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7 of 10 SINKING; Bangladesh, About 830 000 hectares of cultivable land has been damaged by saline water intrusion and flood from Bay of Bengal!

Indonesia SINKING:

/ Sedayu Plangwot Lawas Lamongan, East Java, which originally held the water flow…


Added by Stanislav on January 16, 2012 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Google Trends for 'STRANGE SOUNDS' WAY WAY UP in the Past Week

The user from GodlikeProduction notices a trend in the internet searches for the term STRANGE SOUNDS

Google diagram:…


Added by Andrew Veresay on January 16, 2012 at 9:18am — 1 Comment

China: 10 acres of rice fields Xiaogan collapsed on the ground

Jan 15, 2012

Yesterday afternoon, Xiaogan Yunmeng county estates across the Po Tanzhen what happened six groups of land subsidence, collapse area of about 10 acres, 580 villagers, local government transfers, set the point of a settlement, now no casualties and property losses.…


Added by Moderating Staff on January 16, 2012 at 3:30am — No Comments

25 volcanoes in Indonesia are now showing abnormal activity

Jan 15, 2012

Padang, West Sumatra. Twenty-five volcanoes in Indonesia are now showing abnormal activity or have been put on alert or watch status, presidential special aide Andi Arief said here on Saturday.

“According to official data, 25…


Added by Moderating Staff on January 16, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

7 of 10 SINKING; Indonesia Serang, Pandeglang and Lebak in Banten inundated by up to five metres of floodwaters. The condition was caused by sea level rise!

Indonesia SINKING:

/ Heavy rains occurring since Friday had caused 13,755 houses in 97 villages in Serang, Pandeglang and Lebak in Banten province near here to be inundated by up to five metres of floodwaters. /…


Added by Stanislav on January 15, 2012 at 7:34pm — No Comments

Daily heavy flooding by high tide in Dakuinuku Village, Sawakasa, Fiji

Daily heavy flooding by high tide in Dakuinuku Village, Sawakasa, Fiji

The villagers of Dakuinuku in Tailevu are waging a losing war.

It's a war against mother nature- one they have almost no chance of winning.

Since last year, Dakuinuku has experienced heavy flooding every day from the sea.

At high tide, the waves sweep over the beach front…


Added by bill on January 15, 2012 at 8:30am — No Comments

7 of 10 SINKING; "In recent years, a number of marine areas and the waters of Indonesia have increased the height of sea waves (waves) up to 5 meters as happened in the south of Sunda Strait"

Indonesia SINKING:

/ Due to extreme weather and persistent rain in recent years, a number of marine areas and the waters of Indonesia have increased the height of sea waves (waves) up to five meters…


Added by Stanislav on January 14, 2012 at 10:03pm — 1 Comment

Now planes are to blame for the ground shaking

After several reports to the police and the British Geological Society from concerned residents in the North of England of hearing a low frequency rumble, their houses shaking and for some a loud boom, they are…


Added by Mark on January 13, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

Folding Pacific Plates

Seismic stations located on islands in the Pacific Ocean are increasingly showing signs of continuous harmonic tremors, an indication of sloshing magma.  While explainable as an isolated occurrence on a single heliplot, when five different stations in the central Pacific Ocean report similar activity at the same time, it is worth noting.

The Zetas have…


Added by Howard on January 13, 2012 at 1:00am — 2 Comments

Brazil: collapse of infrastructure for the last week


10.01.12. Landslide in Jamapará, district Sapucaia…


Added by Andrey Eroshin on January 12, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments

7 of 10 SINKING; Dhaka is sinking! Experts also blame movements of tectonic plates!

Indonesia SINKING:

/ Sea water overflow in Penjaringan. …


Added by Stanislav on January 12, 2012 at 10:29am — No Comments

Southern Pakistan Sinking: 14% of Max Flood are still inundated; as of 1st January 2012

* Max Flood Extent against 1st January 2012 - Southern Pakistan [ReliefWeb: 10 Jan 2012]




Added by Kojima on January 12, 2012 at 9:25am — 1 Comment

Innovative Planting methods for Aftertime

In responding to the latest zetatalk, I am also preparing this blog for innovative planting methods for Aftertime.

If you have any innovative planting methods for Aftertime that you like to share, your contribution is much…


Added by bill on January 10, 2012 at 3:20am — 14 Comments

NASA Near Real Time Flood Mapping - Disinformation! Satellite image confirmed - lie NASA! The apparent cover-up sinking!

Disinformation - NASA flood mapping

Now I'll prove to you that these cards are nothing but lies. Using satellite imagery - NASA Satellite image

This is particularly…


Added by Stanislav on January 9, 2012 at 3:12pm — 2 Comments

Another sinkhole appeared in Turkey

Massive sinkhole appears overnight ( 1.Jan.2012)

A massive sinkhole suddenly appeared overnight on January 1 in Gelik district of Zonguldak city.

The sinkhole is about 30 meter deep and 15 meter wide.

Residents shocked when they woke up and saw huge…


Added by Sevan Makaracı on January 9, 2012 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

Signs of the 7 of 10 from December 26, 2011 to January 8, 2012


* Bangladesh (2)

2012-01-06: Bangladesh:…


Added by Kojima on January 9, 2012 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

7 of 10 SINKING Mexico, Caribbean Island and American Roll as of Past week!

7 of 10 Floods (American Roll):


/ Flooding in the city of Bogotá, Colombia's capital, and in different provinces have so far caused over 477…


Added by Stanislav on January 8, 2012 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

Much needed Seed Savings Skills

In responding to the latest zetatalk, I (I am no experts) will now research and present SEED SAVINGS SKILLS.  

This is work in progress!

However, if you find any good youtube videos, I will simply add them to the collections.  



Added by bill on January 8, 2012 at 4:00am — No Comments

UK tsunami preparedness warning

Leading think tank Chatham house commissioned a report into how the UK would fare if it experienced a 'high impact, low probability' disaster event and concluded that it would only take a week of disruption before the country descended into chaos.

Food and petrol supplies are…


Added by Mark on January 7, 2012 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

Mindanao again - this time landslide, approx 150 dead or missing

Rescue teams are continuing to search for up to 150 people thought to be missing after a landslide struck a mining village in the southern Philippines.

The landslide occurred on Thursday in Pantukan, Compostela Valley province, on Mindanao island.

Occurring near the plate boundary, no doubt feeling the recent pressure from the Pacific via the Mariana…


Added by Mark on January 6, 2012 at 9:57am — 3 Comments

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