ZetaTalk Newsletter as of April 23, 2023

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday April 23, 2023. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)

mRNA Livestock Feed

We know that the mRNA vaccines used by Pfizer and Moderna produce spike proteins that do not seem to have an off switch. Two years ago in March, 2021 this danger was not yet known, but President Trump had recommended the Zelenko Protocol.  The mRNA vaccines were using a new technique not previously used on humans. The main issue seemed to be that by pretending to be a spike protein from the virus, and incorporating this into the immune system, the vaccine has started an immune response that would not be turned off.By mid-2021 America’s Frontline Doctors and a Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier were issuing concerns about the Spike Protein causing a type of AIDS due to an exhausted immune system, known as the ADE cycle. The death charts showed an exploding death rate from Covid-19 after vaccination which did indeed peak again after subsequent vaccinations. The spike protein seemed to be perpetual as it embeds into the Messenger System.

 ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/31/2021: During an ADE invasion of the immune system, eventually, the immune system recovers. Immune cells replicate and a cleanup of virus pieces occurs. The mRNA vaccines slow this process because they generate spike protein pieces. Thus repeated booster shots with the mRNA vaccines perpetuate the ADE reaction. We mentioned early in these discussions that a worry was exhausting the immune system because the mRNA starts a process that does not have an off switch. This has now been well documented. This constant activation of an exhausted immune system can also incite auto-immune reactions.
Statistics showed that Covid-19 was nothing more than the flu and that those countries like Sweden which simply waited until herd immunity became established quickly went back to normal without the need for masks or lockdowns. But Pfizer wanted their profits. Now mask and vax passport demands seem to be a thing of the past, and even workers who had been fired for refusing the vax are being asked to return to their jobs. But the vax industry still wants their profits from their mRNA research. Now a new danger has emerged in plans for livestock feed. Is this safe? The Zetas say “Hell NO”.

mRNA Going into Cows and Pigs
April 1, 2023

The food supply of every American is going to start being intentionally poisoned with mRNA genetic modifications being fraudulently called "vaccines."  There is an article from the year 2000 about "edible vaccines".  The article demonstrates how hiding a "vaccine" in foods, is absorbed into the body:  The trouble with this particular circumstance is that, to this day, no manufacturer of an mRNA vaccine, has fully disclosed the medically-active contents of the so-called "Covid "vaccines."
mRNA Vaccines Going into Cows and Pigs This Month
April 3, 2023

Lobbyists for the cattleman and pork associations in several states have confirmed they will be using mRNA vaccines in pigs and cows this month. It will actually become “vaccine food” and sold to you without your informed consent.

Edible Vaccines
September, 2000

Would plants engineered to carry antigen genes produce functional copies of the specified proteins? When the food plants were fed to test animals, would the antigens be degraded in the stomach before having a chance to act?
Tissue Distribution of a Peptide Transporter mRNA in Sheep, Dairy Cows, Pigs, and Chickens
May 1, 1999

In sheep (n = 5) and lactating Holstein cows (n = 3), hybridization was observed with mRNA from the omasum, rumen, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. No hybridization was observed with mRNA from the abomasum, cecum, colon, liver, kidney, and semitendinosus and longissimus muscles of either species or the mammary gland of the dairy cows. In pigs there was no hybridization with mRNA from the stomach, large intestine, liver, kidney, and semitendinosus and longissimus muscles. In White Leghorns (n = 15) and broilers (n = 20), the strongest hybridization was found in the duodenum, but the jejunum and ileum showed faint bands. Other tissues, including the crop, proventriculus, gizzard, ceca, liver, kidney, and muscles showed no hybridization to the probe.
mRNA Vaccine Cannot Transfer through Meat Consumption
January 26, 2023

In livestock, there are no mRNA vaccines that are used in the United States. The Center for Veterinary Biologics at the US Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Center told AFP that, as of January 2023, it did "not have any vaccines approved or under trial to vaccinate livestock for Covid-19."  There is a bit more potential transfer of disease between humans and chickens or pigs as they are more similar to us. A good example would be avian or swine flu. There are vaccines used in livestock for these diseases but none in commercial use are mRNA-based. There is no scientific basis for the claim that if someone was to consume meat or other tissues from an animal that had been vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine, it would enter their body. The digestive tract is designed to break down the large molecules in our food - including DNA, proteins and carbohydrates - so we can absorb them.

ZetaTalk Warning 4/5/2023: If sheep, pigs, chickens and cows are injected with an mRNA vaccine or fed this as in ingredient in food will this mRNA spike protein transfer to the parts of these animals to be consumed by humans? Yes. A 1999 study showed that even when consumed as food by the livestock, its stomach (peptide) process did not prevent the spread of the mRNA spike proteins, (hybridization). Despite the horror stories from the Covid-19 mRNA vax, where immune systems in humans have plunged and lovers are afraid to hug due to the possible transmission of spike proteins, the pharma industry wants their profits.

