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  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 [73] years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 39994

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi ,Nancy

Can Zeta confirm if Trump it was targeted for an assassination while he was on the board of US Air Force One  by an Israel submarine missile ? Benjamin Fulford mention it in is weekly video from October 1 2018 . Is that true,it was an Israeli submarine  ? !

Q wrote on the chats  " Red October? "  on 27 Sept 2018 (picture) . 

I check the schedule of President Trump and he was using the Air force One that day being on UN headquarters,   departure from NY at 10:50 and arriving at Joint Base Andrew at 11: 45 !

I know that Zeta comment before in many occasion regarding US President assassination attempts ! Israel also is not the first time that they try to do that to an US President and they have a good reason in previous day:  For the first time since taking office, President Donald Trump endorsed a two-state solution as the best way to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians as he met Wednesday at the U.N. with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Note (Yitzhak Rabin it was an two state solution promoter too and got assassinated when it was close to make peace back in 1995 )

Thanks have a good day

Accepted but this is referring to a June 10 incident where a missile was recorded rising from Skunk Bay. Trump was supposed to pass over that on the way to Korea summit. He took another route. I thought we had covered that in ZT but cannot find the reference, but I know the Q forums talked about it. Missile was sent up from a sub. 

Ovidiu Pricopi said:

Can Zeta confirm if Trump it was targeted for an assassination while he was on the board of US Air Force One  by an Israel submarine missile ?

Benjamin Fulford mention it in is weekly video from October 1 2018. Is that true, it was an Israeli submarine? Q wrote on the chats "Red October?" on 27 Sept 2018 (picture). I check the schedule of President Trump and he was using the Air force One that day being on UN headquarters,  departure from NY at 10:50 and arriving at Joint Base Andrew at 11: 45! I know that Zeta comment before in many occasion regarding US President assassination attempts! Israel also is not the first time that they try to do that to an US President and they have a good reason in previous day:  For the first time since taking office, President Donald Trump endorsed a two-state solution as the best way to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians as he met Wednesday at the U.N. with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Note (Yitzhak Rabin it was an two state solution promoter too and got assassinated when it was close to make peace back in 1995)
[and from another]
The Khazarian mafia is planning a fake alien invasion after their most recent attempt to assassinate U.S. President Donald Trump failed, say Pentagon and CIA sources.  The assassination attempt came in the form of a missile that was shot at Air Force One by an Israeli submarine, Pentagon sources say. “Life imitates art, as the hunt for red October may mean Israeli and cabal submarines are sunk.  The October surprise may be bloody,” the sources add.
[and from another]
[and from another]
Missile launch? Lens flare? Mysterious object spotted over Washington Navy base raises questions
June 12, 2018
A mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whidbey Island, leading to lots of speculation and questions, but no solid answers. It appears to be a missile launched from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. A spokesperson for NAS Whidbey Island, said it wasn't a missile launch from the facility. There are no missile launch capabilities on the Navy base at Whidbey Island.
[and from another]
Mystery of object spotted over Whidbey Island apparently solved
June 11, 2018
A helicopter pilot with the Airlift Northwest ambulance service said that his chopper has a searchlight that was pointing straight down when he took off -- and that's what left that vertical light streak in the sky.
[and from another]
A secret missile launch? Mystery streak of light spotted over Whidbey Island leaves locals baffled
June 12, 2018
A weather camera has captured a mystery object streaking across the sky over Washington's Whidbey Island. American Meteor Society who said it was definitely not a meteor. There was an air ambulance helicopter flying in the vicinity of Skunk Bay when the image was taken.

On June 10, 2018 when President Trump was on his way to a summit with N Korea’s President Kim, a missile was launched from an Israeli submarine lurking in Skunk Bay near Seattle. This assassination attempt was anticipated, so instead of taking the expected route overhead from Washington DC to the Asian summit, Trump flew east over Europe. The plane that flew over Skunk Bay carried the Air Force One codes, so as anticipated a missile was fired skyward. This was promptly shot down and the Israeli submarine confiscated, but the Cabal controlled media chose to ignore this incident.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

Any comments.

