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Zeta Rules that Apply
Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Hi Nancy and Zetas,
1) Any comment. On July 1, Russia will vote on constitutional amendments, according to which Putin will be able to re-elect and potentially remain in power until 2036. And it seems that in terms of falsification, it will be the worst vote in history! Voting will last 7 DAYS! There will be a home, early and electronic voting! There are no restrictions on campaigning, therefore the authorities can openly use all state information resources, this cannot be done on ordinary elections. And still a huge number of other trifles which allow to falsify voting.
Russian authorities today are facing declining ratings, allegations of corruption and economic decline.
Russian opposition politician Navalny links PM Medvedev to billion euro property empire
2) It looks like the world is about to explode in Arab Spring 2.0. With the advent of the Internet, hiding corruption in government has become more difficult. The world seems to be rebelling against dictatorship and corruption, instead considering democracy mixed with meritocracy.
Even towards China, the cracks of Xi’s rule are visible. If earlier the party structure in China was changing and the party relied on meritocracy, now everything is built on the identity of Xi, which is dangerous. Previously (until 2012), China could not even be called an authoritarian country, but now... It is noteworthy that now China (with Xi) is facing an unprecedented economic problem and inequality
Another illustrative example is Belarus where Lukashenko seemed immortal and invincible. Now everything has changed.
Another example is Saudi Arabia. Once the most conservative country on earth, it is now forced to start reforms.–2020_Arab_protests
Income inequality is growing fast in China and making it look more like the US
Is Xi Jinping now a ‘leader for life,’ like Mao? Here’s why this is dangerous.
China faces outcry after premier admits 40% of population struggles
Belarus' Lukashenko outlaws protests, arrests opponents
Netanyahu trial: Israeli prime minister faces Jerusalem court
Saudi Arabia Is Changing Fast
Thank you
Accepted from Stan:
Any comment. On July 1, Russia will vote on constitutional amendments, according to which Putin will be able to re-elect and potentially remain in power until 2036. And it seems that in terms of falsification, it will be the worst vote in history! Voting will last 7 DAYS! There will be a home, early and electronic voting! There are no restrictions on campaigning, therefore the authorities can openly use all state information resources. This cannot be done on ordinary elections. And still a huge number of other trifles which allow to falsify voting. Russian authorities today are facing declining ratings, allegations of corruption and economic decline. It looks like the world is about to explode in Arab Spring 2.0. With the advent of the Internet, hiding corruption in government has become more difficult. The world seems to be rebelling against dictatorship and corruption, instead considering democracy mixed with meritocracy. Even towards China, the cracks of Xi’s rule are visible. If earlier the party structure in China was changing and the party relied on meritocracy, now everything is built on the identity of Xi, which is dangerous. Previously (until 2012), China could not even be called an authoritarian country, but now... It is noteworthy that now China (with Xi) is facing an unprecedented economic problem and inequality. Another illustrative example is Belarus where Lukashenko seemed immortal and invincible. Now everything has changed. Another example is Saudi Arabia. Once the most conservative country on earth, it is now forced to start reforms.
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Russian opposition politician Navalny links PM Medvedev to billion euro property empire
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Income inequality is growing fast in China and making it look more like the US
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Xi Jinping now a ‘leader for life,’ like Mao? Here’s why this is dangerous.
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China faces outcry after premier admits 40% of population struggles
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Belarus' Lukashenko outlaws protests, arrests opponents
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Netanyahu trial: Israeli prime minister faces Jerusalem court
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Saudi Arabia Is Changing Fast
As we explained from the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the Earth is in her Transformation to spiritual 4th Density. What this means is that souls who have not grown into the Service-to-Other orientation will not be allowed to reincarnate on Earth. In addition, many walk-in souls from other worlds are incarnating at this time, to assist with the Transformation. This is a time of change, and as such many opportunities open up for those in the Service-to-Self or the immature to attempt power grabs. Thus many tussles at the top levels of government are not what they seem.
