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  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
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  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
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Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 61081

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion


Matt B said:

Major news outlets have declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 US Presidential election.

Without revealing matters still in play behind the scenes, do the Zetas have any comment on this development? What purpose does the announcement of a Biden 'victory' serve in the ongoing election fraud sting operation?
[and from another]
Biden defeats Trump in an election he made about character of the nation and the President
November 7, 2020
America has chosen Democrat Joe Biden as its 46th president, CNN projects, turning at a time of national crisis to a man whose character was forged by aching personal tragedy and who is pledging to restore calm and truth after Donald Trump's exhausting and manic single term.
[and from another]
Biden Wins Presidency, Ending Four Tumultuous Years Under Trump
November 7, 2020
In a brief statement issued after Pennsylvania delivered the crucial electoral votes for victory, Mr. Biden called for healing and unity. In his own statement, Mr. Trump insisted “this election is far from over” and vowed that his campaign would “start prosecuting our case in court” but offered no details.
[and from another]
Biden wins presidency, Trump denied second term in White House, Fox News projects
November 7, 2020
The Fox News Decision Desk projected that Biden will win the state of Nevada and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, giving the former vice president the electoral votes he needs to win the White House.
[and from another]
Donald J. Trump Tweet

With the SCOTUS likely to rule that non-military ballots arriving in Pennsylvania after Election Day are not legal and recounts in numerous states on a razor thin margin between Biden and President Trump pending, and without any of the states actually certifying a winner – major media declares Biden the winner. Of course the media does not have this authority, and they know this. Why the rush? As was revealed on November 6 by the Dark Judge and insiders such as ex CIA Director Steve Pieczenik, arrests were to begin that night.

What happens during a sting operation? The criminals are lulled into complacency while the police record their every move. Then the arrests and interrogations begin. Would underlings prefer a trip to Gitmo with potential execution or would they like a plea deal? Many in the media have a vested interest in a Biden win, and are trying to send a message to those being interrogated. Hold out, don’t cave under pressure, because the eventual President Biden will pardon you!

From Alberto:

This afternoon photo has always darkness around sun and company. What happen. Never at present day I have seen. Ciao Nancy

Nibiru is starting to position itself more directly in front of the Sun, thus the dense dust and debris and petrol bubbles are blocking the sunlight to a greater extent. Nibiru used to be to the right of the Sun, at some distance, but now is as expected pulling toward the Point of Passage position. There is still more to go, as the 7 of 10 Plate Movements have not yet completed, nor have the Last Weeks started. 

What is going on in Europe with all the strict measures and second lockdown or semi lockdown procedures regarding covid. It seems that there is more to it then just the fear of the Nibiru announcment and the European tsunami?

Covid19: British Army to Begin Testing Children Without Parental Consent
Liverpool school will also be “barcoding” individuals, and “securing” them should they test positive

Coronavirus: What you can and can't do now England is in second lockdown

NHS Nurse Resigns say Gov’t Counting Flu & Covid Together Real number only 3 in Hospital for COVID

Global report: new Covid lockdown in Hungary as Belgium passes second peak

Rules for Greece’s Second Covid-19 Lockdown Explained

Gov’t urges Greeks to not hang out on internet 9am-6am during lockdown

Europe Back in Lockdown Mode

And for what i saw various other non european countries also still in lockdown


Gerard Zwaan said:

What is going on in Europe with all the strict measures and second lockdown or semi lockdown procedures regarding covid.

It seems that there is more to it than just the fear of the Nibiru announcement and the European tsunami?
[and from another]
Covid19: British Army to Begin Testing Children Without Parental Consent
Liverpool school will also be “barcoding” individuals, and “securing” them should they test positive.
[and from another]
Coronavirus: What you can and can't do now England is in second lockdown
[and from another]
NHS Nurse Resigns say Gov’t Counting Flu & Covid Together Real number only 3 in Hospital for COVID
[and from another]
Global report: new Covid lockdown in Hungary as Belgium passes second peak
[and from another]
Rules for Greece’s Second Covid-19 Lockdown Explained
[and from another]
Gov’t urges Greeks to not hang out on internet 9am-6am during lockdown
[and from another]
Europe Back in Lockdown Mode
[and from another]
And for what i saw various other non european countries also still in lockdown

Last September we stated that the European lockdowns were due to worry about riots after Nibiru is admitted -
the public angry that they have been lied to for many years. When the Atlantic buoys were blinded last July we added the worry that the European tsunami
might create an opportunity for rioting and looting. The lockdowns in France, Spain, the UK and the Netherlands are particularly draconian, and these are the countries that would be affected most by the European tsunami.

