Questions can be posed on this discussion by a member, or posted to a ZetaTalk Question email address. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion.
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Accepted questions will be noted as such.
Ning Rules that Apply
Zeta Rules that Apply
Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 [73] years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Accepted via email:
I refused to believe the establishment that the hurricane Irma is causing all these beaches to be gone. This is from west of Florida, Fort Meyers Beach the ocean receded. Im believing the ZETAS , its either sloshing or tilting of the plate:
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
Water receded in Salt Pond Long Island Bahamas yesterday evening.
[and from another]
There are two forces causing the water to recede from beaches during Hurricane Irma. One is the counterclockwise motion of the hurricane winds, which push the water to the WEST as the hurricane approaches. The second factor is the Earth Wobble,
which is increasingly forceful though still utterly denied by the establishment and media. The Earth Wobble takes the form of a daily Figure 8. When the Sun is over India it causes a lean to the East such that land in Florida will be pushed under the water on the EAST side while leaving a void in the water on the WEST side. When the Sun is over the Pacific during the Polar Push the land will be pushed SOUTH leaving a void on the NORTH side, which is what happened in the Bahamas.
Not every beach experienced the noticeably receding water, though in every case this occurred prior to Hurricane Irma arriving. However, in most of these locations, as the photos show, there is NO WIND. Thus the receding beach water is due at these times to the Earth Wobble, though the hurricane winds in the area assisted. Will such phenomena increase
as the wobble worsens? The wobble has already created sloshing, worldwide, though this phenomena only appears in local media. This will soon worsen.
Prior 2011 ZT:
Thus as the globe is pushed violently northward, the waters in the Pacific will slosh southward, and waters in the Atlantic will slosh in the opposite direction, northward. Hold a globe in your hands with the Pacific Ocean facing you, and push the N Pole forcefully away to see how the land will move under the ocean. It is essentially that for the Pacific, the northern coastlines will be pushed under the ocean, and for the Atlantic, the southern coastlines will be pushed under the ocean.
Prior 2016 ZT:
Wobble sloshing is not as devastating as the Pole Shift sloshing. The primary reason for this is that wobble sloshing reverses, self corrects, where Pole Shift sloshing occurs when the crustal shift places the crust in a new position, and there it stays.
Would the Zetas like to comment on these carvings found in a Mexican cave?
The researchers found a cave in which they found stones with relief scenes depicting aliens, as well as spaceships of aliens.
The search for mysterious caves began with legends in which it was said that in ancient times alien beings arrived on a spaceship and ancient people captured it on stone bas-reliefs that were made in a system of three caves located somewhere between the cities of Veracruz and Puebla in Mexico.
In the course of their research in one of the caves, the group that went on a quest found stones with images of an alien spaceship and aliens engraved on their surface.
Acceoted. Note the 3 fingers, just like the Peru Snake Man.
SongStar101 said:
Would the Zetas like to comment on these carvings found in a Mexican cave?
[and from another]
In the Mexican cave found bas-reliefs with images of extraterrestrials
The researchers found a cave in which they found stones with relief scenes depicting aliens, as well as spaceships of aliens. The search for mysterious caves began with legends in which it was said that in ancient times alien beings arrived on a spaceship and ancient people captured it on stone bas-reliefs that were made in a system of three caves located somewhere between the cities of Veracruz and Puebla in Mexico. In the course of their research in one of the caves, the group that went on a quest found stones with images of an alien spaceship and aliens engraved on their surface.
The Mexican establishment has long been rumored to have alien archives, but kept them from public view to cooperate with the cover-up over the alien presence. That these carvings of aliens were allowed to be published is an exception, perhaps because the cover-up has lost the war. Note the similarities to the Peru Snake Man
mummies. Both aliens clearly have 3 fingers, a small open mouth without teeth, and an elongated narrow head without external ears. The fact that the Mexican aliens had anti-gravity control is clearly depicted.
