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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 24771

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How on Earth did they do the weaving in the outer circle? I don’t recall seeing that before? That is STUNNING.
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Kitt's Lane, Nr West Meon, Hampshire. Reported 30th July.
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Combe Hill, Nr Bratton, Wiltshire. Reported 30th July 2023

Neither of these Crop Circle designs are legitimate but laid by those who would confuse the legitimate message. The 2023 season started out with only legitimate designs, so those who would confuse the message are rushing to catch up. The Illuminati Eye design at KittsLane has notable grain crossing in an attempt to push past the grain weaving test, but the alternative direction of the wave is done by human hand swiping grain over that swept earlier. Broom sweeping is done in this manner, with the sweeper going side to side as they move along.

The Combehill hoax is attempting to discredit the legitimate 5 Day design, but Combehill has no compelling message and only seems to be saying that all 5 Day periods will be normal. Combehill also has no grain weaving or grain crossing sweeping.

I am no expert but I think this is fake. The same crop circle said to be 99% correct appears July 2023.  Some say it marks the end of the crop circle era.
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Crop Circle that Inspired Led Zeppelin Album Cover appears near Drummer’s Grave
July 25, 2023
The famous Eastfield Pictogram was first spotted in July 1990 in Alton Barnes, Wilts., England. The image of the mysterious crop circle was used on the cover of Led Zeppelin’s "Remasters" album. Last week, a copy of the crop circle appeared in a field 90 miles away from the original in Rushock, Worcs.
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Who do the Circle Makers speak to? All of mankind, but as with UFO displays and clear evidence of Nibiru’s presence, mankind presents a broad audience with varied interests. Both the original and redone Led Zeppelin designs are legitimate and are now getting lots of attention from the crowd that loves their compelling music. These are timeline designs,
the first laid in 1990 before ZetaTalk was on the web.

What is intuitively obvious in the design is that Nibiru is larger than the Earth, and its influence greater the closer it comes. Its influence will subsume the Earth to such a degree that by the time of the Pole Shift it will paralyze the Earth for a week for a complete rotation stop. Nibiru sweeps in a retrograde manner, which in the view from the Sun is clockwise. We suggest that those new to these concepts kick back and listen to some Zeppelin while they contemplate the Zeppelin design.

The entirety of the Northern Hemisphere's oceans are on fire right now 
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The current stretch of the Eurasian Plate, combined with a compression and overlap of the N Pacific plates and a ripping open of the Atlantic Rift is perfectly matched on this image from the Climate Change Institute in Maine. The Arctic border between the N American Plate and the Eurasian Plate is red hot as is the border that passes through the Far East. The New Madrid Fault Line at the Seaway outlet as it crosses over to the Azores is likewise red hot. The African Roll is ripping the Mediterranean border and the S American waggle is causing havoc on the Nazca Plate.

What is the US Military looking for in Chicago?
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Why is methane being released from the rock under Lake Michigan? The Great Lakes were formed in the past by the violent ripping apart of the Seaway, which follows weak points in the rock strata. There is a fault line just to the west of Chicago, running diagonally up from the Wabash zone toward the Wisconsin border. This follows the rock strata and passes over the Chicago River, which is the case with most rivers running along a thin spot in the crust. Thus a change in the tilt of tall buildings or a change in GPS location would indicate the this land is being destabilized.

We have predicted that the rock under Chicago
will lose support due to pulling apart and dropping during the New Madrid adjustment. That said, what is the Junta looking for when Lake Michigan has underwater Methane burns near Chicago? We have stated that when the Bridge holding the hard rock of the Ozarks to the hard rock of the Appalachian Mountains snaps, that almost “instantaneously” the Azores will rip open, allowing the European tsunami to proceed. How does one get an early warning that this is occurring?

Tall buildings in a city are not constructed with a tilt, though tilts develop over time as the Leaning Tower of Pisa shows. Comparing videos taken day-to-day one can determine that distortion is in process. Particularly along the canals along the Chicago River, there would be changes in the GPS location. In that the New Madrid Fault Line comes up through the Wabash zone and makes a bend just under Lake Michigan to follow the Seaway, these Chicago measurements are a clue that the SE Portion is about to rip away from the Mainland, with a dramatic snap of the clasp at the Bridge.

