Questions can be posed on this discussion by a member, or posted to a ZetaTalk Question email address. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion.

  • Twitter: @NancyLieder1
  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
  • Research the ZetaTalk WebSite and use the Search Engine dedicated to the site. Check the prior ning chats archives or the prior GLP chat archives. This Search Tips Primer will make you an expert after only a quick read.

Accepted questions will be noted as such.

  • If Nancy indicates that your question is “accepted” then it will be answered.
  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
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  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 42286

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Accepted via email: 

Any comments? Is the Cabal takedown about to go public? Thanks in advance!
[and from another]
July 22, 2019
The U.S. Army has been quietly conducting a new classified operation involving at least 10 UH-60 Black Hawks in and around Washington, D.C., for months. This mission came to light after the service asked Congress to shift $1.55 million in funds from one part of its budget to another in order to support the operations and maintenance of the helicopters. The mission had begun early in the 2019 Fiscal Year, which started on Oct. 1, 2018, and had an "undetermined" end date. The $1.55 million would also pay for the construction of a new “Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility," or SCIF, at Davison Army Airfield, which is part of Fort Belvoir in Virginia.  The battalion's primary day-to-day job is providing helicopter airlift support in the greater Washington, D.C. area, which the U.S. government refers to as the National Capital Region (NCR). This can include shuttling senior officials from the Army and other branches of the U.S. military around, as well as members of Congress.
[and from another]
Is Trump moving the government out of Washington? 5 things to know
July 19, 2019
The Trump administration wants to move hundreds of employees across the country. The administration is moving offices at two of the government's largest agencies -- the Department of Agriculture and Department of Interior -- hundreds of miles across the country. The administration announced this week that the Bureau of Land Management, which oversees public lands and issues permits for oil and gas drilling, would relocate the majority of its D.C.-based employees to offices around the country. 85% of the federal workforce is already outside DC.  Roughly 14% of the more than 2 million federal workers are based in the D.C. area. The BLM headquarters will move to Grand Junction, Colorado, and maintain an office separate from the regional office there.

Is there a nexus between the secretive classified training missions, helicopters over Washington DC, and the decision to expedite the exit of federal workers out of DC? Where the media focuses on earthquakes on the West Coast, as we have repeatedly emphasized, the big worry is the New Madrid Fault Line. This is overdue for a major adjustment, and where in 2010 we described this as being a series of steps, relatively minor quakes at first and then the big one, due to the Council of Worlds decision to install humming boxes in 2011 to soften plate movement, the New Madrid is likely to skip the little minor quakes.

This will mean the major New Madrid adjustment we described – ripping bridges that cross the Mississippi and destabilizing the canals that run under Chicago
– will likely occur without precursor quakes. Since the Council of Worlds removed the humming boxes,
earthquake activity has picked up, and plate movement is allowed to proceed according to the Scripted Drama of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements we predicted. This means that the European Tsunami
is again on the schedule.

More than a tsunami roaring toward Europe will occur, of course, as the water rebounding out of the Atlantic void will likewise roll toward the East Coat of the US. Washington DC is lowland, originally built on a drained swamp. The US has steadily moved federal headquarters
to their western White House in Denver. But in the event of a sudden tsunami flooding DC, classified federal records will be relocated to higher ground and stranded workers rescued. DC will be abandoned.

Prior 2010 ZT:
This adjustment will not occur until minor rock fingers have been steadily broken in a number of places. The areas to be affected have already been experiencing quake swarms, buckling roadways, sinkholes, breaking dams, and unsettling jigging which is unexplained by the authorities. When the primary blockage gives, there will be a huge jolt, with little warning. Why should Chicago be affected? There is a natural break in the rock strata between the New Madrid and Chicago also, a weakness, which will rupture with the New Madrid. When the Seaway pulls apart there will be a drop in support formerly present during rock attachments. Chicago has long been predicted, by ourselves and others, to be devastated. Much of the infrastructure will rupture, causing buildings to crumble and freeways to be worthless and irreparable. 

