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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 35479

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Replies to This Discussion

Zs have already confirmed COW will intervene for catastrophic collision, so it will depend on magnitude of potential cataclysm. Earth Defense Shield of weapons in space is okay as long as for defensive purposes. Or are space-based anti-meteor weapons not viable? Second line of defense Hyperspeed missiles from Earth Alliance. Also lasers deployed. Plus Council of Worlds meteor deflection?
[and from another]
A Satellite just Exploded in Space and Nobody Knows Why
October 24, 2024
Intelsat 33E, a Boeing-designed satellite, was sent to space in 2016 and entered service in 2017. It was responsible for providing communications to the continents of Africa, Asia, and Europe, and the damage to this satellite will affect several customers in the aforementioned markets. The US Space Force has confirmed this development, mentioning “the breakup of Intelsat 33E (#41748, 2016-053B) in GEO on October 19, 2024, at approximately 0430 UTC. Currently tracking around 20 associated pieces – analysis ongoing. 
[and from another]
US Space Command: Russia Put Weapon into Space on May 16
Russia last week launched a satellite that U.S. intelligence officials believe to be a weapon capable of inspecting and attacking other satellites, the U.S. Space Command said as the Russian spacecraft trails a U.S. spy satellite in orbit. Russia's Soyuz rocket blasted off from its Plesetsk launch site some 500 miles north of Moscow on May 16, deploying in low-Earth orbit at least nine satellites including COSMOS 2576, a type of Russian military "inspector" spacecraft U.S. officials have long condemned as exhibiting reckless space behavior. "We have observed nominal activity and assess it is likely a counterspace weapon presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit," a USSPACECOM spokesperson said in a statement to Reuters.
[and from another]
Pentagon: Russia Put Weapon into Space on May 16
May 21, 2024
Russia last week launched a satellite that U.S. intelligence officials believe to be a weapon capable of inspecting and attacking other satellites, the U.S. Space Command said as the Russian spacecraft trails a U.S. spy satellite in orbit.
[and from another]
Losharik Accident
[and from another]
Council’s Hand
The Zetas have often reported that the Council of Worlds steps in to ensure a balance on Earth. This was done in the past, for instance, when the quarantine between the Annunaki and man was imposed, to prevent the Annunaki from enslaving mankind. This has occurred repeatedly to bring down mankind’s satellites when they would be used to surveil drowning migrants during the coming plate movements. A Facebook satellite over Africa and Russian satellites have floundered for those reasons. Now the European Vega has met a similar fate. But resupplying the ISS is working just fine!

On October 19 a Boeing Intelsat 33E exploded in space, for no apparent reason. This followed a May 15 launch by Russia of a COSMOS 2576 satellite capable of attacking other satellites. Are we having space warfare? Where the Russians are indeed playing spy vs spy, the US and Europe are tracking migrant routes. The Council of Worlds will not allow
migrants trying to escape flooding from being tracked in this manner. The Boeing Intelsat was capable of tracking migrant groups when launched in 2017 and this feature was about to be made operational, thus the Council took it out.

The rules the Council has imposed include eliminating any DEWs
in space. There is a long record of failure to launch DEWs in this regard. Just as the quarantine of the Anunnaki from mankind was imposed, forcing the Anunnaki to leave the Earth, there is an edict from the Council that the elite among mankind will not escape the ravages of the Pole Shift by an escape to Mars or the Moon. The Council will also not allow the Earth to be destroyed by a collision with a Moon
of Nibiru, but mankind is expected to attend to the debris in the tail of Nibiru.

Prior 7/31/2029 ZT:
Is there something to the DEW theory? Yes and no. Fulford was careful in his reporting to say that the Pentagon said Israel “may” have a DEW, as many countries are known to be lofting satellites at present, and offering these services. If the Council of Worlds has stepped in to sabotage the launch of any satellite that would spy upon migrating refugees, as has been reported in ZetaTalk a number of times, then how would they allow the launch of a DEW? Any such effort to control mankind from space would be countered.

