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Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Accepted via email:
I believe this is another sign of the times. I feel Israel's image will go down the drain.
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Benjamin Netanyahu Suggests Microchipping Kids, Sslammed by Experts
May 8, 2020
Cyber experts slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his proposal to "microchip" children who return to schools and kindergartens as the coronavirus lockdown is lifted. Every person, every kid – I want it on kids first – would have a sensor that would sound an alarm when you get too close, like the ones on cars.
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Benjamin Netanyahu Shockingly Suggests Microchipping Children who Return to School after the Covid-19 Lockdown in Israel is Lifted
May 11, 2020
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)
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If you translate the Hebrew spelling of 666, you actually spell out Neron Kesar - the Hebrew spelling of Nero Caesar.
Even if you take the alternative spelling of the number of the beast, which has been found in several early Biblical texts as being written 616, you can translate that out as being Nero Cesar.
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The beast number has several interesting properties which numerologists may find particularly interesting (Keith 1982-83). In particular, the beast number is equal to the sum of the squares of the first 7 primes.
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This bill authorizes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to award grants for testing, contact tracing, monitoring, and other activities to address COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019). Entities such as federally qualified health centers, nonprofit organizations, and certain hospitals and schools are eligible to receive such grants. In awarding the grants, the CDC shall prioritize applicants that (1) operate in hot spots and medically underserved communities, and (2) agree to hire individuals from the communities where grant activities occur.
What is Netanyahu’s underlying agenda when suggesting that school children be microchipped to alert them to stay 6 feet apart? Bibi has long wanted to track migrants, worldwide, as the Last Weeks arrive and the Pole Shift disrupts the ability of governments to keep track of their citizens. He and FaceBook’s Zuckerberg were shot down
in 2016 when they tried to launch a satellite over Africa for this purpose. Zuckerberg likewise tried to launch an app called “Disaster Maps” that would track migrant groups
in 2017.
Bibi started his microchipping scheme with young children as they have proven to be very resistant to the Covid-19 virus, thus being allowed to return to school early as the lockdowns lift. But his plan was to move to adults in Israel, and then to convince the rest of the world to adopt his chipping scheme. Of course, the Mossad and he, Bibi, would be privy to where the herd migrated to after the Pole Shift. As we have stated, Covid-19 will be on the run shortly, vaporizing in the Summer sunlight. It will only emerge as a series of hotspots now and then in the Fall. By then, vaccines will be available, so that the Covid-19 vaccine would likely be included with the annual flu vaccines.
Prior 1996 ZT:
666 is associated with evil, or the devil, or the anti-Christ, but in and of itself is meaningless. 666 is a memorable number, and thus was used as a type of name to be associated with entities operating in the Service-to-Self orientation.
Accepted via email:
This looks like not only Gates has been replaced but also his wife. True? Any comments on this or as to what else to expect concerning the Gates foundation? Or what could be happening, because Gates tagged others on the same page. The EO the president wrote a while ago says that ill-gotten gains for crimes against the people will be taken. I’m guessing it is possible that may have happened.
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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, previously the William H. Gates Foundation, is an American private foundation founded by Bill and Melinda Gates. Based in Seattle, Washington, it was launched in 2000 and is reported to be the largest private foundation in the world, holding $46.8 billion in assets.
Indeed, Melinda Gates did not escape the jaws of justice when the Tribunals got around to her case. Photographic evidence shows that she anticipated controlling the massive Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds, alongside the new Double for Bill, but within a day was herself replaced with a Double. The wheels of justice may grind slowly, but they are inexorable and inevitable. Melinda was involved in all Bill Gates plans to exterminate vast numbers of humans via his planned germ laden vaccine. The Gates plan was to infect unwanted portions of humanity while curing the current pandemic.
What happens to the vast wealth of the guilty when they are tried and executed? President Trump’s EO of March 1, 2018
specified that any funds held by those found guilty of trafficking children for Moloch worship would be confiscated. Thus the Clinton Foundation funds
were confiscated, leaving only enough for the valid charities being serviced behind. A similar approach will be taken with the Gates Foundation, though the administration of any grants will be under the control of the Junta, not former employees. The vast bulk of the funds will be seized.
