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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
  • Research the ZetaTalk WebSite and use the Search Engine dedicated to the site. Check the prior ning chats archives or the prior GLP chat archives. This Search Tips Primer will make you an expert after only a quick read.

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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
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  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 54997

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Hello Nancy and Zetas, 

 Can any insight as to the motive of the new digital dollar be given? The idea looks to be ahead of the Covid outbreak.

Thank You.

Bitcoin enthusiasts, liberal lawmakers cheer a Fed-backed digital d...

Negotiations over the $2.2 trillion coronavirus aid package signed by President Trump on Friday weren’t just historic for the cost, nor the speed with which it was reached.

Though not included in the final package, Congressional Democrats used the debate to push for the creation of a “digital dollar,” that would be backed by the Federal Reserve, along with accounts for every American at the central bank — a historic step forward in support for widespread digital currency use that has been lauded by progressives and cryptocurrency enthusiasts alike..."

“A digital dollar would be embraced by the crypto community,” said Tom Lee, head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors and noted bitcoin bull. “It’s positive because it’s making the world more comfortable with native digital assets.”



Partnership between Accenture and the Digital Dollar Foundation aims to promote establishment of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency

The Digital Dollar Project today announced its first advisory group members, who will help guide the framework for practical steps that could be taken to establish a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

A partnership between Accenture (NYSE: ACN) and the Digital Dollar Foundation, the Digital Dollar Project was created to encourage research and public discussion on the potential advantages of a CBDC — or a "digital dollar." The Project will identify options for a CBDC solution to help enhance monetary policy effectiveness and financial stability; provide needed scalability, security and privacy in retail, wholesale and international payments; and integrate with existing financial infrastructures, including U.S. Federal Reserve-related projects.

The Digital Dollar Project’s 22 new advisory group members — a list of whom can be found at — include prominent businesspeople, economists, former regulators, technology luminaries and educators who represent a cross-section of distinguished experts in the fields of banking, capital markets, international standards, anti-money laundering, monetary policy, national security, and privacy and property rights.

The Digital Dollar Project will explore design options and approaches for a CBDC through a deliberative process, including stakeholder meetings, roundtable discussions and open forums. The Project is headed by J. Christopher ("Chris") Giancarlo, former chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC); Charles Giancarlo, an entrepreneur, investor and executive who is currently CEO of Pure Storage; and Daniel Gorfine, founder and CEO of Gattaca Horizons LLC, adjunct professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center, and former chief innovation officer at CFTC.

"..Accenture is the lead architect and technology innovation partner of the not-for-profit Digital Dollar Foundation, which was launched earlier this year.."

In partnership with Accenture, the Digital Dollar Project is a multi-stakeholder initiative to explore options for a U.S. digital dollar WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 16, 2020 


M. Difato said:

Can any insight as to the motive of the new digital dollar be given?

The idea looks to be ahead of the Covid outbreak.
[and from another]
Negotiations over the $2.2 trillion coronavirus aid package signed by President Trump weren’t just historic for the cost, nor the speed with which it was reached. Though not included in the final package, Congressional Democrats used the debate to push for the creation of a “digital dollar,” that would be backed by the Federal Reserve, along with accounts for every American at the central bank — a historic step forward in support for widespread digital currency use that has been lauded by progressives and cryptocurrency enthusiasts alike..." 
[and from another]
Partnership between Accenture and the Digital Dollar Foundation aims to promote establishment of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency
The Digital Dollar Project was created to encourage research and public discussion on the potential advantages of a CBDC — or a "digital dollar." The Project will identify options for a CBDC solution to help enhance monetary policy effectiveness and financial stability; provide needed scalability, security and privacy in retail, wholesale and international payments; and integrate with existing financial infrastructures, including U.S. Federal Reserve-related projects. The Digital Dollar Project’s 22 new advisory group members include prominent businesspeople, economists, former regulators, technology luminaries and educators who represent a cross-section of distinguished experts in the fields of banking, capital markets, international standards, anti-money laundering, monetary policy, national security, and privacy and property rights.
[and from another]
[and from another]
In partnership with Accenture, the Digital Dollar Project is a multi-stakeholder initiative to explore options for a U.S. digital dollar WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 16, 2020 
[and from another]
French Central Bank Puts Out Call for Digital Currency Experiments
March 30, 2020
France’s central bank wants to experiment with integrating digital currencies. We as central banks must and want to take up this call for innovation at a time when private initiatives – especially payments between financial players – and technologies are accelerating, and public and political demand is increasing. There will be no money creation, according to the bank. All exchanges will route across the bank’s own books with tokens destroyed at the end of each payment day. 