Prior 2010 ZT:
For the European tsunami, there will be a large void, a spreading apart, not rising or falling land on either side of the fault line. When water rushes in, it will clash in the center of the rift, and rise up. France can anticipate a tsunami of 100 feet, Spain perhaps 30-40 feet, the UK 200-300 feet, and Norway 50-75 feet. The full brunt of the tsunami that strikes the UK will also wash through the English Channel, entering the North Sea, and clashing with the any flow coming down from the Norwegian Sea. The lowlands in the North Sea can expect a tsunami an estimated 100 foot high. The speed and force of the tsunami as it reaches these lowlands will be lessened, however, so blockades such as storm doors may be somewhat useful in countries such as the Netherlands. 

From Alberto: 

Zoomed at max. Illuminade zone in white present what? It is clear image will have big circle cause telescope. Telescope with aperture 70

Alberto notes that his telescopic lens zoom so that what appears in the circles is the focus of his lens. He scans for a bright object around the Sun and then targets that. The only self-illuminating object this close to the Sun is Nibiru, which has been ranging in a Severe Wobble Left to Right lately. Why should the edge of the illuminated and zoomed circle show a blaze of light, as though the circle had solid edges? The many Moon Swirls that are in the vicinity of Nibiru reflect the light of the Sun, but this is not apparent outside of the telescopic lens circle.

Can the Zetas give any additional insight regarding this surveillance project seemingly from the Pentagon to send up to 25 balloons across six states (with aAirborne max altitude of 65,000 ft. ) to track vehicles, with the aid of the well know Sierra Nevada Corporation? Thank You.

Pentagon Testing Mass Surveillance Balloons to Spy on Vehicles Across the US

As The Guardian reported Friday, the defense and aerospace contractor Sierra Nevada Corporation was authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to send up to 25 balloons across six states to track vehicles.

U.S. Southern Command commissioned the project for the stated purpose of creating a “persistence surveillance system” to deter drug traffickers and perceived “homeland security threats.”

Civil liberties advocates were distressed at the newly-reported project on Friday, which the Sierra Nevada Corporation obtained a license to begin on July 12 and end on September 1.

“The deployment of this kind of surveillance capability in the United States is incredibly alarming,” Mana Azarmi, policy counsel for the Center for Democracy and Technology, told Common Dreams. “Persistent government surveillance, such as that facilitated by this technology, raises many civil liberties concerns and should not be permitted in the absence of a warrant.”

“Mass surveillance doesn’t make us safer,” the digital rights group Fight for the Future tweeted.

Programs like the Pentagon’s balloon experiment “pose a grave threat to basic human rights, freedom of expression, and civil liberties,” Fight for the Future Deputy Director Evan Greer told Common Dreams. “These programs are not about stopping violence, they’re about social control.”

The balloons are being sent from South Dakota through portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois. Their high-tech radars are able to simultaneously track many vehicles at once “on a 25-mile swath beneath the balloon,” according to The Guardian.

The data the balloons’ sensors will record is similar to information the military has previously gathered using planes and is sometimes referred to as “combat Tivo,” according to Arthur Holland Michel of the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

“When an event happens somewhere in the surveilled area, you can potentially rewind the tape to see exactly what occurred, and rewind even further to see who was involved and where they came from,” Michel told The Guardian..."

With the NM and the atlantic tearing apart i would think that the transatlantic communication cables ( ) and the private ones mentioned  on and others mentoned here get into serious problems (ripped apart) and this for sure will lead to major communication issues and not just for the part affected by the New Madrid and European tsunami. Business/banks etc who have officeson other parts of the globe.  It seems that this would be the start of other forms of communication like HAM/CB to communicate even before the pole shift ( and Could the Zetas say somthing about this as with the latest ZT they seem to indicate that the NM is not that far off?

Accepted via email: 

