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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
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  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 43232

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Replies to This Discussion

Since we all know all the troops have been brought home from abroad, do the zetas care to share the real meaning of this? 

President Trump was bringing troops home, for instance from Afghanistan, but they were certainly not ALL home. This was the trend, and with the New Madrid rupture right around the corner, a wise trend. Zetas must decline this as to reveal any Junta plans would be inappropriate. BUT, I, Nancy, can give some of my thoughts. 

These National Guard troops are to replace some experienced troops now in the Middle East, who will be needed shortly in the US. 

These National Guard troops are on a short stint, until the Spring  of 2023, when the New Madrid rupture is predicted by the Zetas to occur within 2022. - so perhaps the world is expected to change radically by then, less US involvement in the Middle East. 

The Africa Roll is expected to scrape the Africa Plate down through the Red Sea and Dead Sea and can you imagine the chaos! Thus these National Guard troops are fresh and perhaps mostly young and would see a lot of action, a learning experience. 

So my guess is they are swapping young energy for experience, at least temporarily. 

Justin B. said:

"Would this be time for an update about the situation there?"

No. This region has been extensively covered in ZetaTalk, as you know. Below, some select quotes. 

2010 Italy /info/tinfx132.htm
Italy is fraught with volcanoes, but despite the 7 of 10 scenarios including a roll of the African Plate this will not stress Italy per se. This portion of the 7 of 10 scenarios is not expected to occur in 2010 in any case. The volcanoes in and around Italy are restless due to the many fault lines in the region. They will respond when plate movements occur elsewhere, with increased activity, due to magma sloshing about worldwide. There is more in store for Italy during the 8 of 10 scenarios, but we are not yet ready to reveal these to mankind.

2010 7 of 10 Mediterranean
The shifting of the African Plate will also not incite any mountain building in Italy or the Balkans or Turkey, as the northern edge of the African Plate is not the solid, jutting line through the center of the Mediterranean that mankind assumes. The sea is deep there, to the south of Italy and the Balkans and Greece, and for good reason. This part of the great plates has fractured in the past, so that many fault lines lie under the surface, unknown to man until dramatic plate movements begin. The roll of the African Plate during the 7 of 10 scenarios thus spares all but the Mediterranean floor above Algeria! The roll will incite the Arabian Plate to roll also, to some degree, as across from Egypt there will be pressure, but further down the Red Sea there will be a tearing apart, inviting the Arabian Plate to migrate in this direction.

2011 Inland Lake
Will the Danube River backwash into the inland valley which Romania, Serbia and Hungary share? Will it bridge the mountain gateway between Romania and Serbia to flood in from the Black Sea? Yes. The entire Eurasian Plate is stretched during the hour of the pole shift, this mountain pass will not remain the same. Nor will other spots where the rising water could break through, such as from the Adriatic Sea at Croatia or from the north.

2010 Serbia and Romania
Countries lying east, or windward, of infamous volcanoes will not do well during the coming pole shift, as the laments of Moses so clearly relay. What is now Serbia and Romania lie to the east of Vesuvius and the shell of the former Thera, which had a monstrous explosion the last time around, and the many potential volcanoes along the fault that runs through the Mediterranean and down into Persia. Though east and west will change positions, the mountains that stretch from the Alps will buffer the winds, so that the volcanic dust will flow over these hapless lands for many years after the shift.

2010 Balkans
Many small countries stretching east of Italy will find themselves distressed during the pole shift, due to the volatility of the volcanoes in Italy that will explode during the plate movements that accompany the pole shift. The Alps were built during such plate movements, and Italy is in the subduction zone. Adjustments in plate positioning made around the world will be felt in this region. Land lying to the east of Italy will thus find themselves in the path of heavy volcanic dust. The foothills and mountains to the east of the Balkans, including inactive volcanoes have not experienced problems during recent prior shifts, however, nor will they this time. It is safer to move to the East, as this also removes one from the larger volcanoes in the Mediterranean, which will blow toward what is now south afterwards, which will become the new east. However, any trip east it a bit further into colder climate, although Slovenia will be temperate enough in the Aftertime.

