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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 37545

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Replies to This Discussion

Accepted via email: 

Brazil is having many dam disasters, one after another. Could the Zetas explain what's happening? 
The Brumadinho dam failure happened three years and two months after the Mariana dam disaster, which killed 19 people and destroyed the village of Bento Rodrigues. The Mariana disaster is considered the worst environmental disaster in Brazil's history and is still under investigation.
[and from another]
I understand all dams will fail before or during the Pole Shift, due to plate movement. For a couple of years now, Paul Preston has been concerned about the Orville Dam failing because of record breaking rains and snow melt, and a broken spillway. Also many signs the dam is 
leaking. It is within a few feet of over topping, at this time. If the Orville Dam fails, it would have massive consequences to California and the entire nation. Any comment would be appreciated!
[and from another]
On 25 January, in the heartland of Brazilian mining, a dam collapsed releasing 11.7 million cubic metres of toxic mud. When the dam was breached, a tidal wave of red sludge surged through the valley with such force, that everything in its way was crushed. The force tore bodies apart. The 86m (282ft) high mining dam close to the city of Brumadinho had collapsed. The dam that collapsed contained waste material - “tailings” - from the iron ore operation at the mine just behind it. However, if the sludge gets wet, “liquefaction” can occur. These types of dams are susceptible to cracks if they become waterlogged. These cracks can cause the structure to collapse.
[and from another]
The Mariana dam disaster occurred on 5 November 2015, when an iron ore tailings dam in Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil, suffered a catastrophic failure, resulting in flooding that destroyed the village of Bento Rodrigues and killed 19 people. Around 60 million cubic meters of iron waste flowed into the Doce River, causing toxic brown mudflows to pollute the river and beaches near the mouth when they reached the Atlantic Ocean.
[and from another]
Lake Oroville is about to rise to the top of the Ogee Weir on the Emergency Spillway at 900 feet. Now over 2 years later following a 2 year rebuild at an expense of over $1.2 billion to replace a destroyed main spillway and recreate an emergency spillway the risk to life and property is even greater than ever before. Following the re-grand opening of the main spillway on April 2, 2019 and the sudden unplanned shut down of the spillway on April 11, 2019 it was clear the spillway was severely damaged.

We predicted in 2010 a stretch zone along the eastern coastline of Brazil to the tip of S America during the S American Roll. The Rio Parana at Buenos Aires will open to be a larger bay, and certainly the province of Minas Gerais will be stretched into a bow. Stretch zones experience sinkholes and landslides and bridges being pulled apart, and they certainly would experience cracks in their large earthen dams. That these disasters emerged in 2015 and 2019 is thus not a surprise. The situation at the Oroville Dam is similar, because the West Coast is experiencing subduction as the Pacific Plates compress. Cement is poured and before it can harden, the ground shifts.

Prior 2011 ZT:
What is the relationship between recent large quakes along the southern Andes and the horrific flooding in several states in SE Brazil?  As we have explained, the tip of S America does not roll, but remains nailed in place. This is due to the Antarctic Plate, which also abuts the south Andes. The Antarctic Plate is not compressing, as it is one solid piece. For the top portion of S America to roll to the west, something must thus give, and to some extent this is the southeastern portion of S America. There is already a seaway developing at Buenos Aires. For S America to be pulled in a bow like this, the land is stretched, and stretched land sinks. 

Prior 2010 ZT:
When the seaway at Buenos Aires rips open, this is a silent adjustment, as most stretch zone adjustments are. The residents will recover from any earthquakes to see the far shore of the seaway at a greater distance, and the mouth of the Rio Parana widened.

Accepted via email: 

Google Cloud and others down.
[and from another]
Google Cloud outage hits YouTube, Gmail and more
June 2, 2019
A widespread Google Cloud outage hit Sunday, rendering popular sites and apps like YouTube and Gmail unusable for many users for a few hours. Google's Cloud Computing Engine and Cloud Networking services began experiencing issues as of 4 p.m. ET. The outages appeared to have been primarily clustered along the East Coast of the United States as well as in parts of South America and Europe. Google acknowledged the outage and blamed the issue on network congestion.
[and from another]
Did the Government Just Test the Internet Kill Switch?
June 3, 2019
At 3pmET, it appears that Google Cloud (affecting Gmail, YouTube, SnapChat, Instagram, and Facebook among others) mysteriously (and almost unprecedently) went offline.
[and from another]
Amazon will reportedly fall under antitrust oversight from the FTC
June 2, 2019
Amazon will reportedly fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission following an agreement between the FTC and the Department of Justice. the FTC launched its own investigations against Google in 2011 (resulting in a civil penalty) and in 2013 (which was closed).  European regulators and prominent Democratic presidential candidates have made the case to break up companies such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google, citing their vast influence in the marketplace and their business practices. In February, the FTC launched a new task force designed to investigate anti-competitive behavior amongst the tech giants within the US technology sector, while it’s also and has reportedly been looking to level a multi-billion dollar fine against Facebook for its privacy practices.
[and from another]
DOJ Gears Up for Antitrust Probe into Google
June 3, 2019
The DOJ inquiry would be run by Makan Delrahim, the head of the antitrust division, with one area of potential scrutiny being Google's control over the digital advertising market, for which it accounts for approximately 37% of the US digital ad market.
[and from another]
Outrage After Snapchat Debuts ‘Love Has No Age’ Filter for Pride Month
June 3, 2019
Social media company Snapchat is receiving backlash after users claimed the popular app made available a Pride Month-themed filter promoting pedophilia. In a photo filter themed “Love has no labels,” conservative activist Ashley St. Clair noted the phrase “Love has no age” appeared as an option.