The Bitcoin boom
started in 2009 and rapidly spread to other cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin is without borders as it does not have a home country, and thus where it is not backed by a country, it also has no supervision or accountability. Not all banks accept Bitcoin, but it flourishes elsewhere. But without official backing, Bitcoin can disappear instantly. It is virtual money, and resides on servers that can go offline, taking any value with it. Why then would there be a movement to link US citizens directly to the Federal Reserve via a cryptocurrency called a Digital Dollar?

It is no secret that the Western banks are struggling, with countries and corporations close to bankruptcy. Banks in the European Union are already using negative interest rates, which means the citizen pays the bank to hold its money. Bank failures are pending, and with Nibiru’s approach about to create worldwide mayhem, what will become of the banking system? Central banks are erected to add dollars to the economy as the population grows, at a controlled rate that will not incite inflation. But bankers earn fat salaries and enjoy the sense of power and control they wield.

The Covid-19 crisis has put stress on the banking network, in that many loans cannot make their scheduled payments. The banks have two options – force bankruptcy in those account holders, or defer payments or forgive debt. The reality of the network is that the Central Bank creates new money, loans it to the individual banks which are then allowed to loan it to the public many times over. None of this activity costs the bankers any money, as it is all shuffling numbers on a balance sheet. Deferring payments or forgiving debt is painless except that the banker’s salaries might not be met.

As long as a currency is accepted around the world, and inflation is not going rampant such that the country is not becoming a banana republic, there should be no problem in doing what President Trump has recently done by releasing money during the Covid-19 emergency. There is, in fact, no national debt due to such maneuvers in the past or present. The Central Bank and the banking networks DID NOTHING to earn this status, thus are owed nothing. But given the rules that are promulgated, what is to become of the Western banking network when bank failure become endemic?

The Digital Dollar is designed to HIDE the fact that a bank is in fact bankrupt. It is designed to replace Credit Card use, pushing this activity into the arms of the Central Bank where evidence of bankruptcy can be hidden. The Digital Dollar is by nature ephemeral, as the French proposal states, with “tokens destroyed at the end of the payment day”. This is money laundering made legal. The alternative is to allow banks to go belly-up into bankruptcy, be absorbed into stronger banks, and eventually be absorbed into the Central Bank in any case. For the banking systems, these are truly the End Times.

Prior ZT:
Bitcoin is a step closer to the barter system than traditional banking. This is a currency without a country to collapse into bankruptcy, a bank with scant banker salaries as an overhead to pay, and a currency capable of adapting to the exchange rate almost instantaneously. As long as the Internet functions, Bitcoin is likely to do so also.

Prior ZT:
Most of the new Cryptocurrencies are being established to eventually steal from the public. The schema is to allow the currency to go into use, encouraged by celebrities or chirpy reports on how easy the new currency is to use, then boom anyone holding the electronic currency suddenly finds it has zero worth and cannot be redeemed. 

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

It seems to me that this is a total failure of the government. There is no country in the world that would not encounter incompetent government actions in a pandemic and economic crisis. What is the opinion of the Zetas?

An economic crisis occurs stably every 10 years, but for the government it came as a surprise again. They are ready to print trillions but are not ready for any reforms that are long overdue. Printing money is a forced measure, but without reforms it is useless.

Almost all countries underestimated the threat from coronavirus. Some, such as China, tried to hide it. Even here on ZetaTalk, a simple decision was made to cancel all flights. Now it's canceled, but it's too late.

This incompetence just floats in the air everywhere. Why is the government constantly failing?

Leadership in time of crisis is most often different than the leadership that prevails during calm and stable times. When the unknown presents, leadership differs from that which is required during familiar challenges.
If promoted, it becomes the target of attacks by the current leadership, which will see a threat to its status. New leadership styles will come into their own as the old styles fail, and fail utterly, to address the crisis the world will face.

Thank you

Hi Nancy, sometimes Zeta comment on prophecies being themselves prophetic too .  Zeta mention in the past that "angels =benign aliens" protect great souls that do very important mission for mankind evolution and prophetical work towards good,one example being George Washington .Now we know that Trump is protected too being one of those souls. 

Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, also Head of the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party: “We are praying and hoping that the Messiah will arrive before Passover, the time of our redemption. I am sure that the Messiah will come and bring us out as [God] brought us out of Egypt. Soon we will go out in freedom and the Messiah will come and redeem us from all the troubles of the world.”

We know that muslim people wait for the Mahdi ,I talk with a muslim scolar they say that Mahdi will unify the world and is not necessarily muslim but he will be recognize by all religions by his good message that it bring.

My question:  Is Trump the soul of Elijah? It seems that all roads lead to a Great Soul that will free the world from evil and pave the way for World to become a Self-to-Other place

“Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse. (Mal. 4:5-6)

Elijah also is know fighting in is time the worshipers of the Baal, which again fit Trump character. .

Elijah great King of is time loved by people –Trump definitely is a king of our times loved by many.

Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness. …The kings of Tarshish and of distant shores will bring tribute to him; the kings of Sheba and Seba will present him gifts. All kings will bow down to him and all nations will serve him. For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help.

Long may he live! May gold from Sheba be given him. May people ever pray for him and bless him all day long. May his name endure forever; may it continue as long as the sun. All nations will be blessed through him, and they will call him blessed. (Psalm 72:1, 7-12, 15, 17)

Have a good one,Thanks

I could not agree more with what you said, Stan. The Zetas have so often stated that natural leaders will emerge, not the stage-grabbing self-promoting type of people but the STO types who have always worked quietly behind the scenes. Most politicians are puffing themselves up, looking for deal making that will get them rich. How is it that so many go to Congress only with modest means and quickly end up millionaires? They are being bribed, legally. As the Zetas said "leadership will have to be earned" in the future. About time. 

Stanislav said:

It seems to me that this is a total failure of the government.

President Trump certainly fits the bill by fighting Baal and Moloch, as Q has mentioned this was the main reason for his going into politics. He gives his salary away, is likely losing money in the hotel business, but this is not the issue for him. But I expect that by the time the Last Weeks have arrived, we will have many who emerge that would fit the bill. I am a big fan of how Trump is operating, his leadership style, and feel the USA blessed to have him at this and the coming times, for sure. But look to the Patriarch Kirill in Russia! “All people who love the Motherland must be together because we are entering a critical period in the course of human civilization. This can already be seen with the naked eye. You have to be blind not to notice the approaching awe-inspiring moments in history that the apostle and evangelist John was talking about in the Book of Revelation.” The people of Russia are not without a spiritual leader. Or Modi in India. These great leaders will increase in numbers, in the near future I think. 

2005 ZT on Maitreya
Known as Armageddon in the Christian religion, for instance, with the return of Jesus predicted and war and rumors of war. Known as the Mahdi in Islam, with a similar outcome and timing tied to the return of Jesus.  We have mentioned that the three great religions of the Earth were founded by Star Children, with Buddha, Mohammed, and Jesus all having a similar mission and message.  We have mentioned that the anticipated return of Christ should not be interpreted to be this particular soul, who is busy elsewhere at all times on missions similar to the one he had on Earth. What he meant was that many in the Service-to-Other, his obvious orientation, would be coming to Earth at this time. Likewise with the Buddha, the Maitreya, which is understood to be many, not one, persona.

1995 ZT on Jesus Return

Regarding the return of Jesus, much ballyhoo is spread about this possibility, especially among fundamental Christians, who see this as the reward for any hardship they endure. Like most of the Bible, this has been misunderstood, and the intended message got skewered. The predictions of Moses should not be taken literally, as he spoke in allegory and from hope. The intended message relates to the Transformation, where the Earth will become a home for those in the Service-to-Others orientation. Jesus was saying, at that time the Earth will be like a home to me, where I and others operating in the Service- to-Others orientation will feel comfortable and at home. When he was understood to be saying that he would return, he was in fact using the royal we, referring to all those in the Service-to- Others orientation. 

Ovidiu Pricopi said:

Sometimes Zeta comment on prophecies being themselves prophetic too .  

Accepted via email: 

Debris from Nibiru?
[and from another]
Meteor or bomb? Explosion destroys over 100 houses in Akure
March 28, 2020
Over 100 buildings, school, churches were destroyed by an explosion in Akure, the Ondo State capital. While many attributed it to bomb explosion, others said it must have been a meteor fragment from outer space that hit the earth with devastating effects. There was a similar explosion at Abule Ado in Lagos recently. There is no oil pipeline close to the Eleyowo village where the explosion happened.
[and from another]
Explosion rocks Akure, 100 buildings allegedly affected
March 28, 2020
According to residents of the community affected, the blast which occurred in the early hours of March 28, cut off the ever busy Akure /Owo road while many people were said to have been injured.