The public and private view of the money shuffle does not line up, so confusion exists. At one point in the recent past the Gold from Fort Knox
was stolen by the Bush/Clinton Cabal, but this has been returned. The public debt, often declared as something US citizens will have to pay for generations, has been eliminated. The Federal Reserve was taken over by Dunford in 2015,
so that the Junta prints and distributes money and the former Federal Reserve Board heads no longer profit. A façade of normalcy continues, until the public is deemed ready to realize that Martial Law is in place, and functioning well.
Prior ZT:
Dunford, as head of the Joint Chiefs, has seen McCain’s treason prosecuted, Hillary’s money laundered funds retrieved from the Clinton Foundation, and pedophilia blackmail snatched from the CIA archives at Langley. Quietly, behind the scenes, pedophilia blackmail has been stopped and Moloch child sacrifice prosecuted. The former New World Order leaders are thus no longer in control nor leading.
Prior ZT:
What does Trump’s Executive Order mean? It means that all Hillary funds, laundered through the Clinton Foundation, will be confiscated. She and Bill accepted deposits from African dictators known for their human rights abuses. All Soros funds will be confiscated. Any Saudi funds on US soil that the King cannot access will be confiscated. US politicians known to be padding their pockets with drug money will find this confiscated, and that includes Herbert Bush, the drug Kingpin. None of these matters will be in the press, per se.
Prior ZT:
We have stated that the Gold in Fort Knox was stolen years ago by the Bush/Clinton criminal cabal. Gold was seen as the one commodity that the elite could barter with, up to and beyond the coming Pole Shift. We have stated that secret court hearing are in process, with the Clinton and Bush family and even the Queen under house arrest. The Gold and well laundered funds are being recovered. The full story is tangled up in the announcement about Nibiru, which is expected to be a shock to the public, so telling the truth to the public has been delayed primarily for that reason. In addition, revealing that the Clinton and Bush families are essentially a criminal cabal would likewise be a shock to the public, so telling this part of the story is likely to be buried forever.
I've watched this a number of times. And, I'm not sure one way or the other. Can the Zetas verify the validity of this video? If it IS real--- What the devil [pun intended] IS IT?
Clearly a CGI video. Plus this Mappin guy is under exposure by the Dark Judge all the time for being part of the pedovore networks. A critter with wings does not flap them around like this animation presents. Via email, I got confirmation: "I checked the Twitter thread history and found a link to this video which shows how the fellow created the gargoyle cgi.
Willa Rawlings said:
I've watched this a number of times. And, I'm not sure one way or the other.
Accepted via email:
Elon Musk?
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Elon Musk resigns as Tesla chairman to settle SEC fraud case
September 29, 2018
The Securities and Exchange Commission has reached a proposed settlement of securities fraud charges against Tesla’s Elon Musk that would levy $40 million in penalties and force him to resign his position as board chairman. Tesla’s stock has experienced wild swings since the billionaire teased, via Twitter, that he was taking the company private—statements the government said were false and damaging to shareholders.
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Elon Musk - Education, Tesla & SpaceX - Biography
May 7, 2020
Elon Reeve Musk is a South African-born American entrepreneur and businessman who founded in 1999 (which later became PayPal), SpaceX in 2002 and Tesla Motors in 2003.
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Elon Musk lists two Bel Air homes after promising to sell off his possessions
May 6, 2020
Two of Elon Musk's massive, multimillion-dollar Southern California homes are on the market just days after he said he planned to sell off much of what he owns. "I am selling almost all physical possessions. Will own no house," the billionaire Tesla (TSLA) and SpaceX founder said on Twitter.
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As of May 2020, he has a net worth of $36.5 billion and is listed by Forbes as the 31st-richest person in the world.
We stated in early 2019
that Bezos was seeking a divorce in an attempt to protect half his fortune from being seized by the Tribunals. His crime? He was blackmailed by the CIA in the past, so allowed his warehouses and shipping containers to be used for child trafficking. Now Elon Musk is suffering a similar fate. Where Bezos took a passive role, Musk was a facilitator. His Boring Company helped create the underground tunnel systems that facilitated child trafficking at Epstein Island and the continental US.
Comfortable with crossing the line during his promotional campaigns, Musk was a huckster selling worthless goods to the wealthy with his Mars One
venture in 2016. Partnering with Zuckerberg and Bibi in the past he suffered Space X missile failures while supporting their efforts to enslave desperate migrants in the future. He was not more successful in 2019 when going it alone by proffering a free wifi network
from space. There are no secrets from the telepathic Zetas, nor any escape from the Council of Worlds rules.
