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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
  • Research the ZetaTalk WebSite and use the Search Engine dedicated to the site. Check the prior ning chats archives or the prior GLP chat archives. This Search Tips Primer will make you an expert after only a quick read.

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  • If Nancy indicates that your question is “accepted” then it will be answered.
  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
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  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 43179

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Accepted via email: 

Would the Zetas care to elaborate on the Failed Iranian Rocket Launch? Can only wonder if the deep state is involved in this as well, trying to push for a reaction to create an event, since there have been several failures?
[and from another]
The Iranian launch - that didn't. Do earthlings know why? Looks a lot like a hoof stomp from CoW
[and from another]
Iranian Rocket Launch Ends in Failure, Imagery Shows 
August 29. 2019
An Iranian rocket appears to have exploded on the launch pad. The failure is the third this year. In January and February, Iran attempted to launch two rockets, both of which failed to reach orbit. This latest failure is likely to put still more pressure on Iran's small space program. 
[and from another]
Trump Tweets Sensitive Surveillance Image of Iran
August 30, 2019
The resolution is so high, it may be beyond the physical limits at which satellites can operate. That could mean it was taken by a drone or spy plane, though such a vehicle would be violating Iranian airspace. The European company Airbus has been experimenting with drones that fly so high, they are technically outside the atmosphere and thus operating outside national boundaries.
[and from another]
Iranian satellite launch fails due to technical issues: Official
August 29, 2019
An Iranian attempt to launch a satellite failed in January, Iran’s Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi said. Iran launched its first satellite Omid (Hope) in 2009 and its Rasad (Observation) satellite was also sent into orbit in June 2011. Tehran said in 2012 that it had successfully put its third domestically-made satellite Navid (Promise) into orbit.

The question is not whether various parties are interested in interfering with Iran’s technological development but WHO, if anyone, is interfering with their missile launches.
- First, there is Israel. Iran has sworn to wipe Israel off the map. Israel has admitted in the past to sabotaging Iran’s nuclear facilities.
- Then there is the Trump Administration, who stopped the billions in bribe money the Obama administration was sending to Iran. But Trump is continuing draconian sanctions on Iran. By publicly showing a high definition image of the latest launch failure, from a spy satellite, Trump is making the statement that they know every move Iran makes.
- Then there is the Council of Worlds, who has been interfering with global power mongers lately, preventing Israel from launching a DEW and preventing Israel from establishing a Moon base with their Beresheet Moon lander.

The culprit is none of the above, but the most obvious culprit - Iranian incompetence. Where Iran has launched small satellites in the past, it is now attempting to boost heavy loads. Like Israel, Iran wants to intimidate the world, and hopes to launch a DEW. For anyone carefully watching how the Council of Worlds operates, they allow such evil plots a series of successes, and then devastate them
when success seems near at hand.

Prior 9/11/2004 ZT:
When this success is snatched from their hands at the last moment, the sense of defeat is more devastating, the lesson brought home with more force, and the message not lost. 

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

A curious geological discovery has been made in Antarctica - a massive humanoid face peering out from beneath the ice.

This unusual structure has symmetry that is absent in the surrounding terrain, drawing comparisons with the Face on Mars.

Is this an example of the Pareidolia effect or has another alien artifact been revealed by the melting ice?

Thank you for considering this question.


A face in Antarctica

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Google Maps

72°00'36.0"S 168°34'40.0"E'36.0%22S+168%C2%B034'4...

GIGANTICA! Ancient Alien [NEW] Discovery "THE FACE" Antarctica? 2019-2020

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 27, 2012

Antarctica space ship ports

What is the clearly manufactured entrance into Antarctica rock, in the shape of a space ship? It is what it seems to be, an entrance for space ships. This port is not currently in use, nor would curious man find anything laying about that might be useful or educational. As Nancy has explained in her report on a trip to the Gobi Desert to one of our current space ship ports, such entrances are carved into solid granite and positioned so as not to be seen from an Earthly view. The Gobi Desert port took into consideration mankind’s current use of satellites, the entrance being at the side of a deep ravine, whereas the Antarctic port did not have this worry.