But at base these European worries are about rioting. Are China or Asia or Russia or India or Africa or S America frantic about lockdowns? The US lockdowns were only in place in Democrat states to force mail-in ballots for the 2020 election. Thus it is Europe that stands alone with their lockdown rules. Rioting or people on the run from a tsunami would overwhelm the police and military, and thus is an opportunity for ISIS sleeper cells
to effect a coup in Europe.

This is what Merkel and Erdogan
sought when they facilitated the ISIS immigrant influx into Europe. Merkel
has been executed by the White Hats but the sleeper cells are still in place. Erdogan is dead from a heart attack
but the insiders that were his palace guard in Turkey are still intent on re-establishing an Ottoman Empire. They are poised to muster this insurrection in Europe and attempt to take over the reins of government. Will this work? No. The populace is already suspicious and resentful of the lockdowns, but unlikely to cooperate with an ISIS takeover in any case.

Prior ZT:
Now, on the cusp of the New Madrid adjustment, the entire Eastern Seaboard of the US and the European coastline are being blinded. Why? ZetaTalk is on record warning the public that when the New Madrid adjustment occurs, massive tsunami waves up to 200-300 foot high will roar toward Europe and a backwash up to 50 foot high will wash against the East Coast of the US. The wealthy elite who control corporate matters have another opinion. They want the public dumb and calm and ignorant. In their view it is better to have the public continue shopping and paying their mortgages on their coastal homes and businesses and vacationing on the coastlines than safe from harm. 

Prior ZT:
Why is Covid-19 any different? It is being used to control the populace for the panic that the establishment fears is coming when the public becomes aware of Nibiru. This was anticipated to be upon the establishment by January, 2021, but an international group of astronomers has decided to preempt this date by educating the public before panic can set in

Prior ZT:
Merkel has been an aggressive proponent of bringing in Syrian refugees, who seem to be disproportionately young men rather than complete families with women and young children and the aged. This begs the question, why did these young men desert their families? This refugee welcome is deliberate, to sculpt the population into a worker force rather than a citizen base demanding social services. Was this Merkel’s plan, and has it failed? Yes.

. Prior ZT:

Erdogan and Merkel have been shown to be colluding to install ISIS sleeper cells in Europe.

Prior ZT:
Germany under Merkel has pushed to establish what might be termed a 4th Reich, using ISIS sleeper cells as her secret militia and partnering with Erdogan in Turkey. 

Accepted via email: 

Zetas last week said election fraud counts would be corrected and criminal Biden victory reversed.   Is this still the case, as it seems to be a Biden done deal.
[and from another]
My major concern is that sorting out the election complications looks like will take some time and we have the New Madrid Adjustment pending. I'm worried if Trump is not declared before it the democrats will certainly steal it in the ensuing chaos. The timing is just awful to me.
[and from another]
The media called Biden the winner, but it seems like all the voting was compromised. We shall see now the Trump is the true winner as you had stated. Will they be able to arrest the Media for subversion or treason? They aided and abetted traitors. We shall see. I bet we may see a false flag happen, or release of more virus, but more deadly.

President Trump won the 2020 election as he would say “Bigly”, but the Junta does not want the American public to be shocked that their election process could be so corrupted. We stated after the night of the election that the counts would be set right. This requires recounts or audits or court decisions, at least in those states that are close and would allow President Trump to accumulate enough electoral votes to win his second term.

A SCOTUS determination on late ballots in Pennsylvania would grant President Trump that state. Sorting out illegal ballots during recounts in Georgia and Wisconsin would provide those electoral votes to President Trump also. He would then have more than 270, but there is more good news. Prior to certification, many states are “discovering” counting errors, and rather than face an embarrassing recount or audit, they are announcing corrections.

President Trump has stated that he expects all this to take another 2-3 weeks, and we concur. Meanwhile, as with the Diebold theft
of the 2000 and 2004 elections, much evidence exists of the fraud, and this evidence is out in the public view on the Internet. The 2020 election fraud stories will go on and on, and not be dismissed. Already the public is recorded in polls as being quite aware of the fraud. Meanwhile, the Trump administration will gain support for the challenges ahead.

Prior ZT:
There are a number of states that Biden supposedly won that were declared incorrectly, and this will also be cleaned up behind the scenes. Will these crimes be brought to justice in the public eye? Unlikely, as this would diminish public confidence in the voting process. But the Tribunals will be busy, and the counts will be set right. 