Those in the Service-to-Self are adept at camouflage, seeming to be caring and charming – an act. Thus when they are removed and replaced by another, this may seem like a step backwards. At this time, in the West where Satanic Khazharian Moloch worship has infiltrated the royalty in Europe and politicians both in Europe and the US, many formerly in leadership have been tried and executed and replaced by doubles. Money laundering and drug and gun running, as well as the child sex trade, is being stopped. This prosecution of the Bush/Clinton criminal Cabal has created panic among those formerly in control.
This dying criminal network has reacted aggressively by trying to promote politicians and prosecutors who will push their agendas. Many bribes are being provided, in desperation, and threats. Thus those in top leadership, such as Putin and Xi and King Salman and President Trump may seem to have become more dictatorial in response, as they are truly under assault. The criminal elements being eliminated are not yet dead, but are at the point where they are fighting for their lives. Like trapped animals, it is at this point when they become most vicious.
Accepted via email:
There has been an emergency broadcast warning test for the entire East Coast US.
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NOAA / National Weather Service U.S. Tsunami Warning System
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Tsunami warnings are broadcast through local radio and television, marine radio, wireless emergency alerts, NOAA Weather Radio and NOAA websites (like They may also come through outdoor sirens, local officials, text message alerts and telephone notifications.
Why would NOAA test their alert notification system for the entire Eastern Seaboard? Per the recipient, this test was not routine, and per NOAA they are testing the response time for dissemination and receipt of the information. They are suddenly concerned about the entire Eastern Seaboard. Clearly this has something to do with the earthquakes along the Atlantic Rift, which show the Atlantic pulling apart from the North Atlantic to the South Atlantic. We have detailed how such a rip will result in the European Tsunami,
with a rebound to the East Coast.
In describing the 7 of 10 Plate Movement sequence,
we stated that the African Roll
will be in process before the final New Madrid adjustment and the European Tsunami. The plethora of quakes along the Atlantic Rift between S America and Africa show that this roll of Africa to the East is in process, and the quakes along the border of the Africa Plate and N America Plate confirm this. For NOAA, which is well aware of our ZetaTalk predictions, they are more concerned with the ripping between the Azores and Iceland, which like the void in the center of the Atlantic that will create the European Tsunami, can create a rebound to the East Coast of the US.
Prior 2007 ZT:
Of course the northern Atlantic Rift is most vulnerable at the Azores, where three plates touch and movement in any one of them destabilizes the rift. Africa is tugging to roll to the East, and drop, and will do so before the European tsunami occurs. This makes the separation of the N American Plate from the Eurasian Plate at the Azores and upward quite vulnerable. We have stated that the Atlantic Gulf Stream will carry the tsunami primarily against the coast of the UK, so the major rip point would occur slightly south of the UK in the center of the Atlantic. The top of the rip will be west of Paris. The rip will primarily occur where the hot spots along the Atlantic Rift indicate weakness in the crust, and down to where the African Plate has already pulled away from an attachment to the American plates. Iceland will be spared during the 7 of 10 scenarios.
Prior 2010 ZT:
For the European tsunami, there will be a large void, a spreading apart, not rising or falling land on either side of the fault line. When water rushes in, it will clash in the center of the rift, and rise up.
Prior ZT:
We have predicted that a European tsunami will occur when the N American continent experiences its New Madrid adjustments. These adjustments will be a series of quakes along the New Madrid Fault Line and its related fault lines, but there will be a massive quake in finality. It is that quake that will cause the N American Plate to adjust such that the plate border in the mid-Atlantic tears open, allowing the water to pour into the crevasse and rebound toward Europe. How does this affect the African Roll? The tear in the mid-Atlantic also detaches the African Plate’s connection to the N American Plate, thus freeing the African Plate to roll.
Accepted via email:
Can the Zeta's please comment on this story? Who built it? What was it designed for?
What has it been used for since? What will it be used for next?
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These seismic waves, which are generated by earthquakes, travel thousands of miles below the surface. But as the material that they pass through varies in density, temperature or composition, the waves change speed, bend or scatter, producing echoes that scientists can detect using instruments known as seismometers. Using this data, researchers can put together a picture of the rock that lies below the surface and estimate its physical properties. These waves diffracted along the core-mantle boundary, providing a comprehensive view of the deep Earth below the Pacific region.