Who lived there? We have explained the plethora of alien life forms currently visiting Earth, and the myriad worlds they come from. It matters not what alien group found Antarctica convenient, as the history of visitations as explained by ourselves has covered the basics. Genetic engineering projects, early counseling by ambassadors from the Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self, and simple exploration by the Earthly equivalent of biologists and sociologists have visited the Earth in the past. Antarctica has never been inhabited by early man, so the space ports there were never under threat of discovery. This port nor any underground facility in Antarctica was not, at any time, utilized by mankind, despite myths about Admiral Byrd or the Nazis to the contrary.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 2, 2013

Annunaki in Antarctica

When the obvious space port entry in Antarctica was discovered on Google Earth images in October, 2012, we confirmed that Antarctica had been used as a space port for space ships. Our emphatic statement was that early man had never lived on Antarctica, nor were these space ports anything man (such as Admiral Byrd or the NAZI) had utilized. But what about the Annunaki? The Annunaki did not use the space ports, as they did not possess space ships with the capacity to manipulate gravity. But they did explore Antarctica for Gold, as they did the rest of the Earth and Mars. They marked likely spots so their rocket ships could land with supplies. Antarctica was never a Gold rich site, and beyond exploratory probes, did not develop into a mining settlement.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 4, 2017

Antarctica city

We stated in the past, in 2012, when asked about a Google Earth spaceport image, that alien entities had used Antarctica in the past. We stressed that this was not mankind’s port, but alien, and did not exclude the Annunaki from that group. We also stated in the past, in 1997, that the Piri Reis map was showing Antarctica from days when it was not covered in ice. That said, are the reports of a city under the ice true, and was this an Annunaki base? There are many discoveries waiting to be uncovered in Antarctica, and obviously where there are space port entries, there is more than an entry to be discovered.

Despite disinformation being spread by Corey Goode and his cohorts under the influence of Service-to-Self liars, there will be no alien technology made available to mankind by any such discoveries. Treat this like Egyptian tombs, or Tibetan artifacts – revealing of past civilizations but not technology waiting to have a switch thrown. For the Service-to-Self to leave technology lying about, even abandoned on an ice covered continent, would be against the Council of Worlds rules, as we have stated on many occasions. Do the artifacts include Annunaki bodies? Awaiting cremation, yes, and abandoned during a past Pole Shift when evacuation became an emergency.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 30, 2018

Antarctica desalination

As the ice of Antarctica melts, more and more revelations of life in the past, and in particular alien life settlements, will be exposed. Evidence of an alien city was purportedly discovered in 2017. A space ship sized port was discovered on Google Earth in 2012. Metal was detected under the ice near the fresh water Lake Vostok in 2011, indicative of a civilization there in the past. And now a tube assembly on the very edge of the land mass of Antarctica, just under the waves in the sea level of today. In the past, this tube assembly might have been at the water’s edge.

Where Lake Vostok is fresh water, it is easier to gain fresh water from a desalination process than to port fresh water over many miles. Water flows down a series of tubes, ejecting salty water at juncture points while the increasingly fresh water flows through to the end. This is not a process used by man today, which focuses on condensing steam. As we mentioned, the Annunaki and their alien contacts were both resident in Antarctica in the past. This desalination device will not be the last discovery, as Antarctica will tip out of the water as the eastern edge is lifted during plate movements.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 30, 2018

Antarctic shuttle launch

Recently, with the revelation earlier this month of the desalination device discovered in Antarctica, we stated that more would be revealed by the melting ice. This structure is one of them. It is not an antenna, as presumed, but a launching pad. The Annunaki operated by shuttles, between Nibiru and Earth or between Earth and the Moon or Mars. Other than this launch platform, nothing of this launching operation remains for man to examine. When the Annunaki left Earth, having been quarantined from man, they dismantled and took with them all they could, not wanting to give mankind their technology.

The Annunaki shuttles did not launch like mankind’s missiles, straight up into the air. They launched more like mankind’s airplanes, gaining lift as the speed increased. The launching platform was curved and tilted, as the shuttle being launched was also anchored in the curve center at the lowest point of the launch pad. The shuttle was thus guided along the launch platform, giving stability. The toothed notches laying across the platform guides was to delay launch until all was ready, then the bar that laid in the notches was dropped and the launch proceeded.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for September 30, 2018

Annunaki in Antarctica

The slowly melting Antarctica ice continues to reveal the Annunaki past. We have commented on a launching pad, a desalination device, the remnants of cities, and space ship ports used by aliens other than the Annunaki. This newly discovered site, which appears to be a rack with a nearby entry to an underground port, is another launching site, which of course has a control booth nearby. Since it is not similar to mankind’s launching mechanisms, it is not recognized for what it is. This may be a new site for Internet aficionados but known to the establishment which has clearly visited to inspect.

