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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 39195

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Replies to This Discussion

Yes. The Zetas have stated that the couple dozen major Moons following Nibiru are as big as our Moon. 

James of Idaho said:

Can we assume these to be a part of the dust and debris that blows past Nibiru and up to what size could we expect to see?   Would any be as large as our Moon let's say or much smaller than that, perhaps the size of an automobile? 

Good afternoon Nancy,   I was noticing on this satellite image from yesterday that the ocean wave patterns are seen running amok.  Wave patterns that are crashing into one another all over the globe.  Is this due to the extreme Earth wobble and will the Oceans become un-navigable?

Giant whirlpools can develop, yes, as reported historically and Zeta comment here  [

The wobble can also create a criss-cross effect on the currrents, called "square waves"as occurred in 2021 in he Gulf. 


Square waves appearing in the Gulf are another sign of this tension. Square waves are nothing new, recorded where tides are at cross-currents to each other. They are considered dangerous because they can cause waves to clash and thus rise high, and have been known to capsize ships. Now they hit the news in Alabama where these square waves are not common. Per the Zetas, this is a clue to the underlying tension in the rock. 

ZetaTalk: [ waves are nothing new and indeed are correctly explained by surfers and scientists as waves coming from two different directions, from cross currents. They are considered dangerous because when they clash the water from both directions can be forced up, creating unexpected high waves that can capsize boats. Why have they suddenly appeared in the Alabama news? The New Madrid Fault Line runs from the tip of Mexico through the Gulf and thence up along the Mississippi River. Thus the rising and falling Gulf floor is now creating these cross current waves. 

In 2018 I did a vid interview with Homeland Security re waves to be expected during the lead in to the pole Shift. The Correolis tides are affected by the Wobble, as are hurrican paths. [

Zeta Report on USAEBN, June 4, 2018 on YouTube - 2018 hurricane season predictions, Chile cyclone a first, New Zealand waves a record, Earth Wobble related, 2017 wobble proof, 2016 comparison, Correolis effect, ZetaTalk predictions, Uninhabitable coastlines, Hurricane Cones comparisons, Harvey path reversal. 

James of Idaho said:

Wave patterns that are crashing into one another all over the globe.  Is this due to the extreme Earth wobble and will the Oceans become un-navigable?

Hello Nancy, Monkeywerx had information on September 22, 2024 program regarding the intense SURVEY aircraft, and Monkey suspected it was WARGAMES being prepared for...No, we, here, know it is for the New Madrid Rip coming up as all the major stress points are identified under LIDAR Surveys being HEAVILY Checked almost Daily.

Yes they are checking the Void. 

Rodney E. Langley said:

Hello Nancy, Monkeywerx had information on September 22, 2024 program regarding the intense SURVEY aircraft, and Monkey suspected it was WARGAMES being prepared for...No, we, here, know it is for the New Madrid Rip coming up as all the major stress points are identified under LIDAR Surveys being HEAVILY Checked almost Daily.

Just wondering about this issue with the 'government' concerned about a mass casualty event. 
That is double speak for an election that doesn't go their way? They're looking for protection? Or something else?
[and from another]
Lawmakers Propose Amendment to Address ‘Mass Casualty’ Events amid Rising Political Tension
September 24, 2024
A constitutional amendment has been proposed by members of the House of Representatives to address a potential mass casualty event and discourage potential attacks and assassination attempts against U.S. lawmakers. Two Republicans and two Democrats in the House of Representatives have proposed a constitutional amendment that would provide continued representation for American citizens in the event of a potential mass casualty incident by allowing House members to be quickly replaced. The lawmakers have argued that the amendment would discourage people from committing violent acts to change the House’s balance of power.
[and from another]

The P Diddy expose dominated the alternative media for a week, with all the politicians and CEOs and celebrities that were suddenly resigning or retiring. What would happen if something similar affected members of Congress? If the P Diddy expose focused on drug fueled orgies with minor children, the bomb that would shatter Democrats in Congress would be the election fraud in 2020. They knew, and turned their back on their Constitutional duties in their rush to get their party in control of the White House. Many might be arrested for treason, thus the “mass casualty” allusion. Suddenly, the Democrats would not be a majority.