This trend to use the mRNA methodology in livestock should be aggressively countered. We have suggested that suburban or even urban families keep chicken flocks, which can eat kitchen scraps and free range for insects. Goats likewise can browse on weeds and bushes and give clean milk and meat. This maneuver by the pharma industry should be a wakeup call to those who would be self-sufficient survivors.  The time for action is now!

Nibiru Excuses

Was the Aurora blitz seen in late March from a “stealth” CME as NOAA claims?  At the start of the ZetaTalk saga the Zetas predicted that the establishment would blame the Sun rather than admit that Nibiru exists. And after Blaming the Sun, the favorite excuse this past month was to blame Global Warming. Supposedly a “stealth” CME caused a magnetic storm on Earth, and Global Warming is responsible for the increase in lightning.

Strongest Solar Storm in nearly 6 Years Slams into Earth Catching Forecasters by Surprise
March 24, 2023

The powerful solar storm supercharged auroras as far south as Colorado and New Mexico. The most powerful solar storm in nearly six years slammed Earth today (March 24), but strangely, space weather forecasters didn't see it coming. The geomagnetic storm peaked as a severe G4 on the 5-grade scale used by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to assess the severity of space weather events.  Geomagnetic storms are disturbances to Earth's magnetic field caused by solar material from coronal mass ejections (CME) — large expulsions of plasma and magnetic field from the sun's atmosphere. It turns out that this particular geomagnetic storm was triggered by a "stealth" CME which — as the name suggests — is rather tricky to detect.

ZetaTalk Comment 3/24/2023: We predicted decades ago that the establishment would Blame the Sun for many manifestations of Nibiru. EMP has increased and for a time the establishment has been able to match EMP episodes with some activity in the Sun, but this became increasingly difficult as their CME warnings were forced to be issued after the fact. For the establishment, which measure all manner of emissions from the Sun with their probes and satellites and closely watch the appearance of the Sun, it is an embarrassment to blame a G4 “stealth” CME. What’s next, mischievous Sun Elves?

Global Warming could Lead to Increase in 'Hot Lightning' Strikes causing more Wildfires
March 1, 2023

A combined team of Earth scientists from multiple institutions has found evidence that suggests that in the coming years, a warming planet could lead to more "hot lightning" strikes that could cause more wildfires in many parts of the world. Computer simulations showed higher frequency as the atmosphere warms.
Huge Record-Breaking Lightning Bolt Spans 3 U.S. States
February 1, 2022

The longest single flash of lightning has been captured by satellites of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

ZetaTalk Comment 4/5/2023: We have repeatedly warned that as the charged tail of Nibiru sweeps the Earth, coming ever closer, that EMP and associated lightning storms will be on the increase. Plate movement is also on the increase due to the Daily Earth Wobble caused by Nibiru’s approach. Thus electronic screech from rock compressed so that electron particles can flow freely through the rock will also be on the increase.  Arcing between the screeching rock and the charged tail of Nibiru of course will follow.

Just as AF447 had complete electronic failure in 2009, dropping into the Atlantic as the plane passed over the Mid-Atlantic Rift, and MH370 disappeared from radar in 2014, in like manner a 3-state lightning bolt crossed the Gulf in 2022 due to the N American Portions pulling apart. New York City is showing signs of ripping apart as the SE Portion is tugged to the East during the New Madrid Adjustment. This is where the Ramapo and East Coast Fault Lines join.