Now in May, 2020 Musk is suddenly cash strapped, and for a good reason. This is not a result of his Tesla plants being idled, nor has his personal wealth of an estimated 36 billion been exhausted. The Tribunals got around to the details of his case, and found him guilty of facilitation for financial GAIN. Musk has been assisted during his many endeavors by the Deep State,
who seek to promote the New World Order
Agenda. This includes child sacrifice, rape and murder for the Adrenochrome
laden blood harvested from these terrified children. For this he lost his fortune, and may lose his life.
Prior ZT:
Is the Bezos divorce an attempt to shield much of the Bezos family wealth, estimated at 135 billion at present, from confiscation by Trump’s Junta? Tribunals can operate using treason as a basis and/or using Trumps EO 13818 as a basis. What crimes would be involved? Amazon has an international reach, importing goods from overseas and shipping goods throughout. What crimes are involved? Drugs, young children for Moloch sacrifice, and illegal immigrants, all of which can be ported about in shipping containers and housed at Amazon warehouses. Bezos per se is not a fan of any of this traffic, but the CIA secures cooperation by blackmail.
Accepted via email:
Here in India our PM ,in the wake of global pandemic, is transporting people from different parts of country to their respective home towns so that they could stay with their loved ones in the family especially those labour class working in different parts of India. Further about apprx 2 lac of indians living right now in USA, UK, Gulf, Singapore n other countries have also applied and accepted to be taken back to India by Indian govt. Now my question is that whether this all transportation of people related to Nibiru so that the persons could stay with their loved ones at native home towns since severe earth changes r gonna soon happen and government cannot rescue each n every person to safe places. So at least the least the govt could do is to allow people stay n live with their loved ones in these difficult times.
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The second phase of India’s massive programme to repatriate citizens stranded abroad because of the Covid-19 pandemic will bring home about 32,000 people, more than double the figure for the first phase.
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India Starts Bringing Home Hundreds of Thousands Stranded
May 8, 2020
Indian citizens being evacuated from Singapore. Hundreds of thousands of Indians could be repatriated by the time it is over.
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India Prepares Large-Scale Repatriation of Workers Stranded by Pandemic
May 5, 2020
India is working with some Arab Gulf states in an effort to repatriate hundreds of thousands of migrant laborers stranded by the coronavirus pandemic, in what could become one of the largest emergency evacuations in decades, according to people familiar with the plans.
The draconian lockdowns being enacted worldwide in almost all countries is an attempt to limit the spread of the pandemic, or at least slow down the rate of infection so that hospitals won’t be overwhelmed. Most Covid-19 cases are so mild as to be unnoticed by those infected, but at the start the only result noticed was the cytokine storm, the over-reaction of the immune system that caused the lungs to fill with fluid among those elderly with a long immune system memory from prior coronavirus infections. It was feared that Covid-19 would be as deadly as the SARS or MERS virus, with a high death toll. It is now seen that the death rate is closer to the annual flu.
Meanwhile, given the reports of overworked crematoriums in Wuhan and hospitals without ventilators to save the dying, lockdowns were instituted. If tourists and cruise ships were stranded in these early days, guest workers likewise soon found themselves stranded in their host countries. They were not needed, temporarily, due to the lockdowns that paused business activity, and unless the host country gave the workers food and lodging, starvation and death on the streets was to be the outcome. Thus Modi set about a rescue operation. This repatriation is not related to the coming Pole Shift.
Accepted via email:
Check out the earthquake activity in Nevada. At first, and after the first 6.5mg I thought that it could be related to the DUMBs sweeping by the junta (especially considering that Tonopah, NV has bunkers and military bases and the name of the current CO is actually classified). They also closed down the highway?! After checking today I see what I can only describe as aftershocks galore. The pictures I’m attaching are just for a 24 hr period.
