Nancy Wrote on Holgraphic Presentation Last night...
"Over to S America the Andes are shown doing mountain building, while some islands in the Caribbean are sinking, their plate
pushed under as S America rolls."

In this particular Blog will be describes and take note of all the Earth Changes of the World that will lead to the Geological Movement of the South American Plate: about 250 miles/400.33 Km  to roll!.
" These regions will not experience the sense that they have moved 250 miles further to the west, though this will be computed by man after the roll has been completed."
The 7 of 10 Event: A multi-region event!
The Zeta sequence is as follows:
(2) with Indonesia sinking,
(3) a folding Pacific Ocean
(4) S America to roll,
-this blog-

-Caribbean Subducting under Northern South America:

-Sinking part of  the Caribbean Plate:
-Lesser Antilles  sinks in the ocean and
-Central America get crunched  in the process:
(5) a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift
(6) Africa to roll

(7) and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
(8) great quakes in Japan:
(9) followed by the New Madrid adjustment,

(10) which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
7 of 10 Pace:
8 of 10 Overlap:
A Must See:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 1:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 2:
Zetatalk/Troubled Times Survival Booklet PDF:
Cover, front and back
Table of Contents and Introduction
High Tech Note: continued in the next PDF document

And finally, the Zetatalk predictions for safe locations are 100% accurate.

PDF File:
All data is Cited, Quoted, Credited and Linked to Their respective Originators.
Note Also that no data Before:  July 21, 2010 at 6:07pm ET of this TimeWorld is Displayed! 

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Nancy posted the following information given by the Zetas, regarding the subduction (Caribbean Plate going UNDER northern southamerica) and the events that will happen during the shift.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 10, 2010

When part of the Caribbean Plate sinks during one of the 7/8 of 10 events will residents of coastal areas from Venezuela to French Guiana be assaulted by tsumani type waves due to the void created by sinking islands in the (southern) Caribbean? Will South America's Atlantic Coast suffer devastating tsumanis during the events associated with the 7/8 of 10 stage (due to a crumbling Caribbean plate); will there be advance warning of such events? Will the Atlantic coastal areas of South America (Venezuela to the bulge of Brazil) have devastating tsunamis when part of the Caribbean plate crumbles (south Caribbean?) during 7/8 of 10 events? How much forewarning will we have?

Tsunami are generated anytime a plate drops or rises under the sea. When the S American Plate rolls, it will push the Caribbean Plate down, creating a void. The void will primarily be at the southern part of the Caribbean Plate, where islands will suddenly lose elevation, some sinking entirely. This void will pull water from the Caribbean as well as the Atlantic, which would seem to negate the likelihood of a tsunami, but there will be a clash. When the water rushes into the void it is water on the move, with momentum, and this is the tsunami expected along the coastline of Venezuela and its neighbors. This coastline will at first find water receding, but this is a false signal and should not be trusted. The wave will be coming. The islands will have no such warning, but will sink suddenly in concert with the quakes. In that the S American Plate reaches to the center of the Atlantic, the rolling of the S American Plate will seem to have scant impact on those coastlines facing the Atlantic. There will be irregular tides, and certainly earthquakes, but beyond a slight spreading of the Rio Parana river mouth at Buenos Aires, which is ripping apart where the river empties into the Atlantic, there will be little impact.

Recall 15 said:
Mariaelisa Torres said:
Soo nice to have this space open again. I missed the blog, and felt like I was going around with the Venezuela-Colombia, sometimes Panama and Ecuador seismic-volcanic data in my hand, unable to find a place to share it. wondering what happened. I did some blogs, but this main ning blog allows me to share and at the same time this info here is a place info is saved, and one can come back to find it.
Again, thanks Recall 15. Thank you!

Ok, Mariaelisa and please help to document this kind of plate movements!

These movements are normaly in a slowly pace, but when a poleshift ocurrs, these movements graterly acelerate ie: a movement of the West of the South American Plate that normaly will make in millions of Years, should be completed in minutes...

i don´t want to make this post too Theorical, for the Theorical inclined and the Press, this one is a must a read document:

Caribbean-South American plate interactions, Venezuela
By Hans G. Avé Lallemant, Virginia Baker Sisson

You can find it in this Scholar query:
More Terminology:

Rift Terminology

Continental Rift: elongate tectonic depression with which the entire lithosphere has been modified in extension

Rift System: Tectonically interconnected series of rifts

Modern Rift: A rift that is teconically or magmatically active

Paleorift: A dead or dormant rift

Failed Arm: Branch of a triple junction not developed into an ocean basin

Aulacogen: Paleorift in ancient platform that has been reactivated by compressional deformation

Active Rifting: Rifting in response to thermal upwelling of the asthenosphere

Passive Rifting: Rifting in response to remote stress field


CONTINENTAL RIFTING: rrr and RRR triple junctions

Four main stages can be recognised in the tectonic development of a typical rifted passive margin:

(1) The RIFT VALLEY stage involves early graben formation prior to continental splitting. This stage may be associated with domal uplift caused by uprise of hot upper mantle material - but this uplift is not ubiquitous and may be connected with underlying mantle hotspots. Example: African Rift Valley.

