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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants.
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 [73] years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 41687

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Replies to This Discussion

New ZetaTalk for Alberto's latest two photo which show a waffle. 

Same figure as the day before on August 28. Foto info: filter UV-mylar-orange.
[and from another]
The study of magnetic fields began in 1269 when French scholar Petrus Peregrinus de Maricourt mapped out the magnetic field on the surface of a spherical magnet using iron needles. Noting that the resulting field lines crossed at two points he named those points 'poles' in analogy to Earth's poles.  Magnetic field lines are like streamlines in fluid flow, in that they represent something continuous, and a different resolution would show more or fewer lines. Iron filings placed in a magnetic field, form lines that correspond to 'field lines'.

What are the waffle pattern orbs to the left of Nibiru in Alberto’s recent photos? This is where the vast tail of Nibiru wafts, blowing out from the magnetic N Pole of Nibiru and then circling round in a retrograde manner, clockwise, below the Sun and to the left of the Sun. This waffle pattern is new, and does not fit the usual appearance of Moon Swirls. Moon Swirls are seen from the side as a long tube or a String of Pearls, or at the end of the tube as a brilliant focus of light. The new waffle pattern is neither, but it has been generated from the tail.

Much of the tail composition and position has been hidden from mankind due to distance. Unless the ionized red dust in the tail is thick, it only appears as a reddish haze when at a distance. But the dust in the tail is not uniform. There is clumping and congealing around various debris particles, which themselves can become ionized due to longevity in the charged tail. This tendency of debris to adopt a charge would be based on its composition, as the more iron in the debris or Moons, the more likely to adopt a charge.  

Thus in addition to the dance of the Moons within Swirls, or the attraction of charged dust in the tail to cling to Nibiru and give it a heavily shrouded appearance, or the attraction that the Moons also have for the charged dust, giving all a fuzzy appearance, we now have yet another characteristic of the Nibiru complex. The waffle is magnetic field lines that have formed around the dominant moon in a Moon Swirl. Just as a magnetic field is identifiable on mankind’s electronic equipment as LINES, due to clumping of the magnetons, the waffle has lines.

Accepted via email:

N Korea has the hydrogen bomb. Now what?
[and from another]
North Korea Shaken by Strong Tremors in likely Nuclear Test
September 3, 2017
North Korea was shaken by as many as two strong tremors on Sunday, with the South's officials saying it was presumed to be a sixth nuclear test. North Korean television later reportedly said it was a successful test of a hydrogen bomb. The USGS initially reported a first tremor as a 5.6 magnitude, but later raised it to 6.3, while China's earthquake administration said it detected a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Northeastern North Korea.
[and from another]
In latest test, North Korea Detonates its most Powerful Nuclear Device yet
September 3, 2017
Even if Kim Jong Un’s regime is exaggerating its feats, scientific evidence showed that North Korea had crossed an important threshold and had detonated a nuclear device that was vastly more powerful than its last — and almost seven times the size of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.
[and from another]
With Powerful Nuclear Bomb, Kim Dares Trump and Xi to Stop Him
September 3, 2017
In detonating North Korea’s most powerful nuclear bomb yet, Kim Jong Un is betting it’s too late for either U.S. President Donald Trump or Chinese leader Xi Jinping to be able to take away his atomic arsenal.
[and from another]
US will launch 'Massive Military Response' to NKorea threats: Mattis
September 3, 2017
Any threat to the United States or its territories, including Guam, or our allies will be met with a massive military response, a response both effective and overwhelming. Kim Jong-Un should take heed of the United Nations Security Council's unified voice. All members unanimously agreed on the threat North Korea poses and remain unanimous in their commitment to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
[and from another]
Russia orders Mass Evacuation over North Korea Missile Launch
August 29, 2017
Russia has dramatically relocated 1,500 people from its border with North Korea after Kim Jong-un's latest missile launch. North Korea angered the international community by launching a missile that flew directly over Japan.  As Trump reeled from the provocative test, thousands of people from the city of Vladivostok were moved as part of an emergency operation.

