Questions can be posed on this discussion by a member, or posted to a ZetaTalk Question email address. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion.

  • Twitter: @NancyLieder1
  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
  • Research the ZetaTalk WebSite and use the Search Engine dedicated to the site. Check the prior ning chats archives or the prior GLP chat archives. This Search Tips Primer will make you an expert after only a quick read.

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  • If Nancy indicates that your question is “accepted” then it will be answered.
  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
  • To find all prior chats on the ning, go to this list:

Ning Rules that Apply

  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 48594

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Accepted from the moderator chat: 

There is a buoy active in the Gulf of Mexico.
[and from another]
Humm, another bridge collapse.
[and from another]
Bridge Collapse leaves Jackson Residents without Water
July 8, 2021
People living at Pebble Creek Apartments say they have been without water nearly three days after a bridge collapse.

As was noted when the Pemex gas field exploded in an underwater eruption, and as we have stated since the start of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements, the New Madrid Adjustment will start its unzipping in Mexico. Draw a line from the Mexico City/Pemex region to New Orleans and this line passes through the current active buoy location. This is very significant as this will soon destabilize the continental US near and above New Orleans. That the lowlands near Jackson, MS are shifting in step with the buoy warnings is not a surprise.

Accepted via email: 

I have just seen a video of a dog-like creature killed somewhere in South Africa, which seems out of this world. The man speaking on the video says the creatures were two, a male and a female, and one of them was shot dead, and literally says they are not of our world, and that our world must be coming to an end. Are the creatures the same as the ones previously reported somewhere in South America? From a different density? Sent here by STS entities to lean more souls toward STS? 
[and from another]

The young Chupacabra bodies retrieved in Texas and Kentucky and South of the Border are hairless, with long fangs and large ears and long digits on its front claws. The S African variety appears to have these same features but differs in key aspects. Canines, such as coyote or wolf or dog, have a knee joint that bends backwards, as does the Chupa retrieved in the Americas. The S African Chupa has a knee joint that appears human, bending forward, with a long foot. The front claw also appears to have an opposable thumb. This is a human body.

Is this an elaborate hoax or a human/Chupacabra hybrid created to terrify mankind in Africa, the last continent those in the Service-to-Self hope to conquer? Having been driven from the Americas,
and leaving Antarctica in disgrace, the Service-to-Self aliens determined to conquer the Earth
are making a last stand in Africa. Thus this hybrid, equivalent in size to a human, has been unleashed in Africa. Accustomed to large carnivores such as lions, crocs, and hyenas these hybrids will be killed off quickly and not have the effect those in the Service-to-Self desired.

Prior ZT:
For the Earth, which has had an abnormal influence toward the Service-to-Self in her past, the final battles had focused on continents to be won, with the hopes that the Service-to-Self could reside there as a form of prison planet in part. Since strict separation of the orientations is done after 3rd density, the regions assigned would have to be continents, not even subcontinents. It would not do for a Service-to-Other community to gaze across a mountain pass and see a Service-to-Self prison colony in operation. So both S America and Africa were targeted. The Chupacabra were unleashed in S America, but prior to that ruthless government repression such as occurred under Pinochet occurred. When the battle for S America was lost to the Service-to-Self, they concentrated their efforts on Africa, which had a long history of colonization and brutal repression. This battle likewise has been won for the Service-to-Other, with the result that the Service-to-Self have concentrated their efforts on individuals in government or in charge of tribal warfare efforts. As more democracies spring up, many headed by compassionate women, the battle increasingly becomes a wasted effort for those in the Service-to-Self, and their troops are being pulled for work elsewhere.

Prior ZT:
South American has been won, for the Service-to-Other groups, but all resentment of this decision has not disappeared. Africa is now the focus of intense fighting, and appears to be moving nicely into the Service-to-Other camps too. Because all Service-to-Self alien groups interested in capturing at least a continent on Earth, to continue to attract converts until the Transformation is completed, are moving their troops to the front lines where they are most needed, South America is left to the humans who hoped otherwise. 

