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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 50614

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Replies to This Discussion

Question declined as the answer is obviously yes, out of 7 billion plus people on Earth, given enough time, a credible Double can be found. There is always a "tell" so not exact, however. 

Willa Rawlings said:

I admit to being curious, as it seems to be relatively easy to find all the Body Doubles; when necessary.

Accepted via emails: 

The Earth changes have picked up with the wobble increasing, yet there is no public admission that Nibiru exists and the cover-up over the alien presence barely has a crack. Are we going to roll right into the Last Weeks with the public having no warning? There are just more and more excuses, like HAARP creates earthquakes and the Sahara dust storm is human manipulation of the weather. If the public does not get the truth, what will be the outcome? Q and the Dark Judge state that full disclosure of the Tribunals et al will result in WW III, and make condescending noises that the public should not worry. Is this their attitude about the coming Pole Shift too? That panic will cause more death so denial is the best route?
[and from another] More Nibiru Excuses
[and from another] Global Warming Revisited
[and from another] Blame the Sun
[and from another] EMP
[and from another] NASA Paintbrush
[and from another] Fracking
[and from another] N Pole Migration

What are the likely scenarios if the near presence of Nibiru is never admitted by the establishment? We have stated that Heads of State were warned by the Bush Administration in 2003
that Nibiru had entered the inner Solar System, and subsequent follow-up has placed the date when the public will no longer be fooled by denial as January, 2021.
Thus various governments are braced to declare Martial Law to control the expected riots and many are taking advantage of the Covid-19 lockdowns to effect a pre-Martial Law state.

The public, however, does not need an official admission in order to realize the truth. As we have stated, more than half
the world’s population are already contactees, and thus are learning the truth from their alien visitors. Talk of the End Time increasingly floods the Internet and even appears in media headlines. Every religion has prophecy about the End Times, stressing the spiritual nature of the changes as well as the cataclysmic spasms the Earth must endure. Thus it can be expected that the people of Earth will seek comfort and direction from their religion, lacking any direction from their political leadership.

There is currently a cover-up about the progress of the Tribunals, which are trying and executing those found guilty of sacrificing children for their Adrenochrome blood harvest or for treason or sedition or for theft of public funds. The Tribunals started in the US, kicked off with President Trump’s Executive Order in 2018, and have spread to the UK Marines and various White Hats in many countries in Europe. This is an international effort now against the various arms of the New World Order.
Doubles are being employed to disguise the scope of the Tribunal cleanups.

It has been stated by Q and the Dark Judge in the UK that to admit to the number of Doubles being used would result in World War III. What is being avoided here, in all cases, is the riots that are assumed to follow. If Nibiru were admitted, then the immediate discussion would be public safety, safe locations not along the coastlines, and continuing distribution of food to the needy. The banking systems would surely collapse if the public realized they were making mortgage payments on housing that will be worthless in the near future.

The public, in the main, are immature souls and are expected to spend less time preparing to help themselves or others and instead make demands for social services. These are issues that have been discussed in smoke filled rooms, with various scenarios plugged into computer models.
The results show that more deaths would occur if the public were to be informed than if the cover-up were to continue. Given that the establishment will not admit to Nibiru or the Tribunal results, even when the Last Weeks arrive, what can be expected?

Martial Law will have been long imposed, hopefully with riots suppressed and the public forced into food production. Governments will in any case collapse, with only a core bunkered against the demands of the public. Hired militia will turn on the elite and the Military will find their ranks deserted, though many soldiers will join survival groups. Thus the Tribunals will NEVER have to explain the use of Doubles, which will go down in history as a conspiracy theory, nor will NASA
or the establishment have to explain the cover-up over Nibiru. They will let ZetaTalk
explain it all.

Prior ZT:
If there were 12,000 contactees in 1998 and close to a billion in 2012 and if fully half the Earth’s population of 7 billion people were contactees by mid-2013, then what is the count today? This count has risen to 4.2 billion

Prior ZT:
Is there such a worldwide program that has a deadline of 2021? Every country has one. They have been told, via face-to-face meetings between heads of state, that this is the year when Nibiru will be close enough that denial is no longer feasible.

