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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
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  • If Nancy indicates that your question is “accepted” then it will be answered.
  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
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  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 30370

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Accepted but the answer is yes and yes. The location is where the Ramapo Fault LIne ends, near water and the SE Portion pulling to the East hard. Juan of ZTF did an excellent ZT quote.

Kamil Rak said:

Greetings Nancy and the Zetas.

We have another plane crash. Is this EMP from Nibiru? Are plane crashes going to become the norm as Nibiru approaches for a passage?
[and from another]
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When major airlines started going down from EMP we pointed out the nexus – they were most often going over a fault line or plate border under duress and under water. This was true of AF447 which was on the Africa Plate border and MH370 likewise in Indonesia, but the airline industry, intent on continuing their profits, denies this. Note this Learjet in Philadelphia went down near a river and smack on the Ramapo Fault Line, and within the SE Portion which has been under an intense stretch as it is pulled SE toward Africa during the New Madrid Adjustment as the Methane Maps show.

Images taken of the plunging Learjet show the jets still in operation, full on throttle, but the jet steering controls are missing in action. This is symptomatic of an EMP, where some electronics are reacting to a pulse but others have suffered a burnout and are inoperable. To explain this accident the establishment would have to admit to the presence of Nibiru and the Plate Movements and charged tail wafting Earth that have resulted. Since the establishment is terrified of the panic that a Nibiru admission will cause, the truth once again will also be a victim.

Prior ZT 5/23/2025:
Air France 447 in 2009 and Malaysia 370 and the recent Germanwings A320 are in the news because they impact the airline industry, and the blame thus placed elsewhere. To date, pilot suicide, storms, and bad pilot judgement have been used, and how is the public to know otherwise? Electric trains such as the Disney Monorail  and DC Metro crash incidents in 2009 and the recent Amtrak 188 go into investigation while talking heads murmur about safety devices or track maintenance or mechanical failure, which ultimately get the blame.  

It is only when the public is broadly affected that the public can get a hint that something else is afoot. Cell phones are regularly having disrupted service but the blame is placed on blocked access to towers or bad weather. The blackberry outage in 2008 was blamed on a software glitch. If the public is frankly being lied to, engineers responsible for maintaining equipment and the grid are not fooled. The talk has spilled over into the press, or into conversations with the public. During the Washington DC blackout, the electrical problem was described at first by the Washington Post as a “surge”.

This is a key determinant between a failed electrical system, a simple outage, and electro-magnetic pulse. Pulse is a surge, and the sudden increase in the amount of magnetons and their associated electrons, such that equipment controlled by a steady pace of either particle flow goes into a runaway state. When equipment is guarded by surge protection, to guard against lightning strikes, it will shut down, as a brownout situation can damage equipment. But unless a lightning strike was present, there can be no excuse for a pulse or surge other than the presence of the charged tail of Planet X, aka Nibiru.  

What can the public expect? As cell phone service and cable TV via satellite continues to degrade, as airplanes increasingly crash during complete electronics failure or are forced to land with smoke in their cockpits, as electric trains surge off the tracks and brakes fail, as transformers explode at dams and on the grid, and as residential lights flicker and erratic and unexplained and spotty blackouts descend, the public can expect endless inane excuses from the establishment. The truth will be withheld because mankind is so dependent upon his electrical systems and equipment that the thought of being without is unthinkable. It is mass denial.

Nancy Lieder said:

Accepted but the answer is yes and yes. The location is where the Ramapo Fault LIne ends, near water and the SE Portion pulling to the East hard. Juan of ZTF did an excellent ZT quote.

Kamil Rak said:

Greetings Nancy and the Zetas.

Hi Nancy & Zeta's 
Here we go again!  X is supposed to be controlled by the Junta these days, the White Hats, the "good guys".  Will even the "good guys" EVER have the courage to make the much needed Announcement?!?  Seems like they ALL are lacking courage & are just focused on the "potential" panic in the people.  With such little time left, the people of the World DESERVE to know the TRUTH!  Can the Zeta's give us an update as to what the heck is going on here?  What "Rules" were violated to warrant this??  Thanks! 
Via Sarah Dean on FB

 Via Juan Martinez : ZT X account is suspended

May be an image of text that says 'ZetaTalk Followers: Watch X, Planet X, aka Nibiru @ZT_Followers 50 Following 33.1 Followers Account suspended X suspends accounts that violate Our Rules.'

