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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 67121

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Replies to This Discussion

Add to China topics, please, if suitable. All countries have good and bad individuals and factions. The current quality of any government and direction of a country depends largely on which side is currently dominating. Does all the recent mischief by China indicate it's now regressing, the vision of global harmony losing to lust for domination? Or are these just more Black Hat speed bumps for China to get past en route to greater progress? Are Black Hats being purged there, too, or will be soon?

I added this but all answers from the Zetas are broad based. I am fond of saying there are 7+ billion people on Earth and they all have an agenda. There is clearly a White Hat Alliance (Dark Judge used that term recently) and Black Hats under every rock. I will get to this tomorrow. 

Howard Boldt said:

Add to China topics, please, if suitable. All countries have good and bad individuals and factions. The current quality of any government and direction of a country depends largely on which side is currently dominating. Does all the recent mischief by China indicate it's now regressing, the vision of global harmony losing to lust for domination? Or are these just more Black Hat speed bumps for China to get past en route to greater progress? Are Black Hats being purged there, too, or will be soon?

Has the Cabal called on the Chinese military to counter the Junta and the American military? Cabal conspired with China?

Nancy Lieder said:

I added this but all answers from the Zetas are broad based. I am fond of saying there are 7+ billion people on Earth and they all have an agenda. There is clearly a White Hat Alliance (Dark Judge used that term recently) and Black Hats under every rock. I will get to this tomorrow. 

Howard Boldt said:

Add to China topics, please, if suitable. All countries have good and bad individuals and factions. The current quality of any government and direction of a country depends largely on which side is currently dominating. Does all the recent mischief by China indicate it's now regressing, the vision of global harmony losing to lust for domination? Or are these just more Black Hat speed bumps for China to get past en route to greater progress? Are Black Hats being purged there, too, or will be soon?

No, it went the other way. China called on the Khazarians to exert help with securing crops. None of that worked. 

Andrey Eroshin said:

Has the Cabal called on the Chinese military to counter the Junta and the American military? Cabal conspired with China?

Code Monkey and DJ posts ...

President Trump states he has no plans to declare Martial Law over the election mess. Isn’t the Insurrection Act a form of Martial Law?
[and from another]
The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners. The reason? So that unofficial election results can more quickly be relayed to the public. Those modems connect to cell phone networks, which, in turn, are connected to the internet.
[and from another]
The new machines, known as ballot-marking devices, are essentially touchscreen computers that produce a paper, bar-coded ballot. The danger, security researchers say: Errors or tampering could cause the bar codes to differ from what the voter selected, making them less secure than paper ballots that voters mark by hand.

General Flynn stated in an interview recently that he expects President Trump to use the Insurrection Act to seize the Dominion servers and do recounts of legal ballots in the Swing States. Meanwhile, the Dominion and ESS tabulating servers have been sitting in locations where they could be wiped clean or have their program cards removed and replaced. Hardly secure. Paper ballots are by law locked up after the election, and could be examined for duplication or watermarks or fraudulent signatures. Thus commandeering these ballots at the present time is not necessary.

Despite cries by the Dominion and ESS corporations that their servers are not connected to the Internet, this is the means by which they provide updated counts to the media, waiting breathlessly for the latest on election night. This connection to the Internet also allowed the tabulating servers to send the unofficial results to Spain and thence to Germany to be tweaked to assure a Biden win. Every step of this operation was recorded by the NICS’s Kraken computers. The programs on a CIA server in Germany were also secured by the Junta. Thus, commandeering the local Swing State servers is no longer necessary.

We have stated that resolving the 2020 election mess must include educating the public about the extent and means of the fraud. On December 19 President Trump denied plans to use a Martial Law route on the election mess but there are also new rumors emerging that President Trump might assign a Special Prosecutor, especially Sidney Powell, to investigate election fraud. President Trump fears that using the Insurrection Act of 1807 as a means of gaining a valid recount and inspection of the paper ballots would be used by the Cabal to incite fear and panic in the populace, thus he seeks a different route.

The Constitution states that “The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President”, so any Executive Order that President Trump writes that would be in compliance with the Constitution would be considered reasonable and legal. If a hand count were done by the National Guard, directed to do so by an Executive Order written for this purpose by President Trump, then who could object? This combined with a full recount of fraud used around the nation by perhaps a Special Counsel such as Sidney Powell would educate the public. More to come.