Was it just an accident that a Google Cloud outage struck New York City and places elsewhere around the world on virtually the same day that antitrust action against Amazon and Google were announced? EMP can cause server outages but is usually accompanied by blackouts and transformer explosions, none of which occurred during the Google Cloud outage. This outage was notable for attacking certain websites, among them the Social Media giants that Trump had targeted for censorship abuse.

This is open warfare, using unconventional means. Antitrust action results in court hearings, and all this drags on for years with an uncertain outcome. Meanwhile, Social Media censorship is in place during the 2020 campaign. For network savvy individuals, such as the Q team possesses, creating “network congestion” is, as they say, a no-brainer. It is notable that the outage targeted primarily Trump’s Social Media adversaries and their big money making advertisers. The outage hit them in the pocketbook. And the message? “Get fair and balanced or else”.

Prior ZT:
Who is behind the social media censorship? We have addressed the structure of the elites trying to control mankind as the New World Order, the Illuminati with all their secret societies, the Cabal composed of the Bush/Clinton political families using pedophilia blackmail and practicing Satanism,  and the Deep State, which is their enforcement mechanism. President Trump threatens them all because he is not one of them, and certainly is not under their control.

Hello Nancy and the Zetas,

Genetically-Altered chickens with human proteins? Is this as stated on it's surface or something else?

Thank You.

Scientists edit chicken genes to make them resistant to bird flu

 Scientists in Britain have used gene-editing techniques to stop bird flu spreading in chicken cells grown in a lab - a key step towards making genetically-altered chickens that could halt a human flu pandemic.."


British scientists are developing gene-edited chicken designed to be totally resistant to flu ... The birds’ DNA has been altered using a new gene editing technology known as CRISPR.."


Gene modified chickens 'lay medicines'

".So far the the chickens have been genetically modified to produce two types of protein.

One is Macrophage-CSF. It is being is being developed as a therapy that stimulates damaged tissues to repair themselves.

It is being produced in human and pig versions.

The other is called Interferon Alfa-2A.

"This is a human protein that is native in our bodies - it's expressed as part of our immune system," Dr Herron says.

"..The chickens themselves are unaffected by the presence of human proteins in their systems.."


M. Difato said:

Genetically-Altered chickens with human proteins?

Is this as stated on its surface or something else?
[and from another]
Scientists edit chicken genes to make them resistant to bird flu. Scientists in Britain have used gene-editing techniques to stop bird flu spreading in chicken cells grown in a lab - a key step towards making genetically-altered chickens that could halt a human flu pandemic.
[and from another]
British scientists are developing gene-edited chicken designed to be totally resistant to flu. The birds’ DNA has been altered using a new gene editing technology known as CRISPR.
So far the chickens have been genetically modified to produce two types of protein. One is Macrophage-CSF. It is being is being developed as a therapy that stimulates damaged tissues to repair themselves.
It is being produced in human and pig versions. The other is called Interferon Alfa-2A. This is a human protein that is native in our bodies - it's expressed as part of our immune system. The chickens themselves are unaffected by the presence of human proteins in their systems.
[and from another]
The lack of a strong divide between humanity and animal nature in multiple traditional and ancient cultures has provided the underlying historical context for the popularity of tales where humans and animals have mingling relationships, such as in which one turns into the other or in which some mixed being goes through a journey.

Bird Flu runs like a storm through domestic chicken flocks, causing the entire flock to be destroyed. This is an economic loss to the farmers, and often to the nation when the outbreak occurs in a Third World country. Such drastic steps, elimination of the flock, is the only recourse available to stop the spread of Bird Flu. Where these researchers have good intentions, trying to stop Bird Flu in chickens by inserting human or pig genes may create a chimera they had not intended.