Prior ZT:
Arrests and Tribunals will be disguised by the recounts, not in the public eye. These moves and a pending SCOTUS ruling on the legitimacy of ballots arriving and counted late will swing the election to President Trump.

Prior ZT:
With the SCOTUS likely to rule that non-military ballots arriving in Pennsylvania after Election Day are not legal and recounts in numerous states on a razor thin margin between Biden and President Trump pending, and without any of the states actually certifying a winner – major media declares Biden the winner. Of course the media does not have this authority, and they know this. Why the rush? Many in the media have a vested interest in a Biden win, and are trying to send a message to those being interrogated. Hold out, don’t cave under pressure, because the eventual President Biden will pardon you!

 I am just gonna ask because "this" already start to get an folklore by itself in social media  . What does "“I’m going to release the Kraken !” " mean ? What she is referring too ? Sidney Powell say it in an interview, she is a very respected person fighting in White Hats side ,so many are wondering ?

Today she had an interview and she point that " CIA May have Used Dominion for Its Own Benefit "

We know that CIA it was playing in the Deep State side. This "kraken" will take down CIA officially ?

Thank you , have good one .


Ovidiu Pricopi said:

 I am just gonna ask because "this" already start to get an folklore by itself in social media.

What does “I’m going to release the Kraken!” mean? What she is referring too? Sidney Powell say it in an interview, she is a very respected person fighting in White Hats side, so many are wondering? Today she had an interview and she point that "CIA May have Used Dominion for Its Own Benefit ". We know that CIA it was playing in the Deep State side. This "kraken" will take down CIA officially?
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
“We’re Fixin’ to Overturn the Results of the Election in Multiple States!” – Sidney Powell Releases the Kraken
November 15, 2020
We’re fixin’ to overturn the results of the election in multiple states, and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. 
[and from another]
The kraken is a legendary cephalopod-like sea monster of gigantic size in Scandinavian folklore. According to the Norse sagas, the kraken dwells off the coasts of Norway and Greenland and terrorizes nearby sailors. Authors over the years have postulated that the legend may have originated from sightings of giant squids that may grow to 13–15 meters (40–50 feet) in length. The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to the kraken have made it a common ocean-dwelling monster in various fictional works. 
[and from another]
Release The Kraken!
The 1981 fantasy adventure film Clash of the Titans inspired by the Greek myth of Perseus was released on April 2nd, 2010. Months prior to its release, Warner Bros. unveiled a two-minute long teaser trailer in which Liam Neeson's character Zeus orders his men to unleash the legendary squid-like sea monster by shouting "release the Kraken!"  

The “Release the Kraken” meme is notable for the imagery it invokes – something huge and out of control being released upon the enemy. The enemy is thus utterly destroyed, as ordinary weapons or defenses do not suffice. The Kraken has a mind of its own, and the whole assault runs its course. By bringing up the extent of the Dominion voter fraud on Fox News, Sydney Powell may indeed be releasing the Kraken on the media, who refuse to address the massive election fraud and keep insisting that Biden won.

Almost 4 million votes
nationwide were stolen from President Trump and given to Biden. This huge number is the Kraken. That the CIA had a hand in developing the Dominion software will only strengthen the Kraken, as the CIA’s interest in overthrowing democratically elected officials around the world has been long known. This 2020 election story thus moves from what the media would like to call a conspiracy theory to having the ring of truth. Many will look into the history of Dominion, and see the big picture.

Prior ZT:
Just as the oarfish are rising from the depths, due to the electronic screech in the rock below the oceans, the giant squid are seeking new hunting grounds. Normally prevalent in the North Atlantic, they are of legend seemingly attacking fishing boats when they seek the fish snagged by nets. To escape the electronic screech, they will rise to the surface where they will be sighted and compete with fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean.

Accepted via email: 

