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Zeta Rules that Apply
Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Accepted from the chat.
Here at 52 degrees North in Saskatchewan we had what was thought to be sap from the trees in the garden due to the drought - it turned out to be Manna from Heaven! It covered only a portion of the garden, covering the trees some of the weeds and roses and the ground nearby in a thin film. The trees were covered in a sticky shiny substance, clear and sweet smelling that did not rub off easily either when touched or on the clothes. It also tasted a little sweet when licked off a leaf.
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Food that God gave miraculously to the Israelites in the Exodus, after the food they had brought with them out of Egypt had run out. In the Book of Exodus, the Israelites found it one morning after the dew had evaporated: “Upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.
At the same latitude as many of the volcanoes in the Aleutian chain, this area of Saskatchewan receives the vapors from air that has passed over the volcanoes. The prevailing Westerly winds are steady. This is indeed Manna, described during the last Pole Shift by the Jews wandering the desert near the Mediterranean volcanoes. As we noted, gather quickly before any rains can wash the Manna away or before the many critters hungry for these sweet carbs have arrived. The Manna can also be collected by placing in clear water, drinking the milk formed afterwards.
Prior 1996 ZT:
During a pole shift, violent volcanic explosions take place, super-heating the air passing overhead. Combined with continuous lightning flashes in some places, many chemicals form readily which under ordinary circumstances do not form in the atmosphere. Some of these chemicals are what humans term petrochemicals, but their close cousins, carbohydrates, form also. Manna is formed and dropped in those parts of the world where the air has just passed over active volcanoes. It is formed to some degree during normal times, but becomes pronounced after a pole shift due to the exponential increase in volcanic activity.
Accepted via email:
An eclipse Crop Circle design?
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Mud Lane, Nr Wooton Rivers, Wiltshire. Reported 9th June
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Early morning in the US and northern regions of the globe.
Eclipse photos are not designed to reveal the Nibiru complex, as taking photos of the Sun requires that a heavy filter be used to protect the camera lens. Thus, the sky during an eclipse that takes place during the day seems to be BLACK. Hardly the appearance of the sky during the day. Nevertheless, several photos clearly show Nibiru at approximately the 4 o’clock position to the Sun. The Crop Circle design laid the day before at Mud Lane pointed the public to look for the Planet of the Crossing just outside the area assumed by the Sun and Moon.
Good Morning, Nancy and Zetas,
I scrolled upon the following article on Fb this morning. Am wondering if this map is a fair representation of the missing continents. ????
Thank you
Hope this is helpful. I was able to isolate it and bring it out a bit more from that picture posted.I think you can an also see the shadow side the Zetas mentioned can help Identify Niribu.
Nancy Lieder said:
Accepted via email:
An eclipse Crop Circle design?
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Mud Lane, Nr Wooton Rivers, Wiltshire. Reported 9th June
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Early morning in the US and northern regions of the globe.SOZT
Eclipse photos are not designed to reveal the Nibiru complex, as taking photos of the Sun requires that a heavy filter be used to protect the camera lens. Thus, the sky during an eclipse that takes place during the day seems to be BLACK. Hardly the appearance of the sky during the day. Nevertheless, several photos clearly show Nibiru at approximately the 4 o’clock position to the Sun. The Crop Circle design laid the day before at Mud Lane pointed the public to look for the Planet of the Crossing just outside the area assumed by the Sun and Moon.
Declined because this article does not bring forth anything new, nor any proof. Atlantis, per the Zetas, was off Spain in the Atlantic, and research has proven that.
Lemuria or Mu was out in the Pacific, which has 4 Plates per the Zetas and is constantly compressing.
Willa Rawlings said:
Am wondering if this map is a fair representation of the missing continents. ????
Accepted from the chat:
Powerful electromagnetic anomaly in Caribbean?
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At this time a strong electromagnetic anomaly over the Caribbean.
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Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center
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Puerto Rico probes fire that left 900K clients without power
June 10, 2021
Luma Energy was already struggling with thousands of outages. People are seen walking in a street in darkness by a power outage due to a cyberattack in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico on June 10, 2021. Officials don’t know what caused a transformer to blow in a secured area monitored by cameras.
During the S America Roll, the Caribbean Plate
is pushed down on its southern edge while lifting on its northern edge. The S America Roll is finalizing, with many quakes in Central America and down along the Andes as a result. Thus the Caribbean is lifting on its northern edge and has been hammered with quakes in the Leeward Islands. Rock stress is a known attractant for EMP, the electronic screech in the rock wanting to arc up to a screech in the atmosphere. Thus during a strong EMP blast from Nibiru, Puerto Rico was caught in the crosshairs.