Accepted via email:
Who is behind these attacks and why? And what is the technology involved, what is the nature of the weapon(s)? Is there a way to counter it?
[and from another]
Soon came the hearing loss, and the speech problems, symptoms both similar and altogether different from others among at least 21 US victims in an astonishing international mystery still unfolding in Cuba. At least some of the incidents were confined to specific rooms or even parts of rooms with laser-like specificity, baffling US officials who say the facts and the physics don’t add up. The diagnosis of mild brain injury, considered unlikely to result from sound, has confounded the FBI, the state department and US intelligence agencies involved in the investigation. Some victims now have problems concentrating or recalling specific words. Aside from their homes, officials said Americans were attacked in at least one hotel. The cases vary deeply: different symptoms, different recollections of what happened. Some felt vibrations, and heard sounds – loud ringing or a high-pitch chirping similar to crickets or cicadas. Others heard the grinding noise. Some victims awoke with ringing in their ears and fumbled for their alarm clocks, only to discover the ringing stopped when they moved away from their beds. The attacks seemed to come at night. Several victims reported they came in minute-long bursts. Other symptoms have included brain swelling, dizziness, nausea, severe headaches, balance problems and tinnitus, or prolonged ringing in the ears.
[and from another]
Some reported the sounds and sensations could only be felt in certain parts of the house, and that they could walk in and out of the affected area, feeling the effects shut off as they moved away from it, and resume as they moved back in.
[and from another]
U.S. diplomats started reporting last November. Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25. State Department had to withdraw its assurance the attacks had long ceased. There had been another incident, on Aug. 21.
[and from another]
Sensory nerves are particularly sensitive to microwave damage. Cases of persistent neuritis and compression neuropathy were reported after significant microwave exposures. A neuropathy due to peripheral nerve lesion, without visible external burns, can occur when the nerve is subjected to microwaves of sufficient power density. The damage mechanism is believed to be thermal. Radiofrequency waves and ultrasound can be used for temporary blocking of peripheral nerves during neurosurgical operations. Dielectric heating (diathermy) is used in medicine; the frequencies used typically lie in the ultrasonic, shortwave, and microwave ranges.
[and from another]
Infrasound, sometimes referred to as low-frequency sound, is sound that is lower in frequency than 20 Hz (hertz) or cycles per second, the "normal" limit of human hearing.
[and from another]
What exactly are the affects of ELF on the body. Extra Low Frequency also emits from household appliances, electricity lines in homes as well as major AC transmission lines and generating stations. Complaints are: memory blanking, ringing in the ears, sight issues, forgetfulness, confusion.
Clearly a targeted attack from a portable weapon, in fact multiple weapons triangulated to focus on a pinpoint target. Low level sound waves are normally silent to humans, just as a high pitched dog whistle cannot be heard by humans. These weapons used sound on the low side but were still perceived by many of the victims. Concussive damage to the brain and inner ear did not occur - injury resulting from a blow to the head or extremely loud noise where bleeding or broken bones result. The weapons used in Cuba used ELF, Extra-Low Frequency technology, readily available from the US military who have experimented with ELF as a communication device.
The Cuba weapon included more than sound. A microwave component was included that would destroy brain matter and nerves. Mircrowave is used in the medical field to temporarily stun nerves to reduce pain during surgery and in the veterinarian field to kill the brains of lab animals. Thus, these devices are also readily available. That these attacks emerged just after Castro died identifies the perpetrators as resentful over US and Canadian intrusion into Cuban affairs. This is not an attack by a country, but older revolutionaries, who are seeking to counter any attempts to take over their country. “Viva Revolucion Cubana”.
I too am asking this month ...
If N Korea’s nuke mountain implodes, or triggers a nearby volcano, it will pollute both Russia and China with radiation as well as N Korea! Earthquakes, which are increasing everywhere, could likewise trigger this, or yet another test by the maniac Kim who only thinks of his power. Is this likely to happen?