Specialists are saying that the rapidly melting Antarctic Ice is creating an abundance of krill which is then creating an overpopulation of humpback whales. Since the media is hiding it due to the cover-up of Earth Changes and the Pole Shift, they're treating it as a miracle. The fact is the population doubled from 25,000 in 2015 to 50,000 worldwide in 2019 with no explanation. 
[and from another]
2016–2019 Humpback Whale Unusual Mortality Event along the Atlantic Coast
Since January 2016, elevated humpback whale mortalities have occurred along the Atlantic coast from Maine through Florida.
[and from another]
July 14, 2018
Rapidly melting Antarctica ice poses a threat to coastal cities, but there is at least one species that is benefiting: Humpback whales are flourishing these days, due to an abundance of krill. The population is growing. Typically two or three years is the interval between having a calf, and it takes the animal that long just to be able to grow a calf and wean it. In the Antarctic, some humpback whales were reproducing annually. For these enormous creatures, growing a calf while simultaneously lactating requires enormous amounts of energy. It is something they can do only with an almost unlimited supply of food.
[and from another]
Overpopulation of humpback whales could lead to disastrous decline
March 5, 2019
Although the population of humpbacks in the Australian Southern Ocean has almost completely recovered, their numbers are increasing at such a rapid rate that soon there won’t be enough food to sustain the whales.
[and from another]
From the brink of extinction to an overpopulation crisis: Rapid rise in humpback whale numbers could overwhelm the Southern Ocean and starve the species
May 3, 2019
Whale numbers are still steaming ahead at a tremendous rate — the population is virtually doubling every seven years. 
[and from another]
2016: Most Humpback Whales Taken Off Endangered Species List
[and from another]
Sargassum explosion noted since 2015.
[and from another]
Krill are small crustaceans of the order Euphausiacea, and are found in all the world's oceans.  Krill are considered an important trophic level connection – near the bottom of the food chain – because they feed on phytoplankton and (to a lesser extent) zooplankton, converting these into a form suitable for many larger animals for which krill make up the largest part of their diets. 

As we predicted, ocean life will bloom as a result of the red iron oxide dust being deposited in the oceans. Red skies, red dust on white snow around the world, all claimed by the cover-up over Nibiru to be caused by dust from the Sahara. By some magical means this Sahara dust is claimed to be carried to Europe, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico,
and India. But the Sargassum seaweed, which has exploded in growth since 2015 is not fooled, nor are the fish in the food chain who have likewise experienced a population explosion.

Voracious mankind, with no thought of protecting mother Earth, has almost depleted the oceans of much of its fish stock, but the resurgence has begun. By eating Krill, the humpback whale benefits early, as Krill are at the bottom of the food chain. Thus the Humpback is an early harbinger on what is to come. During any adjustment in a food chain, there will be times when overpopulation from a glut or starvation due to deprivation occur. These spikes and dips will smooth out over time.

Accepted via email: 

Can the Zetas comment on the recent shootings and the circumstances around their cause? 
[and from another]
Nine people were killed and dozens were hurt when a suspect wearing body armor opened fire outside a bar in Dayton, Ohio, early Sunday before responding officers shot the armed assailant to death less than a minute into the rampage, according to officials. The shooter had extra magazines. The Oregon District was filled with "thousands" of people out on a weekend night at the time. Officers were stationed in the neighborhood and were able to halt the rampage less than a minute after it began.
[and from another]
A gunman killed 20 people and injured 26 others Saturday after he opened fire at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. 
[and from another]
He wanted to shoot as many Mexicans as possible. The Walmart is located at the Cielo Vista Mall, one of the city's most popular malls, particularly among Mexican tourists who cross the U.S. border to shop there before returning to Mexico.
[and from another]
The 24-year-old, from Bellbrook, opened fire with a high-powered rifle outside a bar in the town of Dayton in the early hours of this morning - just 12 hours after another gunman shot dead 20 in a Texas Walmart. Police formally identified as Connor Betts and named all nine victims - including his own 22-year-old sister Megan Betts. The gunman used a "high-powered rifle" with .223 calibre high capacity magazines and extra magazines - suggesting the attack had been premeditated.
[and from another]
‘Very much a loner’: What we know about Patrick Crusius, the suspect in the El Paso massacre
August 3, 2019
Crusius briefly attended Liberty High School and went on to graduate from Plano Senior High School. In 2017, he started to attend Collin College. The manifesto, a document posted on the website 8chan about an hour and a half before the rampage spoke about the “invasion” of Latino immigrants and said the writer agreed with the shooter who killed worshipers at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. That document was posted by an anonymous user who posted another document under the file name “P._Crusius.” 

That two massacres occurred on Saturday August 3 – one in El Paso and a second in Dayton – was not a coincidence. This was part of a deliberate campaign by those threatened by the pending DOJ revelations. We are on the cusp of DOJ investigations going public, showing the world that during the Obama administration both the FBI and DOJ were frankly criminal in their efforts to put Hillary in the White House, and frankly treasonous in their attempts to unseat a duly elected President.