Prior ZT:
When reports of young Chupacabras in Texas and Maryland emerged in 2004 we explained that their handlers, the Service-to-Self aliens who used them to terrify humans through psychological intimidation, had left and done a poor job cleaning up after themselves. Some young were left behind, and not being native to the Earth were having problems feeding themselves. Six years later, another young Chupacabra has obviously appeared in Kentucky. Does this mean they will become an indigenous species in the Americas? This is doubtful because of the pending pole shift, where humans will hunt the wildlife almost to extinction. The Chupacabra are blood suckers, and thus require the same prey that humans will be hunting. If they do not starve to death, they will be eaten.

Prior ZT:
Chupacabra is back in the news because it relates to the alien presence. It is an alien threat, and would allow former members of MJ12 cover for why they kept the truth from the public for so long. The matter is also presented as debatable. Yes there are real dead Chupacabra young found, starving and hairless. But there are also frauds and panic.

Accepted via email: 

You posted about the hybrid creature in South Africa and someone has said it was fake and they made it so is it actually fake or is the person trying to get clout for making it?
[and from another]
Iconic Wolfman Transformation Scene | An American Werewolf In London
[and from another]
Alleged Nigerian Sighting’s Bogus
June 19, 2021
The clip that's got people buzzing surfaced seemingly out of nowhere this week, and it shows what appears to be the body of a lycan - subspecies of a werewolf in monster mythology - dead on the ground in the middle of the night, bleeding from its face, lying motionless. This alleged killing took place somewhere in Nigeria. The clip that everyone is seeing is dubbed over, as the original is actually part of what seems to be a short film from Portugal called "Lobisomem Morto a Tiros" which translates to "werewolf shot to death." It was thrown up on April 1 by a user named Cloud Wolf. Anyway, nothing to see here, people -- back to Bigfoot and Loch Ness sightings, please.
[and from another]
Cloud Wolf channel
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Lobisomem Morto a Tiros - na Estrada do Curtume
April 1, 2021
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Joseph-Rob Cobasky, Freelance sculpture artist. SFX.

Of course there is a coverup over the release of any video material showing the Chupa/Human hybrid. Neither the indigenous governments nor those who would colonize Africa again want panic in the people. Claims that the video is a hoax despite its compelling nature are hollow, though back-dated materials will be brought forth and deliberate confusion over the country involved inserted. By the Council of Worlds rules, the Service-to-Self must not allow their imported creatures to harm humans, thus the Chupacabra could kill goats but not the populace. Those rules apply to the African variety.

How was the Chupa/Human hybrid made? This is not a true hybrid as the DNA is not consistent throughout the body. It thus should be called a Chimera. The perpetrators wanted a human form as they wanted the terrified humans to become afraid of other humans as a result of their encounter, thus being pushed into alienation and abandonment and toward Service-to-Self allegiances. At a young age, a wolf head and brain were attached to the spinal cord, thus the instincts of the Chimera were of a wolf, a hunter.

Accepted from the Hal Turner site: 

Alert: Pilot/Flying J and Cenex tell Gas Station owners “Next Delivery is your Last”
July 8, 2021
Reports have been coming in that Pilot/Flying J and CenEx corporations have both told their gas station franchisees/operators that "your next fuel delivery will be your last.  When your tanks reach ten percent, shut down."
[and from another]
[and from another]
Confirmed expected gas delivery issue SE Michigan. Employees of Flying J Truck stop were also told to stop their pumps when they get to 10 percent capacity.

Why are some filling station chains suddenly getting a notice that gasoline delivery to them will soon stop? Their primary suppliers are getting a confidential notice from the US Military that there could be a gasoline shortage pending if the New Madrid Fault Line ruptures. Sworn to silence to prevent panic if the public were to learn of this, these suppliers could not stop themselves from issuing what they thought was a confidential message to their clients. Their concern is that true emergencies would arise and leave the public without any means to escape a catastrophe. Thus, the 10% rule.