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The quake occurred in the Walker Lane Seismic region, a 60-mile wide zone of active faults that straddles the Nevada-California border. That fault system stretches from the Mojave Desert in Southern California, through the Sierra Nevada, north through western Nevada and the Reno area and back into California. Fueled by the same tectonic activity that powers the infamous San Andreas fault, the Walker Lane is responsible for the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake in Southern California and is also suspected of causing a recent magnitude 4.5 earthquake near Carson City
Although the Walker Lane Fault Line in Nevada is well known, its reason for being a Fault Line is not well understood. Nevada is hard rock from former inland salt lakes, and thus is rigid. The Sierra Mountains along the California/Nevada border were pushed up as the subduction of the Pacific Plate pushing under California caused the land above to rumple. Thus the Sierras too are solid. The Walker Lane reacts in step with San Andreas activity, as would be expected when the entire N American Continent shifts northward.
But why did this large 6.5 quake in Nevada occur? As the USGS is under-reporting quake magnitude, this was actually a Magnitude 9, and on that day was the largest quake in the world. As we have detailed many times, the Pacific is compressing while the Atlantic spreads. This is a scripted drama in place since Pangea broke apart, exacerbated by the increasingly violent Daily Wobble caused by the near presence of Nibiru. Thus subduction of the Pacific Plates under the N American Plate is a factor.
But the primary factor is the unrelenting bow stress caused by the tip of Mexico being drawn westward into the Pacific, tightening the bow stress in the center of the bow as the tip of Mexico and the Aleutian Islands are pulled toward each other. Weak points in the N American Continent snap first, with the center of the bow crunching and snapping. But with each such adjustment, more pressure is put upon the New Madrid Fault Line, which can alleviate the bow stress with a single rip. This will be sudden, as we have detailed, and devastating.
ZetaTalk Comment 11/8/2014:
The Great Basin holds underground water, which does not drain to the Pacific but seeps underground. It is subject to mountain building, being on the western slope of the Continental Divide. Quake swarms occur most often in regions where there is underground water, which gets trapped and then later released as the rock layers slide during either stretch activity or mountain building activity. The water is essentially sloshing around underground, each time causing a minor quake. At times such activity will cause new lakes to form suddenly on the surface, or drain an existing lake. This is a factor of the N American bow, and the mountain building ongoing in the area, not magma movement.
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Hello, Nancy and Zetaz. This video was recorded on the ISS 05/18/2020. I've never seen this before. What's going on in this video and why?
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May 18, 2020 (at 45:05)
NASA stopped this High Definition feed from the ISS because it revealed too much. These bright orbs are not frenetic UFOs, nor are they satellites flying in all directions. These orbs were captured only momentarily, when the ISS was approaching the sunlight side of Earth, and thus were illuminated by sunlight. Debris in the tail of Nibiru assaults the Earth regularly, but debris is not precisely round, as these orbs appear to be.
Thus by the process of elimination we are left with the petrol bubbles, the Lomonosov bubbles,
which also are found in the tail. These are known by man from the images provided by the Lomonosov satellite in March, 2019
which showed explosions on the edge of the upper atmosphere. They can likewise be seen in this HD video as what appear to be globules of rain on the lens. It there rain in space?
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What caused this dam failure?
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State of emergency declared, evacuations underway for 10,000 residents in Michigan following dam failure
May 20, 2020
A slow-moving storm doused Michigan with heavy rains over the period of several days, triggering fear of imminent dam failure and flood warnings across the state. At least two rivers in mid-Michigan, the Tittabawassee River in Midland and the Rifle River near Sterling, reached their major flood stage, sending dams past their limits. Areas around Midland reported 3-4 inches of rain, which produced a "tremendous" amount of runoff and is causing significant rises on the river system.
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'Do not hesitate': Michigan governor urges evacuations, warns Midland could be under 9 feet of water
May 20, 2020
Several dams upstream of Midland along the Tittabawassee had either been breached or were releasing water uncontrollably after 4 to 7 inches of rain fell.
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Thousands evacuate area in Michigan after two dams fail
May 20, 2020
The Michigan National Guard has been activated and is on site with high-water vehicles on the way to the area, according to the governor.
This sudden flooding along rivers that empty into the Saginaw Bay is not caused by rain, nor by any dam failure. Is there any sign of a breached dam? There are photos of flooding along the river. It is being blamed on potential dam failures by the frantic Governor who fears what she has been told – that the Seaway is beginning to spread apart as the N American Continent adjusts to its bowing stress, and Michigan is right in the path of danger. Heaving land that resists ripping apart has been noted in Kansas,
causing flood waters to back up along the Missouri River.
