For my understanding I made a chart from "ZetaTalk: Last Year" shown below.
ZetaTalk: Last Year
Note: written during the Jul 6, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The year before the shift will find humanity in varying states of readiness for what is to come. Humanity breaks down at this point into those who know, or at least suspect, and those who are unaware. Those who are unaware are so because they are struggling for a living more than full time, and barely keep up with whether their country is at war, much less what would be considered gossip. They either do not have TV, or have no energy to think deeply about matters after a long day toiling, so will be taken by surprise in the weeks before the shift. In these cases, they will take the shift as any other exigency, like a hurricane or dread illness or accident, and simply react in like manner. Unless young, strong, in good health, and lucky, they will not survive. This is especially true if they do not hear about the pole shift, with tides and winds, as they will have no way to calculate what to do, and will be taken by surprise.
Those aware will fall into two groups, in the main.
1. those who had very early knowledge, due to MJ12 membership or a leak from these sources.
2. those who learned due to communication methods at least a year in advance of the shift, the likely passage and past geological history to support such a theory.
Those with very early knowledge have been preparing, and are now only concerned with hiding their preparations from the mob, preserving them for the elite. This includes the elite within the Bush administration planning to go into their bunkers if they cannot escape to Mars, British elite who plan to go to Australia, and Russian elite going into the Urals. This path is well known and anticipated. They will guard their perimeter with military, and shoot civilians trying to reach them for aid. Wealthy elite also are in the know, and have their enclaves established, stocked, and are where they can be found today, their remote resort areas, and will meet their demise in time as the starving mob will hunt them out in those well known places.
Those who are aware of the likely passage, at this time, are divided further into those with the capacity to plan and those without. Those with the capacity to plan are getting camping gear, water filtration, buying vitamins and beans and rice and protein powder, and connecting with others of like mind. Unless prevented by something unforeseen, like being wiped out by fire, their plans are likely to proceed and in the main get them through the first few months, at least. Those unable to plan or prepare are doing so emotionally, preparing for death or starvation and in the main being remarkably mature. Almost no panic in the streets has arisen since the word of Planet X passing has become a common discussion point, in outlets such as Art Bell. Most people entertaining the possibility have one foot in the real world of today, supported by their religion and government and society, and the other in the possible world where ZetaTalk and Planet X predictions are true. Thus, they have not sold their homes, their cars, quit their jobs, moved to the woods, or anything that drastic. Unless they have enough money to build a shelter, well stocked, they have at most put together plans, and these plans are yet to be implemented.
Will anything occur this last year to prevent those plans from being implemented? Yes! A collapsing economy, lost jobs, lost income, stocks and bonds proving worthless, insurance industry unable to compensate for increasing quakes and weather problems, etc. Thus, even those who have prepared, to the extent they have, may find themselves losing ground. What to do? All should plan, and at least mentally prepare, for being without any material possessions whatsoever. Where does this put the average person who has prepared, and has the health to life in the Aftertime, and knowledge of what they will be facing?
1. they may have to sleep in the open, rather than under shelters, so should plan to be able to cobble together a shelter from the woods or junk at hand, as well as clothing.
2. they may have to eat what they can find, and should familiarize themselves with what that might be, and what cooking or eating methods are to be used.
3. they may have to drink whatever water they can find, and should consider no filters or electricity or fire available, and how to purify the water in those circumstances.
If one makes those mental preparations, then they are prepared for the worst. As matter are likely only to get worse in all lives, this last year, not better.
* ZetaTalk for Pre-shift actions
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 10, 2010
Along with STO, undecided and STS, there seems to be two types of folks when it comes to interpreting Zeta Talk. Could the Zetas please clear some confusion?:
1. JTA's: One who realizes Earth Changes, reads Zeta Talk and Jumps To Action to get through the PS unharmed. They switch lifestyles, alter daily routines and get ready. This may include moving to a safe location ASAP etc. Such folks may have adequate finances, or may be younger who can see themselves being successful in the Aftertime but would need others to help boost their financial situations to prepare successfully.