Accepted via email: 

Can you ask the Zetas if they can share anything of substance on the senseless murder–assassination of Haiti acting President Moise, and has Amerikka or the demonic usurious Clintons have anything to do with it??
[and from another]
July 13, 2021
the former DEA informant who was arrested is Joseph Vincent of Florida. Vincent along with fellow Haitian-American and Florida resident James Solages were arrested by Haitian officials and charged with taking part in the assassination.
[and from another]
Haitian authorities said President Jovenel Moise was murdered by foreign, trained assassins: 26 Colombians and two Haitian Americans. Eighteen of the men have been captured, while three others were killed.
[and from another]
Haitian-born Christian Emmanuel Sanon, 63, entered the country on a private jet in June. Sanon hired the Florida-based company CTU Security, which they alleged recruited men initially to provide security for Sanon, though their mission appears to have changed thereafter. He came with the intention to take over as President of the Republic. Two Colombian suspects who were killed in Haiti by police also had links to CTU Security, which is owned by a Venezuelan national. It's not clear that the men who worked as US law enforcement informants wittingly participated in the assassination plot or were aware of the mission.
[and from another]
There is no functioning Haitian legislature at the moment. Lawmakers’ terms of office ended in January 2020 and President Moïse never held legislative elections to elect new lawmakers, as called for by statute. So the country has been operating without a parliament for the past 18 months. Moïse ruled by decrees – “decret-lois” – that did not require legislative approval. In the U.S., executive orders would be a close parallel. After his 2016 election, Moïse quickly lost all credibility because of a corruption scandal.

Who killed Moise - the acting President of Haiti – in an obvious assassination? A huge clue is that a contingent of mercenaries from Colombia and Venezuela were hired to protect Moise. Were they intent on protecting the man, or the figurehead that allowed their drug shipments to be staged in Haiti ports. Moise was corrupt, as was known, and did nothing to further democracy in Haiti. He was assassinated by the mercenaries because they feared the US DEA had flipped Moise. Fingers point in all directions but once again, Haiti loses.

Prior ZT:
Hillary’s brother Tony Rodham was a witness who knew more than the Clintons themselves about their crimes, due to being the agent they used for many enterprises. He gathered children for Moloch worship. Thousands of Haiti children disappeared, and those who knew and were about to talk were killed with the signature red scarf "suicide", as was Kate Spade. Brother Tony was spilling all he knew to the investigators, and was taken out by a very threatened pedophilia network that supplied children for sacrifice to those practicing Moloch worship. 

Accepted via chat: 

Speculation about assassination of Haitian president linking CIA and FBI operative at the behest of those who benefit from tightening Covid controls. I am always suspicion when the debunkers spend their time debunking co-called conspiracy theories. Smoke does not necessarily indicate fire, but it gets my attention. The muscle for the drug trade would be the same muscle used for the Covid handlers, given that they one and the same.
[and from another]
The assassination of Haiti’s president may worsen its response to COVID-19
July 9, 2021
Haiti is the only country in the western hemisphere that has not vaccinated a single person against COVID-19.
[and from another]
Days after Haiti President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated by a group of gunmen in an ambush at his home, conspiratorial posts spread online that claim his death, along with the deaths of other political leaders, came about because their countries "refused" the COVID-19 vaccines. Magufuli, one of Africa’s most prominent COVID-19 skeptics, mocked the effectiveness of masks, banned COVID-19 testing, prohibited doctors from diagnosing, and announced in June 2020 that the country had defeated the pandemic through prayer. Doctors were barred from wearing face masks. 
[and from another]
July 15, 2021
Tanzania Coronavirus Cases: 509 Deaths: 21
[and from another]
Haiti Coronavirus Cases: 19,374 Deaths: 487 Recovered: 12,977

Moise - the Haiti President - was assassinated by the drug cartels of Colombia and Venezuela because he had begun to work with the DEA. But was his death also the result of his disdain of the Covid-19 vaccinations and refusal to allow this to be forced on the Haitian people? Magufuli, the president of Tanzania was also a fierce anti-vaccination proponent. Those who desire to use the Covid-19 flu virus and its variants hardly wanted two such strong Negro men, Presidents of their respective countries, to hold the position that the vaccinations are not necessary.