[and from another]
North Korea Mountain used as Nuclear Test Site at Risk of collapsing
September 5, 2017
Wang Naiyan, a former chairman of the China Nuclear Society and a researcher on China's own nuclear weapons program, said another test underneath the mountain can cause an “environmental disaster” if the site caves in on itself, allowing radiation to escape and “drift across the region,” including into China.
[and from another]
North Korean Mountain above Nuclear Bomb Test Site is at Risk of Collapsing
September 5, 2017
US monitors measured a powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake near the North's main testing site, felt in parts of China and Russia, with an aftershock possibly caused by a rock cave-in.
Experts in China now fear that a mountain - believed to be above the underground chambers where North Korea has staged all of its tests - is under threat of collapse.
[and from another]
Satellite Images of North Korea Show Landslides at Nuclear Test Site
September 5, 2017
Analysts peering at satellite images of North Korea after the latest nuclear test reported that they had spotted many landslides and wide disturbances at the country’s test site, in the North’s mountainous wilds. Tunnels for the nuclear blasts are deep inside Mount Mantap, a mile-high peak.
[and from another]
NKorea Nuclear Tests could Trigger ‘Supervolcano’ Eruption
September 17, 2015
Following the North’s sixth nuclear test Chinese authorities have stepped up radiation monitoring and even closed part of their border with North Korea as fallout fears have intensified. China has limited access to a nature reserve on its border with North Korea. Underground detonations by the North Koreans at a facility near Punggye-ri could lead to rockslides, or worse, trigger an eruption of Mount Paektu.
While the N Korean dictator reaches for the ability to intimidate the world via nuclear power and ICBM capability to deliver this to the US, he is playing with more than political fallout. We have stated that Kim is rushing
to achieve this power position, as he assumes he can then intimidate the world into giving into his bully demands. He could reach Europe, the N American continent, all of Russia and all of China. He would be unstoppable, or so he thinks. While the UN issues sanctions and negotiations continue and the world hopes that Kim might be poisoned by his inner circle, there is another outcome pending.
Earthquakes are on the increase, and the region is riddled with fault lines. This alone would destabilize Kim’s nuke testing mountain, as well as destabilize the volcanoes in the area which will rumble to life in any case during the Pole Shift if not earlier. Mount Mantap has indeed been destabilized, as the landslides on the surface indicate. Where China, the “slumbering dragon”, has warned the world not to attack N Korea, the reality that they might suffer nuclear pollution in their northern realm has not escaped notice. Beijing, their capitol, is within reach, as is Russia’s Vladivostok. They will act before this can happen.
Hi Nancy and Zetas,
Wikileaks has published a series documents Spy Files Russia
1) First of all, who did this? Was this done by the contactee or you (Zetas)?
2) Why is it necessary for the government of Russia? The law enters only in November (Yarovaya Law). Many are already talking about its inability (because of financial reasons). Although this is actually done in an "open mode" (wide coverage in the press of the Yarovoy law) And all this is justified by the fight against terrorism (as in the US in 2001)
Russia will have horrific migration issues, both internally within Russia and from Europe and India. The US knows it will have migration problems from Central America via Mexico. Both countries face secession issues – Russia from Chechen rebels and the US from red states such as Texas. Both countries will lose land to flooding – the US in its Mississippi River basin and Russia in Siberia. Both countries will have to migrate their seats of government – the US from DC to Denver and Russia from Moscow to the Urals or eastern Russia. What do they wish to learn from scanning phone records and internet traffic? What plots are being hatched, and what parties are involved.
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 5, 2014
"While the surveillance of communication traffic is a global phenomena, the legal and technological framework of its operation is different for each country. Russia's laws - especially the new Yarovaya Law - make literally no distinction between Lawful Interception and mass surveillance by state intelligence authorities (SIAs) without court orders. Russian communication providers are required by Russian law to install the so-called SORM ( Система Оперативно-Розыскных Мероприятий) components for surveillance provided by the FSB at their own expense. The SORM infrastructure is developed and deployed in Russia with close cooperation between the FSB, the Interior Ministry of Russia and Russian surveillance contractors. <...>
PETER-SERVICE is presented as a natural ally for intelligence agencies in "the most lucrative business [of] manipulating minds"."