(2) The YOUTHFUL stage, lasting about 50 my after the onsett of seafloor spreading, while the thermal effects are still dominant. This stage is characterised by rapid regional subsidence of the outer shelf and slope, but some graben formation may persist. Example: Red Sea.

(3) The MATURE stage during which more subdued regional subsidence may continue. Example: most of the present Atlantic continental margins.

(4) The FRACTURE stage when subduction starts and terminates the history of the continental margin.

end quoted
Recall, the complexity of the South American continent occurs at the two extremes. The Patagonia-Ushuaya or tip and the Norther part of Southamerica, because of the influence of other plates in contact with the continent.

The Zetas have been clear regarding the mountain building aspect of the westward movement of South America. Because the Atlantic rift is magnetic, and then as they have said, Planet X grips both edges of the Atlantic Rift causing effects at Noon (PX facing rift) and Midnite (PX opposite rift).

I am not an expert. Like you, I am trying to understand what is happening, there are many pieces of research available, and I always count with Zetas to clarify the information.

Basically, this explains all interacting parts, or all pieces one should take into condideration. At least, that's how I see it:

This South American quaternary deformation map, is more or less explained by its author as:

At a continental scale, South American neotectonics is characterized by a dominance of E-W trending strike-slip faulting at the northernmost (Colombia) and southernmost (Patagoni- Ushuaya) ends owing to plate interactions. On the other hand, Quaternary deformation is fueled by different and variable sources such as strain release related to subduction in a large part of its western border and crustal weaknesses in intraplate and stable continental regions.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. v.61 n.4 Buenos Aires oct./dic. 2006

This researcher notes Plates and Ridges.

If South America moves West, the ridges to me are like callouses. Pieces of rock that will make things happen differently in that area, because these stand out. I notice that the Carnegie Ridge is subducted vy south America in the Ecuadorian area. Ecuador has many volcanoes active. I assume this ridge is affecting somehow this area. But I am learning about it everyday.

Since I am in Los llanos, which is ExtraAndean South America to the right of where the numer 1 is, the movements I feel here sometimes make me dizzy, sometimes we move diagonally, sometimes North-south.

I try to understand what is happening. Recently, July 6, we had a quake in the Arauca region reported by the Colombian ingeominas site, close to my area, so this is something that caught my eye. I share this info in blog. Then I found this interesting graph:

Earth Sci. Res. J. Vol 9, No. 1 (June 2005): 51 -66
Corporación Universitaria del Meta, Villavicencio (Colombia) E-mail:

Then, as I understand this, in the mountain building activity going on in the Andes, the South American continent can roll over the Nazca plate and apparently, it has moved in so far, all the way to the Colombian llanos to the Arauca.

But I feel that we move north-South like at times. And the I remembered that Zetas explained the Caribbean is also coming under South America, because the norther border of the caribbean is held by the North American Plate that is large and locked, then it is puched under the rolling South american continent. This is not depicted in the above graph, only Nazca. But I have shared in the old South America rolling blog that disappeared, an image of the caribbean going under Colombia and Venezuela in the norther area (to the right of the Romeral fault which is the dividing point for these two plates to move under south america --Nazca to the left of Romeral sort of and Caribbean to the right of Romeral)

Is so complicated, but Zetas have explained the situation clearly, and I understand it more everyday.
Recall 15 said:
Seismic activity map on Sur America:

KM said:
Sunset at 9:35 in the NW with a very pink/peach sunset! Will try to spot the moon this evening as we hardly have any clouds!

Ok, Mk and if you have time, post some pictures here to document these changes too!
Venezuelan Quakes from July 14 to July 21, 2010 Caribbean plate moving under Northern South America

List (Listado)
Recall 15 said:
Thanks Mariaelisa for the Input!

All Together in this ning will document all the Changes in the Continents that form America: North, Central, South, The Caribbean and the Antilles...
Colombia Quakes July 21, 2010 (daily seismic activity)

Last Quake in the llanos of Colombia, the Arauca region, July 18, 2010
Caribbean Tectonic Summary:

Very Hi Res Image

Quoted from:

"Extensive diversity of tectonic regimes characterizes the perimeter of the Caribbean plate, involving no fewer than four major adjacent plates (North America, South America, Nazca, and Cocos). Inclined zones of deep earthquakes (Wadati-Benioff zones), deep ocean trenches, and arcs of volcanoes clearly indicate subduction of oceanic lithosphere along the Central American and Atlantic Ocean margins of the Caribbean plate, while shallow seismicity and focal mechanisms of major shocks in Guatemala, northern Venezuela, and the Cayman Ridge and Cayman Trench indicate transform fault and pull-apart basin tectonics.

