread. Florida is under water, trapping those who lingered too long. Coastal subdivisions and river front towns are steadily flooded, often forcing people to repeatedly relocate. Satellites have been torn from the sky, so communications are by short wave radio at best. Rescue is simply not forthcoming. A third theme is survival techniques. Survivors adapt by eating atypical but highly nutritious foods. They live in makeshift shacks and tents. Electricity is generated from windmills or by pedals. Barter is the mode and the dollar is dead. A fourth theme is how people react to the crisis - by rising to the challenge and helping one another or by looting and hoarding. Survivors are on their own and must rely on resourcefulness and cooperation with others for survival. Those that mistreat others find themselves without supplies or friends in due time.


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Comment by Juan F Martinez on August 7, 2019 at 2:46pm

USDA Firing Half of Scientists at 2 Research Agencies 7-22-2019

The USDA’s decision to move hundreds of research jobs out of Washington to Kansas City has triggered a backlash among federal employees. Employees stood in silent protest during a meeting about the move to Kansas City.

The Trump administration is sending out removal letters to 250 scientists and researchers at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) who have declined short-notice relocation from Washington, D.C. to a not-yet-to-be determined area in the Kansas City region.

USDA Secretary Sonnie Perdue last month announced his decision to relocate most employees of the Economic Research Service (ERS) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to the Kansas City region. He projected that 253 ERS employees and 294 NIFA employees would agree to relocate. In his rosy “ cost benefit analysis,” all 547 positions are expected at the new location by Sept. 30.

Turns out, Perdue was way off. Many talented researchers and scientists have quit since news broke about his misguided relocation plan. For those staying, only 145 accepted the reassignments – 73 at NIFA and 72 at ERS. The final number could be a lot lower as many employees have told our union they are either looking for a new job to avoid relocation or would quit when they get there and have found a new job.

Employees had until July 15 to respond to the reassignments, giving families too brief of a period to uproot and complete their move to an area where some school districts start the year on August 12. To make matters worse, GSA extended the deadline by which they were going to choose a permanent location in Kansas City for new employees, meaning employees will have to find housing and choose schools without knowing the location of their employer and even whether it will be located in Kansas or Missouri.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 8, 2018 at 10:19pm

There are two roads to the #Pole_Shift: CHAOS or UNITY.

Comment by Merrilee Daniels on February 3, 2013 at 5:07am

Fantastic research and organization of Zeta Talk information. This is very much appreciated. I am grateful.

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on February 3, 2013 at 2:42am

wow great post K ,it is very well put together. clearly many opportunities to be of service. May the transformation keep plowing through.♥ thanks again 

Comment by Nancy Lieder on February 2, 2013 at 8:06pm

Thank you Taki, for pulling this together. You are a master at this!

What you have brought forth is a solid reminder that this is the Earth's TRANSFORMATION time, when the spiritual orientations polarize, the good hearted emerge as heros and stalwart helpmates of the weak, as leaders showing that none need suffer if all pull together, while the mean spirited and selfish begin to reap what they have sown.

Comment by Yvonne Lawson on February 2, 2013 at 7:53pm

Excellent comprehensive article, thank you

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