The Choice, Caring Or Selfish
Incarnations occur naturally, per the Zetas, even into plants and animals, but unless the physical body is capable of consciousness, as humans are, a soul is not sparked.
Once sparked, reincarnations also occur naturally.
ZetaTalk: Incarnations, written Dec 15, 1995
For an incarnation to spark a soul, consciousness must be present.
This is defined as the ability to see OTHERS as separate from the SELF, so that interaction can occur.
This is different from the interaction that is driven by instinct.
ZetaTalk: Being Conscious, written Jun 15, 2002
A difficult concept for many humans is the concept of consciousness. They see the babe in the crib, aware seemingly only of its stomach and need for milk, and compare it to the dog at their feet, seemingly aware and alert. Is the babe conscious, and the dog not? The point at which consciousness is present is not crisp or clear. Is the human conscious because they have a certain IQ? Yet it is reported that retarded humans can have incarnating souls. Is the human conscious because they discern themselves as separate from other humans? Yet so many humans are so fuzzy about their identity that they join any group for a sense of belonging, and confuse their actions with the leaders. Is the human conscious because they have a memory, can compute, can put A and B together and come up with C? Yet the Chimp uses tools, and a wolf pack can figure where the prey may be running to next, and many animals have long memories and are crafty. At what point does consciousness click in, or click out, if it does, and is it thus possible for a dog to have a soul and a human not?
We have stated that an existing soul may chose to incarnate in an animal that does not have the potential of sparking a soul, for education reasons. Thus, the dog or snake or dolphin does not spark a soul, but can be incarnated on occasion. To spark, the biological entity must have the capacity to envision itself as separate, and where many animals seem to have this trait, they do not. A dog will understand that it is being yelled at by its master, or snarled at by the leader of the pack, and by groveling and crawling away is indicating they seem to understand another has interacted with them, as a separate being. But this is instinctive activity, this is not a discernment of separate biological entities. The dog has evolved to react in such a manner, to challenge until certain signs are present, then to submit. Instinct is not consciousness. Biologically programmed reactions are not consciousness.
Even as the babe is lying in its crib, asleep or crying for milk, seemingly unaware of its surroundings, it is aware. It understands that when it smiles at mother, and mother picks it up, that is has engaged in an interaction with another. This is not the same as a birdling in a nest, putting its beak up for food when the mother bird alights. That is instinct. On evolving worlds that do not have genetic engineering, the species that eventually emerges to have consciousness, and thus sparking souls, gets there slowly. At first, there is instinct. Then there is increasing intelligence until the concept of separateness begins to be a factor. Increased intelligence tends to be selected for survival, as the intelligent species can better their odds. Thus, the more intelligent in the group breed to increase intelligence, and the trend hastens yet more. Thus, where not visible in man, his consciousness, awareness of himself as separate, a factor absolutely necessary for sparking of souls, is there.
The spirit form, something the Zetas call the Stuff of Souls, transcends the physical and does not die, once sparked.
The soul gains mass and size during its many incarnations, becoming wise and massive eventually.
ZetaTalk: Spirit Substance, written Mar 15, 1996
What is this about a young soul being either sparked so it takes shape and continues, or aborted?
What does it take for a young soul, a virgin soul experiencing its first incarnation, to spark?
ZetaTalk: Spark, written Jun 15, 2002
And an abortion? This is not something done TO the young soul, but a natural occurrence, and
MOST young souls abort without being sparked, per the Zetas.
It is the sparked souls, which will reincarnate, which is the exception at the start.
ZetaTalk: Aborted Entities, written Dec 15, 1995
Earth is a world where souls are sparked, and thus is a school house for the early lessons, a Kindergarden.
ZetaTalk: Incarnations, written Dec 15, 1995
[The first] the lessons to be learned are to develop a concept of the self, a concept of the other, and to form an attitude toward relationships with others.
Our stay on Earth, our first stop after soul birth when the soul is sparked, requires a decision.
To become empathetic and caring, or to stay self focused.
Those who chose the latter, to remain selfish, are simply not growing.
Like newborns, they remain focused solely on themselves.
The Zetas call these souls Service-to-Self, as they are serving themselves in the main, truly hardened STS souls thinking of others only about 5% of the time, and 95% about themselves.
The Zetas call those souls who have chosen caring for others, practicing the Golden Rule, Service-to-Others, as they are serving others at least 50% of the time.
The characteristics, caring vs selfishness, are not always easy to discern.
ZetaTalk: Key Characteristics, written by Jul 15, 1995
Actions are the key, how the individual acts when the chips are down, or acts in general.
Since a façade can be so easily worn by the selfish, the Zetas have given some examples on how to discern.
ZetaTalk: Distinguishing Characteristics, written May 15, 1996
When ready to leave our first schoolhouse, Earth, souls who have been born here must be separated.
Else the selfish, given more technology, will use it to take more advantage of their good hearted neighbors.
Those who have been able to take advantage of others suddenly find themselves reincarnated into Hell,
where they must live among others like themselves.
This is, in fact, what Hell is, the self centered living among their own kind.
Heaven, of course, is where the caring and empathic have only others of a like mind about.
Heaven and Hell, truly of our own making.
ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars, written May 15, 1996
So should we, as the Rolling Stones say, have Sympathy for the Devil?
Someone, as they say, were generals during wars to encourage maiming of innocents?
Lets listen to a few words, from the Album Beggars Banquet, Sympathy for the Devil.
Meanwhile, those finding themselves in Heaven, on a caring and empathetic world
such as the Earth is to become in the future,
find many of the constraints they lived under in the past removed.
ZetaTalk: Without Money, written by Jul 15, 1995.
Where are we on Earth, now, present day? Neither Heaven or Hell, but a schoolhouse where young souls are to make their decision, to be caring or self focused.
But the school term ends shortly, because of the coming pole shift, when a massive die-off of 90% of the Earth's population will occur.
This has been administratively scheduled to be the Transformation period for the Earth, a type of graduation, and thereafter to be a home for the STO.
What Jesus described as the meek, inheriting the Earth.
This Transformation takes some time, as each human is allowed to live out their lifetime, to complete their current incarnation.
In the meantime, due to the pending separation of the spiritual orientation, those who are caring or self serving become increasingly polarized.
ZetaTalk: Gradual Change, written Nov 15, 1995.
* Undergoing a subtle Transformation; from ZetaTalk
* Sorted Out; from ZetaTalk
* Forming Entities by ZetaTalk
* Characteristics - Separation by Orientation; from ZetaTalk
* Why live? - Pole Shift; Aftertime; from ZetaTalk
* You Can Relive the Pain of Others - Death Wish; from ZetaTalk
* The Year Before The Shift; from ZetaTalk
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