Prior 2009 ZT:
We have frequently mentioned that Chicago will suffer during the coming New Madrid adjustment and again during the coming pole shift. The rock under Chicago will lose support, pulling apart and dropping during the New Madrid adjustment, creating the implosions we have predicted for some cities when the infrastructure drops.

What is causing the continuous delays in the New Madrid Rupture? This is in the hands of the Council of Worlds, but we seem to be having endless delays. We had the Humming Boxes and the Monoliths holding things back.
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Flooding in China Worsens as Rescues, Evacuations Intensify
August 4, 2023
Thousands of people threatened by storm-swollen rivers were evacuated in China's northeast on Friday while areas on the outskirts of Beijing cleared debris from flooding that wrecked roads, knocked out power and left neighborhoods in shambles. China is struggling with record-breaking rains in some areas while others suffer scorching summer heat and drought that threatens crops. Flooding near Beijing and in neighboring Hebei province this week killed at least 22 people

Experts warn 400 Million Lives are at Risk as Catastrophic Flooding Threatens Three Gorges Dam
June 23, 2020
As many as 400 million lives may be at risk as torrential rain in China threatens the world’s largest dam.The Chinese government has moved to defend the structural integrity of the massive Three Gorges Dam, as a hydrology expert took to international media over the weekend to warn it could collapse at any moment.

Anger Builds in Towns Deliberately Flooded, in Part, to Save Beijing
August 4, 2023
A provincial leader set off an outcry by urging cities to serve as a “moat” for the capital, as diverted floodwaters sent scores of residents fleeing. The crisis in Zhuozhou has set off widespread anger, in part because help was initially slow to arrive in some areas, leaving many stranded. Survivors have also complained that they were not given ample warning about the discharge of floodwaters, and questioned if they would be compensated for their losses. In particular, people have denounced what they perceive as a Hebei leadership that has been more interested in appeasing national leaders in Beijing than in safeguarding millions of Chinese citizens. Mr. Ni’s “moat” comment, seemingly insensitive to the losses endured by his residents, became a hashtag that quickly amassed more than 60 million views before censors began suppressing the online discussion.

Is the Council of Worlds causing yet another delay in the timing of the New Madrid Rupture? Yes, though this is expected to be brief. We have confirmed in the past that the Council of Worlds allowed benign aliens under their direction to install Humming Boxes
along fault lines and Monoliths too, to delay plate and fault line movements. Obama was on the verge of announcing Nibiru’s presence and this truth would have made an immense difference in mankind’s spiritual growth. But Obama “lacked courage”
and the soul of Lincoln which was incarnated in Obama at the time left in disgrace.

The Council of Worlds have their own superiors and came under pressure to put the Earth back on schedule,
as these delays were impacting other programs. They determined to trigger the New Madrid Rupture with a Severe Wobble,
which is now in process. But once again the Council of Worlds got into debates about the best environment for spiritual growth on Earth, which is a school house where young souls are to have opportunities to grow in empathy and take action accordingly.

Enter the China deluge in the Spring of 2023. Just when the path to a New Madrid Rupture was established, as in the recent Run
documented by Nancy on the Pole Shift Ning, opportunities in China arose. The CCP in China would let up to 400 million of their citizens drown rather than give them an opportunity to evacuate from lands below the 3 Gorges Dam.
A final blowout in China would likely force the 3 Gorges Dam to falter.

From the perspective of the Council of Worlds, more spiritual growth would happen if these 400 million were helping each other, growing in empathy, rather than just drowning quickly. In that the CCP has been exposed and embarrassed by their actions, diverting flood waters from the elite in Beijing rather than warning and evacuating those at risk. With this new media coverage the spiritual battle between Good and Evil, the Service-to-Other orientation of empathy or the self-centered focus on self which is Service-to-Self, can now begin.