11 October, 2018. Astronauts Making Emergency Landing After Rocket Failure

Two astronauts from the U.S. and Russia are making an emergency landing after a Russian booster rocket carrying them into orbit to the International Space Station failed after launch.

While SpaceX has succeeded.

7 October, 2018. SpaceX successfully landed its Falcon 9 rocket on the California coast for the first time

SpaceX successfully launched and landed its Falcon 9 this evening, marking the 62nd flight of the vehicle. It was also the 12th ground landing for the company, and the first one on the California coast.

Thank you very much


Stanislav said:

Any comments.

While SpaceX has succeeded.
[and from another]
Soyuz rocket carrying crew to ISS malfunctions during launch
October 11, 2018
Expedition 57 was due to transport Roscosmos’ Aleksey Ovchinin and NASA astronaut Nick Hague to the International Space Station in the Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft.
[and from another]
Astronauts made Emergency Landing after Rocket Failure
October 11, 2018
Two astronauts from the U.S. and Russia are in good condition after an emergency landing following booster rocket failure minutes after the launch. They were to dock at the orbiting outpost six hours later, but the booster suffered a failure minutes after the launch. The two made an emergency landing in Kazakhstan.
[and from another]
Astronauts Crash Land to Earth
October 11, 2018
The astronauts conducted an emergency landing by separating from the booster and switching into ballistic descent mode. That means the rocket comes in at a much sharper angle than normal, allowing the craft to head as quickly as possible to the ground.
[and from another]
SpaceX successfully landed its Falcon 9 rocket on the California coast for the first time
October 7, 2018
SpaceX successfully launched and landed its Falcon 9 this evening, marking the 62nd flight of the vehicle. It was also the 12th ground landing for the company, and the first one on the California coast.
[and from another]
Four fully operational orbiters were initially built: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, and Atlantis.  Two were lost in mission accidents: Challenger in 1986 and Columbia in 2003, with a total of fourteen astronauts killed. A fifth operational (and sixth in total) orbiter, Endeavour, was built in 1991 to replace Challenger. The Space Shuttle was retired from service upon the conclusion of Atlantis's final flight on July 21, 2011. The U.S. has since relied primarily on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft to transport supplies and astronauts to the International Space Station. Challenger disintegrated 73 seconds after launch due to the failure of the right SRB, killing all seven astronauts on board. The disaster was caused by low-temperature impairment of an O-ring. Columbia disintegrated during re-entry, killing its crew of seven, because of damage to the carbon-carbon leading edge of the wing caused during launch. 
[and from another]
The Soyuz spacecraft is launched on a Soyuz rocket, the most reliable launch vehicle in the world to date. The Soyuz rocket design is based on the Vostok launcher, which in turn was based on the 8K74 or R-7A Semyorka, a Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile. All Soyuz spacecraft are launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

The Soyuz is considered the most stable
rocket system in the world, and has enjoyed that reputation for years, the drill hole sabotage
of an ISS capsule launched from Kazakhstan notwithstanding. The US shuttle
system has been sidelined since 2011, due to lack of cash and downtime. Certainly Space X has been trying to compete, but despite successes has had a poor track record,
including disasters as recent as 2015, 2016, and in 2017. Space X thus is used for material payload, but not human payload to the ISS.

Russia acknowledged that the drill hole sabotage on Expedition 56 was done in Kazakhstan, though it was not intended to harm astronauts but to force an early return to Earth. Was this latest disaster, the failure to launch and forced return to Earth for Expedition 57, done by human hand with the same agenda? The perpetrator was the Council of Worlds, who per the rule of Things vs People
allowed interference to force the long-overdue exodus from the ISS. Human egos at NASA puff and strut while Nibiru is denied. It is unconscionable.

