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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 56168

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Stanislav said:

What's going on in China? 

What's going on in China? Soros is not happy! And what did the Dark Judge mean? China under martial law? Meanwhile, Lehman's moment is drawing near for China.
[and from another]
George Soros: Investors in Xi’s China Face a Rude Awakening
The leader’s crackdown on private enterprise shows he does not understand the market economy. Xi Jinping, China’s leader, has collided with economic reality. His crackdown on private enterprise has been a significant drag on the economy. The most vulnerable sector is real estate, particularly housing. China has enjoyed an extended property boom over the past two decades, but that is now coming to an end. Evergrande, the largest real estate company, is over-indebted and in danger of default. This could cause a crash. 
[and from another]
China's "Lehman Moment" Approaching: Evergrande Warns of Default Risk from Cash Crunch
The property boom is coming to an end, and that Evergrande - the largest real estate company which is over $300 billion in debt has been quietly dubbed China's Lehman Moment.
[and from another]
A new law enacted in November 2019 limits children under 18 to less than 90 minutes of playing video games on weekdays and three hours on weekends, with no video game playing allowed between 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. These are set by requiring game publishers to enforce these limits based on user logins. 
[and from another]
China bans kids from playing online video games during the week
August 31, 2021
China has barred online gamers under the age of 18 from playing on weekdays and limited their play to just three hours most weekends, marking a significant escalation of restrictions on the country's massive gaming industry. The move represents a huge tightening of earlier limits set by the agency in 2019, which had restricted play to 90 minutes on weekdays and three hours on weekends for children. Authorities said that the restrictions were put in place to help prevent young people becoming addicted to video games.
[and from another]
The Evergrande Group is based in southern China's Guangdong Province, and sells apartments mostly to upper and middle-income dwellers. In 2018, it became the world's most valuable real estate company. The firm has developed projects in over 170 cities in China.


What the Soros marketing group and China’s online game makers do not understand is what Xi understands all too well. China may appear to have a currency that is replacing the USD and the Euro, a space program putting a rover on the Moon, and a formidable military. But Xi and his scientists have studied ZetaTalk for years and he is solidly certain of our predictive accuracy. That he built the Ghost Cities inland to house survivors of coastal flooding shows his faith in ZetaTalk, as does the placement of these Ghost Cities well away from the new S Pole at India.

Xi knows that his country will soon be devastated by the coming passage of Nibiru. If the 3 Gorges Dam lasts until 2026, it will surely fail then, destroying the regions below the dam that feed his country. It will likely fail well ahead of 2026, bringing starvation early to China. Despite dealing with a population of over a billion people, China will be faced with immigrant hordes from Asia and India and Korea. Being an astute planner Xi is making moves to toughen its youth and reward responsible citizens with the Social Credit System.

Xi knows that the current banking systems will evaporate, lost in bankruptcies and meaningless spread sheets reflecting worth that no longer exists. What will be of value will be something solid, a thing or a skill that can feed or house people. Is Xi concerned about the Evergrande Group going bankrupt? Since it builds housing in China, the developed real estate will remain in China after Nibiru passes, and at no cost to Xi. Even if the Evergrande Group goes bankrupt well ahead of Nibiru’s passage, the real estate will not be relocated out of China. The stockholders of Evergrande will be the ultimate losers.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

It looks like the real panic is starting in governments around the world. This fear is visible to the naked eye! As example:

The Russian Defense Minister proposed to build cities in Siberia, but others in the government immediately said that there was no money. Moreover, the population is leaving the Far East and Siberia for the western part. In China, Xi openly says hard times are coming and is imposing restrictions on food leftovers. In New Zealand and Australia, the government went crazy. They introduce a lockdown even if there is one case of coronavirus and etc..

It is worth noting that the government in Russia has low ratings and protests can flare up at any time. Free land in the Far East is not working as expected due to the poor population. Even in China, it seems to me that people don't really like Xi Jingping. Will Putin and Xi keep power if the economy collapses BEFORE earth changes? I doubt it very much! It is most likely that the leadership of Russia and China will face a crisis of confidence due to the impending economic crisis.

This is a situation of complete chaos. People don't trust governments anywhere in the world...

Russia. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu: We have to build big cities in Siberia and move the capital there

Don’t expect an easy life and be ready to struggle, Chinese President Xi Jinping warns officials

Government operations will grind to a halt, as distracted leadership will simply not be available and incessant demands from the public will cause even the good hearted in government to simply give up and get drunk. If proper plans have not already been put into place, so the public can be directed to safety and survival, governments will fold and not be functional.