Prior 5/27/2006 ZT:
In 2003, Bush called all heads of state around the world for meetings in France, all simultaneously there, ostensibly there to mend fences over Iraq. The shocked faces coming out afterwards for photo opportunities showed that something devastating had been discussed. We stated at that time that there was an admission that there was a presence in the inner solar system causing disturbances on Earth, but it was expected to pass and the only danger was going to be panic in the public. 

Prior 9/01/2012:
It is frankly too late for the establishment to kill Nancy and ZetaTalk. They have tried for years - through ridicule and countering the truth with lies, by putting forth alternative spokespersons and forcing the press to ignore ZetaTalk - and not succeeded in stamping it out. The truth, pure and simply, is hard to stamp out. Thus, faced with seemingly ignoring the obvious, the establishment controlled media will be faced with a choice. 1. Continue to ignore Nancy and look like they are controlled, and that the truth is still being withheld, or 2. Feature Nancy with her history, accuracy track record, timeline failures such as the 2003 passage and 7 of 10 delays, and the ZetaTalk description of what to anticipate during the Pole Shift. They will chose the second option after a few days, in essence forced to do so.  

Prior 4/20/2018 ZT:
We have described 50% of the populace going into denial about the coming Pole Shift, 43% of survivors going insane from PTSD, and all mankind’s infrastructure being smashed during the crustal shift and tidal waves.

Prior 4/28/2010 ZT:
SOHO is at least 50% a programmed movie, with the planets anticipated to be in transit showing up on schedule and a background of stars appropriate for what would be anticipated. How long will this game go on? Until what is obvious to man, what the common man sees in the skies, is so disjunct from what NASA is foisting on the public that NASA is forced to close down and refuse comment. By then, for most of mankind, the chance to plan for their safety will be past. Until this point in time, those who are in denial, and need denial as they are insecure individuals unable to face a harsh reality, will continue to assert, loudly, that all is normal.

Recently, within at least the last 2-3 weeks, lists of Arrests and Executions have been appearing on Twitter. Naming Actors, Singers, Politicians, Royals, etc., and their demise. Even The Real Dark Judge

@ROYALMRBADNEWS has hinted at them [no actual confirmation that I've seen]. At first it was indicated that Pope Francis was under House Arrest [outside of the Vatican]. The lists are currently showing his status as "Executed"

My questions is--- What is the status of Pope Benedict [Ratzinger]? I've not seen his name on any of the lists. There was a HUGE number of Cardinals indicated as having been arrested. Was he among them? OR--- is there something else going on with him? You/the Zetas had stated, a while back, that there was a war between the two factions--between those who supported Francis [fearing for his life] and those who supported Benedict. So--- What's up with Pope Benedict? Where is he in all this horrendous mess of things?

Your lists do and do not align with what the Zetas have said. I have done 37 Double's analysis based on my own observations and hints from the Dark Judge (who is unfailingly accurate on these Doubles and arrest issues). Yes Schumer was replaced as was recently in ZetaTalk Q&A and will be in Newsletter Issue 719. I am waiting for an opportunity to show that Max Waters is now a Double, as the Dark Judge hinted. Your lists are wrong in that Soros died of a Heart Attack and was replaced by a Double who had much larger eyes, The is ZetaTalk confirmed. Also as was published just a week or so ago in ZetaTalk Q&A, Biden is currently a Double but was not executed by the Tribunals but replaced by the Cabal in early 2017 as they felt they could not trust the real Biden. So that's 2 that are wrong. I am hardly going to be the Doubles confirmation site. Dark Judge has said half of Hollywood is gone, but I'm not wasting my time there. Good riddance. I found a Pope Francis entry on yet another list (, but the Vatican, however central to much evil in the world, is not governed by Tribunals. I don't think we are there yet. So question declined. 

Willa Rawlings said:

Recently, within at least the last 2-3 weeks, lists of Arrests and Executions have been appearing on Twitter.

