In the Pacific NW they are saying the fog has a chemical smell. Would the Zeta's care to comment on this? [and from another] Iron oxide and petrol? Or methane? [and from another] Toxic Fog [and from another] [and from another] [and from another] Fog should have moisture. I just drove through thick fog —which by definition is when water condenses and creates tiny water droplets. ALL MY LIFE, I had to use windshield wipers in Fog. Not anymore. This is dry chemical fog. Driving 30+ minutes in fake fog. No windshield wipers required. Video 12-30-2024 Mississippi. [and from another] [and from another] I got sick leaving Florida after Christmas, Kept smelling Sulfur. That fog was not right. [and from another] It’s not just Britain that’s experiencing unprecedented bizarre fog - reports it’s in America & Canada too! [and from another]

The common man on Earth first became aware that a massive planet 4-5 times the diameter of Earth and 23 times the mass had entered the Solar System in 2003. Image captures included the two Dominant Moons on either side and the Double Helix tail. Minor Moons forming a String of Pearls were next to make an appearance. Then the Petrol displays in the skies of Earth arrived, forming rainbows and occasionally leaving grease in the snow.  As the 270 Roll of Nibiru prepares to pierce the Ecliptic, the tail is blown toward Earth more directly. Thus the toxic fog.

Mankind makes products from Petrol whipped into a foam. That a strong waft of Nibiru’s tail could cause white whipped foam to float down from the sky like snowflakes or float on a swimming pool should not be a surprise. This will occur regularly, accompanied by hailstones. Smoke is also part of the toxic fog, because the Petrol in the tail is regularly burning as it encounters oxygen. The months going into a Passage of Nibiru are known in Biblical texts as the “tribulations” for a reason. This will pass when Nibiru heads outbound in late 2026 to early 2027.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 31, 2025

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Comment by John Sheldon on January 6, 2025 at 12:33am

Last night in Colorado, we too had a bizarre almost smoky, powdery freezing fog.  Never seen anything like it before in my life.  I went outside on our driveway last night around 7 or 7:30pm at night with a headlamp and it was very weird.  Temperature was cold, maybe 25 degrees.  The air was thick with a dusty white fog, not snow, and not snowflakes.  Felt like I was in a coastal freezing fog but more powdery than you would expect.  Another interesting thing to share is I got a headache for no reason last night around an hour or two later.  I guess this explains it!!  Crazy!  We woke up this morning to everything outside looking like it had been flocked, like a perfectly flocked Christmas tree.  Every grass, weed, bush and tree - looked perfectly flocked.  Sending you all love & light & many blessings. -j

Comment by Nancy Lieder on January 4, 2025 at 11:48am

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