Indeed, this was a factor in the death of Moise, who was under extreme pressure by the DEA and Biden Administration to turn against the drug cartels' use of Haiti as a transshipment port for their drugs. This ultimately led to his assassination. Did the DEA understand that they were being used to rid the world of Moise? Not directly, as drugs is always an excuse in and of itself. Magufuli had heart disease but while in hospital was assisted to die promptly. The death rate from Covid-19 in Tanzania was a thorn in the side of the Covid-19 dictators, who could not wait for Magufuli’s removal.

Accepted via email: 

Interesting because there are multiple sets of orbs
[and from another]
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Reported in Polish cc hot spot at Wrzesnia, Poland. Reported on the 13th of July, 2021 
[and from another]
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This Crop Circle design is legitimate, as can be seen by the precision and the circle within a circle design. This is a timeline, showing four different scenarios of magnetic field influence. On the left is influence upon the Earth when Nibiru is at a distance, approaching from the South of the Ecliptic, nosing its N Pole into the Sun’s Magnetic S Pole. This is represented on the design as the Magnetic Core of Nibiru leaning to the North of center. This position destabilizes the Earth’s magnetic field slightly, represented in the diagram as a thin half loop to the North on the Earth orb.

During the 270° Roll that precedes the Pole Shift, Nibiru lays on its side and slings its S Pole outward toward the Earth and then as it crosses the Ecliptic does a 180° Roll to point its N Pole toward the Earth, eventually completing this roll to point its N Pole upward to align with the Sun. This is represented by the second grouping of orbs on the design, showing several steps but always resulting in the N Pole of a given orb pointing North. The circle within a circle represents the strong magnetic field of Nibiru, dominant and cohesive.

During the Last Weeks
Nibiru prepares to zoom out of the Solar System so points its N Pole again at the Earth as it rises up past the Ecliptic. Nibiru is attempting to evade the Sun’s N Pole at this time. This results in Nibiru’s second 270° Roll, and is represented by the third orb cluster in the Wrzesnia design. During this confusing magnetic dance, Nibiru flips to point its N Pole down, temporarily. This design includes the Earth laying on its side, the 90° crustal shift, and confusion in the Earth as to where its magnetic N Pole should reside. The final orb grouping indicates a post-Passage alignment.

Hello Nancy and the Zetas.

On July 1995, the Zetas said "The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to- Self orientation, and 68% undecided. These percentages move about a bit."

That was 26 years ago. The world's population has increased to nearly 8 billion people. The world is going through a lot of societal changes going into the pole shift and the transition to 4th Density. Can the Zetas give us an updated count on the souls of mankind? Are Unsparked souls sparking? Is the Star Child phenomenon on increase? Are there more advanced souls walk-ins? Are Undecided humans becoming Service-to-Others and are some becoming more selfish and leaning towards the Service-to-Self?

Thank you.

Accepted, but there has been some newer ZT, in 2007 etc. But no big changes. 

Kamil Rak said:

On July 1995, the Zetas said "The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to- Self orientation, and 68% undecided. These percentages move about a bit."

That was 26 years ago. The world's population has increased to nearly 8 billion people. The world is going through a lot of societal changes going into the pole shift and the transition to 4th Density. Can the Zetas give us an updated count on the souls of mankind? Are Unsparked souls sparking? Is the Star Child phenomenon on increase? Are there more advanced souls walk-ins? Are Undecided humans becoming Service-to-Others and are some becoming more selfish and leaning towards the Service-to-Self?

