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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 17179

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So there is conflict between patriots and Feds in NC. FEMA threatening to arrest civilians for helping. Confiscation of supplies, poisoning water for survivors, and now an unmarked military issue Blackhawk rotor washes supplies at an important cache point. Not to mention the black SUVs coming in unauthorized just to intimidate. Comment if you feel like we need to know something cause patriots about to go hot. 
[and from another]
Real Raw News depicts FEMA personnel as predators, kidnappers, pedophiles, looters and killers, and as being literally at war with Marine groups, especially in disaster zones, where FEMA is said to ignore and prey on citizens, rather than help them.  I'd like to know to what extent such reports may be accurate.  Is it all or mostly fiction, a few rotten apples, or what?  Is FEMA generally doing more harm than good, and should it simply be avoided, opposed and thwarted as much as possible by individuals, police forces and local governments?
[and from another]
Battle for Greenville Airport: White and Red Hats Find FEMA Trafficking Children
October 9, 2024
FEMA and other federal agencies had commandeered the airport and blocked the runways with vehicles and helicopters to stop citizen pilots from bringing relief supplies to storm survivors in North Carolina. Six blindfolded children, flanked by two additional FEMA agents, appeared outside the SAI Flight Companies maintenance warehouse. The feral agents told the crying children to keep their damn mouths shut and walk straight ahead lest they fall on their faces. They were leading the kids to the idling Cessna.
[and from another]
White Hats and Red Hats Unite to Fight FEMA/FBI in North Carolina
October 7, 2024
In the wake of Hurricane Helene, which wrought unprecedented destruction on parts of the Southeast, FEMA deployed 3,500 armed personnel to storm-ravaged North Carolina, particularly Asheville, which took the brunt of Helene’s biblical devastation. True to form, FEMA’s massive convoys and flights carried no relief supplies and no medicine, only crates of automatic rifles, steel canisters packed with limitless ammunition to wage a bloody war against storm-torn refugees and their property, and a healthy supply of body bags, ostensibly to eternally house their victims.
[and from another]
Marines Ambush FEMA Ahead of Hurricane Beryl in South Texas
July 8, 2024
As the monstrous storm began its shift to the north-east last week and a Texas landfall seemed imminent, White Hats at U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command heightened digital surveillance on FEMA’s D.C. headquarters and Region 6 office in Denton, Texas, anticipating the persistent cowards would once again use the storm as an excuse to plunder and terrorize citizens.
[and from another]
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FEMA failures: from Katrina to Helene
October 9, 2024
In addition to its high turnover in leadership and budgetary constraints, FEMA often faces staffing shortages. When disaster strikes, the agency relies on temporary employees or contractors, many of whom have limited or no experience or training in dealing with disaster management scenarios and their complexities.
[and from another]
Helene Exposed FEMA's Weaknesses. Can they Handle Milton's Devastation in Florida?
October 9, 2024
Biden-Harris administration officials said they were "sparing no resource" to help those affected by the storm. A week ago, they said they were leading "a robust Federal response to help impacted communities in the wake of Hurricane Helene." Yet, families are still transporting clean water in 5-gallon containers and milk jugs 13 days after the storm came ashore in Florida.
[and from another]
What is FEMA, US Emergency Agency Grappling with Hurricane Milton Rumors?
October 9, 2024
Hurricanes Milton and Helene are putting new pressure on the federal government's emergency response agency FEMA, which is already short of money, hit by a politics-fueled disinformation campaign and burdened by its past failures in handling massive storms.

FEMA has notoriously been an agency where cronies could be parked to collect a fat salary, as there were few disasters to point out their weaknesses. From President Bush’s praise of his friend Brownie during Katrina
to the present day, this culture has not changed. Combined with the Deep State players embedded in the Biden Administration - an administration spawned from 2020 election fraud - the culture of leeching off the taxpayers and opportunistic looting during disasters has if anything increased.

Child sex traffic is being cleaned up during the current Junta and White Hat investigations and Tribunals at Gitmo, but this has incentivized opportunistic efforts by the temporary help hired by FEMA. If Hillary Clinton
was caught trafficking children after the Haiti quake, the victims of hurricane disasters offer the same opportunities. The FEMA failures and dangers now on display will encourage the public to rely upon themselves during future disasters, which will only increase as the time of Nibiru’s Passage approaches.