What is interpreted to be a crashed ship on the Scotia platelet near the tip of S America is not a crash at all but a routine port. The track marks are in fact rail lines used to tow a ship’s cargo to a nearby storage vault. Other than some rusting pieces of metal, nothing will be discovered by man, as the Annunaki took any technology they used with them when they evacuated Earth during their quarantine, not wanting to enable primitive man whom they knew would be gaining technology soon.


Matt B said:

A curious geological discovery has been made in Antarctica - a massive humanoid face peering out from beneath the ice.

This unusual structure has symmetry that is absent in the surrounding terrain, drawing comparisons with the Face on Mars. Is this an example of the Pareidolia effect or has another alien artifact been revealed by the melting ice?
[and from another]
[and from another]
A face in Antarctica August 6, 2013
[and from another]
Google Maps
72°00'36.0"S 168°34'40.0"E'36.0%22S+168%C2%B034'4...
[and from another]
Ancient Alien Discovery "The Face" Antarctica? 2019-2020

As with the Face on Mars,
this structure is not an accident of nature but deliberate. The Mars face reflects the Annunaki, and was carved into the rock on Mars as a type of flag, a statement that the Annunaki were in possession of Mars at that time. The Face on Antarctica has a similar message, but for a different group, neither human nor Annunaki. The Annunaki had an alliance with various Service-to-Self aliens during their sojourn on Earth.

The Annunaki who colonized Earth in the past were interested in mining for Gold, which they needed on their home planet Nibiru in order to retain heat and light during their regular 3,600 year loop through space. The alliance the Annunaki had with Service-to-Self aliens allowed them to control gravity in order to build structures such as the Great Pyramids and Easter Island heads that would intimidate emerging man. Where the Annunaki wanted Gold, these other alien groups were interested in harvesting souls, and gained many by cruel acts during their reign on Earth.

As we have previously reported, one of these alien groups were the Fat Snakes depicted in the Dropa stones.
This group utilized the trolls,
which they brought to Earth as slaves. But there was yet another alien group allied with the Annunaki. This group were hominoid, with a distinct pointed head and narrow slanted eyes. Since the Service-to-Self do not share well, and the Fat Snakes had already dominated Asia and Europe, this group took residence in Antarctica, leaving their face as a marker that could be easily seen from space.

Prior ZT:
What is the clearly manufactured entrance into Antarctica rock, in the shape of a space ship? It is what it seems to be, an entrance for space ships. Antarctica has never been inhabited by early man. This port nor any underground facility in Antarctica was not, at any time, utilized by mankind, despite myths about Admiral Byrd or the Nazis to the contrary.

Prior ZT:
But what about the Annunaki? The Annunaki did not use the space ports, as they did not possess space ships with the capacity to manipulate gravity. But they did explore Antarctica for Gold, as they did the rest of the Earth and Mars. They marked likely spots so their rocket ships could land with supplies.

Prior ZT:
The Piri Reis map was showing Antarctica from days when it was not covered in ice. That said, are the reports of a city under the ice true, and was this an Annunaki base? There are many discoveries waiting to be uncovered in Antarctica, and obviously where there are space port entries, there is more than an entry to be discovered. Treat this like Egyptian tombs, or Tibetan artifacts – revealing of past civilizations but not technology. Do the artifacts include Annunaki bodies? Awaiting cremation, yes, and abandoned during a past Pole Shift when evacuation became an emergency.

Prior ZT:
Evidence of an alien city was purportedly discovered in 2017. A space ship sized port was discovered on Google Earth in 2012. Metal was detected under the ice near the fresh water Lake Vostok in 2011, indicative of a civilization there in the past. Where Lake Vostok is fresh water, it is easier to gain fresh water from a desalination process than to port fresh water over many miles. The Annunaki and their alien contacts were both resident in Antarctica in the past. This desalination device will not be the last discovery.

Prior ZT:
It is not an antenna, as presumed, but a launching pad. The Annunaki operated by shuttles, between Nibiru and Earth or between Earth and the Moon or Mars. Other than this launch platform, nothing of this launching operation remains for man to examine.
The Annunaki shuttles did not launch like mankind’s missiles, straight up into the air. They launched more like mankind’s airplanes, gaining lift as the speed increased. The launching platform was curved and tilted, as the shuttle being launched was also anchored in the curve center.

Prior ZT:
What is interpreted to be a crashed ship on the Scotia platelet near the tip of S America is not a crash at all but a routine port. The track marks are in fact rail lines used to tow a ship’s cargo to a nearby storage vault.