In both 1995 and 2007,
when we last gave percentages, we stated that 7% of incarnating souls on Earth were firmly in the Service-to-Self. This percentage has significantly dropped to 4.6% because the population aged and died, and no new incarnations from the Service-to-Self pool have been allowed to occur as a rule. These souls have moved on to the prison planets that await them. There are few exceptions. Another incarnation might be allowed only to someone on the cusp, so they can make their final determination.

In 1995
we stated that 25% of the incarnated souls on Earth were firmly in the Service-to-Other orientation, but by 2007 this had grown to 33%. The Earth’s population had grown from 5 billion in 1995 to 6.5 billion in 2007. All in the Service-to-Other orientation who died were allowed to reincarnate on Earth. But most of the increase was due to the presence of Star Children,
who are either incarnating into newborns or stepping into the bodies of unsparked or undecided humans. At present the percentage of incarnating souls in the Service-to-Other orientation is 47%

For many reasons the population on Earth will change in percentage as a result of the Pole Shift. We and other alien groups communicating to mankind estimated that 90% of the world's population would die as a result of the Pole Shift. Most live on the coastline or in river bottoms where fishing and boat transport is handy. Even if warned, they will not move to safety. Denial is in sway. Those that have or will move to safety are courageous Service-to-Other individuals. Thus, the population after the Pole Shift will be almost exclusively in the Service-to-Other.

Prior 1995 ZT:
The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to- Self orientation, and 68% undecided. These percentages move about a bit."

Prior 4/27/2013 ZT:
If there are a billion incarnated Star Children on Earth at present, why does it seem they are not making a difference?  We mentioned that the Arab Spring was greatly assisted by Star Children, who acted as Walk-Ins, knowing the torture and death they would likely face.  Jesus was an example of a Star Child determined to make a difference, courageous in the face of crucifixion. Is courage such a rare commodity among Star Children?

Prior 7/28/2007:
Of the 6.5 billion humans on the planet, only about a billion are incarnated with reincarnating souls. The remaining 5.5 or so billion are in a virgin incarnation, which may or may not result in a sparked soul. Of the billion or so reincarnating souls on Earth, approximately 33% are Service-to-Other, approximately 7% are Service-to-Self, with the remainder being undecided.

Accepted via email. 

German and China flooding at the same time, they both claim once thousand years flooding like this. Is it related to Nibiru? 
[and from another]
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Is your ARK ready? Floodings are Surging Around the World and Seem to become a New Normal
July 20, 2021
Dramatic footage from central China reportedly captured the moment an aluminum alloy plant exploded in a giant fireball on Tuesday after severe flooding in the region caused a breach of the factory walls. Hundreds of people evacuated their homes after severe flooding in the Marlborough Region of New Zealand from 16 July 2021. At least 33 people were killed in different incidents as rain fury rocked Mumbai and the Mumbai Metropolitan Region since midnight, hitting road, rail and air traffic for several hours. Several vehicles were submerged underwater in parks at the popular Marina axis of Lagos Island as heavy rainfall persisted for hours. Some 30 cities in 10 provinces of East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Alborz, Kerman, Fars, Sistan and Baluchestan, Semnan, Mazandaran, Hormozgan and Kurdistan were affected by floods and inundations in the last four days. Days of heavy rains have triggered major floods across parts of the Netherlands.
[and from another]
Evacuation Underway in China’s Inner Mongolia after Torrential Rain Causes Two Dams to Collapse
July 19, 2021
Two dams in Inner Mongolia’s Hulunbuir have collapsed following torrential rain, according to an announcement from China’s water ministry on Monday, citing concerns about the safety risks of aging infrastructure in the region. As one of the dams reached maximum capacity, water came over the top before the entire infrastructure was washed away in minutes, resulting in substantial damage.

During a short period of time, half the world seemed afflicted with massive flooding. From Europe to New Zealand, through the Middle East and down into Africa, across Asia to inner Mongolia and dropping to New Zealand – record breaking flooding occurred. Was this a result of the severe wobbles
we predicted? Such deluge has been predicted by ourselves from the start of the ZetaTalk saga.
Snow in Summer or severe temperature swings
have occurred this past year, but was a deluge simultaneously affecting half the world expected?