Prior 2023 ZT:
In trying to give Obama time to announce the presence of Nibiru, the Council of Worlds had installed humming boxes and monoliths to delay Plate Movements. These delays impacted schedules and timelines elsewhere in the Universe and consequently the Council of Worlds is now under great pressure to catch up and has instituted a Severe Wobble to do so. We are under restrictions not to give dates, but rather a sequence of events.

Prior 2023 ZT:
The Sunda Plate is breaking from the Eurasian Plate with this snap destabilizing the central China Wudu-Mabian fault line and reaching up along this fault line to the Yanshan Mountains seismic zone which touches Beijing. This portends the explosion we referred to during our UFO analysis last November. If the Sunda Plate was to break from the Eurasian Plate, this would free China to jump to the East into the Pacific. This would indeed push and twist Taiwan in a counterclockwise manner. By compressing the Northern Pacific the bulbous top of S America would temporarily shift into the widening Atlantic, giving the SE Portion of N America room to drop so its hook-like connection to the Isthmus is freed.  This thus would be the trigger for the New Madrid timeline to complete.

Few days ago the FIRMS chart showed fires up along the Eastern side of the New Madrid Fault Line, from the Gulf to the Bridge. Now today we see these fires gone but more fires top to bottom on the Western side of the Mississippi River. What has caused this?
[and from another];@-81.7,27.6,4z
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An enterprising gent has figured out how he can use Google Earth Pro (which is live data) to determine if the Toe of the SE Portion is moving. The Zetas stated that the Yucatan Peninsula would move East, as it rides on the SE Portion. He reports:

On August 5: The Vista Tower in Chicago- on the river, has sunk 1 foot And the Lafayette Museum in Lafayette, La, on the west side of the Mississippi, has sank 7 feet?! The Yucatan has moved one degree N since yesterday.
On August 6: The Yucatan is really moving' big time- a total of 17ft, 5.5 "S and 29" East since yesterday!  I target a Landmark with a smallish footprint for more accuracy. Yucatan has actually gained 67' of elevation, since yesterday! It's pulling to the S/ SE

The hot spots in N America are reflecting what parts are being pulled and stretched as the dynamics of the New Madrid Adjustment proceed. The Africa Roll is pulling the SE Portion to the East and down, while at the same time the S American waggle is allowing the SE Portion to slide eastward across the Caribbean Plate. On August 2
there was a major Africa Roll, so the SE Portion was painfully stretched and the methane release in the rock to the east of the New Madrid Fault Line was apparent.

Then on August 3 a strong S America waggle occurred, as documented by Buoy 32402 when a sudden void was created in the waters along the Chile coastline. This waggle allowed the SE Portion to relieve the pressure it was imposing on the Caribbean Plate by shifting the Yucatan and other underwater parts about. It is notable that Florida has begun to complain about quake tremors. As the New Madrid Fault Line prepares to rupture, there will be other rapid shifts in the dynamics. Expect the Gulf and lower Mississippi River region to rupture next. Then the Bridge and EU tsunami.

Terrified Peruvian Villagers claim they are Under Attack from 7ft-Tall 'Aliens' dubbed 'Face Peelers' as they plead with Authorities to Send Backup
August 8, 2023
Terrified villagers in a rural Peruvian district have claimed they have come under attack by 7ft-tall aliens they have dubbed Los Pelacaras, or The Face Peelers. Members of the Ikitu tribe from the San Antonio native community have reported mysterious figures in dark-coloured hoods attacking the villagers, who live in the rural district of Alto Nanay, north east of Lima, Peru. 'We have met almost face to face. His face is hardly visible. I have seen his whole body floating at a height of one meter,' he said, suggesting the being was hovering. He added: 'Their shoes are round-shaped, which they use to float. Their heads are long, they wear a mask and their eyes are yellowish. They are experts at escaping.'

Using drone platforms and changing the color of their eyes with colored lens, these attackers are not aliens but in the employ of drug lords who want to chase the villagers out of the area. Colombia is under surveillance and they want a new drug assembly and distribution site nearby. Relying on a local legend from the past where cannibals attacked, they are trying to simulate an alien attack. Iquitos is accessible from water as well as from the air.