We have addressed the pinch that Nigeria sustains as the Africa Roll progresses. As the top part of the Africa Plate rolls toward the East, the tip is anchored at Antarctica. This causes a pinch,
or collapse, at Nigeria. This pinch emerged in 2017 when Nigeria had excessive earthquakes.
Rock forced into a bend will explode outward. This explosion on Akure, at the heart of the pinch, was not caused by a meteor as there wasn’t any scream or roar during entry, nor any bright lights in the sky in the dead of night. Was this a sneaker meteor? It was the African Roll pinch, exploding.

Prior ZT:
That Nigeria is having increased earthquakes should not be surprising. The African Plate is moving, rolling its top part to the East while it remains firmly footed at the tip at the Antarctica Plate. Residing on a jolting plate is not a quiet ride. While the top part of the plate crunches along through the Mediterranean, and the Red Sea pulls open, and the African rift valley droops, falling further toward the now unsupported side of the plate at the Indian Ocean, the western side of Africa also has issues. Nigeria has thin crust, where the rivers emerge to drain, so is just noticing this process earlier than most.

Accepted via email: 

Thank you, God! 35,000 children rescued from underground tunnels. And I understand they are being placed in the 2 military hospital ships and field hospitals.
[and from another]
BREAKING! 35,000 kids rescued from captivity in New York, California, Florida, Washington
April 3, 2020
Pentagon 1 confirms children continue to be rescued in locations that include New York, California, Florida, Washington, and the numbers have seen a dramatic increase. Pentagon 1 said the number increased from some 3,000 children to 35,000 and advised there is “more coming”. The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force is currently assisting the U.S. Military with actionable intelligence and will continue to report developments.
[and from another]
[and from another]

Q described a game theory in one of his earliest posts - #97 – in 2017. The enigmatic Q was known for puzzles and speaking in code, so his reference to what is taken to be 10 Days of Darkness actually includes a misspelled word. “Darnkess” is a misspell found in a book about sex abuse of children – 3 Days of Darkness - and their rescue going into Easter. Connecting the dots, Qanons have speculated that the time is now, 2020, with the start on April Fool’s Day and the ending on Good Friday.

Due to the pandemic, the hospital ships Comfort and Mercy have been deployed and temporary hospitals have been erected in New York City and elsewhere. It is being speculated that this effort is to comfort children brought from the tunnels. Because of the social isolation orders, there would be few citizens to witness such an effort. It would be under cover of Darkness, thus. We have confirmed that underground bases and tunnels exist,
and have and are being used to supply young children to the pedophile and Moloch worshiping Satanists.

Those involved in the child sex traffic cease operation if they think they are being observed. The “Darkness” Q referred to is not due to a lack of sunlight or an Internet outage, it was that surveillance would cease. The network assumes they are free to operate, and thus are identified. Yes, “Darnkess” was a deliberate misspell on Q’s part. Yes, the lock down orders in many parts of the country are allowing the US Military to expedite the rescue of small children being rushed through the tunnels. Were it not for the Covid-19 virus, this operation would have been done with more stealth until the public is deemed able to process the information without undue distress.

Prior ZT:
Rumors continue to emerge about caged children held for Satanic rituals in underground facilities in the US, some of them on former military bases or DUMBs. It is certainly true that the child sex trade desires storage of small children where they would not be discovered. The discovery of the rape camp near I-19 shows what happens when their practices are above ground and in the open. From the Bush administration to the Clinton administration, the Cabal was able to facilitate using the US Military for their ends, and sleeper cells remained. This cleanup progresses, but does not include nuclear explosions, though collapsing the DUMB does require explosions. The current war being waged against the Satanists is a silent war, with the execution of major players such as Cummings and even the Queen being denied by the use of doubles or claims of a natural death. The public is only told a small part of the story.