Nancy, Zetas have said man does not control the weather, but the COW does.  Has the weather been 'weaponized,' with the aid of COW, to send a message to the elites, and to awaken those living on the coasts?


The other day, Trump said "it looks like this storm will hit DEAD CENTER". Let's explore the ODDS that DORIAN would make a DEAD CENTER hit on Epstein Island & the Chinese / Denmark Ports in the Bahamas as a Cat-5 before turning NORTHEAST?
Would you be surprised to learn that the Chinese have been using our $500B annual trade deficit to buy up all the ports near America? Thanks TRAITOR politicians. There are 2 massive complexes in the Bahamas DEAD CENTER in DORIAN'S PATH.DENMARK / CHINESE PARTNERSHIP IN THE BAHAMAS
Remember when Trump asked Denmark to "sell" us Greenland? Hmmm. Maersk is the largest company in Denmark. Maersk just happened to partner with Shanghai on the port in Freeport Bahamas that just got a DEAD CENTER hit from DORIAN.

Nothing to see here.

You probably recognize the 7 pointed star from Game of Thrones. Also those handy Masonic badges worn by CHiP's & Harris County (GHWB) Sheriffs. Plus all the witches love this symbol. Even the Jordanian flag uses it.

Nothing to see here either.

Maersk thought it was good corporate branding 3 weeks ago to post this creepy face with a comment about our "reptilian brains". WTF?
Triggered by Trump's Greenland comment perhaps?
Evergreen shipping containers?

So Dorian just happened to hit DEAD CENTER between the sketchy Chinese and Denmark ports just off our coast with a margin of error of less than 1 NAUTICAL MILE, and yet, it suddenly is beginning to turn NORTHEAST away from Florida.

Watch the water perhaps?

Here's a 2015 article calling Abaco the "Disneyland of the Bahamas". Gee what a handy location for a quick trafficking trip FROM BROWARD COUNTY to pick up a few "young tourists" from a docked container ship?

Marsh Harbour was wiped out.

Everyone knows the water in the Bahamas is only about 25' deep in many places. However, right next to Freeport, the water depth is VERY DEEP. The trenches just offshore drop to thousands of feet deep very quickly.

What an ideal spot for [them].

If DEAD CENTER DORIAN turns Northeast & only creates heavy rain in the US, I must ask what WE just witnessed.

If Patriots control the weather, we would only risk collateral damage if the threat of rogue weapons was immense AND no other option was available.

Let's say [GHWB] had underground nukes stored as a [THREAT] below refineries near his Houston home. Can't bomb from above. What if we had to flood the entire city to save MILLIONS? 68 people died. Were 20 million saved? Was LV [their] payback? WHAT ABOUT FLORENCE IN SEP 2018?

Did you know Florence made landfall on "No Name Island" in NC with a DEAD CENTER hit at the New Brunswick Nuclear Plant. Did we flood [them] out as well? Can't bomb a bunker underneath a nuclear plant. That storm also dissipated quickly.

If we control the weather now, we controlled the weather in 2017. The best place to hide underground bunkers would be under things you can't bomb:

Refineries (Harvey)
Nuclear plants (Florence)
Casinos (LV)
Airports (DIA)
Islands (Dorian)

thanks @3Days3Nights


Accepted via email: 

