A real detective story happened in Russia. Could the Zetas clarify the situation? Very similar to the situation in February. [and from another] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/21/world/europe/russia-nuclear-cloud.html Ruthenium 106, which does not occur naturally and has a half-life of about a…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on November 23, 2017 at 10:25pm — No Comments
Is this just a scientific study of known data, or is this another part of the announcement-of-sorts. The article mentions possible increase in earthquakes starting next year, and a hint of rotation slowdown. Will Zetas comment? [and from another] Is the establishment expecting the 7 out of 10 events to unfold in 2018? Can the Zetas comment on this article? …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on November 22, 2017 at 9:21pm — No Comments
Could the Zetas say something about this? [and from another] https://www.rt.com/politics/410418-orthodox-patriarch-warns-parish-end/ Orthodox Patriarch warns of approaching end times, asks not to push for revolutionary change. In a public speech in the main Moscow cathedral, Patriarch Kirill said…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on November 21, 2017 at 3:30pm — No Comments
Could Nibiru be indeed the reason of the satellite launch or is just a journalistic speculation? Apparently was a secret government mission. [and from another] What’s Elon Musk doing? [and from another] …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on November 16, 2017 at 10:23pm — No Comments
I am wondering if the Zetas could give any clarity to this article. As any reader of this site knows, the official explanation is not true. I noticed their timeline of roughly 3 shifts ago. What is happening? Is it the result of the Antarctic plate constantly turning? [and from another] …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on November 10, 2017 at 10:16pm — No Comments
Is this the Dark Twin on this Italy webcam? Looking West at 22:00 hours on September 1 and 2, it shows up two days in a row, then briefly on August 25 when the Moon is not in the skies at all. Why does the Dark Twin bounce around and why is it illuminated mostly on one side? …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on October 30, 2017 at 6:16pm — 48 Comments
Could the Zetas say something about this, as I think it's more then just sand from the Sahara? [and from another] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/10/16/strange-red-sun-phenomenon-seen-across-england-caused-hurricane/ Did you wake up to a ghostly red sun…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on October 18, 2017 at 4:37pm — No Comments
Mike Brown the astronomer the Prong 1 Planet 9 guy just twitted Nibiru is a silly consipracy. Sigh. Is the cover-up actually winning? So sad. [and from another] Just want to share with you the link below. NASA is admitting the existence of Planet Nine (planet X - Nibiru). Like derrr! I gather they are nearing an announcement and don't want to be seen as not…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on October 15, 2017 at 5:15pm — No Comments
Could the Zetas comment on these negative trends. Elite is gaining strength before falling. They introduce censorship on the Internet, cash ban is already being pushed in many countries, Media become more consolidated, defense spending is growing amid economic problems, economic and climate data are manipulated. That list could be even longer. The control is greatly increased. This affected ZetaTalk and Pole Shift ning. …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on October 10, 2017 at 9:13pm — 2 Comments
Mississippi River going dry above New Madrid Fault - Crack in ground? River gauges/pics show the Mighty Mississippi River going dry! New Madrid related? [and from another] https://youtu.be/EjwjUkoAxEM September 29, 2017: 130 mile stretch of the Mighty Mississippi River from Tennessee to NW Mississippi is completely dry in places, so low…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on October 3, 2017 at 8:22pm — No Comments
I had a dream where I posed the question when the world would end, and their response was that only the devil knows when, and would I like to speak to him? I declined. I am not religious and don't believe in heaven or hell. Was the devil in reference to some other type of being outside of the typical connotation humans prescribe? [and from another] But what of the qualification that…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on September 26, 2017 at 12:23pm — 1 Comment
Would the Zetas like to comment on these carvings found in a Mexican cave? [and from another] In the Mexican cave found bas-reliefs with images of extraterrestrials …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on September 16, 2017 at 10:25pm — 7 Comments
I refused to believe the establishment that the hurricane Irma is causing all these beaches to be gone. This is from west of Florida, Fort Meyers Beach the ocean receded. I'm believing the Zetas, its either sloshing or tilting of the plate: [and from another] …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on September 11, 2017 at 7:36pm — No Comments
After the 8.4 on South of Mexico there are 20 Buoys in event mode! [and from another The buoys show this was a N American Plate quake, all the way. Will this expedite the New Madrid? [and from another M 8.0 - OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO - 2017-09-08 04:49:14 UTC …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on September 8, 2017 at 5:43pm — 1 Comment
Could the Zetas say how bad this hurricane season will be? Harvey can become the most expensive tropical cyclone in history. While Irma already second strongest ever in Atlantic (same as Wilma 2005, Gilbert 1988, "Labor day" 1935). Could you make a prediction? [and from another] http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis/ Source of data: Irma track and…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on September 6, 2017 at 8:08pm — 6 Comments
There is news about Myanmar conflict. It starts from Muslim insurgents. And now Jakarta and Russia was touched. Now we have a lot refugees. Russian's article on RT about Myanmar incident mentioned Soros footprint. May be Zetas can explain? [and from another] …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on September 5, 2017 at 8:59pm — No Comments
N Korea has the hydrogen bomb. Now what? [and from another] North Korea Shaken by Strong Tremors in likely Nuclear Test. September 3, 2017. …Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on September 5, 2017 at 1:28pm — No Comments
Same figure as the day before on August 28. Foto info: filter UV-mylar-orange. [and from another] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_field The study of magnetic fields began in 1269 when French scholar Petrus Peregrinus de Maricourt mapped out the magnetic field on the surface of a spherical magnet using iron needles.…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on September 3, 2017 at 2:31pm — No Comments
Given the recent calculations on the distance of Nibiru from Earth is it true that the Planet X group is approximately 26 million miles from Earth currently? And that it will be 14 million miles at the time of passage. Can we predict with some accuracy now when the date of the passage will be? Taken from James of Idaho has said about distances and where we know Nibiru is currently. If this is somewhat accurate can we deduce how long it will take Nibiru to…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on August 30, 2017 at 9:01pm — 1 Comment
Would the Zetas care to comment on the massive hurricane Harvey? It was such a weak hurricane just a day before making landfall and suddenly intensified to become the worst storm to hit Texas in almost 60 years. FEMA says it will be there for years and that this is unlike any storm in memory. The storm path seems to show the wobble with the storm meandering up the coast and going backwards even. Was this another message for humanity as we may lose much…Continue
Added by Gerard Zwaan on August 28, 2017 at 3:37pm — 2 Comments
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