Since we described the Pacific Plates in 2010, mankind’s scientists have been able to “discover” that plate borders exist between these 4 Pacific Plates. Yes, the main plate border running from Kamchatka to Hawaii lines up perfectly with the main cluster of dense magma. Just as magma hardens after bubbling up during volcanic unrest, or after rising to the surface after an earthquake pulls the plates apart, plate movements between these 4 Pacific Plates hardens deep magma at these plate borders too. A second cluster of dense magma “discovered” by man lies along the Pacific Plate borders we identified running from Hawaii to the Society Islands. This plate border runs through and past the Marquesas Islands.
Prior 2010 ZT:
We addressed the fact that the Pacific plate is not one plate, as assumed. In fact, it is at least four plates. The rise and incident of islands from Kamchatka to Hawaii to the Society Islands shows this to be a plate boundary, down the center of the Pacific. Call that land to the east of this plate boundary the East Pacific Plate. There is also a triangle of a plate between the points of Hawaii, West Samoa, and the Society Islands. Call this the West Pacific Plate.
Could the Zetas say something about this latest Crop Circle.
Accepted via email:
Someone else has replied with the latest crop circle today, and suggests it is like an AC fan. This guy Red Collie1, a ex Caltech Phd is suggesting this.
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Does anyone seriously not think this crop picture was made by an E.T. electrical engineer?
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Wiltshire (3). United Kingdom. Reported 11th June.
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We see in this elegant crop circle a representation of the alignments Sun, Moon and Earth within the period of the June eclipses, namely, lunar eclipse (5th of June) and solar eclipse on the 21st of June. We see the central Sun, the sequence of two orbits (Mercury and Venus) and the Earth, followed by the Moon (in crescent shape). Evaluating the map of the solar system for the day of the solar eclipse, we notice that most planets are reasonably aligned in a single direction of space. Breaks representing faults in the magnetic field. And the angle between the two breaks may represent that shift from the pole from Canada to Russia.
Clues that this is a hoax are the placement along the rows. The exact center of each circle can be placed in a row, which makes running equipment in an exact circle possible. The second clue is the lack of woven grain, which hoax masters have never mastered. The grain in this hoax is mashed in many directions. And third, the symbolism in this hoax encourages various human interpretations. The goal of such hoaxes is to confuse the public with a non-message, thus discouraging the public from pondering valid circle designs.
Accepted via email:
General Patton was known for winning battles, and also getting in trouble with other military commanders. Brash, like Trump. It is true he is the reincarnation of Patton? He never rests, and is reported to have suffered a minor stroke.
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Trump's unsteady ramp walk raises new health questions
June 14, 2020
A widely circulated video on Saturday showed Trump walking tentatively and unsteadily down a long ramp after delivering a commencement speech at West Point. Trump also appeared to have trouble Saturday lifting a glass of water to his lips -- beginning the gesture with his right hand but then raising his left hand apparently to help.
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General Paton reincarnated as Donald Trump and it makes sense, Trump is a patriot just the same as this general and he died in 1945 and 1946 14 June Trump was born. It makes sense, you need war experience to deal with these devils. This describes Trump and confidence is his strong point: Historian Terry Brighton concluded that Patton was "arrogant, publicity-seeking and personally flawed, but ... among the greatest generals of the war".
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Patton's colorful image, hard-driving personality and success as a commander were at times overshadowed by his controversial public statements. His philosophy of leading from the front, and his ability to inspire troops with attention-getting, vulgarity-ridden speeches, such as his famous address to the Third Army, was met favorably by his troops, but much less so by a sharply divided Allied high command. His emphasis on rapid and aggressive offensive action proved effective, and he was regarded highly by his opponents in the German High Command. The Patton family was of Irish, Scots-Irish, English, Scottish, French and Welsh ancestry.