The two mass shootings on August 3, 2019 were more than a distraction, they were a threat. They were an ultimatum, to stop the Tribunals, stop the prosecution of these criminals, or suffer more bloodshed. It should be noted that both the shooters had much hatred toward their specific targets. Such hatred can readily be stoked by methods long used by the CIA, such as themes and emotions relayed by remote viewers. The El Paso shooter drove from the ultra-right enclaves of Plano to the border town of El Paso to kill Mexicans. The Dayton shooter shot his own sister, who was indeed the target.

But the campaign run by the Cabal being cleaned up by President Trump and his Junta has different targets. One was clearly President Trump, who is clearly winning the 2020 race, as anyone watching the crowds he draws can see. Another was Q, a team so remarkably accurate that their fame has spread worldwide. Q has rightly pointed out that the negative coverage in the media is due only to their success. The El Paso shooter did not post his Manifesto on 8Chan, nor did he even write that Manifesto, but his likely “suicide” will stop the truth from emerging.

In this war of good vs evil there are many aspects, from those trying to start a Holy War
by torching Notre Dame and the most sacred Muslim Mosque, to Erdogan and his cronies fomenting a war with Iran in the Straits of Hormuz,
to disgruntled NATO members trying to start a war between the US and Russia by targeting the Losharik.
But there are Angels in attendance to assist. Those seeking to enslave mankind in debt slavery, or using pedophilia as blackmail, or sacrificing infants and toddlers during Satan worship are their targets. This is the Transformation,
and the good guys are winning.

Declined as already well covered in existing ZetaTalk. Ham radio will be much utilized and we constantly encourage that the public get into this. It reaches LONG distances. No need for the Zetas to repeat what they have already said, or say what is well known among humans. The Internet was structured from the start to allow traffic to flow around any block. Look at all the cables. Blocked in the Atlantic, traffic would go to S America and then across, or via Asia, or via satellites which would presumably still be operational. No need to ask the Zetas. 

Gerard Zwaan said:

With the NM and the atlantic tearing apart i would think that the transatlantic communication cables ( ) and the private ones mentioned  on and others mentoned here get into serious problems (ripped apart) and this for sure will lead to major communication issues and not just for the part affected by the New Madrid and European tsunami. Business/banks etc who have officeson other parts of the globe.  It seems that this would be the start of other forms of communication like HAM/CB to communicate even before the pole shift ( and Could the Zetas say somthing about this as with the latest ZT they seem to indicate that the NM is not that far off?

Declined for now as this appears to be just another way of keeping track of migration within the US. They are apparently anticipating lots of displaced people, perhaps due to the New Madrid ripping. We may come back to this if there is time. 

M. Difato said:

Can the Zetas give any additional insight regarding this surveillance project seemingly from the Pentagon to send up to 25 balloons across six states (with aAirborne max altitude of 65,000 ft. ) to track vehicles, with the aid of the well know Sierra Nevada Corporation? Thank You.

Hi Nancy

A mirage of a city appeared over a lake in China, can the Zetas say if this was done by aliens and if there was a telepathic message included 

Mysterious 'ghost city' appears over Chinese lake due to a natural phenomenon

  • Ancient buildings, trees and a giant wind turbine were among the eerie images
  • The apparition appeared over the Hongze Lake in Jiangsu Province yesterday
  • The sight was said to be a mirage, a form of illusion common in humid weather 
  • Web users have been baffled by the old-fashion structures in the optical illusion


Previous ZetaTalk about China Mirage 

Nancy Lieder said:


Derrick Johnson said:

A mirage of a city appeared over a lake in China, can the Zetas say if this was done by aliens and if there was a telepathic message included 

[and from another]
Ancient buildings, trees and a giant wind turbine were among the eerie images. The apparition appeared over the Hongze Lake in Jiangsu Province yesterday.

Hongze Lake was chosen for this mirage, which was indeed generated by benign aliens, because Hongze Lake is close to the coast and within a region of China that will be flooded in the Aftertime.
Those projecting the mirage knew this would get much media coverage in China. The lake is used as a backdrop only because a “mirage” is possible, though everyone will ponder. But a turning windmill cannot be confused with a fog bank on the lake. The message, heavily delivered to those who saw this naked eye or saw the video, is to leave the coast, go inland, and expect to live a simple life as in days of yore.

Prior 2006 ZT:
This was a deliberate sign - go to the mountains, leave the coast - this was the message given to them. They were being given a telepathic message at the same time to their subconscious. 