Prior 2020 ZT:
That portion of the S American Plate lying to the east of the Caribbean Plate will participate in the roll expected during the 7 of 10 scenarios. The Caribbean islands finding themselves along the eastern curve of the Caribbean Plate will thus experience increased volcanic activity in the many volcanoes that lie on that island chain. The Caribbean Plate will lift, slightly, on its northern edge, while plunging greatly on its southern edge, being pushed down by the overriding S American Plate as it rolls.
What are these objects in Alberto’s latest photo?
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Alberto’s latest photo on June 12 shows many aspects of the Nibiru Complex, and they compare almost exactly to the Mud Lane Crop Circle laid on June 9 - the day before the Solar Eclipse on June 10. The Circle Makers showed the anticipated location of Nibiru – the Planet of the Crossing – with an X, and indeed a notch appeared at that location in Eclipse photos. Alberto shows Nibiru as a solid object, with a shadow on the shade side, and other photographers noted that shadow too.
There is a remarkable correlation of this Crop Circle to the location of objects captured on film during the time of the Eclipse. In Alberto’s photo there is a curious large orb at the 2 o’clock position. This object has a pattern, like Bubble Wrap, across its surface. A smaller Bubble Wrap orb can be seen near Nibiru, and others are also faintly seen nearby. The perimeter circle in the Crop Circle is the orbit of Venus, to give perspective on distance. Nibiru has not yet crossed the orbit of Venus.
Petrol Bubbles have been seen as individual small bubbles, then Petrol Masses as they merge, and eventually Petrol Monsters. They darkened when they absorbed the charged Red Dust. The Bubble Wrap is showing a Petrol Monster that has absorbed the moons and debris in the tail of Nibiru! These stand apart from each other due to the gravity Repulsion Force, so along with the Surface Tension present in any Petrol Mass, they produce the Bubble Wrap appearance.
Accepted from the F/B Followers site:
Oahu, Hawaii, UFO Fleet Warning Display - What is the warning for Hawaii?
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This UFO display represents the tidal waves that will assault Hawaii during the sloshing of severe wobbles anticipated to occur soon. As detailed in prior Safe Locations warnings for Hawaii, the islands of Hawaii can anticipate the waves going around the islands, not over them. Nevertheless, it will be a terrifying experience. Severe Wobble
has been detailed for the Last Weeks but episodes could occur before then too. The Council of Worlds feels the people of Earth need to be aware of the approach of Nibiru, and have formulated a plan to force the issue past the cover-up in place. The Cabal controlled media refuses to admit Nibiru, so all who say otherwise are ridiculed.
The Council of Worlds has approved increasingly severe wobble, to increase gradually so as not to panic the people. This wobble will proceed to the extent that the Sun may rise in the North, or the globe turn upside down temporarily, with rotation seeming to move from East to West during that time. Meanwhile, those media outlets suppressing the truth and spewing lies, such as CNN and MSNBC, will be silenced. They will have no voice. Nibiru visibility is already present but will be increased during this time.
Prior ZT:
During the rotation stoppage, the waters of the Pacific will flow towards the poles, and during the shift will rush from one side of the Pacific to the next. Even though the islands are large, the wave approaching the island starts to move around the island long before it starts rolling up the land mass toward the beaches. The water on either side of the island has a lot of options, can move sideways, and does so. Tsunami tends to go around the Hawaii Islands, as there is great latitude to move to the side in the great Pacific, the opposite of tidal bore where water finds itself in a compressed situation with no escape but up.
Accepted via email:
Trump has tied himself so closely to the failed Covid-19 vaccine program that I wonder if he must go down with that ship, and perhaps just work with the Junta behind the scenes. Last I read, about 2 weeks ago, he was still crowing about being the one who brought vaccines in record time. In essence, he's still encouraging people to go out and get vaccinated, while the Zetas and other White Hats are saying avoid it. Why isn't Trump at least saying, "Well I did my part, but Big Pharma failed us."? Why does he continue to push people towards risky, unnecessary, damaging vaccines? And as more and more people learn that they're bad, how does he recover publicly from this fiasco? However, he is the cat with 999 lives.
