Nancy Wrote on Holgraphic Presentation Last night...
"Over to S America the Andes are shown doing mountain building, while some islands in the Caribbean are sinking, their plate
pushed under as S America rolls."

In this particular Blog will be describes and take note of all the Earth Changes of the World that will lead to the Geological Movement of the South American Plate: about 250 miles/400.33 Km  to roll!.
" These regions will not experience the sense that they have moved 250 miles further to the west, though this will be computed by man after the roll has been completed."
The 7 of 10 Event: A multi-region event!
The Zeta sequence is as follows:
(2) with Indonesia sinking,
(3) a folding Pacific Ocean
(4) S America to roll,
-this blog-

-Caribbean Subducting under Northern South America:

-Sinking part of  the Caribbean Plate:
-Lesser Antilles  sinks in the ocean and
-Central America get crunched  in the process:
(5) a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift
(6) Africa to roll

(7) and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
(8) great quakes in Japan:
(9) followed by the New Madrid adjustment,

(10) which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
7 of 10 Pace:
8 of 10 Overlap:
A Must See:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 1:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 2:
Zetatalk/Troubled Times Survival Booklet PDF:
Cover, front and back
Table of Contents and Introduction
High Tech Note: continued in the next PDF document

And finally, the Zetatalk predictions for safe locations are 100% accurate.

PDF File:
All data is Cited, Quoted, Credited and Linked to Their respective Originators.
Note Also that no data Before:  July 21, 2010 at 6:07pm ET of this TimeWorld is Displayed! 

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Buoys Watch:
Station 32411 - 710 NM West-Southwest of Panama City, Panama
Dec 1 Amplitude Wave 2mt/7ft

2010 12 01 00 00 00 1 3166.903
2010 11 30 23 45 00 1 3166.805
2010 11 30 23 30 00 1 3166.714
2010 11 30 23 15 00 1 3166.628
2010 11 30 23 00 00 1 3166.552
2010 11 30 22 45 00 1 3166.484

From (direct Link: )
Buoys Watch:
Station 42407 - 230 NM South of San Juan, PR
Dec 1 Amplitude of .15cm but deep increased slowly 5 cm.

2010 12 01 00 00 00 1 4480.613
2010 11 30 23 45 00 1 4480.614
2010 11 30 23 30 00 1 4480.614
2010 11 30 23 15 00 1 4480.614
2010 11 30 23 00 00 1 4480.614
2010 11 30 22 45 00 1 4480.613
2010 11 30 22 30 00 1 4480.610
2010 11 30 22 15 00 1 4480.607
2010 11 30 22 00 00 1 4480.608
2010 11 30 21 45 00 1 4480.607

From (direct Link: )
Black Seismographs:

The island of Tristan da Cunha is situated in the south Atlantic Ocean, 2 805 km from Cape Town and 3 353 km from Rio de Janeiro.

More of 7 0f 10 event by Nancy and ZetaTalk:
"Austin Guy said:

Hi Nancy,

If many heads of government are taking the 7 of 10 warning seriously ( due to signs, monitoring and ZT) is there any consideration given to coming out with SOME type of warning? I understand that we are not at the point where PX can be acknowledged but can the excuse of geological instability or something like that be given as a reason for a warning? Are governments still worried about a "White Lie" scenario? The Zetas HAVE mentioned in the past specifically that there are alignment issues and crust related stress around the Christmas day or Boxing day timeframe.

Has most of the previous ill intentioned parts of the Bush Administration legacy in areas like the Military, CIA and FEMA been routed at this point? Is the leadership of these government heads well in hand now?


We are asked almost weekly how the governments of the world plan to respond to the 7 of 10 scenarios, and have responded to this in the past. They will not warn their populace
nor is Obama at liberty to do so
for many reasons. This is, at the current time, considered just another prediction from just another source, despite our accuracy on hundreds of predictions that have come about. Our predictions tend not to be dated, except for the 2003 prediction on the passage, which they consider a fizzle despite the obvious ARRIVAL of Planet X precisely as we predicted – where and when expected. Where our predictions on the 7 of 10 scenarios starting by the end of 2010 have made some nervous, the specter of the public becoming solidly aware of the ZetaTalk message and aware of the presence of Planet X nearby scares them more.

Indeed, there is vulnerability during the magnetic dance between Planet X and the Earth during December.
That the wobble becomes worse during this time has been pointed out in the past. Since March of 2010, when an 8.8 quake struck Chili,
we and the public have associated the obvious plate movements that have occurred since then to the 7 of 10 predictions. The plate holding India has been sinking on the western side, in Pakistan,
as predicted – a fact which can no longer be denied as enough time has passed since the July floods for the rainwater to drain. Jakarta is sinking
and Thailand is folding
while the number of volcanoes in the region, particularly along the Sumatra/Java edge of the tongue holding Indonesia, are exploding to a degree beyond what has occurred in the past.

Meanwhile, in the S America region, matters are even more obvious. That the Caribbean is under pressure
has also been noted since the Haiti quake on January 12, 2010
and the lifting of the northern border of the Caribbean Plate since March of 2010.
The Andes Fault is showing mountain building while the sea off shore from Colombia is sinking.
This is all of record and occurring, date wise, simultaneously. Oil and gas rigs have been exploding with unexplained and unexpected accidents in the Caribbean all year along the Caribbean Plate border,
as occurred in Bonaire on September 2, 2010 and in Trinidad and Tobago on May 13, 2010.
Even Africa showed her eagerness to roll
by late November of 2010.