Hello Nancy,

 Can the Zetas give insight as to the real reason(s) behind the apparent death of Khashoogi, a Washington Post columnist?  The MSM calls this an international crisis and defining moment for POTUS. What seemed unusual was the amount of media attention just hours after his disappearance, almost 2 weeks ago. Thank You.

What We Know About The Disappearance Of Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi
Saudi Arabia denies any wrongdoing and maintains that he left its consulate in Turkey on foot shortly after obtaining a document he needed to wed his fiancée.."
(and another)       
Saudis Reportedly Plan To Announce Jamal Khashoggi Was Killed Accidentally

President Donald Trump said Monday that “rogue killers” may be responsible for his disappearance, adding that Saudi Arabia’s King Salman “firmly denied” knowing anything about what happened. While he’s expressed concern about Khashoggi’s disappearance, he said he refused to halt arms sales to the country.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a hasty trip to Saudi Arabia Monday to meet with King Salman.

Accepted. But for Jounalists to be killed is nothing new or exceptional. This issue is why the uproar over this. 

M. Difato said:

Can the Zetas give insight as to the real reason(s) behind the apparent death of Khashoogi, a Washington Post columnist?  

The MSM calls this an international crisis and defining moment for POTUS. What seemed unusual was the amount of media attention just hours after his disappearance, almost 2 weeks ago.
[and from another]
What We Know About The Disappearance Of Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Saudi Arabia denies any wrongdoing and maintains that he left its consulate in Turkey on foot shortly after obtaining a document he needed to wed his fiancée.
[and from another]
Saudis Reportedly Plan To Announce Jamal Khashoggi Was Killed Accidentally.
President Donald Trump said that “rogue killers” may be responsible for his disappearance, adding that Saudi Arabia’s King Salman “firmly denied” knowing anything about what happened. While he’s expressed concern about Khashoggi’s disappearance, he said he refused to halt arms sales to the country. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a hasty trip to Saudi Arabia to meet with King Salman. 
[and from another]
New figures from UNESCO show, from 2012 to 2016, there were a total of 530 killed globally. The country seeing the most deaths was Syria.
[and from another]
Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi is a Saudi Arabian journalist, author, and the former general manager and editor-in-chief of Al-Arab News Channel. He also served as editor for the Saudi Arabian newspaper Al Watan, turning it into a platform for Saudi Arabian progressives. Khashoggi fled Saudi Arabia in September 2017. He said that the Saudi Arabian government had banned him from Twitter and later wrote newspaper articles critical of the government. Khashoggi has been sharply critical of Saudi Arabia's crown prince, Mohammad bin Salman, and the country's king, Salman of Saudi Arabia. He also opposed the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen.
[and from another]
It took seven minutes for Jamal Khashoggi to die, a Turkish source who has listened in full to an audio recording of the Saudi journalist's last moments told Middle East Eye. Khashoggi was dragged from the Consul General’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and onto the table of his study next door. Horrendous screams were then heard by a witness downstairs. The screaming stopped when Khashoggi - who was last seen entering the Saudi consulate on 2 October - was injected with an as yet unknown substance.
[and from another]
One of the suspects identified by Turkey in the disappearance of the Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi was a frequent companion of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Three others are linked to the Saudi crown prince’s security detail. A fifth is a forensic doctor who holds senior positions in the Saudi Interior Ministry and medical establishment, a figure of such stature that he could be directed only by a high-ranking Saudi authority. The royal court was expected to acknowledge that Mr. Khashoggi was killed in the consulate, and to blame an intelligence agent for botching an operation to interrogate Mr. Khashoggi that ended up killing him.

