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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 75040

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Replies to This Discussion

Can the Zetas comment on the strong 8.2 in magnitude earthquake off the coast of Alaska?

Was it downgraded still from say a 10 in magnitude? Is the North American continent under extreme bow stress?


Kamil Rak said:

Can the Zetas comment on the strong 8.2 in magnitude earthquake off the coast of Alaska?

Declined as the spread of any variant is expected. Just as the annual flu spread, variants do too. India as a country was never locked down. But to your implied question, it is likely the Biden Administration, worried that President Trump's return will be assisted by the Junta, is trying to ensure their control of the populace at this time.

Kamil Rak said:

Accepted via email and from the news.

Can the Zetas comment on the strong 8.2 in magnitude earthquake off the coast of Alaska? Was it downgraded still from say a 10 in magnitude? Is the North American continent under extreme bow stress?
[and from another]
At almost the same time as the 8+ mag going off in Alaska a 6.9 mag went off in the N. Atlantic - some 149km to Plymouth UK. I thought it was pertinent to the whole scenario as to what is going on in this tug. The near Plymouth quake can only be found on Raspberry Shake EQ site, it does not show up on any other site as far as I can see.
[and from another]
Massive M8.2 Earthquake Hits Alaska Triggering Small Tsunami Waves
July 29, 2021
Only a small tsunami has been confirmed. Maximum measured wave heights were less than 1ft (30 cm).
[and from another]
Massive M8.2 Earthquake Hits near the Coast of Alaska, Tsunami Warnings Issued
July 20, 2021
A massive shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M8.2 hit near the coast of Alaska at 06:15 UTC on July 29, 2021. The agency is reporting a depth of 32 km (19.8 miles). EMSC is reporting it as M8.2 at depth of 30 km (18.6 miles). This is the strongest earthquake in the world since M8.2 off the coast of Fiji on August 19, 2018.

This massive quake south of Alaska and on the border of the N American Plate carries great meaning, as can be shown from the buoy activity in the Atlantic as well as the Pacific. The N American Plate was not affected internally, but almost all borders were loosened by this lurch. From the far western point above Japan, along the coast of British Columbia, to the N American Plate footing east of the Caribbean Plate, at the Seaway exit, and across the North Atlantic where it caused a lurch in the UK islands. The buoys were set to throbbing and bobbing.

What does this adjustment mean for the pending New Madrid Adjustment that we have predicted to occur by the end of 2021 or shortly thereafter in early 2022? The bow tension had for a time been transferred to the northern and eastern borders of the N American Plate, but now that these borders have been loosened, the bow tension will return to focusing on the essential rip point along the Mississippi and Seaway. The majority of the N American Plate is being pulled into the Pacific, with only the SE Portion too firmly attached to the African, S American, and Caribbean Plates to resist.

Accepted via emali: 

There’s been many sightings of these partial rainbows.  Is this more examples of petrol mass burning? 
[and from another]

Light rays bend readily, as is known. A light ray passed through a prism displays a rainbow on the other side. Petrol Masses that are now regularly descending into the upper atmosphere of Earth will distort light rays. Sunlight hitting the outer surface will bend into a rainbow. The light rays can also be focused into a stronger beam, which is what is occurring here in these images from Arizona. In this regard, the Petrol Mass can be considered a lens, bending slightly, to focus the light.

Accepted via email: 

The media has been promoting the development of flying cars, aquatic cars, floating homes and passenger drones as short distance transportation in city and rural areas, and in disaster relief zones affected by typhoons and earthquakes. Those patents always existed but the elite never allowed mass manufacturing, but now things have changed. New Hampshire became the first state to enact flying car regulations. This allows pilots to drive flying cars on public highways. Is the elite allowing flying cars on the road due to the pending passage of Nibiru?
[and from another]
Flying Car Completes Test Flight between Airports
A prototype flying car has completed a 35-minute flight between international airports in Nitra and Bratislava, Slovakia.
[and from another]
This Flying Car Can Now Be Legally Flown - But You Can’t Drive It Or Even Buy It Yet
Massachusetts-based Terrafugia announced earlier this week that its “Transition” flying car has received an FAA Special Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA) airworthiness certificate.
[and from another]
New Hampshire Becomes First State With Flying Car Regulations
One state has taken a proactive approach. As Mass Live writes, New Hampshire became the first state to enact flying car regulations on July 24, 2020.
[and from another]
NEC's Passenger Drone takes a short Test Flight in Japan
Japan is eager to become a leader in the passenger drone industry. NEC Corp nudged the nation a step closer to that goal with a demo of a people-carrying quadcopter, which stayed in the air for about a minute. The company operated the flight inside a safety cage at a test facility in Abiko, a Tokyo suburb.

