Kris H
  • Male
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • United States
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Kris H commented on jorge namour's blog post EARTHQUAKES Worldwide! (Frequently Updated)
"Hundreds of people fleeing Santorini as earthquake activity increases/swarms. ;"
Feb 4
Linda Mazik replied to Kris H's discussion Defense Issues and Tactics (revived) in the group Surviving the earth changes and the pending pole shift
"I carry a bottle of wasp spray in my vehicle just in case I am accosted.  When sprayed, it travels a good 10 feet or more.  And, yes, it is effective.  You can buy it anywhere and it reasonably cheap.  Good investment.  Even…"
May 23, 2024
Kris H commented on Moderating Staff's blog post Nibiru Visibility
"Hi Nancy, I think that's a camera reflection. 2nd Sun in pics is below real sun in both. The reverse image in water should show it above the Sun (between Sun and buildings reflection)."
May 3, 2024
Kris H commented on Recall 15's blog post Solar Eclipse April 8 2024: Post here Any Anomaly
"I was following the CNN coverage as they followed totality across the eclipse path. One of the locations, the reporter asked a NASA employee "What is that pink area below the Sun?" I know upon close ups of the eclipse the Sun flares show…"
Apr 9, 2024
Kris H replied to Nancy Lieder's discussion ZetaTalk Chat for March 31, 2024
"They put up fencing around the Capitol, for some reason..."
Mar 7, 2024
Kris H commented on Moderating Staff's blog post Nibiru Visibility
"@Juan - I think that is a camera reflection. It is not a solid orb because the actual Sun is behind tree tops."
Sep 21, 2023
Kris H commented on Nancy Lieder's blog post ZetaTalk Newsletter as of September 3, 2023
"Progozhin bribe was $6.2 BILLION, not million. To clarify."
Aug 28, 2023
Kris H replied to Nancy Lieder's discussion ZetaTalk Chat for June 30, 2023
"Hi Nancy,  Can the Zetas explain what happened in Las Vegas, where a family claims a UFO landed in their backyard, and tall aliens got out of the…"
Jun 9, 2023
Kris H replied to Nancy Lieder's discussion ZetaTalk Chat for June 30, 2023
"I wasn't necessarily tying alien disclosure to the debt limit deal. I meant it in regard to some sort of "next step". Many thought default was coming, but another extension was found. I see this alien disclosure as a means to pressure…"
Jun 6, 2023
Kris H replied to Nancy Lieder's discussion ZetaTalk Chat for June 30, 2023
"Hi Nancy, is there a new push for disclosure now that the US Corp avoided debt default? ;"
Jun 6, 2023
Howard Boldt replied to Kris H's discussion Defense Issues and Tactics (revived) in the group Surviving the earth changes and the pending pole shift
"When choosing community for survival, extremely nonviolent people may be very problematic if they're rigid in their views, not flexible and adaptable to arising necessities.  I've been surrounded all my life by "pacifists",…"
May 25, 2023
Kris H commented on Nancy Lieder's blog post ZetaTalk Newsletter as of April 23, 2023
"Space X launch exploded."
Apr 20, 2023
Kris H commented on Gerard Zwaan's blog post New Madrid Jolt timeline
"Fires burning in India also, possibly due to hot earth as subduction is underway. ;"
Apr 18, 2023
Kris H commented on Nancy Lieder's blog post ZetaTalk Newsletter as of January 22, 2023
"Yes! These are excellent Kojima-san! Arigato!"
Jan 20, 2023
Kris H commented on Nancy Lieder's blog post ZetaTalk Newsletter as of January 22, 2023
"Hi Nancy, when I look closely at the satellite images around Africa, I'm having trouble seeing any differences. Are we able to add Latitude lines in there to help compare?"
Jan 18, 2023
Kris H commented on Gerard Zwaan's blog post New Madrid Jolt timeline
Dec 14, 2022

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I am aware of this
The Second Sun

The red dragon returns to Earth,
Fleeing his eternal hunter.
He finds refuge in the light,
Stopping all in shock and wonder.

His face is familiar, yet few remember;
The people oblivious and deceived.
The dragon reminds them, casting shadow for three days,
With proof darker than conceived.

Day breaks backwards with a flick of his tail,
And that’s all it took.
He writhes himself closer,
Wanting a better look.

He sees the perversions of man,
And his vices.
The enslaved Mother rebels,
And the dragon’s fire entices.

The Earth groans and howls in thrall of the dragon,
She erupts and shakes.
The dragon takes his leave,
The Earth reborn in his wake.

The red dragon refreshed, turns on the hunter,
“Now we will see who will run!”
Man begins anew and does not forget,
The coming of the Second Sun.

This not written by me, taken as an excerpt from an episode of "Bleach", translated to English:

"If you were to turn into a snake tomorrow, and begin devouring humans, and with that same mouth said 'I love you', would I be able to say 'I love you' the same way I do today?"

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Kris H's Blog

Singaporeans not buying "Experts'" blaming persistent flooding on rain

Refuting PUB Expert Panel that increase in rainfall intensity contributes to flooding

April 4th, 2012 | Author: Ng Kok Lim

Dear expert panel, I refer to the 12 Jan 2012 Straits Times report “Annual rainfall is increasing here: Experts” [1]. It was reported that rainfall increased by 15mm a year on average between 1968 and 2008. The table below was constructed using government rainfall data [2]. It shows that by shifting the years by one or two, a completely different…


Posted on June 19, 2012 at 4:30am

Las Vegas soon to be ghost town?

The Zetas discussed an impressive UFO display from late March on the Strip:

Los Vegas is the glitter capitol of the US, where gambling and live entertainment make this a favorite tourist destination. Even if one loses the funds they came with, they can leave with a smile as they have been entertained, or so the management hopes. Certainly, even during this the second Great Depression, they have not been at a loss for traffic, and…


Posted on April 6, 2012 at 11:00pm — 10 Comments

Kiribati: Island Nation Explores Moving Entire Population to Fiji


Fearing that climate change could wipe out their entire Pacific archipelago, the leaders of Kiribati are considering an unusual backup plan: moving the populace to Fiji.

Kiribati President Anote Tong told The Associated Press on Friday that his Cabinet this week endorsed a plan to buy nearly 6,000 acres on Fiji's main island, Viti Levu. He said the fertile land, being sold by a church group for about $9.6 million, could provide an insurance policy for…


Posted on March 9, 2012 at 1:00pm — 6 Comments

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At 4:16pm on February 16, 2012, Ryan Giorgis gave Kris H a gift
thanks for the comment kris!! not feeling alone is a huge help as well. we've been waiting for 15 years or so, whats a little more? :) uhg!! in love and light!!
At 4:54am on August 17, 2010, Shuichi Inoue gave Kris H a gift

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