Nancy Wrote on Holgraphic Presentation Last night...
"Over to S America the Andes are shown doing mountain building, while some islands in the Caribbean are sinking, their plate
pushed under as S America rolls."
-Caribbean Subducting under Northern South America:
7 of 10 - Safe Locations
Pattern Changed:
Show an interrelation between South America Roll and Indonesia Sinks Events:
More Quakes:
02-JAN-2011 14:11:33 13.38 -89.98 4.5 76.0 EL SALVADOR
02-JAN-2011 15:19:30 -4.48 101.43 5.7 16.4 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA02-JAN-2011 21:10:19 -38.04 -73.53 5.0 26.6 NEAR COAST OF CENTRAL CHILE
02-JAN-2011 20:20:16 -38.36 -73.28 7.1 16.9 NEAR COAST OF CENTRAL CHILE
Average Magnitude
event Displayed: + 5.575
Buoys Watch:
Station 32411 - 710 NM West-Southwest of Panama City, Panama
January 8 Compression Pattern Wave height 2mt /6.56 ft
2011 01 08 12 00 00 1 3167.740
2011 01 08 11 45 00 1 3167.789
2011 01 08 11 30 00 1 3167.823
2011 01 08 11 15 00 1 3167.849
2011 01 08 11 00 00 1 3167.855
2011 01 08 10 45 00 1 3167.846
2011 01 08 10 30 00 1 3167.826
2011 01 08 10 15 00 1 3167.794
from: -direct link-
Mexican Quakes:
More of Nancy and Zetatalk:
You stated that the sinking of the tongue holding Indonesia would take 2-3 week, gradually increasing from a slow start. We know that the Christmas Hammer started on December 20, 2010 with the live seismographs going black and large quakes on the Bonin Islands south of Japan along the Philippine Plate edge and in Vanuatu along the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate. We know that Pakistan has been sinking, the Indo-Australian Plate tilting sideways, since July, 2010 though not admitted to have lost elevation there for several months. We know that the sequence of events for the 7 of 10 puts the tilting of this plate first, just ahead of the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia – “a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking”. We know that Brisbane began getting flooding from the rised eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate by December 22, 2010. We know that southern Java began experiencing flooding on December 23, northern Sumatra on December 27, Malaysia on December 31, and the Philippines on December 29. Thereafter reports were numerous, included Thailand and Borneo and Bali, and referred to flooding “from the sea” and “renewed” flooding. You stated on January 4, 2011 that sinking in the Philippines had begun. You stated that “The start will be sudden, almost without warning, but the progress not swift as in the pole shift hour. It will be a steady sinking, in short bursts, over a 2-3 week period.” When did this 3 week period commence?
The rapid drop in elevation expected for the plate tongue holding Indonesia, the final phase, has not yet arrived, though it will be soon. Where we are precise and remarkably accurate in our predictions, we are not perfect. For the tongue to drop, the Indo-Australian Plate must tilt sufficiently, and as anyone watching this and other plates in the vicinity undulate, this is not a simple process. It’s an iterative process. The curve under Sumatra and Java rises, causing the Coral Sea floor to rise, rushing water onto Queensland. Then magma fills in under the eastern end of the Indo-Australian Plate so the Coral Sea bend can relax, allowing water to rush back and halting, temporarily, the tipping process. Then it all starts over again.
Meanwhile, the four Pacific plates are compressing, a process that is invisible to man who does not have his seismograph monitors deep under the ocean along the plate borders. What is clear is that the top of S America is pressing to roll, causing S America to crack in the middle and southern Brazil flooding to occur, that the Bonin Islands south of Japan are reflecting a tilting Philippine Plate, and that Fiji is sinking. The process is steady, and inevitable, and it DID start prior to the end of 2010.
end quoted
More on Nancy and Zetatalk:
"Thanks so much for all your helpful advice and info! I have a friend who lives in Barbados and was hoping the Zetas might give a bit more detail on the extent of sinking this and the other Caribbean islands might be facing in the next few weeks.
As can be seen from plate tectonics, Central America is being pushed over the Cocos Plate. When this is done violently during the 7 of 10 roll, the crumbling
we have described for these lands will occur. The small islands just to the east of Central America will participate in this crush. The Caribbean Plate will be pushed up behind them, bunched up, fracturing the rock layers so they go in all directions, up as well as down. This is an issue not so much of sinking as of unpredictability. The fate of these small islands is unpredictable. They may survive from the jumble, or disappear entirely. The hump of the S American Plate intrudes into the Caribbean, and as it moves to the west it will push the Caribbean Plate above Colombia down forcefully. The trend has already been noticed this past year along the Colombian coastline.
Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao ride on the hump, and thus will survive. The island chain along the eastern edge of the Caribbean Plate was formed when the Caribbean Plate was pushed UP during expansion of the Atlantic. But this is countered by the hump of S America pushing the Caribbean Plate down, overall. Thus those islands in the chain close to S America will lose in elevation, while those islands at the top of the chain will not. From Antigua south, the islands in this chain can expect a minimum of an elevation drop of 57 feet, on average, with this being irregular throughout due to the trauma to the area. Islands just to the north of S America will be affected the most such that Barbados to Tobago may sink entirely except for the highest points, losing several hundred feet in elevation, and Trinidad will be torn apart in addition to sinking as it rides on the plate border.