Thank you very much

Declined as this has already been covered by ZetaTalk, from the start and repeatedly. The right to govern will have to be earned. To the extent that the government - of a village or state or province or country - is telling the truth and taking steps to help the common man, they will be allowed to govern. Those places where the elite are protecting themselves and have not considered the common man will find revolution or natural leaders emerging. 

Both Russia and China are countries that have taken positive and early steps to help the citizens. They would be the least likely to collapse. 

Stanislav said:

It looks like the real panic is starting in governments around the world. 

Accepted via email: 

I searched about this on zetatalk but did not find anything.  I want to ask zetas who are Jinn? Are they real?
[and from another]
In an Islamic context, the term jinn is used for both a collective designation for any supernatural creature and also to refer to a specific type of supernatural creature. Therefore, jinn are often mentioned together with devils. Both devils and jinn feature in folklore and are held responsible for misfortune, possession and diseases. However, the jinn are sometimes supportive and benevolent. They are mentioned frequently in magical works throughout the Islamic world, to be summoned and bound to a sorcerer, but also in zoological treatises as animals with a subtle body.
[and from another]
Jinn (often al-jinn or djinn) are shape-shifting spirits made of fire and air with origins in pre-Islamic Arabia. They are the inspiration for Aladdin’s genie, and have held space in Arab culture for almost as long as Arab culture itself. 

Prior to the time of Roswell (when the Council of Worlds decreed that all visitations should be recorded in the subconscious) visitations were in the conscious and well remembered. The Vedas, a book from ancient India, describes these times and the variation of alien life forms that were in contact with man. Did they appear as different animal species? Of course, as the Universe has many intelligent species and very few are hominoid. Being above 3rd Density, these visitors could go in and out of dimensions, just as those responding to The Call do today.

Just as mankind today will encounter visitors in both the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other, depending upon the nature of their Call,
those in ancient Arabia giving The Call found this variance. Did Magicians use the Jinn to cast their spells and gather human converts? This is a common practice today for those strongly in the Service-to-Self to seek power via an alliance with visitors from the Service-to-Self. Creating fear in mankind, subservience to the dictates of an entity more powerful than the self, is the means used today during Moloch worship. Different times, different names, same agenda.

Accepted via email: 

I live in the Texas Hill Country, west of Austin, and had a question about the current quake swarm happening around the El Past area.  There have been over 150 earthquakes in past 2 weeks.  Are they related to the New Madrid adjustment or is it just N American plate stress.

After Wave#1 of the New Madrid unzipping occurred in May, we stated that the SE Portion that will rip away from the mainland of the N American Continent was hanging on by a “tenuous strip of land” from Ohio to the Seaway exit. The main portion of the N American Continent - which includes Mexico and the SW United States and all of Canada – has been bent into a bow because the SE Portion is hooked behind the Caribbean Plate and cannot move. Thus the pending rip along the New Madrid Fault Line, which has now been loosened in all places except for that “tenuous strip of land”.

The main portion of the N American Continent wants to slide into the Pacific so that the bow stress is relieved. This slide has resulted in many quakes and tears along minor fault lines in West Texas and Oklahoma and Mexico and quakes in Canada above the Seaway. The San Andreas likewise will have more quakes during this period when the slide is in process, but as we predicted, the West Coast will have the majority of its New Madrid related quakes and volcanic activity after the big unzipping along the New Madrid Fault Line. The bow tension will be released and the SE Portion free to move independently.

Prior ZT:
What is the nexus between the New Madrid Fault Line, the East Coast Fault Line, and the Ohio River? After destabilizing the connection between the land on either side of the Mississippi River, the New Madrid Fault Line runs under the Seaway, dropping the SE United States from the hard rock along the Seaway. Here the New Madrid Fault Line runs directly through Newell. Another weak point during the New Madrid adjustment is the Ohio River, which has been spewing Sulfur Dioxide lately. The New Madrid adjustment now hangs on by a tenuous strip of land from Newell to Boston.

Accepted from Alberto:

Big Monster!
[and from another]

This dramatic photo capture by Alberto shows what the people of Earth will soon be seeing regularly. We have referred to Nibiru as the Nibiru Complex because it presents many parts, all of them visible in this photo shot. There is the corpus of Nibiru in the center, a distinct orb that casts a shadow on the shade side. Then there is the Double Helix of the dominant moons on either side, twisting in this photo into a dark swirl of Petrol. A long String of Pearls is on the outer side of this complex, enclosed in burning Petrol so it casts a light down on Nibiru. Nibiru can no longer be denied.