2010 Greece
Stretch a rubber band until it breaks and there is a snap back when the tension releases. In a similar manner, this snap back in land under the Mediterranean will result in trapped lava exploding upward through volcanoes now thought inactive. Add to this the sloshing of the water, which will wash over small islands and an land protruding into the seas, and survival of the shift itself in Greece seems tenuous. 

2021 Platelets
The Africa Plate wants to roll, such that it sinks toward the Indian Ocean. To do this it must scrape past Syria and Israel, but the hook on the NE part of the Africa Plate is preventing this. The eastern Mediterranean near Greece has fractured into the Aegean Sea Plate and Anatolian Plate due to the pressure of African Rolls in the past. During the passage of Nibiru, this region will have additional fractures. But in the meantime the press for the Africa Plate to move east is causing a continuous hammering on Greece and pressure on the Canary Islands.

2021 Eurasia Stretch
Croatia is riddled with rivers, indicating lowland and thin crust, thus a break point during stretch.

Maja Mastroic said:

Hi! I would like to ask a question regarding Africa roll and the Adriatic platelet consequent movement, which has to happen accordingly, and the effects on the neighboring countries there.

The Earth broke its record for the shortest day – and the effects could be ‘devastating’

Recently, the Earth has been increasing in speed. In 2020, the Earth saw its shortest month that has ever been measured, since the 1960s. The shortest day of all time was measured that year: 1.47 milliseconds under 24 hours, on 19 July.

Is this cover up for rotation stoppage in the last weeks?


Kamil Rak said:

Recently, the Earth has been increasing in speed. 

In 2020, the Earth saw its shortest month that has ever been measured, since the 1960s. The shortest day of all time was measured that year: 1.47 milliseconds under 24 hours, on 19 July. Is this cover up for rotation stoppage in the last weeks?
[and from another]
The Earth Broke its Record for the Shortest Say – and the Effects could be ‘Devastating’
July 29, 2022
The planet completed a full spin on 29 June 2022, in a time that was 1.59 milliseconds – little over one thousandth of a second - shorter than its standard 24-hour rotation. It nearly broke the barrier again this month, with 26 July being 1.50 milliseconds shorter than 24 hours. Recently, the Earth has been increasing in speed. In 2020, the Earth saw its shortest month that has ever been measured, since the 1960s. The shortest day of all time was measured that year: 1.47 milliseconds under 24 hours, on 19 July. But when looked at over much longer periods, Earth’s spin is slowing. Every century, the Earth takes a couple of milliseconds longer to complete one rotation. If the Earth continues to spin at an increasing rate it could lead to the introduction of the negative leap second, in order to keep the rate that the Earth orbits the Sun consistent with the measurement from atomic clocks.

Why would the Earth be spinning slightly faster these past couple years? How significant is a “1.59 millisecond“ per day increase? It is normal for the Earth to slow down at an almost infinitesimal rate, requiring the insertion of Leap Second periodically to keep mankind’s Atomic Clock in synch with reality. The solution for a slight increase in rotation speed is once again the Leap Second solution, in reverse. But the Nibiru coverup is in a flap over this and any issues that can scientifically show the Wobble effect.

Nibiru is drawing closer, and its influence on the Earth’s rotation is thus increasingly stronger. The N Pole of Nibiru is repelling the N Pole of Earth when they face off against each other, and when the N Pole of Earth is retreating over the horizon this push from Nibiru will increase the rate of rotation. The lean to the East that happens daily during the wobble after the Polar Push facilitates this retreat, also causing an increased rotation speed. Given the contortions that the Earth will go through as the time of the Pole Shift approaches, a millisecond increase in rotation time is hardly an issue.

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

The Zetas have previously stated that Nancy Pelosi is now a Double, under the direction of the Junta.

What is the Junta's purpose in arranging for the Pelosi Double to visit Taiwan?