What is N Korea’s chubby dictator Kim trying to achieve by pushing forward with his nuclear program? He is seeking to become powerful enough that no other country, including the US and his immediate neighbors China and Russia, can control him. Though he has not been directly threatening China and Russia, a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula would spread pollution to their countries. Beijing, nearby, is China’s capitol, and Putin has already evacuated Vladivostok in anticipation of such conflicts. The S Korea city of Seoul holds tens of millions, including US soldiers stationed there since the Korean War.

Kim has had nuclear capability for some years, but did not have the capability of delivering a bomb outside of his country.
Meanwhile, while refusing to reign back his nuclear program, he has developed missile capability. He now has ICBM missiles capable of reaching Alaska and Guam and of course Japan. In April, 2017 the Council of Worlds intervened
to scuttle one of Kim’s ICBM launches, but what steps the Council will take in the future is not known. Meanwhile, everyone blusters and counter blusters and Kim sees himself soon being too powerful to stop.

Kim has the mindset of a typical bully,
and their lust for power knows no bounds. When they get a grip on a country, they reign for decades
and are virtually impervious to attempts to stop them. Kim envisions being able to dictate to the WORLD, essentially master of his Universe. Drunk with success, he feels unstoppable. Before this point in time, Kim was susceptible to economic pressure from China,
but he continued his endeavors in secret. The Service-to-Self lie, so any agreements were broken.  

Now what. The latest nuclear test demonstrates two things quite clearly – he now can develop a hydrogen bomb and by setting it off on the N Korean border with Russia and China, he is openly taunting them. He now has also THREATENED these two powerful neighbors, but what steps they will take in the immediate future is also not known. In the past, we mentioned being able to deactivate stockpiles
of nuclear weapons, and have done so, though to honor the Council of Worlds requirement that an Element of Doubt exist re the alien presence, a dirty bomb might be allowed to detonate.   

Now what? Several scenarios exist. The standoff could continue while the Earth changes that precede the coming Pole Shift worsen, but given the importance of Russia’s Far East in the Aftertime to both Russia and China, this would be untenable. The palace guard around Kim could finally manage to unseat Kim, replacing him with a more reasonable member of the royal family. Russia and China could join in a military assault, creating an occupation of N Korea. Or the West, including Japan and the US and S Korea, could bomb and invade N Korea in a return to the Korean War. The future is not yet written.

Prior ZT:
Despite Kim’s bragging, N Korea does not yet have the capability to strike the US mainland or Hawaii via an InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) tipped with a nuclear warhead. Nevertheless, given the tense situation, where neighbors in Japan, China, Russia, and S Korea would be affected by a fight breaking out between N Korea and the US, having Kim fail, dramatically, is the best outcome. The Council of Worlds does step in to make a point, as they did with the FaceBook launch, but in the case of Korea, the emphasis was on demonstrating to the world Kim’s incompetence. Temper tantrums will result, with the potential that those around this overgrown child will finally assassinate him.

Prior ZT:
Mankind has many recent examples of dictators with ruthless control, and what they can do to their populace. Stalin is estimated to have killed tens of millions of his own citizens through various purges aimed at maintaining his control for 30 years.  He died a natural death, still in control. Idi Amin in Uganda had a shorter reign and ruled by mass murder, reportedly eating body parts of his enemies, before escaping to exile in Saudi Arabia.  Montezuma of the Aztecs exacted tribute by ripping the hearts of out of human sacrifices, but this royal family was only toppled when the Spanish conquistadors arrived. Dictatorships are not, in short, toppled because the people are oppressed and starving, tortured and misused, however resentful they may be.

Prior ZT:
Why has N Korea suddenly stepped back from its previous stance? We mentioned barely a month ago that China would step in and rein N Korea back, as China does not want a mess on its border with renewed confrontations between S Korea and N Korea, or warfare from Japan and the US in response to any missiles launched by N Korea. China is technically a communist state, as was Russia in the past, and thus are presumed to back N Korea. But both these countries knows that N Korea’s bluster and posturing have no good outcome, and are counter-productive for the region. What punishments were quietly threatened, that N Korea listened? China would join the west in attacking N Korea if it did not back down, and withdraw any food stuffs currently being sent to the starving citizens of N Korea. Just as we predicted.

