Nancy Wrote on Holgraphic Presentation Last night...
"Over to S America the Andes are shown doing mountain building, while some islands in the Caribbean are sinking, their plate
pushed under as S America rolls."

In this particular Blog will be describes and take note of all the Earth Changes of the World that will lead to the Geological Movement of the South American Plate: about 250 miles/400.33 Km  to roll!.
" These regions will not experience the sense that they have moved 250 miles further to the west, though this will be computed by man after the roll has been completed."
The 7 of 10 Event: A multi-region event!
The Zeta sequence is as follows:
(2) with Indonesia sinking,
(3) a folding Pacific Ocean
(4) S America to roll,
-this blog-

-Caribbean Subducting under Northern South America:

-Sinking part of  the Caribbean Plate:
-Lesser Antilles  sinks in the ocean and
-Central America get crunched  in the process:
(5) a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift
(6) Africa to roll

(7) and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
(8) great quakes in Japan:
(9) followed by the New Madrid adjustment,

(10) which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
7 of 10 Pace:
8 of 10 Overlap:
A Must See:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 1:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 2:
Zetatalk/Troubled Times Survival Booklet PDF:
Cover, front and back
Table of Contents and Introduction
High Tech Note: continued in the next PDF document

And finally, the Zetatalk predictions for safe locations are 100% accurate.

PDF File:
All data is Cited, Quoted, Credited and Linked to Their respective Originators.
Note Also that no data Before:  July 21, 2010 at 6:07pm ET of this TimeWorld is Displayed! 

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Zetas consider Panama-Costa Rica as part of the Caribbean. Then a crunch is also happening there, as South America moves west in concert with the rest of the plates, as per the holographic presentation given to Nancy November 2009.

Costa Rica-earthquakes
Monday November 22, 2010 18:59
Two earthquakes of moderate magnitude shakes Costa Rica without causing damage
Two earthquakes measuring 4.8 and 3.8 degrees on the Richter scale shook Costa Rica today with no reported damage or casualties, the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory (OVSICORI).
The first quake of 4.8 degrees, was centered 13 miles southwest of Jaco, in the province of Puntarenas in the central Pacific nation, said the OVSICORI in a statement.
This earthquake occurred at 01.12 local time (12.07 GMT) to six miles deep and was felt in central Pacific communities Cóbano, Jacó and Puntarenas.
The second quake had a magnitude of 3.8 degrees on the Richter scale occurred at 08.32 local time (14.32 GMT) with epicenter 10 kilometers northeast of Perez Zeledon, a city in the south of the country.
This movement originated at a depth of 14 kilometers and was felt in some communities in the region.
The earthquakes were caused by local faults and caused no damage or injuries.

The quakes were coastal (subduction Cocos) and inland on the horizontal, related to a mountain fault, as indicated by the map

Colombia: Dozens of small towns isolated due to floods
read more:
Colombia Recovers Six Bodies After Deadly Coal Mine Accident
Read more:
Fishing in the Streets of Medellin, Colombia due heavy floods:

Buoys Watch:
Station 32411 - 710 NM West-Southwest of Panama City, Panama
Nov 26 2m/6.56ft wave amplitude

2010 11 26 12 00 00 1 3167.897
2010 11 26 11 45 00 1 3167.924
2010 11 26 11 30 00 1 3167.935
2010 11 26 11 15 00 1 3167.934
2010 11 26 11 00 00 1 3167.922
2010 11 26 10 45 00 1 3167.894

From (direct Link: )
Buoys Watch:
Station 42407 - 230 NM South of San Juan, PR
nov 26 0.6m/1.96ft deep wave amplitude

2010 11 26 12 00 00 1 4480.629
2010 11 26 11 45 00 1 4480.621
2010 11 26 11 30 00 1 4480.613
2010 11 26 11 15 00 1 4480.605
2010 11 26 11 00 00 1 4480.597
2010 11 26 10 45 00 1 4480.589
2010 11 26 10 30 00 1 4480.585

From (direct Link: )
Colombian government considering to declare National Catastrophe
Read more:
More of 7 of 10 event by Nancy and Zetatalk:

Dear Nancy,
I would like to have informations on Caribbean and in particular on my island Martinique witch is also a volcanic island do I have to expect both flooding and eruption as Edgar Caye mention the Pelée and it is in Martinique where is the closest safety area for me ?
Thanks with love and peace