Accepted via email: 

The Z’s assisted to prevent election fraud in 2016.  Now here we are in 2021 with the earth changes ramping up because of the approach of Nibiru, and instead of having a strong leader at the helm in the White House, we have a corrupt and illegitimate person who belongs in a nursing home or jail. I did a search of your site which I follow every day, but I can’t find a reason why our friends didn’t assist this time around.
[and from another]
Scott McKay the Entire Trump Presidency Has Been a Military Sting Operation?
September 5, 2021
Scott McKay provides a fantastic summary of the operation that has been going on since the JFK assassination. 
[and from another]

Leading into the 2020 election in November, the Junta was aware that a Black Hat Biden had been installed by the New World Order
Cabal. This Globalist Cabal is controlled by Satanists, and the US Junta and associated White Hats in Europe and other countries around the world rose up to fight them. The Satanists supported child sacrifice - rape and torture to increase the production of adrenochrome - which is an addictive drug that ensures loyalty among the Satanist lackeys.

It is rumored that President Trump was recruited by the Junta, as they needed someone of impeccable integrity and known to law enforcement as a proven team member
to challenge the Globalists for control of the White House. President Trump worked with the DOJ to bring down the five Mafia families that operated in New York City, and as a self-made billionaire was unlikely to be bribed by the Cabal. This rumor is true. The Junta had been in charge of the US since the Fall of 2015 when Obama failed to make the announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru, so heading into the 2016 election against Hillary, the team had been assembled.

As we stated in 2006 when the election that was assumed to be rigged went in the direction that the will of the people wanted, we assisted
in this effort. This type of assistance was in place in early 2020 too, during the Iowa Caucus primaries. Then in August, 2020 the Biden Black Hat Double was replaced by a White Hat Double,
and the Biden campaign officially became a sting operation. Then the 2021 election was stolen by massive election fraud,
which is now under audit in the swing states. What changed?

The Junta had all the evidence they needed in the Kraken
documentation, but our participation to prevent election fraud is always in concert with a request from those trying to prevent it. Thus, there was no Zeta intervention. But the Biden campaign sting operation had opened so many leads and exposed so much corruption that the Junta was loathe to end it. The Tribunals had been ongoing since the start of 2019 due to President Trump’s EO.
Gitmo was filling up, but ending the sting operation would alert the rest of the Cabal and stop the gathering of evidence required to prosecute and execute the participants.

An alternate plan was developed, whereby the election fraud would be allowed to proceed, and be corrected at some point in the future. As is public record, President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act
on January 11, just ahead of the planned inauguration of Biden on January 21. This in effect neutered any actions by Congress or the courts, so Biden did NOT get inaugurated, despite appearances. Just as the sting operation was about to close down, the Junta was presented with more challenges in the form of a CCP invasion of the US. They were under the White House, in tunnels, and coming across from Canada
into Maine and Michigan.

The Junta and the White Hats have been presented with multiple fronts, deliberately so as the Satanists have literally been fighting for their lives. Faced with the potential of a Soros funded civil war and an invasion by the CCP, educating the public about the 2020 election fraud was delayed, repeatedly. Congress is controlled by numerous Doubles under the control of the Junta, as is the Biden administration – Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Biden, and Harris. How will this be resolved? This will likely end over the next few months due to the New Madrid unzipping. This is due to happen by the end of 2021 or shortly thereafter, and would force a full Martial Law situation. The Military will casually announce that Trump is and has always been the President, and no one will care.

Prior ZT:
Trump is famous for hob knobbing with the enemy, and did so in the past to bring down the 5 New York City Mafia families. 

Prior ZT:
As is rumored by insiders but not yet public knowledge, the inauguration of the Biden White Hat Double was not a valid inauguration of a President. It was a farce, an act, and since many of the players are Doubles, it was an act appropriately performed by actors. DC was under Martial Law on January 20th, and thus Congress and SCOTUS were not in force. Why is this farce being broadcast to the public, and how long will this last? As we stated when the Biden candidate became a White Hat Biden under the control of the Junta last Summer, this is a sting operation which has been running strong right through the selection of Biden during the Electoral College farce and certification by Congress and now through the Inauguration. The sting op could have been ended at any time, but the harvest of traitors was so rich the Junta has continued it. This is still the situation, so the Junta is reluctant to end it.