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

Further to the recent ZetaTalk on the August 3 massacres, do the Zetas have any comment on the shutdown of the 8chan website? 

8chan was recently abandoned by its internet security provider, Cloudflare, ostensibly in response to violent and racist material posted prior to the massacres in El Paso, Poway and Christchurch.

To date 8chan has not reappeared with new hosting and security arrangements.

As 8chan is the host website for the Q Research discussion board and the outlet for Q's posts, the shutdown has effectively deplatformed a vital Transformation Team Member.

Can the Zetas please share their insights into the 8chan shutdown and discuss the broad implications for the ongoing battle against the Cabal?

Thank you for considering this question.


What Is 8chan, and How Is It Related to This Weekend's Shootings? Here's What to Know

While speaking about this weekend’s pair of mass shootings, President Donald Trump on Monday referenced one of the shooter’s online activities, and called for better regulation of social media.

“We must recognize that the internet has provided a dangerous avenue to radicalize, disturb minds, and perform demented acts,” Trump said. “We must shine the light on the dark recesses of the internet and stop mass murders before they start.”

Among those “dark recesses” is 8chan, where one of the shooters posted a hate-filled screed before carrying out a massacre. 8chan is an online forum with few rules or oversight, and where those with violent, racist and otherwise hateful views congregate, communicate and collaborate. The site has come under scrutiny in the aftermath of other mass shootings, but some are now taking steps to isolate it. Online security provider CloudFlare, for instance, is no longer working with 8chan, leading to intermittent outages.

The Cloudflare Blog - Terminating Service for 8Chan
The mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio are horrific tragedies. In the case of the El Paso shooting, the suspected terrorist gunman appears to have been inspired by the forum website known as 8chan. Based on evidence we've seen, it appears that he posted a screed to the site immediately before beginning his terrifying attack on the El Paso Walmart killing 20 people.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Nearly the same thing happened on 8chan before the terror attack in Christchurch, New Zealand. The El Paso shooter specifically referenced the Christchurch incident and appears to have been inspired by the largely unmoderated discussions on 8chan which glorified the previous massacre. In a separate tragedy, the suspected killer in the Poway, California synagogue shooting also posted a hate-filled “open letter” on 8chan. 8chan has repeatedly proven itself to be a cesspool of hate.

8chan is among the more than 19 million Internet properties that use Cloudflare's service. We just sent notice that we are terminating 8chan as a customer effective at midnight tonight Pacific Time. The rationale is simple: they have proven themselves to be lawless and that lawlessness has caused multiple tragic deaths. Even if 8chan may not have violated the letter of the law in refusing to moderate their hate-filled community, they have created an environment that revels in violating its spirit.

After reports the El Paso shooter posted a manifesto, 8chan went dark. But is it gone for good?

Anonymous unmoderated online forum 8chan, a website violent extremists have used to share tips and encourage one another, has suffered sporadic outages after its cybersecurity provider cut off support.

It comes as the site returns to the spotlight after reports the El Paso shooter, who killed 22 people, posted a 2,300-word anti-immigrant manifesto to the forum before carrying out his attack.

It was met with uncensored praise and adulation from other users who called the massacre a "response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas".

If confirmed, it would make the shooting the third this year where the attacker had links to 8chan.

What happened to 8chan? The site went down briefly on Monday after security provider Cloudflare said it would stop supporting the site.

Without Cloudflare's protection the site became vulnerable to outside hackers who shut it down.

Congress asks 8chan’s owner to testify following recent mass shootings

Congressional leaders are requesting that the owner of 8chan, Jim Watkins, testify before the House Homeland Security Committee to inform the body on what the fringe forum is doing to combat the proliferation of extremist content.

“Regrettably, this is at least the third act of white supremacist extremist violence linked to your website this year,” Reps. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) and Mike Rogers (R-AL) wrote. “Americans deserve to know what, if anything, you, as the owner and operator, are doing to address the proliferation of extremist content on 8chan.”

These two shootings were likely inspired by the Christchurch, New Zealand attacker who first published a racist, white supremacist essay on the message board this past April before killing dozens of people in a mosque. The Christchurch shooter live-streamed this attack on Facebook and re-uploads of the footage still show up on the platform and others like Twitter to this day.