That journalists are assassinated is not a surprise, especially those who do not speak well about those in power. The reason is obvious. They are informing the public about truths those in power want buried. What might Khashoggi know that was not already known? Khashoggi was a Saudi citizen, from a well-connected
and wealthy Saudi family. The wealth came from brokering arms, and thus as insiders the Khashoggi family was privy to many secrets. As is known, 911 was arranged in part with cooperation from the Saudis, the country of origin for most of the hijackers.

Turkey is not exempt in this assassination of Khashoggi. His fiancée,
a younger woman whom he met just months ago, was from Turkey. He was lured from the US to Istanbul to get paperwork required for their marriage. Who stands to gain? Erdogan has had many setbacks, his plan to invade Europe with Merkle’s assistance stymied of late. The immigration of ISIS sleeper cells no longer welcome in Europe. Erdogan’s desire to be a member state of the European Union has been stalled. Turkey’s economy is in shambles, going bankrupt and needing cash.

What does Turkey stand to gain by dashing the relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia? The coup that installed the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as de facto King was applauded by the west. The Saudi treasury was being looted by various princes, and the Prince started many reforms. Meanwhile Erdogan spirals downward. Turkey arranged and facilitated this brutal murder of Khashoggi, and arranged to record it. Rogue Saudi elements were indeed involved, but just as the US and Russia have their Deep State elements, so do the Saudi.

Prior ZT:
Merkel has been an aggressive proponent of bringing in Syrian refugees, who seem to be disproportionately young men rather than complete families with women and young children and the aged. This begs the question, why did these young men desert their families? This refugee welcome is deliberate, to sculpt the population into a worker force rather than a citizen base demanding social services. The refugee influx into Europe has proved to be a disaster, with an aggressive counter push to keep refugees in their homeland, to be resettled there.

Prior ZT:
Erdogan and Merkel have been shown to be colluding to install ISIS sleeper cells in Europe. Erdogan and Merkel wanted ISIS youth to run Europe, as they can be manipulated.  Europe was to be secured by ISIS cells and then later, when the citizens had been eliminated, German leadership, chosen, would eliminate the ISIS infection. 

this is the tittle to a youtube video I just watched. Yes youtube was out yesterday world wide. Can the Zetas give us some insight into the real reason why youtube went down? Was there an announcement of some sort that was being covered up?

Declined as these types of YouTube outages have occurred in the past, due to known flaws in the INTERNET as a whole, and affect not just YouTube. Happened to YouTube in 2008, 2006, 2004, etc. Idiots blocking access for their country causing a domino reaction worldwide. Well explained in this article. YouTube does not censor by blocking the world. They just take down the vid.  This outage was 1.5 hours. In 2008 it was several hours, worldwide.

A Pakistan ISP that was ordered to censor YouTube accidentally managed to take down the video site around the world for several hours. The Pakistani government ordered ISPs to censor YouTube to prevent Pakistanis from seeing a trailer to an anti-Islamic film by Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

Unfortunately, the ISP announced the new route to upstream providers. The upstream providers didn't verify the new route but accepted it and then passed it along, cascading the bad address around the net, until most everyone using the net would have been directed to the Pakistani's network block. 

This isn't the first time such things have happened (ConEd did the same thing to Martha Stewart, among others, in 2006), and likely won't be the last. On Christmas Eve 2004, a Turkish ISP basically announced it was the destination for every site on the internet. 

Carlos Villa said:

this is the tittle to a youtube video I just watched. 

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

There was a tragedy in the Russian city of Kerch in Crimea. Mass shooting with explosion. "Modus operandi" resembles a fire in a shopping center Winter Cherry. This is rather unprecedented for Russia. Officially, the culprit was a college student who committed suicide.

In Russia, you can not walk freely with weapons. You need permission for it. It was reported that the student was able to obtain a weapon permit shortly before the tragedy. Moreover, he managed to lay improvised explosive devices (two?) (or they already were), one of which was detonated.