Putin tells Edward Snowden: Russia doesn't carry out mass surveillance
17 April, 2017. "<...>He said Russia did not have a comparable programme, stating: "Our agents are controlled by law. You have to get court permission to put an individual under surveillance. We don't have mass permission, and our law makes it impossible for that kind of mass permission to exist."
He said he was aware that "criminals and terrorists" relied on this kind of interception, and that their actions demanded a response from the security services. "We have to use technical means to respond to their crimes, including those of a terrorist nature, we do have some efforts like that. We don't have a mass control. I hope we don't do that," he said.
"We don't have as much money as they do in the US," he added."
Gentleman, A., & Hopkins, N. (2014, April 17). Putin tells Edward Snowden: Russia doesn't carry out mass surveillance. Retrieved September 19, 2017, from
Thank you very much
Stanislav said:
Wikileaks has published a series documents Spy Files Russia
1) First of all, who did this? Was this done by the contactee or you (Zetas)?
2) Why is it necessary for the government of Russia? The law enters only in November (Yarovaya Law). Many are already talking about its inability (because of financial reasons). Although this is actually done in an "open mode" (wide coverage in the press of the Yarovoy law) And all this is justified by the fight against terrorism (as in the US in 2001)
[and from another]
While the surveillance of communication traffic is a global phenomenon, the legal and technological framework of its operation is different for each country. Russia's laws - especially the new Yarovaya Law - make literally no distinction between Lawful Interception and mass surveillance by state intelligence authorities (SIAs) without court orders. Russian communication providers are required by Russian law to install the so-called SORM components for surveillance provided by the FSB at their own expense. The SORM infrastructure is developed and deployed in Russia with close cooperation between the FSB, the Interior Ministry of Russia and Russian surveillance contractors. ... PETER-SERVICE is presented as a natural ally for intelligence agencies in "the most lucrative business [of] manipulating minds".
[and from another]
17 April, 2014. Putin tells Edward Snowden: Russia doesn't carry out mass surveillance.
He said “Russia did not have a comparable programme”, stating: "Our agents are controlled by law. You have to get court permission to put an individual under surveillance. We don't have mass permission, and our law makes it impossible for that kind of mass permission to exist." He said he was aware that "criminals and terrorists" relied on this kind of interception, and that their actions demanded a response from the security services. "We have to use technical means to respond to their crimes, including those of a terrorist nature, we do have some efforts like that. We don't have a mass control. I hope we don't do that," he said. "We don't have as much money as they do in the US," he added.
Of course Russia snoops on its citizens, as does every country with the means to do so. The US has been doing this for decades, and denying it just as vehemently. We have repeatedly stated that the attitude to assume is “there are no secrets”. Assume all is known, because most likely it is. Even where electronics is avoided, notes passed between hands, the parties involved can talk to reveal all. Lip readers can read lips. But electronic communication is so quick and effective that more than private citizens utilize this route, as those in government know.
In the US Soros funds riots and funds criminals who would shoot policemen in the back, anti-government groups refuse to pay taxes and states plan to secede from the Union, election fraud was used by the Hillary camp during the 2016 election and political assassinations plotted, ISIS plans to infiltrate and of course established drug running or Mafia networks are always a threat. How could Russia be any different? They likewise deal with ISIS infiltration via Europe, Chechen rebels, and the threat of mass migration coming from India and Asia as the Earth changes progress.
We have warned since the start of the ZetaTalk saga that a creep toward Martial Law
will occur as the Earth changes progress. Crop shortages have already resulted in bare shelves and high prices. Storms and earthquakes are resulting in increasing numbers of homeless and starving. The desperate will try to migrate, and will certainly resort to rioting and looting. Citizens used to a dole, or to rescue, will resist being asked to garden and fish and rebuild shelters from the litter that high winds leave after a storm or earthquake. A long period of shock, and resistance, can be expected.