At Least 6 Dead as Wildfire Razes Hawaiian Town on Island of Maui
August 9, 2023
Desperate residents jumped into the ocean in a bid to escape the fast-moving flames. Emergency services were overwhelmed by a disaster that appeared to have erupted almost without warning. The hospital system on the island of Maui “was overburdened with burn patients, people suffering from inhalation. 911 is down. Cell service is down. Phone service is down.”

In 2010 we described the 4 plate sections
that form the Pacific Plate, and in 1996 when the ZetaTalk saga began we predicted hot earth
where rapid plate subduction might occur. 2023 is a time of rapid Plate Movement with the Eurasian Plate stretching into the Pacific while the Pacific compresses. Hawaii is at the juncture of 3 of the 4 Pacific Plate sections – the North, East, and West sections. That a sudden compression in the Pacific would cause spontaneous fires in Hawaii should therefore not be a surprise.

Prior 1996 ZT:
Those situated where rapid subduction occurs on areas above sea level may find themselves on hot earth during the moments following a Pole Shift when the crust stops moving and the plates in essence slam into each other like a train whose engine suddenly comes to a stop. Here height helps, as the greater the distance from where friction between the crusts is creating heat, the better. The heat can be great enough to melt rock, as witnesses who have survived such terrifying sights attest.

Prior 2010 ZT:
The Pacific Plate is assumed to be a single plate, but it is not. Hawaii, which rides higher after every major adjustment in the area, is rising, and this can only be the case if there is subduction of a plate somewhere, pushing the plate that Hawaii rides on up. The Society Island are on a chain that forms a line with the Hawaii Islands, and such a rise is not a coincidence. This is also a fault line, where a plate that is subducting under the Americas is rising commensurately along these island chains. There is a fault line running from Kamchatka to the Society Islands, and both will rise during the pole shift. There is likewise a fault line running from just west of the Hawaiian Island chain down to West Samoa.

On August 10, for the second day in a row, the Toe has had a big quake, showing that the SE Portion is on the move. Since the Yucatan Peninsula rides with the SE Portion, this gives us a clue as to the dynamics. As of August 8 the Yucatan had been moving to the South almost 4 feet. But after these two large quakes on the Toe, it reversed direction and went 1.5 foot North amd shifted West by 3 feet. What would cause this? The Zetas explain.  

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On August 10: Big movement in the Yucatan. It moved 1degree, 36.76" W and 17'48" N.   Also, 42 ft lower in elevation, as of 1:30 am


As can be seen, the Caribbean Plate has a hump, rising along its northern border and then dropping at the eastern border. The Toe of the SE Portion must slide over this hump, thus causing gyrations at the Yucatan. When S America is in a waggle into the Atlantic, it pulls the Caribbean hump to the East, allowing the Toe room to maneuver. But when the waggle returns, allowing the top part of S America to lean West, this pushes the Yucatan up again and to the West, riding with the Caribbean. In this iterative process, the Toe and Yucatan ultimately are shifted to the East and even into the Atlantic somewhat during the New Madrid Rupture finale.


This Maui dog looks petrified!
[and from another] the dog
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The Casts
A high-temperature pyroclastic flow hit the city at high speed and filled all the spots not yet engulfed by other volcanic materials, so that anybody still in the city died at once of thermal shock. The bodies of these victims remained in the same position as when the pyroclastic flow hit them and, being covered by calcified layers of ash, the form of their bodies was preserved even after the biological material decomposed.
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Revealed - What's Inside the Pompeii Mummies
After being entombed in ash for more than 1,900 years, the victims of the devastating eruption in Pompeii are being brought to life using modern-day imaging technology.
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Excerpts from Worlds in Collision, Boiling Earth and Sea
The traditions of the Indians (also) retain the memory of this boiling of the water in river and sea. The tribes of British Columbia tell: "Great clouds appeared .. and such a great heat came, that finally the water boiled. People jumped into the streams and lakes to cool themselves, and died". On the North Pacific coast of America the tribes insist that the ocean boiled: "It grew very hot .. many animals jumped into the water to save themselves, but the water began to boil". The Indians of the Southern Ute tribe in Colorado record in their legends that the rivers boiled. Jewish tradition, as preserved in the rabbinical sources, declares that the mire at the bottom of the Sea of Passage was heated. Hesiod in his Theogony, relating the upheaval caused by a celestial collision, says: "The huge earth groaned .. A great part of the huge earth was scorched by the terrible vapor and melted as tin melts when heated by man's art .. or as iron, which is hardest of all things, is softened by glowing fire in mountain glens".

