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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 43631

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Replies to This Discussion

Both incidents in Oklahoma, same day. What’s up?
[and from another]
[and from another]
Another US Bridge Hit by a Vessel
March 31, 2024
A cargo vessel damaged the supports of a bridge over the Arkansas River less than a week after a deadly incident in Baltimore. The Oklahoma State Patrol has completely closed a highway after a barge struck the US-59 Bridge over the Arkansas River on Saturday.
[and from another]
22 Train Cars Overturned in Lincoln County Derailment
March 30, 2024
The train was hauling rock that spilled from the overturned cars. No hazardous materials were being transported on the train. OG&E was among the agencies responding to the incident due to a broken electrical pole at the scene. No injuries were reported. The cause of the derailment is still under investigation as crews continue working to clear the intersection.

As the New Madrid Adjustment proceeds, the Portions already separated will pull further apart. The Mainland has been shifting West and to the Southwest. We stated that the Oklahoma Rift was based on solid rock
and would not experience this shift to the Southwest except as a jolt - sudden movement of land. Note that the train derailment near Oklahoma City and barge crash on the US-59 Bridge near Sallisaw where it crosses the Arkansas River happened at virtually the same time.

Prior 7/27/2013 ZT:
The Southern Oklahoma rift juts at a right angle to the New Madrid Fault Line, and the Balcones escarpment traces the edge of rock composition changes, but other than pass along the jolts from the New Madrid adjustment will not cause Oklahoma or Texas to find their terrain has changed. The rock above and below these points will move as one, to the southwest, during the New Madrid adjustment.

March 31st, 2024-   Today we see the irony of Easter and a cross pattern forms  in the Atlantic Ocean  where we anticipate the New Madrid adjustment.  Would the Zetas care to comment on this cross pattern for us and we also see the SO2 emissions coming closer together?

March 31, 2024 9PM .  I was noticing that the currents all line up where the New Madrid plate movement will be.  Excuse my crude drawing.  Would the Zetas care to comment on this set up?

Accepted also. 

James of Idaho said:

March 31, 2024 9PM .  I was noticing that the currents all line up where the New Madrid plate movement will be.  


James of Idaho said:

March 31st, 2024-   Today we see the irony of Easter and a cross pattern forms  in the Atlantic Ocean  where we anticipate the New Madrid adjustment. 

Would the Zetas care to comment on this cross pattern for us and we also see the SO2 emissions coming closer together? I was noticing that the currents all line up where the New Madrid plate movement will be.  Excuse my crude drawing. Would the Zetas care to comment on this set up?
[and from another]
On March 30 we see that the last leg of the New Madrid Fault Line to separate the Portions is hot with Methane so that the Gulf Stream is diverted. What is holding the Mainland and SE Portions together at this point is very little.
[and from another]

The New Madrid Separation of the Portions is in its final stretch in the N Atlantic. The tearing rock from the Seaway Exit to the Azores is red with Methane release, and the stress on the Eurasian Plate and Mainland Portion can be seen along their plate border. This causes the Gulf Stream to divert away from hot rocks, as the Burn Maps clearly show. When the final separation occurs the SE Portion will be free to move along with Africa as it rolls. Disasters along the New Madrid Fault Line up the Mississippi River and under the Seaway will accelerate into the disasters we have predicted.

Baltimore and Oklahoma ships were jolted by waves from the New Madrid jolts, is this the same issue?
[and from another]
River Danube Cruise Ship Crashed after it was 'Suddenly no longer able to Maneuver,' 17 Passengers Injured
March 31, 2024
A Bulgarian cruise ship carrying over 140 passengers crashed into a concrete wall along the River Danube in Austria. A Bulgarian cruise ship carrying over 140 passengers crashed into a concrete wall along the River Danube in Austria. The ship had set off from Passau, a German city on the Austrian border, but further down the river when leaving the lock chamber, "the ship was suddenly no longer able to maneuver," and its right bow and left aft crashed into the lock walls. The second-in-command of the ship, who had been at the helm during the crash, "pressed the emergency switch, whereupon the electronics started up again." He was then able to steer the ship out of the lock.
[and from another]
Cruise Ship Hits Concrete Passageway on Danube in Austria, 17 Injured
March 30, 2024
The ship temporarily lost power to its electronics system and became unsteerable as it passed through narrow locks. Seventeen passengers were hurt when a Bulgarian river cruise ship lost steering and hit the sides of a lock on the Danube in Austria. Eleven of the injured were taken to hospitals. The ship with 142 passengers aboard, most of them from Germany, temporarily lost power to its electronics system and became unsteerable as it passed through narrow locks. The ship’s power was restored but not before the bow and stern struck the concrete sides of the lock passage near the town of Aschach, a few miles upriver from Linz.

What is notable in the Baltimore Container Ship steering problem and the Oklahoma Barge steering problem and now the Danube steering problem is that all these incidents happened on water. If they were electrical, caused by EMP, airplanes would be having problems too. Plate Movement jolts will move objects on water without restriction. On land, objects will jiggle or slide, passing notice, but on water the movement continues unabated. Both the Eurasian and Mainland Plates are being pulled during the New Madrid Finale, the Eurasian to the East and the Mainland to the West, and the Danube cruise ship drift was indeed caused by a such a jolt.


Kamil Rak said:

Was this powerful earthquake a prelude to the China blowout? Was the earthquake caused by Pacific compression or the Eurasian stretch?