Prior 6/30/2018 ZT:
Kate Spade worked with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, where many orphaned children went missing.  They were murdered to silence them, as the investigations into ritual child sacrifice by the elite were reaching closer to those of wealth and influence at the top. Those in the know, who were themselves not participants, are vulnerable, especially if they have specifics to provide to the investigators. A clue to Kate Spade’s death is the rat’s mask boldly worn by her husband on the streets after her death, a mask with a red scarf around the throat. He is saying she was killed as she would ‘rat out’ on the Clintons.

Why is there such a push for Weather Manipulation? Does this lead to a Nibiru Announcement?
[and from another]
Florida Rep Rips Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Idiotic Weather Claims: ‘No Intelligent Life in Congress’
October 10, 2024
Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), whose state was battered by extreme winds, flood surges and rainfall by Hurricane Milton beginning Wednesday, pulled no punches when ripping into Greene, who has spent the past week and a half flirting with harebrained conspiracy theories that the government controls the weather.
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Fact Check: False Claim ‘Chemtrails’ and HAARP are used to Manipulate the Weather
January 25, 2023
All three elements of this post are wrong. Scientists and pilots confirm there is no evidence that planes are spraying harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. Researchers at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, also known as HAARP, say the technology does not have the ability to manipulate the weather. And meteorologists and climate scientists say large-scale weather events cannot be artificially created. 
[and from another]
Hurricane Helene was not a Product of Weather Modification. That’s Pants on Fire!
September 25, 2024
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration conducted Project Stormfury in the 1960s to experiment with seeding existing hurricanes, but it ended in 1983 and no weather modification projects have been done since. ?
[and from another]
Politically Charged Rumors and Conspiracy Theories about Helene Flourish on X
October 3, 2024
False claims about weather-altering tools have become common in the aftermath of major storms, said Amber Silver, who teaches emergency management at the University at Albany. "And there's always questions about … is this storm, you know, man-made or is it natural?"

Until the reality of Nibiru in the skies
is admitted by the establishment, conspiracy theories about why the weather has gone wild will flourish. Nibiru is shrouded by Red Dust which is increasingly evident on Earth and in the skies. Petrol dragged into the atmosphere by Nibiru is creating brilliant rainbow displays in the skies. And sunlight reflected off the clouds shrouding Nibiru has been creating Second Sun displays at dawn and dusk. The more evident Nibiru becomes, the more frantic the denials in the establishment because of what they have to lose.

Those at the helm of the Nibiru coverup are predominantly the banks, as their mortgage interest from homes along the coastlines or river basin cities would cease. Since panic in the public is likely to require Martial Law to be called, the military is reluctant to be faced with this necessity prematurely. Politicians who have lied to the public about the near presence of Nibiru would be faced with an angry public demanding the government provide a safe location to survive the pending Passage of Nibiru. In the meantime, the rule is to “never say Nibiru”.

Prior 1995 ZT:
HAARP is not a real project, and the tale has simply been put forth in order to afford a cover for other activities.  HAARP has been put forth by humans wishing the populace to have a palatable explanation for various underground phenomena. MJ12 cooked up the HAARP mystique. Since activities in association with Service-to-Self aliens included strange low frequency sounds, HAARP took on that aspect. Since aliens had been known to create blackouts and MJ12 wanted the illusion of a human hand at the switch should this ever happen again, HAARP took on this aspect also. HAARP does not exist, but as secret programs can not be proved or disproved, this issue will never be settled. Since the public has given credence to HAARP, it is likely to take on extra baggage, becoming, on paper anyway, a larger program. But like the Wizard of Oz, it is not at all what it seems.

Prior 5/31/2024 ZT:
Almost a decade after the Air Force announced it intended to shut down the HAARP facilities in Alaska, this intention is back in the news. HAARP has been blamed for the increase in earthquakes for years, part of the coverup over the presence of Nibiru. HAARP has proponents and opponents, as the coverup over Nibiru is still very much in place, but the Junta has decided it is time to let the public know the truth, thus HAARP will be removed as an excuse. Removing Chemtrails from the skies, as Tennessee has recently done via legislation, is another move toward full-throated truth. Is the way being cleared for a Nibiru admission? The answer is a resounding yes!