And what of the opportunists, who see chaos as an opportunity to gain control? Increasingly draconian measures will be used by governments as the Earth changes create the scenario we have described. We have warned that if citizens want to avoid work camps
and barbed wire, they should become self-sufficient
as soon as possible - garden, flocks and herds, fish ponds, and natural vitamins and herbal meds. But few listen. Thus to avoid utter chaos, governments will turn to surveillance and harsh tactics. They have no choice.
Prior ZT:
Russia will have horrific migration issues, both internally within Russia and from Europe and India. The US knows it will have migration problems from Central America via Mexico. Both countries face secession issues – Russia from Chechen rebels and the US from red states such as Texas. Both countries will lose land to flooding – the US in its Mississippi River basin and Russia in Siberia. Both countries will have to migrate their seats of government – the US from DC to Denver and Russia from Moscow to the Urals or eastern Russia. What do they wish to learn from scanning phone records and internet traffic? What plots are being hatched, and what parties are involved.
Prior ZT:
Hong Kong, as with New York City or London, has a massive population almost completely divorced from farming skills and knowledge. What to do with these citizens? Told to march into the fields and pick up a hoe, to eat bugs and tasteless vegetables when they are used to cuisine, they will argue and fuss. Their governments have few choices. Forced labor camps is one solution, and forced labor camps imply Martial Law. Another alternative is to blockade exit from the cities until the citizenry starves, resorts to cannibalism, and dies off. When watching the incremental march toward Martial Law, consider what choices the establishment has. They are few!
Prior ZT:
Depending upon the country and the culture, martial law will evolve everywhere. The US is a gun haven, and everybody under the Sun is armed to the teeth. The US would likely have some of the most problematic situations. NOAA, the USPS, the State Department, Homeland Security, and the Department of Agriculture – federal agencies - are allowing their people to become armed. So you have federal agencies arming themselves in anticipation of martial law and having to get heavy handed, and not necessarily having the US military right at their shoulder to be able to come in and settle disagreements. In a similar manner England, France, and Germany are preparing.
China would have no problem with martial law because it is a communist country, an essential dictatorship, although benign. They would do so without hesitation, in steps, as rioting developed. They already have a huge population which is starving. And they have a lot of laws in place which much of the world considers dictatorial, such as the one child rule, and everybody is used to that. So there would be no raised eyebrows in China. Russia has already shown its muscle in the Crimea and the Ukraine. They have in the past shown their muscle in dealing with Chechens, with terrorists. And they likewise are close enough to former dictatorships that they would have no problem slipping into martial law.
India is already at starvation levels among much of their people. And if the populace becomes aware of steady sinking, there’s going to be panic. And there certainly will be rioting in cities to rush the enclaves of the wealthy. So to what extent will the government rise up and just blow people away? People will try to clamor into boats and go elsewhere, and will be dying at sea. Countries such as Australia will sink their boats, blast a hole in the boat, and all those Indians will be bouncing around in the waves and drown and nobody will hear of this. Australia is already brutal with immigrants, and it's one step away to being heavy handed with their citizens.
In less industrial countries, as in the majority of S America and Africa, the populace is used to feeding itself and even in the cities most of the populace is only a generation away from a rural lifestyle. In industrial countries the cities, particularly those along the vulnerable coastlines, will be ready to flash into riots, especially when food shortages become intractable. We have endlessly advised that those wanting to survive move to rural areas and learn to garden and keep flocks and herds, well ahead of the time when travel restrictions might be imposed. Have a foot hold in the country, so that you and your family can move there when the time comes.
Accepted via email but the video was apparently posted here on the ning.
This seems like a legit UFO display over Hawaii posted by one of your members. What is the message here, volcano, tsunami?