Prior ZT:
N Korea is a long-running dictatorship, long used to using a bully position to intimidate its citizens. The bully mindset is such that the bully assumes they are in control, winning, until too late. Though often coming from a position of insecurity, they believe their own bluster as it comforts. They are thus enthralled with the mystique of themselves, believing they cannot fail.  They see success when brutalizing the weak and assume this is due to their strength and cunning, and thus use the same techniques on the strong. The little bully N Korea will be warned by China, who has acted as big brother, and if N Korea does not listen a combination of sanctions by China and military action by all N Korea’s neighbors will result. 

Prior ZT:
N Korea will be considered a threat that must be stopped by military action only when it reaches the point where it has the capacity to launch a nuclear bomb via a missile. Merely having the bomb is not sufficient, as many countries around the world have such bomb, even those considered relatively unstable such as Pakistan. Nuclear bombs cannot easily be transported, as they are large, heavy, and detectable from the radiation they emit and the gear necessary to protect those involved in the transport. Was the possibility of a satellite achieving altitude and functioning a threat? It was considered a bragging point for the chubby new heir to the regime, solely. No alien intervention was considered necessary, and none occurred.

Prior ZT:
There have been other Council approved actions to affect things, not people, in mankind’s world. One is to deactivate nukes, and to prevent nuclear accidents. Thus a group intending to set off a dirty bomb might go through all the actions, but the desired effect would not result. Their spiritual choices have played out.

Prior ZT:
The process of nuclear decay, whereby radioactive atoms do change into a different atom, is slow only because the crowding has remained. What is required to speed the process is indeed in the hands of man, though mankind has only just started to discover the tools needed. We, the Zetas, can negate the power of an atomic bomb through the addition of a simple chemical liquid, a process Nancy has observed when this was demonstrated to MJ12. Thus, nuclear proliferation no longer exists on man’s Earth, despite the continuing bragging and strutting about of those who would intimidate others. 

Prior 12/15/1999 ZT:
Can we straighten out pollution? Yes. This is in the main done even before the transformation to 4th Density. We are already affecting the planet Earth, as we are resident on Earth and intended to be future residents, ourselves and our hybrids are counted in decisions on whether we can affect our future home. We can also simply alter radioactivity. Man tends to think of this as something that takes thousands, perhaps millions of years in half life spans to affect radioactivity, but what causes radioactivity is the structure of the atom and the nucleus, and this can be altered by chemistry just as the nature of hydrogen and oxygen forming water is an alteration. All atoms are affected by what they come in contact with. None stand alone. All of them are affected.

Would the Zetas care to comment on the decrease in crop circles being reported in recent years? Thank you. 

2014: 83 

2015: 65 

2016: 53 

2017: 35 (to date)


Howard said:

Would the Zetas care to comment on the decrease in crop circles being reported in recent years?

2014: 83
2015: 65
2016: 53
2017: 35 (to date)
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
The author of "Secrets in the Field," he has been researching crop circles for more than two decades, and said there are always tale-tell signs if one is for real, or just a joke. Whatever the cause, the mysterious circles have now appeared in at least 30 countries. The phenomenon has been going on since 1680. However, hoax crop circles have grown more and more common in the past two decades. From the 1800s to 1991, at least 99% were genuine. From 1992 to 2000, that number fell to about 70%. Since the turn of the century 95% are hoaxes. The real ones have gone quiet.
[and from another]
Did you know that Hawaii has had a crop circle, let alone Kenya and Nigeria? Did you know that prior to 1980 more than 60% of crop circles involved grass, scrub or reeds? Is this factor still true of today's crop circles and are we all looking in the wrong direction and thereby missing some 300 events every year in England alone?? Did you know that the famous Hertfordshire 'Mowing Devil' was busy in Leicestershire too during the 17th Century? Did you know that the French church was wrestling with this problem at Lyon in 9th Century?