Saving Seed

Stocking food is not enough! You need to be prepared to grow and gather your own, and most importantly, you need to know how to save seed. Get a good book on this, such as Seed to Seed, and practice. Mother Nature wants her seeds dry and cool, so most seed only needs that preparation and protection. Many seeds will not spout unless gathered from a ripe fruit, so those peppers and squash and melons should be ripe before harvesting. Very ripe, almost to the point of rotting. Tomatoes too, need to have white mold eat away their slime, or the seed thinks it is still in the tomato and simply won’t sprout!
Propagating annuals like lettuce or Corn or Beans is relatively easy. Just set aside a portion of your crop for seed production, letting it fully mature, and collect the dry seeds. But half our food supply comes from biennials, like Cabbage and Onions and Carrots, which insist on sleeping over during a dormant period before going to seed. Some edibles only require establishing a perennial patch, like Asparagus or Berries or planting an Apple tree. Let’s start with the easy ones.
Corn kernels are perhaps the easiest to harvest. All one needs to do is let a couple stalks of Corn live on past harvest time, until the Corn dries fully. The dryer the better. Farmers check their Corn fields for this, as they don’t want moldering Corn in their silos nor do they want the expense of drying it indoors. Corn is an easy plant to grow, fertilized by the wind which blows the pollen from the tassels down across the silk of neighboring Corn plants. Corn is known as a feeder crop, needing a lot of fertilizer - manure or ashes from wood burning stoves, and thus farmers alternate with Soy Bean crops which bind nitrogen to the soil.
Perhaps the easiest garden vegies to grow are Beans and Legumes, and every culture has recipes for them. Delicious, satisfying, and a bit of protein too. Once again make sure the seeds you harvest are very dry. Allow the plant to literally die from old age to ensure maturity. One technique to get every last bit of nutrition to the seeds is to hang the plant upside down, draining the nutrients to the seeds. Beans are a hot weather plant, and if you plant when the soil is wet and cool the seed may molder in the ground.
Salad greens or vegies to stir-fry or steam are also mostly annuals, meaning they go to seed in their first year. This category includes Lettuce, Spinach, Bok Choy, Mustard Greens and Kale. Always collect seed from your best plants, passing along their good genetics in this way. Lettuce is among those plants that continually go to seed. One day you see a fluffy white flower with immature seeds within, and a couple days later this same flower has blown away in the wind. Harvest regularly. Spinach is a bi-sexual plant, meaning one must have male and female plants to produce fertile seeds. Harvest when the seed is mature and dry.
Melons, Squash, Cucumbers and Pumpkin are all fruits. Their yellow flowers turn into the fruit after the flower has been fertilized. In these days when bee colonies can be killed off, allow all the other fertilizing insects to flourish. Ants, sweat bees, anything that is crawling or buzzing around. They are your friends. Winter Squash and Pumpkin are superior foods to store in a cool cellar. They last for months and months. When collecting seed from plants in this category, take from a very ripe fruit, almost to the rotting point. Rinse the pulp from the seeds, dry thoroughly, and store in a cool dry place.
Tomatoes, and Tomato sauces, are so intrinsic to meals in so many cultures they deserve their own spot on the seed saving discussion, especially since effective seed saving requires an odd practice. One must molder the seeds, to rid the seeds of the slime that surrounds them inside the ripening Tomato. But can’t you just rinse off the slime? Apparently, that will not work. Even rinsed and dried, the Tomato seed still thinks it is in the Tomato! So one must put the slimy seeds into a bowl with a little water, and let sit until the bowl is covered with white mold.  The slime is eaten by mold. Then rinse, letting the heavy mature seeds sink to the bottom of the bowl and the chaff and mold flow off the top of the bowl. Then dry and store for the next year.
Strawberries also deserve a special mention, because Strawberry plants never die and they never sleep! Seriously, they will grow and produce berries 24 hours every day if given light. Thus making them ideal for indoor gardens. They will also survive harsh Winters, living on as a perennial. Strawberries also have multiple ways of reproducing. They produce runners, with tiny Strawberry plants at the end of each runner, seeking to put down roots. Strawberries are covered on the outside by little seeds. If in a warm humid environment, these seeds will sprout while still on the Strawberry. One can take a slice off a store bought Strawberry, lay that slice on some moist dirt, and voilà. Baby Strawberry plants.
Potatoes also deserve a special mention, as what meal is complete without Potatoes. Potatoes are usually grown from cutting up old Potatoes that have been stored in the cool room, so that each eye on a Potato has a portion of the Potato to give it strength to grow. A bag of Potatoes in the kitchen will start to sprout from the eyes. They don’t wait to be asked.  Potatoes can also be grown from the seed pods they produce. Dry the pods well, and break them open to release the tiny seeds. Of course this takes more time than planting Potato eyes.
Lysine rich plants like Amaranth and Buckwheat also deserve a special mention, as growing them allows you to replace meat protein with plant protein. Amaranth and Corn mixed together gives one the equivalent of red meat. Legume plants such as Peas also are high in lysine. These plants are annuals, so one only needs to collect the seed and plant the next year. Buckwheat seed stays with the flower pod and is easy to collect. The Amaranth plant is entirely edible, and the leaves are just as nutritious as the seeds. The seed plumes shed ripe seeds continuously, so most would be lost unless one goes down the row regularly and shakes the plume into an apron or sack. The tiny seeds are long lived. An ancient S American plant which is a gift to mankind.
Almost half of the vegetables we eat are not annuals, they are biennial seed producers, meaning they grow the first year, go dormant over what is assumed to be a Winter, and then produce seed the second year. The Cabbage family, Carrots, Beets, and the Onion family including Leeks – all are biennials. This means covering the plant with straw if in a temperate climate that does not get a hard frost, or digging some seed stock plants up and storing them in a root cellar. Seed production is prolific, so many plants are not needed. The plants so stored need the roots, with some soil or sand around them, but do not need much vegetation above the roots.
The term Root Cellar is old fashioned, from the days when seed collection was a family business, or a family farm business. Everyone did it. The Amish today rely heavily on Cabbage as a staple. But using the basement or a cool room to store a harvest over the Winter is likewise an old fashioned concept. The modern shopper goes to the grocery store to buy Squash, Pumpkin, Apples, Potatoes, and Cabbage. The Grocer ships these in from warehouses that store these items at cool temperatures. So if you have a Cool Room in your basement, then that can be used as a Root Cellar too.
Onions are a biennial, so must winter over for seed. Each Onion will produce beautiful white flower balls that become seed pods. Just let dry and then shuck the little black seeds out. Leeks likewise. Only the Gypsy Onion plant can winter over and attempts to propagate by runners. Garlic has been domesticated so long that its seed is often no longer viable. But Garlic can produce black seeds from its flowers. An alternate means of propagating is reproduction from cloves. Plant a clove in the spring, and by late Fall that clove will have become a Garlic bunch.
All Cabbage is biennial except for Bok Choy, the Chinese Cabbage that is an annual. Green Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Cauliflower – all must Winter over. Bring a few healthy plants indoors, with roots attached, and cut back or prune the tops. Keep roots covered in a cool dark place until spring. Transplant outside in the Spring and up will come the seed stalks with little yellow flowers. Harvest the pods when dry, putting inside a cloth bag to dry. Do not allow the dry pods to shatter and spill the seed.
Carrots, Turnip, Beets, and Parsnip are root plants that are also biennials. Beets are particularly nutritious and are prolific seed producers. Radish also needs to Winter over. When transplanting in the Spring, make sure the entire root is covered. Other popular vegies that are biennial are the Chards and Celery.
What have we not covered? Oh yes, the perennials. Plants that do not die after a year, like the annuals, or die after their second year when they go to seed, are called perennials. The Rhubarb patch, famous for Rhubarb pie, and the Asparagus patch. Horseradish, Ginger Root, and Artichoke are all perennial once established. These plants do produce seed, but a gardener normally establishes a patch by getting a chunk of the plant, with well-established roots, from a vendor or neighbor. 