Good morning, Nancy,    I am starting to capture this checkerboard pattern and have noticed it also in the magnetic field lines of the Sun.  Could the Zetas comment on what causes this and how it is suddenly happening at this point in time? Nancy,    I am starting to capture this checkerboard pattern and have noticed it also in the magnetic field lines of the Sun.  Could the Zetas comment on what causes this and how it is suddenly happening at this point in time?

SOZT As the 270 Roll progresses, the Nibiru Complex components blown from the Magnetic N Pole of Nibiru will increasingly present a dance of the Nibiru Minor Moons. It is the Helix seen from the periphery of the tail. Very changeable, as your photos show James. EOZT

James of Idaho said:

 I am starting to capture this checkerboard pattern and have noticed it also in the magnetic field lines of the Sun.  Could the Zetas comment on what causes this and how it is suddenly happening at this point in time?

Greetings Nancy.   There are some pictures on the internet showing what some claim is the Newton effect and was captured during the northern lights display recently.  We have debated it's validity and wonder if it is part of the magnetic maelstrom from Nibiru's tail or with it being at night could the northern lights be illuminating perhaps a petro bubble in such a manner to produce this effect?  Would the Zetas help clarify this for us please?

Do the Zetas want to do a ZetaTalk re this breakthrough experiment? The Zetas have stated in the past that people can communicate with each other via lucid dreaming. Zetas right again?
[and from another]
Potential Breakthrough as Scientists claim Two People Communicated in their DREAMS in World First
October 11, 2024
In an experiment that sounds like a scene out of the movie 'Inception,' REMspace - a California-based startup that designs technology to enhance sleep and lucid dreaming - reportedly exchanged a message between two people who were asleep. The study participants were asleep in separate homes when REMspace researchers beamed a word created through a unique language between them.
[and from another]
Breakthrough from REMspace: First Ever Communication Between People in Dreams
October 8, 2024
Researchers at REMspace, a California-based startup, have achieved a historic milestone, demonstrating that lucid dreams could unlock new dimensions of communication and humanity’s potential. Using specially designed equipment, two individuals successfully induced lucid dreams and exchanged a simple message.
[and from another]
Scientists claim Two People Communicated in their Dreams in World First
October 12, 2024
REMspace used 'specially designed equipment' to allow two individuals to successfully exchange a simple message while lucid dreaming, the company claimed. This allows them to perform self-directed actions in their dreams, rather than randomly interacting with the 'dream world' without any sense of control. This phenomenon happens during REM sleep, or Rapid Eye Movement sleep, when dreaming typically occurs.

Lucid dreams which are shared by more than one person are nothing new, but are a regular facet of telepathy between humans or members of the same animal species. What is being touted in the press is the ability for external humans to enter into this communication. As we explained at the start of the ZetaTalk saga, Lucid Dreams
can be identified by the rush of new memories such as touch and smell, normally missing from routine dreams. AS Lucid Dream is a story being told by another, and thus is a NEW story for the receiver.

Prior 5/15/2002 ZT:
During sleep, the brain is also communicating with other brains, via telepathy, as the Alpha wave is predominant and this is the state used during telepathy and meditation. If two humans connect on the same wave length during sleep, one may begin to tape into the reply the other is experiencing, and take a trip, so to speak.  Recall from the subconscious, such as a contactee does or an ex-amnesiac does, where the memory is recorded only in the subconscious and not at all in the conscious, creates a different kind of "dream".  Thus, the funneling of memories are full, including touch, smell, and not just the types of memories the conscious is trying to sort out during sleep state. 

Lasco is a geo stationary sat beween the Earth and Sun so is recording things CLOSE to the sat, not necessarily far away. Thus could be an asteroid etc. Excuse. Or Nib! Important imagery on LASCO C3 - huge white streak glides across the sun.
[and from another]
I wanted to start a topic regarding comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS), which at 14:00 UTC (+/- 30 min) entered the field-of-view of LASCO C3. In the next couple of days, the comet will gradually move across the FOV and very likely bring spectacular views of the comet's dust and ion tail. I fully understand that this is not related to space weather in any way, but it uses tools, that we, space weather enthusiasts and experts use to monitor activity. Additionally - it is not that common either for such a bright comet to pass directly through the LASCO C3 field.
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What is notable about Comet C/2023 A3 is not that it existed or became a Sungrazer but that it aimed so precisely for the spot where Nibiru rides at the moment. This is the force of gravity working on the Comet, stronger or as strong as the force of gravity the Sun itself exerts. The Magnetic N Pole of Nibiru is pointing to the RIGHT, at present, during Nibiru’s 270 roll. This adds the influence of Nibiru’s Magnetic Field into the mix. If the Sun’s S Pole is an intake, Nibiru’s N Pole is an outflow, diverting C/2023 A3 away from the Sun and toward the Earth.