2. LFM's: One who realizes Earth Changes, reads portions of Zeta Talk (occasional newsletter with reluctance) and decides to 'Live For the Moment'. They keep with their own original agendas, stay in denial and/or resist change. Many LFM's are well off financially and are go-getter personalities who like to keep the momentum of enjoying themselves without interruption. They would tend to be likely more advanced in years and experience than JTA's. There are many pages on the subject on ZT, but just how to go about getting assistance in convincing family to prepare together can be challenging.
[and from another]
I was wondering how would a STO respond as opposed to a STS person to the knowing of the PS and the lead up to PS? I think at some point before the PS one would be able to see a difference and to see whose who at some point. How would they differ on an emotional level and a practical level?
We have divided humanity into those who will react to news of the coming changes by taking action in some way and those who will cling to denial, even until the hour of the pole shift itself. Denial is primarily the route taken by those who either have no recourse to help themselves and no one in attendance who can be relied upon to care for them or who in general take a cowardly rather than courageous approach to matters. These tend to be young souls, not mature, with little experience in what a catastrophe will involve. To them, it is all overwhelming, so they in essence faint, black out, and refuse to deal with it. This in no way is an indication of the spiritual orientation of the individual. An individual leaning to Service-to-Self may be timid and attempt to turn their face when faced with a horror, but so might an individual leaning to Service-to-Others.
But when an individual is clearly aware of what is coming, and in a position to take action to either help themselves or others, it is then that a difference based on spiritual orientation can be detected. A Service-to-Others individual will make plans for more than themselves, even if they have no one else in their group at present. If collecting survival guides, books, they will collect for more than their reference but for a community, to educate and assist others. A Service-to-Self person is more likely to try to attach themselves to an ongoing community where this knowledge already exists, and will plan only for their comfort, not the comfort of the entire community. Another indication is how current finances are spent. If highly Service-to-Others and aware of the coming changes, this individual is likely to be laying the groundwork for a number of others, anticipating survivors from all walks of life, and not being exclusive. If leaning to Service-to-Self, there would only be plans for the self and others who might be of benefit to the self.
Those who claim or act like life should be a party until the end are announcing, loudly, their orientation. They expect to walk into an existing survival community and wail loudly that they are distressed and in need of assistance.
* ZetaTalk for Pole Shift worlds
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 31, 2018
I'm aware other inhabited planets, in physical-material frequency, go thru crises similar to Earth's present crises. I'm aware some planets fail to navigate their crises successfully, such as Maldek, the current asteroid belt. What about planets, who do get thru pole changes and oligarchy overthrows successfully? Which planets are these? What can we learn from them? Is Sweden's history of peaceful oligarch overthrow common or very rare?
The Earth, at present, is a 3rd Density spiritual schoolhouse where young souls are allowed to experience a broad range of challenges. These young souls either grow toward empathy, becoming Service-to-Other, or fail to grow and like a newborn, remain in the Service-to-Self, centered on promoting and protecting the self. When faced with the challenges that life on Earth presents, the young soul has choices, and this includes a range of options on how to deal with the physical environment as well as societal choices. Should one become a farmer, helping to feed others, or should one become an addict, stealing to support a habit?
Have other schoolhouse worlds, those in 3rd Density, experienced Pole Shifts? Absolutely, though this is not the norm. Despite the sudden and horrific assault that a Pole Shift will bring to the Earth, each assault is no different, in essence, from what man experiences today. Hurricane force winds are experienced during hurricanes today. Tidal waves are experienced during tsunamis today. The collapse of cites and the loss of infrastructure is experienced during earthquakes today. And the failure of the ruling elite to be honest with the common man is absolutely nothing new, but prevalent today.