The latest Covid 19 vaccine push seems a little vexing. A virus that in effect 99.99% of 7,800,000 people global will survive from after contracting an infection is a rather implausible or illogical scenario. The current U.S Warpspeed push for the role out of this vaccine is being implemented, yet anti-viral medications have been proven to halt the virus in its tracks. What is the necessity for such a vaccine push at this time? I wondered if the Zeta's are willing to make further comment on this subject, or have they like we all become exasperated with governments intentions global!!
[and from another]
‘Just beautiful’—Another COVID-19 Vaccine, from Newcomer Moderna, Succeeds in Large-Scale Trial
November 16, 2020
Now there are two. Another COVID-19 vaccine using the same previously unproven technology as the vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech, the U.S and German companies that reported success on 9 November, appears to work remarkably well. 
[and from another]
Russia COVID-19 vaccine: Here are the Countries that are Interested in Buying
August 14, 2020
Russia became the first country in the world to register a COVID-19 vaccine. Russian President Vlamdimir Putin asserted that the vaccine "has passed all the necessary tests." Dubbed as Sputnik V, the vaccine was developed by Gamaleya Research Institute and the Russian defence ministry. 
[and from another]
Iranian-Made COVID-19 Vaccine to enter Human Trial in early November
October 20, 2020
The Iranian health minister announced on Sunday that he had “good news” about a COVID-19 vaccine being developed in the country.
[and from another]
China Is Inoculating Thousands with Unapproved COVID-19 Vaccines
November 12, 2020
As countries around the world race to develop the first viable coronavirus vaccine, China's two biggest vaccine companies have already begun inoculating hundreds of thousands of mostly state workers in a bid to get a head start.  The unorthodox approach is a sign of China's strength — first in controlling a coronavirus epidemic, then in its ability to potentially protect its workers.
[and from another]
Research Team has Isolated the COVID-19 Virus
March 12, 2020
A team of researchers from Sunnybrook, McMaster University and the University of Toronto has isolated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the agent responsible for the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19.

Developing a vaccine for a flu is nothing new, as this is an annual trek so that by the Fall of a given year, the flu version starting to spread can be countered by a vaccine. The annual flu emerging at the start of any given year is known early in that year, thus 9 months from identification to vaccine is the normal time frame. Covid-19, essentially a bad flu as it has approximately twice the death rate of the annual flu, is no different. The virus was isolated last March 12 so that scientists could begin their vaccine development.

While Europe is in a draconian lockdown, exaggerating the Covid-19 deaths, and while Democrat States in the US likewise exaggerated the Covid-19 risk prior to the 2020 election to force the use of mail-in ballots, the rest of the world did not adopt this mode. China, Iran, and in particular Russia have developed vaccines and are using them. Why this difference? In all cases where the lockdown exceeds the risk, there is a political or sociological motive. It is essentially a Martial Law maneuver.

Europe is concerned that during the chaos that might ensue after Nibiru is admitted or the European tsunami strikes, that ISIS sleeper cells will attempt to take control of Europe. Already France is under attack. Europe keeps moving the end date of any lockdown forward, as though the Covid-19 risk will pass magically at some date. In the US, as predicted by many, the lockdown craze has eased as soon as the November 3 election passed. How to ease back on the lockdown craze when it is no longer needed?

Where President Trump was not responsible for the lockdown craze in the US, which was always a press by the Democrat States, he will rescue the nation from this lockdown paralysis by approving and expediting a vaccine. As the 2020 election results show that Trump has gained the necessary 270 electoral points to win, the Democrat States will lose their motivation. They will instead be stuck with their self-imposed bankrupt status and ruined economies. The populace of California and New York are fleeing.

Prior ZT:
Last September we stated that the European lockdowns were due to worry about riots after Nibiru is admitted - the public angry that they have been lied to for many years.  When the Atlantic buoys were blinded last July we added the worry that the European tsunami might create an opportunity for rioting and looting. The lockdowns in France, Spain, the UK and the Netherlands are particularly draconian, and these are the countries that would be affected most by the European tsunami. But at base these European worries are about rioting. The US lockdowns were only in place in Democrat states to force mail-in ballots for the 2020 election. Erdogan is dead from a heart attack but the insiders that were his palace guard in Turkey are still intent on re-establishing an Ottoman Empire. They are poised to muster this insurrection in Europe and attempt to take over the reins of government.

Would the Zetas like to speak about the anomalous failure of the Vega launch carrying $400 million loss worth of satellites?  This the day after Space X issues?   

European Vega rocket suffers major launch failure, satellites for Spain and France lost

An Arianespace Vega rocket suffered a major failure shortly after launch on Monday (Nov. 16), leading to loss of satellites for Spain and France.

The four-stage Vega rocket lifted off from the Guiana Space Center in Kourou, French Guiana at 8:52 p.m. EST (0152 Nov. 17 GMT) and appeared to fly smoothly during the early mission phases. But eight minutes into flight, something went wrong.

"We can now confirm that the mission is lost," Arianespace CEO Stéphane Israël said during a launch webcast.

Just after Vega ignited its upper stage, called Avum, it veered off course on a degraded trajectory, according to Arianespace. The rocket never made its next expected contact with ground stations.