Genetic alterations can go both ways. The Bird Flu virus can mutate to become more effective against HUMANS or pigs, which are known to be genetically compatible to humans. When the virus causing Bird Flu jumps to humans, humans can get Bird Flu, and pandemics in the past have occurred due to this jump. Humans can also get Swine Flu. These scientists are thus flirting with a perfect storm, where a Bird Flu outbreak will result in more than the loss of a flock, it will result in a pandemic.


Gerard Zwaan said:

Could the Zetas say something about this latest crop cirlce?

[and from another]
Check out this crop circle
[and from another]
Stunning crop circle reported at Long Wood, near Littleton, Hampshire, 
UK. Reported on the 3rd June, 2019. 
[and from another]
[and from another]

This legitimate design shows perfect grain weaving and symmetry. What is the meaning it intends to relay? Three well-balanced entities, merging. We have addressed the crowded planetary field caught in Nibiru’s cup, the eddy flow of solar particles flowing around Nibiru. What do the gravity fields of these 3 similarly-sized planets do, in such a crowding? What of any magnetic field? Mankind’s satellites and probes will be pulled out of their orbits, to the astonishment of corporate and government managers. They will blame it on the Sun, as usual, despite the sleepy Solar Minimum.

My question this month. 

What is motivating the push for space tours, other than a money making endeavor by NASA and its cronies? Is there a great press by multi-millionaires and billionaires to get the view from space, before the view is altered? Is this related to the crowd at Mt Everest, some kind of bucket list issue?
[and from another]
NASA to let Tourists into International Space Station
June 7, 2019
NASA will allow tourists to live inside the International Space Station. The space agency plans to open the floating lab up to private astronauts as well as commercial companies, it said. That could include film crews, for instance, who could be allowed to make ads or whole films in space. The first space tourists could head up to the ISS in 2020, Nasa said.
[and from another]
Spaced Out: NASA to let Tourists Visit the International Space Station from 2020 – but Each Trip will cost you 50 Million
June 7, 2019
Until now, the floating space lab has only been accessible to astronauts representing state-level space agencies. In a surprise announcement today, Nasa confirmed that it would be "opening the International Space Station for commercial business". It means that private companies will be able to take "private astronauts" to the ISS for up to 30 days.

Is tourism to exotic places on the increase? It is not just the lines waiting to climb to the top of Mt Everest, or the newly announced rooms with a view on the ISS for only $35,000 a night. Tourism, worldwide, is on a phenomenal increase,
at an exponential curve upward, doubling since the Year 2000. Is there a relationship to unconscious knowledge of the coming global changes, where the world as it is today might be gone? When the number of contactees rose from 12,000 in 2008 to over 4 billion in 2015, this relates.

Contactees are told the blunt truth, and because their own eyes can confirm what they are being told, they ponder what changes they should make in their lives. Here the basic spiritual orientation of the contactee comes into play. If they are highly Service-to-Other and in a position to take action to help others, they will be immensely motivated. If they are Service-to-Self their desire to grasp for wealth and power will be similarly spurred. The majority of humans are either immature or not yet sparked, and are likely to be pushed to party hard while they still can.

Two dead former (Republican) State Senators within a week. Is this a lone gunman or a Deep State mob style hit? Anything to do with the Clinton investigation?


Second former GOP state senator found shot dead in two days, this time in Oklahoma

Jun 7th 2019 5:21AM

A second former GOP state senator was found dead from a gunshot within a span of two days.

Former Oklahoma state Sen. Jonathan Nichols, 53, was found dead inside his home in Norman on Wednesday night from an apparent gunshot wound, police said. Cops are working with the Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office to determine the exact cause and manner of death.

His death comes just one day after former Arkansas state Sen. Linda Collins-Smith, 56, was found fatally shot outside her home in Pocahontas on Tuesday. Police are investigating her death as a homicide.

Police could not identify Collins-Smith’s body until Thursday because it had decomposed considerably. It’s not known how long she had been dead when her body was discovered, but her former press secretary Ken Yang told KATV that neighbors said they had heard gunshots a day or two earlier.

Both Nichols and Collins-Smith were Republicans. However, Collins-Smith started out as a Democrat when she was first elected to the Arkansas state Senate in 2010 and switched parties in 2011.

Arkansas and Oklahoma lie side-by-side, with a distance of under 500 miles between Pocahontas, Ark., and Norman, Okla., where the deaths occurred.


Starr DiGiacomo said:

Two dead former (Republican) State Senators within a week.