The geography of Michigan and Wisconsin and Minnesota show what a ripping seaway will do. Wisconsin is ripping open along the Green Bay Peninsula, with many lakes along that path leading to Madison. Duluth, Minnesota has deep rips in the rock where the ripping action was forced to stop the last time the Seaway was under this stress. The hard rock above Lake Superior and Lake Huron will not give. But the soft rock where Lake Erie connects to Lake Huron will give. This is causing Lake Huron near that rip point to heave, causing the waters of Saginaw Bay to backwash along rivers.
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May 13, 2020, in Mage, Brazil it’s alleged that a UFO crashed. It’s alleged that there was a crash, the military breached the craft with charges, 3 ET’s emerged. One was shot and 2 fled into the forest. Are crashes still occurring on earth? Are governments still trying to bring down alien craft? If so, are ET’s being shot and/or being captured? If so, that’s evil. We wouldn’t want it done to us. Any comment from the Zeta’s?
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UFO sighting: Thousands witness 'UFO crash' in Brazil amid Google Maps 'cover-up'
May 17, 2020
Mysterious lights seen by thousands of people in Brazil and captured in multiple videos has sparked a social media frenzy. Video footage showing an alleged UFO crashing in a nearby forest in Mage, Brazil just north of Rio de Janeiro.
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UFO Over Magé, Brazil Sparks Social Media Panic and Conspiracies
May 15, 2020
Brazilians in the municipality of Magé, just north of Rio de Janeiro, reported seeing mysterious illuminated objects in the sky. The videos show blue, red and yellow orbs moving around the sky, and one video shows the lights arranged in a triangular formation. Posts about the event began disappearing on Twitter.
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Brazilian Panic Following UFO Sightings
May 18, 2020
Sceptics reckon that the lights were skydivers kitted out with pyrotechnics, Chinese lanterns, or drones.
Most notable about this UFO sighting was not the display but the reputed or attempted cover-up by Twitter and Google. Google images accessible by the public are years old, so what is claimed as the site of a crash is not credible, but why would Twitter attempt to kill the discussion? Battles between aliens in the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others normally do not occur in front of humans, by order of the Council of Worlds, though in the past, in India, these battles were seen. Thus the book The Vedas
describes real aliens and real battles that occurred.
The battle for planet Earth has been such that S America was contested in the recent past, with the Chupacabra unleashed
to increase fear among the inhabitants. The Pointy Heads
leaving Antarctica is another blow to those in the Service-to-Self. Thus solidly on the run, the resentful Service-to-Self aliens forgot the rules imposed by the Council of Worlds, and engaged their counterparts in 3rd Density, visible to the human population. The Service-to-Self are known for poor team coordination, and have been faulted for sloppy management in allowing their Chupacabra to escape.
By refusing to operate in 4th Density during a dispute, the Service-to-Self hoped to win a battle, but found that the Service-to-Others who were engaging them had gotten permission from the Council of Worlds to engage in 3rd Density if a chase required this. Thus the UFO displays, which were not for human consumption but a real battle. Yes, there was a downed craft, which was retrieved. The Twitter outage was to be in compliance with the establishment. During the cover-up over the alien presence, any obvious alien craft or bodies on Tweets is to be banned and removed.
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How much s**t was hidden by Poroshenko? I always knew, that he is asshole. Today, as far as I know, much criminal cases were opened against him in Ukraine.
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Ex president Poroshenko double? Minus 7 kg per week, is this real? Who rules Ukraine and what is the role of Zelensky in this? There have recently been published audio recordings between Biden and Poroshenko perhaps something somehow connected?
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‘Man of my word’: Leaked audio seemingly sheds light on Biden’s efforts to pressure Poroshenko into firing Burisma investigator
May 19, 2020
Audio recordings released by Ukrainian MP Andrii Derkach allegedly offer confirmation that Joe Biden pressured former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire an attorney general in exchange for a billion-dollar loan. Former top Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin filed a criminal complaint in January, alleging that Biden had strong-armed Poroshenko into firing him while he was running multiple investigations into the Burisma gas company where Biden’s son Hunter was a board member. Biden himself has boasted publicly that he gave Poroshenko an ultimatum to fire Shokin or the offer of the $1 billion in loan guarantees would be rescinded – but the audio recordings, if they are legitimate, add new clarity to the controversy surrounding Shokin’s dismissal.