Accepted and am aware of this from the Moderators chat with Juan. I do  my best work at 3:00 am so will defer until tomorrow. Thiis is about the big N word and Juan is not the only one getting hammered. My Mirror Sites are under attack too. The Deep State is pervasive and against the wall right now so I would call all this colateral damage. Will not last. 

PostScript: Deep State and Anti-Nibiru crowd. The truth threatens them. This will all go away when Nibiru is too obvious which is estimated end of March my understanding. We always win these battles. Not to worry. 

The twitter account is back on
Yet I did a search on X and the account still can't be found on the list of people even with a direct search for ZT_Followers.

Nancy Lieder said:

Accepted and am aware of this from the Moderators chat with Juan.

Here we go again!  X is supposed to be controlled by the Junta these days, the White Hats, the "good guys".  Will even the "good guys" EVER have the courage to make the much needed Announcement?!?  Seems like they ALL are lacking courage & are just focused on the "potential" panic in the people. With such little time left, the people of the World DESERVE to know the TRUTH!  Can the Zeta's give us an update as to what the heck is going on here?  What "Rules" were violated to warrant this??  Thanks! 
[and from another]
Via Sarah Dean on FB
Via Juan Martinez : ZT X account is suspended
[and from another]
The twitter account is back on
Yet I did a search on X and the account still can't be found on the list of people even with a direct search for ZT_Followers.
[and from another]
According to X's rules, a user can be banned for engaging in activities like: posting abusive or hateful content, targeted harassment, inciting violence, sharing child sexual exploitation material, impersonating others, using the platform to perpetuate violent attacks, and repeatedly violating X's policies; essentially, any behavior that creates a harmful or unsafe environment for other users on the platform.

AI is increasingly used to ease the burden on human censors but as the AI is not programmed to interpret nuances it will falter. For many humans the story of Nibiru, that it exists and is lining up for another Passage, is just a conspiracy theory and a scary one at that. NASA is allowed to say that a CME will occur and cause radio interference on Earth because all these elements exist. But until Nibiru is admitted by the establishment, the Nibiru warnings are seen to incite fear and encourage the public to run for the hills, abandoning their homes and family responsibilities.

We have stated that fully half of the human population will go into denial about the coming Passage and even denial about the existence of Nibiru itself. As the visibility of Nibiru increases, and the obvious effect on the Earth increases, this denial will harden and increase. The Daily Earth Wobble is becoming increasingly evident with storms and atypical seasons. Petrol displays in the sky have no explanation from the establishment. All this hardens denial in those who feel they cannot cope.

This failure of AI compounds when you have humans who do not dare to look at the skies programming the words that propel a poster into a ban. They check all the wrong boxes. AI can thus be used by the anti-Nibiru crowd to block the truth. The banking industry, who rely upon mortgage interest, fear the public leaving their homes to run for the hills. The establishment fears panic and looting. Meanwhile those trying to warn the public and encourage them to prepare are punished. We anticipate a Nibiru admission by the end of March, based on the progress of the 270 Roll in process.

Good morning, Nancy.   In the Bible and in the 1956 movie the Ten Commandments we see a time during what they will call the passage of the Destroyer where in the movie they show a dark mist coming down and covering the land of Egypt as it creeps along the ground killing all the first born of Egypt.  Do the Zetas have time to explain to us the events of the toxic fog/angel of death and its correlation with the Bible, and Hebrew meaning of the Passover and why they stated it was the first born that were killed?

Hi James 

Here is previous ZetaTalk about why the first born of the wealthy Egyptians died 

How is it, during the Jewish Exodus, that the first born of the Egyptians were smote but the slaves with lambs blood on the door frame escaped?