Until the seasons blend to where temperature differences are not extreme, such deluge can occur. Rain storms occur when hot humid air encounters cold air, thus causing rapid precipitation of moisture. The Arctic is melting and the wobble swings force the globe under this Arctic air. Temperature extremes are and have occurred, but a blending of the seasons presumes a median temperature reached. Given the pace of the wobble, with more extreme push/pull and tilt from side to side, this blending is in process. But until that is reached, another deluge could occur.

Prior 2/12/2000 ZT:
As we stated in 1995, severe and intractable drought, drought and deluge swings.

Prior 5/31/2021 ZT:
In the midst of this, the Earth will experience a blending of the seasons. This is already in process. Optimally this should result in warmer Winters and cooler Summers, but in that the atmosphere will be roiling about, this will also result in more storms, hurricanes and tornadoes appearing where not normally expected, and sudden and unpredictable tides. 

Accepted from the chat.

What is this? It was about 20-30 feet overhead and got a little lower before “fizzling out”. This was located in Miami, fla. on 7/18/2021.
[and from another]
Bartow, Florida - that's not a rainbow. Could it be Fire in the Sky? Burning gases from released methane, or burning petrol elements from the tail of Nibiru?
[and from another]
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Petrol has been landing on Earth’s atmosphere
and burning for the past several months but such incidents have resulted in relatively small fires. But what happens when a large Petrol mass descends, and catches afire? Does the entire sky dome blaze? Yes, as can be seen in the Bartow image. This is not a lightning flash, nor is it an unusually large sundog caused by light rays refracting off ice crystals in the atmosphere. The Bartow image shows the size of the Petrol Monster, in various stages of consumption between the center and perimeter of the Monster. These incidents will become almost commonplace.

Accepted via email: 

Has the real Anthony Fauci been executed yet, or is he still being held as a witness to help prosecute other Globalists/Satanists . His Double is not very bright ! 
[and from another]
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"House on July 29, 2020 Dr. Fauci looked different. The Zetas explain."
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Fauci, Walensky COVID-19 Response Testimony Senate Hearing Transcript July 20
July 20, 2021
I’d like to close with just one or two comments that we’ve been hearing about regarding the situation of booster or an additional third dose superimposed upon the double doses of MRNA, and the single dose of the J&J. Right now we are doing studies to determine whether or not we will need boosters to increase the durability of protection. We don’t want people to believe that when you’re talking about boosters, that means that the vaccines are not effective. They are highly effective. We’re talking about the durability of that. And we’re doing studies now to determine that.
[and from another]

If Dr. Fauci was taken to Gitmo to be a witness during the Tribunals in 2020, then why is he still there? His Double is in attendance at the hearings, where his words are not key. It is an opportunity for all the House members to strut their stuff, and they are scarcely interested in Dr. Fauci’s responses. During this time when the engineered Delta variant was released in India and the mRNA vaccines are being used as a lockdown mechanism by the elite who want to restrict migration, there are many criminal cases being brought before the Tribunals. Thus, as an expert witness, Dr. Fauci is busier than ever.

Prior 8/31/2020 ZT: Zetas said:
As has been reported on some speculative lists of Tribunals in process, Dr. Fauci has been temporarily replaced as a Double. He is being sought as a witness during the Tribunals, and is kept close at hand thus in Gitmo. His personal motives are not suspect but his associates are. As we mentioned when Bill and Melinda Gates disappeared and were replaced with Doubles, the Gates used Dr. Fauci for cover due to his reputation for integrity. The uproar about Hydroxychloroquine is due to Dr. Fauci’s rigidity. Diverting the cytokine storm before it can take hold is the Hydroxychloroquine benefit, but the Remdesivir that Dr. Fauci prefers helps patients recover more quickly once sick.


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