"Eight minutes after the liftoff, and immediately after the ignition of the engine of the fourth stage of Vega, the Avum stage, we have observed the degradation of the trajectory," Israël said. "It means that the speed was not nominal anymore."

Arianespace officials said that "a problem related to the integration of the fourth-stage AVUM nozzle activation system is the most likely cause of the loss of control of the launcher," according to a statement released Tuesday (Nov. 17).

The Vega rocket was carrying two payloads when it lifted off: an Earth-watching satellite for Spain called SEOSAT-Ingenio and the TARANIS satellite for France's space Agency CNES. The launch failure is the second major malfunction of the Vega rocket in two years.


SongStar101 said:

Would the Zetas like to speak about the anomalous failure of the Vega launch carrying $400 million loss worth of satellites? This the day after Space X issues?   

[and from another]
European Vega rocket suffers major launch failure, satellites for Spain and France lost
An Arianespace Vega rocket suffered a major failure shortly after launch on Nov. 16, leading to loss of satellites for Spain and France. The four-stage Vega rocket lifted off from the Guiana Space Center in Kourou, French Guiana and appeared to fly smoothly during the early mission phases. But eight minutes into flight, something went wrong. The Vega rocket was carrying two payloads when it lifted off: an Earth-watching satellite for Spain called SEOSAT-Ingenio and the TARANIS satellite for France's space Agency CNES. The launch failure is the second major malfunction of the Vega rocket in two years.
[and from another]
SpaceX Launches 2nd Crew, Regular Station Crew Flights Begin
November 16, 2020
SpaceX launched four astronauts to the International Space Station on Sunday on the first full-fledged taxi flight for NASA by a private company.

Why is it that Space X has occasional failures yet can successfully carry astronauts to the ISS? The answer lies in the cargo and mission, and whether this runs afoul of the Council of Worlds’ edicts. Space X has been shot down when attempting to partner with Israel and FaceBook to dominate Internet access
for most of Africa. A DEW in space
under the control of Bibi in Israel is another notable restriction. Bibi’s attempt to land the Beresheet
probe on the Moon was likewise foiled.

Why then are the Vega rockets unsuccessful? They were carrying spy satellites for Spain and France, a $400 million payload. Where these missions are always described as humanitarian or for scientific research, they are invariably for vested interests who want to control the common man. At the current time, it is migration patterns, in ships at sea and in particular migrants on the move in Africa. Their interest goes beyond protecting their borders and ensuring the safety of their citizens. Those in charge in Spain and France plan to murder migrants by the millions, if need be, to stop their travel.

Prior ZT:
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man.

Accepted via email: 

At what point will the ballot water marks and the Dominion vote switching affect the official outcome of the 2020 Presidential election? Georgia has refused to allow any recounts to affect the official total, thus protecting their fraud. Meanwhile in Detroit the Republican members of the Canvassers commission recanted their approval of certification of Wayne County, again when the Democrats in charge started to change the rules. Meanwhile in the trial in PA, open to the public and the media both, the presentation of evidence is being delayed by endless motions to dismiss or delay. Trump’s lawyer Sidney Palmer has promised to release the Kraken. When will this start?
[and from another]
Georgia Manual Recount won’t Replace Official Election Results
November 17, 2020
Georgia election officials said they no longer intend to make the results of the state’s manual recount the official tally in the presidential race. The change came after lawyers for the secretary of state’s office reviewed Georgia law and concluded that the new hand count shouldn’t replace the original machine count of scanned ballots.
[and from another]
GOP Members of Wayne County Board of Canvassers say they Want to Rescind Votes to Certify
November 19, 2020
Both Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers signed affidavits saying they want to rescind their votes to certify the county's election results.  They made those votes under pressure and false pretenses and would now like to rescind their votes. They initially voted not to certify Wayne County's election results, citing concerns about alleged irregularities surrounding vote counts in Detroit.
[and from another]
Reince Priebus Reacts to Wis. Dems’ Rule-Change try Following Trump Recount Filing ‘You Can’t Make this Up!’
November 19, 2020
Democrats on the state elections commission sought to change recount guidelines after the Trump 2020 Campaign filed a petition to review the state’s votes in Dane and Milwaukee counties. The Trump campaign sent the Wis Election Comm. $3 mil and filed its petition for a recount. Then the WEC immediately called a special meeting to change certain recount rules that deal with the issues brought up in the petition? 
[and from another]
Reporters Committee, NPR urge Supreme Court to adopt rule governing sealed records
December 17, 2019
The court granted requests to shield records from the public in 46 cases during its 2018 term — by far the highest annual total over a 30-year period in which the court has allowed an increasing number of secret filings.

