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Zeta Rules that Apply
Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Trump's "second term", which SCOTUS confirmed in a finding that was not published to the people, which the Senate confirmed by proclaiming President Trump to be the rightful winner of the 2020 election, did not complete all the steps. President Trump did not appear in the Senate to be sworn in, nor did the Senate date in 2023 provide enough time remaining to be considered a "term". These steps would have allowed President Trump to assume office should he choose to do so, but he declined in favor of running a "too big to rig" 2024 election. Thus it was not officially a "second term".
I will add this to the published ZetaTalk.
Sergey Anfelso said:
I ask for an honest addition, since the Zetas have evaded the answer, as I believe.
It was a departure from the answer.
Sergey Anfelso said:I agree, there was a rather uncomfortable question.
That is, on the one hand, they played one game when the Zetas considered Trump a legitimate president.
And now, according to the Constitution, he did not hold office under Biden. But OK, the Zetas, the Junta considered him instead of Biden, as president.The Zetas did not respond, so Trump is legitimate now or not?
Sorry, we Russians just like more direct definition, not prevarication, when the Zetas thought Trump was president. As they imagined it. This is Trump's third term, which is illegal as measured by the Zetas. So is Trump legitimate or not?
Explain to me anyway))
Have we entered the time that the Zetas described as “blending of the seasons”? Here in Houston we had historic snow. Blizzard warnings on the beach of the Gulf of America. Never seen snow like this in the South and in a few days it will be in the 70s!
[and from another]
Over the past few months the Earth has gotten a taste of what is to come. In the Canada and the US, in Argentina, in Europe and Northern Africa, in Tasmania – wild swings from record hot to record cold weather.
[and from another]
New Orleans, Louisiana has already received more than twice the amount of snow that Anchorage, Alaska, has seen since the start of meteorological winter. A blizzard warning is now in effect for parts of southern Louisiana due to a historic and deadly winter storm that spanned over 1,500 miles. Long-time residents of New Orleans, who have witnessed the city’s rare snowfalls, say they've only seen a handful of snowstorms—and never one quite like this. As of Wednesday morning, New Orleans had accumulated 10 inches of snow, a stark contrast to the half-inch that fell during the city's last snowfall in December 2004. What happened to climate change?
[and from another]
Parts of Florida Panhandle Shut Down by Historic Winter Storm
January 22, 2025
Florida may have already broken its all-time record of snowfall with 9 inches in the western Panhandle town of Milton, near Pensacola, according to Frank Pereira, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service's Weather Prediction Center. The winter storm had already slammed major Gulf Coast cities such as Houston, where 4 inches (10 cm) of snow fell, the most the city has gotten since 1960. In the New Orleans area, a record 10 inches (25 cm) of snow accumulated in some places, turning Bourbon Street white.
[and from another]
Storm Eowyn: Rare ‘Explosive’ Phenomenon Confirmed as ‘Weather Bomb’ set to Hit Ireland
January 23, 2025
A rare weather phenomenon known as ‘explosive cyclogenesis’, otherwise called a ‘weather bomb’, is expected to occur with the arrival of Storm Eowyn in Ireland late on Thursday night and into Friday morning. The UK Met Office has published a graphic explaining the phenomenon, which involves a significant drop of air pressure in a short period of time.
At the start of the ZetaTalk Saga
we stated that a Blending of the Seasons
would accompany the 8 of 10 phase leading into the Last Weeks
before the Pole Shift. This is also the time during the first 270 Roll
of Nibiru where the N Pole of Nibiru is pointed toward the Earth, so that the Daily Earth Wobble
becomes more violent. These factors relate as Nibiru causes the Wobble which results in Plate Movement and this causes drooping land masses that incite low air pressure storms.
The 7 of 10 Plate Movements are completing and as we have stated the 7 of 10 and 8 of 10 will overlap. Thus, signs of the Blending of the Seasons have emerged. That the drooping land at the Quad-Plate Juncture in the N Atlantic where the New Madrid Rupture will force a Void is experiencing repeated storms is not surprising, nor is the fierce cold and snow in subtropical Florida and New Orleans. This is hardly heat from Global Warming.
Prior 11/6/2010 ZT:
Due to the Earth wobble, there are many phenomena in many parts of the globe which could be described as unseasonable weather. Snow in summer has occurred and is on the increase. Very warm days in the middle of winter, more than the typical winter thaw, so that fruit trees bud in winter, ruining the harvest when frost returns. But the blending of the seasons will be characterized by extreme change happening rapidly, one direction to another. What you have had up until the present is trends for more extreme weather. Imagine going from the heat of the hottest summer day to the cold of the coldest winter day, all within a day or so. That is a blending of the seasons.
Prior 10/8/2011 ZT:
Clearly we will not arrive at the blending of the seasons suddenly. We have stated that a blending of the seasons will be a factor, to the extent that the weather would jump from mid-summer to mid-winter within a day or so. We are not there as yet.