Accepted via email: 

UFO sightings are pretty common all over the world. Would the Zeta’s care to comment about the telepathic message sent from these?
[and from another]
Detroit April 3, 2020
[and from another]
Cleveland April 4, 2020

We have detailed the degree to which the St. Lawrence Seaway and the states running along south of the Seaway will participate during the New Madrid adjustment. The Seaway is already ripping open all the way to the Black Hills,
and will do so again, though not to the degree anticipated for the Pole Shift adjustment. The New Madrid Fault Line turns toward the East when it reaches the Chicago area, and runs along under the Seaway all the way to the New England region. Thus Detroit and Cleveland will both be affected when the big New Madrid adjustment occurs.

The Detroit UFO display shows an expanding line, moving at both ends of the display. Detroit already has a persistent hum,
as it is ripping apart along the course of the river between the Great Lakes on either side – Lake Huron and Lake Erie. Cleveland is directly on the Seaway, and will find sloshing water from the widening Seaway to be a rapidly diminishing problem. Thus the UFO display in Cleveland seems to disappear. Do these displays, coming at this time, mean the New Madrid rip is close at hand? Yes.

Prior 2011 ZT: 2011:
Cities to the south of the Seaway such as Cleveland, Toledo, and Buffalo will be shattered during the 7 of 10 New Madrid adjustment.

Prior 2011 ZT:
We also stated that where the New Madrid fault line runs up through Ohio and under the Great Lakes can be seen in rock strata maps. The New Madrid adjustment will shatter rock there, ungluing the rock strata just to the south so that older rock in central Ohio will separate from the rock east of Cleveland and Columbus. 

Prior 2010 ZT:
Indeed, tearing of the St. Lawrence Seaway will occur during the New Madrid adjustment. We have warned that quakes on the West Coast, or the Seaway, or in the New Madrid region will occur before the major quake in the New Madrid region we have referred to as the adjustment on a 7 of 10 level. There will be quakes in these areas, magnitude 4-7, which should not be considered the New Madrid adjustment of which we speak.  During the 7 of 10 New Madrid adjustment the Seaway will be affected, as we mentioned earlier. It will not tear open to the degree we predicted for the pole shift itself, but weak points along the Seaway will adjust. As the New Madrid fault line runs up along the Seaway just under the Great lakes in Ohio, cities such as Cleveland and Toledo will find their infrastructure greatly shattered in places as the rock beneath them will jut or drop, vertical adjustments.

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

Do the Zetas have any comment on the acquittal of Cardinal George Pell?

In a unanimous verdict, the Australian High Court has overturned Pell's 2018 conviction for sexual assault of two choirboys. As the High Court is the ultimate court of appeal in Australia, the matter is effectively closed with no further legal examination possible.

The verdict has met with controversy worldwide. Pell's supporters laud the thorough and effective judicial process. Victim advocacy groups fear Pell's acquittal may discourage reporting and prosecution of sexual abuse in the future.

Could the Zetas please share their insights into Pell's conviction and acquittal?

Was the evidence against Pell genuinely flawed and his conviction unjust? Were the seven Justices of the Australian High Court pressured into overturning Pell's conviction?

Thank you for considering these questions.


George Pell Freed After Australian Court Overturns Sex Abuse Conviction

The cardinal was the highest-ranking Roman Catholic leader ever found guilty of sexually abusing children.

MELBOURNE, Australia — Australia’s highest court on Tuesday overturned the sexual abuse conviction of Cardinal George Pell, the highest-ranking Roman Catholic leader ever found guilty in the church’s clergy pedophilia crisis.

Cardinal Pell, 78, who was the Vatican’s chief financial officer and an adviser to Pope Francis, was sentenced to six years in prison last March for molesting two 13-year-old boys after Sunday Mass in 1996.

He walked free on Tuesday after a panel of seven judges ruled that the jury ought to have entertained a doubt about his guilt. The judges cited “compounding improbabilities” to conclude that the verdicts on five counts reached in 2018 were “unreasonable or cannot be supported by the evidence.”

In a statement, Cardinal Pell reiterated his assertion that he had committed no crimes. “I have consistently maintained my innocence while suffering from a serious injustice,” he said. “This has been remedied today with the High Court’s unanimous decision.”

MEDIA STATEMENT - Most Rev Peter A Comensoli - Archbishop of Melbourne

“This case has been an intense and painful time for all those personally involved, those who have experienced abuse, and for the Catholic community in Melbourne

“At the heart of this trial and appeal process have been the people involved. I want to firstly acknowledge the person identified through the Courts only as ‘J’, who brought forward his story of abuse for examination in the courts of law. This is a right we value and honour.