The Chinese Communist Party believes Taiwan is part of greater China and not a separate sovereign entity.

The CCP vigorously opposes any action that would recognise the independence of Taiwan, especially official visits by high ranking politicians.

Can the Zetas explain why the Pelosi Double's visit to Taiwan was necessary, given its obvious effect of antagonising China?

Thank you for considering these questions.


‘Non-threatening’: US warns China not to use Pelosi’s expected Taiwan trip to escalate tensions

The US has urged China not to use a potential trip to Taiwan by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to escalate military tensions in the region, saying the senior Democrat had every right to visit the island nation.

Pelosi began her tour of Asia on Monday as China ramped up military exercises and a war propaganda campaign that threaten her plans to visit Taiwan.

Soon after, Taiwan’s three largest newspapers reported that the Speaker would be visiting the country as part of her tour, potentially staying overnight in the capital Taipei.


The Chinese Communist Party regards self-ruled Taiwan as a breakaway province that must be united with the mainland. The Party has never ruled Taiwan but has set a target of unifying with it by 2049, the centenary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

But China’s rapidly expanding military power has prompted fears that timeline could be brought forward to this decade. Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in July that China could be prepared to act as soon as 2027.

Pelosi’s visit, the most high profile by a serving US official in decades is seen as a provocation by Beijing because of its perceived endorsement of Taiwan’s government. In Washington, it is being viewed as a test of US resolve by both Democratic and Republican representatives after decades of providing more covert support to Taipei. US officials have been concerned that Pelosi’s plane could be shadowed by Chinese military jets on its way to Taiwan, raising the risk of accidental confrontation or a stronger military response from Beijing.

Nancy Pelosi arrives in Taipei as China sends fighter jets to the Taiwan Strait

Nancy Pelosi, the US House Speaker, landed in Taiwan late on Tuesday night, defying threats of retaliation from Beijing and criticism that her trip was reckless and provocative.

Pelosi landed at 10.50 pm local time after a 7-hour flight that took her US Air Force plane south of the Malaysian peninsula, around the South China Sea and east of the Philippines on a trip that was tracked live by more than 200,000 people online.

There were no public reports of mid-air incidents as her plane landed in Taipei after weeks of threats from Beijing that the United States was “playing with fire” by allowing Pelosi to travel to Taiwan, a self-ruled island that China claims as its own.

Chinese government-controlled media said China’s air force jets had entered the Taiwan Strait moments before Pelosi touched down. The Chinese Army’s Eastern Theatre Command said it would begin joint military drills on Tuesday including long-range firing and conventional missile firing on waters east of Taiwan.

The army announced it would conduct military drills that will effectively encircle Taiwan from Thursday to Sunday. The rapid response suggests that further naval exercises and aerial breaches of Taiwan’s median line could take place as Pelosi meets with Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen on Wednesday.

Pelosi, the second in line to the US presidency after Vice President Kamala Harris, was met by Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu on the tarmac at Taipei Songshan Airport.

“Our Congressional delegation’s visit to Taiwan honours America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant democracy,” Pelosi said in a statement after landing in Taipei.

“Our visit is one of several Congressional delegations to Taiwan – and it in no way contradicts longstanding United States policy. The United States continues to oppose unilateral efforts to change the status quo.”

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for November 30, 2019

Pelosi Double

ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 688, Sunday December 8, 2019

Pelosi Double


Matt B said:

Why are they sending the double Nancy to Taiwan with all this war talk? What is the point?