[and from another]
Caught on camera: Strange lights spotted floating over Oahu
Hawaii is a long island chain, with Oahu being bounded by islands on either side. We have explained that the Pacific is not just one large plate but is rather composed of four smaller plates. The Hawaiian islands are located on a ridge formed at the juncture of two of those plates. As these plates move during the compression of the Pacific, the islands will change their orientation to each other, shift position, and some of them will temporarily submerge and re-emerge later during this process. Oahu, represented by the central UFO, will remain above the waves, throughout.
Question posed by Alberto and myself, because of the pulsing waffles, etc.
I don't know what to make of this! It's like Nibiru is hidden by its vast dust cloud, which appears to have waffling on the right hand side. An overlay of waffles? I think we are lost in the blast of tail, pointing now toward the Earth! I gather from the excuses about the Sun, emissions from the Sun (which is in solar minimum now), that we are getting hammered by EMP. Internet is very slow too. Nibiru appears to have come closer and to also be blowing the tail directly at us, not to the left as before.
[and from another]
In addition to the vast tail of Nibiru being turned at us, toward us, Alberto has captured a pulse. Solar pulsation is known and being studied as all kinds of things pulse - x-ray, solar wind stuff. But what Alberto's pulse seems to show is more rapid. Magnetospheres can also pulse, and this is likely the cause. Not the Sun pulsing, but the vast tail (waffles, etc) pulsing! This is yet another new phenomena.
[and from another]
Solar astronomers have set up a global network of stations to continuously monitor the Sun's pulsations. This network is called the Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG). Links to web sites describing GONG and other helioseismology sites are given below. Instruments to detect solar oscillations have also been placed on satellites.
[and from another]
The behaviors of various phenomena within the magnetosphere, including charged particles, magnetic fields, the aurora, radio emissions, and even the rings themselves, undergo periodic cycles that last about 10.7 hours.
What has changed recently that the magnetic rings around the Moon Swirls can be seen distinctly as waffles, and a pulsing in the vast tail is now evidence. Nibiru has turned its magnetic N Pole to point directly at the Earth, so the tail that formerly wrapped in a clockwise circle below and to the left and then above the Sun is now blasting directly at the Earth. Nibiru itself stands behind the thick dust cloud of the tail, as do the Moon Swirls which cling close to the gravity and magnetic draw of Nibiru.
Human scientists understand that the Sun and magnetospheres can pulse, for many reasons as yet poorly understood by man. We have described the behavior of many particle flows
as being a rush to clump together and a push away from crowding. This is God’s plan, and accounts for the dynamic nature
of the Universe, always in motion. Where man’s studies indicate that pulsations are long, and Alberto’s video shows a rapid pulse in Nibiru’s tail, the variations are many. The tail is throbbing, as interactions between MANY magnetospheres within the tail are involved.
Prior 2010 ZT:
The white areas that look like spokes on a wheel are the lingering results of changes that the radar emissions caused in the atmosphere, a type of coagulation of particles that clump together and then have a dearth in between the spokes. This is very common in particle behavior, as we have explained, the desire for similar particles to clump or group. In this case, the dearth of particles in between the spokes is due to these particles in those locations being swept into a nearby spoke's clumping.
Prior 1995 ZT:
The stuff the Universe is made of, elemental particles that are not moving, are not clumping, and thus do not form mass or register as energy.
Prior ZT:
Of course the intense gravity particle clumping at the center of black holes would be increased during a collision. Of course this would result in the particles blowing out to escape this crowding. Thus, what are being called gravity waves, each escape of particles creating a void behind the wave, thus encouraging the next wave to follow.
Dear Nancy and the Zetas, what's behind the "end of the world " emergency alert that ran on Southern California TV’s 2 days ago?
Declined as not a priority during these horrendously busy times. Someone with an agenda, but not a major player.
Love is the answer said:
Dear Nancy and the Zetas, what's behind the "end of the world " emergency alert that ran on Southern California TV’s 2 days ago?