“I also acknowledge Cardinal Pell who has steadfastly maintained his innocence throughout. Rightly, he has been afforded the full possibilities of the judicial system. This decision means the Cardinal was wrongly convicted and imprisoned, and he is now free to live his life peaceably within the community.

Holy See Press Office Communiqué, 07.04.2020

The Holy See, which has always expressed confidence in the Australian judicial authority, welcomes the High Court’s unanimous decision concerning Cardinal George Pell, acquitting him of the accusations of abuse of minors and overturning his sentence.

Entrusting his case to the court’s justice, Cardinal Pell has always maintained his innocence, and has waited for the truth to be ascertained.

At the same time, the Holy See reaffirms its commitment to preventing and pursuing all cases of abuse against minors.

Relief for Pell supporters, while abuse advocates mull consequences

Advocates for sex-assault victims had believed the original guilty verdict would empower complainants in other cases to come forward.

Now, like the dead choirboy's father, they are concerned about what effect the latest ruling will have.

Cathy Kezelman, the president of the Blue Knot Foundation National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma, said her organisation was worried about the indirect consequences of the judgment.

The Centre Against Sexual Assault's convenor, Karen Hogan, said her organisation had fielded calls from people who were struggling to cope with their own cases of past trauma.

Chrissie Foster, whose daughters Emma and Katie were raped by parish priest Kevin O'Donnell while at primary school in the 1980s, was concerned other complainants might reach the conclusion "Don't bother".

"It's a waste of time. Is this setting a precedent? Maybe it will make accusers more determined ... but these are damaged people. For them to get up and fight, it's not as easy for them as it is for you and I," Ms Foster said.

"They are going to shy away from it."

Q Post #2590

Dec 12 2018 11:00:11 (EST)

[Cardinal Pell]

Dark to LIGHT.


Q Post #2594

Dec 12 2018 11:29:43 (EST)

>He was the vatican treasurer I'm sure that carries some weight

#3 in the pecking order.

Define 'pecking' [animals].



Matt B said:

Do the Zetas have any comment on the acquittal of Cardinal George Pell?