Crop Circle numbers appear to have declined, but the counts do not include ALL the design locations. Those that appear in countries other than England get scarce attention from the CropCircleConnector website, which is England centric. Local media may report a design, or word of mouth may inform people. But the decline in attention is deliberate. As the author of Secrets in the Field computes, until 1991 designs were 99% genuine but since the year 2000 95% were hoaxes. The media gave attention to Crop Circles as long as the hoaxes were handy and prevalent.

But why the decline now of late? Primarily, the battle for the Awakening to the alien presence moved to direct contactee face-to-face meetings. In 2008 contactees numbered approximately 12,000 but by 2016 the count was 3.5 billion and rising. The media cannot compete. Now the elite are concerned about suppressing reports of Snake Man mummies found in Peru, being spread by the Internet. The elite fear that ANY attention given to Crop Circles will remind mankind that aliens are real and are visiting Earth. The less said the better, so reporting is suppressed.

Prior 2002 ZT:
Crop Circles will appear as long as a place to draw them exists, right up until the shift itself. If grain fields become scarce, then desert sand might be used. As in Australia lately, carving rock strata might occur. In that the mankind will be more fearful, more likely to be in touch with their subconscious, over this next year, going into the shift, circles will have more impact and thus will most likely appear more often. They will, we predict, get less media coverage than before, becoming a local phenomena. But the impact may be greater for this, as visiting such as creation has an impact far beyond simply seeing pictures.

Accepted via email:

There is news about Myanmar conflict. It starts from Muslim insurgents. And now Jakarta and Russia was touched. Now we have a lot refugees. Russian's article on RT about Myanmar incident mentioned Soros footprint. May be Zetas can explain?
[and from another]
Five policemen and seven Rohingya Muslim militants are preliminarily reported to have been killed in a large series of attacks on 24 police posts and an army base in the troubled northwest Myanmar state of Rakhine. The militants mounted 24 coordinated assaults on police posts throughout the western state and tried to break into an army base, according to reports cited by Reuters.
[and from another]
A Molotov cocktail was thrown at the Myanmar embassy in central Jakarta
[and from another]
Police say a million people have turned out for a protest rally in Grozny, the capital of Russia’s Chechen republic, to protest the violence in Myanmar, where government security troops are conducting a large-scale crackdown on the Muslim Rohingya minority.
[and from another]
Nearly 90,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since violence erupted in Myanmar in August, pressuring scarce resources of aid agencies and communities already helping hundreds of thousands of refugees. Myanmar officials blamed Rohingya militants for the burning of homes and civilian deaths but rights monitors and Rohingya fleeing to neighbouring Bangladesh say the Myanmar army is trying to force Rohingya out with a campaign of arson and killings.
[and from another]
What is really happening in this Indochinese country, where does George Soros and how events in Myanmar will affect the world Islamic ummah - RT explained. According to the Burmese Nationality Law (formerly Myanmar) of 1983, Rohinj is not recognized as a citizen of the country, and therefore deprived of all civil rights, including the possibility of receiving medical care and education. A considerable part of them is forcibly kept in special reserves - centers for displaced persons. The exact number of Rohinj is unknown - presumably, there are about 1 million people.  Previous crises related to the persecution of Rohinj, led to a mass exodus of refugees. In 2015, almost 25 thousand Rohingja were forced to leave the country. Called in the world press "boat people", they rushed to Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.
[and from another]
And still the rains keep coming. In Bangladesh alone, floods have so far claimed the lives of 142 people, and impacted over 8.5 million. Bangladesh is no stranger to flood related disasters. Much of the country is built on low-lying and flood-prone areas, making it particularly vulnerable to seasonal monsoon rains. In 2007 more than half of Bangladesh was seriously affected by deadly monsoon flooding.

We have long predicted that migration issues will dominate during the 8 of 10 phase, particularly from sinking countries such as India and Bangladesh. Combine the sinking of the Indo-Australian Plate with the sinking in Indonesia, and this region shows the face of the future.
For the Rohingya the issue is complicated by religion. History is laced with examples of the cruelty of religions when encountering those holding a different faith, from the Christian Crusades to Muslim Jihad to Hitler’s holocaust. The Buddhists in Myanmar are now murdering Muslims, strictly for religious reasons.