[and from another]
The Zetas have previously stated that Nancy Pelosi is now a Double, under the direction of the Junta. What is the Junta's purpose in arranging for the Pelosi Double to visit Taiwan? The Chinese Communist Party believes Taiwan is part of greater China and not a separate sovereign entity. The CCP vigorously opposes any action that would recognise the independence of Taiwan, especially official visits by high ranking politicians. Can the Zetas explain why the Pelosi Double's visit to Taiwan was necessary, given its obvious effect of antagonising China?
[and from another]
‘Non-threatening’: US warns China not to use Pelosi’s expected Taiwan trip to escalate tensions
August 2, 2022
The US has urged China not to use a potential trip to Taiwan by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to escalate military tensions in the region, saying the senior Democrat had every right to visit the island nation. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that while the US military was providing Pelosi with aircraft for her Asian travels, such a decision was ultimately hers. The Chinese Communist Party regards self-ruled Taiwan as a breakaway province that must be united with the mainland.
[and from another]
Nancy Pelosi arrives in Taipei as China sends fighter jets to the Taiwan Strait
August 3, 2022
Nancy Pelosi, the US House Speaker, landed in Taiwan late, defying threats of retaliation from Beijing and criticism that her trip was reckless and provocative. Chinese government-controlled media said China’s air force jets had entered the Taiwan Strait moments before Pelosi touched down. The Chinese Army’s Eastern Theatre Command said it would begin joint military drills including long-range firing and conventional missile firing on waters east of Taiwan. The rapid response suggests that further naval exercises and aerial breaches of Taiwan’s median line could take place as Pelosi meets with Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen. Pelosi, the second in line to the US presidency after Vice President Kamala Harris, was met by Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu on the tarmac at Taipei Songshan Airport.
[and from another]
Pelosi created 'flashpoint out of thin air' – Lavrov
August 3, 2022
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has condemned US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, branding it a display of American disregard for international norms. Washington formally acknowledges that Taiwan is part of China, but maintains a close informal relationship with its administration despite switching diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing in 1979.
[and from another]

Internet rumors are increasingly focusing on the fact that the Biden Double
seen on TV is not the Biden of old. This is clearly being made obvious. The public is being gradually educated about the Secret War that has been ongoing since President Trump signed his Executive Order starting the Tribunals. Pelosi was one of the first to be executed for treason,
and the public Biden and Harris are Doubles under the control of the Junta. Since the US has been under Martial Law since the Fall of 2015, the Doubles in the White House and in control of Congress are scarcely relevant.

So why would the Junta send their Pelosi Double to Taiwan for a visit? When Q returned and SCOTUS overturned Roe vs Wade, virtually on the same day, we stated that the Secret War
had been won to the extent that President Trump could be reinstated. We have predicted that the New Madrid Finale would occur before the end of 2022, and the Junta is braced for this. The FAA weather cams have been blinded to reduce panic and the Military is being activated. Since the coverup over Nibiru is ongoing, the Junta wanted a reason for the military going on high alert. Pelosi’s little trip is the excuse for the current military activation.

Prior 11/30/2019:
As noted by Fulford on November 4, Pelosi has been replaced by a Double. Pelosi was guilty of treason as was noted by Brazil last January when she and Schiff fled the country to evade arrest, should things go wrong. She was aware of assassination plans more than once. Who runs and directs these Doubles? Since the original was executed by the Tribunals being run in the US, the Doubles for Obama and Pelosi are under the direction of the Junta. They are to act like the original, taking policy stances that the original would have made, but as future events unfold they may digress. 

Prior 7/31/2022 ZT:
To avoid inciting civil war in the US, the Secret War the Junta and White Hat Alliance has been conducting has required the use of Doubles while the originals went before the Tribunals at Gitmo. One by one the Doubles are being removed from public view, but will the truth ever be known? Is it by accident that the Biden Doubles have become more than obvious, or is this deliberate to allow the American people to understand the full context of the Secret War? Secrets weigh heavy, and perhaps the leadership wants to be free of this burden.

Prior 7/31/2020 ZT:
Kamala Harris is highly ambitious, and willing to do anything to promote herself. But it is not her ambitions that doom her, it is her past as a prosecutor. She took funds to bend the law, which is a crime. In that she was being considered by the Biden campaign for the VP position, her criminal past became an issue.