President Trump boasted that he had produced a Covid-19 vaccine, as promised, in record time. Then all the side effects
from the various vaccines were reported. The mRNA seemed to be the worst, with allergy reactions due to the polyethylene glycol used by Pfizer and then the horror of the effect on placentas and mother’s milk
due to the syncytin-1 protein being attacked by the Pfizer vaccine. Shedding of the Spike Protein has been proven and will likely affect everyone eventually. Where is this heading?
Early in the vaccine production process, President Trump urged everyone to get the vaccine, and even late in the game just recently President Trump continued to urge the public to get vaccinated. On the one hand, the draconian lockdowns the Democrats want to continue are destroying the economy and increasing suicides and drug and alcohol abuse. The vaccine will allow society to return to normal in this regard. Does President Trump not know of the worrisome side effects from the mRNA vaccine? He does, and also knows something not yet in the public view.
The mRNA vaccine is not permanent. Thus the insistence by the Biden Administration that the public go back for repeated booster shots. Are these booster shots required for the Sputnik or the J&J vaccine? This is not normal for a flu vaccine. The mRNA utilizes the bodies messenger system, so the Spike Protein mimicking the Covid-19 virus inspires the immune system to develop antibodies. Since the mRNA system is not 100% effective, boosters are needed to install full immunity to Covid-19.
What will occur over time, as the mRNA vaccines are no longer used? Attacks against the syncytin-1 protein will stop when the vaccines are no longer given. This is not a permanent change to women of child bearing age. Covid-19 mutations, caused in the main by the mRNA incomplete destruction of the Covid-19 virus (allowing Antibody Dependent Enhancements
to occur) will cease. President Trump was aware of this, early in the vaccine production process, and thus considered the effect of the lockdowns on society to be the greater danger.
Accepted from ning postings observations:
Why have the blackouts on the Schumann Resonance charts increased?
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Schumann Resonance and Amplitude monitoring data from Tomsk has returned to service 10 TLVD June 16, 2021.
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We had a massive internet outage in Turkey starting the 14th, it was three days before they were able to return my service.
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At louis
Some South City residents dealing with second power outage in less than 24 hours
June 18, 2021
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'Unplanned' outages hit Texas power plants in soaring temperatures
June 14, 2021
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Puerto Rico
Massive power outage in Puerto Rico affects hundreds of thousands amid growing outrage
June 16, 2021
The Schumann Resonance charts have turned black for 4 days in a row, showing that the spikes in the magnetic blast from Nibiru have returned again. As we explained when this phenomenon first appeared a year ago,
the magnetic blasts turn black when they are too strong for the equipment. The Schumann Resonance charts began showing white hot bands in 2016,
and the blackout gaps began appearing in June of 2020. These magnetic blasts from Nibiru do indeed cause blackouts in mankind’s power grids, with equipment shutting down in response to the pulse.
Where is this leading? President Trump recognized what the future held when he issued an Executive Order on March 26, 2019, directing the US Government to harden their infrastructure against Electromagnetic Pulse. Other than critical infrastructure, such efforts will not keep mankind’s grid in operation. There is simply too much equipment in use in human society. Outages will become a fact of life. To lessen damage, equipment should be turned off when not in use, as the flow of electrons is an attractant. After the passage, life will return to normal.
Prior ZT:
Why do the Schumann Resonance charts go black? The equipment measuring the Resonance does not have the ability to record what it is being given. If a car has a speedometer up to 200 mph, but suddenly spurts up to 300 mph, what reading is recorded? Those who provide the Schumann Resonance readings show the inability of their equipment to record the spikes as blackouts, and then try to patch together or extrapolate what might have occurred from other sources. They may try to calibrate their equipment, or just plod along through Nibiru’s magnetic blasts.
Prior ZT:
The Schumann Resonance records not only this magnetosphere throbbing, but also the resulting broad electro-magnetic pulsing of the Earth itself within the bounds of its ionosphere. We have spoken of the electronic screech produced from compressed rock, when air pockets in the rock are squeezed so as to allow electricity to flow through the rock without resistance. As the Earth’s crustal plates are increasingly shoved against each other by the increasingly violent daily Earth wobble, this screech has likewise increased into a crescendo. Why is this new vibration in the electro-magnetic space between Earth and its ionosphere so regular? It is keyed to the rotation of the Earth itself, which creates a tugging.
I know the Zetas asked to not be asked about every quake but the quake that occurred on June 17 on the Illinois/Indiana border seems significant. It was in the region the Zetas warned would adjust next and being felt so far away, was for more powerful than the 3.8 they claimed. Is it related to the 3.9 off the coast of Florida that was explained away as a military exercise?
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