Previous ZetaTalk - New Zealand mosque attack

Is there a relationship between the New Zealand gunman and 8Chan? Yes. 8Chan has rules against inciting to violence, but those attempting to smear the Q network were whispering in the gunman’s ear. Is there significance to Podesta’s visit just days before the attack? Yes. The Hillary campaign is about to be slammed in declassified documents and Podesta is working to minimize the damage. Did he meet with the gunman? He met with the operatives coaching the gunman, but none of this will ever be proven nor come out in the media.

Accepted. 8 Chan was framed, obviously. 

Matt B said:

Further to the recent ZetaTalk on the August 3 massacres, do the Zetas have any comment on the shutdown of the 8chan website? 

8chan was recently abandoned by its internet security provider, Cloudflare, ostensibly in response to violent and racist material posted prior to the massacres in El Paso, Poway and Christchurch. To date 8chan has not reappeared with new hosting and security arrangements. As 8chan is the host website for the Q Research discussion board and the outlet for Q's posts, the shutdown has effectively deplatformed a vital Transformation Team Member. Can the Zetas please share their insights into the 8chan shutdown and discuss the broad implications for the ongoing battle against the Cabal?
[and from another]
What Is 8chan, and How Is It Related to This Weekend's Shootings? Here's What to Know
While speaking about this weekend’s pair of mass shootings, President Donald Trump referenced one of the shooter’s online activities, and called for better regulation of social media. Among those “dark recesses” is 8chan, where one of the shooters posted a hate-filled screed before carrying out a massacre. 8chan is an online forum with few rules or oversight, and where those with violent, racist and otherwise hateful views congregate, communicate and collaborate. Online security provider CloudFlare, for instance, is no longer working with 8chan, leading to intermittent outages.
[and from another]
The Cloudflare Blog - Terminating Service for 8Chan
The mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio are horrific tragedies. In the case of the El Paso shooting, the suspected terrorist gunman appears to have been inspired by the forum website known as 8chan. Based on evidence we've seen, it appears that he posted a screed to the site immediately before beginning his terrifying attack on the El Paso Walmart. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Nearly the same thing happened on 8chan before the terror attack in Christchurch, New Zealand. In a separate tragedy, the suspected killer in the Poway, California synagogue shooting also posted a hate-filled “open letter” on 8chan. 8chan has repeatedly proven itself to be a cesspool of hate.
[and from another]
After reports the El Paso shooter posted a manifesto, 8chan went dark. But is it gone for good?
Anonymous unmoderated online forum 8chan, a website violent extremists have used to share tips and encourage one another, has suffered sporadic outages after its cybersecurity provider cut off support. What happened to 8chan? The site went down briefly after security provider Cloudflare said it would stop supporting the site. Without Cloudflare's protection the site became vulnerable to outside hackers who shut it down.
[and from another]
Congress asks 8chan’s owner to testify following recent mass shootings
Congressional leaders are requesting that the owner of 8chan, Jim Watkins, testify before the House Homeland Security Committee to inform the body on what the fringe forum is doing to combat the proliferation of extremist content.
[and from another]

Contrary to what the controlled media and Democrat controlled House of Representatives is telling you, the Q discussion boards are not dead nor are they responsible for the Cabal induced massacres in New Zealand,
Gilroy, El Paso or Dayton. Evidence attempting to link 8Chan to these massacres was done deliberately by the Cabal in an attempt to blur the truth. 8Chan is being framed, in an attempt to frame Q. As in the 1984 Ministry of Truth,
the Cabal and their allies in the Deep State are preaching lies as truth, and calling the truth a lie.

The accuracy and timeliness of the Q team’s postings have gained them a worldwide following, and like the Internet itself this cannot be suppressed or stopped. Every attempt to stamp out the truth only increases the fervor of the angry public, which has sensed the cold hand of the Illuminati and Nazi family line and Khazarians with their debt slavery and Satan worshipping
and the pedophile blackmail of politicians. It is obvious why Q and 8Chan and other valid discussion boards are under attack, and this will all backfire on the elite and their puppets in the media and Deep State.

Prior ZT:
Is there a relationship between the New Zealand gunman and 8Chan? Yes. 8Chan has rules against inciting to violence, but those attempting to smear the Q network were whispering in the gunman’s ear. Is there significance to Podesta’s visit just days before the attack? Yes. The Hillary campaign is about to be slammed in declassified documents and Podesta is working to minimize the damage. Did he meet with the gunman? He met with the operatives coaching the gunman, but none of this will ever be proven nor come out in the media.


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