Prior 8/31/2020 ZT:
In July we also confirmed that Kamala Harris had become a White Hat Double.  The Biden campaign is now officially an under-cover sting operation, under the FBI, and thus is legal.  This leaves the Junta with the outstanding problem of public perception, as they do not yet want to have the public aware that the US is and has been under Martial Law since the Fall of 2015. To have full control of the Biden campaign, the Junta inserted their own White Hat Biden into the basement in Delaware and directed him to choose the White Hat Harris as his running mate. 

All I know is that Venus in my part of the world (as in all parts I would assume as well) has risen at dawn from the East. You just can't miss it. I used to see it first peak from the East at around dawn. 4-5 am. Well, now it is located in the middle of the sky at that same timeframe!!! Venus like the Sun and Moon has always been visible in the same location as far as I remember. It usually rises before the Sun from the East by a few hours (2-3). Now it's rising several hours before the Sun. Something like 7 hours or more.
[and from another]
Out of place in 2004
Growing huge,
and High Altitude
[and from another]
In addition to photos of the Planet X complex, revealed by red filters, the Looming Venus has become more prevalent. A series of photos from Taganrog, Russia, taken on February 11, 2012 and appearing on Russian TV show the Looming Venus with astonishing clarity. Per reports, Venus is not where expected anymore!

Early in the ZetaTalk saga we detailed how Nibiru stalled the Earth and Venus in their orbits, by standing in the way as it rounded the Sun and prepared to exit the Solar System. The Earth is having its seasons because the Council of Worlds deemed a stopped orbit to be too shocking for the public, given the establishment’s firm determination to keep the Nibiru cover-up in place for their own convenience. Thus benign aliens under the direction of the Council are tipping the globe forward and back to simulate the seasons.
But the sky view
told the truth and this was noted in 2004.

Thus our 2006 prediction that Venus, the Dark Twin, and Earth would all be caught in the eddy flow cup
in front of Nibiru as it prepared to zoom out of the Solar System had scant proof. To allow mankind a gradual awakening to the truth, Venus was moved back and forth, from East to West, to simulate its orbit.
As this “orbit” was gradually tightened due to a shrinking cup as Nibiru drew closer, Venus in the view from Earth seemed to be more Sun centered, and in 2012
was captured on film. But as with the astonishing evidence that Nibiru is real and upon mankind is ridiculed, those who note Venus crowded toward the Sun and Nibiru rather than to the side at dawn and dusk will be ridiculed.

Prior 4/3/2006 ZT:
The eddy flow created by particles flowing coming from the Sun and thence around the sides of Nibiru trapped Earth in her stalled orbit, and held her there in front of Nibiru, no escape. As Nibiru proceeded past the Sun's S Pole in his sling orbit, he went within the orbit of Venus, and thus likewise trapped Venus in this eddy flow cup when she came round in her orbit to encounter Nibiru. The Earth's dark twin, sharing an orbit with Earth, joined this group of trapped planets within months, remaining behind the Earth, likewise stalled in their shared orbit, a dark hunk of black rock reflecting little light and thus essentially invisible to man. This has been the setup throughout 2004 and into 2005, the rapid plunge of Nibiru toward the Sun countered by the Repulsion Force into a slow creep past the Sun.

Prior 2/18/2012 ZT:
Venus is being squeezed closer to the center of the cup, and can no longer range to the side, being seen in the far East or West by mankind. It will thus increasingly not be seen as the Morning Star, or Evening Star, but as a Monster much closer to the Sun.

Prior 6/6/2012 ZT:
Venus is caught in the cup, as we so long ago explained. This occurred because as Planet X passes the Sun it does so within the region of the orbits of Earth, Venus, and the Dark Twin. Planet X first crossed Earth’s orbit in December, 2003 when the Earth encountered Planet X, halted her orbit due to this massive presence, and has subsequently been pushed back in her orbit by the retrograde motion of Planet X to what would normally be Earth’s August position.  As Venus and the Dark Twin came round in their orbits, they encountered this same obstacle and also halted. Venus has been moved back and forth in the cup, in order to simulate its normal orbit for Earthlings, in accordance with the Element of Doubt rule imposed to reduce panic in the trigger-happy establishment.