The fires in Maui, as we explained, were caused by sudden plate subduction because Hawaii lies on a spot in the Pacific where 3 of the 4 Pacific Plate subsections touch. At a time when the Nibiru cover-up is still going strong, the common man is told anything but the truth. The ground was hot enough to burn tires and the seats of cars, but the treetops were left intact. Such fires also occurred in California and Greece
with the same signature.
A petrified dog amid the burned out cars on Maui died suddenly from heat shock and became a statue as did the bodies of Pompeii by glassification of ash on its body.

Prior 2018 ZT:
We have described hot earth as being a danger during the hour of the Pole Shift. This is due to friction from rapidly shifting rock layers found along plate borders or fault lines. The heat of friction was reported by both West Coast Indians and in the annals of those in the eastern Mediterranean during prior Pole Shifts. The ground seemed to become as soft as wax or molten metal. The current wildfires in Greece and California seem to align with that premise. The fires are ultra hot, seeming to spring up from the ground, and too numerous and widespread to be caused by arson. Fires spread by wind will find the upper levels of homes burned, and are spotty as sparks carried by the wind cause secondary fires. But in particular, the fires in Greece and California are following the plate borders or fault lines. 

Another Maui? The trees are not burning.
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Level 2 and Level 1 Evacuation Notices Ordered for Areas West of Bedrock Fire
August 13, 2023
A new Level 1 (BE READY) notice is in place for residents on the north and south of Fall Creek lake. Level 2 means people must prepare to leave at a moment's notice, and this may be the only notice that they receive. Public safety personnel cannot guarantee they will be able to notify people if conditions rapidly deteriorate. As of the morning of August 13, the Bedrock Fire has burned 16,396 acres and is at 20% containment.
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Oregon wildfires: Level 3 Go Now Order Issued for Areas Near Lookout Fire
August 13, 2023
A level 3 Go Now evacuation order was issued Sunday night in Lane County.
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Taking a page from the Maui fires - which sprang up quickly from the ground to melt metal and burn tires and consume anything at ground level where the heat was equivalent to the heart of a volcano - Bedrock quickly issued evacuation orders. As can be seen from the video of Bedrock, it is the rock that is burning, not the pine trees above. Oregon is subject to the subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate, causing heat from friction. These are not normal fires that can be doused, but rather ground fires that must be avoided.

SHENYANG, CHINA: Strange light phenomenon caught on video..
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On September 21, 1987 at the United Nations General Assembly President Ronald Reagan said to the world leaders that "Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an Alien threat from outside this world." Former CIA Agent foretold years ago that in 2024 a global event will alter the course of mankind. The world will stand witness to a massive Alien invasion. Thousands of projected holographic Alien warships will blanket the skies. Real military crafts within the holograms will inflict actual damage.
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This reflection of sunlight bouncing down through a break in the clouds in Shenyang is reminiscent of the String of Pearls shining through a break in the clouds in Missouri in 2017.
In the Shenyang photo the Sun is clearly to the back of the photographers, as the shadows on the cars there show. The objects casting light through a break in the clouds is shining light directly down, but the light is reflected sunlight. The two streams of light cast down upon the clouds and fog below is from a String of Pearls, as we predicted in 2017.

Prior 2017 ZT:
But the naked eye sightings of the String of Pearls - seen and captured on film in Norway at sunrise on October 5, 2017 and now in Missouri on November 20, 2017 at sunset - show the beginning of a new phase for Nibiru denial. Nibiru itself is so heavily shrouded by charged red dust that unless the dust cloud reflects light, creating a brilliant Second Sun sighting, it can be denied. The String of Pearls is not so restricted, and will destroy the cover-up.


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