Traffic on the roads has been a problem for many decades, but what is the force that is driving the flying car industry? The wealthy utilize helicopters from pads at the tops of highrise buildings. They often have small private choppers and landing pads at their homes. As the time when the public will be openly aware of the approach of Nibiru, and likely to riot and clog the streets so travel by car is simply no longer possible, the wealthy will look to the air for an escape from the cities. The skies crowded by many helicopters will be dangerous, so a flying car is an alternative.

Accepted from ZetaTalk Followers:

For several days now there are unusual forest fires in southern Turkey, all near the Mediterranean Sea. From videos and reports, it seems like there is hot earth there. Would Zetas be willing to comment and give us an update about Africa Roll and the status in this region, if possible?
[and from another] fires
[and from another]
Bathing tourists calmly look on as firefighting aircraft scoop water from the sea to tackle raging Turkish forest inferno
July 28, 2012
The provincial authority in Manavgat confirmed that officials are in the process of “trying to take control of a massive fire,” as footage circulating on social media shows the blaze sending smoke into the air above residential properties.
[and from another]
[and from another]
Most forest fires contained as PKK-linked group vows arson attacks
August 1, 2021
The number of forest fires that have gripped the country since last week dropped to five from 107. Meanwhile, Turkey continues to suspect the fires may be linked to arson by the terrorist group PKK, whose affiliate threatened arson attacks. Turkish people on social media were quick to put the blame on the PKK-linked "Children of Fire Initiative" for a series of fires that have hit Turkey recently, as PKK sympathizers also hailed the fires on Twitter. The PKK has a long history of burning Turkey's forests as a method of "vengeance" against the Turkish state, causing civilian deaths and environmental destruction in the process.

The shape of the Africa Plate is such that there is a hook above Syria where it abuts Greece and Turkey. This prevents the Africa Plate from dropping toward the Indian Ocean as it rolls. The Africa Plate must turn in place, separating where it connects to the Eurasian Plate across the Mediterranean, pulling the northeast side of the Africa Plate down and scraping it past
Israel and the Saudi Plate. During this process, it applies much pressure against Turkey, and at times squeezes the Suez Canal as the episode with the trapped Evergreen showed.

Two things cause hot earth. One is subduction as is occurring along the Andes and West Coast of the US. One plate sliding under another creates heat from friction. The second cause of hot earth is compression, being pressed together. This likewise causes heat particles to become crowded and want to escape. Turkey and Sardinia are affected by the Africa Roll press to the East, which will not be relieved until that corner of the Africa Plate drops and pulls apart at the Sinai. Meanwhile, Turkey must fight endless wildfires, scarcely any of which are caused by arson.

Prior ZT:
The Eurasian Plate is clearly being stretched above the Mediterranean, with the top part of the African Plate being pushed against Greece. As the African Plate drops, it will pull the Sinai Peninsula away from its prior moorings, so that travel between Israel and Egypt will be disrupted. 

Prior ZT:
The African Plate has a notch at Syria which holds the African Plate in place. Thus to drop into the Indian Ocean, the African Plate must scrape past Syria and Israel, squeezing the Red Sea during this drop. Once past this squeeze, the African Plate will be free to pull apart the Mediterranean and many other dramas will emerge. The Ever Given became stuck in the Suez Canal not due to wind but due to a shifting canal floor.

Prior ZT:
There is a rock spur between the coastline of Syria and Israel and the coastline of Turkey that prevents the top nob of the African Plate from dropping into the Indian Ocean. Thus at present the roll presses aggressively toward the East, and is now resulting in a squeezed Suez Canal.