Clearly the red dust that turns rivers and ponds blood red was not a curse that Moses arranged but a precursor of a pole shift. Red dust from the tail of the passing planet, Planet X, is of legend, and anticipated in prophecy such as the Book of Revelations. Frantic frogs and bugs, trying to escape the stress in the ground under them, or intractable droughts are also something not unexpected. Just look at the world today! Locust swarms occur during times of drought, as they seek food elsewhere. But what would cause a selective death among the young, especially a death reported to strike the first born of each wealthy family? Plague is carried by rats, and like the frogs and insects, they were on the move due to the stress in the rock strata. Animals, who are sensitive to emanations from the Earth preceding quakes, try to leave the area, and thus the rats were anticipated to be on the move. How do rats enter a home? Almost invariably under the door, which seldom fits that tightly at the bottom where things are dragged in and out, and many foot steps wear groves in the wood. By placing fresh blood above the door, smearing it there, the rats would be distracted and fed, and not enter the home but move on. Why were the first born of the wealthy Egyptians affected by plague? It was the custom to pamper the first born, who were expected to inherit the wealth and power the family carried. They were never without food in their rooms, laid out on trays in their bedrooms, a handy snack. The other children in the family were not given this treatment. Thus the rats headed to the bedrooms of the first born, lingered there feeding, depositing the fleas they carried amid the food, which the pampered child would paw through when arising. Thus, predominantly, the first born of the wealthy were struck with plague, while the slaves seemed immune. Did Moses know this night would come? He was warned, in time to protect his people and to issue what seemed like a curse to the Pharaoh, and thus of legend it was he who arranged this curse. In fact, as we have explained, he was only an opportunist. 

Thank you so much Derrick for your response !

Derrick Johnson said:

Hi James 

Here is previous ZetaTalk about why the first born of the wealthy Egyptians died 

How is it, during the Jewish Exodus, that the first born of the Egyptians were smote but the slaves with lambs blood on the door frame escaped?

Clearly the red dust that turns rivers and ponds blood red was not a curse that Moses arranged but a precursor of a pole shift. Red dust from the tail of the passing planet, Planet X, is of legend, and anticipated in prophecy such as the Book of Revelations. Frantic frogs and bugs, trying to escape the stress in the ground under them, or intractable droughts are also something not unexpected. Just look at the world today! Locust swarms occur during times of drought, as they seek food elsewhere. But what would cause a selective death among the young, especially a death reported to strike the first born of each wealthy family? Plague is carried by rats, and like the frogs and insects, they were on the move due to the stress in the rock strata. Animals, who are sensitive to emanations from the Earth preceding quakes, try to leave the area, and thus the rats were anticipated to be on the move. How do rats enter a home? Almost invariably under the door, which seldom fits that tightly at the bottom where things are dragged in and out, and many foot steps wear groves in the wood. By placing fresh blood above the door, smearing it there, the rats would be distracted and fed, and not enter the home but move on. Why were the first born of the wealthy Egyptians affected by plague? It was the custom to pamper the first born, who were expected to inherit the wealth and power the family carried. They were never without food in their rooms, laid out on trays in their bedrooms, a handy snack. The other children in the family were not given this treatment. Thus the rats headed to the bedrooms of the first born, lingered there feeding, depositing the fleas they carried amid the food, which the pampered child would paw through when arising. Thus, predominantly, the first born of the wealthy were struck with plague, while the slaves seemed immune. Did Moses know this night would come? He was warned, in time to protect his people and to issue what seemed like a curse to the Pharaoh, and thus of legend it was he who arranged this curse. In fact, as we have explained, he was only an opportunist. 

Interesting video.
[and from another]
September, 2024.
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Toxic Fog.
People are noticing bizarre odors and unexplained illnesses, often the smell of Sulfur followed by sudden illness with cold or flu-like symptoms, difficulty breathing and unexplained loss of energy.
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Petrol Slime formed from desert sand is magnetized. September, 2024.
[and from another]
Skyfire, Nibiru Debris, Petrol Elements.
Los Angeles, Skyfire and a plane flying by trying to avoid it.
We have warned that flying on planes will become very, very dangerous!

Dramatic proof of Nibiru's wafting tail causing Toxic Fog and monstrous Petrol Blobs so heavy they leak the dripping Petrol on those below have appeared in LA. All this is of course ignored by the Legacy Media who can offer no excuses. Since the Red Dust in the tail is also charged, it charges that it falls upon too, as this video made in the desert shows. Beyond EMP assaults on airplanes and on the infrastructure below, what can mankind expect? Magnetics is heavily used in mankind's devices, from door locks to the brakes on walkers for the disabled to on/off toggle switches. Imagine all this malfunctioning.
These lines only appear in the sky. It’s not the windshield.
[and from another]
Long lines in the clouds have been noted for a few years, as a video from 2011 [] shows, but recently images captured by Google Earth show a line spanning from the S Pole to the N Pole. [] Mankind’s science cannot explain them, but the Zetas, as usual, can. These are clouds attracted to and coalescing around the Earth magnetic field, along one of the field lines.