Ten years ago, corruption was seen as the necessary price of doing business and something so deeply ingrained that exposing and fighting it was regarded as futile and even harmful. Today, multi-billion corruption scandals are hitting the news around the world and bringing down politicians, governments and famous people in big corporations. Cases like Spain’s Watergate, Brazil's Operation Car Wash, Fifa Gate, Russia's Troika Laundromat, South Africa's State Capture and many others are unusual corruption cases hitting the controlled media. Is the Transformation Team behind all the action?
[and from another]
Spain’s Watergate: Inside the Corruption Scandal that Changed a Nation
March 1, 2019 
The Gürtel case began with one Madrid mogul. Over the next decade, it grew into the biggest corruption investigation in Spain’s recent history, sweeping up hundreds of corrupt politicians and businessmen – and shattering its political system.
[and from another]
Brazil's Operation Car Wash: Is this the Biggest Corruption Scandal in History? 
June 1, 2017
At first, the press described it as the biggest corruption scandal in the history of Brazil; then, as other countries and foreign firms were dragged in, the world. The case would go on to discover illegal payments of more than $5bn to company executives and political parties, put billionaires in jail, drag a president into court and cause irreparable damage to the finances and reputations of some of the world’s biggest companies.
[and from another]
South Africa's State Capture: the Corruption Investigation that has Shaken South Africa
July 11, 2019
“State capture” has become a buzzword in South Africa. It describes the way private individuals and companies have commandeered organs of state to redirect public resources into their own hands, and have gutted those institutions responsible for protecting the country against such corruption. These include the police, the prosecution authority, the tax collection service and even parliament itself.
[and from another]
Russia's The Troika Laundromat: Laundromats are Complex Systems for Moving Money that allow Corrupt Politicians, Organized Crime Figures, and Wealthy Business People to Secretly Invest their ill-gotten Millions, Launder Money, Evade Taxes 
March 4, 2019
Billions of dollars moved from Russia to the west, mixing legitimate wealth with apparently fraudulent funds
[and from another]
Malaysia's 1MDB: The Playboys, PMs and Partygoers around a Global Financial Scandal
August 2, 2019
Billions of dollars from a state fund meant to help the Malaysian people went missing, disappearing into the shadows of the global financial system.
[and from another]
Paradise Papers: Paradise Papers leak Reveals Secrets of the World Elite's Hidden Wealth
November 5, 2017
The leak of 13.4m documents shows the scale of the offshore empire and involves everyone from the Queen to Facebook
[and from another]
Mossack Fonseca: Inside the Firm that helps Super-Rich Hide their Money
April 8, 2016
Mossack Fonseca is a law firm based in Panama. Founded in 1977, it is the world’s fourth biggest provider of offshore services. Until the publication this week of the Panama Papers, it was mostly obscure. In fact, it sits at the heart of the global offshore industry, and acts for about 300,000 companies. More than half are registered in British tax havens – as well as in the UK.
[and from another]
Fifa Gate: Fifa Corruption Crisis
December 15, 2015
Fifa, football's world governing body, has been engulfed by claims of widespread corruption since summer 2015, when the US Department of Justice indicted several top executives.
[and from another]
Kenya's Multi-billion Corruption Scandals
December 28, 2018
As Kenyans, we are no strangers to scandals, but we may have probably witnessed more scandals in 2018 than any other year.
[and from another]
Romania's most Powerful Man is Sent to Prison for Corruption
May 27, 2019
Romania’s most powerful politician, Liviu Dragnea, was ordered on Monday to begin serving a three-and-a-half-year prison sentence for abuse of power, upending the political order in the East European country and handing a victory to those who view corruption as the chief threat to the health of the nation.
[and from another]
June, 2019
This entry presents the empirical research on the slow rise of democracy over the last two centuries.

The Transformation of Earth
is often stealthy, not obvious, as the stuff of souls is not visible to mankind and thus there are no obvious clues. The Transformation of Earth has been going on for several decades, where highly Service-to-Self souls are not allowed to reincarnate but sent to Prison Planets. Many walk-in spirits
have arrived, highly Service-to-Other, to incarnate into those human bodies without a sparked soul,
thereby swaying the ratio. Polarization of the spiritual orientations has begun, where the good-hearted group together and the self-centered likewise band together.

All this allows freedom vs slavery, caring vs cruelty, to dominate. This shows up statistically in the increase in democracies worldwide, an obvious curve on graphs. This also shows up statistically on the number of criminal networks being exposed and taken out by the authorities and determined investigative journalists. Money laundering as a tool of the corrupt is an example. The current assault on pedophilia is an example. These trends are often not noticeable until someone does statistical analysis, but the trend is nonetheless there.

Declined. The Zetas are telling me this is not true in any respect. It also stands in opposition to the Rule of Non-Interference. Let man learn from what he encounters in his life on Earth.

Our standard response to any theory, posted by any author, channel, twitter account or blogger etc is - NO COMMENT FROM THE ZETAS UNLESS THEY HAVE AN ACCURACY TRACK RECORD AS GOOD AS THE ZETAS. Just because Robin Klar Len is all puffed up on his or her theory does not make it true. The hurricane is swinging around, changing course? Hello! Hurricanes have been doing this for several years, because of the WOBBLE. Harvey hit the Gulf Coast, went inland, then BACKED up and went down the coast and slammed the coast AGAIN. Documented.

Juan F Martinez said:

Nancy, Zetas have said man does not control the weather, but the COW does. 