In describing intelligent life throughout the Universe, we have stated that most worlds are water worlds, with only a tiny percentage evolving hominoids to be the intelligent species. It is useless to try to compare the societal arrangements or reactions to physical catastrophe on other worlds to those on Earth, beyond stating that both Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self behavior are prevalent. Denial, when faced with overwhelming catastrophe, is common on all worlds. We anticipate that even when officially acknowledged, the pending passage of Nibiru will result in denial among over half of the populace of Earth.
As we have stated, the Council of Worlds has taken steps to slow down the 7 of 10 Plate Movements with humming boxes, in order to allow the establishment more time to inform the populace. The overall outcome - the Pole Shift – will not be stopped or delayed. In the interim between the present, when most of the world is unaware of what is coming, and the hour of the Pole Shift itself, will be a time of challenge for man. This is in the hands of man, and thus cannot be predicted. This will likewise vary from country to country, from religion to religion, from family to family, with every possible variation expressed.
When a leader, either in officialdom or a natural leader that has emerged, points to and facilitates survival steps, this allows for hope and thus less denial and thus empathy can flourish. Denial requires a struggle to maintain a focus on pretense, so this energy is robbed from preparations to help others. This is why the Council of Worlds is pressing for the truth about Nibiru to be made known. Russia is an example of good leadership, where the Patriarch Kirill had admitted the End Times have arrived and Putin has arranged for the Far East in Russia to support his populace.
In the US there is a struggle to clear the deck so that the media is forced to comply with a Nibiru admission, and to counter the Deep State installed during prior administrations so it cannot take advantage of chaos and riots to upend the current Trump administration. The public is unaware of this struggle, which is intense and moving rapidly to a conclusion, primarily because it is being pushed by the Council of Worlds. The 7 of 10 Plate Movements have been allowed to return to their normal pace and outcome, and the daily Wobble and dramatic visibility of the Nibiru complex are in force.
We have been asked in the past how the various elite in control in countries around the world will react as the truth about the pending passage is unveiled. We anticipate that religion, whether a personal belief or a state religion, will have a dominant role as all major religions and many alternative belief systems speak of the End Times and its outcome. Religion tends to reward the faithful, unfortunately, where practical steps for survival camps to reduce starvation and injury are what is needed. The US and Europe are expected to arrive at this point before the Pole Shift date.
In those countries with little recourse, where Safe Locations within the borders do not exist and migration to other countries is blocked, denial from the official voice should be expected. In India, stressing reincarnation as a reality may comfort. Illegal migration is already in process from sinking lands or from those lands suffering crop failures. Houseboat communities will develop, fed by the fish that feed on the dead and rotting material in newly flooded lands. The political process will steadily break down to become local governments only, due to infrastructure failures. Life will become simple, with spiritual lessons at the fore.
I am placing this here as another warning to prepare. I honestly stumbled across this video today and I have to post it where people can view it in conjunction with Kojima's work on preparation from Zetatalk!
The person who posted this lives in Oregon and has a friend working for FEMA. He explains being called in the middle of the night? A warning to be prepared...
I also found it interesting that it was recorded around the same night that I couldn't sleep due to nasty windstorms in Calgary Alberta (Canada) between 12am mountain time and 3am mountain time. Not only was the wind bad, but my girlfriend and I experienced something even stranger. It sounded like people trying to get into my house, not just the back door...but things sounds like they were on the roof. Also, my doorbell rang (not a nice once or twice)...but in succession rapidly three times. This happened as we were both putting clothes on to see what was happening, once we got to the front and back door and took a look nothing was there. No people waiting, noone screaming for help, no signs of a person. What is more weird is that by the time I fell back to sleep (3:30am) I experienced dreams about warning people about Nibiru afterwards! Today, I searched for footprints in the snow, on the roof... and checked to see if a tree broke off and fell on the roof as well....there was nothing. I get the feeling something big is coming. Between the video (that I happened to stumble upon) and the events last night....I can only imagine!
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