It should surprise no one that President Trump was General Patton in a past life. Personality, style, and accomplishments all fit the profile. Patton was goal oriented, and was brash and insulting on occasion. As a military commander known for his ability to win battles, he was feared by his enemies, and often chided by his superiors. He was not faint hearted nor politically correct. Like President Trump, he carried Scottish blood, with the fiery temper that came with being a Scotsman. President Trump, like General Patton, is stubborn, and thus his recent health scare. President Trump refuses to wear a mask, took Hydroxychloroquine to prove it was not harmful for the general population, and is notorious for eating fast food.
Does he willingly take medication prescribed by his doctor or change his diet? He is stubborn. Nancy is another who comes from a German bloodline and is stubborn. When she was 64, 10 years younger than President Trump, she had a temporary stroke which we allowed her to have. She was just too busy to take pills or go to the doctor, was her excuse. Scared silly by this ischemic stroke, she now takes pharma meds to lower her LDL and cholesterol, control her blood sugar, drop her blood pressure to a low pressure reading, and stop a heart fibrillation caused by her Guillain Barré paralysis in the past. Now in perfect health at age 79, she is going strong.
President Trump likewise is stubborn, and like Nancy pushes himself, a workaholic. He is under our protection, and we would instantly assist him with any health problems, but he must first ask for this. We, the Zetas, cannot simply jump in and attend to his body. He must first request this. Thus when he suffered a minor, temporary stroke akin to that Nancy suffered, we dissolved the clot and within a few days he will not have any remnants of the scare. We also were allowed, by President Trump, to assist him when he developed Covid-19 after being face-to-face with the Brazilian President Bolsonaro in March. We wait to be asked, as the US and the world desperately need his leadership.
I was wondering if the Zetas had anything to say about the largest ever DDOS attack that is hitting the United States. It is taking down cell service as well as Internet. Is this related to the Silent War as Q calls it? It seems it would take enormous coordination to pull off.
Shaun Kazuck said:
I was wondering if the Zetas had anything to say about the largest ever DDOS attack that is hitting the United States.
It is taking down cell service as well as Internet. Is this related to the Silent War as Q calls it? It seems it would take enormous coordination to pull off.
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Massive DDoS Attack On U.S. Internet Takes Out All Major Services
June 15, 2020
A massive cyberattack has crippled numerous Internet of Things (IoT) services, as well as cell phone towers throughout the U.S. which are currently experiencing issues for both texting and calling. A DDOS (Denial of Service Attack) is less likely and the broad scope of services down rules out DNS hijacking. A DDoS attack overwhelms an online service with traffic from multiple sources, rendering it unusable. While a DNS hijacking attack would be redirecting DNS servers. It’s possible the attack method is Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) hijacking which is another type of a sophisticated massive attack.
Major sites, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, as well as T-Mobile and Verizon, have been impacted directly.
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No, The U.S. Has Not Suffered The Biggest Cyber-Attack In History: Here’s What Actually Happened
June 16, 2020
As hundreds of thousands of people reported mobile carriers and internet services down, and 'DDoS' started trending on Twitter. Internet service providers, the social media platforms themselves, and online services from gaming to banking were all apparently going down like dominoes. None of the mobile carrier networks, internet providers or online services were reporting any major downtime. Apart from one: T-Mobile.
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T-Mobile hit by phone calling, text message outage
June 51. 2020
In our own tests in New York and Seattle, we found that making calls from a T-Mobile phone would fail almost immediately after placing the call. We also found that the cell service on our phones was intermittent, with bars occasionally dropping to zero or losing access to high-speed data.
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Widespread T-Mobile outages cause issues for wireless customers across the US
June 16, 2020
T-Mobile customers across the United States reported network outages that rendered them unable to make phone calls or access the internet. Other wireless carriers said the outages were disrupting connections for their customers when they tried to call T-Mobile lines.
There was a brief but broad outage that affected wifi cell phone and social media users on June 15. The official explanation was that this outage was a domino effect from a wifi outage at T-Mobile, recently merged with Sprint to create a giant wireless network. Attempts to use AT&T or Verizon for wireless connections faltered too, and this was blamed on points of connection to T-Mobile. No one blamed EMP for the outage, but this was indeed the culprit. During wifi the electronic communication is traveling through the air, naked and vulnerable. Why would it not be destroyed by a pulse?