Accepted from many emails:

Has the coronavirus mutated like claimed or are the recent draconian lockdowns in UK a political play because as we all know 2021 is at hand which means the cover-up re Nibiru is about to fail!? Eurotunnel closed. Do they fear the European tsunami is coming?
[and from another]
So, the restrictions can only tighten from hereinafter. Is this part of the plan to keep people from traveling because of the impending 2021 naked eye Nibiru sightings?
It looks like there’s no end in sight.
I see the groundwork being laid for Martial Law at the ready. Any thoughts?
[and from another]
Thought I'd ask since things are being said about the morphing Covid Virus, if it's natural evolution or man modified? Certainly hard to outrun a flu, that is being manipulated and spread! Combined with a questionable vaccine?
[and from another]
A new strain of coronavirus is "out of control" in parts of southern England, the U.K. health secretary has warned, adding that it has also been found as far away as Australia. A stricter lockdown was announced for London and surrounding areas after scientists confirmed the existence of a new variant of the virus that could be up to 70 percent more transmissible.
[and from another]
As London and the entire South East of the UK was plunged into a fresh lockdown over the weekend, scores of countries have banned all travel to and from the UK, but scientists there are demanding to see any evidence that there is a 70% more contagious mutant strain of COVID, having not been shown anything by the government.
[and from another]
New strain of COVID-19 is driving South Africa’s resurgence
December 21, 2020
It is still very early but at this stage, the preliminary data suggests the virus that is now dominating in the second wave is spreading faster than the first wave. The new strain, different from the one in Britain, appears to be more infectious than the original virus.
[and from another]
The U.K. Coronavirus Variant
A newly identified variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus appears to be more contagious.  While we are fairly certain the variant is transmitted more quickly, there is no evidence to suggest that it is more lethal or causes more severe illness. Equally there is no evidence to suggest the vaccine will be any less effective against the new variant.
[and from another]
Unique form of COVID found in Northern Nevada
This virus matches mostly to the European strain, most of the strain we have also seen in New York and Washington or California. But one big difference of what we saw here was 50% of the variant we picked up here is unique to Northern Nevada. Northern Nevada somehow has a unique mutation which is in one of the proteins which makes the virus replicate.
[and from another]
Countries Ban Travel from U.K. in Race to Block New Covid-19 Strain
December 20, 2020
Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Israel, the Netherlands and Belgium announced bans on passenger air travel from the U.K.

Like all coronaviruses, Covid-19 will mutate, and mutate readily. This is why there is an annual flu vaccine. Existing flu variants mutate and these mutations spread throughout a population that is no longer immune as the previous vaccine was not designed for this new variant. How much of these claims about the latest Covid-19 mutation are real, and how much is political opportunism? Just as the vaccines developed against Covid-19 are being employed, there are sudden claims of a mutation. Thus, the lockdowns must continue. It is claimed that the new mutation spreads more readily than the original, thus even more draconian restrictions can be expected.

Public Health England has stated that the mutation is not more deadly than Covid-19, so can be considered a milder version of Covid-19. But until the Covid-19 vaccines prove to be effective against this new mutation, the restraints against travel or free movement of the populace will continue. Over this past year, in 2020, the world adapted to the new normal. Food production on farms continued, manufacturing and the distribution of raw materials continued, and distribution of food and finished products continued via home delivery or curbside shopping. Though small business had to regroup and adjust to new circumstances, the economy in many cases boomed.

But what many governments in the Western world want to see continue is a restricted populace. It is notably the West that is banning travel to and from the UK. It is those countries within the European Union and members of the Queen’s Commonwealth that are restricting travel. We have addressed the draconian lockdowns in Europe before, mentioning several factors. The establishment fears that ISIS sleeper cells in Europe will become opportunists, as was certainly the case in France over the past few months during terror attacks against churches.

The establishment also fears a migrating populace would overwhelm the police or the military, thus looting and crime. Such migration would certainly occur if the pending New Madrid adjustment were to occur, and occur suddenly. But the establishment in Europe primarily fears that Nibiru will become common knowledge, not because it is announced or admitted, but because Nibiru announces itself by being obvious. Depending upon its location or level of preparation, a country can expect to direct its populace to safety inland away from the coastlines or descend into panic. Europe is doing the latter, because their elite have never thought of anything but themselves.