But arrogant Israel had intentions of launching such a satellite and wanted to disable Russia’s anti-DEW capability before it did so. The Losharik had anti-DEW capability, and thus was the chosen target. The theory that the Losharik was destroyed by DEW attack presumes that the Losharik could sense it was under attack, and counter with a missile. The laser is too fast, and would destroy the submarine almost instantly. The Earth changes - such as EMP and melting ground from subduction and snapped gas line fires - are also ascribed to DEW by these theorists, who have yet to admit that Nibiru is the cause

Prior 5/1/2010 ZT:
This is all about attempting to deal with the debris in the tail of Planet X. NASA et al understand that Planet X has the Earth trapped before it, and is closing the gap. They understand what has happened to the Earth in the past, on a periodic basis, and what folklore relays. They know the likelihood of the Earth being pummeled by debris, but a few fireballs or raking hail is not their concern. Their concern is large objects, the extinction level type objects that the Earth gives evidence of having sustained in her past. We have explained that impact sites such as the Gulf near the Yucatan Peninsula occurred in the distant past, when Earth was in the Asteroid Belt, one of the planets that got pelted during the periodic passages of Planet X and its entourage of Moons, which at that time passed through that belt. The Council of Worlds will not allow the Earth to be destroyed by one of the Moons of Planet X, which in any case are not expected to come closer than 9 million miles from the Earth. They hug Planet X, staying within 5 million miles of this gravity giant. But NASA is not listening to us, and tries to get funding for some magical means of deflecting such objects. They don't have a solution, but would like the funding anyway.

Good afternoon, Nancy.  On today's satellite images I notice that the Void is moving clockwise while the other air masses in the northern hemisphere are moving counterclockwise.  In the southern hemisphere they are moving clockwise.  Would the Zetas educate us on what is happening at the VOID that is opposite the rotation of the airmasses for the northern hemisphere? 

Greetings Nancy.   We are seeing on social media Trump working at McDonalds being used and then we now see the E.coli outbreak effecting stock prices.  This is said to be just in their quarter pounders and McDonalds claims it is from slivered onions being the culprit.  None of this seems to ring true and my question for the Zetas would be at this juncture in time is McDonalds being targeted by the White Hats to drop McDonalds stock prices as a means to defund the Satanist who have used the meat acquired to do away with the crimes they have committed upon the trafficked children?  I know this can be a powder keg to touch off in the awakening so understand if they would decline.

Zetas are declining to confirm your speculations. 

James of Idaho said:

Greetings Nancy.   We are seeing on social media Trump working at McDonalds being used and then we now see the E.coli outbreak effecting stock prices.  This is said to be just in their quarter pounders and McDonalds claims it is from slivered onions being the culprit.  None of this seems to ring true and my question for the Zetas would be at this juncture in time is McDonalds being targeted by the White Hats to drop McDonalds stock prices as a means to defund the Satanist who have used the meat acquired to do away with the crimes they have committed upon the trafficked children?  I know this can be a powder keg to touch off in the awakening so understand if they would decline.

SOZT Where the land masses of Earth may follow the retrograde rotation of Nibiru at times, air and water seldom do so. The Coriolis effect is driven by many factors. EOZT 2/20/2007