Accepted via email: 

I am from Moldova, Republic of a small corrupted State in the centre of Europe. The crisis grows stronger and every new day something goes worse, despite the fact that power changed in February of this year and "all the olgarhs ran away". The prices and taxes keep rising, the law still not working and it is total disorder everywhere. Not too long time ago appeared information that our single Airport was sold to Nathaniel Rothschild. Does it mean that our Motherland is sold out and we have no chance for better future anymore?

Moldova stands at the cross roads of many cultures and issues - between the political influence of Russia vs the European Union, between the banking dictates of the IMF in the West and BRICS in the East, and subject to the migrant flood flowing from Turkey and Syria. Thus the Transformation spasms that are afflicting every culture and country in the world are magnified in this small country. We predicted that during the 8 of 10 phase,
where 10 of 10 is the hour of the Pole Shift, that there would be sociological changes.

We predicted that establishment and media heads would go into hiding
when the truth about Nibiru is known. Phones will not be answered except by frantic secretaries and doors will be slammed shut, “no comment” the standard response. The migration panic
that has already beset many parts of the globe will increase, resulting in some borders being breached with an irrepressible flood of desperate people and the elite rushing to their enclaves early to escape the horde. Meanwhile, the elite who want the cover-up over Nibiru to continue as long as possible are gripped by cold fear.

The trends are obvious though not broadly announced. Democracies, particularly in S America, are on the increase and the cold, cruel hand of the Satan worshipers who have been in control of Western cultures is being eliminated, if only by execution disguised by the insertion of doubles (as has occurred for Queen Elizabeth recently). Money laundering networks, such as the Clinton Foundation, are finding their illegal funds confiscated, and pedophilia blackmail stopped. But the effect of the Earth changes will mean such financial losses that banks and social services are likely to collapse. What then?

We have long predicted that ultimately the barter system
will be used by survivors,
all paper money and former assets such as jewels and Gold worthless for barter by those who are hungry. The bankrupt banks may hold secured notes such as mortgages, but will increasingly find the court systems ignoring their demands for foreclosure. Foreclosed properties will become occupied by the homeless, and squatters rights will prevail. We have also predicted that Martial Law
will prevail in almost all countries, to control rioting. But as starvation increases those in cities will be forcibly moved to rural areas and forced to grow food.

Prior 2010 ZT:
The elevation of the Ukraine is such that within 2 years after the pole shift almost all the land will be submerged, as we have stated. Of course the Carpathian Mountains are an exception. We have stated that the Black Sea will slosh. This sloshing will cause a backwash in any river emptying into the Black Sea.

Prior ZT:
The wealthy, landowners and corporations, will resist migrations within a country to their areas. Those countries that will be under water or in a polar zone will likewise find a deaf ear turned toward their pleas to allow their citizens to migrate to safer areas. Countries will be closing their borders, and be aggressive in defending them against a tide of desperate people. Those countries that are poor and have long and relatively indefensible borders may thus find themselves overrun. The tide of migrants will flow in any direction that does not resist. In all countries, the wealthy and politically powerful will have already arranged for their own safety. To the extent that arrangements have been made for a number of such moves, those with political connections will assume such a move for themselves also. All this is subject to change, as the sociological changes accompanying the 8 of 10 Earth changes play out.

Prior ZT:
Cold fear is gripping the bellies of the elite, as they watch this progress, on schedule and in the sequence we described. They are casting a nervous eye on S America, where mountain building along the N Andes Fault Line and preliminary sinking on the Caribbean Plate in areas such as Panama show that once again, our predictions are on target. What will happen when this has progressed fully, and in accordance with our predictions, is not written, and is very much in the hands of man. These sociological and political dramas are part of the 8 of 10 scenarios, as well as geological and astronomical features. This is the next chapter.

Prior ZT:
Governments cannot simply close their doors and ignore the homeless, their citizens, so are likely to pass laws to force the homeless to be integrated into communities. Homes with spare bedrooms may be forced to accept roomers, and farms will have more than enough ready hands to help with any harvest. Militias will be used to control rioting and force order, with curfews established. But when there is evidence in the skies that there is a presence nearby which could explain all that has been happening, this will change. Then government officials who were clearly in the know, NASA and those scientists who spouted the approved story line all those years, and any media heads who obviously cooperated during the cover-up will be in hiding. The truth will spread by word of mouth, if by no other means. And those who have survived the 7 of 10 or 8 of 10 cataclysms will sort out into camps, as we have described, of those determined to survive and taking action, and those preferring denial.