Well now I found a Dark Judge dated May 1, 2020 about Pope Francis, so will do that Q&A re him and try to throw in Ratzinger too. (

Willa Rawlings said:

Recently, within at least the last 2-3 weeks, lists of Arrests and Executions have been appearing on Twitter.

Naming Actors, Singers, Politicians, Royals, etc., and their demise. Even The Real Dark Judge
@ROYALMRBADNEWS has hinted at them [no actual confirmation that I've seen]. At first it was indicated that Pope Francis was under House Arrest [outside of the Vatican]. The lists are currently showing his status as "Executed". My questions is--- What is the status of Pope Benedict [Ratzinger]? I've not seen his name on any of the lists. 
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
The Pope stated that the reason for his decision was his declining health due to old age. Benedict moved permanently to Vatican City's Mater Ecclesiae on 2 May 2013, a monastery previously used by nuns for stays of up to several years at a time. According to anonymous Vatican officials, Benedict's continued presence in the Vatican City will assist with the provision of security, prevent his retirement location from becoming a place of pilgrimage, and provide him with legal protection from potential lawsuits.

Pope Francis appeared frightened of assassination last January
when a penitent grabbed his hand, almost removing his ring. We mentioned at that time that Francis felt that without his ring he would temporarily not be Pope and thus the assassins would have courage. The issue was the Third Secret of Fatima, which those at the Vatican felt that Pope Francis might reveal. His fears have proven grounded, with those intent upon having control of the message murdering him in his bath while his ring was temporarily set aside. The prior Pope, by default, is now the Pope again, never having fully relinquished his position as he only “stepped down” due to health problems.

Prior ZT:
There are many in the Vatican - intent upon keeping the public ignorant of the Third Fatima secret - who are looking for an excuse. Pope Francis had routinely been wearing a silver ring when out in public, keeping his papal ring secure. But fearing assassination, he has recently taken to wearing his papal ring at all times. When the public grabs his hand and refuses to let go, he fears having his papal ring removed, if only for a moment. He fears this would be a signal given to those wanting to assassinate him. Symbolically removed as Pope by such an incident, he would be vulnerable. Thus his face shows fear and anger when the public aggressively grabs at his right hand or holds onto him.

These are not my lists.  They are but one example of what has been and is floating around Twitter of late. I've seen more than one version, one barely readable--- though quite similar in accountings. And, No one seems be able to get anyone to verify/vet them. The Dark Judge hinting at them is the closest I've seen. AND, I agree with what you are saying about Soros.  I remember THAT from years back; dying of a heart attack. So, I too question the validity of some of these as well.  And, I wasn't even asking about Doubles in this question, though I understand where the concern is coming from. It was the two Popes. But--- it is good to have a better understanding of the Vatican not falling under the Tribunals.  Yet?  Thank you. 

Nancy Lieder said:

Your lists do and do not align with what the Zetas have said. I have done 37 Double's analysis based on my own observations and hints from the Dark Judge (who is unfailingly accurate on these Doubles and arrest issues). Yes Schumer was replaced as was recently in ZetaTalk Q&A and will be in Newsletter Issue 719. I am waiting for an opportunity to show that Max Waters is now a Double, as the Dark Judge hinted. Your lists are wrong in that Soros died of a Heart Attack and was replaced by a Double who had much larger eyes, The is ZetaTalk confirmed. Also as was published just a week or so ago in ZetaTalk Q&A, Biden is currently a Double but was not executed by the Tribunals but replaced by the Cabal in early 2017 as they felt they could not trust the real Biden. So that's 2 that are wrong. I am hardly going to be the Doubles confirmation site. Dark Judge has said half of Hollywood is gone, but I'm not wasting my time there. Good riddance. I found a Pope Francis entry on yet another list (, but the Vatican, however central to much evil in the world, is not governed by Tribunals. I don't think we are there yet. So question declined. 

Willa Rawlings said:

Recently, within at least the last 2-3 weeks, lists of Arrests and Executions have been appearing on Twitter.

As is our usual practice, we are closing this June Q&A and opening July. Please post your questions there.


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