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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 31527

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Replies to This Discussion

Good morning, Nancy and our Zeta family.  Since switching up my filters on the camera I am now seeing the monster persona appearances in the tail of Nibiru.  We know that the red light arriving from Nibiru and the string of pearls would create a monster persona when the photons which bend the least would arrive at dawn or dusk being bent back by the gravity of Earth on the horizons.   My captures were taken at 11:30AM well past dawn or dusk approaching mid-day.   What has changed to make this possible to the viewers?

Good morning, Nancy and our Zeta family.  I have another question from this morning's captures.   I had noticed the same cornucopia effect that we see when a mothership departs a punch hole cloud.  In these images are we seeing that happening or is it something else perhaps burned petrol masses leaving  water vapor or....?

SOZT Where Motherships leave an obvious hold in the clouds when leaving, UFO activity in general can have the same effect. A group or cluster of ships collecting themselves can have this effect, leaving only cloud whisps as evidence. EOZT

James of Idaho said:

I had noticed the same cornucopia effect that we see when a mothership departs a punch hole cloud.  

SOZT Nibiru is emitting enought light and due to its size can effect a Monster Persona, but the tail of Nibiru would create a scattered effect. Thus what you are seeing from the tail of Nibiru, off to the left of Nibiru, is not a Monster but the true size of the tail! EOZT

James of Idaho said:

Since switching up my filters on the camera I am now seeing the monster persona appearances in the tail of Nibiru.  

Good morning, Nancy and our Zeta family.  My question for the Zetas is on these recent captures is a new phenomenon that I am repeatedly seeing where Nibiru will drop out of sight and then rise again from behind whatever is concealing it from my camera.  Would the Zetas help educate us on what this phenomenon is creating this effect? 

SOZT The object making the Monster Persona of Nibiru disappears as though being swollowed up from below is in fact Nibiru itself. A Monster Persona occurs because light rays coming out of an object, in all directions, are turned around to return to the object by the gravity pull of that object. This is iterative and temporary because the light rays become crowded and try once again to escape the object. The gravity pull of Nibiru is joined by the gravity pull of Earth, so the light rays eventually drop out of this tussel and disburse, which is why you see a dark presence from below seem to eat the Monster Persona. EOZT

James of Idaho said:

My question for the Zetas is on these recent captures is a new phenomenon that I am repeatedly seeing where Nibiru will drop out of sight and then rise again from behind whatever is concealing it from my camera.  

Declined because the Jet Stream is not normal at this time [] and this will increasingly be the case due to the increased and violent wobble. Arctic cold will  be pulled down, temp extremes will switch about, and constant questions about the weather will only get the same answer - increased and more violent wobble. This will be addressed in this forthcoming weeks Newsletter re the 270 Roll in process. 

Kamil Rak said:

The Atlantic Is Cooling at a Mysteriously Fast Rate After Record Warmth

CN and CPKCS Railroads have Shutdown
Two of Canada's largest railroad companies, CN and CP have shut down railroad services across Canada but I also see that this seems to also effect KCS which runs right along the new madrid fault line. My question is, is this a deliberate shutdown in preparation for the new madrid event? In other words, will this issue be settled or is this going to remain until the new madrid event happens?

Tentatively accepted let me see what their reasons and excuses are. 

Declined as this looks like a Union dispute with the railroads, to be settled within days. The New Madrid has been poky and I doubt is a factor. 


Carlos Villa said:

CN and CPKCS Railroads have Shutdown

Declined because they are IDENTICAL in all respects thus a mirage effect. Not real. Note the comment "“According to Zeng Yang, vice president of the Sichuan Society for Astronomy Amateur, the phenomenon is a common optical illusion caused by light refracting and reflecting off layered glass. “Each additional layer of glass creates another virtual image,”"

Kamil Rak said:

Good morning Nancy,  I thought these satellite images of the current ocean current temps may be of help for your upcoming post.   Images obtained from : earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions (nulls... 

James they certainly show the Wobble effect and should be posted on the blog for that on the ning!Antarctica and environs COLDER than normal (away from the Sun) and Arctic the reverse, WARMER than usual. Use the image showing that the start of the 270 roll will involve the N Pole of Earth pointing to the RIGHT, so it gets more Sunlight. This is obviously in process. 


James of Idaho said:

Good morning Nancy,  I thought these satellite images of the current ocean current temps may be of help for your upcoming post.   Images obtained from : earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions (nulls... 


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