That portion of the S American Plate lying to the east of the Caribbean Plate will participate in the roll expected during the 7 of 10 scenarios. The Caribbean islands finding themselves along the eastern curve of the Caribbean Plate will thus experience increased volcanic activity in the many volcanoes that lie on that island chain. The Caribbean Plate will lift, slightly, on its northern edge, while plunging greatly on its southern edge, being pushed down by the overriding S American Plate as it rolls. Of course magma will be roiling, as the PRESSURE from the southern part of the Caribbean Plate being shoved down into the magma will force this magma to go SOMEWHERE. It will move in the direction of least resistance, which will be toward the north, and thus it will rush under all volcanoes currently in the Caribbean or in Central America. We have mentioned the tsunami
those in this region can expect during the 7 of 10 roll, and large quakes
those in the region can expect, but this activity is minor compared to what will occur during the pole shift itself.
Those who live on islands in the Caribbean are advised to go elsewhere if they expect to survive what is coming.

Prior ZT:
The islands in the Caribbean will be utterly devastated during the coming shift, hit from several sides. When the Americas move into the Pacific, shortening the distance around the Pacific Rim and widening the Atlantic, the giant continents of North and South America will not simply drift evenhandedly westward. Moving plates move in the direction of least resistance, which in this case is toward the middle of the Pacific hole. Central America loses in this crunch, as do the smaller plates supporting the Caribbean islands. Any island surviving this crush, where smaller plates will subduct under larger giants, will have to deal with tidal waves washing over them and exploding volcanoes. Going to sea in boats will scarcely be an answer, as the turmoil the water will be undergoing will create vortexes that will capsize large and small boats, and even dash well built submarines in deep water. Surviving in the Caribbean, during this violent shift, will be the exception, and will require luck, not planning.

Prior ZT:
When the S American Plate rolls, it will push the Caribbean Plate down, creating a void. The void will primarily be at the southern part of the Caribbean Plate, where islands will suddenly lose elevation, some sinking entirely. This void will pull water from the Caribbean as well as the Atlantic, which would seem to negate the likelihood of a tsunami, but there will be a clash. When the water rushes into the void it is water on the move, with momentum, and this is the tsunami expected along the coastline of Venezuela and its neighbors. This coastline will at first find water receding, but this is a false signal and should not be trusted. The wave will be coming. The islands will have no such warning, but will sink suddenly in concert with the quakes.

Prior ZT:
The primary effect of the S American roll will be on the small islands in the Caribbean which ride just north of the S America Plate border, as these will lose elevation suddenly, and in some cases sink entirely. Will there be earthquakes? Such movement of a plate does not occur silently. The entire region, from the tip of S America to the islands on the north border of the Carribean Plate will be jolted, and repeatedly, during the roll.
end quoted
More on 7 of 10 event by Nancy and Zetatalk:
Marcos Carbone said:

Dear Nancy and Zetas,

Q: what level or intensity of earthquakes should we anticipate for the São Paulo State, Brazil during the last weeks (not during the PS itself)? This information would help us to better understand possible highway disruptions - trying to avoid being trapped in the big cities. We almost never experience earthquakes, so I am curious about possible ones during the last weeks. Thanks!

We cannot be specific as to do so would be to reveal a timeline. We are not, at the current time, even detailing the changes to expect during the 8 of 10. We have given a clue as to what the east coast of S America can expect, in general, in our 7 of 10 descriptions.
Where the Andes will experience quakes of magnitude 8-9 during the 7 of 10 due to confrontations with the Nazca Plate, and the northern border of the S American Plate likewise due to the confrontation with the Caribbean Plate, the eastern coast does not deal with these traumas. As the Atlantic Rift continues to rip open, the eastern coast moves with the continent of S America as it presses toward the Pacific. Thus, riding in the rear during those confrontations, it experiences less trauma.

Prior ZT:
Will there be earthquakes? Such movement of a plate does not occur silently. The entire region, from the tip of S America to the islands on the north border of the Carribean Plate will be jolted, and repeatedly, during the roll. Along the Andes, these quakes will be in the range of a magnitude 8-9, but lesser elsewhere.
end quoted
S America Roll: Caribbean/S American Border (Venezuela)
Read more:

"The Galapagos Triple Junction is a geological area in the eastern Pacific Ocean several hundred miles west of the Galapagos Islands where three tectonic plates - the Cocos Plate, the Nazca Plate and the Pacific Plate - meet. It is an unusual type of triple junction in which the three plates do not meet at a simple intersection. Instead, the junction includes two small microplates, the Galapagos Microplate and the Northern Galapagos Microplate, caught in the junction, and turning synchronously with respect to each other. "


Then a Quake in these region:

28-NOV-2010 17:03:20 1.52 -101.02 4.8 13.1 GALAPAGOS TRIPLE JUNCTION REGION


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