March 2018 Blog Posts (13)

Pole Shift leadership

Is it true that most of the high-ranking positions in the countries/corporations/banks of the world are occupied by weak personalities? If you look at history, you will see that the same Putin came to power, solely thanks to the PR of the then acting government (Yeltsin - who has the reputation of an inadequate person). Although we see Putin who opposes the West as a hero. This is certainly not the case, inside the country, Putin is not effective. Just the…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on March 31, 2018 at 12:59pm — No Comments

Draft Newsletter as of April 1, 2018

Draft Newsletter for Sunday April 1, 2018. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also.

Ode to Putin

A new documentary about Putin’s life

has put…


Added by Nancy Lieder on March 28, 2018 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Prong 3 revival

There is hot news regarding Planet 9! Astronomers says math proves Planet 9! Dark Energy Survey is mentioned in the Scientific American article on Planet 9. Has Prong 3 been brought back to life? Can the Zetas comment? [and from another] As you probably already know, Putin won the presidential election in Russia, and perhaps that is why the recognition of Nibiru…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on March 24, 2018 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

Draft Newsletter as of March 25, 2018

Draft Newsletter for Sunday, March 25, 2018. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also.

Nibiru’s Face

Nibiru is heavily shrouded by the charged red dust that clings to it, as it is a planetary magnet. Earth too is a…


Added by Nancy Lieder on March 22, 2018 at 11:30am — No Comments

Nibiru's face

Don't ask to me Nancy what is this, I hope repeat it when new fine sky come back. [and from another] Ciao Nancy, secondo tentativo, risultato molto interessante, concordo in modo particolare sulla superficie come hai parlato in questo presente zoom 8 x. Prova a vedere. Fammi sapere la tua opinione. Alberto …

Added by Gerard Zwaan on March 20, 2018 at 9:50pm — 6 Comments

Volunteers Needed for PDF Off-Site Backup

Due to the increased earth changes and with the .ning being solely in California, we are looking for volunteers to assist with off-site back up of the .ning.  The .ning is currently 26 gigabites and is too much to put into a PDF, however, we are looking to have just the jist of the information.  Most of the blogs have an introduction and this can be included,  such as Planet X captures, 7 Steps and South American Roll to name but a few examples and there are a lot of relevant blogs featuring…


Added by Moderating Staff on March 14, 2018 at 1:33pm — 16 Comments

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter as of March 18, 2018

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday March 18, 2018. A couple days early because so many ask about N Korea talks. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also.

N Korea Capitulates

N Korea’s chubby dictator Kim and US President Trump seemed on a collision course, but shortly before the Olympics the noise died down and now,…


Added by Nancy Lieder on March 12, 2018 at 7:48pm — No Comments

Q Says - Watch the Water!

For those who are not familiar, since last October the enigmatic Q has been posting leaks on what is going on in the US government, and elsewhere, in the form of codes and puzzles. Q is the highest security level with the US intel, and he is suspected of being a member of the US Military Intel, thus. He obviously has…


Added by Nancy Lieder on March 8, 2018 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of March 11, 2018

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday March 11, 2018. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also.

Military Tribunals

What does Trump’s new Executive Order published on March 1, 2018 mean? It gives new powers to the…


Added by Nancy Lieder on March 8, 2018 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Military Tribunals EO

What does Trumps new EO of March 1 mean? We are going to have military tribunals of civilians? Is this akin to Martial Law? [and from another] 2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States. March 1, 2018 …

Added by Gerard Zwaan on March 7, 2018 at 10:32am — 9 Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of March 4, 2018

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday March 4,  2018. 

Parkland Shooting

Was the Stoneman Douglas high school shooting in Parkland a deliberate setup? The Zetas warn that the New World Order agenda

includes disarming…


Added by Nancy Lieder on March 1, 2018 at 11:57am — No Comments

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