Accepted via email: 

John Moore is at it again.
[and from another]
John Moore Reveals Military Knowledge of Civilization-Ending Global Event
August 1, 2021
The event that John Moore refers to is a “tenth planet” fly-by where a, dark large planetary mass (that can only be seen with infra-red telescopes) passes near Earth’s orbital plane around the sun. The gravitational effects alone, warned former top Navy scientists, will cause cataclysmic Earth changes consisting of unprecedented earthquakes, volcanoes and even a “pole shift” that will reportedly reorient the physical polar axis of the planet (not just the magnetic poles), thereby shifting the equator and unleashing unimaginable ocean “slosh” that will inundate coastal areas on every continent.
On that day, global winds will be sustained at 200 mph for a full day. Your next challenge will be surviving the complete collapse of human civilization, as there will be no functioning farms, power grids, internet, transportation infrastructure, fuel refineries, etc.
[and from another]
[and from another]

John Moore was in the news in 2012 predicting that the cataclysms caused by Nibiru would occur within months. We stated that he was deliberately sabotaged by the Nibiru cover-up to reduce his credibility. He has legitimate credentials and many contacts within the US Military, so has a well-earned following.
What is to be made of his very specific description of the Passage and its effect on mankind’s infrastructure? That this is dated information from 1979 can be seen from the description.

Moore states it can only be seen by infra-red, which was true in 1979 but now the common man can see it naked eye when the Sun’s glare is reduced, and the Red Dust and String of Pearls and other components of the Nibiru Complex are apparent likewise. We, the Zetas of ZetaTalk, were not on the web until 1995 but were chatting with MJ12 via Nancy much before 1979, so the description of the hurricane force winds and shattered infrastructure are essentially from ZetaTalk. So why is John Moore being allowed to share this information at this time?

The Junta in charge of the US at the current time is struggling with the urge to alert the public about the coming passage and the fear that such knowledge would incite riots and chaos in society. The Junta wants to reinstate President Trump but fears civil war, so a Nibiru admission would compound this worry. It is not just the looting and likely heart attacks, but arguments within families that would rip them apart. Workers would leave essential jobs to head for the hills, and bank failure would be certain when creditors stop making Credit Card or mortgage payments.

The US Military will soon be overwhelmed with refugees when the New Madrid unzips and would once again be forced to operate on several fronts at once. Thus the Junta seeks a way to gradually inform the public, so steps toward self-sufficiency and family planning are taken, and the shock of what the Nibiru Passage will bring is lessened. They hope the public will gradually absorb and adjust to this shock. John Moore’s leaked information will not be the only such leak, as astronomers are being primed to make reveals also.

Prior ZT:
John Moore’s source was provided false information to embarrass John Moore, and discredit him. The cover-up wants to be the voice that is listened to, in control of the message, and thus these other human sources of information are being taken down, ahead of time.

4th police officer who responded to Capitol riot dies of suicide.

Anything fishy about this?

No need to ask the Zetas as it is obvious on its face. The Democrats and the Cabal who did not want President Trump in office could not trust these officers to sing the song they wanted the media tell, so they were killed. 

J A said:

4th police officer who responded to Capitol riot dies of suicide.

Accepted via email: 

What is the message with these recent crop circles? 
[and from another]
New Crop Circle at Spiers Lane, Nr Alresford, Hampshire, August 1, 2021
[and from another]

[and from another]

[and from another]
Tidcombe Down, Nr Oxenwood, Wiltshire. Reported 28th June

This genuine Crop Circle design at Spiers Lane shows aspects of the Daily Earth Wobble. The North and South Poles are shown in the center, with a range of motion to either side of 22.5 degrees, so that the Pole might be expected to deviate 45 degrees in total during the Wobble. It does indeed vary by that much, as many have observed. The next variance is for a pole to swing 45 degrees to one side or the other, for a total of 90 degrees, which would occur during the Severe Wobble which has been predicted. Next step is a swing of 90 degrees to either side, for a total of 180 degrees, which has been predicted to occur by the globe temporarily upside down.

This genuine Crop Circle design at Tidcombe shows the telescoping nature of Nbiru’s interaction with Earth during its Passage. This design is not a timeline as it takes Nibiru a long time to effect a Passage because it is at first fighting the backwash of particles returning to the Sun at the Ecliptic, but after crossing the Ecliptic this battle has been won and Nibiru speeds out of the Solar System. Nibiru is drawn close to the Sun
during its Passage, but then the Solar System returns to its pre-Passage state after Nibiru’s exit.


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