This whole situation is just plain strange. This is not a teen with an iPhone and a sausage trying to gain clout on TikTok. This is a famed well-respected French physicist who passed off a slice of chorizo as a distant star on twitter! Allegedly to teach everyone a lesson not to accept what the authoritative scientific elites tell us is real. Was he testing the coverup and the public willing to except whatever the experts deem as truth? To teach a lesson don’t believe your eyes from so called experts. Or is he working with cover-up crowd? It’s hard to believe a well-respected physicist woke up one day and decide to trick the world with a piece of Chorizo. Just doesn’t add up.
[and from another]
James Webb Space Telescope Depicts Cartwheel Galaxy in Stunning Detail
August 5, 2022
Spanish meat or space star? Scientist's tweet shot of 'distant star' is actually slice of chorizo.
[and from another]
Spanish Meat or Space Star? Scientist's Tweet Shot of 'Distant Star' is actually Slice of Chorizo
August 5, 2022
A noted French scientist has apologized after tweeting a photo of a slice of chorizo claiming it was a deep-space image of a "distant star" snapped by the James Webb Space Telescope. Etienne Klein, a physicist and research director at France's Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, shared the spicy Spanish sausage shot on social media last week, applauding the "level of detail" it provided. "I feel compelled to clarify that this tweet showing an alleged snapshot of Proxima Centauri was a form of amusement. Let us learn to be wary of arguments from authority as much as of the spontaneous eloquence of certain images."
[and from another]
Scientist Apologizes for Passing off a Piece of Sausage as a Star from the James Webb Space Telescope
August 5, 2022
He wrote, “Picture of Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun, located 4.2 light years away from us. It was taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. This level of detail… A new world is unveiled everyday.” The image took off, and racked up thousands of likes and shares. Then, Klein pulled the rug out from under everyone. He informed those who had enjoyed the glorious image it was a mere snap of some Spanish sausage, and not a distant star. On July 31, French physicist Étienne Klein shared a snap he claimed was of the star Proxima Centauri, a distant star.

Why did this French scientist spoof the James Webb images by posting a sausage as a galaxy photo? Did he assume the public would realize this was a spoof? While scientists worldwide and especially astrophysicists are threatened and even assassinated to keep silent about the presence of Nibiru, the establishment leaves them with no recourse when Nibiru becomes so obvious that the man on the street is pointing and staring and demanding answers. What are they to say? That they were ordered to remain silent on pain of death?

The self-serving establishment will likely choose to discredit the scientific establishment and deny there was ever a Nibiru cover-up. Thus Klein, angry at the directives coming from self-serving politicians and the wealthy establishment, took the assertive. He is saying first and foremost that the public should not believe the media or the lies foisted on social media. He is saying that big lies can be supported by esteemed scientists who have been coerced. He is saying to question what the establishment and media say.

Is the wicked Cabal using or propagating so-call Monkeypox as they did Covid 19 as another pandemic to surreptitiously depopulate humanity??
[and from another]
Monkeypox Disproportionately affecting Black, Hispanic people, CDC says.
August 5m 2022
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday offers new insight into the outbreak, which is disproportionately affecting men who have sex with men, especially those who are Black and Hispanic. Among the cases with available data, 94% were in men who reported recent sexual or close intimate contact with another man. More than half (54%) of cases were among Black and Hispanic people, a group that represents about a third (34%) of the general US population. And the share of cases among Black people has grown in recent weeks, according to the CDC analysis. Among the cases with available data, 94% were in men who reported recent sexual or close intimate contact with another man. More than half (54%) of cases were among Black and Hispanic people, a group that represents about a third (34%) of the general US population. And the share of cases among Black people has grown in recent weeks, according to the CDC analysis.
[and from another]
Genomic Data Sheds Light on Monkeypox Origins
June 24, 2022
Current data points for a scenario of more than one introduction from a single origin, with superspreader events (e.g., saunas used for sexual encounters) and travel abroad likely triggering the worldwide rapid dissemination. Notably, the current viruses contain far more genetic changes than one would expect.
[and from another]
In that the public seems to have grown wise to the Covid-19 scamdemic plans, what will the desperate elite do next? They fear the public becoming aware of Nibiru, and enraged that they have been denied the truth for centuries by the elite, will hunt down the elite and have revenge. What would stop the masses from doing this? Oh, a smallpox pandemic.