UFO shot down over Alaska? 
[and from another]
Chilling Pictures Show 'Cylindrical UFO' Shot Down by US Fighter Jet
September 25, 2024
Canadian authorities have unveiled the first snapshots of the "cylindrical" UFO that was intercepted over Alaska in February 2023. The fuzzy image captures a round white entity, brought down by a US Air Force F-22 stealth jet in coordination with the Canadian forces last year. A lengthy 19-month pause between the event and the release of footage was justified by Canada's Department of National Defence (DND), citing concerns that divulging the picture "may create more questions/confusion".  Canadian Brigadier-General Eric Laforest provides the most concrete depiction: "Top quarter is metallic, the remainder white. 20-foot wire hanging below with a package of some sort suspended," and he also termed the object "cylindrical" for clarity.
[and from another]
Canada's Trudeau Survives No-Confidence Vote in Parliament
September 25, 2024
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has survived a motion in parliament aimed at bringing down his government and triggering an election. Wednesday's no-confidence vote is the first in a series of similar votes expected to be put forward by the opposition Conservative Party amid Trudeau's plummeting approval ratings. Trudeau has been facing growing pressure to step down in recent months.
His approval rating has plummeted from 63% when he was first elected to 28% in June of this year, according to one poll tracker, amid concerns about housing unaffordability and the rising costs of living. 
[and from another]
Image Shows UFO Downed by US Fighter Jet in Canadian Airspace days after Chinese spy Craft Incident
September 25, 2025
An image of a UFO that was shot down by a U.S. fighter jet over Canada last year was released Wednesday. The blurry photo, which appears to be a photocopy of an email printout, of the unidentified cylindrical object was captured as it hovered in the air in February 2023, days before it was shot down over Canada's Yukon Territory, which borders Alaska, according to CTVNews. The news outlet obtained the image through an information request from Canada’s Department of National Defence.

Is there a nexus between the problems Trudeau is having retaining control of his seat in Canada and the emergence of a reported downed UFO over Canadian territory? Trudeau is using the Wolf at the Door approach, to frighten Canadians who would suddenly see him as a strong man protecting the country. This was hardly a UFO used by benign alien visitors, it was merely another Chinese balloon. Why was it not broadly announced in February, 2023 when it was shot down by a US Raptor? There is a coverup over the Alien Presence, and this took precedence at the time.

At what point, would you say, it would be wise to sell off assets? What do you think might be precursors to watch for?

Declined as the Zetas do not give financial advice. 

Shanyn Carey Gene Wolfe said:

At what point, would you say, it would be wise to sell off assets? 


Scientists have discovered what they term sinkholes at the bottom of Lake Michigan.  They state they have found similar holes on other Great Lakes.  My question is, are these just normal occurrences or is their appearance related to the pending New Madrid Adjustment?


Accepted. Path defined by the Zetas as the Seaway rips open, all the way to the Black Hills in Dakotas. 

Shaun Kazuck said:

Scientists have discovered what they term sinkholes at the bottom of Lake Michigan. 

Scientists have discovered what they term sinkholes at the bottom of Lake Michigan.  They state they have found similar holes on other Great Lakes.  My question is, are these just normal occurrences or is their appearance related to the pending New Madrid Adjustment?
[and from another]
Scientists confirm there are 40 huge craters at the bottom of Lake Michigan
September 27, 2024
Researchers recently surveyed the bottom of Lake Michigan after spotting strange circles on the lakebed in 2022. New observations show the circles are craters, but how they formed remains unclear. Researchers previously found similar depressions at the bottom of Lake Huron, which borders Michigan and Canada. Those depressions turned out to be sinkholes, which are caverns that form — both underwater and on land — when groundwater dissolves the bedrock from below, causing the surface layer to collapse. Lake Michigan partly sits on limestone, which is prone to dissolution.
[and from another]
Rock, Water, Microbes: Underwater Sinkholes in Lake Huron are Habitats for Ancient Microbial Life
Great Lakes sinkholes provide intriguing insights into life in Earth's history and allow us to "see" into our geochemical and metabolic origins. Interdisciplinary studies of Great Lakes sinkholes are uncovering new organisms and biochemical processes-leading to the conservation of these unique habitats and expanding our understanding.
[and from another]
St. Lawrence Seaway
[and from another]
Green Bay Split

Where the path of the Seaway split
runs above Lake Michigan, Lake Michigan suffers collateral damage. Wisconsin is stretched and pulled to the East at Green Bay.
If this stretch pulls Wisconsin apart all the way down along Green Bay to Madison, it should be no surprise that sinkholes opened up out under the waters of Lake Michigan. Lake Huron also shows this damage. When stretch pulls apart rock strata on land, it results in sinkholes and crevasses and slip-slide damage to roadways and bridges, but when under water these stretch accidents are silent.

Prior 5/31/2022 ZT:
The Seaway will rip open during the Pole Shift, such that it will become a wide bay, and to a lesser degree during the New Madrid adjustment. The path of this Seaway expansion will run along the rock strata that allowed the Seaway to form in the past. This rock strata border can be seen coming inland along the St. Lawrence River until it bridges over from Lake Ontario to Lake Huron. Canada will not be affected by the New Madrid Adjustment that will shatter the US in her lands below the Seaway. The Seaway rip westward from Duluth will rumple the Black Hills of S Dakota, but Detroit and Toronto will be unaffected though the locks along the Seaway will be broken.

Prior 2001 ZT:
The Seaway split has chosen to run through Duluth, MN and on west from there rather than through Wisconsin where the bond between the various rock stratas is of a stronger nature. The Seaway can be expected to proceed, thus, beyond Duluth, creating a crevasse again through upper Minnesota, with sympathetic rumpling of lands all the way to the Black Hills. Wisconsin has been splitting along rock strata too, creating the Green Bay peninsula at the juncture of Green Bay and the body of Wisconsin, as the peninsula has a different rock type. This split will continue and widen, creating a bay all the way to Madison and potentially through to the upper Mississippi.


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