What was the motive??
[and from another]
Motor Home Explodes in Nashville; Possible Remains Found
December 25, 2020
Authorities offered no explanation as to a possible motive, and there was no claim of responsibility. The blast came just moments after officers responded to reports of gunfire in the area and discovered the recreational vehicle parked outside an AT&T building in downtown Nashville. Police heard a recorded voice warning that a "bomb would detonate in 15 minutes." The message said “This area must be evacuated now. This area must be evacuated now. If you can hear this message, evacuate now. If you can hear this message, evacuate now." Officers quickly went door-to-door in nearby buildings to hustle people to safety, and called for dispatch of the police bomb squad.
[and from another]
Nashville Officials Relieved Explosion did not Claim Lives, Resolved to find Motive, Suspects
December 25, 2020
AT&T service in Nashville and Middle Tennessee was affected for many customers. The outage affected 911 access in several jurisdictions across the region throughout the day. 
[and from another]
AT&T Outage: Internet, 911 Disrupted, Planes Grounded after Nashville Explosion
December 25, 2020
Users around the country reported disruptions in service, but there was a concentration in the Nashville area and Middle Tennessee, growing in reach from Kentucky to Alabama.

The Nashville bomb was a warning to the Trump administration. The message was to accept defeat or war will break out in the US. The riots in Seattle and Portland and Minneapolis and Milwaukee and various other Democrat governed states were to set the stage for secession of Blue states. The Defund the Police movement, also a Democrat agenda, was to provide a path for an alternative to the police or military, but President Trump stopped the riots by calling up the National Guard. Now, after educating the public about the extent of the election fraud done by the Democrats, President Trump has survived and is postured to invoke the Insurrection Act and inform the public if need be via the Emergency Broadcast System.

The target of the Nashville bomb was obviously the AT&T switching building, which was a hub used by emergency responders in the broad inter-state area. Temporarily, after the blast, 911 calls did not go through and planes were grounded. Imagine if President Trump were set to use the EBS to explain why he had invoked the Insurrection Act and empowered the military to seize ballots and servers? The media can be counted upon to silence him, but the EBS is absolutely under his control. Thus the Democrat Cabal trying to steal the 2020 election plans to bring down the entire system, nationwide, with a repeat of the Nashville bomb scenario.

There's also the following image floating around Twr this morning, with numerous posters commenting on 'her knowing' 


Nancy Lieder said:

What was the motive??

The Nashville bomb was a warning to the Trump administration. 

Good Morning, 

Posting the question here as well... wasn't sure of asking it in the Earthquakes page/thread was the best place to get an answer.  My apologies if wrong

Can the Zetas confirm that there was such unreported activity [a massive earthquake] in Antarctica?

Accepted via email: 

Two earthquakes rocked Croatia yesterday. Magnitude 5+, so probably 7+ in reality. The monoliths are withholding the New Madrid adjustment, but is the Africa roll about to get serious?

We last gave percentages of completion for the 7 of 10 Plate Movements in late 2019,
and while many have virtually completed, it is clear that the New Madrid rupture is being held back. The N American Continent is almost devoid of quakes. This is being done deliberately by the Council of Worlds who see a frantic End Times battle between the Satanists trying to install the Biden camp in the White House and the White Hat forces for good at war with the Satanists. What are the percentages of completion at the present time?

Though India will continue to sink while the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate lifts, this step is no longer holding back the other plate movements and thus has completed. The tilting of the Philippine Plate has likewise essentially completed at 93%. Pressure on Japan reflects the compressing Pacific, which is taking the brunt of the resistance in N America, and thus is suffering the great quakes we predicted for Japan prior to the New Madrid adjustment. Japan, which is never free from the quakes it must suffer, is at 59%.

The S American Roll and the shifting of the Caribbean Plate have progressed in the past months to 94% completion. But to protect the N American Continent from its pending New Madrid rip, the African Roll is being retarded at 38%. Thus the Eurasian Plate stretch tension must take the brunt of the compressing Pacific, with quakes from Europe through to China pulling this continent apart. Until the African Roll completes, the Eurasian Plate stretch cannot complete and stands at 42%. The New Madrid is frozen at 36%.

This video seems to be focused on the tip of S America, where it attaches to Antarctica. This is activity of the S America Roll, is all, up and down the Andes. Of course the tip of S America gets pulls this way or that during the roll. 

Willa Rawlings said:

Can the Zetas confirm that there was such unreported activity [a massive earthquake] in Antarctica?


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