We warned last Fall
that Smallpox might be used to create another pandemic,
as the public had grown wise to the Covid-19 hype. Smallpox has been considered eradicated worldwide because of an aggressive vaccination program, which often included live virus. In today’s post Pfizer world, with boosters pushed constantly, those who have been given the mRNA vaccine have weakened immune systems so those wanting a weakened populace hoped that Smallpox might emerge among the young. This is why there is a push to vaccinate the very young now, as they are likely to have been recently given a fresh Smallpox vaccination.

Then suddenly the Monkeypox pandemic
emerged. By the Spring of 2022 it was prevalent first in Europe, then the Commonwealth countries of Canada and Australia. Smallpox vaccines are being used to counteract these infections, as a Monkeypox vaccine is not yet widely available. Thus adults with weakened immune systems are being given live Smallpox virus in these vaccines. The agenda of the New World Order crowd is first and foremost to be in control, and to accomplish this they feel they need a weakened populace and even a reduced populace so that there are fewer rebels needing to be controlled.

How has the Monkeypox pandemic been spread? First, there is evidence that the current Monkeypox variant was genetically engineered
to spread readily, where this was not the case for the base Monkeypox virus in Africa. Second, the gay community is being used to assist the spread via hot tub sex. Monkeypox can be cast into hot tubs surreptitiously. The Cabal assumed there would be promiscuity, with everyone in contact with the virus taking it out on their hands to restaurants and public transportation.

Beyond trying to start a Smallpox pandemic, what is the goal of this scheme? It has been noted that Black and Hispanic people are developing full blown Monkeypox at a greater rate than Caucasians. Does the Cabal fear all the Hispanics crossing the border so that this is almost an invasion of the US? Illegals quickly become untraceable, and having already broken the law they are inclined to ignore any laws the New World Order crowd imposes. A quick glance at riots in process within the US shows a preponderance of young Black men, likewise so inclined. Thus, they have been targeted.

Prior ZT:
Suddenly, just as the new cases of Covid-19 have dropped and the public has become rebellious about wearing masks and cooperating with lockdowns - Monkeypox emerges. If the timing is suspicious, the infection route is even more suspicious - starting in Europe, Canada, Australia, and in the US. Have these citizens suddenly decided to visit the Congo? Monkeypox is so rare that it only became known to western medicine since 2017. It is from the same family as Chickenpox and Smallpox, so vaccines for these cousins is likely to be given to the populace. Why is this a problem? Many vaccines have been developed with live virus, assuming the immune system will keep the vaccination process in check. But those vaccinated for Covid-19 with the Pfizer vaccine, and especially those being boosted, will have a weakened and exhausted immune system due to the constant production of spike proteins. Thus, as doctors are warning that ADE -  a type of Aids - will allow those who have been vaccinated to develop full blown Monkeypox when they are vaccinated for Monkeypox or a virus from the same family. Just what the frightened elite wanted to reestablish lockdowns.

Prior ZT:
We have been warning that the elite, terrified of the populace becoming aware of Nibiru’s presence, has been trying to sicken and thus weaken the general populace. They fear riots and demands. In the past the Bush criminal enterprise tried to incite a bird flu pandemic. When Covid emerged and the rushed vaccines showed a capacity to produce variants via the spike proteins, boosters were pushed by the elite. But the public has become aware of the dangers from the vax and boosters, and has started to resist. Thus the public is being warned – the elite may try smallpox next!

