Nancy Wrote on Holgraphic Presentation Last night...
"Over to S America the Andes are shown doing mountain building, while some islands in the Caribbean are sinking, their plate
pushed under as S America rolls."
-Caribbean Subducting under Northern South America:
7 of 10 - Safe Locations
In Guatemala Volcan Santiaguito became: "unpredictable"
Latest image from Santiaguito Volcano with Lava flow
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first mendoza then catamarca now santiago del estero quakes all over, , the roll is here , what´s next for us here in argentina? maybe the flodding of parana as it was predicted?
any ideas?
This part of the 7 of 10 event, Aura-mist:
"We have described tsunami that will occur in the Caribbean, and a ripping open of the Rio Parana river mouth at Buenos Aires. The primary effect of the S American roll will be on the small islands in the Caribbean which ride just north of the S America Plate border, as these will lose elevation suddenly, and in some cases sink entirely. Will there be earthquakes? Such movement of a plate does not occur silently. The entire region, from the tip of S America to the islands on the north border of the Carribean Plate will be jolted, and repeatedly, during the roll. Along the Andes, these quakes will be in the range of a magnitude 8-9, but lesser elsewhere. In that the Andes will rise, riding over the Nazca Plate to the west, no significant tsunami will be produced along the west coast of S America. All major cities in the mountain building areas will experience these great quakes - Santiago, La Paz, Lima, Qinto, and Bogota.
Those living along the border of S America and the hapless Caribbean Plate will experience a great moaning and grinding while the S American Plate glides over the Caribbean Plate, pushing it down with its weight as it does so. Such a gliding action does have catch points where the plates are not smooth, and hesitation and jerking with a sudden release occurs, a type of earthquake that seems to last for most of an hour. Caracas as all of Venezuela will experience this seemingly continuous quake, which will approach a magnitude 8 in strength at times. As we have mentioned, the east coast of S America just goes along for the ride. There will be sympathetic jolts from the great quakes elsewhere on the plate, but these will be relatively minor, at most a magnitude 7. When the seaway at Buenos Aires rips open, this is a silent adjustment, as most stretch zone adjustments are. The residents will recover from any earthquakes to see the far shore of the seaway at a greater distance, and the mouth of the Rio Parana widened.
end quoted
Third event @ Station 41420 - 690 NM East of Miami, FL
February 22, 2011
Ondulating Plate:
From Direct Link:
No information available for Panama and Costa Rica, that I could find, but Nicaragua is shaking, and last quake was by a volcano
See map at:
Recall, the situation in Panama with mudslides and flooding is severe, this old news from January 27 indicates the December flooding will have to relocate many families. They say they are waiting for the soil to "stabilize"
On the same link, they have a NASA picture of a lake in Panama, that is all mud, and affects water supply to Panama City (NASA's True Color Image of Lake Alajeula)
Recall 15 said:
Costa Rica is experiencing rock slides and sinkholes along their newest freeway, and the news of these events is being criticized as negative press by some, who would prefer to maintain the coverup for tourism.
Here, as translated it says
"Negativity in the media?
Tuesday February 22, 2011
"The opening and operation of the highway San José - Caldera has created a disparate amount of news focused on negative versus positive approach. Unfortunately, the press covers most fascinating topics such as falling rocks or sinking in some parts, leaving aside the basic fact that infrastructure finally have taken nearly 40 years to build and that has brought much benefit to sectors such as tourism , trade, exporter, and to many Costa Ricans who use this road for vacation or work."
Then in today's paper (Feb 22) one reads the San José - Caldera road will be closed for two weeks to repair the sinking of Kilometer 47, which will impact the Cañas road, the alternate route.
Increase controls on the General Cañas
From next Monday the drivers who pass on the General Cañas Highway observe a greater presence of traffic officers. This is due to an expected increase in the number of vehicles in the area due to the closure of the road to Caldera next Sunday.
It is recalled that the road that connects the capital with the Pacific coast will be closed from next Sunday at 11 pm and for a period close to two weeks to solve the problem of sinking (hundimiento) at kilometer 47.
In that sense Cesar Quiroz, director of Traffic, said that many users who normally travel Route 27 will take the North American in the section that includes these two roads, ranging from San Ramón de Alajuela to La Sabana in the capital.
Although for next Monday will open under normal conditions over the bridge Virilla, near the Conservatory Castella, while it is estimated an increase in the number of vehicles circulating in the area.
National emergency declared due to disasters and flood
February 22, 2011
(ABI) (For Adalid Cabrera Lemuz) .- The government declared a national emergency Tuesday to the magnitude of disasters caused by rains, swollen rivers and floods that affect several departments of Bolivia
4.0 earthquake 22 km from the city of THE MAN on 23/02/2011 19:24:57 TL
35.6 (40.7) miles N 34 ° W of the city of THE HEART
Tungurahua was showing gassing or SO2 emissions, as increasing for February 14
Ecuador Manta News
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 21:07
Pimpiguasí-Cerro de Junín: Equitesa places a layer of asphalt over cracked road. After the audit, President Rafael Correa knew about the cracking of the concrete part of the road Pimpiguasí-Junin, and Equitesa company, responsible for the work, pledged to tackle the problem , and is proceeding to place a layer on the road.
Peru and Bolivia are heavily affected by rains. The news hard to find some times.
Rurrenabaque and Reyes are isolated by floods
Special Report. Date: 02/25/2011
Beni populations of Rurrenabaque and Reyes are isolated by the overflowing of the river Beni and it is estimated that four thousand families were affected by floods.
According to the Erbol report, half of the town of Reyes was washed away by the floods, and the families are in search of higher ground. The population was left without electricity or drinking water service, while the airport of the place was flooded and inoperable.
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