Hi Nacny and Zetas,
Could the Zetas tell you how many actually infected and died in China. Recently, a shocking scientific article was published that stated that in Wuhan alone, more than 2 million people were infected BEFORE February 7. (
Is it true that China has underestimated the epidemic in order to stockpile medical supplies? Is it true that Xi personally asked the director of WHO to delay informing, etc.?
Recently, the image of China has begun to decline all over the world, but not only because of the virus. Rather, China itself is to blame. For example, Australia recently supported an international investigation into the causes of coronavirus. What did Beijing do? Introduced duties on goods from Australia. This is outright blackmail. Since China is the largest market, it is very important for companies. And this is not the first time.
China is also trying to spread its censorship to the whole world. Many American companies had to apologize for mentioning Hong Kong, etc. Recently, China even censored a letter from 27 EU ambassadors! Even YouTube removes criticism of the CCP.
Such diplomacy was even nicknamed the 'wolf warrior'. It seems that Beijing has become too aggressive, just like the United States once.
Crematorium data prove China was lying about COVID-19
China may have 640,000 coronavirus cases instead of 84,000, leaked data from country's military-run university suggests
Estimates from crematoria and urns in China of 2.2 million cases, 36,000 dead
The problem is, that in a secretive nation of 1.3 billion, a million people could die and it might not easy for outsiders to keep track.
In Table 3: the largest estimates for cases of Covid19 in Wuhan were 2.2 million — but that is only up to February 7th, and does not include other areas in China.
DHS report: China hid virus’ severity to hoard supplies
China's president Xi Jinping 'personally asked WHO to hold back information about human-to-human transmission and delayed the global response by four to six WEEKS' at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, bombshell report claims
Australia angered China by calling for a coronavirus investigation. Now Beijing is targeting its exports
"Choose Huawei Or Else": Danish Island Chain Threatened By China Over 5G Roll Out
China Threatens To Kill German Car Exports Should Huawei Be Banned
EU defends censorship of letter in Chinese newspaper
Pressured by China, E.U. Softens Report on Covid-19 Disinformation
From Asia to Africa, China’s “debt-trap diplomacy” was under siege in 2018
YouTube automatically deleted comments that criticized China’s Communist Party
What Does China Really Want? To Dominate the World
China’s ‘wolf warrior’ diplomats are being more reckless than Donald Trump. That’s a mistake
Thank you
Stan there is no need to ask the Zetas these things, as matters such as the death count (crematoriums running out of containers and burning day and night) and the leaning on the WHO (who claimed person to person infection not possible last January) and knowing about the virus last Fall already (now identified by early infection clues) are in the news. Would China try to lean on people so as to look better in the news? Of course! This is something politicians or corporate folk do all the time! Just look at how the Democrat leaning media treats Biden and Trump as an example. This is human nature, and does not need a response from the Zetas.
Stanislav said:
Could the Zetas tell you how many actually infected and died in China.
Accepted via email:
I wonder if the Zetas can comment on the video of a giant dome seen in the UK near Birmingham. Appears to be several images from different locations in the UK and people are puzzled by it.
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Circular rainbows are nothing new, and are caused by water vapor in the atmosphere acting as a prism to separate the light into the spectrums that light rays can assume. What is normally seen in the sky is white light, a mixture of all the rays in the spectrum. A dome shape that Sundogs can assume is also nothing new, caused by crystals in the sky that reflect sunlight to the viewer when at a similar angle from the light source – the Sun. Thus the Sundogs appear at the top and to either side, at this angle.
What happens when the atmosphere is permeated with the red dust that the tail of Nibiru has delivered? Of course this appears as a red dome, which is a rainbow dominated by the red dust color, or appears as a red dome that is the Sundog phenomena, also dominated by the red dust color. This is appropriately taken to be Biblical, signs in the skies, as it is indeed another End Times sign.
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