Is this some kind of Deep State last ditch, hail-Mary pass to ward off Trump being re-instated by SCOTUS? 
[and from another]
Would the Zetas comment on the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago? “They even broke into my safe!” - Trump
[and from another]
President Trump Announces FBI has Raided Mar-a-Lago
August 8, 2022
45th President Donald Trump released a statement on Monday saying that the FBI has raided his Florida home. Trump, who spoke at CPAC on Saturday in Dallas, and in Kenosha, Wisc. on Friday, said that his home is "currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents." It was later reported that the FBI took 15 boxes of material from the former president's residence. It was reported by The New York Times' that the search "appeared to be focused on material that Mr. Trump had brought with him to Mar-a-Lago" which "contained many pages of classified documents, according to a person familiar with their contents."
[and from another]
Trump says Florida home ‘Raided’ by FBI
August 8, 2022
Trump taking at least 15 boxes of government documents with him to Florida following his 2020 election defeat is the subject of another probe. With President Joe Biden’s approval rating currently below 40 percent and Democrats forecast to lose control of Congress in November midterm elections, Trump is apparently bullish that he could ride the Republican wave all the way to the White House in 2024.
[and from another]
“If FBI Raid Will Not Stop Donald Trump – Their Next Step Will Be Assassination”
August 8, 2022
“It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections. Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States,” he added.

The illegal Biden administration fears the pending announcement that SCOTUS
confirmed a 2020 election win for President Trump. At the request of the Junta, SCOTUS has withheld revealing these findings until the Junta was in a position to deal with riots and civil war. As with the Roe vs Wade ruling, SCOTUS has discretion on what cases to select and when to announce the results. Faced with the likely reversal of many political appointments and the loss of power, the Biden Administration is attempting to make it impossible for President Trump to return.

The FBI is known to be infested with many Deep State players. Comey and Strzok and Page
were anti-Trump and determined to use the power of the FBI against President Trump. The Steele Dossier
was another example. Hoping to abort the return of President Trump as the legitimate 2020 winner, the Deep State within the FBI is attempting to locate evidence of illegal activity. The leading candidate is classified material removed from the White House. But a sitting President can carry classified material, and if President Trump was the official winner in 2020, then this is legal.

The tumultuous return of President Trump to power now includes yet another chapter. The return will call into question the political appointments and Executive Orders made by the illegal President Biden. This is one reason the return has been delayed until the pending New Madrid Adjustment forces Martial Law to be officially announced. Then, until the Junta decides to return control of the US to the President, the political implications of the switch to President Trump can be a war rumbling behind the scenes.

Prior ZT:
The many rumors that President Trump is coming back and that the Junta does not consider Biden to be the Commander in Chief are due to insider leaks. This rumor is likewise based on solid facts. The Junta wanted the matter to be addressed in civil process – recounts and decertification of Biden by the Swing States. This has been done sufficiently to show that a fraud was perpetrated, but not finalized for any of the states due to the threats made to public officials and state legislators. But the documented fraud and theft are undeniable and consistent across the Swing States. What now?  We have predicted that when the New Madrid finale occurs, Martial Law will be officially called and the fact that President Trump has always been president will be casually mentioned. But is there another option, to occur potentially before the New Madrid finale? Sidney Powell wanted to take the Kraken evidence to SCOTUS but President Trump restrained her. Unless he participated, lack of standing would be the excuse for dismissal. What if she could proceed, with President Trump participating, armed with the absolute Kraken proof that the Junta holds? SCOTUS can act quickly when the matter is urgent.

What do you think about this latest circle? Did look at the ground pictures and looks genuine and seems like it's about the wobble twisting and twirling
[and from another]
Etchilhampton Hill (2), Nr Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 8th August

This genuine design is showing the effect of the retrograde orbit and rotation of Nibiru on Venus, displayed here as the Pentagram symbol for Venus. As has been shown by photos and many observations recently Venus is being crowded in front of the Sun, being caught in the tightening eddy flow cup in front of Nibiru as it approaches from the direction of the Sun. Though uninhabited and lifeless, Venus is volcanic and being jerked back and forth by Nibiru’s magnetic presence. Volcanic activity on Venus has increased and will soon become obvious.


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