This is not a new issue for the Rohingya, as the issue hit the press in 2012.
We predicted then that the Rohingya would learn to live on boats, on houseboats, and that this will become the mode of survival by many as migration pressures emerge from sinking lands. China, which has over a billion people to care for during the coming Pole Shift, is blocking migration from India and Asia. Australia will simply murder those trying to climb onto their shores. Russia will have flooding in its industrialized regions, and likewise will not tolerate migration. Africa is under populated and under developed. But learning to harvest seaweed and fish while forming houseboat communities is the best solution.

Prior ZT:
Will some migrants be left adrift at sea from countries sinking during the 7 of 10 plate movements, and during the harsher flooding to come during severe wobbles and the Pole Shift itself? This will absolutely be the trend. To date, when migration via boat is rejected, the migrants are returned from whence they came, or resettled on other lands. The operant word here is land, as there is terra firma somewhere where they can be received. In this particular case, where Bangladesh is refusing refugees Myanmar considers to be citizens of Bangladesh, there are political and religious reasons for the standoff, and this is likely to be resolved by an intervention of the UN. But what will occur when there is no dry land available for migrants elsewhere, and pleas from the UN are ignored? The boat people, they will begin to be called, as this will reflect their life. Most will die at sea, without fresh water or the means to collect a meal from the sea. But some will fish and barter for vegetables in land based settlements.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

Source of data: Irma track and forecast tracks: National Hurricane Center

Category 5 Hurricane Irma 2nd strongest ever in Atlantic

5 September, 2017. "Throughout the day this Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017, Category 5 Hurricane Irma has increased in power again and again, and as of 2 p.m. ET, contains sustained winds of 185 mph, tying with three others as the second most powerful* Atlantic hurricane on record"

Reference: Category 5 Irma the 5th Strongest Atlantic Hurricane on Record. (n.d.). Retrieved September 05, 2017, from

Could the Zetas say how bad this hurricane season will be? Harvey can become the most expensive tropical cyclone in history. While Irma already second strongest ever in Atlantic (same as Wilma 2005, Gilbert 1988, "Labor day" 1935). Could you make a prediction?

Thank you


Stanislav said:

Could the Zetas say how bad this hurricane season will be?

Harvey can become the most expensive tropical cyclone in history. While Irma already second strongest ever in Atlantic (same as Wilma 2005, Gilbert 1988, "Labor day" 1935). Could you make a prediction?
[and from another]
Source of data: Irma track and forecast tracks
[and from another]
Category 5 Hurricane Irma 2nd strongest ever in Atlantic. 5 September, 2017. Throughout the day this Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017, Category 5 Hurricane Irma has increased in power again and again, and as of 2 p.m. ET, contains sustained winds of 185 mph, tying with three others as the second most powerful  Atlantic hurricane on record.

The US hurricane season in 2017 is far worse than it has been in recent years, breaking records with Harvey and now with Irma. The ferocity and path are as we have stated due to the Earth wobble, which has gotten more extreme in the past few months. In 2016 it was obvious that the Polar Push
had gotten more extreme, with reports of a late sunrise in Alaska
and erratic waves along the southern coast of Brazil.
Nevertheless, the 2016 hurricane season showed the typical pattern. Compare to the 1951 hurricane season. They are similar.

With a stronger Polar Push the bounce back would likewise be more extreme, and the bounce back occurs when the Sun is over the Atlantic. As the wobble continued to get worse, the Figure 8 corrective lean to the right and left also got more extreme. This sets the stage for the current 2017 hurricane season. The Figure 8 of the wobble creates a churning in the Atlantic. First land on either side of the Atlantic is pushed under water during the Polar Push, then the N American Continent is slung to the East and then to the West as the day dawns and then the bounce back pulls this land back up to the North.