SOZT The tail of Nibiru is a charged tail, so mini magnetic fields can develop. James is correct, EOZT

James of Idaho said:

We have debated it's validity and wonder if it is part of the magnetic maelstrom from Nibiru's tail or with it being at night could the northern lights be illuminating perhaps a petro bubble in such a manner to produce this effect?  

Good morning, Nancy.   In my captures I see many distant moon swirls and I now have these larger objects I am capturing.  Would it be safe to say these are moon swirls as well and not petrol bubbles entering the atmosphere?  2D pictures can be difficult to interpret for me at times.  Would the Zetas care to comment?

SOZT These visible blobs are a combination of Minor Moons in a dance or tube or swirl, debris, Red Dust, and plenty of charged Petrol to hold the mess together. In any charged arrangement such as this, the Minor Moons will indeed arrange themselves into Moon Swirl tubes. James right again. EOZT

James of Idaho said:

In my captures I see many distant moon swirls and I now have these larger objects I am capturing.  Would it be safe to say these are moon swirls as well and not petrol bubbles entering the atmosphere?  

Was this a third assassination attempt or what?
[and from another]
Armed Man Arrested outside Trump rally as Sheriff says possible ‘Assassination Attempt’ Thwarted
October 13, 2025
Police at Donald Trump’s rally on Saturday in Coachella Valley, California, stopped what a sheriff suggested might have been a third assassination attempt against the former president. Deputies stopped suspect Vem Miller in a black SUV around 5pm about half a mile from the rally, after he allegedly managed to make it through an initial security checkpoint by claiming VIP and media credentials. Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said at a press conference on Sunday that at a second stop, a deputy noticed that Miller’s SUV was in “disarray” with an “obviously fake” license plate, prompting deputies to investigate further.
[and from another]
Police Accused of Acting 'Hysterically' Claiming Trump Assassination Plot
October 14, 2024
Miller, of Las Vegas, was arrested on Saturday after firearms were found in his car outside a Trump rally in California's Coachella Valley. He was taken into custody after deputies found a shotgun, a loaded handgun, and a high-capacity magazine in his car. Miller was booked at the John J. Benoit Detention Center in Indio, California, on charges of possessing a loaded firearm and a high-capacity magazine.
Miller was released on $5,000 bail and is scheduled to appear at the Indio Larson Justice Center on January 2, 2025.
[and from another]
Who is Vem Miller?
October 14, 2024
He was allegedly attempting to enter the rally in Coachella, California, using fake VIP credentials while driving a black SUV with fake number plates. According to Linkedin, Miller is an investigative journalist, documentary filmmaker and content producer with over 20 years of experience. He currently works for a company called The America Happens Network which produces content such as podcasts and documentaries for the political right. Miller is a registered Republican who has been a MAGA activist for years. His public Instagram account is checkered with pictures of Miller posing for selfies with right-wing figures including Steve Bannon, Robert F Kennedy Jr and Stephen Miller.

Why would Miller attempt to attend the Trump rally in Coachella, California with an SUV loaded with guns, a fake license plate, and presenting a fake VIP Press Pass. All signs point to a planned 3rd assassination attempt against President Trump, and an alert Deputy Sheriff caught this. Miller was operating as a classic insider mole, claiming for years to be a MAGA supporter. His plan was to evade detection with his fake ID and in the confusion emerging from Trump being shot, escape into the crowd. Miller was released on bond to act as a lure for a new sting op to identify his accomplices.

Good morning, Nancy.   Today I captured in some rapid shutter images this large object that is below the light rays being projected of Nibiru.  I am starting to see this more and more in these images the past few days.  Would the Zetas care to confirm what we are seeing as being Nibiru and not a moon swirl?  I would like to add that during the day when there are no clouds around the Sun I will notice the light around me darkening.  The great flux of debris from Nibiru must be wafting left of it providing greater clarity as the days move forward.   Perhaps an October surprise is waiting?

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