Prior 2001 ZT:
We predict that long before the shift, a barter system will be replacing the current paper money system. The value of the dollar, in all countries, will be falling, such that in any transaction one or both parties will feel they are getting a fair deal only if a thing, not a representation, is given or received. This is a common practice in countries where the dollar is falling, and a natural migration as the thought occurs readily to mankind, the barter system being recent in their cultural evolution. What will this mean for the common man, and what will it mean for the rich? The common man will find they are pleased with themselves if they have had the foresight to secure goods of value, such as seeds or tools or dried food. The value of appliances that are dead and not able to run, even of cars unable to run over broken roads, will be zero. The value of items that can increase worth, such as a needle and thread which can repair clothing otherwise worthless, or a shovel that can create a garden otherwise a weed patch, will balloon. The rich will of course whine endlessly, and try to convince anyone who will listen that their goods will return in value, which it will not.

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

The Labor Day Boat fire with 34 presumed dead . Was this boat fire EMP related? 

Thank You.

Surviving crew member thought phone charging station might have sparked boat fire 

One of the crew members aboard the dive boat Conception hadn’t been asleep long when a noise jolted him awake.

He swung open the door of the wheelhouse — the top level of the 75-foot boat, located just above the galley — and was greeted by flames.

As the fire raged in the predawn hours of Labor Day, the vessel’s captain made a frantic mayday call to the Coast Guard. Then he and four crew members jumped from the wheelhouse and climbed into a dinghy to get help from the Grape Escape, a fishing boat anchored nearby off Santa Cruz Island.

Once aboard, the crew member who had been jolted awake shook as he recounted the horrific story to Grape Escape owner Shirley Hansen. His theory, Hansen said, was that the fire started in the galley, where cellphones and cameras had been plugged in to charge overnight.."

Accepted via email: 

The military research agency has put out a request for giant, company or university-managed underground tunnels that could host "research and experimentation." The requirements are oddly specific, too, with the ideal area covering "several city blocks" while including a complex design, multiple levels and variety like atriums and stairwells. And of course, DARPA hasn't said just why it needs this area to begin with. Is DARPA building secret bunkers to survive the passage of Nibiru?
[and from another]
Time: Darpa Underground Tunnels
When DARPA, an agency within the Defense Department that works on advanced technology for the military, asked Twitter users if they knew of any urban underground tunnels “able to host research & experimentation”, some people were a little freaked out — especially because the request was “short notice.”
[and from another]
The Verge: Please help DARPA find a new underground research lair
DARPA is studying ways to quickly map and search large underground areas — a project likely related to the SubT Challenge, which is aimed at helping soldiers and first responders navigate these spaces more quickly.
[and from another]
Vice: US Military Urgently Seeking Enormous Underground Complex for Undisclosed Experiments
DARPA is interested in understanding the state of the art in innovative technologies that may enable future solutions to rapidly map, navigate, and search unknown complex subterranean environments to locate objects of interest.

President Trump’s Executive Order on March 26, 2019
was titled “Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses”. The aim was to harden US defenses against EMP – without delay. What research would DARPA need to do toward this end – without delay? There are limited defenses against EMP, which devastates the electronics in planes, in the electric grid overland, in all electrical appliances, and certainly devastates wifi networks. Electricity is intrinsic to mankind’s infrastructure, and wrapping it all in a Faraday Cage is simply not possible.

Now what. In experiments it was learned that underground caves, natural or manmade, protect against EMP. We have often referred to the electric current that flows through rock that is squeezed or compressed as electronic screech, as animals react to this as noise and try to flee. This screech also creates static on any radio frequencies in the area. It is the tiny air pockets within the rock that act as insulators that normally PREVENT this electrical flow. Such air pockets would thus logically impede EMP too, and concrete contains such tiny air pockets.

Why the rush? To test the theory (which has already been proven to some degree) DARPA needs to simulate an EMP attack and see how far removed sensitive equipment needs to be from the EMP source in order to function as expected. Of course, given time, DARPA could build underground structures, multi layered, complete with nooks and crannies, and allow the concrete to cure, but they are in a rush. Does this mean that the US Defense Department might commandeer subways and subterranean parking lots to house their equipment as the time of Nibiru’s passage approaches? Absolutely.

Accepted. Without question, I think. Water, and all that crackling electricity. 

M. Difato said:

The Labor Day Boat fire with 34 presumed dead .