The wobble, in short, is churning the North Atlantic in a circular motion. Where this fits with the Coriolis effect, where the winds and water curl up from the Equator in a circular motion, moving clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, the lean to the LEFT does a direct clash,
pushing the storm back in a path toward the US coastline. This is the current Wobble pattern, but the Wobble is subject to change. A lean into Opposition has occurred, the N Pole leaning toward the Sun. And a temporary Lean to the Left could occur, as well as a temporary Day of Darkness for the Northern Hemisphere. This is not a static situation.

Prior ZT:
The wobble is indeed becoming more extreme, for the sunrise at Anchorage to have a two hour delay. This is supported by recent documentation from Wisconsin, which shows the sunrise there a full 25 minutes late during the month of August. All this is of course potentially leading into a severe wobble.

Prior ZT:
This was indeed thus a wobble slosh, in fact occurring when the wobble was returning the globe to its normal position. For sunrise to be too far South in Canada and the UK, the N Pole was pushed away from the Sun for some hours, and this would have caused the S Atlantic ocean to pull away from the shore at Santos and the water to pile up on the coastline of Antarctica. Then the globe bounced back, standing upright again, sliding Santos back under the ocean. Santos thus met the returning water, which had been piled high at Antarctica.

Prior ZT:
During the Figure 8, Siberia and those parts around the Arctic pushed away from the warmth of the Sun during the Polar Push were colder. During the lean to the right and left, Alaska and Europe had unusually high temperatures. Now parts around the Arctic will remain in the Polar Push position, while waiting for the bounce back that occurs when the Sun is over the Atlantic. In the meantime, high temp spikes will result in Europe, Central Russia, and in Russia’s Far East.

Prior 2005 ZT:
Swirling in the oceans and the air will only increase, not only becoming more violent and following each other in short order, but also will begin slamming into each other, creating weather conditions utterly unpredictable and horrific in their consequences. Forecasters will be dismayed. Water on the move, finding a blockage before it, mounts high, on land termed a tidal bore but in the ocean creating gigantic waves when the force of water moving in one direction meets another. These waves do not simply stand in place, they move in all directions, choppy, and huge. The storm surge anticipated during major storms is predictable, coming from one direction, as is the wind, but what would be the effect of surges and wind coming from different directions, simultaneously, during such storms.

Question indirectly posed due to comments on the ning and a question from Nancy.

After the 8.4 on South of Mexico there are 20 Buoys in event mode!
[and from another]
The buoys show this was a N American Plate quake, all the way. Will this expedite the New Madrid?
[and from another]
M 8.0 - OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO - 2017-09-08 04:49:14 UTC
[and from another]
8.0 earthquake strikes coast of Mexico
An 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Mexico Thursday evening, causing people in the capital city to flee from buildings. While the strong quake hit near the coast of Chiapas, Mexico, the National Weather Service tsunami alerts tweeted that a tsunami was not expected to hit the coastal areas.
[and from another]
The quake was apparently stronger than a devastating 1985 tremor that flattened swathes of Mexico City and killed thousands, but this time damage to the city was limited. The epicenter of the quake was in the Pacific, 54 miles southwest of the town of Pijijiapan in the poor southern state of Chiapas, 43 miles deep. The quake triggered waves as high as 2.3 ft in Mexico.
[and from another]
Earthquake was felt across Mexico and as far as Austin, Texas more than 1,300 miles from the epicenter. The quake hit offshore in the Pacific, the US Geological Survey said, putting the magnitude at 8.1. Mexico's seismologic service gave a magnitude of 8.4, which if confirmed would be the most powerful ever recorded in this quake-prone country.
[and from another]
The sea is retreating in Chiapas MX.
[and from another]
[and from another]
There have now been 141 earthquakes since Saturday night

The quake on September 8, on the border between the N American and Cocos Plates, was hardly a magnitude 8.4 as it was felt in Austin, TX. Magnitude includes jolt as well as distance, and buoys went into alert mode up the West Coast of the N American Plate, across the Aleutian Islands and down into Japan – all on the N American Plate. In truth, this was likely a magnitude 12 or larger. Of course the USGS lied about the magnitude. This quake was indirectly due to the S American Roll.