The strangest thing is that earlier an eyewitness reported that there were several attackers (although it is not confirmed):

“At first, there was an explosion in the dining room, and immediately after it, people with automatic weapons began to run out of the toilets. They had masks on their faces. It was impossible to understand what their nationality was. There were a lot of them, but how much I can’t say for sure. They shot at students and teachers - at all who came across their path. I do not think that many people suffered from the shooting, I saw only one or two. In addition, these people threw explosive packages, ”he said.

We draw the attention of readers that while this information is not officially confirmed.

It is worth noting that after the tragedy in the Winter Cherry in March, the police took from all the witnesses a non-disclosure agreement (at least the media reported about it).

Later, the head of the investigative committee made a strange statement:

17 October, 2018. Bastrykin: someone could have a negative impact on the Kerch shooter

Thank you very much


Would the Zetas care to comment on this announcement?

Seems like more prep from the Coverup.


Accepted. I smell Soros group. 

Stanislav said:

There was a tragedy in the Russian city of Kerch in Crimea.

Mass shooting with explosion. "Modus operandi" resembles a fire in a shopping center Winter Cherry. This is rather unprecedented for Russia. Officially, the culprit was a college student who committed suicide. In Russia, you cannot walk freely with weapons. You need permission for it. It was reported that the student was able to obtain a weapon permit shortly before the tragedy. Moreover, he managed to lay improvised explosive devices (two?) (or they already were), one of which was detonated. The strangest thing is that earlier an eyewitness reported that there were several attackers (although it is not confirmed). It is worth noting that after the tragedy in the Winter Cherry in March, the police took from all the witnesses a non-disclosure agreement (at least the media reported about it).
[and from another]
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At first, there was an explosion in the dining room, and immediately after it, people with automatic weapons began to run out of the toilets. They had masks on their faces. It was impossible to understand what their nationality was. There were a lot of them, but how much I can’t say for sure. They shot at students and teachers - at all who came across their path. I do not think that many people suffered from the shooting, I saw only one or two. In addition, these people threw explosive packages.
[and from another]
[and from another]
17 October, 2018. Bastrykin: someone could have a negative impact on the Kerch shooter
[and from another]
 In the initial confusion, reports suggested there had been a gas explosion inside the building. An“unidentified explosive device” had gone off inside the canteen on the first floor of the college. People were hearing gunfire. Some would later describe seeing men with their faces covered burst into the building, armed with assault rifles and firecrackers, opening fire indiscriminately, terrorizing students and teachers. Only one man responsible for the shooting was found. It turned out that little more than one month ago, on September 8, Roslyakov had received a permit for a 12 caliber rifle. He bought 150 rounds of ammunition for the weapon just a few days before he would walk onto his college campus and murder 19 people. Then came the reports about this man and the kind of person he was. Quiet, closed-off, uncommunicative and interested in maniacs and serial killers, his classmates said. 
[and from another]
Vladislav Roslyakov, 18, stalked his college halls with a shotgun before killing himself in the school library. Set off a homemade 'nail-bomb' in the canteen which blew out windows and he carried several more bombs. More than 50  injured with 12 in critical condition and three are in comas after mass murder at noon yesterday. The shooter, who is thought to have obtained shotguns and rifles with a hunting licence for which he passed a psychological assessment, set off a homemade nail-bomb in the canteen which blew out the windows but did not kill anyone.

This bears the hand of the Soros group, which incited the unrest in the Ukraine in 2013 and has been responsible for almost all of the riots and anti-establishment activity in the US. It is no secret that the Soros group sought to invade the oil and gas fields of Russia, and thus has been trying to spark a war
between NATO and Russia. Immensely wealthy, the Soros group has followed the founder’s goals since his death in 2016,
which we have stated is a God obscession.
George Soros considered himself akin to God. If he was not in charge, then he created chaos, as in chaos there is opportunity.