[and from another]
On April 2, while the N Atlantic is splitting open along the border between the Eurasian Plate and the Mainland Portion of N America, it seems the N Pacific is compressing between the two quadrants of the Pacific Plate! This can only expedite the New Madrid Rupture.
[and from another]
[and from another]
9 Killed and 934 Injured after 7.4-Magnitude Quake
April 3, 2024
A 7.4-magnitude earthquake, followed by several strong aftershocks, struck off the east coast of Taiwan, killing nine people and injuring at least 934, according to Taiwan’s fire department. The earthquake, which damaged buildings and caused landslides, was the largest to hit Taiwan in 25 years and was also felt in parts of China.
[and from another]
7.4 Magnitude Quake hits Taiwan, Strongest in 25 Years
April 3, 2024
More than 100 buildings have been damaged, according to the National Fire Agency (NFA). Pictures show buildings tilted to one side and collapsed onto the ground. About half of the damaged buildings are in Hualien County, the epicenter of the earthquake.

There is a synergy between the compressing Pacific and the widening Atlantic, wherein they both exacerbate the other. The New Madrid Fault Line Rupture is now in the last stretch - separating the Portions in the N Atlantic between the Seaway Exit and the Azores. The Void along the Eurasian/Mainland border is expected to pull open, temporarily, when the Rupture finally occurs. What is holding this last step back is the Mainland’s reluctance to pull to the West.

The Taiwan quake on April 3 has changed this dynamic by making room for the Mainland to shift West. That the Pacific was poised to compress again could be seen on April 2 when the Pacific Plate to the West of Hawaii was experiencing high waves, as was the entire N Pacific, reflecting the wrestling and wrangling ongoing beneath the surface. The sequence of events to follow will include a response in the Africa Roll, which pulls the SE Portion of N America with it, such that the attachments of the SE Portion in the N Atlantic are ruptured. This drama will certainly take days to unfold.

Declined as prior ZT covers this. Yes, they are tweaking the Darkness plans

Kamil Rak said:

Social media is down world wide.

The Establishment, in their panic, is giving it away like they did with the Solar Observatory a few years ago. Their panic is causing many to wonder what's going on. As this Hal Turner article which actually nails it. They fear panic from the people, but it appears their panic is the real problem. Any comment on this would be much appreciated!! 
[and from another]
Did the Solar Eclipse Path of Totality Just Change? Here's What to Know
April 3, 2024
But don't stress, we're here to help, even better, NASA scientists are. What the theory claims is that, due to newfound uncertainty around the size of the sun, the width of the predicted path of totality is actually a little off. New calculations actually make it slightly narrower than what it was before, which means that some cities and areas that were previously identified as being located within the path of totality, are now actually just outside of it. In short, people in those cities wouldn't be able to see the moon completely blocking off the sun on April 8.
[and from another]
Something's Up: Another City Declares "Emergency" over April 8 Solar Eclipse
April1, 2024
There's something creepy going on in connection with the coming solar eclipse on April 8 and it warrants our attention: Numerous cities have declared states of emergency for an eclipse?  No, there's more to this than we're being told. Cellular network collapse?  Internet collapse?  Grocery stores running out of food?  Disaster Declarations? Gas stations running out of fuel? No, none of this seems normal to me at all. It's starting to look to me as if something ELSE is going on. But what? During an eclipse, with the sun blocked, people may be able to see things up in the sky that they otherwise wouldn't be able to see because the sunlight is so strong and blocks the view of things in space. Could it be that something ELSE is going on, maybe something that people will suddenly be able to SEE once the sun is blocked for a few minutes? Might people PANIC over what they see?

OK, so Hal Turner reads ZetaTalk. He knows that Nibiru is looming nearby and becoming obvious. He knows that one of the prime reasons it is not immediately visible to the public is the glare of the Sun, because ZetaTalk has pointed this out. He knows that ZetaTalk has predicted the public will see Nibiru during the April 8 Eclipse and panic will result. He knows ZetaTalk has associated the anticipated Darkness of Social Media with such an event, and likely even the imposition of Martial Law. Thanks Hal, keep up the good work.

Why did NASA suddenly decide to change the Path of the Eclipse? The Daily Earth Wobble is mostly predictable but can suddenly change, as the Council of Worlds is in charge of the New Madrid Fault Line Rupture timeline and is using the wobble as one of their prime tools. Thus NASA waited until the last minute to tweak their prediction on the Path. But the Council of Worlds also wants the elite to admit that Nibiru is nearby and heading for a passage, so surprises await.

I have a question for the Zetas on the last passage of Nibiru  and how Joshua  did command of the Lord to stop the Sun and the Moon for half a day.  This must have occurred when Nibiru was returning on it's second pass back to Orion.  Would the Zetas explain the dynamics of that to us and what side of the Sun was the Earth on and Nibiru when it passed once again?

Declined as this is apart of the Last Weeks, already detailed by the Zetas. Rotation slows, and then STOPS.

9 day Severe Wobble
4.5 days static Lean to the Left
2.5 days progression toward 3 Days of Darkness.
3 Days of Darkness
6 days of Sunrise West
18 day of Slowing Rotation
6 (5.9) days of Rotation Stoppage

James of Idaho said:

I have a question for the Zetas on the last passage of Nibiru  and how Joshua  did command of the Lord to stop the Sun and the Moon for half a day.  

The 8 of 10 has been an enigmatic step in the sequence of events towards the Poleshift.  Many predictions for the 8 of 10 have been offered by the Zetas, but they have also stated that they are not ready to disclose other predictions until the New Madrid Adjustment occurs.  They have said it will fully flower after this occurrence and that it will be a long, drawn out affair. 

How is the 8 of 10 related to the biblical Seven Years of Tribulation, if at all?


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