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Ironically, although the impeachment imbroglio by itself did little to affect Zelensky’s ambitious if faltering reform agenda, it may have raised his stature among Ukrainians in the past year. Kyiv’s elites, who have long tried to stay away from U.S. partisan turf wars, have rallied around the political neophyte, and he remains hugely popular based on recent polls. Since Volker stepped down early in the impeachment investigation after getting caught up in efforts by Trump’s allies to pressure Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials to open corruption investigations that could aid Trump’s reelection, the State Department has not appointed another special envoy to Ukraine. That has left Kyiv without a dedicated point person for the peace process as Zelensky seeks to reinvigorate talks with Russia.
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Served as the fifth President of Ukraine from 2014 to 2019. As a candidate for a second term in 2019, he obtained only 24.5% in the second round, being defeated by Volodymyr Zelensky. Outside government, Poroshenko has been a prominent Ukrainian oligarch with a lucrative career in acquiring and building assets. A Ukrainian lawmaker who met with Rudolph W. Giuliani late last year released recordings of private phone calls several years ago between Vice President Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko, then Ukraine’s president, in a new broadside against the presumptive Democratic nominee for U.S. president that has raised questions about foreign interference in the 2020 election.
The issue of Biden and the Burisma scandals are back in the news. President Trump survived the attempts to impeach him over his requests of Zelensky to reopen these investigations. What role will Poroshenko’s potential testimony have? Biden is highly corrupt, the main reason his backers want to put him into power. There would be no money making or power seeking scheme that he would not back, unhesitatingly. Election fraud via mail-in ballots is seen as the last chance to gain control of the White House. Thus the Poroshenko testimony is seen as hugely important.
Poroschenko escaped to Russia in the dying days of his presidency, and has not been heard from since. Now suddenly thrust back into the spotlight, he looks different. Angela Merkel
likewise has obviously become a Double, after a self-imposed quarantine for a Covid-19 exposure. Q has authority to support the Tribunals within the US, and the UK Marines have authority within the UK and the Commonwealth countries, but who is fighting the Deep State and its Satanic tentacles in Germany and Russia?
Merkel was without question a member of the Illuminati, the Nazi bloodline, and intended to install a Muslim caliphate in Europe as a stepping stone to world domination. If the UK Marines joined the US Junta to remove the Satanic Queen and her family from power, then why is it surprising that similar White Hats in Germany might do the same? Poroshenko, as a party to Biden’s past corruption reach, could provide damaging testimony should Poroshenko lie. Russia does not want to see Biden or his backers in control, and stepped in. Poroshenko’s Double will adhere to the truth.
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So was there a message sent when day turned to night? "The sky of Beijing turns into complete darkness during the afternoon".
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Please discuss the recent storms in China that turned the sky to night in the middle of the day (May 21, 2020)
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The sky of Beijing turns into complete darkness during the afternoon
May 22, 2020
Beijing turned into complete darkness at around 3.45pm. 10 minutes before the darkness, Beijing was still bright with lights. A severe thunderstorm was hitting the city moments later.
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End Times Events Unfolding: Apocalyptic Sandstorm and Biblical Locust Plague Turn Day Into Night in Egypt and Iran – Gigantic hail Slams Mexico
May 17, 2020
On the same day, a gigantic swarm of locusts invaded southern Iran and a massive sandstorm engulfed Aswan, Egypt, blocking the sun and turning day into night. A few days before giant hail slammed General Terán, Nuevo León State, Mexico. Are we entering the End Times? Is the world as we know it going to end soon? Are we damned? Be prepared… the Judgement is coming!
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Amos 8:9-12
9 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day.
That the sky darkened at 3:45 in the afternoon in Beijing is not surprising, as approaching thunderstorm cloud can indeed block the Sun to that degree. This was not caused by a temporary wobble tilting the globe away from the Sun, as this would have affected a broad area and elicited more comment and reports. Nor was this the start of the 3 Days of Darkness expected during the Last Weeks. But it was, as they say, “Biblical”, reminding people of prophecy or history as told in the Bible. Yes, the Daily Earth Wobble is worsening and the weather follows. Much more to come!
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