Prior ZT:
The Biden campaign is now officially an under-cover sting operation, under the FBI, and thus is legal. The Biden campaign has been running a fraud on the American people, which is illegal. FBI investigators caught the Biden campaign setting up illegal mail-in ballot schemes in several states – bribing postal workers and securing signed voter rolls from poll workers. This was enough to arrest all involved for treason. The perps are now at Gitmo awaiting trial, including the real Biden. The Biden campaign will continue, but with those directing the criminal mail-in ballot scheme under arrest, the election will proceed as the voter intends. 

Can the Zetas explain what is causing the huge swarm of earthquakes happening right now on LaPalma island? Surely, this is related to the African roll.

There's a large thread on GLP on it.


Kamil Rak said:

Can the Zetas explain what is causing the huge swarm of earthquakes happening right now on LaPalma island?

Surely, this is related to the African roll. There's a large thread on GLP on it.
[and from another]
[and from another]
A strong earthquake swarm started under the area of La Cumbre Vieja volcano in the southern part of La Palma Island yesterday. Today, the Yellow alert for has been issued for La Palma volcano. So far, more than 400 tremors have been detected, including 14 quakes of magnitudes above 3.0 and 226 quakes between 2.0 and 2.9. The seismic series is still ongoing.

The Canary Islands are volcanic because of the mountains and valleys on the underside of the African Plate. These are not seen on mankind’s relief maps which only show the exterior. During the African Roll, which has been happening during each passage of Nibiru in the past, this weak spot gets squeezed and La Palma erupts. During this current passage of Nibiru, the squeeze has only started and will get much worse. As we explained a decade ago,
the tsunami resulting from the collapse of a tenuous shelf jutting out into the ocean will not be as many expect. It will only be local swirling water.

Prior 2010 ZT:
Will La Palma volcano in the Canary Islands, which is already damaged, experience an earthquake and fall into the sea prior to the pole shift and thereby cause a huge tsunami? It has long been postulated that the Canary Islands are fragile, and will collapse into the sea upon another quake, creating a tsunami. This is a human theory, and absurd. First, monstrously high waves are not caused by displacement of water across the ocean, as water moves in all directions, and the pressure reduces steadily during the distance traveled. Do these human theorists presume that tunnel vision exists in the ocean, such that pressure only moves in one direction? A land slide, under water, will create not a force of water moving across the ocean, but a void causing water to fill that void. Thus, a swirl of water, moving into the void and then out again, would occur, locally.

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

I am in process of reading the entire Science section on ZetaTalk.

The Zetas have explained the Big Bang, dark matter, black holes, etc and I have a question.

Is the repulsion force somehow related to dark energy?

Just what IS dark energy? Here's a short video on dark energy.

Human physicists have no clue what dark energy is. Is dark energy the repulsion force that the Zetas have been describing?

Thank you.

Declined as going into more detail about this does not change anything going on today that affects mankind. Dark Matter - Tiny Matter - electric Universe ... it is all the same. You will soon be concerned about where to get clean drinking water and calm the camping in your belly. That's what should matter to you today.

The particles of tiny matter, like bugs, are more numerous as they get smaller. Humans are always horrified to see how many mites there are in a speck of dust. Mites are everywhere, and should one have the guts to count, the number of mites in the room would be vastly greater than the number of silverfish or cockroaches. And, of course, the number of bugs in the room vastly outweighs the number of humans. Such is the situation in the Universe. Man saw the planets, e.g. humans in the room, and registered their personalities. This happened early on. Then man become aware of the energy that composes the solar wind, and light rays that come from distant galaxies, e.g. visible bugs in the room, and registered their personalities. This happened recently. However, humans are not yet aware of the galactic tiny stuff, e.g. mites, and thus don't have a very important piece of the puzzle in place.

Before humans became aware of the planets, and their relationship to the Sun, there were all kinds of strange explanations for their motions. Since the Flat Earth Society is still among you, we need not go into detail. Before humans became aware of the energy paths in the galaxy, there also were all kind of strange explanations for what seemed to be the erratic nature of the greater Universe, which bobbled and glowed and winked, behavior which was most often ascribed to the gods or one's own misbehavior. Now scientists are dealing with the larger, visible planets behaving toward one another like something else is there. You can assume this to be a massive amount of tiny matter. The stuff the Universe is made of, elemental particles that are not moving, are not clumping, and thus do not form mass or register as energy.

Kamil Rak said:

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

I am in process of reading the entire Science section on ZetaTalk.

The Zetas have explained the Big Bang, dark matter, black holes, etc and I have a question.

Is the repulsion force somehow related to dark energy?

Just what IS dark energy? Here's a short video on dark energy.

Human physicists have no clue what dark energy is. Is dark energy the repulsion force that the Zetas have been describing?

Thank you.


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