We have repeatedly described the N American Plate bow, wherein the Aleutian Islands are pulled toward the tip of Mexico.  There are two geological factors involved. One is that the N American Plate cannot roll, as it is a flat top where its border runs through the Arctic. S America and Africa can roll, because their plates have rounded edges, but N America is stuck in place, forced into a bow. The second factor is the S American Roll, wherein Mexico is shoved to the West as the Caribbean Plate is shoved to the West. The repercussions of this large adjustment on the border of the Cocos and N American Plate are many.

The bow has tightened. More inland quake swarms
will occur, and are already being recorded. The New Madrid Fault Line of course has been put under increased stress from the diagonal pull. We predicted that the 7 of 10 for the N American Plate would start with moderate quakes of magnitude 7 or so, which in today’s climate of USGS lies would be under declared to be under a magnitude 5. These early quakes would tend to proceed up the Mississippi and increase in magnitude until the big rip occurs.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

Could the Zetas comments this scandal in (BoM) Australian Bureau of Meteorology

This scandal re-warmed up after three years.

BoM faces storm over weather data inaccuracies

3 August, 2017. "Bush meteorologist Lance Pidgeon had hard evidence it was cold near Goulburn in the early hours of July 2 this year because his cold water pipes froze, bursting in the wall and breaking the toilet. To be certain, Pidgeon checked the Bureau of Meteorology website and saw the temperature had plunged to minus 10.4C.

“But then I saw something truly bizarre,” Pidgeon says. The temperature recording on BoM’s website adjusted itself to minus 10C and then disappeared from view. That early morning observation by Pigeon has forced BoM to admit shortcomings at an undisclosed number of cold weather locations within the automatic weather station network. A complete review is being undertaken of the network equipment and BoM’s temperature data handling. It is the biggest public scandal for BoM since furious debate was sparked three years ago over its treatment of historic and contemporary temperature records to compile its new homogenised national temperature data series known as ACORN-SAT"

Refrence: GRAHAM LLOYD (3 August, 2017). BoM faces storm over weather data inaccuracies. Retrieved August 11, 2017, from

Weather bureau’s temperature errors caused by old hardware

7 September, 2017. "Decades-old hardware and outdated management practices must be overhauled at the Bureau of Meteorology after extremely low temperature readings at two NSW sites were misreported, an expert review has found. A review into the bureau’s automatic weather stations, sparked by a series of reports in The Australian, has found there was equipment failure at Goulburn and Thredbo, hardware was “not fit for purpose”, and there were “clearly failures” in systems of bureaucracy put in place back in the 1990s.
Scientist Jennifer Marohasy said for the bureau to dismiss the missing temperatures as technical faults was “nonsense”.
“The bureau is taking us for fools,” Dr Marohasy said. “For them to suggest there’s a problem with the equipment, and only those two, and that they discovered it, is a fabrication.’’"

Reference & source: SAM BUCKINGHAM-JONES (2017, September 7). Weather bureau’s temperature errors caused by old hardware. Retrieved September 7, 2017, from

Thank you very much

Declined as was covered in this July, 2017 Newsletter. Even that same graph is shown.

Stanislav said:

Could the Zetas comments this scandal in (BoM) Australian Bureau of Meteorology

I just read that Hillary Clinton publicly declared that she will not run for public office again. Can the Zetas tell us anything about this? Does this mean that we have managed a victory behind the scenes?

Declined because the Zetas have said she is was arrested, tried for money laundering and other crimes re Clinton Foundation, all by Secret Courts, by the Junta running the US at present. She remains under House Arrest as to make her crimes and jail public knowledge would mean the Junta would have to come clean about the current state of affairs in the US, including that Gen Dunford ran the US for the last year of Obama's stint. They let Hillary out for occasional public appearances, so a rumor of her death does not get spread, that sort of thing. This is all in ZetaTalk, in various places, but I don't have time this minute to go dig up the links.

There won't be any 2020 elections, anyway. Earth changes are moving too fast. 

James Lechago said:

I just read that Hillary Clinton publicly declared that she will not run for public office again.


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