Is this a lone gunman or a Deep State mob style hit? Anything to do with the Clinton investigation?
[and from another]
A second former GOP state senator was found dead from a gunshot within a span of two days. Former Oklahoma state Sen. Jonathan Nichols, 53, was found dead inside his home in Norman from an apparent gunshot wound. Cops are working with the Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office to determine the exact cause and manner of death. His death comes just one day after former Arkansas state Sen. Linda Collins-Smith, 56, was found fatally shot outside her home in Pocahontas. Police are investigating her death as a homicide. Arkansas and Oklahoma lie side-by-side, with a distance of under 500 miles between Pocahontas, Ark., and Norman, Okla., where the deaths occurred.
[and from another]
Breaking: Murdered Arkansas Former GOP State Senator Believed She Was Closing In On Child Trafficking Ring In Arkansas State Government. A verified source close to Collins-Smith told CD Media that she was about to go public with incriminating information on sitting judges in Arkansas, who were involved in taking children from poor women via the Department of Human Services (child protective services) in Arkansas and selling them to wealthy individuals. The source also disclosed that Collins-Smith believed the perpetrators were using illegal aliens to facilitate the crimes which included murdering the mothers of the stolen children.
[and from another]

Since the Mueller Report released all the open investigations it was restraining, pedophilia busts
are on the move. Pedophile networks are frantic to protect themselves by eliminating anyone with information who might cooperate with the authorities. The purge had begun. Where normally structured so that those at the top are protected, with the middle man quickly killed during any crackdown, politicians often have the big picture and can give testimony. The deaths of these two GOP lawmakers was to send a message.

Prior ZT
Why did the Mueller Report take so long? And why has Trump’s order to declassify documents seemingly stalled? Until Mueller closed out his investigation, his open investigation had tentacles in hundreds of other investigations, and thus these other investigations were kept open as a result. Tens of thousands of sealed indictments are not yet resolved.  Mueller was forced, by AG Barr, to complete.  Now the new DOJ and FBI can move forward with the cleanup.

Accepted via email: 

FYI a crop Circle appeared in Norridge Wood Nr Warminster.  Can the Zetas please explain this particular design, is it authentic? I am guessing it is, and am thinking it indicates the Earth and the Dark Twin caught in the cup.
[and from another]  
[and from another]

As with the Longwood design in June, this UK design in late May shows the interaction between the Earth and her two siblings – Venus and the Dark Twin. These planets are all similar in size and mass, and are crowded together in the eddy flow cup in front of Nibiru. The simple message here at Norridge is that the Earth is being squeezed from both sides by her siblings, and that for the Earth there is no escape. She will be battered until her siblings escape, which they will during the Last Weeks.

Accepted via email: 

Were deputies were held back by orders from above at the Parkland shooting?  Does this include Scot Peterson, who is now faces 11 charges for neglecting of his duties?   If so, I suppose he may soon be dead, so that he doesn't spill the beans.   Will the hidden truths of the massacre come out?
[and from another]
Florida deputy who failed to confront Parkland shooter faces 11 charges. June 4, 2019 Prosecutors say the Florida deputy who failed to confront a gunman during last year's Parkland massacre has been arrested on 11 charges, including child neglect. State Attorney Mike Satz announced Tuesday that 56-year-old Scot Peterson faces seven counts of neglect of a child, three counts of culpable negligence and one count of perjury. Peterson, who was a Broward County deputy at the time, was on duty during the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School but never went inside. The Peterson arrest is the latest fallout from the shooting. Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended then-Sheriff Scott Israel for "neglect of duty and incompetence" over the department's actions that day. Israel is appealing that decision to the state Senate and said he intends to run again next year.

A common recourse among criminals is to setup a fall guy to take the blame when the scam goes bad. This is so common as to be standard practice. The guys at the top, who plot the scheme and benefit from the outcome, almost never get caught. If the scam is expected to falter or come under scrutiny, the middle men are often sacrificed so they cannot divulge the true perpetrators. It was clear that Parkland was intended to incite school violence and gun control discussions, to the benefit of the Democratic Party.

Broward County is represented by the DNC’s Debby Wasserman Schultz, a partner in crime with Hillary in 2016. Broward County’s Sheriff Israel was cozy with Hillary, and liked the easy money that a lack of ethics provided. The plot was to instruct the deputies to stand down, and let the slaughter caused by an automatic weapon proceed unhindered. With a sympathetic FBI agent who neglected to investigate the shooter in a timely manner, what could go wrong? As expected, the perpetrators have emerged unscathed, with the underlings, the deputies, taking the blame.

Prior ZT:
Did the FBI deliberately drop the tip on Cruz? Yes, but this was the act of a single FBI agent, part of the Deep State agenda which is pervasive in all federal agencies. Deep State corruption occurs primarily at the top of an agency, such as Comey and McCabe trying to assist the Hillary Clinton campaign, but sleeper cells cannot be discovered until they act. Cruz was worth the sacrifice, as his mother had died, leaving him essentially without supervision, and he had ready access to guns including automatic weapons which were supplied to him. It was not Pharma drugs, anti-depressants, that incited Cruz as he was already filled with the constant rage that the highly Service-to-Self possess. He was a weapon in the Deep State arsenal. 

Is this another preparation for disclosure by putting out the thought that changing the earth’s orbit is even possible?


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