Was this boat fire EMP related? 
[and from another]
Surviving crew member thought phone charging station might have sparked boat fire 
September 5, 2019
His theory was that the fire started in the galley, where cellphones and cameras had been plugged in to charge overnight.

All the ingredients for an EMP disaster were present – water, fault line stress, and a manmade electrical storm with current flowing from batteries to multiple devices. As is known from an incident in 2017 where a sleeping man was electrocuted
by his cell phone charger, cell phones can surge. Boats are designed to withstand assaults from without, not from within, nor are spontaneous fires from equipment in the galley expected. Everyone was asleep, expecting their electronics to charge without incident. Thus, when multiple fires erupted, all were surprised.

Accepted via email: 

Could you please tell me why Indian Prime Minister Mr Modi is showing keen interest in Far Eastern region of Russia. He is also meeting regularly with Mr Vladimir Putin. Has Mr Putin told Indian PM about Nibiru?
[and from another]
India-Russia eternal friendship takes a Pacific turn
September 5, 2019
The latest summit occurred not in Moscow or St. Petersburg but in the Far Eastern city of Vladivostok. Narendra Modi became the first Indian prime minister to visit that part of Russia. Modi was also the chief guest at Russia’s high-profile Eastern Economic Forum, a platform to attract international investment and involvement in the cold and sparsely populated – but mineral-rich – Far East that Moscow seeks to develop. In 2017, Russia announced that it would grant visa-free access to Indians – along with nationals of 17 other countries – via Vladivostok. Indian workers like engineers, doctors, teachers and farmers can fill the manpower deficit in the Russian Far East and bring variety to the demographic makeup there.
[and from another]
Russia lifts Far East visa requirements for 18 countries to boost tourism & development
April 18, 2017
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree, allowing citizens of 18 countries visa-free travel to the Russian Far East starting August 2017. The list includes Algeria, Bahrain, Brunei, India, Iran, Qatar, China, North Korea, Kuwait, Morocco, Mexico, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tunisia, Turkey, and Japan.
[and from another]
India offers billions in credit & investments for Russia's Far East development
September 5, 2019
In an unprecedented move, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced his country will provide a US$1 billion loan for the development of Russia’s Far Eastern territories. The announcement marks the first time New Delhi has offered a line of credit to any specific region of any country.
[and from another]
Putin offers free land for citizens & foreigners in Russia’s Far East
May 5, 2016
President Vladimir Putin has ordered free land handouts in Russia’s Far East to be provided with minimal infrastructure. He signed a law offering land plots of 1 hectare (2.5 acres) to Russians and naturalized citizens for free. Anyone is entitled to apply for up to a hectare of land in the Kamchatka, Primorye, Khabarovsk, Amur, Magadan and Sakhalin regions, the republic of Sakha, or the Jewish and Chukotka autonomous districts. The land can be used for any lawful purpose but can only be rented, sold, or given away after an initial five-year period.

On its face the partnership between Putin and Modi involves only economic development of Putin’s Far East, but this is only half the picture. We have predicted that India will be pushed down under the waves during the hour of the Pole Shift, and this steady sinking of the Indo-Australian Plate is already in process. Flooding in India’s lowlands will start to create panic among its peoples. Meanwhile, Putin is intensely interested in developing his Far East,
which he knows will become a temperate region after our predicted Pole Shift.

Why India? China is blocking migration from India into China because China is over populated, with over a billion citizens to feed and shelter. China is arranging for its own populace, inland from the coasts, and has already built what is termed Ghost Cities
there. But China cannot absorb a billion people from India. Other countries such as Canada are welcoming immigrants from India but are not offering free land. Canada is also not on the same continent as India, thereby making potential land access impossible.

Modi is eager to accept Putin’s offers because he knows that large numbers of India’s people will be welcomed in the Far East. This is beyond a mutually beneficial partnership for Modi and Putin, it is literally lifesaving for many now living in India. By providing funds for development in the Far East, Modi is giving them a push. Putin has already expedited immigration changes,
to facilitate immigration. Nancy has stated that this “makes her heart sing” to see cooperation ease the pain of the pending Pole Shift, and we concur.

Have been following Nancy-Zeta's-CoW  for about 20 years & searching for comparison,

which in depth or consistency or the resonance of truth---I've not found its equal.

I've checked---I'm not eligible to nominate Nancy for The Nobel prize, but there

must/might be  (amongst the readers) one who is eligible. Understand it is

a long shot, considering the opposition, but c'mon someone w/a brave heart!

                     --- thanks to all participating angels...


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