We have stated that the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election will likely be resolved in the courts.
Why would this be the case when recounts are in process? Recounts can only change the results if the recount itself is certified, and the Democrats in charge will not allow that! In a manual recount, where the electronic tabulating machines are not being used, the massive increase in votes for President Trump is astonishing, proving the election fraud claims. Most of these officials were unaware of the planned fraud, and are stunned. To announce this result would be, for them, to Release the Kraken.

State after state among the Democratic controlled swing states are privately discovering this fraud, as they double check their final counts. Massive fraud has occurred on their watch. What to do? They cannot even duplicate the counts reported on Election Day. We, the Zetas have a saying that since humans on Earth have Free Will, their decisions can go in many directions. Thus predicting the outcome is unpredictable.
Now that the number of people who can sway this matter in this or that direction has increased, it is even more unpredictable.

We stated that an option of the Junta would have been for the Biden Double, under the control of the Junta, to withdraw prior to Election Day, but the Junta chose otherwise. Allowing the states to recount and “discover” miscounts, thus giving the state to President Trump, is another outcome. The states doing recounts may still do this, and Nevada and Arizona may still do this, but it appears they are choosing to continue their lie instead. Meanwhile, due to Sidney Powell’s appearance on several TV stations with revelations on Dominion theft, the truth is out before the American people.

Hypothetically, the Junta might deliver this matter to SCOTUS, where the truth would be presented, undoubtedly in a sealed case. Classified data from several US agencies would be presented, showing conclusively how the vote switching occurred. The plea for SCOTUS to act would be to avoid shocking the American public with the depth and scope of the Democrat election fraud. That foreign countries were involved in this theft would be another part of this presentation. The public would only be told that the recounts showed President Trump won, but the states were reluctant to admit this.

Prior ZT:
As we have stated, the Junta has many options available to negate voter fraud during the 2020 Presidential election. The universal mail-in ballot process has flooded ballots in many states, most not requiring voter verification, so that the mail-in ballot count has been hopelessly compromised. As we detailed, this could be resolved by endless court cases with the potential that the Pelosi Double assumes the Presidency for a period of time on January 21 due to an uncertain outcome. Another option is for the Biden Double to withdraw from the campaign just prior to November 3. That moment has arrived. Just what the Junta will decide to do as of this writing on October 29 is not certain, and as it is in the hands of man it cannot be predicted with certainty by ourselves, the Zetas. 

Prior ZT:
Yet another Junta option is for the election, fraught with evidence of election fraud during the extensive use of mail-in ballots, to be raised to the Supreme Court and likely overturned.

Accepted via email: 

The Trump campaign on Sunday sought to distance itself from attorney Sidney Powell.
[and from another]
The disavowing of Sidney Powell is truly troubling.  It makes the Trump Admin look completely foolish and now all the talking heads will demand Trump concede.  What is happening?  Please explain.  This new development keeps me up at night. 
[and from another]
It could be that the Junta is steering away from using the evidence of the Dominion software stuff.  Perhaps they have deemed it as part of what is too shocking and extreme for most of the public, and will try to get by without using it.  This is a possibility that I'm thinking about while reading into this new distancing by Trump, Juliani and others from Powell, and she from them.
[and from another]
Rudy Giuliani: Sidney Powell not part of Trump’s Legal Team
November 22, 2020
“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,” said Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and another lawyer for Trump, Jenna Ellis, in a statement. “She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.” No further details or clarification was offered.
[and from another]
Giuliani distances Trump campaign from attorney Sidney Powell
November 22, 2020
The Trump campaign on Sunday sought to distance itself from attorney Sidney Powell after she made a series of increasingly convoluted and baseless allegations of widespread nationwide election fraud.
[and from another]
Qanon and the Great Awakening
[and from another]
The Real Dark Judge
[and from another]
[and from another]

Attorney Sidney Powell has not been severed from the legal team representing President Trump’s 2020 campaign, she has been freed from any constraints that judges might impose during lower court proceedings. A judge can seal a case, issue a gag order, thus keeping the public from seeing the evidence. Rudy and Jenna are the attorneys who might be silenced. Sidney is the mouthpiece free to give interviews. Is there a connection between this move and dismissal of the Pennsylvania case and the suspension of the twitter account for the Dark Judge? All happening on the same day. But the Kraken will not be silenced!


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