Berry bushes, like Raspberry, Blueberry, or Blackberry are also perennials. They lob over branches that are called vines that will produce new plants where they touch the ground, thus the infamous berry thicket. Aggressive pruning of deadwood is required to prevent a thicket from forming. Fruit trees like Apple, Peach, Cherry and Plumb can be established from seed, salvaged from the fruit sold at the grocer, or by buying young trees from a vendor. They are covered in flowers in the Spring, and each flower becomes a fruit. Nut trees likewise can be established in this manner.
If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot buy seed, as many found this past Spring during the pandemic lockdowns, then consider jumping into seed saving by planting a cutting from the grocer. Get a bag of soil and jump start your gardening skills. Cloning goes by many names, such as cuttings. To reproduce a Grape vine, cut a stem and put the bottom part in water. Rooting solution helps to encourage this process, but technically not needed. Roots form on the bottom and then the cutting is planted. One can start a Strawberry patch from a slice of a Strawberry. Or get seed from some Green Onions placed in water. Or root a Garlic clove or a piece of Potato. Then from this living plant, seed production can start.

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Comment by Kris H on April 20, 2023 at 4:33pm

Space X launch exploded.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on April 19, 2023 at 10:32am

Hi John. I have not heard of a method and the Zetas agree, a spike protein is at the sub-cellular level. Poisons would require chemical exam. Not something the common man can do easily at all. I have read on a forum that cooking the meat well would be the best defense as heat destroys much. 

Comment by John Sheldon on April 18, 2023 at 11:15pm

Hi Nancy and NING family, I hope you and yours are well and healthy.  Has anyone yet discovered how to determine whether or not the meat we are buying at our local grocery stores is purchased from these ranches injecting their animals with mRNA vaccines?  Does anyone have any additional info on who exactly is injecting their animals, and in which states?  Hopefully it will come out who specifically is selling, and who is buying the meat.  Costco?  Kroger brand grocery stores... Frys and King Soopers?  Albertsons?  Safeway?  Whole Foods?  Who?  And how would you know if restaurants are safe?  If I find anything I will definitely post it.  This is a game changer - to poison us without our consent.  Without us ever knowing it.  Pure evil.  God help us.  Maybe we can get some help and advice from our STO ET friends too.  Love & light, john

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