The depth profile panels on this map portray earthquakes that extend from the Middle America Trench axis in the west to depths as great as 300 km beneath Guatemala, and from the Lesser Antilles Trench axis in the east to depths of approximately 200 km beneath Guadeloupe and the NE Caribbean. In contrast, seismicity along the segments of the Caribbean plate margins from Guatemala to Hispaniola and from Trinidad to western Venezuela is indicative of transform fault tectonics.

Along the northern margin of the Caribbean plate, relative North America moves toward the west at approximately 20 mm/yr, resulting in major transcurrent faults (e.g., Motagua fault in Guatemala) and troughs (e.g., Cayman Trench). Farther east, the North America plate subducts beneath the Caribbean plate resulting in surface expression of the deep Puerto Rico Trench and a zone of intermediate focus earthquakes in the subducted slab.

The plate boundary curves around Puerto Rico and the northern Lesser Antilles where the plate motion vector of the Caribbean plate relative to the North and South America plates is less oblique, resulting in active island arc tectonics. The North and South America plates subduct beneath the Caribbean plate along the Lesser Antilles Trench at rates of about 20 mm/yr; consequently, there are both intermediate focus earthquakes within the subducted South America plate and a chain of active volcanoes along the island arc.

The southern Caribbean plate boundary with the South America plate strikes east-west across Trinidad and western Venezuela and is characterized by major strike-slip faults (e.g., El Pilar and Boconó faults) and shallow seismicity, resulting from relative plate motion of about 20 mm/yr. Further to the west, a broad zone of convergent deformation trends southwest across western Venezuela and central Columbia. Plate boundaries are not well defined across northern South America, but there is a transition from Caribbean/South America convergence in the east to Nazca/South America convergence in the west, described in more detail below. The transition zone is characterized by high seismic hazard.

The Nazca-Caribbean plate boundary offshore of Columbia is characterized by convergence (Nazca plate subducting under South America plate) at about 65 mm/yr. The 6 January 1906 Mw = 8.5 megathrust subduction earthquake occurred on a shallow-dipping interface of this plate boundary segment. The 1906 earthquake occurred in the Colombia-Ecuador region, with a seismic moment (Mo; equivalent to radiated energy) of 6x10**28 dyne-cm (Okal, 1992), and a moment magnitude (Mw) of 8.5 (Tarr and others, 2009.) The nucleation point of this earthquake is indicated on the map ( rupture area is from Kanamori and McNally, 1982.)

Along the western coast of Central America, the Cocos plate subducts beneath the Caribbean plate at rates of 72-81 mm/yr, resulting in a relatively high seismic hazard and a chain of numerous active volcanoes; here intermediate-focus earthquakes occur within the subducted Cocos plate to depths of nearly 300 km. The Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010, occurred in the boundary region separating the Caribbean plate and the North America plate. This plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip and compression, and accommodates about 20 mm/y slip, with the Caribbean plate moving eastward with respect to the North America plate. "
We just had a 4.5 where North American plate meets Caribbean plate

M 4.5 - ST. THOMAS, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS - 2010-07-22 00:00 UTC

Last 2 Weeks of Earthquakes
(within 10 degrees of LON=-64.95, LAT=18.38)
DATE links are into the IRIS WILBER system where you can see seismograms and request datasets.
22-JUL-2010 00:00:04 18.38 -64.95 4.5 117.5 VIRGIN ISLANDS
17-JUL-2010 08:59:33 18.44 -62.43 4.9 35.0 LEEWARD ISLANDS
17-JUL-2010 07:01:44 19.35 -72.93 4.3 37.9 HAITI REGION
12-JUL-2010 09:09:19 18.88 -68.69 4.1 195.2 MONA PASSAGE

4 database rows displayed.
Sea floor image of that region:

Global Tectonic Activity Map of Planet Earth

Motion between East and West Antarctica:
"The West Antarctic rift system includes the Ross
Sea rift and comprises one of the largest extensional
regimes on Earth. It is comparable in size to the Basin
and Range province of the Western US (Tessensohn
and Worner, 1991). Because the West Antarctic rift
system lies under an ice sheet, it is difficult to
determine the history and current activity of the rift.
It is possible that extension in the Ross Sea rift ended
in late Oligocene time and is not occurring today
(Stock and Cande, 1999; Hamilton et al., 2001;
Luyendyk et al., 2001), or happens at a very low rate.
If spreading is occurring today between East and West
Antarctica, this would define Antarctica as two plates
with resulting impact on global plate tectonic models.
Uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains is believed to
be related to extension (spreading) in the Ross Em-
bayment (Behrendt and Cooper, 1991; Cande et al.,
2000; Hamilton et al., 2001). Therefore, finding a
significant extension rate could imply that tectonic
uplift of these mountains is continuing today.

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