Prior 1/12/2000 ZT:
This is a new angle - very cold summers. This has been relayed in the past, in ancient reports of what the Chinese called a world cycle, meaning the approach of another pole shift, where snow fell in summer. This type of weather change, which will shock the weathermen who are trying to explain events in terms of Global Warming, will begin.
Prior 7/31/2021 ZT:
During a short period of time, half the world seemed afflicted with massive flooding. From Europe to New Zealand, through the Middle East and down into Africa, across Asia to inner Mongolia and dropping to New Zealand – record breaking flooding occurred. Was this a result of the severe wobbles we predicted? Such deluge has been predicted by ourselves from the start of the ZetaTalk saga. Snow in Summer or severe temperature swings have occurred this past year, but was a deluge simultaneously affecting half the world expected? Until the seasons blend to where temperature differences are not extreme, such deluge can occur.
Prior 9/30/2024 ZT:
In describing the first 270 Roll we included a worsening Wobble and a blending of the seasons. This is occurring now to some extent but will get much worse as the Last Weeks approach. The twirling Wobble will become more extreme as the N Pole of Nibiru turns increasingly toward the Earth. This does more than give the Earth a Polar Push to increase the Wobble, it will cast the vast debris ridden tail of Nibiru toward Earth and cause EMP episodes. Weather extremes will become the norm. But the blending of the seasons that results will not be the curse assumed, as it will increase the growing season and abate some of the bitter cold and intractable drought man must endure.
I assume that the Nibiru's administrative disclosure by the CoW, the 7 of 10 completion and the Awakening on increasing UFO displays will all line up in the coming months.
Kamil Rak said:
Приветствую, Нэнси и Зетас.
Трамп только что подписал указ о рассекречивании файлов, связанных с убийствами Джона Ф. Кеннеди. ЦРУ убило Кеннеди, потому что он собирался рассказать американскому народу о присутствии инопланетян. Означает ли это, что Трамп собирается инициировать раскрытие информации об инопланетном присутствии?
Declined as this is all very much in the hands of man. It seems to be coming all at once, as Sergey pointed out. Thank you Sergey!
Kamil Rak said:
Greetings Nancy and Zetas.
Trump just signed an executive order declassifying files related to the assassinations of John F. Kennedy. CIA had killed JFK because he was going to tell the American people about the alien presence. Does this mean that Trump is about to initiate the disclosure re the alien presence?
I can't see the vid Tracie due to an owner sharing issue (not in the share group) but no need as the Zetas know anyway.
Your activity on the ZTF group has placed you into a group that Nancy likes to call the Constant Contact group - those with frequent contact to provide answers to you. Knowing that your neighbor has a cam that could record a visit this was staged to give you a pat on the back, so to speak.
Tracie Crespo said:
Declined as a personal question and we refuse those as they only serve one person. There are many who contribute to the Transformation process, and they KNOW WHO THEY ARE, inside their soul and mind. No need to ask for Zeta confirmation.
Kamil Rak said:
I had a recall dream last night.
OMG Thank you SO much for confirming! Thank YOU Nancy & Zeta's, this literally made my day yesterday!! :)
Nancy Lieder said:
I can't see the vid Tracie due to an owner sharing issue (not in the share group) but no need as the Zetas know anyway.
Your activity on the ZTF group has placed you into a group that Nancy likes to call the Constant Contact group - those with frequent contact to provide answers to you. Knowing that your neighbor has a cam that could record a visit this was staged to give you a pat on the back, so to speak.
Tracie Crespo said:
Here's a sub-par version of the video. I tried to record the video to my phone from the computer. Not nearly perfect, but at least we can see the action. Thanks again Nancy & Zeta's! :) And thank you James Coon for helping download & compress the video.
NancyTalk: That can only be a UFO! It does not zoom by but swoops, like a wave.
Good morning, Nancy. Could the Zetas explain why we see a split image in these captures? It appears to me to be a result of particle crowding and repulsion, In the 3rd image we see rows of X marks where the magnetic field crosses over itself in the moon swirl tubes. Then the last image shows the process completing or starting over once again. Could the Zetas clarify which it is for future reference, crowding or repulsing? It all transpires within 6 seconds. Thank you for your time.
Always happy to help Tracie. Thank you for your dedication to the Zeta message.
Tracie Crespo said:
Here's a sub-par version of the video. I tried to record the video to my phone from the computer. Not nearly perfect, but at least we can see the action. Thanks again Nancy & Zeta's! :) And thank you James Coon for helping download & compress the video.
A magnetic field is established because of crowding and repulsion, From the single Iron atom which has an irregular rhythm of electrons surrounding the nucleus to the large aggregate of these atoms aligning to provide the pathway of lease resistance. Thus you are dealing with the same phenomena - crowding and repulsion, in both instances.
Where electric current can be made to flow in any direction, the path of least resistance, magnetic flow seems to be very single minded. In fact, it is also going in the path of least resistance, as can be seen when one understands the path and what constitutes resistance for magnetic flow.
James of Idaho said:
Could the Zetas explain why we see a split image in these captures?
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