In a unanimous verdict, the Australian High Court has overturned Pell's 2018 conviction for sexual assault of two choirboys. As the High Court is the ultimate court of appeal in Australia, the matter is effectively closed with no further legal examination possible. The verdict has met with controversy worldwide. Pell's supporters laud the thorough and effective judicial process. Victim advocacy groups fear Pell's acquittal may discourage reporting and prosecution of sexual abuse in the future. Could the Zetas please share their insights into Pell's conviction and acquittal? Was the evidence against Pell genuinely flawed and his conviction unjust? Were the seven Justices of the Australian High Court pressured into overturning Pell's conviction?
[and from another]
George Pell Freed After Australian Court Overturns Sex Abuse Conviction
 Australia’s highest court on Tuesday overturned the sexual abuse conviction of Cardinal George Pell, the highest-ranking Roman Catholic leader ever found guilty in the church’s clergy pedophilia crisis. Cardinal Pell, 78, who was the Vatican’s chief financial officer and an adviser to Pope Francis, was sentenced to six years in prison last March for molesting two 13-year-old boys after Sunday Mass in 1996. He walked free on Tuesday after a panel of seven judges ruled that the jury ought to have entertained a doubt about his guilt. The judges cited “compounding improbabilities” to conclude that the verdicts on five counts reached in 2018 were “unreasonable or cannot be supported by the evidence.” In a statement, Cardinal Pell reiterated his assertion that he had committed no crimes. “I have consistently maintained my innocence while suffering from a serious injustice,” he said. “This has been remedied today with the High Court’s unanimous decision.”
[and from another]
Most Rev Peter A Comensoli - Archbishop of Melbourne
“This case has been an intense and painful time for all those personally involved, those who have experienced abuse, and for the Catholic community in Melbourne. “At the heart of this trial and appeal process have been the people involved. I want to firstly acknowledge the person identified through the Courts only as ‘J’, who brought forward his story of abuse for examination in the courts of law. This is a right we value and honour. “I also acknowledge Cardinal Pell who has steadfastly maintained his innocence throughout. Rightly, he has been afforded the full possibilities of the judicial system. This decision means the Cardinal was wrongly convicted and imprisoned, and he is now free to live his life peaceably within the community.
[and from another]
Holy See Press Office Communiqué, 07.04.2020
The Holy See, which has always expressed confidence in the Australian judicial authority, welcomes the High Court’s unanimous decision concerning Cardinal George Pell, acquitting him of the accusations of abuse of minors and overturning his sentence. Entrusting his case to the court’s justice, Cardinal Pell has always maintained his innocence, and has waited for the truth to be ascertained. At the same time, the Holy See reaffirms its commitment to preventing and pursuing all cases of abuse against minors.
[and from another]
Relief for Pell supporters, while abuse advocates mull consequences
Advocates for sex-assault victims had believed the original guilty verdict would empower complainants in other cases to come forward. Now, like the dead choirboy's father, they are concerned about what effect the latest ruling will have. Cathy Kezelman, the president of the Blue Knot Foundation National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma, said her organisation was worried about the indirect consequences of the judgment. The Centre Against Sexual Assault's convenor, Karen Hogan, said her organisation had fielded calls from people who were struggling to cope with their own cases of past trauma. Chrissie Foster, whose daughters Emma and Katie were raped by parish priest Kevin O'Donnell while at primary school in the 1980s, was concerned other complainants might reach the conclusion "Don't bother". "It's a waste of time. Is this setting a precedent? Maybe it will make accusers more determined ... but these are damaged people. For them to get up and fight, it's not as easy for them as it is for you and I," Ms Foster said. "They are going to shy away from it."
[and from another]
Q Post #2590
Dec 12 2018 11:00:11 (EST)
[Cardinal Pell]
Dark to LIGHT.
[and from another]
Q Post #2594
Dec 12 2018 11:29:43 (EST)
>He was the vatican treasurer I'm sure that carries some weight
#3 in the pecking order.
Define 'pecking' [animals].
[and from another]
The case against Pell was solely based on the testimony of one of his alleged victims – a former choirboy who said that the cardinal, then the archbishop of Melbourne, sexually abused him and another boy in late 1996 and early 1997. The seven-judge panel cited the accounts provided by “opportunity witnesses” who described the movements of the cardinal at the time of the reported crime – which allegedly took place during Sunday Mass – strikingly differently to the complainant. The former choirboy died in 2014 after a long battle with drug addiction.
[and from another]
Ratzinger's 2001 letter De delictis gravioribus clarified the confidentiality of internal church investigations, as defined in the 1962 document Crimen Sollicitationis, into accusations made against priests of certain crimes, including sexual abuse. This became a subject of controversy during the sex abuse cases. For 20 years, Ratzinger had been the man in charge of enforcing the document.

Was Cardinal Pell guilty? Yes, and of more than this single trial represents. The Catholic Church has pedophilia at the highest ranks, with the prior Pope Benedict being in charge of enforcing silence in this regard prior to becoming Pope. If the jury and the Appeals Court found Pell guilty, then why the reversal? As we have often stated, despite some good-hearted individuals working within the Church structure, and despite the current Pope Francis being a well-intended individual, the Catholic Church is all about control, wealth, and giving orders.

The Church threatens damnation to Hell via excommunication if their orders are not followed, though they certainly do not have this power. They walk about draped in Gold and live in opulent quarters while they demand the poor in their flocks fund this lifestyle. They have vast real estate, and the Vatican bank has been repeatedly found guilty of money laundering for unsavory characters. The conviction of Cardinal Pell enraged the Vatican. In their view, tossing a priest to the dogs for pedophilia was one thing, but the high and mighty should remain untouched.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

It seems that China is both boogeyman and a threat at the same time. Why did China suddenly become a boogeyman? But on the other hand, we see Biden’s interests in China. Qanon often used phrase: "America is no longer for sale".
The United States now seems to want to sue China because of the coronavirus and demand compensation. Yes, China was hiding the truth in the beginning about the coronavirus and even now. Yes, China falsifies the statistics of diseases. Yes, China may have bribed WHO. Yes, living conditions for people in China are poor. And yes, China is repressive. But is the United States any different?
$20 trillion lawsuit against China! US group says coronavirus is bioweapon

Google Refuses To Work With US Military, But Joint Chiefs Chair Says They Provide ‘Direct Benefit’ To China’s

China steals US designs for new weapons, and it's getting away with 'the greatest intellectual property theft in human history'

Trump Claims ‘China-Centric’ WHO ‘Really Blew It’ When Faced With Coronavirus Threat

Thank you very much


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