At the current time, 2010 has been a year when all the plates along the Equator have been loosened up by the continuous daily jerking about that the Earth wobble incited by the near presence of Planet X. The plates are greased, so that at the present time one can find quakes on all sides of the various plates involved, occurring almost simultaneously. They are twitching, almost unimpeded in their motion, and just waiting for a push to set them into the plate movements we have described. Enter the Christmas Hammer,
the end of the Magnetic Trimester on December 17,
the time frame of the great 9.5 Sumatra quake on December 26, 2004.
Do our predictions that the 7 of 10 scenarios will occur prior to the end of 2010 have something to do with December as a month of magnetic changes affecting the magnetic dance between Planet X and the Earth? Yes!
The 250 miles South American Roll!

by Nancy and Zetatalk:


"Koroel said:

Hello Nancy, these are my Qs for the Zetas
1) As you said that during 7 of 10 Mariana Trench will be compressed and Pacific will be folding it seems the last one will narrow for several hundred meters or even several kilometers. And I can suppose SA will move west the same distance.
Then you seemed to state Southern tip of SA will not almost move but the Northern border will do that well. So the tendency is that one part / tip of a plate moves more to this or that direction than other parts / tips. This is true for Africa plate also. Can you say the exact distances that different parts of SA will move west on? And what is for Africa with its movement west and south?
If the Northern border of SA moves west for several kilometers will country Panama be partially destroyed?


The roll of Africa, as we have described,
will be more of a twist in place, so that the southern tip of the African Plate shifts somewhat to the west, toward the void opened up by the spreading Atlantic Rift, while the plate overall drops enough that having the top part shift to the east does not do damage along the plate boundaries. The Straits of Gibraltar will open an additional 125 miles and the northern point at Morocco will move 50 miles further east. All points around the northern border of Africa will move commensurately. S Africa will find itself similarly 125 miles further south, and westward by about 35 miles. Indonesia, as we have described, is already buckling and sinking.

But beyond the sinking of the tip of the plate tongue holding Indonesia, the action is not in Indonesia. It is rather in the folding plates, where the Mariana Islands on the lifting eastern edge of the Mariana Plate will tilt and move an estimated 47 miles closer to the Philippine Islands. The Mariana Plate and the Mariana Trench to the east of this plate will essentially disappear, having folded, with only the Mariana Islands in a tentative survival situation. This provides an estimated 125 miles of room for S America to roll to the west, but the plate boundaries in the central Pacific have also been steadily adjusting. Overall S America now has 250 miles to roll, dragging the Caribbean and pushing over the Cocos and Nazca plates before it. This 250 miles is the degree of rip in the south Atlantic Rift, affording the African Plate roll room to maneuver.

We have not detailed our expectation of the degree of tilt or sinking for each and every Caribbean island during the S America roll, nor will we at this time. Beyond what we have stated, that no island in the Caribbean will be unaffected,
or that the islands just to the north of the plate border with S America will be the most gravely affected and likely to sink entirely, we are not allowed to say more at this time. Since Panama and the other countries in Central America are situated on the S American plate, they will be pushed over the Cocos Plate with great trauma to these countries. As for S America itself, it sustains great quakes
along the Andes and on the northern border which is grinding over the Caribbean Plate. These regions will not experience the sense that they have moved 250 miles further to the west, though this will be computed by man after the roll has been completed.

Prior ZT:
For those wondering what islands will be at risk during any S America plate roll, we suggest the following exercise. Establish the fault lines, the borders of the two plates in question - S America Plate and Caribbean Plate. Pin the S America Plate at the tip, but spread the Atlantic apart so the top part of S America must roll to the west. Clearly, this puts S America pushing over the Nazca Plate to her west, which is occurring now and causing quakes all up and down the Andes. For the Caribbean Plate, which includes Pamana and Central American countries, there is pressure where the Caribbean Plate loses when encountering the larger and more solid S American Plate. The damage to the Caribbean Plate is not just to those areas which will be pushed under the gliding edge of the S American Plate, but also to those areas which will be dragged along, and ground up as the plate border is rubbed like sandpaper, an abrasion. In addition, the Caribbean Plate will react to pressure on one side by raising an edge on the opposite side. And any associated fault line will likewise react. This is a complicated matter, but suffice it to say that there will be no islands in the Caribbean which will not be affected, nor will the countries in Central America find themselves exempt. "
end quoted

Mexico Quakes Map:

from Sismicidad Reciente Tab:
Events by Departments in Colombia:
Cartagena, collapsed housed

Bogota, mudslides

Atlantico floods

Cauca mudslides

Cundinamarca, Plato and Choco floods.

A total of 1.615.000 people affected
Colombia seeks refuge and asks you gor rains to stop

National | December 7, 2010 - 8:40 am
Heavy rains and landslides continue to cause mayhem in cities and highways. Noticias Caracol, next to the victims.

Pictures taken from Video link
Thank you Mariaelisa ! - I collected some of the links for my daughter (whose friend lives in LaHabana, Cuba) along with some blog-post links, and I think she may have finally understood that just MAYBE her mother isn´t crazy...
I took links from Colombia (the Medellin video that Recall posted), then Ecuador and Venezuela in order to ilustrate that it´s actually the whole northern part of S America that´s going under/not draining, and it was a relief to be able to put things in perspective that way..

Thanks to both of you !
Thanks Malou. I like it because this ning bring people with a common interest like the passage of Planet X, and brings together information and links so people can share with others, so people can continue informing friends and acquaintances regarding the pole shift.

Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:
Thank you Mariaelisa ! - I collected some of the links for my daughter (whose friend lives in LaHabana, Cuba) along with some blog-post links, and I think she may have finally understood that just MAYBE her mother isn´t crazy...
I took links from Colombia (the Medellin video that Recall posted), then Ecuador and Venezuela in order to ilustrate that it´s actually the whole northern part of S America that´s going under/not draining, and it was a relief to be able to put things in perspective that way..

Thanks to both of you !

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