In 2019 we described HOW the magnetic field lines of Earth are forming long cloud lines running between the Magnetic North and South Poles of Earth. At that time there were few such lines, though from the ISS they were distinctive and obvious, and had been visible for a few years. Now a member of the ZetaTalk Followers group has captured a dramatic increase in these field lines coalescing around the Earth’s Magnetic Field Lines. They are parallel to each other and have increased in number by a thousand fold. Why?

Nibiru is a massive planet, 23 times the mass of Earth and 4-5 times the diameter of Earth. Needless to say its Magnetic field dominates when both the Earth and Nibiru are close to each other. The dominant field forces allegiance via magnetic resonance so the Earth attempts to align with Nibiru rather than align with the Sun – the dominant Magnet in the Solar System. This struggle between Magnetic Field Masters results in the zig-zag pattern in the clouds in this 2025 capture.

Prior 3/31/2019 ZT:
Long cloud lines stretching from pole to pole have appeared in recent years, most dramatically captured on film by the ISS. This recent photo so perfectly traces a line from the magnetic N Pole of Earth to the magnetic S Pole of Earth that there can be no doubt that the Earth’s magnetic field is the cause. Magnetic fields form a ball around a magnet, but as can be shown by tapping a glass holding iron shavings above a magnet, field lines form. This is where magnetons flow from North to South, a heavy traffic lane in the magnetic field.

How does a magnetic field cause the clouds to form? Clouds will not form unless there is water in the atmosphere, and as is known electricity loves water or water vapor. It is an electrical conduit. And as is also known, electrons and magnetons run together, thus alternators generating an electrical current via a spinning magnet. Attractants move toward each other, so where lightning or electrons in the atmosphere can move toward water, water laden clouds can likewise move toward a strong magnetic flow line.

Would the Zetas care to give insight on the Sarandi turning red?
[and from another]
Toxic Red substance polluted the Sarandí canal in Avellaneda, Argentina
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Video shows river turn deep red color in Argentina. Residents say it's not the first time.
February 7, 2025
Videos from a suburb of Argentina’s capital of Buenos Aires showing a bright red river has drawn international attention and reignited local fears of chemical dumping. This is not the first time an odd color has been seen in the Sarandi? River, located in the municipality of Avellaneda. The area has multiple tanneries, which use chemicals to turn animal skins into leather. Officials from the Avellaneda municipality suspect the presence of aniline in water samples. Aniline is a toxic substance that is used in dyes and medicines. Officials said they had lodged a complaint to the Buenos Aires province water authority. Images show the Sarandi River's water with an intense color red flowing into an estuary, the Rio de la Plata.
[and from another]
In the Bible, rivers turning red is described in Revelation 16:1 and Exodus 7. Revelation 16:1: The third angel pours out a bowl of judgment on the world's water sources, turning them to blood. The water turning to blood affects all of the world's water, including fresh and salt water 
Exodus 7: Moses strikes the water of the Nile with his staff, turning it to blood. The water smelled so bad that the Egyptians couldn't drink it, and the fish died 

Early in the ZetaTalk Saga in 2010 we predicted that the bay at Buenos Aires
would split open during the Plate Movements. S America rolls its bulbous top part to the West during the S American Roll and when S America waggles
to allow the SE Portion of N America to pull to the SE during the New Madrid Adjustment, the bay at Buenos Aires pulls apart. Red Dust deposited during prior passages of Nibiru are open to the waters and turn the water blood red and bitter.

Prior 2010 ZT:
In that the S American Plate reaches to the center of the Atlantic, the rolling of the S American Plate will seem to have scant impact on those coastlines facing the Atlantic. There will be irregular tides, and certainly earthquakes, but beyond a slight spreading of the Rio Parana river mouth at Buenos Aires, which is ripping apart where the river empties into the Atlantic, there will be little impact.

Prior 2010 ZT:
When the seaway at Buenos Aires rips open, this is a silent adjustment, as most stretch zone adjustments are. The residents will recover from any earthquakes to see the far shore of the seaway at a greater distance, and the mouth of the Rio Parana widened.

Prior 7/11/2023 ZT:
As we have repeatedly emphasized, a S American waggle will allow the SE Portion to free its attachment at the Isthmus, allowing the New Madrid Rupture to proceed without impedance. The sequence started on July 4 is occurring in iterative runs, such that the Pacific compresses during a China blowout, which then puts pressure on the bulbous top of S America. The bulbous top is then pushed East into the Atlantic which tilts the S America foot into the Pacific – the waggle. Each run will be stronger than the last. 


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