Efforts during the Ukraine coup included shooting down MH 017
via a fighter jet sent from Kiev by those allied with Soros. Putin proceeded to annex the Crimea and adopt Russian speaking citizens from eastern Ukraine. Having failed to snatch the Ukraine from any Russian influence, or to start a war there that would result in the invasion of the Russian oil and gas fields, the Soros group has resorted to creating chaos. The Kerch shooting was to be blamed on a student, who had been groomed for this role, but was assisted by gunmen.

Prior ZT:
The Soros group was responsible for the St. Petersburg bombing in 2017, trying to trigger WW III. They are again at the helm of the Kemerovo fire, trying to disrupt the land bridge for Russia and China, leaving it open for a takeover. Note that Kemerovo is directly in the path of the new Silk Road railroad being developed by China and Russia.

Prior ZT:
George Soros failed in his efforts to push Russia back from the Ukraine and the Crimea, and has admitted he failed. But in the past he has had his successes so is arrogant. George Soros imagines himself a kingmaker, someone above a king, akin to God, in being able to manipulate human society. The Ukraine flashpoints were deftly handled by Putin, who refused to be bullied or enraged. 

Accepted. Have not dealt with the Asteroid business since 2013, so will revisit. 

Shaun Kazuck said:

Would the Zetas care to comment on this announcement? 

Seems like more prep from the Coverup.
[and from another]
Is An Asteroid Coming? NASA's 'Planetary Defense Coordination Office' Budget Suddenly Spikes To $150 Million
October 17, 2018
In recent years NASA has assured the public that there are no imminent threats.  Has that now changed? Something doesn’t smell right about all of this. According to NASA, there are more than 25,000 asteroids lurking out there that are 140 meters in size or greater. And overall, there are approximately a million near-Earth objects that could pose a potential threat. NASA established the ‘Planetary Defense Coordination Office’ back in early 2016. At that time, it was being reported that one of the primary tasks of this new agency was to find a way to “redirect” potentially dangerous asteroids. But once again, why all the fuss if NASA is confident that there are no major threats on the horizon? Or could it be possible that they are not being entirely truthful with us?
[and from another]
Killer asteroids 2013
[and from another]
Bolide Blitz 2013 (Chelyabinsk)
[and from another]
Asteroid Watch 2013 (flybys)
[and from another]
Asteroid Threat 2012 (sci.astro debate with Space Guard)
[and from another]
Asteroid Defense 2010 (sci.astro debates with Space Guard)
[and from another]
Asteroid Blitz 2009 (Debris vs Asteroids)

That mankind has been concerned about deflecting the minor moons and debris in the tail of Nibiru during the passage is not news. This is an issue that came up during the sci.astro debates
between the UK’s Space Guard
and the Zetas in 2001. Except for the success at Chelyabinsk
in 2013, where the Russians shot down an approaching bolide and neutralized it, there are no effective means of deflecting the potential bombardment. We have stated that the Council of Worlds will not allow an extinction level event
to occur, as Earth is a spiritual schoolhouse that must be preserved.

The establishment has been calling this traffic Asteroids or Near Earth Asteroids since 2009, but the uptick in the numbers is obvious. Are Asteroids suddenly propagating
out there in space? Certainly funds could be spent on an early warning system, or more armories such as Chelyabinsk deployed to guard key facilities. But all such efforts will only increase the suspicion that there is a cover-up over a larger danger hidden from the public, and no amount of fast talking by the elite insisting that the cover-up stay in place will be able to shoot that suspicion down.

Prior ZT:
More than just the trajectory of the asteroid, it is also a protection Earth is under where no life threatening or extinction level event will be allowed to happen because the Council of Worlds has plans for the Earth in the future as a home for those in the Service to Other and would not allow this to happen. So you may have fireballs. Fireballs are just a few little boulders thudding to Earth, that type of thing, or small rocks that might plunk into an ocean, be deflected to the ocean. But you will not have large asteroids striking the Earth, snuffing out life or destroying large land masses or causing extreme flooding along coastlines. This would be prevented.


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