Accepted via email:
I had a dream where I posed the question when the world would end, and their response was that only the devil knows when, and would I like to speak to him? I declined. I am not religious and don't believe in heaven or hell. Was the devil in reference to some other type of being outside of the typical connotation humans prescribe?
[and from another]
But what of the qualification that the time when the woman, Virgo, gives birth on September 23, 2017 it is not the time of the Pole Shift? Revelations 12:1-16 seems to be saying she has 1260 days to go, 3.5 years, before the “war broke out in heaven”.
Why are two Books of the Bible – Revelations and Daniel – giving an explicate day count for the End Times? The Book of Mark states that none shall know the date, and we have asserted this likewise. The date is not to be known by man, as those who lean to evil intentions would use this knowledge to harm the common man. We are allowed to give a sequence of events, such as the Last Weeks, and to confirm that the passage will coincide with the end of a Magnetic Trimester – toward the end of an August, December, or April.
Yet both Revelations and Daniel repeatedly refer to 1260 days, or 42 months. As we have stated, those in the Service-to-Self hope to reap a harvest of souls during the forthcoming passage, and thus wish to increase a sense of abandonment and hopelessness. We have also stated that the Service-to-Self attempted to twist
the words of Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha, and for this reason Jesus took care to repeat his key lessons often, verbally, so they could not be twisted. Jesus did not write the Bible. Men who could be under the influence of entities in the Service-to-Self were often the authors.
The date of the passage, the hour of the Pole Shift, is understandably a hot topic. There is scarcely a family without a member wanting to linger before moving to a safe location, wanting to remain in school, to retain the solid job and paycheck, to stay among friends. The status quo has many tentacles, from the Credit Card and Mortgage payments to contracts of every flavor. Yet every delay has risks. Travel can be blocked, bank accounts frozen, and Martial Law with forced work camps imposed. If only the date were known!
For the elite, the desire to know the date is acute. Some among the elite desire to poison those
in human society they consider a drain – the sick, the mentally retarded, and the aged. These same elements want Martial Law as soon as possible, so they can have their assets protected and assign corporate management over slave labor in work camps. Yet the combined written knowledge on how to compute the date of the passage
– from Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, and Persian documentation - is contradictory.
Rather than seeking a date certain, focus instead on empathy and helping others. This is currency that the elite cannot take from you. Such Service-to-Other enclaves will find the sharing and caring not only make each individual more secure, it brings help from good hearted aliens who will be allowed to make conscious contact with these camps. These Service-to-Other enclaves are forming and growing steadily, as contactees are guided on where to go during relocation. And as we have stated repeatedly, it is better to move now than later, despite arguments for delay.
Prior 2009 ZT:
Our basic statement is that the words of Jesus were not written. He did not write them down, but repeated them so many times that his words could not be skewed. Those who wrote the Bible were in all cases expressing their agenda, which in most cases was leaning toward the Service-to-Self.
Prior ZT:
That the Bush administration intended to use vaccines to eliminate unwanted members of the populace just ahead of the Last Weeks is well documented. One need only review the past, the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, to see what is possible. This is an example of why the date of the Pole Shift will not be known, as those in the Service-to-Self would use this knowledge to harm innocents.
Prior ZT:
There are too many similarities to be coincidence indeed. The solar system on the franc cannot be denied, as all the planets and even their moons are marked. A comet like object enters coming within the orbit of Venus on the franc. Then there are the tall men, with slender faces. The Annunaki, even historically, as seen as walking taller than man, giants, with a face and head more long than round. Why would the Swiss be in possession of this information, and why would they put it on their franc? The Puppet Master lives in Europe and certainly utilizes the secrecy of the Swiss banks during his massive global operations. Does the Puppet Master know the timing of the pole shift? The timing is known by no man, nor was it provided by the Annunaki, as the slow creep of Planet X past the Sun can encounter many obstacles. The path is certain, the timing is not.
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