A plate, being solid rock in layers, tends to move as one. Thus if the southern part is pushed down, it will tilt, the northern part lift up. The larger islands along the northern part of the Caribbean Plate could be assumed to gain elevation except that the entire Caribbean Plate is losing, overall. Thus the southern shores of these larger islands will experience some elevation loss, where beaches may emerge on the northern shores. To the extent that fracturing is occurring in the plate, as occurs for Haiti, fracturing can be expected. This will be a rough ride for all, with sloshing and clashing water
and the Caribbean Plate which at first may seem to rise, then drop as the roll proceeds.
Prior ZT:
That portion of the S American Plate lying to the east of the Caribbean Plate will participate in the roll expected during the 7 of 10 scenarios. The Caribbean islands finding themselves along the eastern curve of the Caribbean Plate will thus experience increased volcanic activity in the many volcanoes that lie on that island chain. The Caribbean Plate will lift, slightly, on its northern edge, while plunging greatly on its southern edge, being pushed down by the overriding S American Plate as it rolls. Of course magma will be roiling, as the pressure from the southern part of the Caribbean Plate being shoved down into the magma will force this magma to go somewhere. It will move in the direction of least resistance, which will be toward the north, and thus it will rush under all volcanoes currently in the Caribbean or in Central America.
Prior ZT:
The primary effect of the S American roll will be on the small islands in the Caribbean which ride just north of the S America Plate border, as these will lose elevation suddenly, and in some cases sink entirely.
Prior ZT:
We have described the 7 of 10 as moving the top of S American Plate 250 miles to the west. Not all this movement involves S America, due to adjustments elsewhere, but nevertheless Panama and Costa Rica will be crushed during the 7 of 10 by the grinding movement of the hump as the great S American Plate grinds over it.
Prior ZT: /info/tinfx355.htm (December 4, 2010)
We have not detailed our expectation of the degree of tilt or sinking for each and every Caribbean island during the S America roll, nor will we at this time. Beyond what we have stated, that no island in the Caribbean will be unaffected, or that the islands just to the north of the plate border with S America will be the most gravely affected and likely to sink entirely, we are not allowed to say more at this time.
Prior ZT:
Tsunami are generated anytime a plate drops or rises under the sea. When the S American Plate rolls, it will push the Caribbean Plate down, creating a void. The void will primarily be at the southern part of the Caribbean Plate, where islands will suddenly lose elevation, some sinking entirely. This void will pull water from the Caribbean as well as the Atlantic, which would seem to negate the likelihood of a tsunami, but there will be a clash. When the water rushes into the void it is water on the move, with momentum, and this is the tsunami expected along the coastline of Venezuela and its neighbors. This coastline will at first find water receding, but this is a false signal and should not be trusted. The wave will be coming. The islands will have no such warning, but will sink suddenly in concert with the quakes."
end quoted
More on Nancy and Zetatalk:
"Is there a relationship between the recent quakes along the southern Andes and the immense flooding that SE Brazil states are experiencing? They are along opposite coasts.
[and from another]
Brazil Government Says 100K Displaced by Floods
January 8, 2011
Brazilian authorities say the number of people left homeless by flooding has risen to about 100,000 in four southeastern states. Reports from regional civil defense authorities show Minas Gerais state has been hit the hardest. Eleven more are dead in Sao Paulo state, where 57 cities are in a state of emergency, including the capital. Main thoroughfares in Sao Paulo city were swamped Saturday, and some smaller towns were entirely submerged.
What is the relationship between recent large quakes along the southern Andes and the horrific flooding in several states in SE Brazil? S America is tugging to the west, along its top side. The trend has been in place for many months, with the Caribbean Plate sinking just above Colombia and in Panama. But as much as there is stress along the northern Andes where the S American Plate slides over the Nazca Plate, there is more stress along the southern Andes. Why would this be? The rolls that S America and Africa will do is primarily at the Equator, where the spreading apart of the Atlantic and the compressing of the Pacific is at an accelerated pace. Thus, the plates to the west of the top of S America have already granted S America room to roll.
But as we have explained, the tip of S America does NOT roll, but remains nailed in place. This is due to the Antarctic Plate, which also abuts the south Andes. The Antarctic Plate is not compressing, as it is one solid piece. For the top portion of S America to roll to the west, something must thus give, and to some extent this is the southeastern portion of S America. There is already a seaway developing at Buenos Aires. But draw a line from the top of the current quake activity along the southern Andes to the southeast coast of Brazil and they line up! For S America to be pulled in a bow like this, the land is stretched, and stretched land sinks. Thus, where they did have rain, the rain was not excessive to the degree to explain the flooding. The inland rivers are not draining properly, due to the stretch and consequent sinking.
end quoted
More on Nancy and Zetatalk:
"When South America rolls and Central America is pushed over the Cocos Plate, will this activate volcanoes in Central America or does being pushed over the plate block the flow of magma to the surface? Will new volcanoes suddenly appear where the edge of the Cocos plate is under new locations in Central America?
Volcanoes erupt when the magma pockets beneath the surface, the source of the spewing lava, are under pressure. This will surely not change during the S American roll, as most of Central America rides on the Caribbean Plate, which will be pushed down, compressed against the Cocos and Nazca Plates, and in some cases crumbled by the sideways pressure. This will also be true of the volcanoes in the Caribbean. Relief will not occur until some days have passed, when the roiling magma has found new pathways for its flow.
end quoted
2,000 evacuated in Honduras flooding
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