Both Europe and the US went from unseasonably warm weather to ice storms or hurricanes. We explained recently on the GLP live chat for late December that the figure 8 so well documented when the wobble first established itself in 2004 has continued, with more vehemence. During the wobble, the Earth is suddenly dragged under its mantle of air, but the air mass tries to cling to the land, and follow. This has the effect of pulling cold air to the South, pulling warm air to the North, and all of this creates hurricanes. Hurricanes or cyclones are formed over warm equatorial waters, and the same effect is produced when warm land such as Europe has experienced is pushed under cold air. For the US mainland the result has not been hurricane force winds but a rush of high pressure cold air into the low pressure that warm air essentially becomes, being lighter because the air molecules are more active and thus farther apart from each other. For Europe, which is tipped to the left, the north-west, during the wobble, and then back again to the right, to the north-east, the wobble acts like a pump, first pushing air down toward the Equator and then sucking it back up. Combined with the Coriolis effect, this creates swirls, drawing the cold air from the Arctic down into the center, thus the hurricane formation. Will this type of extreme weather continue? Certainly, but other forms of extremes will show up too. We have warmed that the seasons will blend into one another, that hurricanes and tornadoes will appear where unexpected, and that swings from drought to deluge will continue, all in an unpredictable manner. We have warned of this since 1995, from the start of ZetaTalk, when it came under much ridicule. Are the debunker claims, that the weather is normal, still being made now? 12/31/2023

The funnel shaped Methane Towers are twisting in a manner similar to Tornados. Tornados are wide at the top where cold air is pulled from a top layer in the atmosphere, then narrow at the spot where this cold air has broken a pathway through the lower layer of warm air near the ground. Swirls develop due to the Coriolis effect from the rotating Earth. But why should these funnels now show a spread at the ground? The Methane is gathered from a wide area, where it emerges from ripping rock, then narrows due to the swirl, then widens above in the clouds where the burning Tower encounters other elements such as water laden Clouds.

James of Idaho said:

On today's satellite images I notice that the Void is moving clockwise while the other air masses in the northern hemisphere are moving counterclockwise.  In the southern hemisphere they are moving clockwise.  Would the Zetas educate us on what is happening at the VOID that is opposite the rotation of the airmasses for the northern hemisphere? 

Mystery in Norway. What is this - UFO - UAP - SKYFIRE? Something else? Nibiru Visibility, String of Pearls, Burning Petrol Mass Skyfire. Note the object seems to be below the clouds, there seems to be a smoke trail to the left of the object, there are three bright lights top-center, are these a sign of fires - combustion?

[and from another]

[and from another]
Wow! Nibiru Visibilty in Siberia, Russia

As Nibiru's 270 Roll proceeds the Magnetic N Pole of Nibiru is pointing increasingly toward the Earth. This blows the Debris and Red Dust filled tail of Nibiru toward the Earth, including the couple dozen Moons of Nibiru.
They have now become visible, and as each of these two dozen Moons is equal in size to the Earth's Moon, they have also developed Moon Swirls
of their own.

These Moon Swirls can be composed of multiple Moons of Nibiru, perhaps in a String of Pearls arrangement, or a single Moon with minor moons trailing and swirling behind it. This is now also on display for the astonished public to see. In addition the Petrol in the tail is giving Sky on Fire displays. This burning Petrol mass, swirling in a Retrograde direction, progresses rapidly as the Petrol burns. First the Petrol laden with Red Dust is consumed, then the normal blue sky dominates so the burn slides into Green. More to come, Sky on Fire!

Prior 7/17/2003 ZT:
The 14 million miles referred to as the closest point during the Pole Shift includes those parts of the complex that would be considered devastating to the Earth, such as moon swirls and large debris. We have stated that the moons themselves will be at all times within 5 million miles of Nibiru, but large trash in the tail also pulls toward Earth, but this will come no closer than 14 million miles. 

Prior 2001 ZT:
Moons in orbit around planets in a relatively circular orbit around a sun have more than their planet affecting their behavior. They are of a mass that prevents their plummeting to the planet, as they are evoking the gravitational repulsion force between themselves and their planet. They are moving, not stationary, not because of the attraction to the planet, which is at a standstill, but because of attractions to other elements in the solar system. This swirl, unique to man in any comets or planets it observes, is what caused the ancients to call the passing monster, red in the sky because of its illuminated red dust cloud, a dragon, lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.

As is our usual practice, we are closing this October Q&A and opening the Q&A for November. Please post your questions there, Thank you. 



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